#Many years ago
ao3statistics · 5 months
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I was really surprised because I really thought that more than 90% of you guys were gonna choose the last option.
But we all like to matter and give our opinions on things and although this is a blog that I try to keep fairly objective apart from small comments here and there, I'm happily surprised most of you guys want to know stuff about the person behind this blog.
My favourite DC ship is actually pretty common:
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Yes. Jondami. Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne. Almost all fanfictions I read are either Jondami, general or Damian/Jason (all of them both romantic or as friends - I don't care, I just love their dynamics so much!).
In case you haven't guessed yet: Yes. I'm an absolute Damian fan. Like... I don't read DC fanfictions without him at all. Jason comes in second but Jon is lovely, too.
Now, you might be wondering (or not) why I haven't done any charts with Jon yet if he's one of my favourite characters... the reason is simple. He's a tagging nightmare on Ao3.
I started looking into that more closely recently though and I will upload two things the following weeks: A tagging "guide" for Jon as a character specifically and a general tagging guide for Ao3. No worries, I'll keep it short and simple.
I'd love to know how you think about Jondami though!!
Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts (both positive and negative, however I won't tolerate any hate (especially not towards Damian as a character or Damian/Jason)). Cool? Cool.
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darknessdrops · 1 year
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turn the caps backwards. or take them off?
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toki-is-the-king · 1 year
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Young Nathan sketch of him having his first ‘oh shit this guys actually fucking nuts’ moment after Magnus stabs him:
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random-kido · 11 days
HI HI HI HELLO HI SORRY this ask is so out of nowhere but I just recognize you from all your Scavengers (mostly SpinKrok) stuff and I literally just got into the Scavengers like years and years late lmao, but now I'm itching to have someone to talk to about em I've seen you reblog my ES Krok design ahaha, thank you btw, I'm glad you think its nice :]] (PS: I think we're mutuals on twitter actually lol) but uhrr anyways, I really just came here to say hello and like HELL YEA I LOVE SPINKROK TOO, THEY'RE SO-- 💗💗💖💞 but yea aha maybe you got some Scavengers rambles? Spinkrok stuff?? just like any ideas you have or headcanons and shit, only if you want to tho! I don't mind if you don't got any rn, as I said, I really just sent this ask to say hello :33 👋
Hey-oh! Welcome to the a couple years late scavenger boat lmao (don't worry about being late though. I think I missed the original big scavboom by a year or two as well 👍)
I'm glad you're liking what content I put out! :D Makes me happy to see others enjoy spinkrok as much as I do, all the more love for them to go around 🥰
Lucky for you I do have rambles saved up but unfortunately words evade me rihgt now and I'm trying to write them down to better share later once I have my thoughts sorted. But they're there! I'd be happy to share my thoughts on spikrok onnce they're in order! :D
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multitide · 1 year
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Curves Say More Than Words
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allo-frouto · 8 months
How was the date with your mutual? Was it...kinky? 😏
No, it was rather awkward because I was younger at the time.
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herefortheships · 8 months
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bethestaryouareradio · 10 months
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#“There are no happier folks than plant lovers#and none more generous than those who garden.” Ernest Wilson#Many years ago#I was considering adopting two miniature ponies. When I visited the ranch where they were living there was a small pond surrounded by a flu#she told me they were Naked Ladies#a bulb that boasted bright green spear-like foliage in the winter. When the foliage died at the end of spring#it was necessary to remove the brown leaves#leaving the turtle- shaped bulbs slightly protruding from the ground. Indicating that her Naked Ladies needed dividing#she dug up a bulb#instructing me to plant it in the sun “anywhere”#irrespective of soil condition. “Wait for next summer’s surprise#” she said. I followed her directions#and that one bulb has evolved into many hundreds that blanket my hillside in a sea of pink perfection. Over the years I have divided#dug#and donated bulbs to many friends#offering them a summer surprise. Dig and divide! It makes me so happy!#Share StarStyle® Empowerment#This time of year is a perfect time to divide a wide variety of bulbs and perennials. Besides increasing the number of plants in your garde#divisions can be given to other gardeners. Dividing overcrowded plants will give the remaining plants room to grow#maintaining their health#and rejuvenating your beds.#Before you begin#water the area well a few days before digging. With a shovel or garden fork#dig a large area to remove a clump with the root ball#bulbs#or rhizomes intact. Once out of the ground#shake off the excess dirt and cut or pull apart individual crowns. For perennials#make sure you have roots and leaves. Bulbs and rhizomes need roots attached. To avoid having the roots dry out#plant immediately in another area at the same depth and water deeply. To conserve moisture#add mulch to these newly divided plants.
