#Not a euphemism
newtonsheffield · 2 months
Why am I… shipping characters where… one is a horse 50% of the time?
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sometimesanalice · 4 months
Where is my shirtless, sweaty, and flushed Bradley Bradshaw?
I need him to tend to my garden boxes.
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benjhawkins · 3 months
I go to FaceTime @pentecostwaite and he says “can I call you back? I’m churning butter.”
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jessieren · 6 months
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Happy fidget Friday all… here’s a pencil fidget for you to enjoy..
*If anyone knows the rightful owner of the gif please let me know..
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cinnamonrollls · 2 months
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paramounticebound · 1 month
After this weekend, things will calm down at work (a little), so in theory I'll have time to write. 🫠
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pointless-letters · 4 months
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Do you brie-lieve in love at first sight?
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sil-e-goose · 3 months
and finally, what we all are at heart: just hungry sea gulls begging for a crumb of cake
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baltharino · 2 years
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absolutebl · 6 months
I'm finally home for a weekend so I'm gonna have a bum day today working on taxes, binging BLs I should have gotten to months ago, and...
I opened the ask box up to anonymous for a bit.
Have at.
Be nice or I use my ban hammer, you know the drill. There's a real actual human creature on the other side of this screen. (SHOCKING.)
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kcsplace · 2 months
Who, me? Researching available shaving soaps in 1936 Washington and what their scent might be, rather than y'know, writing?
vous accusez??
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wheels-of-despair · 3 months
🍉🧂 Eddie Munson salts his watermelon. 🧂🍉
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notfleenz · 2 months
well that's something to go to bed with
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eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
Kuroshitsuji’s biggest mystery: How on earth did Sebastian allow Ciel to go to school with his tie crooked?
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
As usual, I'm thinking about tacos again.
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tundrakatiebean · 1 year
I feel old today lol stayed up until 2:30 to finish my book and I’ve felt shit and hungover all day lol too old to stay up that late
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