#Anna Toscano
patepatu · 8 months
Mio nonno diceva
che il sole mangia le ore
mia madre, meglio tardi che mai
mio padre lo si aspettava sempre
mia nonna si alzava spesso tardi.
Io non so quale sia il tempo per ogni cosa
so solo che l’ora
in cui si accendono i lampioni
è il momento che vorrei in ogni dove.
- Anna Toscano
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henk-heijmans · 6 months
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Pink laundry with beautiful 'canettes', 2024 - by Anna Toscano, Italian
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Anna Toscano, Con amore e con amicizia. Lisetta Carmi, «oilà», Electa, Milano, 2023
Editor of the Series: Chiara Alessi Graphic Design: Studio Sonnoli
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Nina ascolta Goliarda
Questa puntata del podcast NINA a cura Anna Toscano è dedicata a #GoliardaSapienza della quale, proprio oggi 10 maggio, ricorre il giorno della nascita. Abbiamo pensato di non mettere parole o discorsi per dire di lei, ma di lasciare tutto lo spazio alle sue parole. Così ascolterai le prime pagine dei libri di Sapienza dalla voce e dall’interpretazione di #VivianaNicodemo e #CristianaRaggi,…
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chrisitsraining · 1 year
it seems youve landed yourself a blind date with a dead by daylight character! why dont you open the door and see who your date is?
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which door? you know :) 
(btw if you get a mix tape... thats a member of the legion)
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kapkant7 · 2 years
Hello everyone, John BHVR, CEO of BHVR here. With today's announcement of the Dead by Daylight movie produced by Blumhouse I'm sure many of you are curious to see which of your favourite characters will feature in the movie. Well I'm happy to confirm a list of iconic characters and the actors playing them. First up is the nervous yet courageous Dwight Fairfield.
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For our next Survivor David King, we knew we needed someone who could play the role of the stereotypical "British hard man" and we think we've found the perfect fit.
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We knew this project would need a more diverse cast from the start, so we've selected Yui Kimura to be our leading lady, and with her we got one of the most iconic Asian actresses in cinema.
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Finally we knew we couldn't just have a cast of big name Hollywood stars and we'd need to give rising stars in the acting world a chance to shine. So we've selected this up and coming star to play one of our most unexpected hits Vittorio Toscano
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But what would a movie be without villains? And what is Dead by Daylight without it's iconic Killers? With Trapper being our most iconic Killer we knew we needed a leading man who could carry the gravity of the role with ease
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The Trapper isn't hunting alone in The Fog however, and he's got an expert hunter with him. Or should we say "Huntress?" A physically imposing powerhouse, we found the first actress that comes to mind hearing these words.
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As loyal fans may know, these Killers don't act alone. In the lore of Dead by Daylight they serve a dark ominous creature simply known as "The Entity." And we knew there would be no better star to embody such a villainous role
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While Dead by Daylight is full of complex and memorable characters created by our talented writers and artists at BHVR, it is also beloved by horror fans worldwide for crossing over their favourite horror media. Thanks to our partners at Capcom we are happy to confirm one such guest WILL feature in the movie, played by his most iconic actor who has embodied the role throughout the years.
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Dead by Daylight: Death Is Not A Escape is scheduled for TBA 2025. See you in the fog, and theaters, horror fans.
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Hi, and welcome to my DBD ask blog! On this post you can see a little about me, what I plan to do here, and who this blog will mostly focus around.
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About Me;
My name is Oopsie, you can find my main account @oopsie0503 although any dead by daylight art will probably be posted here from now on! I use he/they pronouns and am a huge fan of dead by daylight and it's characters and lore.
No hate speech or bigotry of any kind will be tolerated here.
More HCs will be revealed the more asks are sent, so ask away and ask anything!
I will try my best to follow the lore.
Feel free to send asks about characters who aren't on my list of characters.
Shipping related and interaction asks are allowed! There are certain ships I have a soft spot for but it isn't too hard to get me on board with other ships. Try me!
No pedophilia or incest (no rin x oni or Freddy x Quentin etc unfollow if ur into that.)
