#Ann Myatt
Black Dolls by Contemporary Black Doll Artists
The video in this installation was presented as a PowerPoint slideshow presentation for the Motor City Doll Club’s May 21, 2023, meeting. The presentation, now converted to an MP4 video, includes dolls that fall into the museum categories of modern and one-of-a-kind black dolls. Some of the dolls are installed in the museum. View the video and then follow the links to the installations below the…
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trustsolution · 2 years
Cast of kindergarten cop
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Cast of kindergarten cop series#
They identify Chrisp's ex-wife and Crisp starts a fire in the school in order to grab his son in the chaos, but he is seen. Crisp is freed from prison and immediately heads to Astoria, where he and his mother immediately begin looking for the child on the information from the informant. The case is dismissed because the prosecution has no other evidence. Meanwhile, back in California, Cindy dies after using spiked cocaine provided by Crisp's mother, Eleanor Crisp ( Carroll Baker). Joyce reveals that she never stole any of Crisp's money: it was a lie he told to incite the underworld to find her for him. O'Hara has been posing as Kimble's sister and agrees with his deductions.
Cast of kindergarten cop series#
In a series of conversations with the gradually more trusting Joyce, Kimble slowly deduces that she has to be Rachel Crisp and that Dominic is Crisp's son. Joyce, like many other of the students' mothers, is estranged from her husband, so that she will not speak of him. Kimble becomes fond of Dominic's mother, Joyce Palmieri ( Penelope Ann Miller), who also works at the school. One of Kimble's students is a boy named Dominic. In turn, Kimble begins to love his cover job and his young charges, to the point where he severely deals with a case of child abuse by assaulting the abusive father, finally winning Miss Schlowski's favor. Using his pet ferret as a class mascot, his police training as a model for structure of the classes, and positive reinforcement, he becomes a much-admired and cherished figure to the children. The school principal, Miss Schlowski ( Linda Hunt), is suspicious, but Kimble adapts progressively to his new status even though he has no formal teaching experience. Unfortunately, O'Hara, who is hypoglycemic, falls ill with a terrible case of stomach flu at the last moment, so Kimble takes the teacher's job. O'Hara is to act as the substitute teacher in the son's kindergarten class at Astoria Elementary School, while Kimble is to discover the identity of the mother. The detectives plan to offer her a deal to testify against Cullen in exchange for immunity. It is believed that Rachel stole millions of dollars from Crisp before fleeing. Kimble, accompanied by Detective Phoebe O'Hara ( Pamela Reed), a former teacher, go undercover in Astoria, Oregon, to find Crisp's ex-wife Rachel. However, the only witness, a drug-addicted girl named Cindy, the informant's girlfriend who was hidden at the time of the murder, is deemed too unreliable to put Crisp up for a permanent prison charge as she changes her mind about testifying, so Rachel Myatt has to be found and persuaded to testify. ĭetective John Kimble and O'Hara in the classroom (after she has recovered)Īfter years of pursuing drug dealer Cullen Crisp ( Richard Tyson), Los Angeles Police Detective John Kimble ( Arnold Schwarzenegger) has him on a murder charge after Crisp shot and killed an informant who had given him information regarding the whereabouts of his ex-wife, Rachel Myatt Crisp, and his son Cullen Jr. Schwarzenegger received a salary of $12 million for the film. The original music score was composed by Randy Edelman. Pamela Reed plays his partner Phoebe O'Hara, and Penelope Ann Miller plays Joyce, the teacher who becomes Kimble's love interest. Schwarzenegger stars as John Kimble, a tough police detective, who must go undercover as a kindergarten teacher to catch drug dealer Cullen Crisp ( Richard Tyson), before Crisp can get to his ex-wife and son, while along the way he discovers his passion for teaching. Kindergarten Cop is a 1990 American comedy thriller film directed by Ivan Reitman and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
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adgridley · 2 years
🎥🍣 Movie Sushi - Kindergarten Cop
Rachel Myatt has been sighted in Oregon with her 6 year old son. Apparently, she stole $3m from her drug dealing husband before she left. Det John Kimble goes undercover as kindergarten teacher to help protect Rachel & her son, & arrest the father
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Penelope Ann Miller. Pamela Reed. Rated 12. Dir Ivan Reitman. Released in the UK 1990. Runtime 1hr 51mins
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mariocki · 3 years
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Brond: Part One (1.1, Channel 4, 1987)
"Satan sets out to torment and God, being good, is obliged to encounter him. God has no choice, no matter how weary He is of the game. Satan must be defeated - but never is quite. So we owe red roses and sunsets to Satan's joy in being mastered."
