#Angel Guts: Red Porno
japanfilmclub · 2 years
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Angel Guts: Red Porno (1981) 『 天使のはらわた 赤い淫画 』 Written by Takashi Ishii 石井隆 Directed by Toshiharu Ikeda 池田敏春
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speedou · 1 year
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Angel Guts: Red Porno (Toshiharu Ikeda, 1981)
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cinemaobscura · 4 months
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Angel Guts: Red Porno | 天使のはらわた 赤い淫画 (1981) dir. Toshiharu Ikeda
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bimbomoviebash · 7 months
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Angel Guts: Red Porno, 1981
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sarah-parks · 2 years
Hear the child
Hear the child. He is screaming at the carousel of toys above his head. See the flames crawling around outside his crib. Blue and red stains through the curtains from the fire trucks like seawater and red wine. Are there no angels bright enough to save the boy?
It is summertime. The clouds drift in the sky like sailboats in the harbour and the eucalypts stand tall and proud in the sticky heat. You are near to a run-down Queenslander. It’s roof crackles in the heat and its windows are all flung open. You see the sweat. You feel the boredom. Test cricket is playing on the television in the living room, but no one is watching. Mother is on the telephone, gossiping about the strange man from out of town that dresses weird and speaks with a funny accent. It is just past midday and the sun stinks like a gutted pig. You listen closely and you hear the baby wake and begin to cry.
Night crawls slowly in. You feel the wind pick up and rub against your skin like a warm cat. There is something cooking on the stove in the kitchen. Chicken soup maybe? You smell it meandering out of the window to mix with the scent of the bush. Lantana and wattle flowers. Mother calls you into the kitchen and fixes you dinner. You were right. Chicken and leek soup. You sit below the drifting ceiling fan, slurping chicken broth, as The Simpsons plays through the TV. You’ve seen this episode before. It’s the one where Homer wags church, falls asleep on the couch with a lit cigar and sets the house ablaze.
Your mother feeds the child with her breast. She talks to him about what a big and beautiful boy he is becoming but you’re sure he can’t understand her. He can’t talk yet. It is your job to feed the dog. You give her two cups of biscuits and fill her water bowl. She looks up at you as if to say thank you. You ruffle the hair between her ears, and you say, ‘good girl’. You move back to the living room, but the news is playing on the television, so you switch it off.
Quiet now. You brush your teeth and spit the day down the sink. Mother unwinds on the couch. Says goodnight as you walk to your room. She drops the needle on her favourite Nick Cave record. Turns the volume knob slightly. She puts a cigarette to her lips and lights the damn thing. You hate that she smokes. She sits awake for a while, maybe thinking about the month she spent in Thailand when she was in her 20s. She gets up to flip the album, grabs a beer from the fridge and lights another cigarette.
The record finishes. You hear the needle skipping across the blank space in the centre of the vinyl. Looping on itself eternally. You hear mother snoring softly through the wall in the living room. You are rummaging around under the bed. There are several porno mags stashed in a brown cardboard box beneath a selection of stuffed animals. You are masturbating now. Trying to stay quiet. Suddenly you hear a lamp fall and smash in the living room. You hear your mother yelling. You see smoke creeping in under the door. You are frightened. Mother is on the telephone and the house is glowing orange. Minutes are hours now. Your mind goes blank. You are jolted back by sirens howling up the dirt road. You push through the door, the flames licking your skin. Where is your mother? You cover your face with a t-shirt and march down the hallway towards your brother’s room. The door is ajar. You hear the child. He is screaming. There are blue and red flashes on the walls dancing with the flames. You grab the boy and rush to the front door. Bursting out into the front yard and falling down the steps towards your weeping mother. The firefighters move around your burning home.
You pass the boy to your mother. He is safe now. Mother’s breathing slows and her tears dry. She puts her arm around your shoulders and pulls you close. You shake and you watch the smoke tunnelling through the darkness, towards the yellow mouth of the moon that gapes above the blackened tree line.
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filmkatt · 4 years
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Angel Guts: Red Porno 1981
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kansassire · 6 years
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Tenshi no harawata: Akai inga (Angel Guts: Red Porno), 1981, Toshiharu Ikeda
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deancaskiss · 3 years
Tinsel and Tourists - Chapter Twelve
Word Count: 1,097
Dean’s POV
Link to ao3 / Link to masterpost
Bonus: Link to Destiel December Angel Ficlet Day 6 (posted earlier today for anyone interested in a super fluffy slow dancing ficlet!)
Dean looked up as he heard approaching footsteps and felt the air leave his chest so violently it felt like he’d been punched in the gut. Cas quite literally took his breath away. If Cas looked good before, he was drop dead gorgeous now. Black jeans that hugged his thighs, baby blue shirt slightly unbuttoned, and a dark blue jacket which made his eyes shine. Yep. Dean was absolutely and utterly gone for this man.
“Wow,” Dean said in greeting as soon as Cas was within earshot.
“Wow, yourself,” Cas said, cheeks flushing as his eyes darted up and down Dean’s body as Dean stood up.
If anything, Dean felt underdressed. He’d gone casual with his leather jacket, yet Cas looked delectable. Which reminded Dean. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the handful of mistletoe he’d slipped in there last night when he’d been on the phone to Cas. “Just uh- just in case you forgot.”
Cas shook his head before laughing, reaching into his own pocket to bring out mistletoe of his own. “I didn’t.”
“One for now and one for later?” Dean teased, even though he wasn’t joking. All he wanted to do was snag Cas, drag him close, and kiss him breathless. But he wanted to make sure… had to know Cas wanted it just as much as he did.
“God yes,” Cas said, stuffing his own mistletoe back into his pocket before setting a thermos down onto the bench and stepping into Dean’s personal space. “What are you waiting for, handsome? You gonna kiss me or not?” Cas said with a sudden streak of boldness so seductive Dean felt his head spin.
For a brief flash of a second, Dean considered holding the mistletoe above their heads, but thought better of it when he realized he wouldn’t be able to get his hands on Cas. Instead, he perched the mistletoe on top of Cas’ head, which made Cas laugh brightly.
Grabbing Cas by the waist, Dean pulled him forwards until they were flush against each other, bodies slotting together perfectly.
“Hi,” Dean murmured quietly in the space between them, his breath puffing out in a mist of warm air into the cold breeze.
“Hi,” Cas whispered back, bumping the tips of their noses together in a playful move that had Dean grinning. God. What even was this? If it were anybody else, he would have just kissed them already and moved on. But this… it felt tender and achingly soft in a way Dean had never felt before.
Yes, part of him wanted to grab Cas and make out with him until they were gasping for air. But he also wanted this moment to linger; for their first kiss to be something memorable and honest.
Slowly, Dean tilted his head, sliding his nose down alongside Cas’ until their foreheads touched and their lips were hovering inches apart.
“Is this okay?” Dean asked, words ghosting across Cas’ mouth.
“Yes,” Cas murmured, body tilting further into Dean until their lips just brushed against each other. “Kiss me.”
And Dean did, bridging that last infinitesimal gap and locking their lips together, finally, in a kiss so soft it had Dean’s knees going weak. He reached out, locking his arms around Cas’ neck to steady himself as Cas’ lips glided against his.
Cas sucked in a sharp breath through his nose, lips parting slightly against Dean’s. Dean took the opportunity to deepen the kiss just slightly, catching Cas’ lower lip between his own. He wasn’t sure if it was him melting into Cas, or Cas melting into him, but just this tender kiss was enough to have Dean breathless and dizzy. Sparks flew, igniting Dean’s nerves and setting his stomach on fire.
It was Cas who broke the kiss, leaning back a little, but Dean wasn’t having it. He hummed lowly in his throat, chasing Cas’ mouth and slotting their lips together again.
Cas huffed out an amused breath through his nose, hands settling on Dean’s waist as he leaned into the kiss.
For a few blissful seconds, Dean kept it soft and slow, letting their lips meet and part, only to meet again. On the final brush of their lips, Dean teased him, darting his tongue across Cas’ lower lip before pulling away. This time it was Cas whining for more as Dean pulled back, panting sharply against Cas’ cheek.
They stood there for a second, Dean’s arms still around Cas’ neck, fingers tangled into his hair, and Cas’ arms wrapped around his waist; both of them pulling in quick breaths of air.
“Was that- did I make up for bolting-” Dean tried to ask.
“Yes, definitely yes,” Cas said quickly, rubbing his nose against Dean’s with a breathy laugh.
Dean shuddered, eyes falling shut. As far as first kisses went, that took the crown for most romantic and tender kiss Dean had ever had in his entire life. His whole body was shaking with how much he yearned to learn forward and kiss Cas again and again. God. Yep. He wasn’t just crushing on Cas, he was falling; hard and fast.
The last thing Dean wanted to do was pull away, but he knew if he stayed locked in Cas’ embrace for a second longer he was going to kiss Cas again, and maybe never stop kissing him. Of all the people Dean had kissed, and there had been plenty, Cas was easily the best kiss of his life. So good it made Dean desperate for more. Suddenly, he couldn’t wait for Cas to pull out his own mistletoe and kiss him next time.