Here's a list of characters and some basic HCs that will probably get the most attention when asked about. You can ask about more characters than these, or ask these characters about others not on this list, etc, but those asks might not be answered quite as well.
Ace Visconti, He/Him, Bi
Claudette Morel, She/Her, Lesbian
David King, He/Him, Gay
Felix Richter, He/Him, Gay
Jeff Johansen, He/They, Bi
Meg Thomas, She/Her, Bi
Mikaela Reid, She/They, Lesbian
Talbot Grimes (pre-blight/human), They/He, Gay/Asexual
Vittorio Toscano, He/They, Gay
Anna (The Huntress), She/Her, Homoromantic/Asexual
Caleb Quinn (The Deathslinger), He/Him, Bi
Danny Johnson (The Ghostface), He/They, Pan
Evan Macmillan (The Trapper), He/Him, Gay
Frank Morrison (The Legion), He/Him, Aroace
Joey (The Legion), He/Him, Bi
Julie Kostenko (The Legion), She/Her, Bi
Ji Woon Hak (The Trickster) He/Him, Pan
Max Thompson Jr (The Hillbilly), He/Him, Pan
Phillip Ojomo (The Wraith), He/They, Bi
Susie Lavoie (The Legion), She/They, Bi
Talbot Grimes (The Blight), They/He, Gay/Asexual
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libriaco · 6 months
Basta una parola
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Scriveva Abatelunare, una decina di giorni fa, che spesso leggendo un libro si imparano delle parole nuove, e faceva riferimento a un toscanismo: costassù, trovato in una vecchia versione de Il ragazzo di Sycamore di Erskine Caldwell.
A me occorre poco, appena una parola, per impantanarmi in una serie di percorsi da cui poi faccio fatica a uscire; così è stato anche questa volta.
Infatti, in sintesi:
Da toscano conosco e uso la parola costassù, così come anche gli altri avverbi costì, costà, costaggiù; ricordo bene come, una decina di anni fa, me ne chiese il significato una collega, di madrelingua inglese, da poco arrivata a Siena.
Più di recente, saranno passati tre o quattro anni, durante una lettura condivisa de La vita agra del grossetano Luciano Bianciardi, le due amiche con cui leggevo, una di origine siciliana ma da anni a Napoli, l'altra veneta, mi chiesero lumi su due strane parole in cui si erano imbattute in quel testo: costì e costassù.
Ho chiesto ad Abatelunare chi avesse tradotto il libro, sospettando appunto un toscano, e mi ha indicato Marcella Hannau. Il mio sospetto era ben fondato, anche se non corretto, perchè la Hannau era nata a Trieste ma ha avuto frequentazione lunga e anche intima con la Toscana.
Le ricerche fatte mi hanno portato subito in ambiente fiorentino; la Hannau, traduttrice dall'inglese di oltre una settantina di libri, figlia di uno stakholder della Standard Oil, di famiglia ebraica, sposò molto giovane [nel 1921] Corrado Pavolini, nato a Firenze: regista, drammaturgo, critico letterario, poeta, librettista e traduttore. Corrado era figlio del professor Paolo Emilio, traduttore e docente universitario di Sanscrito, nato a Livorno da padre dell'isola d'Elba. La coppia frequentava l'ambiente culturale italiano del tempo: ci sono ad esempio foto degli anni '30, sulla spiaggia di Castiglioncello, sempre in Toscana (Livorno) in compagnia di Luigi Pirandello, Nicola De Pirro, Marta Abba, Maria Stella Labroca e Silvio D'Amico; le due famiglie, Hannau e Pavolini, frequentavano spiaggia, locali e ville di amici nella zona, già dalla fine degli anni 10 dello scorso secolo.
Corrado Pavolini era il fratello del gerarca fascista Alessandro, Ministro della Cultura Popolare e segretario del Partito Fascista.
Alessandro si rifiutò di aiutare il fratello e la cognata Marcella nel momento della promulgazione delle leggi razziali e Corrado e Marcella scapparono a Cortona (Arezzo) rifugiandosi nella villa dell'amico Debenedetti. A Cortona trovarono un buon nascondiglio anche gli Hannau, i genitori di Marcella, a cui offrì riparo il Vescovo, Monsignor Franciolini, direttamente nella sua abitazione.