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ronnola · 2 years
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
"Tell me a lie and make me believe it."
This ended up being longer than I expected, oops.
"Tell me a lie and make me believe it."
Luna had entered Sykes' music room with little fanfare and, for the first time, without knocking. She'd been stricken with an idea, after listening to Owen go on and on about how good a liar he was. Well, who could possibly be a better liar than Sykes? He was an android, and likely aware of any and all possible tells. Surely, he could out lie Owen - especially since Luna had long stopped believing anything Owen said.
"You heard me." She crossed her arms over her chest in an uncharacteristically assertive display.
"Yes," Sykes said, looking over his glasses at her from where he sat at his piano. "I heard you just fine, but I'm not sure I understood you." He sat up from the piano bench and took a couple steps toward where she stood. "Why on Earth would you want me to lie to you?"
Luna hesitated here, unsure how to answer. "I...just got tired of Owen and his flimsy lies."
"Ah." A look of understanding settled on Syke's features. "So you want me to tell you a lie so believable that you'll stop trusting me, is that it?" He asked, his smile turning a little sly as he did.
"Relax," He chuckled softly and removed his glasses, folding them before setting them on top of the piano he was now lightly leaning against. "I'm only teasing."
Teasing was, as far as Luna was aware, something Sykes had picked up fairly recently. She was beginning to regret this.
"So, a believable lie, huh?" He stroked a beard he did not have and would never be able to grow. "If you know ahead of time that it's a lie, is it still believable?"
She was at a loss; this was a possibility she hadn't thought about, but his words made sense. If she already knew it was a lie, how believable would it really be?
Sykes waited for her to answer, but when she didn't, he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I'll do my best." He let that settle before starting with his lie.
"I didn't feel anything when we split up."
The reminder that they'd been together was jarring, and it took Luna a moment to process - a moment too long. Sykes continued, heedless of her dumbfounded state.
"Do you remember," He started, his gaze locking onto hers, "the days that followed? Most people assumed I'd secluded myself to cope with the break up, but that's not the case. It really didn't bother me at all. I'd secluded myself to focus on music. Once we were no longer attached at the hip, I had more time for something I truly loved."
The more Sykes spoke, the more Luna was forced to remember the days following the break up. The break up itself had been a mutual decision; there were unmet needs on both sides and they had agreed to pause the relationship, if not call it off completely. It might have been a mutual decision, and they might have stayed on friendly terms, but Luna hadn't coped well with it, especially since Sykes isolated himself the way he had. She had wondered about his self-imposed isolation, but never had the nerve to ask.
As she listened, she felt old hurts brought back to the surface, and by the time he was done, she was blinking away tears.
"Really?" Her voice was little more than a squeak.
Sykes blinked rapidly, confusion clear on his face. "Oh no, not at all."
Silence settled as Luna remembered what she'd come in here to make Sykes do, and as she reprocessed what he'd told her. The lie he'd told her.
Sykes was the first to break the silence with a sheepish chuckle. "I guess I'm a better liar than I thought?"
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plumiipixel · 2 years
sure thing anon, just for ya <3
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ashbakche · 2 years
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Bronzi di Riace, Museo Archeologico di Reggio Calabria, luglio 2022.
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sylvies-kablooie · 5 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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beebfreeb · 1 month
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Louisiana Meshi!!!! Thistle will be at the crawfish boil.
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kedianus · 6 months
Weird Stuff from a Year & Year ago * [   1 / 7 Edition   ]
Sometimes stuff shows up in my saved folder with dates way older than when they originally were saved. This is one of those dates.
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ꜰɪʟᴇɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ: <ᴜɴʀᴇɴᴀᴍᴇᴅ>
Nothing. (tra la la)
Nothing. (tra la la)
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