Leaning back, Dean reached up and plucked the mistletoe from Cas’ hair. “The magic of mistletoe,” Dean said with a chuckle.
Cas flushed bright red, licking across his bottom lip with a smile. “I um- I brought you hot cocoa, too.”
Dean grinned, closing the gap to press their foreheads together again. “Thank you,” he said softly, making sure Cas knew he meant it. “I’m also pretty sure you promised to teach me how to ice skate. And something about not taking your hands off of me.”
Cas laughed, fingers dancing along Dean’s spine. “I already can’t keep my hands off you.”
Dean bumped their noses together again, just because he could. “Well, are you taking me ice skating or not?” he teased.
Cas nodded, finally pulling away from the embrace. “C’mon, ice skate rentals are over there,” Cas said, sliding his hand into Dean’s and pulling him towards the little hut with a sign that read: ‘Ice Skates Here.’
Tag List Part 1 Below- (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the list!)
Tag List: @cas-deserved-so-much-more @hello-x-sunshine @bibelphegor @likepurplemuses @expectingtofly @neo-neo-neo @shadowywerewolfqueen @a-sweet-indisposition @feraladoration @xojo
@oganizediguana @paintdriesfaster @adsp-destielcockles @destielangst @im-your-huckle-berry @justa-crayon @dea-stiel @superduckbatrebel @destielfactory @miluiel-erynion
@y-yo-a-ti-cas67 @cockleslovesdestiel @toxic-nebula @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @enchantinghairdoherringwombat @proudace @galaxymysteryelephant @aelysianmuse @ramennoodles-dean-cas @you-changedmedean
@gmos-winter-wonderland @deansotherotherblog @trekkie24 @geo-val @dizzypinwheel @hermionevaldez9 @gimmeprozac @iamsherlockedondoctorwho @dickspeightjrs @imbiowaresbitch
@destielle @hopefuldreamers-world @organicpurplepants @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you @shut-up-dean @sapphirecobalt-1 @eshaninjer @spnobsessed50 @mishka @holygoddessofvictory
@jayus-fandom-writer @2musiclover2 @rainbowscas @bennedict @cassiecasyl @jensenacklesruinedmylife @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner @chaoticdean @destiel-trash-asf @tlakhtwritesdestiel
@bri-winchester @50shadesofcockles @trasherasswood @spittingpagan @castielstolemyheart @becky-srs @phoenix13 @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets @deancasology @top13zepptraxx
@love-neve-dies @good-things-do-happen-dean @tearsofgrace @thedirtytrenchcoat @a-porno-with-the-russian-mafia @on-a-bender @moi-the-bard @one-more-offbeat-anthem @naturallyathief @queen-rowenas
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1kook · 5 years
jeon jungkook x (f) reader
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summary: “Soft.” / “No shit,” you say, “you’re deep between my boobs.” tags: gamer kook, soft bf jeon, extensive knowledge of the MCU (Mario Cinematic Universe) warnings: nsfw; mostly tit play, dry humping, slight praise, jizzing in ur pants like ur fifteen again wc: 3k barely 
when u have 34827 other fics to finish but ur brain hyper focuses on this image at 1 in the morning. not proofread bc idk ppl 
ty for all the nice comments on skirt chasers btw<333
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There were a lot of things about Jungkook that you didn’t learn until you were official. Like the fact he rarely matches his socks unless they’re cool socks. Or that he prefers his pancakes pre-drizzled with syrup. Not necessarily bad things, just aspects the general public wouldn’t normally see. In fact, the worst “trait” you’ve learned about Jungkook in the past year is how easily distracted he can get. Nothing crazy, just tiny actions, like forgetting to eat for three hours because he refuses to leave his Wii until he can beat the guys in three rounds of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in the Mushroom Kingdom stage. Strangely specific, but it’s Jungkook and you’ve long since learned he’s an enigma.
Times like now, when you creep up behind him as he continues screeching into his headset, voice cracking every now and then in that adorable way it does when he’s overwhelmed. You are no stranger to Jungkook’s apartment, having visited more times than you can count, and even dropping by and doing a little dusting while he was on tour. However, you’re surprised you can see the back of his coconut hair from the low backing of his new computer chair. He’d told you he recently threw away his big leather, super villain gaming chair because it’d started to tear, but it was a fact you hadn’t really paid much attention to.
Now, however, you’re feeling a little happy he did, because it means you can slide your palms around his shoulders in somewhat of a back hug. It’s way better than having to walk all the way in front of him, and you bite down on a grin when he mutters the softest “hi, baby.”
“Which stage are we battling on today?” You murmur, pinching the tip of his mic to twist it away. Faintly, you can hear Taehyung’s voice shout a greeting your way.
Another button smash of his remote, hands enveloping the tiny device. “Wii Fit Studio with Wario,” he replies, eyes flickering across the screen like his life depends on it. You snort.
“I thought you hated Wario,” you point out, and move with him when he jumps after being shot off the screen.
He looks at you for the first time as he waits for his character to respawn. “Changed my mind. He’s just misunderstood. Listen to my theory, babe,” he starts, and you let go of him because you have the back of a ninety year old war veteran and can only hunch over for so long. You take up a very bodyguard-esque position behind him, watching him play and gently pressing your thumbs into his shoulders. “Imagine this. You’re a kid trying to have fun and this other kid who looks exactly like you but better is somehow also cooler than you.”
You hum, letting go of his shoulders to toy with his hair. You pull it into a makeshift ponytail and giggle, not that Jungkook minds, too immersed in his game and his sudden loving Wario speech to care. “Then, you get older and this same dude is still getting all the credit for being exactly like you. On top of that, his little brother is doing the same to your little brother! I’d be so pissed.”
You let his hair drop, and then quickly brush the strands away from his face when he whines. “Uh huh. But theoretically speaking, aren’t you the Mario of your little universe?” Jungkook is silent. “If we’re going by your little story, I hardly doubt there’s another Jeon doing better than you,” you point out.
Jungkook’s Wario gets blown off the screen for the last time, and he’s left blankly staring at the screen. You poke his neck. “I don’t wish to discuss this further,” he says rather matter of factly. You laugh, shaking him and his seat. “Baby, why would you say that!” He cries.
You smile, flicking the switch on his headset before pushing it off his head. Jungkook moans again, head lolling back to glare up at you. “I finally come to terms with the fact that Mario is the true asshole, just to find out I’m Mario? Fucking absurd.”
You roll your eyes at his dramatics, fingers dancing down the stretched column of his neck. “Listen, no one told you to go out and create an entire deep backstory for the Mario Cinematic Universe.”
He scoffs, eyes fluttering shut as he continues basking in your soft caresses. “The MCU,” he chuckles under his breath. On screen, Taehyung is still fighting with whoever else they were playing with tonight, a little Isabelle and Dark Samus dancing across the screen.
Meanwhile, you’re still absentmindedly running your fingertips along Jungkook’s skin. For a second, you think he’s asleep by the deepening of his breaths, his body so soft and relaxed beneath your touch, but then he gets one of those weird twitches of his, and pushes his head between your breasts.
“Ah,” he sighs, eyes still shut. “Soft.”
“No shit,” you say, “you’re deep between my boobs.”
The little shit snuggles closer at your words. “My favorite place in the world,” he croons, and you pinch his neck for his stupidity. “Tell me when they’re done,” he mumbles, sounding as if he’s actually gonna fall asleep.
You relent, continuing your gentle massaging of the muscles in his neck as you tune into the match on screen. You’re not exactly sure which one Taehyung is, but your gut tells you he’s probably playing as Isabelle, so you root for her. You’re weirdly into it, jumping every time a good spar happens.
By the time the match ends (literally only like 4 minutes later) and you check on your boyfriend, he’s snuggled his way between the valley of your breasts, his cute nose poking out from between. “Oh my god,” you sigh, having to take a momentary pause to collect yourself from the sight.
Jungkook giggles.
“Well. Taehyung’s done,” you inform him, and he hums though he doesn’t really seem to care about Smash anymore. His hands go slack around his remote, crawling up to dwarf yours.
He sighs, sounding so happy with himself. “Baby, you’re so soft,” he hums, and you try desperately, and you mean desperately, to ignore the sudden drop of his voice, his hands ever so gently tangling with yours.
You try to hit him with the facts, because you know where this will go if you don’t. “Well, breasts are made up of mostly fatty tissue, and lobes for producing milk,” you inform him.
Contrary to your goal, the handsome smile that envelopes his face has you fighting down the curl in your stomach. You can never win.
“You know I love when you talk anatomical to me,” he purrs, and it takes everything in you to not punch him straight in those pearly whites.
You don’t have enough time to respond, too caught up in a mental pep talk to re-evaluate what your body considered attractive. Jungkook’s corny jokes should definitely not be high on the list, but your rock hard nipples said otherwise. “So, you gonna let me suck on them or what?”