Cortona piacque così tanto alla coppia Pavolini-Hannau che fecero della villa "del Bacchino" un loro punto di riferimento a guerra finita e poi, dal 1961, la loro residenza. Ecco come, con tutte queste frequentazioni toscane, la Hannau abbia potuto utilizzare parole ancora in uso nell'italiano del tempo, adesso segnalate dalla Treccani come semplici "toscanismi" vista la loro odierna più ristretta circolazione.
Restano da citare, in questi miei giri intorno alla coppia, due notiziuole "rosa": l'infatuazione per Corrado Pavolini, prima da parte di Anna Maria Ortese, poi di una sua carissima amica, Helle Busacca. [Interessante e rivelatrice questa pagina di Dario Biagi]. Su questo ramo della ricerca mi sono fermato, perché infiniti altri percorsi mi si sono aperti, relativi ai personaggi della cultura italiana dell'epoca e dei loro rapporti di amicizia, rivalità od odio.
Nonostante le ricerche sul web, non sono riuscito a trovare informazioni certe sulle date di nascita e di morte di Marcella Hannau; ho pensato allora di utilizzare il Copilot di Microsoft Bing. L'Inintelligenza Artificiale si è data da fare ma le date che cercavo non me le ha recuperate; in compenso ha tratteggiato un profilo, sintetico ma efficace, del marito Corrado. Peccato, però, che, da brava Inintelligenza, si sia confusa e abbia scritto i dati relativi ad Alessandro Pavolini, il gerarca titolare del MinCulPop e Segretario del Partito Nazionale Fascista, che fu processato per collaborazionismo, fucilato e poi esposto, insieme a Mussolini e alla Petacci, a Piazzale Loreto...
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*Aggiornamento del 29/03/2024: Corrado Pavolini e Marcella Hannau riposano ora l'uno accanto all'altra nel piccolo cimitero del Torreone al sommo della collina di Cortona.
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Who I Write For✦
(This will be added too over time)
⭑Bo Sinclair ⭑Vincent Sinclair ⭑Lester Sinclair ⭑Michael Myers (OG, 2007, & Gramps) ⭑Thomas Hewitt ⭑Bubba Sawyer ⭑Jason Voorhees ⭑Ghostface (Billy & Stu) ⭑Tiffany Valentine ⭑Brahms Heelshire ⭑Billy Lenz ⭑Carrie White ⭑Baby Driftwood ⭑Otis Driftwood ⭑Pyramid Head ⭑Herbert West (if a male/masc reader) -Bonus- ⭑Carly & Nick; House of Wax ⭑Sydney; Scream
Dead By Daylight
♢Evan MacMillan - The Trapper ♢Anna - The Huntress ♢Max Thompson Jr. - The Hillbilly ♢Sally Smithson - The Nurse ♢Herman Carter - The Doctor ♢Ji Woon Hak - The Trickster ♢Danny Johnson - The Ghostface ♢Philip Ojomo - The Wraith ♢Amanda Young - The Pig ♢Rin Yamaoka - The Spirit (only SFW) ♢Kazan Yamaoka - The Oni ♢Frank Morrison - The Legion ♢Susie Lavoie - The Legion (only SFW) ♢Julie Kostenko - The Legion ♢Joey - The Legion ♢Adiris - The Plague ♢Caleb Quinn - The Deathslinger ♢Carmina Mora - The Artist ♢Sadako Yamamura - The Onryo (only SFW) ♢Tarhos Kovacs - The Knight ♢Adriana Imai - The Skullmerchant ♢Nemesis - The Nemesis -Bonus- ♢Jill Valentine ♢Leon Kennedy ♢Cheryl Mason ♢Carlos Oliveria ♢Claudette Morel ♢Bill Overbeck ♢Vittorio Toscano
Our Life; Beginnings & Always
❧Cove Holden ❧Derek Suarez ❧Baxter Ward ❧Elizabeth Last (x readers for non-sibling characters) ❧Kyra Preece ❧Tamarack Baumann ❧Qui "Autumn" Lin
⚂Lawrence Beetlegeuse Shoggoth ⚂Lydia Deetz (only SFW) ⚂Adam Maitland ⚂Barbara Maitland ⚂Ms.Argentina
Call of Duty; Modern Warfare
✚Simon "Ghost" Riley ✚Johnny "Soap" MacTavish ✚John Price ✚Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ✚Alejandro Vargas ✚Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra ✚Valeria Garza ✚Alex Keller ✚Farah Karim ✚Nikolai ✚Konig ✚Horangi
❦Eddie Brock & Venom (2015) ❦Frankenstein's Monster - Mary SHelly ❦Classic Monsters; Dracula, Werewolves, etc. ❦Krampus(yes you read me) ❦Y/N from Stuck on A Childhood Crush/Friend & Killer (aka Cordelia)
Yes that's write. You can have your Y/N x Reader fics now.
