mopedcow · 9 months
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New comic! Let's be mean!!
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thinkbolt · 8 months
Ginger Nutt's Bee Bother (Gaumont, 1949) - dir. Bert Felstead
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trinketfairy · 1 year
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02/07/23 - Today I thrifted a bull. But not just any bull... it's a ROLLER COASTER BULL
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hearthersss · 2 months
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Today, i meet Roy The Lizard aka Velociraptor. Roy specifically appeared today at 8:20 in the morning in the backyard between two cars at school, Roy appears on the 19th tree in the area, among the leaves after a rainy storm the night before.
Roy is brown in color from a gray to a brighter tone, he is the same length as my finger, Roy has small eyes and it can be argued that he is blind .
My weird friend suggested eating it in exchange for 1000 colones and since everyone in the group is poorer than a rat, he didn't do it, but he did describe his taste : Salty, sour, spicy with a strange touch of sweet, quite rigid in texture and quite restless .
Anyway, as we have analyzed, Roy is distant and shy, but quite hyperactive from afar, if you get too close to him, he will jump away and run away at 1000 mph .
That's it for my report, Joaquín.
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years
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#Animaland #StuffedAnimal #Plushies #MonsterPlush #Plushies #Sizzle #PlushPals
This is a 2017 Animaland Unknown Gray Horned Monster Plush is a unique plush I own and always wanted to my collection.
It also has a unzippable zipper on the back of the plush.
Apparently each plush has a different year of it being made the oldest one I seen was from 2007.
Keeping this.
Might name this plush Sizzle and she is pretty neat.
Also this plush can't wear the toy glasses.
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rukia-writes · 1 year
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Why is bear! Canute doing this? 😭
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kannibalkaiii · 8 months
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Lynx Thorkell and lil Marten, Asgeir
Had fun sketching this one up!
Extra pic
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Bonus Feral Lynxkell with his tiny bf safely tucked in for the ride~
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guardiantails0 · 1 year
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This is the first story in the Animalands Adventures series that I wrote live on stream the other day! Our first tale tells the Odyssey of a rookie pirate searching for a mysterious island to find treasure and the mysteries within.
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rpggamer16 · 1 year
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This is the first short story of my Animalands Adventures series that I wrote live on stream! This story tells the tale of Clive, a rookie pirate searching for a mysterious island rumored to be haunted to find treasure and its secrets.
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principessa-6 · 11 months
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🐼 #Animaland ✨
🐐 "La capra è uno degli animali da reddito che ha accompagnato l’uomo sin dagli albori della sua esistenza sulla terra e per tutta l’evoluzione della pastorizia. Le tracce dei primi allevamenti di capre risalgono al 9000 a.C. e conducono ad alcune zone del Medio Oriente.
Qui, ancora oggi, si trova la razza caprina di più antica domesticazione, la aegagrus. Nel corso dei secoli, questo ovino è rimasto fondamentale per l’uomo ma di recente viene allevato anche come animale da compagnia. Una scelta apparentemente bizzarra, ma condivisa da un numero di persone sempre maggiore." ✍️
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luckcycles · 10 months
komaeda is literallt a species of animaland meshinui falls under it 🙄 claim to be a komaeda expert but dont even know this BASIC fact 😂🤣this is really embarrassing for you
CLEARLY you didnt graduate with a komaedology degree from Yaoi University because even the slowest witted komaeda wrangler would KNOW meshinuis are considered a seperate species and it is a common misconception to mistake them as the same one but contrary to popular belief meshinui are NOT a breed of komaeda, simply appear to be by convergent evolution
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vividiste · 11 months
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north america has deadly animals all over the place too. I bet the reason people always saying that about australia is that the animals are prettier or more 'exotic' on average than the ones in america.
I'm pretty sure that on both continents you do have to do some traveling deliberately into animaland to get bitten by the really fucked up ones.
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yoursticazzi · 2 years
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secondhandfriends · 4 years
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years
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#NancoAnimalandGreenMonsterPlush #MonsterPlush #Plushies
Thinking about the Animaland green Monster Halloween Plush Stuffed Animal Toy stuffy 15" 2012 Nanco and I like how goblin like this little friend is. A very cute one.
Image not mine but link is there.
Animaland green Monster Halloween Plush Stuffed Animal Toy stuffy 15" 2012 Nanco | eBay
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