#Brond#classic tv#channel 4#Frederic Lindsay#Michael Caton Jones#john hannah#Stratford Johns#james cosmo#ian mcelhinney#Russell hunter#Louise beattie#Andrew Barr#Alec heggie#Billy mcelhaney#Anne myatt#Sandy Neilson#Niall O'brien#Bernadette shortt#Laurie ventry#C4 was but a babe in arms when it commissioned this adaptation of Frederic Lindsay's novel from the writer himself. I'd never heard of him#Nor of this‚ but was tempted to invest because 1. It was cheap and 2. Ever since Simply Media folded (rip forever in my heart) I've been#Very conscious that all their output is essentially now 'out of print' and stuff like this may never see another commercial release (a#Genuinely tragic thought). It sounded interesting enough too‚ plus the mix of old professionals like Johns and new acting icons like Hannah#Rubbing shoulders sounded irresistible. SPOILERS INCOMING: the dvd blurb talks about Scots nationalist plots and thriller tropes but for#Once I wish I could have come into this absolutely blind (but then would I have bought?) because Lindsay does an incredible thing. This#First (of 3) part never once hints at the nationalism or thriller plot that will presumably come. He devotes an entire third of his drama#To essentially setting (a somewhat misleading I suspect) tone. This is closer to dark fantasy or some kind of magical realism‚ where Johns'#Brond (who it is STRONGLY implied may actually be satan incarnate) is a dreamlike‚ semi unreal figure who may be manifesting as part of#Hannah's sickly subconscious. If this does end up being a straight thriller then this is a truly exceptional and uniquely disturbing opener#If it actually is an urban horror good vs evil thing‚ then the blurb writers were badly misinformed; but I don't mind all that much..
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annecarsonquotes · 4 years
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“Kinds of water drown us. Kinds of water do not.”
- Anne Carson, Plainwater : Essays and Poetry,  Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2001. Artwork Sourced From: https://ysvyri.tumblr.com/post/151430052334/hidden-things-by-kim-myatt-new-painting-for-the
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ericfruits · 7 years
Quotes from the campaign trail
Empty chair “This prime minister is for turning but not for turning up.” Labour’s Angela Rayner chides Theresa May for ducking a leaders’ televised debate on May 31st even after Jeremy Corbyn unexpectedly decided to participate
Starkers warning “I am ready to go. Jeremy Corbyn is not ...This is no time for a weak leader to be making it up as they go along...with his position on Brexit, he will find himself alone and naked in the negotiating chamber of the European Union.” Mrs May tries to refocus the election on Brexit with some disturbing imagery
Friendly fire “I don’t think you should allow a pretext for people who blow up innocent children…They are not entitled to excuses.” Michael Fallon, the defence secretary, lambasts what he believes to be Mr Corbyn’s comments on terrorists, before discovering that they were those of the foreign secretary, Boris Johnson. Channel 4
Child’s play “It will cost…erm…it will obviously cost a lot…What’s your estimate of it?” Mr Corbyn seeks help from the presenter of Woman’s Hour in pinning down the cost of Labour’s policy on child care. BBC
Lead balloon “We have here people of all faiths, we have here people from different parts of the community, and we have not yet shot anybody, so that’s wonderful.” Ann Myatt, the Conservative candidate in Batley and Spen, the former constituency of Jo Cox, who was murdered in June 2016, later apologised for her “ill-judged” remarks at a hustings event. BBC