“I hate you,” you groan, reaching over to completely unplug Jungkook’s headset because you were absolutely terrified of creating an accidental porno with your celebrity boyfriend.
Jungkook chuckles. “No you don’t,” he teased, finally wiggling his way away from you to whirl his seat around. “Could feel your nip nops pressing into my forehead. No bra today? She’s bold.”
“She’s bold and embarrassed that her boyfriend calls them nip nops,” you sigh, climbing into his lap. His remote presses hard against your thigh, and you yelp before he tugs it out and throws it on the desk behind him. Vaguely, you register the screen lighting up behind Jungkook, but then he’s nudging your shirt upwards.
He’s barely brushed his hands against you, but you’re already shivering and squirming in his lap. “Relax for me, baby,” he assures you, a new depth slowly creeping around his words. “Gonna take care of you, alright?”
You nod, breath already caught in your throat just from the way he looks at you. He flashes you another smile, bunny teeth slightly pressed against his lower lip, before he’s pushing your shirt above your chest, and marveling at your boobs.
You don’t miss the way his gaze becomes glossy, eyes hyper focused on the rise and fall of your chest. Just as you’re about to urge him to do something, he’s reaching up to brush his thumb around your nipple. “Oh,” you blurt out, the skin around your nipple rising with goosebumps.
Jungkook lets out a soft huff of air at your reaction. “So sensitive. Bet I could make you come just by touching your tits, baby.”
You scoff, choking back another sound when he does the same to the other nipple. “I wanna say I doubt it, but I feel like you’ll prove me wrong,” you retort.
At this, Jungkook smirks. “Oh, so now it’s an expectation?” He smiles, and it’s the last angelic side of him you see before he’s ducking down and latching his supple lips around your breast.
Immediately, your back arches forward, hands scrambling to grip onto his shoulders as he licks across your breast. “J-Jeon, wait—“ you cry, body shaking at the way his tongue dances around your nipple.
Your hands tangle themselves in his hair, tugging and twisting it as he flicks his tongue back and forth, knocking it against the hard pebble. You moan, and almost choke when he pulls away with a lewd pop.
His lips are glossy from his own saliva, red from the friction. He’s looking at your glistening breast like a starved man, thumb returning to glide over his own messy artwork. “So pretty,” he hums, Puckering his lips to blow a soft tuft of air against it. You shiver. “Aren’t you the softest little thing,” he says, one hand falling to your waist and gently easing you closer to his crotch. His sweatpants do nothing to conceal how he’s feeling.
You hate to admit how your insides had turned into a Fruit Gusher the second he started sucking on your boob, and now that you think of, you'd be absolutely embarrassed if you did come from just this.
As if sensing your inner turmoil, Jungkook meets your gaze. “I fucking knew it,” he says, slightly out of breath. You furrow your eyebrows, to which he pointedly raises his and gestures to his crotch. “You started pressing down so hard on me the second I got my mouth on you,” he brags, and as if to punctuate his statement, grinds his hips upward into you. “Did sucking your titty make you that wet, doll?”
Your cheeks flush at his words. Belatedly, you nod, your eyes falling to his lips that quirk up into a smile. “Oh, you’re just so desperate to be touched, aren’t you?” He continues, and then reaches up to pinch your nipple between two rough fingers.
You gasp, body arching into him. The pain is new, but definitely welcomed. “Yes,” you cry out, hand reaching out to grapple around his wrist. Though you try to tug it away, it feels disgustingly good and you know he knows, which is why he gives it a slight tug.
Finally, when he lets go of you, he doesn’t hesitate to lower himself down by your other, ignored breast. “I wanna see you cream your shorts, okay? So I’m gonna suck your other titty until you’re near tears, baby,” he states, before giving you a soft push of his hips.
“Please, be gentle,” you choke out, words stuck the moment he wraps his lips around you. This time, he’s ruthless with his tongue. He traces it all over, tonguing your nipple like a lollipop. It feels nice, the wet caress, that you don’t see that bite coming at all. You moan, body unconsciously pushing away from him in surprise.
“Nuh uh,” Jungkook tuts, strong arms wrapping around your lower back to bring you back into his embraces. This closer position has your core pressing down directly over his dick, and the sudden double stimulation has your vision momentarily going white. “Gonna give you a pretty little bite right under your tit, doll,” he announces, and in a scary act of trust, presses his fingers into your spine until you’re staring at the ceiling, the only thing supporting you his strong arms. He nudged your breast with his nose until he finds the perfect spot to place his impromptu hickey.
It’s right against the bottom curve, where your skin folds over, that he settles on. “Need you to to sit nice and still for me. You can do that, right baby?” Jungkook says, big doe eyes looking up at you. You nod your head quickly.
His teeth are cold, unlike the rest of his mouth. “Jungkook!” You moan, toes curling and thighs attempting to clamp shit. They hit the outside of the chair instead, slightly squeezing around his thin waist. “You’re s-so good to me,” you wail, pushing down into his covered cock for friction.
As much as you wanted to act like this wouldn’t affect you, your body is no liar. Fingers tangled in his long curls, you find yourself gently rutting against him. Much to your surprise, this makes him break away, a thin bridge of saliva connecting his mouth to your chest. You mourn when it finally breaks.
“Told you to stay still, doll,” Jungkook warns, one set of long fingers sprawling on the small of your back as the other reaches up. “You had all the time in the world to work yourself on me, but you wanna choose now?” He gently reprimands you, twisting your nipple between two pinched fingers. You mewl. “Promise you’ll be good?”
“I can’t,” you whine, desperation seeping into your voice as your traitorous hips jolt forward again. You nearly fall onto him when a particular nudge of his cock over your core feels just right. “Want your cock so bad,” you wail, throwing all hesitation out the window as you begin full on humping yourself against his crotch.
Jungkook sighs, trying to act annoyed with you but the twitch of his cock beneath you cannot lie. “Well I’m not done having fun with you,” he says, though the way his words are tinged with complaints, you can tell he’s trying hard not to pout. Nonetheless, he latches his mouth around your breast again, and you nearly faint when he rolls your nipple between his teeth.
“Jeon,” you cry, looking down with probably the world’s worst quadruple chin only to catch him absolutely savoring your titty. He’s got his eyes closed, pink tongue licking across every inch he can get. His arms are wrapped around the smallest part of your waist like he can’t possibly fathom letting you go. When he moans, a whole new found wetness coats your walls. You choke on a sob, “I-I love you, Jungkook.”
You can feel a smirk pressed around your breast. It’s this moment when Jungkook finally gives up on his little quest to tame you, hips bucking up to meet your offbeat grinds against him. He pulls off your breast with another wet pop, though he’s slightly lower than you from how consumed he was when sucking you tits. He has to make a little effort to stretch his neck up to look at you, and even then it’s over the top of his nose that he gazes at you.
His lips pucker slightly, and the next time you grind down onto him has them brushing against your lower lip. “That’s it,” he croons, admiring the different expressions that contort your face as you become closer and closer to your orgasm. “Come all over your pretty panties for me, baby,” he encourages, sucking your lower lip between his.
His mouth had been so dangerous to you today, licking and sucking in all the right spots, but nothing has ever felt as right as having it on yours. “I-I’m sorry,” you whimper, fingers knitting themselves in his hair.
“Don’t be,” he comforts, gripping your hips and swiveling you in a circular motion. “Next time you’ll do better, won’t you?”
You nod, head bouncing like a bobble head. He smiles, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth. Your thighs twitch. “I was gone for so long,” he rambles, hips picking up their pace the second he hears your breath hitch in your throat. “Didn’t think you’d become so sensitive and needy.”
A faint smile passes through your lips, and your toes curl and your belly tightens in that delicious way it does right before orgasm. Another grind against Jungkook, and he sighs “I love you,” as you cream your pants like a dweeby high schooler being touched for the first time.
Jungkook’s gentle movements halt the moment he sees that orgasmic face overtake you, pressing soft smooches all over the bottom half of your face, peppering your lips with them, until your fingers finally loosen in his hair.
“Fuck, I’m embarrassed,” you huff out, feeling gross and sticky in all the worst spots. Jungkook chuckles, and you can still feel his hard cock nudging the insides of your thighs.
“Nah,” he says. “It’ll make it easier for me to slide in.”
Even in your post orgasmic state, his words have a brand new coil of heat revving up. God, you were whipped for him. “Bed?” You ask, and he nods as you clamber off his lap, tugging down your shirt.
Immediately, he whirls around and catches sight of his abandon Smash game. “Huh.” He says, and you already feel the distraction staple itself into his mind. “Have you ever noticed how Dark Pit—“
You cut him off, gliding your hands around his neck and slowly craning it back until you can give him a tiny Spider-Man kiss. “If you make me cum a second time I promise I’ll listen to whatever theory you have about him,” you purr, punctuating your words with a tiny smooch.
The screen is off in record time.
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kissme-hs · 6 years
Threesome is fun
So here I present you my wildest fantasy, a threesome with harry and Shawn. This is the smuttiest I’ve ever written and has a slight twist. I would love to know your thoughts about it, plus reblog if you like!! Tagging @chonisberonica , there you go love:)
I had to post it again it cuz tumblr is shit.
