pointless-letters · 4 months
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Do you brie-lieve in love at first sight?
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pointless-letters · 1 year
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Gripping stuff, it really is.
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pointless-letters · 3 years
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“We’re still laughing.”
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pointless-letters · 4 years
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“We’re still laughing.”
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pointless-letters · 5 years
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‪“Needless to say, I had the last laugh.” ‬
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pointless-letters · 5 years
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“To this day, seeing someone in a darkened room playing with his organ gives me a real sense of melancholy.”
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pointless-letters · 5 years
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‪47 years later, and she’s still telling this story. You’ve got to admire the dedication. ‬
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pointless-letters · 5 years
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61 years later. Fair play, that’s really getting your money’s worth out of an anecdote that essentially boils down to “I once knew a bloke who sold some soap”.
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pointless-letters · 5 years
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What a load of bucking follocks
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pointless-letters · 6 years
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TL;DR - “I went bowling once.”
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pointless-letters · 6 years
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For me, it wouldn’t be the slip of the tongue that sent me running, those can happen to anyone. Publicly admitting I wanted to buy something associated with the Daily Mail, though....
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pointless-letters · 6 years
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‪You know that saying, “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”? ‬ ‪I really think it should have applied to this anecdote. ‬
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pointless-letters · 6 years
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“We’re still laughing.”
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pointless-letters · 6 years
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“Looking back on it, it was maybe a mistake to take my ventriloquist’s dummy to the shops with me. I never did get that gottle of geer.”
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pointless-letters · 6 years
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‪“It wasn’t until I got a phone call from the bank about some suspect transactions that I realised the furry bastard had nicked my wallet.” ‬
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pointless-letters · 6 years
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“Of course, back then we didn’t call it a pint, we called it a scribbins. Gimme a scribbins of oil, you’d say, I’m going on a long drive. And they served it to you wrapped in paper, which was how you got things in those days. Anyway Doctor, it’s about my waterworks.....” (many thanks to alistaircoleman over on Twitter for this one)
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