A personage of noble rank and title “For people who kill a soldier and harm children, I would not have a problem doing it.” Paul Nuttall, leader of the UK Independence Party, backs the return of the death penalty—and even offers to carry it out himself. Mail on Sunday
Pants on fire “She’s a liar, liar, oh she’s a liar No you can’t trust her, no, no, no.” “Liar Liar”, a reggae song about Mrs May by Captain Ska, is banned from radio but has topped the iTunes downloads chart
Anybody’s guess “Polls have a mixed record but they have never moved or disagreed so much as now. There’s a week to go but someone will be embarrassed.” Sir David Butler, doyen of political and opinion-poll analysts, tweets his verdict
This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline "Speakers’ Corner"
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italianaradio · 4 years
Maledetto Modigliani, al cinema il 30 e 31 marzo e l’1 aprile
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/maledetto-modigliani-al-cinema-il-30-e-31-marzo-e-l1-aprile/
Maledetto Modigliani, al cinema il 30 e 31 marzo e l’1 aprile
Maledetto Modigliani, al cinema il 30 e 31 marzo e l’1 aprile
Maledetto Modigliani, al cinema il 30 e 31 marzo e l’1 aprile
In occasione delle celebrazioni a 100 anni dalla morte di Modigliani, arriva al cinema solo il 30 e 31 marzo e l’1 aprile Maledetto Modigliani, prodotto da 3D Produzioni e Nexo Digital. Diretto da Valeria Parisi e scritto con Arianna Marelli su soggetto di Didi Gnocchi, il docufilm racconta la vita e la produzione di Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920), un artista d’avanguardia diventato un classico contemporaneo amato e imitato in tutto il mondo.
Livornese dalla vita breve e tormentata, Dedo o Modì, come fu soprannominato, viene qui narrato da un punto di vista originale: quello di Jeanne Hébuterne, l’ultima giovane compagna, che si suicidò due giorni dopo la morte dell’amato, avvenuta all’Hôpital de la Charité di Parigi il 24 gennaio del 1920. All’epoca Jeanne era incinta e lasciava una figlia di un anno. È proprio a partire dalla sua figura e dalla lettura di un passo dai “Canti di Maldoror”, il libro che Modigliani teneva sempre con sé, che si apre il nuovo docufilm della stagione 2020 della Grande Arte al Cinema. Il docufilm trae ispirazione anche dalla mostra “Modigliani – Picasso. The Primitivist Revolution” curata da Marc Restellini che aprirà all’Albertina di Vienna nel settembre del 2020 ed è arricchito dalle immagini di opere esposte sia all’Albertina, sia alla National Gallery of Art di Washington, nei musei e nelle collezioni di Parigi e nella grande mostra “Modigliani e l’avventura di Montparnasse” del Museo della Città di Livorno.
Per comprendere Modigliani, quarto figlio di una famiglia di origini ebraiche sull’orlo di una crisi finanziaria, bisogna partire proprio dalla sua Livorno e da una provincia italiana che sin dagli albori gli è troppo stretta. Modigliani decide di partire e andare in cerca di altro. Va a Firenze, poi a Venezia. Arriva a Parigi nel 1906, a 21 anni. Sembrerebbe un approdo. È qui che nasce la sua leggenda: tombeur de femmes, alcolista, artista maledetto. In realtà è un uomo che maschera una malattia, che si aggrappa alla vita e alla propria arte. Ha una verità da trasmettere: valori universali racchiusi nella semplicità di linee e volti che ne fanno uno dei maggiori esponenti di primo Novecento e un classico del XXI secolo.