Word count: 6k
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Y/n’s tired feet padded on the wooden floor as she hung her coat on the stand and stood on one leg supporting herself by the wall to take off her heels and rub her sore calves. Her eyes scanned the house looking for her curly headed man, but her eyebrows furrowed the second she realized he is no where to be seen. Maybe he was in kitchen? So Giving her thought a try, she walked inside the pantry only to be met with nothing but clean and tidy shelves.
She smiled to self knowing it was harry who did that. When she woke up in the morning, it was already half past 8 and she had her meeting at 9, the time of the lovely morning had to be spent with hurry scattering her clothes everywhere and leaving the kitchen a mess. She remembered whining about it how much of untidiness she has created but harry reassured her, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead and then lips.
“Go love, I’ll clean it up for you.”
And that was 7 hours ago when she last saw his alluring face, unshaven chin, hair all ruffled up and eyes full of sleep. Maybe he’s sleeping upstairs, after all he gets tired working in his office—writing, creating the melody. Grabbing a hair tie from the bowl that Harry kept on the dinning table full of hair ties, even if he finds any vibrant color rubber band, he’d pick it up and drop it in the bowl because they too need a place to live baby, plus I need them all the time, harry said when she asked him why he did that.
Tying her hair up in a messy bun, a bit greasy from the tiring day she made her way upstairs. The cold floor felt amazing against her under feet, even though the cold winds had already started knocking the doors of London, she—for some reason felt good feeling the chilly wood. Their huge house, for a living of two was taken over pin drop silence, not even her walking was making any sound cuz she was bare feet. And by this time she was sure that harry was fast asleep, so she pulled her phone out from her back pocket before turning the camera on, in a hope that she might get some pictures of Harry’s angelic sleeping face.
And suddenly she stops moving. The house that once was nothing but silent, fills up with the filthy moans and grunts. She hears one loud throaty moan that she can bet is Harry’s, and oh maybe he’s jerking off? He’s been out for a quite few days to have his time with her, so this might be the reason he got all worked up and thought about giving himself a good release since he didn’t know she called her day off a bit early and luckily her boss granted her wish.
Smirk replaces the soft look of her face as all the tiredness washes away. She too did in fact gave herself a few good treatments while he was away and wanted nothing but to have him inside of hers back again. She opens the first four buttons of her shirt and pulls it wide enough for her black lacy lingerie to sneak its head out. Pulling out on the hair tie, she lets her hair fall back on her back and ruffles them a bit knowing they’re still a bit greasy to look sexy but oh never mind.
And for the fourth time when she’s about to have another thought of what she’s gonna do with him, her breath hitches and her feet feels heavy, she mentally thanks her luck for the day, she made it to his room. This moan doesn’t sounds like Harry’s, in fact it isn’t of any man but a woman this time. She bites her bottom lip, and twists the knob of door and sneaks head inside. There wasn’t any woman but harry alone and naked pumping himself to some porno, her and eyes were burning into his laptop. Her feet finally feels the weight lifted off as she walks inside and closes the door behind her with a loud thud.
“Fucking Christ y/n! Don’t do that ever!!“
He gasped huffing probably getting scared by her sudden action. He obviously didn’t notice her presence before, and now he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed as she walked to him. Harry extended his arm for hers to accept his invite and sit beside his naked body. Her eyes scanned his flushed self before making its way to the screen.
“Threesome huh?” She chuckled shaking her head and getting up so she could take off her shirt completely. She already was feeling warm with the dirty thoughts she had before and here Harry laid completely bare with his cock hard—veins popping out, top swollen and red, made the surrounding hot. So taking the laptop off his thighs, she nestled herself between and took his hard manhood between her hands.
Harry immediately threw his head back feeling pleased with just a touch of her hands on his dick, his hands were fast to grab her hair and guiding her mouth on him. She let out a loud laugh at his eagerness and heard Harry mumbling a shy ‘sorry’ before kissing his shaft from end to the tip. Her eyes were fixed on his, and he felt himself drowning in those orbs of hers. Her eyes were hallucinating him, making him feel dizzy. And her lips kissing him softly, her tongue licking him was just adding to the clouds he was seeing.
She peppered him with kisses before taking his cock inside her mouth, and popping it out making sure to leave a ‘pop’ behind. He knew that she was gonna tease him, after all she caught him jerking off to a porn that had a naked woman indeed who looked nothing as compared to her.
“Please baby, no foreplay.” He whispered biting his lip hoping for a nod. But instead she just shook her head no, she wasn’t having it. Y/n did excepted to find him jerking off but not to a sex movie.
She gave his waist tattoo a little peck that read Brazil before lowering her mouth on him, taking him deep inside until she felt him hitting the back of her throat. Her one hand held him from the base whereas her other was busy rolling his heavy balls on her palm. The growing swell of his balls gave her a good idea of how he was getting close to losing himself.
Once again Harry’s hand were in her hair pushing her head down making her. Her eyes burned and well up with tears as she pushed her head up to breath, saliva dropped down his cock lubricating it well for her to glide her hand up and down squeezing it at the bottom. Harry’s eyes closed shut as he felt his gut tightening with every move she made. From leaving his cock and replacing her hand with her mouth gagging on it, he could feel the burn.
“Fuck fuck fuck gonna cum baby.” He groans and all she does is gives him a yes with still his cock in her mouth, the vibration of her throat that touched his tip was the last edge and he was cumming down her mouth. When it was too much to take it, she pulled out giving him few more pumps to have him giving in in multiple spurts all over her lace  bra.
Shooting him a grin, she collects all the cum off her chest before licking her fingers cleans. Where harry just laid there panting, seeing stars. His breath was heavy because of the sex goddess he was in love with.
“Do you wanna have a threesome?”
Harry asked pulling her down so she laid on him. The air in their room carried the aroma of Harry’s orgasm as she kissed Harry’s chin. Threesome wasn’t a bad idea after all, if harry was okay with it why shouldn’t she be.
“Sure! But with who?” Harry felt like a giddy kid who just was given the permission to buy chocolates at Tesco.
“Shawn. He’s in city for a few days, and he was asking if we could hang anyways.”
“Hmm, okay. I like Shawn, I mean I trust him enough to have a threesome with him.” She replied tapping his nose. The bubbles inside Harry’s belly were too much to handle at the time. He always wondered how it must feel, seeing it in movies as it looks sexy. Y/n was well aware of how adventurous guy harry was, and she trusted him enough with all she had to know that she would never suggest anything that could made her uncomfortable or have any regrets after.
She never doubted any of his suggestions until now. Harry was very possessive of her, and they both were clearly aware of the fact. She remembers how once he texted a guy saying how he’ll beat his ass up if he doesn’t stop texting you, not knowing he’s your cousin. She had enough faith on him but she didn’t want him to do something that would make him feel bad afterwards.
“Then Shawn it is.”
It was no longer than a week when Harry called his friend over their place to have a chat, he did in fact, mentioned about the kinky plan the couple had in mind receiving a big approval from his friend. Shawn was very much hyped about the whole threesome concept just like both of them. Not to bring to Harry’s kind attention but Shawn admired y/n a lot. He always found himself having wild thoughts over her whenever he was returning home from a party or just a simple meet and greet with the couple. Shawn was every much aware how he shouldn’t be having such wild fantasies about Harry’s girlfriend when He genuinely respected harry, being senior to him in age as well as the music, he saw him as a silhouette to success.
But y/n was something else. He fancied her in every little way he could, from her shy self to sudden quirky nature, her good sense of humor never failed to made Shawn snort, even when her jokes were terribly awful, Shawn couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh. And one thing that he was very much aware of, was, that all the feelings he had towards her was nothing but lust. He always imagines how her soft lopes would feel against his, or how her body would feel rocking along the rhythm to his while he pounds senselessly inside of her.
So when harry popped up the question, without a second breath he replied with a loud yes. That did made harry doubt him a little though, but shrugging it off to the fantasies of young boy just like he did when he shared the same age as Shawn, let him be.
So when it was the day, Y/n paced around the hall as harry waited up for Shawn to ring the bell already. She wasn’t paying attention to anything harry was saying, she did know what he was talking about, so I saw this porn with two girls having threesome with a boy and baby it was fucking hot as hell. His words were making their way to her brain but were getting registered. All she could think was how harry was gonna act after, it wasn’t like she had any insecurity with Shawn, whereas she did too bad some wild dreams with him. Always wondered how it would feel to kiss him, not to mention those wondering were from before she met harry.
But knowing his over-protective nature was giving y/n a hard time to believe that harry was actually ready to see someone else do what only harry is suppose to do to her. And maybe when he witnesses it in real, he won’t be able to handle it?
And the sound of the bell snapped her head in the direction. Harry got off from the couch and before he could open the door she held his wrist. Giving her a glance, he took in her expression and his hand immediately was flying to rest on her subtle cheeks.