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✨Dead By Daylight✨
✨Adriana Imai | The Skull Merchant✨
Sweet Coelha
✨Amanda Young | The Pig✨
Amanda’s New Puppy
Amanda Young Pigtail Headcanons
✨Danny Johnson | The Ghostface✨
Danny Spanking Headcanons and Blurb
Danny with a surv s/o
✨Kazan Yamaoka✨
✨Max Thompson Jr | The Hillbilly✨
Thigh Fucking with Max
✨Tarhos Kovács✨
Pent Up
Balls? Kicked. - Danny Johnson, Max Thompson Jr, Michael Myers
Bikini - Anna, Charlotte DeShayes, Danny Johnson, Amanda Young
Eat Out - Anna, Charlotte, Max
Eat Out (Part 2) - Adiris, Carmina Mora
Killers during your period - Carmina Mora, Anna, Max Thompson Jr, Albert Wesker
Killers reacting to Thick!Fem!Survivor!Reader in a Bikini Outfit - Danny Johnson, Frank Morrison, Julie Kostenko, Albert Wesker, Evan MacMillan, Herman Carter
Killers when their S/O suddenly kisses them - Evan Macmillan, Frank Morrison, Julie Kostenko, Max Thomson Jr, Philip Ojomo, Carmina Mora
Killers when they catch you masturbating - Evan Macmillan, Max Thompson Jr, Julie Kostenko, Danny Johnson, Tarhos Kovács
Killers + Leon when they catch you masturbating (Part 2) - Leon S. Kennedy, Albert Wesker, Pyramid Head
Killers when they catch you masturbating (Part 3) - Charlotte DeShayes, Anna, Adiris
Killers when you accidentally panty flash them - Bubba Sawyer, Caleb Quinn, Danny Johnson, Evan Macmillan, Frank Morrison, Herman Carter
Killers when you ask to be pegged - Julie Kostenko, Amanda Young, Anna, Charlotte DeShayes, Yamaoka Rin
Killers when you catch them masturbating - Evan Macmillan, Max Thompson Jr, Julie Kostenko, Danny Johnson, Tarhos Kovács
Killers when you catch them masturbating (Part 2) - Rin Yamaoka, Charlotte Deshayes, Amanda Young
Killers when you catch them masturbating (Part 3) - Sally Smithson, Yamaoka Kazan, Pyramid Head
Killers when you catch them masturbating (Part 4) - Frank Morrison, Joey, Caleb Quinn
Killers when you titty flash them - Adriana Imai, Anna, Yamaoka Rin
Killers with an S/O who wears pigtails - Evan Macmillan, Max Thompson Jr, Bubba Sawyer, Ji-Woon Hak
Surv General NSFW Headcanons - Dwight Fairfield, Leon S. Kennedy, Vittorio Toscano
Survivors when they catch you masturbating - Dwight Fairfield, Kate Denson, Haddie Kaur
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voices-in-the-fog · 8 months
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Who will You choose . . . ?
[ Voices in the Fog roster ]
SURVIVORS who remain . . .