Nel docufilm sono proprio i suoi dipinti ripresi in set dedicati, da “La Filette en Bleu” al ritratto di Jeanne Hébuterne, a parlarci. Giocando tra riprese della città di oggi e foto e filmati d’archivio in bianco e nero, la voce narrante di Jeanne racconta di quella Parigi di inizio secolo: la ville lumière, la metropoli, il centro della modernità, già mercato d’arte e polo d’attrazione per pittori e scultori da tutta Europa. Quelli che allora facevano la fame e oggi valgono milioni, primo fra tutti proprio Modigliani. Durante il suo errare da un alloggio di fortuna all’altro, Amedeo Modigliani, povero, affamato, ma pieno di entusiasmo, incontra un’aspirante poetessa russa, la ventenne Anna Achmatova, e la giornalista e femminista inglese Beatrice Hastings. Tutte donne che raffigura e i cui volti, tra cariatide e ritratto, diventano icone stesse della sua arte. Il suo orizzonte immaginativo – comune a Pablo Picasso, a Constantin Brancusi e a molti altri – è del resto quello del primitivismo: l’interesse per le culture extraeuropee e antiche, un altrove nello spazio e nel tempo in cui gli artisti delle avanguardie cercano il ritorno alla natura, minacciata dalla modernità. Ma Modigliani declina il primitivismo in una maniera unica, fondendolo con la tradizione classica e rinascimentale.
Il docufilm percorre le tracce dell’artista nei suoi luoghi più tipici: le strade, le piazze, il quartiere livornese della Venezia Nuova, la sinagoga, il mercato centrale, le montagne vicine e la campagna in cui aveva imparato il mestiere di pittore coi macchiaioli e dove trova poi materia per le sue statue, l’arenaria e il marmo. Scopriamo poi Modigliani nel confronto con le opere degli altri artisti a lui coevi, primi fra tutti proprio Brancusi e Picasso raccontati attraverso opere e spazi (l’Atelier Brancusi del Centre Pompidou e il Musée Picasso Paris). Tra i pittori dell’École de Paris, c’è anche Soutine, ebreo come lui, con il quale per un periodo condivide una casa-studio ancora rimasta inalterata. Ritroviamo Modigliani anche al caffè La Rotonde con Jean Cocteau che ne fissa per sempre la presenza sulla “terrace” insieme a Picasso, André Salmon e Max Jacob. Di nuovo riusciamo a individuare tracce di Modigliani nella Parigi di oggi: il vagare notturno scendendo le scalinate di Montmartre verso Montparnasse nuovo centro di aggregazione, le passeggiate intorno al Pantheon, le cancellate chiuse del Jardin du Luxembourg. E poi i carri immaginifici della nuit blanche parigina che rappresentano possibili allucinazioni provocate dalle droghe – l’hashish, l’oppio e l’assenzio – che aprono le porte della visione. Ci sono poi i suoi mercanti e collezionisti: Paul Alexandre, il medico mecenate; Paul Guillaume il dandy parvenu ritratto più volte; Léopold Zborowski, l’ultimo mercante dell’artista, un poeta avventuriero, capace – grazie alla conoscenza del collezionista Jonas Netter – di garantirgli un piccolo salario mensile.
Modigliani, però, morirà povero e non riconosciuto. Solo in seguito diventerà uno degli artisti più quotati al mondo. E tra i più copiati. Il suo stile sembra facile, ma è solo apparenza. Lo scopriremo al porto franco di Ginevra, nel laboratorio di Marc Restellini, tra i maggiori esperti al mondo di Modigliani che nel docufilm racconta la cifra dell’arte di Modigliani e la sua evoluzione. E a Londra, tra le fiere d’arte e lo studio di un pittore – falsario dichiarato – che ora firma le sue opere d’imitazione alla luce del sole. Solo pochi decenni fa – nel 1984, a 100 anni dalla nascita dell’artista – le teste ripescate nei fossi livornesi hanno sconvolto il mondo con una delle truffe più celebri che la storia dell’arte ricordi.