“You okay baby? Sure wanna do this?” Harry asked searching her eyes for any second thoughts, his face full of concern as he scanned her features.
“Want to ask you the same.” She replied pressing a kiss to the inside of his hands making harry nod and press his lips to his forehead.
“Okay, then let’s do this!” She chirped and opened the door open revealing y’all Canadian dressed in a black v-cut tee shirt under a leather jacket with some blue denim jeans to go along with this. His hair ruffled a bit, probably because of the windy weather of London. Y/n’s sudden change in her attitude, the nervousness now replaced with the bold and confident self that both of the men felt attracted towards.
And Shawn, looked nothing but deliciously sexy.
“Well hello there Shawn. Come in!” Y/n smiled stepping away so the brunette could come in. Harry welcomes him warmly with a hug and soon Shawn turned his face to her. He stared at her alluring self, oh how he already felt himself growing hard for her. She smiled wrapping her arms around his neck pulling for a hug. Shawn smiled hiding his face in her neck, he breathed in the scent of vanilla and cinnamon—such a mouth watering fragrance she wore before pecking her skin softly, making her shudder at his sudden move.
“I see what you did there mendes, plus I already see you getting hard.” Harry said rather straightly clearly annoyed with the fact he got worked up so early, way too early before even hearing the rules that he made.
“Well there are quite few things you need to remember. Number 1, she’s my girlfriend” Harry said making sure to emphasis it.
“Number 2, make sure you’re not hurting her in any way. And lastly the most important one, don’t forget that she does not belongs to you” Harry finished. His intentions weren’t to scare Shawn to shade him in any way, but to remind him.
“Alright man, will remember that. After that I respect you both a lot.” Shawn nodded to both of them with all respect he had for them both. He knew how much they were in love, and he never, even by mistake would do such thing that can hurt them or cause them pain. He was very much aware of what y/n meant to harry, he loved and cared for her as if she carried the world with her, which was what she was to harry. His whole world. And Shawn never wanted harry to lose his everything.
This simple and sweet gesture of Shawn made y/n feel absolutely safe, like a reassurance that maybe Harry’s gonna be okay after this ends.
“And you my darling, I love you.” Harry mumbled wrapping his arm around y/n’s waist and pulling her in a warm embrace. He rested his head on top of hers as she mumbled the words of love back to him, pulling his head down so she could seal her verbal words emotionally. Harry’s lips found their way to her soft ones as they worked together, kissing every inch they could before Harry pulled away.
“I guess we shall get going then.” Harry announced and y/n was walking to Shawn the next second. She wrapped her arms around his waist as Shawn took her chin between her index finger and thumb, god she looked so beautiful to him. If he could, he’d keep her with him forever. Brushing the baby hair off her face, Shawn takes his time to admire the beauty in front of him. The way her orbs stared in his made his knees weak, he was really doing it. After all imagining things in his pretty little mind, he’s gonna witness how it feels to have her lips pressed against his. So he dips his head down and attaches his colds mouth to hers.
Shawns hands finds their way to cup the back of her neck and the other goes to rest on the swell of her bum, giving it a gentle squeeze earning a subtle moan from y/n. Her hands were busy in shawn’s hair, their tongue massaging each other’s. She was enjoying it. Though the kiss didn’t give her butterflies like Harry’s did, but it wasn’t that bad. But Shawn was having the time of his life, kissing her, felt exactly what he dream of. Her lips were juicy and molded into his perfectly, he wondered if it was the same with Harry’s. A wave of jealousy hit his veins as Shawn trailed kisses from her lips to her neck, not missing any spot. He pulled the sleeves of her stop down, so he could kiss all the way up from her shoulder to the sweet spot behind her ear.
Y/n’s eyes were close shut pleased by shawn’s magic, too blind to notice the change in Harry’s eyes. He wasn’t feeling what he was before, it’s not like he was hating it either but seeing another man putting his hands, lips on her body somehow made his blood boil with anger. So without thinking twice he pulls her by her wrist and pushes back on the couch forcefully. Not to mention, Shawn saw the change, but deciding to shrug it off, he removed his clothes feeling hot and bothered with all the clothing.
Harry hovered y/n’s body as she passed him a teeth grin, his heart felt the similar tingle it always did whenever he was this close with her. Tilting his head harry places his lips on hers, feeling this urgency to dominantly kiss her, maybe because he wanted to remind Shawn all the rules. She’s my girlfriend. Meanwhile their lips worked their way on each other’s, savoring every inch of the skin too lost to remember about the naked standing young man who’s staring at them with his hungry eyes.
Before Shawn could, Harry started leaving a trail of hickeys down her chest, stopping just right over her breast. A smirk took over his face as he tugged on her tee, with a wink she raised her arms helping harry to glide the top off her body. Gladly, she wasn’t wearing any bra and harry found himself immediately matching on her boobs, taking her left breast in his hand—he licked her right nipple. His tongue felt absolutely cold, with his warm breath blowing over the wet hardened bud. His mouth leaving a ‘pop’ sound whenever he left her nipple, his hungry eyes traveled down, between their pressed up bodies and stopped to the attraction.
Leaving tiny feather kisses all over her body, making sure to mark every inch of her, harry took her legs in his hand. He rubbed the smooth skin of her and trailed his lips delicately till he reached the waist band of her shorts, she knew every passing inch was becoming heavy for both the boys, so without any further adou, she lifted her pelvic up and removed the last piece of clothing article (yes she wasn’t wearing any lingerie ) and threw it at Shawn. And Shawn felt his cock twitch that sprung over his lower belly. To her notice, she just saw him standing bare when her eyes flicked to the standing beauty of his figure. Her mouth watered at the sight, harry was huge no doubt, but Shawn wasn’t any less.
Spreading her legs wide, harry caught the glistening. She was wet, wet enough for him just to glide his cock inside the second. But he had different plans. His eyes were dark once again. And he could inhale the aroma of her sex, her fragrance spread across in the air that both boys found savoury.
Harry’s fingers, opened her slick wet folds collecting the wetness with his fingers and sliding them in his mouth, recollecting the taste of her. And the taste lit the fire in him, the sudden outburst of hormon made him put his mouth of her core the second after, his lips sucked the numb bud not caring that Shawn was staring with lust full eyes. He just wanted to devour the taste of his baby.
Y/n head threw back with ecstasy taking over her body when Shawn for the third time caught her eye, standing alone giving himself pumps. Her eyes travelled down his body as she reached for him, a sheepish smile covered shawn’s lips with his legs carrying him to the laid down woman in front of him, getting eaten. She wrapped her hand around his thick shaft and gave it a few good pumps, hearing those moans leaving his lips made her feel proud, knowing she could make him feel good. His hands were in her hair as she leaned forward and sink her mouth on him.
“Fuck. Your mouth is magic y/n”
Shawn moaned in his deep Canadian voice. He was feeling his legs going jelly with the amount of pleasure she was causing him. She gagged on his cock, sucking on it like a lollipop, a sweet meaty lollipop. Giving him the acknowledgment, she hummed. But the humming of her throat gave him the delicious vibration he craved far, making it difficult for him to stand.
Where y/n was busy blowing Shawn off, Harry pulled his mouth from her pussy before giving her clit a good quote few rubs. The sudden friction, made her ache her back making harry chuckle. He knew what impact he had on her, and there wasn’t any suspicion that he wanted to have his mouth on her to keep savouring the taste of her pussy. But her hard cock wasn’t having it, so taking her joggers down in a one swift motion, he rubbed his cock on her wet slit, giving it a few hard slaps before sliding in with an ease. The stretch she felt was nothing but full of contentment.
Her moans on the other hand gave Shawn a feel of dizziness seeing stars, as he felt himself getting close to the edge of letting himself go. He felt the coil inside his belly tightening with every moan she made. The whole house was filled with the voices of their larynx made. It wasn’t less than any movie scene, expect just a bit more sexier.
“Shit am gonna cum baby, “ Shawn cried holding onto her hair tightly as she gave his balls a light squeeze telling him to let go. And within her approval, he was shooting his cum all inside her mouth. She felt his warm load of cum making its way down her throat giving her taste buds an appetising smack.
His pants filled the room along with Harry’s grunts who had y/n’s legs thrown over his shoulder as she slumps back down on the couch. A slight bit of cum dripping down her chin that Shawn catches with his index finger. His eyes burned in her skin, taking in every curve of her body, every swell, every stretch mark. And though she wasn’t perfect, like all the other models, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Maybe it was her smooth, soft, delicate skin—or maybe little freckles over her body. She was one of the prettiest and beautiful woman he every saw.
“Like what you see?” Harry said breaking Shawn’s gaze from her body as he nodded. His cheeks burning up a little, feeling embarrassed to be caught staring at his girlfriend. Chuckling upon the flushed state of the young man, harry pulled out earning a loud, why from y/n as whines with the lost of contact. Her lips out in a pout as she sits up licking the sticky cum off her fingers.