Dwight Fairfield, the Nervous Leader
Meg Thomas, the Energetic Athlete
Claudette Morel, the Studious Botanist
Jake Park, the Solitary Survivalist
Nea Karlsson, the Urban Artist
Laurie Strode, the Determined Survivor
Ace Visconti, the Lucky Gambler
William "Bill" Overbeck, the Old Solider
Min Feng, the Focused Competitor
David King, the Rugged Scrapper
Quentin Smith, the Resolute Dreamwalker
David Tapp, the Obsessed Detective
Kate Denson, the Hopeful Songbird
Adam Francis, the Resourceful Teacher
Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen, the Quiet Artist
Jane Romero, the Influential Celebrity
Ashley J. Williams, the Alone Wolf
Nancy Wheeler, the Aspiring Journalist
Steve Harrington, the Former Jock
> Jonathan Byers
Yui Kimura, the Hardened Streetracer
Zarina Kassir, the Plucky Documentarian
Heather “Cheryl” Mason, the Veteran of Terror
> Cybil Bennett
> James Sunderland
> Lisa Garland
> Alessa Gillespie
Felix Richter, the Visionary Architect
Élodie Rakoto, the Occult Investigator
Yun-Jin Lee, the Self-Interested Music Producer
Jill Valentine, the Founding Member of S.T.A.R.S.
> Claire Redfield
> Sheva Alomar
Leon Scott Kennedy, the Rookie Police Officer
> Carlos Oliveira
> Chris Redfield
Mikaela Reid, the Young Mystic
Jonah Vasquez, the Mathematical Mastermind
Yoichi Asakawa, the Brilliant Marine Biologist
Haddie Kaur, the Brave Podcaster
Ada Wong, the Mysterious Secret Agent
Rebecca Chambers, the Gifted Medic
Vittorio Toscano, the Endless Wanderer
Thalita Lyra, the Competitive Kite-Fighter
Renato Lyra, the Analytical Jack-of-all-Trades
Gabriel Soma, the Resourceful Engineer
Ellen Ripley, the Nostromo Warrant Officer
Alan Wake, the Bestselling Author
Sable Ward, the Gothic Occultist
Luis Serra (Resident Evil)
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KILLERS left to claim . . .
Evan MacMillan, The Trapper
Philip Ojomo, The Wraith
Max Thompson Jr., The Hillbilly
Sally Smithson, The Nurse
Michael Myers, The Shape
Lisa Sherwood, The Hag
Herman Carter, The Doctor
Anna, The Huntress
Bubba Sawyer, The Cannibal
Freddy Krueger, The Nightmare
Amanda Young, The Pig
Jeffrey Hawk, The Clown
Rin Yamaoka, The Spirit
The Legion
Frank Morrison
Julie Kostenko
Susie Lavoie
Adiris, The Plague
Danny Johnson, The Ghost Face
Demogorgon, The Demogorgon
Kazan Yamaoka, The Oni
Caleb Quinn, The Deathslinger
Pyramid Head, The Executioner
Talbot Grimes, The Blight
> William Birkin
Charlotte & Victor Deshayes, The Twins
Ji-Woon Hak, The Trickster
Nemesis T-Type, The Nemesis
Elliot Spencer, The Cenobite
> The Chatterer
Carmina Mora, The Artist
Sadako Yamamura, The Onryō
Druanee, The Dredge
Albert Wesker, The Mastermind
Tarhos Kovács, The Knight
Adriana Imai, The Skull Merchant
HUX-A7-13, The Singularity
Xeomorph, The Xenomorph
> The Xenomorph Queen
Charles Lee Ray, Chucky
Unknown, The Unknown
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cinder-no · 8 months
Cinder's Favorite Character Master List
Animal Crossing
Amelia Bianca Blanca Bob Bow Cephalobot Chai Coco Étoile Flick Master Frillard Gyroids Hopkins Jack Kabuki Kapp'n Katrina Kicks Lucky Mathilda Meow Merengue Niko Pavé Petri Pierre Pietro Raymond Rhonda Rolf Ruby Serena Tia Zipper T. Bunny
Apex Legends
Caustic (Dr. Alexander Nox) Fuse (Walter Fitzroy Jr.) Mad Maggie (Margaret Kōhere) Mirage (Elliott Witt)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Adam Clem Doc Dracula Jenny Calendar Moloch the Corruptor Rack Rupert Giles Spike (William Pratt) Zachary Kralik
Cartoon Network (connected universe)
Ace D. Copular Baboon Kaboom HIM Killa Drilla Snake Valhallen
Eyeless Jack Laughing Jack
Doctor Psycho (Edgar Cizko) Extraño (Gregorio de la Vega) Lobo Man-Bat (Dr. Kirk Langstrom) Mister Freeze (Victor Fries) Number One The Riddler (Edward Nygma) Savant (Brian Durlin) Snowflame (Stefan); read-through complete.