Tra gli interventi del docu-film, oltre a quelli dello storico dell’arte e specialista di Amedeo Modigliani Marc Restellini, quelli di Ann L. Ardis, professoressa e Dean al College of Humanities and Social Sciences della George Mason University, esperta di letteratura modernista inglese; Chloe Aridjis, scrittrice e studiosa di poesia francese dell’Ottocento; Harry Bellet, giornalista di Le Monde, studioso e critico d’arte; Giovanni Bertazzoni, Co-Chairman Impressionist and Modern Art Department Christie’s; Laura Dinelli, responsabile Musei Civici di Livorno; Pier Francesco Ferrucci, Direttore Unità di Bioterapia dei Tumori, IEO che da studente è stato tra gli autori della famosa “beffa delle teste” del 1984 a Livorno; l’ebraista Paolo Edoardo Fornaciari; lo scrittori Simone Lenzi, attualmente assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Livorno; il gallerista David Lévy; la pittrice Mira Maodus; lo stilista, costumista e artista Antonio Marras; la pittrice Isabelle Muller; la curatrice del Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris Jacqueline Munck; l’artista John Myatt che grazie al suo talento per l’imitazione, tra il 1986 e il 1995 ha falsificato e collocato sul mercato – insieme al suo complice John Drewe – 200 opere di maestri moderni; il collezionista Gérard Netter; l’artista Jan Olsson; la curatrice del Musée Picasso Paris Emilia Philippot; il Direttore Generale dell’Albertina di Vienna Klaus Albrecht Schröder; il Vicepresidente della Comunità Ebraica di Livorno, Guido Servi; il regista, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico Paolo Virzì.
La Grande Arte al Cinema è un progetto originale ed esclusivo di Nexo Digital.
Nel 2020 la Grande Arte al Cinema è distribuita in esclusiva per l’Italia da Nexo Digital con i media partner Radio Capital, Sky Arte, MYmovies.it, Arte.it e in collaborazione con Abbonamento Musei.
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Maledetto Modigliani, al cinema il 30 e 31 marzo e l’1 aprile
In occasione delle celebrazioni a 100 anni dalla morte di Modigliani, arriva al cinema solo il 30 e 31 marzo e l’1 aprile Maledetto Modigliani, prodotto da 3D Produzioni e Nexo Digital. Diretto da Valeria Parisi e scritto con Arianna Marelli su soggetto di Didi Gnocchi, il docufilm racconta la vita e la produzione di Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920), un artista d’avanguardia diventato un […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Chiara Guida
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lavotha · 7 years
A grand cru 13th edition classier than ever
The 13th edition of the Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe, one of the largest classic yacht meetings, run from September 13-17, 2017, swarming with magical events in a Golden Twenties nostalgic ambiance. This unique biennial event attracted nearly 150 boats, from classic yachts to period motor-yachts and vintage motorboats, gathering to honor the Principality’s maritime tradition. Launched in 1994, the conclave has not only retained its brightness, but also the spirit of the first powerboat gatherings from 1904 when the Principality hosted the world’s industrialists taking part in nautical events.
It was a week dedicated to the Yacht Club’s Sea Lifestyle philosophy, alternating events at sea, technical inspections, a culinary competition, the arts and elegance. “It is this sort of event that repositions Monaco as the city it was conceived to be, one centred around the harbour,” notes the Yacht Club de Monaco’s General Secretary, Bernard d’Alessandri. “Monaco is a yachting destination for both modern and traditional yachts.”
Day 1
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Day 4
Day 4
Viola received coveted top trophy!
The big winner of this edition was the gaff cutter Viola, a beautiful 1908 sailing yacht considered a historic monument in France. Delighted to receive the Monaco Classic Week Trophy, YCM member Kostia Belkin summed up the history of his boat in two words – love and expertise: “As skippers, we know that boats which are loved, remain beautiful forever. I also think expertise is vital to conserving our maritime heritage. Without the teams of marine carpenters, Viola would not be so beautiful.”