“Ca-can I?” Shawn stuttered asking if he could make a move. Y/n giggled at his shy self before giving him a nod and standing up, motioning him to sit. She has never experienced double penetration before, so why not this time. Obliging to her, Shawn sits down on the couch as y/n sinks in his dick. And it’s not even a blink of an eye, harry has his cock sharing the same opening as Shawn. The sudden and whole new feeling of her wide outstretched pussy, was something else. She never thought, never in her wildest dream that she’d do a sandwich with two most hot and handsome folks ever. Luckily one of them was her boyfriend that she couldn’t help but connect her lips with.
She could feel her eardrums banging with the sound of her heart beat mixed with the low grunts of two guys she’s in between. The pounding of their manhood inside of her, made her feel what she’s never felt before. Extreme confidence.
Shawn’s hands were giving her boobs a squeeze ever then, with his lips resting on her shoulders and neck and everywhere they could reach. The way she clenched her walls around his bare cock made him twitch inside of her, what a shame it was for Shawn. She held the capability to make him come within seconds. Harry himself too felt the coil heating up inside him as he continued his hard thrusts, moaning inside her mouth, not leaving it once.
“Fuck doll. Look how good you look taking two fucking cocks so well”
“Yeah mate, couldn’t agree more.”
The two men conversated. Sweat sliding down the bodies of them three as the air they breathed in smelled like their sexes. The aroma of their cums mixed with the sweet scent of her vanilla and cinnamon perfume that Harry gifted her randomly which he brought from Italy, lifted the mood of the room that was already on fire.
“Shit am gonna cum guys.”
She panted holding onto shawn’s hair from reaching behind.
“Let it go beautiful” Shawn whispered in her ear and she wasn’t to be told twice as she let herself flow for the first time the day. But seeing such intimacy between both of them made harry feel a sudden emotion of jealousy. It was him who always told her to let go. He furrowed his eyebrows instantly pulling out of them as y/n’s cum flowed down the space resting on shawn’s thighs that he collected from his fingers and sucked upon.
“Why’d you pull out babe?” Y/n asked with Shawn still inside of her, his hand resting on her boobs and lips pressed to her neck, covering Harry’s hickeys in a darker shade. Harry’s intense stare at their naked body made her wonder if all she was worried before was actually true. Noticing the change in her expression from pleaded to concerned, Harry shook his head giving her a soft smile. He didn’t want his jealousy to ruin the moment she was enjoying. But enjoying with another man?
He swallowed the gulp of anger.
“Nothing, just need a glass of water.”
“But you didn’t even cum once baby. I’ll help you, come here.” Y/n said already standing up a bit as Harry pushed down on her shoulder so she sank on Shawn once agin.
“No no, it’s okay doll. I’ll be right back.” He smiles trying to reassure and get her to settle on his words.
“Okay. Be back soon.” She have him a warm smile, the one that always gave him the feeling of butterflies in his belly. But this time he didn’t feel it, it was like all the butterflies died seeing her having a moment of lust with Shawn. She looked so really into the feeling of drowning in the pleasure Shawn was giving him. Made Harry wondered if she ever felt the same with him. He felt insecure.
The second Harry left, Shawn switched there positions. It was so quick that y/n didn’t even notice Shawn on the floor with her legs thrown on his shoulder. His flushed face now deep buried between her legs, attached to her core. She felt his hot tongue licking its way to her clit, giving it a few hard flick making her gasp. Shawn’s curls tickled her thighs, and for a moment she forget that it was Shawn between her legs. Her hands tangling in his soft hair gave her the similar feeling of being holding onto the hair of harry. So soft and curly.
She let out a loud Yelp when his lips sucked on her clit vigorously until she came undone. Shawn licked every drop of her cum, not wasting any of it as if it was the holy water, too pure to touch the ground. And for the first time,he felt his thirst growing for her. Her sweet taste gave his tongue an addiction of savouring it again and again like an action on repeat. Now he understood why harry was addicted to her like she was his marijuana. Her body, her eyes, her heart? Everything about her was so captivating and Shawn felt lucky to experience a few hours of intimacy with her.
“Jesus you’re so good Shawn.”
“Well it’s all because you’re a fucking sex goddess y/n” Shawn laughed kissing her allowing her to have a taste of herself on his tongue.
Both of them were too indulge to notice Harry’s absence, who was hiding in the kitchen, hearing every moan they made, every kiss they shared. He was hearing everything which made his stomach churn and making him want to throw up. Threesome looked good only in porns because there aren’t any feelings involved, but it’s different with the person you love. The sight of seeing other man making love to your love absolutely kills you, and that’s what harry was going through. He was regretting every second of it, because now there wasn’t any turning back. There was no way he could get the picture of them off his eyes.
“Oh my god harry did you see how cute Shawn is!! He asked us if he could make love to me” y/n blabbered happily recalling every moment that happened the day past few hours. Harry kept his head low as he stirred the vegetables in the frying pan preparing them for the stew he was making. He could y/n going on with all the fun she had faintly in the background because all the insecurities had his attention that time.
A part of him wanted to console himself that she did this all because Harry wanted to, it wasn’t her idea to have a threesome, even asked him for confirmation before Shawn arrived asking him whether he was sure or not. He knew y/n belonged to him and had his heart nestled inside Of her safely, he even believed and was very much concious how she would never break his heart, but she did. Unknowingly, unintentionally she did. And harry hates himself for it, only if he didn’t popped up the horrible idea of having a threesome—knowing how he can never bear his love enjoying sexually with someone else.
He didn’t even wanted to blame Shawn for this. Poor boy just agreed upon his words. Harry was warmed how Shawn respected him and his feelings towards y/n. But, men will be men.
Y/n sensed it the moment Harry left to get a glass of water, because never ever before during sex he needed water, you’re the reason I’m always thirsty and now that I’ve you, I’m not longer feeling it baby—that’s what he always told her. She knew something was wrong the way Harry’s eyes scanned them too, she knew he was feeling it, feeling what she was afraid off. And she knew how harry is a sensitive baby.
“Baby..are you okay?” She walked to him and rubbed his arm, but what come next was unexpected. A tear slide down his cheek as Harry turned off the stove and marched to the living room with y/n following him behind. Her heart was absolutely crushed seeing tears in those green beautiful orbs of him. She immediately sat by his side on couch rubbing his arm as harry continued to sob.
“I-he wasn’t making love to you okay? That what only I am suppose to do! What only I do!” He half yelled. And there it was, everything she feared of. Harry sometimes could get very insecure, he always thought how he was never good enough for her. Having numerous affairs and dozens of magazines calling him a womaniser that he used to burn in his fireplace with tears rolling down his cheek. He never had a real girlfriend, whom he could trust with his heart until he met her.
She was the centre of his world, never he ever though would be able to love. He never thought a girl like her would lend her heart to him, to adore and love. Would accept his imperfect self and mould him in a better man, making him perfect for the world. She was his strength and his weakness. And he feared one day what if she finds a better person and leaves him?
“No no sweetie, that’s what you do. It’s you whom I love harry, Shawn is nothing to me. Jesus I’m so sorry.” She cried feeling a tear excaping her eyes as she pulled Harry’s slumped tired body to her chest. Resting on her words, Harry wrapped his arms around her waist hiding his face in her chest as he rocked their body slowly.
“I-it’s just you wanted to do it harry.”
“I know, hate it now.” Harry whispered through sobs as she laid down back on couch with harry resting his head on her chest. Her fingers combed through his hair, scratching his scalp with her nails reviving some sadness. Harry nuzzled his face further in her neck taking in the scent of her shea butter body lotion, she always applied after having shower.
“It’s you baby. Always gonna be you. I’m sorry I was so caught up” y/n mumbles pressing a long kiss to Harry’s forehead and he mumbles a small ‘it’s okay’. Finally he felt the warmthness radiating her body, he tightened his grip around her waist hitching one leg over pulling her closer if that was even possible.
This moment of intimacy was just confined to both of them. No one knew that her body always smelled like shea butter after she took shower or how her fingers got cold when she harry wasn’t holding her hand. No one knew how sometimes harry had to sing her because she couldn’t go to sleep, or how she loved when Harry liked her hair giving her a scalp massage. No one knew all these little things, that every single beat of Harry’s body was used to. And no one would ever know that either because it was a thing they both did alone.
Everyday comes with a lesson, that day too taught harry few things. First how much he loved y/n. How he could never stand any man touching her, how much she meant to him. He realized that she was the woman he wants to marry, even though he sensed the feeling long before the moment he saw her. Secondly, how possessive he’s of her. Can’t even bear a mosquito touching her skin. Thirdly, threesome is not fun.
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pinknerdpanda · 7 years
Wing Man
Characters: Cas x Reader, Dean, Sam
Warnings: Cheesy Pick-up Lines, Fluff, Cas
Word Count: 3,388
A/N: I wrote this for two different challenges that I just felt like went way too well together. The first is @impalaimagining’s Cheesy Pickup Line 4K Follower Celebration. The other is for @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps 1.5K Golden Girls Challenge. I love the themes of both of these challenges and I truly hope that you both enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Congrats to you both on your amazing milestones! The prompts are bolded below.
A/N 2: Beta’d by two of my loves - @wheresthekillswitch and @hannahindie. Where would I be without you two? Thank you both - I love you!
Tags are at the bottom. If you would like to be added to my tags list, just send me an ASK. And as always - Feedback is always appreciated! Enjoy!
(Italics are internal thoughts - kind of. The gif is not mine.)
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Wing Man
“OK, what about her?” Dean motions to a petite blonde bombshell, with, what appears to be, an expensively large rack.
Castiel turns in the direction Dean is pointing and frowns, shaking his head.
“No, thank you.” Cas returns his gaze to his drink before lifting the bottle to his lips.
“What do you mean, ‘No, thank you’?” Dean gapes at the angel, his eyebrows creased in disgust. “That girl is a knockout!”
“I mean, no thank you. I feel no sort of physical attraction to that woman, and I use that term loosely.” Castiel sighs, lifting one eyebrow before meeting Dean's eyes. “She appears to be more artificial enhancement than actual human being. And her brainwaves seem to be lacking a certain complexity necessary to carry out a stimulating conversation.”
You choke on your beer, sending the bubbling, cool liquid straight into your nasal passage and out your nose. Sputtering and grabbing for napkins to get yourself cleaned up, you hear Sam snort; an honest to God snort. You look up, giggling at the look of merriment on your tall friend’s face. Dean’s jaw is hanging slightly agape, and you can’t tell if the look on his face is one of shock or irritation, but you don’t care. The whole scene is priceless.
You sneak a glance at Cas, who is watching the events play out in front of him as one might watch a tennis match, his head tilted to one side.
“What?” His gruff voice is full of innocence, making you and Sam giggle harder.
Dean glares at the two of you before returning his attention back to Cas. He licks his lips and purses them, sucking in a quick breath through his nose before continuing.
“Nothing buddy.” 
“Dean, leave him alone. Maybe hooking up with some chick from the bar isn’t Cas’ idea of celebrating.” Sam hazards a quick sideways look in your direction, and your cheeks flame. Shut up, Sam. Just. Shut. Up.
“I feel like it is my duty...no...my privilege to show him the ropes; teach him some of my tricks.” Dean claps Cas on the shoulder before surveying the crowded room again.  “What about that girl over there? Green shirt, brown hair?”
You follow where he is pointing and the laughter in your lungs comes to a rolling stop as you find the target in question. She is beautiful. Maybe not in a traditional barfly kind of way, but you don’t even have to look at Cas to know he sees it too. Disappointment rains on your previously pleasant demeanor and you struggle to keep your face neutral.
“Oh.” Cas stares at the woman and says nothing else.
You grab your beer and chug the remaining contents, slamming it down and rising to grab another from the bar. Dean smacks a palm on the wooden table and points at Cas, winking at him and clicking his tongue.
“There he is! Alright, what you gotta do when you get there…” Dean’s voice fades away as you approach the bar.
You signal the bartender for another drink, before perching on a barstool. The bartender sets down a fresh bottle, smiling politely.
“Can I get a shot of...something? I don’t care what.”
He nods, turning to grab a bottle. He neatly fills a small shot glass with a clear liquid before sliding it in your direction. You thank him, tipping the drink back with a flick of your wrist, downing the bitterness with one gulp and grimacing. Whatever he gave you burns all the way down your throat and you slam the glass down, grabbing your beer to chase the taste away.
The sound of flesh meeting flesh with some considerable amount of force catches your attention. You whirl around, your senses heightened and your body on alert. Instead of some unimaginable horror, you find Cas, walking toward the table where you’d left him and the boys, rubbing his cheek and frowning. You glance in the direction Cas is walking from to see the woman in the green shirt stand, obviously flustered and rushing to leave. Shit.
You flag down the bartender again and knock back another of the mystery shots before heading back to the group.
“What the hell man? That is not what I said to do!”
“What? What did I miss?” You look rapidly between the three men. Dean’s face is contorted in a look of contempt, his eyes wide. Sam’s large hand is clamped tightly over what you can only assume is a deeply dimpled grin and Cas’s brow is furrowed, a red streak taking shape on the left side of his face.
“Tell her.” Dean crosses his arms over his chest and quirks an eyebrow. “Tell her what you just told us.”  You look at Cas expectantly.
“I told her that she was clearly suffering from various nutrient deficiencies. From her pale skin and swollen hands, she was likely in need of Iron and B12 supplements. I also explained that her current state of constipation could be due to a lack of potassium in her diet and suggested she eat bananas.”
“And was that what I’d told you to say?” Dean’s tone has taken on a very maternal quality. Cas shakes his head ‘no.’ “No. It isn’t even close. What did I tell you to say?”
“But Dean…” Cas begins. Dean cuts him off.
“Ba ba ba...no way. Uh uh.” Dean waves his hands in the air as though he can physically keep whatever excuse Cas is about to use inside of his angel brain. “Repeat back to me what I said. Word for word.”
“‘Have you been to the doctor lately? Because I think you’re missing some vitamin ME.’”
Thankfully, you are too mesmerized by the absurdity of what is happening to have taken a drink, or it would have likely ended up much the same as the last. Shooting beer through your nose twice in one evening is not a record you intend to set tonight.
“Right. Not. Even. Close.” Dean’s finger stabs the table, emphasizing every word.
“Dean. Don’t even tell me that line has worked for you before?” You look at him questioningly. The judgemental look on Dean’s face is replaced by a cheeky, self assured smile and a wink.
“Sure has, sweetheart. A few times.” He finger-gun shoots you, clicking his tongue again and taking a pull from his beer.
You groan, rolling your eyes. Leave it to Dean Winchester to be the one man, in the entirety of human existence, that can successfully use one of the worst pick-up lines you’ve ever heard to get a girl into bed.
Cas looks dejected. A tiny little voice inside your head is squealing with delight. He may be an awkward, dorky little guy in a trenchcoat, but he was your awkward, little dorky guy in a trenchcoat.
Well, he isn’t yours, persay. But you want him to be. You really aren’t sure if he sees you that way; or any woman really. Sure, he’d seemed a little too interested in the porno that he’d watched that one time, but part of you wondered if that was actually Cas or his vessel, Jimmy, that was...uh...stimulated by it.
One time, when you and the Winchesters had been on a hunt, Dean had gone home with some little waifish thing. You’d been drunk and spilling your guts to Sam at the hotel room and you may or may not have admitted your feelings for the blue-eyed angel. True to his word, your friend had not said a word about it since then, but he had given you looks.
Oh the looks that man can deliver! They can speak volumes without a single word ever having been uttered. You assume it has to do with his highly expressive eyebrows…
“Hey there.”
A sickly sweet southern drawl snaps you back to reality and you look up, frowning at the raven haired beauty with the doe eyes that has just approached your table. She, of course misses it, as she only seems to have eyes for Castiel.
“Hello.” Cas’ voice is normally low and gravelly, but in this setting, it sounds way more seductive than you care to hear.
“I need another beer.” You declare. Sam frowns at you.
“You still have like half of that one left.” What he really means is Just stop being a pussy and tell him how you feel. You can make this stop, you just have to talk to him. You know this because the words are practically etched into his hazel eyes.
“Well I am going to finish this one on my way up to the bar.” You glower at him, trying to return the silent eye conversation as best you can. However, instead of saying I swear to Chuck if you say anything I will put Nair in your fancy-ass conditioner, Samuel; you are fairly certain you just look constipated.
You rise, chugging your beer and making another trip to see the bartender. You should probably learn his name if you are going to be visiting him so frequently. Another girl, another shot. This is not going to be a night that ends well.
You return to the table to see Doe Eyes has a long thin arm draped across Castiel’s shoulder, her cleavage practically smacking him in the face.  Maybe she thinks he needs a matching mark on his other cheek. You slump in your chair miserably as the effect of the mystery shots begins to work it’s way through your body.
“I have been trying to show my devastatingly handsome friend here a few tricks about flirting.” Dean smiles broadly at Doe Eyes, whose already impossibly large eyes widen impossibly wider.
“Really?! Oh honey, I’m from the South. Flirting is part of my heritage.” She winks at Cas, who looks like a zebra at a watering hole whose just sensed that there is a lioness waiting for him in the reeds.
He swallows thickly before asking, “What does that mean?”
“Her mother was a slut, too.” The words escape your mouth before you can stop them from tumbling out.
Your first instinct is to mentally pat yourself on the back - you are never that quick with a comeback. But as four sets of eyes slowly turn to face you, your celebration is cut short and replaced quickly with that ‘fight or flight’ feeling.
No one says anything for a long time. You aren’t sure if it is shock or what, but they aren’t moving so you don’t move. Finally, Doe Eyes narrows her gaze at you.
“Excuse me?” Her tone is low and threatening.
Fuck. Flight it is!
You don’t say a word as you scoot your chair back. It’s heavy wooden legs drag roughly across the cement floor, inevitably getting stuck in some grossness on the floor behind you. You wiggle side to side and shove back hard on the chair to try to unstick it. It unsticks, alright. It unsticks itself a little too well and launches you ass-over-tea-cup into the floor with a loud thud.