It is important to notice that this prize is awarded to the boat which obtains the best marks in the La Belle Classe Restoration prize, awarded this time to The Blue Peter, as well as the Elegance prize which went to Elena of London, the replica of the 1911 Nat Herreshoff schooner, Elena.
The jury, presided by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, had a tough time selecting a winner among so many quality contenders. “It was not at all easy to choose as the standard is so high. And we admire and are grateful to all the owners for their commitment in keeping the boats they love so much still sailing. It is important to pay tribute to them and encourage them. That is why this event is truly unique,” said the man who was the first to sail solo non-stop round the world.
Trinakria won Chefs’ Competition
In the Chefs Competition, the prestigious jury presided by Jacques Maximin, supported by Christian Plumail (YCM), Christian Garcia (Prince’s Palace), Philippe Johannes (Fairmont) and Eva Casanova (Moët Hennessy) gave the first prize to the 50m three-mast schooner Trinakria.
90 years young
Considered by many to be Charles Nicholson’s masterpiece, Creole was the main attraction of the week. The Yacht Club de Monaco wanted to honour this three-mast schooner becoming 90 this year. Escorted by Trinakria (50m) and the ketch Xarifa, both also launched in 1927, Creole (58.22m) made a majestic entrance into Port Hercule to a thunderous greeting of horns and cannon fire, trailing a string of Rivas, Chris Crafts and Hacker Crafts in her wake. “This entrance into the harbour with all the owners and their crew saluting Creole was a fantastic moment for us – thank you so much everyone,” said her owner Alegra Gucci, touched by the applause they received at the prize ceremony.
Honoring gentleman Carlo Riva
In April this year, the yachting world lost one of its most emblematic characters. Carlo Riva passed away at the age of 95 leaving behind him a fleet of motorboats that captivated the jet set in the 1950s and 60s. Brigitte Bardot, Sofia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were just some of the stars who owned one of these mahogany-hulled gems. As a tribute to his career, the whole Riva family came together on the water in the YCM Marina around a tarpaulin on which was written “Grazie Carlo”. Turquoise blue balloons, a colour forever associated with the famous brand and Made-in-Italy design, were released, concluding the ceremony which Lia Riva, the engineer’s daughter, attended on the legendary Lipicar. “I was deeply touched by this homage to my father and thank all those who took part.”
Day 4
Monaco, 12/09/13 Monaco Classic Week 2013 Dockside Photo: © Stefano Gattini/YCM
Day 3
Vintage regattas
Out on the water, the 68 classic boats, four 15M IR yachts and some 20 of the 12’ Dinghy class lit up the bay with their races which could be seen from the shore all along the coast.
In the 15M IR class, Mariska helmed by Benjamin Redreau dominated the week, winning three of the six races. For her owner, Christian Niels, “Monaco Classic Week is one of the loveliest regattas in the world. We will keep coming back as long as the 15M IR yachts are still sailing.” The Lady Anne and Hispania completed the podium ahead of Tuiga helmed by Beppe Zaoli assisted by Olivier Campana. Having already won in the Balearics, Mariska (1908) is on line to take the 2017 15M Class Association Annual Trophy culminating with the third stage in Saint Tropez.
The Vintage Gaff class groups the oldest boats, whose builders and current owners command enormous respect for the meticulous restorations they undertake to keep them sailing. Marc Audineau’s Olympian was 1st out of the 15 entrants, ahead of Bruno Troublé on Chips, who was sailing with John Marshall, a big name in the America’s Cup, with Philip Martinson’s Kelpie completing the podium.
Chris Barkham’s Cambria, the only representative of the 23M International Class still sailing won in the Big Boat category ahead of two Yacht Club de Monaco flagged beauties: the gaff cutter Moonbeam IV (1914) and Elena of London.
It was a similar scenario in the Vintage Marconi category with victory going to Brendan McCarty on Rowdy, already leading the fleet on the first day and who dominated this 13th Monaco Classic Week. Billoch Martin on Cippino II and David Myatt on Erica completed the podium.
Regularity trial: Around 40 motorboats, including a dozen Rivas (MBS, Ariston, Super, Barilani, Super Florida, Junior) as well as Chris Crafts and Hacker Crafts took part in the regularity trial. This involves them having to estimate how long it will take them to get around a course at a pre-selected speed, taking account of the wind and sea conditions. It was won by Why Not, a 1967 Riva Junior, with Giolisan, a Riva Super, in 2nd and the Chris Craft Aristote, all the way from Saint Barthélémey, completing the podium.
List of winners
Overall Winner – MONACO CLASSIC WEEK TROPHY 2017: Viola (Kostia Belkin)
Elegance Prize– sailing yacht Elena of London (Mark Dixon) / Motorboat: Albatros (John Filoes)
La Belle Classe Restoration Prize: The Blue Peter (Mathew Barker)
Regularity Trial: Why Not, a 1967 Riva Junior (Renaud Balay)
Classic Yachts – 15M IR Class
Mariska (Christian Niels)
The Lady Anne (Richard Le May)
Hispania (Marcos Garcia Faria)
Tuiga (Pierre Casiraghi) 
Classic Boats  – Vintage Gaff
Olympian (Marc Audineau)
Chips (Bruno Troublé)
Kelpie (Philip Martinson)
Classic boats – Vintage Marconi
Rowdy (Brendan McCarty)
Cippino II (Martin Billoch)
Erica (David Myatt)
Classic Boats – Classic Category
Encounter (Bart Weduwer)
Resolute Salmon (Valter Pizzoli)
Samurai (Luigi Pavese)
Classic Boats – Big Boat Category
Cambria (Chris Barkham)
Moonbeam IV (Mikael Creac’h)
Ellena of London (Stephen McLaren)
12’ Dinghy Class
Trecivette (Nicola Rainusso)
Pupi (Alessandro Pedone)
Cice (Philippe Battaglia)
Mark your calendars for the 14th Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe, September 11-15, 2019.
Today’s Quote
“Calm sailing doesn’t come from calm waters, it comes from having a good navigator; a good crew and a good vessel.” Anthony T. Hincks
Monaco Classic Week honors the country’s maritime heritage A grand cru 13th edition classier than ever The 13th edition of the Monaco Classic Week - La Belle Classe, one of the largest classic yacht meetings, run from September 13-17, 2017, swarming with magical events in a Golden Twenties nostalgic ambiance.
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itsnotmatthew · 7 years
If their policies weren’t enough to convince you the Conservatives were the scum of the Earth, then perhaps this quote will.
Dr Ann Myatt thought that it was appropriate to joke about the death of Labour MP Jo Cox who was shot and stabbed by a member of a far-right group.
Dr Myatt praised the event, and went on to say “we have not yet shot anybody so that’s wonderful.” She later apologised, but only after her comments drew intense criticism.
But then, considering how many similarities there are between Tory Party rhetoric, and that of other far-right parties, it's hardly surprising Dr Myatt felt at ease making said "joke".
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thepakmedia · 7 years
Candidates for Batley and Spen in UK General Election 2017
Candidates for Batley and Spen in UK General Election 2017
UK General Election 2017 is scheduled to take place on 8 June 2017. This list of candidates contesting election for Batley and Spen in UK General Election 2017.
Candidate Party Affiliation  Tracy Brabin  Labour and Co-operative Party  Ann Myatt  Conservative and Unionist Party  John Lawson  Liberal Democrats  Alan Freeman  Green Party  Mohammed Hanif  Independent  Aleks Lukic  Independent
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investinyorkshire · 7 years
Conservative Dr Ann Myatt sparks outrage with flippant comment during hustings
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