You scramble to your feet, unsuccessfully ignoring the stares of your fellow bar-patrons as you walk as fast as you can without running toward the exit.
The cool night air is a relief against your fevered skin. You stumble blindly through the parking lot in what you are hoping is the direction of your hotel. The smooth pavement turns abruptly into rocky gravel and the heel of one shoe catches on a stray rock. You lurch forward, eyes clenched shut and arms flailing in a half-assed drunken attempt to break your fall.
You cry out in shock as arms wrap around your waist from behind just before your face smashes into the pavement. Despite the fact that the owner of said arms just saved your life, (at the very least your face) instinct takes over and you begin twisting and thrashing in an effort to get away.
You jerk your right arm backwards and you hear a sickening crunch as your elbow makes contact with, what you assume is, some part of your assailant’s face. The grip on your waist is released and you whirl, hands raised, ready to fight.
However, instead of some Dudley Do-right psycho killer hybrid like you’d expected, you find Cas, a trickle of blood dripping from one nostril. His eyes are wide with surprise and his hands are up, palms out.
“Oh my god, Cas! I’m so sorry!” You rush over to him, digging in your purse for a tissue. Dabbing at the blood on his face, you look up to see him studying you carefully. You swallow hard. “Did I...uh...did I hurt you?” You roll your eyes internally, knowing full well that Angels, even in a weakened state much like Cas is now, don’t feel pain.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, y/n. And no, you did not hurt me.” The bright flood lights overhead reflect in his eyes as he gazes down at you. “You have been acting strange all night and when you left so suddenly, I began to worry.”
You straighten, taking a step backward as the events of the evening roll through your mind. Despite the heat blooming on your cheeks you lift your chin defiantly.
“I’m fine, Cas.”
Nonchalant. That is what you’d been going for. But of course that is not how it comes out. Instead you sound wounded and slightly bitter.
“You called that woman a slut.” Cas’s head tips to one side. “And her mother.”
You sigh, glancing around for a place to sit, Because the ground under your feet has begun to spin slightly. The low retaining wall just behind Cas is perfect, and you nod in it’s direction. He follows you silently and sits next to you, his knee brushing against yours. An electric tingle shoots through you, and you swallow hard, trying to get your brain to focus on anything but his touch.
“Your heart is beating quite fast, y/n. It seems to do that a lot. Have you considered seeing a doctor?”
Mortified, you fix your gaze on your feet. You can't think of a reasonable explanation that doesn't involve admitting the truth, so you just nod.
The silence grows, though it's not a terribly uncomfortable silence. The light din from the bar filters through the trees as the wind rustles their leaves.
“It was Dean's idea.” Cas breaks the silence. You look at him. His arms are stretched backwards, palms resting on the dirt, propping himself up. His legs are extended, ankles crossed, as he squints his eyes into the darkness. Something about his relaxed posture makes him look incredibly human.
“What are you talking about?”
He turns his attention to you, his eyes flitting about your face. You successfully suppress the urge to lean forward and smooth the wrinkles in his brow.
“Trying to solicit attention and sexual advances from women at the bar. Dean seemed to think it was what I wanted.”
There is something about the way he is looking at you that makes your stomach do cartwheels, and your heart feel like it is going to beat out of your chest. He presses his lips together, his gaze sliding down the curve of your neck before settling on your chest.
“Was it?” you swallow thickly and resist the urge to cross your arms over your body.
He shakes his head as one corner of his mouth nudges upward, his eyes still locked on your chest.
“It’s beating very fast now.” He sits up and leans toward you, placing his right hand over your heart. His smile widens, a look of genuine fascination dancing across his face. “Is this because of my proximity to you?”
Now it’s your turn to nod, but at the moment you are trying your hardest to remember to breathe at regular intervals. Apparently you respond favorably to the question, because Cas’ blue eyes shift up to yours. He runs his fingertips up the line of your throat and around the curve of your jaw before cupping the side of your face. His thumb brushes gently across your bottom lip.
“I think that I would like to kiss you now.” He lowers his head and closes his eyes, his dark lashes fanning out across the tops of his cheeks.
You expect for his lips to feel dry and cracked, possibly a little warm. That is most definitely not the case. They are supple and cool, and they slot together perfectly with your own as he presses them on yours gently, a tentative meeting of flesh. When you press yourself against his chest, molding yourself to him, he accepts that as his cue and deepens the kiss. His fingers tug lightly at the hair at the base of your neck and his tongue explores yours.
Your lungs beg for oxygen and you pull back.
“What was that for?” you manage to croak out between heaving gasps for air.
“That’s because you are the only girl I want to solicit attention and sexual advances from.”
Scrunching your nose, you gawk at him. Was that a compliment? What is happening right now?
“Um. Thanks?”
Cas chuckles lightly, his cheeks turning a soft pink as he looks away.
“You are welcome.” he turns his attention back to you, his eyes shining with mirth. “So, did it hurt?”
“What?” You pull back, tilting your head to one side. “Did it hurt?” He repeats, carefully pronouncing each word.
“Did what hurt? The kiss? No, it was perfect…” Castiel interrupts you.
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” The corners of his lips twitch as realization strikes you, a smile breaking out across your face. He drops his hand to yours, intertwining his fingers with your own.
“Are you trying to hit on me with one of Dean’s pickup lines, Cas?”
“I learned that one from watching a television program.” His smile dims slightly. “Although, I am not particularly fond of it.”
Your brows knit together in question as you rub small, soothing circles on the back of his hand with your thumb.
“Why not Cas?”
“As one who has actually fallen from heaven, it is a wholly unpleasant experience. I still have not fully recovered.”
You nip the inside of your lip to keep from smiling. This man...this angel, he is so beautiful. His innocent, almost naive nature is so pure, it makes your heart swell with joy, despite the painful sincerity of his words. You place your hand on his cheek, urging his eyes to meet yours.
“Well, I think you are perfect exactly the way you are, Castiel.”
“And I you, y/n.” He stands, extending his hand to you and grinning like a fool. You accept and rise to your feet. The world starts spinning, so you pause until it stops before stretching up and kissing him.
Your body surges with desire as one hand grips the back of your neck and the other finds your hip before cautiously gliding over the curve of your ass. You moan just before he pulls away, still close enough that the tips of your noses are touching.
“Would you like to go back inside?” His breath is warm against your face.
“Actually, I was thinking we could go find the Impala.” Smiling, you bite your bottom lip.
Cas’s face screws up, confusion creasing his brow as his eyes shift side to side.
“But our friends are inside and Dean has the keys to his vehicle…”
Reaching for the hand woven through your hair, you place it on your chest over your heart. His expression is the perfect mixture of shock and understanding. As you gaze up at him through your dark lashes, you see the way his pupils blow wide with lust. A light sheen coats his brow as his grip on your ass tightens.
“Oh. Yes. I would like that very much.” His already low voice has dropped and the raw sound makes your core twitch.
“Come on, feathers. Dean said he wanted you to pick up a girl. He just didn’t say which one.” You wink at him, before grabbing his hand and dragging him in the direction of the car. “And he didn’t say where you should end up!”
Like what you see? Want more? My Masterlist is here. Thanks for reading! :)
My Forever Tags (I love you guys - stay weird!): @wheresthekillswitch @arryn-nyxx @emilywritesaboutdean @fandommaniacx @cookie-dough-lova @spnfanficpond @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @trexrambling @27bmm @beachballsizeladyballs @hannahindie @rosie-winchester @winchesterprincessbride @that-writer-one @amionthetumbler @abbessolute @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @angelsandwinchesters @cfordwrites @zenia3 @charliebradbury1104 @9769997118 @mogaruke @luulaachops @supernaturaldean67 @barbedwireandbubblegum @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @muliermalefici @galaxy-jellyfish-queen
Pond Tags (Cas): @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @whispersandwhiskerburn @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @wildfirewinchester @for-the-love-of-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @fiveleaf @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @mrswhozeewhatsis @idreamofhazel @ilovedean-spn2 @babypieandwhiskey @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @your-average-distracted-waffle @drarina1737 @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @mysaintsasinner @ohwritever @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @clueless-gold @melbelle45
268 notes · View notes
kansassire · 6 years
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Tenshi no harawata: Akai inga (Angel Guts: Red Porno), 1981, Toshiharu Ikeda
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visionsoflight · 9 years
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Angel Guts: Red Porno
・ ・ ・
Director: Toshiharu Ikeda
Director of Photography: Yonezō Maeda
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kansassire · 6 years
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Tenshi no harawata: Akai inga (Angel Guts: Red Porno), 1981, Toshiharu Ikeda
5 notes · View notes
kansassire · 6 years
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Tenshi no harawata: Akai inga (Angel Guts: Red Porno), 1981, Toshiharu Ikeda
4 notes · View notes
kansassire · 6 years
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Tenshi no harawata: Akai inga (Angel Guts: Red Porno), 1981, Toshiharu Ikeda
4 notes · View notes