Dead by Daylight
Asakawa Yoichi The Baba Yaga The Birch The Cannibal (Bubba Sawyer) The Cenobite (Elliot Spencer) The Chatterer David King The Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn) The Doctor (Herman Carter) The Draugr Dwight Fairfield The Executioner (Pyramid Head) The Ferryman The Grid Xenomorph The Hillbilly (Max Thompson Jr.) HUNK The Huntress (Anna) The Jabberwock Jake Park James Sunderland Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen The Knight (Tarhos Kovács) The Krampus Leon Scott Kennedy The Krampus The Nemesis (Nemesis-T Type) The Oni (Yamaoka Kazan) The Onryō (Yamamura Sadako) Robbie Rabbit The Shape (Michael Myers) Vittorio Toscano William Berkin The Wraith (Phillip Ojomo) The Xenomorph The Xenomorph Clone The Xenomorph Queen
The Doom Slayer The Intern
Dungeons and Dragons (Baldur's Gate 3 and Magic the Gathering)
Abdirak Astarion Ancunin Auntie Ethel Avatar of Me (card) Gromph Baenre Kar'niss Lorin True Soul Nere
The Elder Scrolls
Arnbjorn Cicero Durnehviir Knight Paladin Gelebor Moira Nazir
Joshua Graham Lily Bowen Nick Valentine (synth) Tabitha Victor (PDQ-88b RobCo security model 2060-B Securitron)
Fire and Ice
Lord Nekron; watch complete.
FromSoft (Bloodborne/Dark Souls/Elden Ring)
Father Gascoigne Godrick the Grafted Grave Warden Agdayne Manscorpion Tark Sorcerer Rogier Starscourge Radahn Vengarl of Forossa
Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware
Benrey Dr. Bubby Dr. Coomer (Dr. Harold Pontiff Coomer) Darnold Pepper Gordon Martinis Freeman Tommy Coolatta
Not Important
Abe Sapien Hellboy
The Kurgan (Victor Kruger)
Judge Dredd
The Clan Techie (Bill Huxley); read-through and watch complete.
The Last Unicorn
Amalthea Celaeno King Haggard Mabruk The Red Bull Schmendrick
Lazy Town
Glanni Glæpur (pre-show Robbie Rotten; treated separate in fanon) Íþróttaálfurinn (pre-show Sportacus; treated separate in fanon) Robbie Rotten Sportacus
Left 4 Dead
Ellis The Hunter Nick The Screamer The Smoker The Witch
Arcade Batroc the Leaper (Georges Batroc); read-through in progress. Blackout, of the Lilin; read-through and watch complete. Crazy Eight (Earth-982) Daimon Hellstrom Digger (Roderick Krupp); read-through in progress. Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) Doctor Rot (Bentley Newton) Electro (Maxwell Dillon) Frog-Man (Eugene Patilio) Gorgeous George (George Blair); read-through in progress. Graviton (Dr. Franklin Hall); read-through complete. The Human Fly (Richard Deacon) Jakita Wegener; read-through complete. Morbius (Dr. Michael Morbius); read-through in progress. Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) Nitro (Robert Hunter); read-through complete. The Owl (Leland Owsley) Riptide (Janos Quested) Ruckus (Clement Wilson); read-through in progress. Speedfreek (Joss Shappe) Stunner (Angelina Brancale); read-through in progress. Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) Tombstone (Alonzo Lincoln) Tower (Edward Pasternak) Will-o-the-Wisp (Jackson Arvad)
Max Headroom
Max Headroom
Dick Knubbler (Richard Knubbler) Nathan Explosion
The Moomins
The Muppets
Beaker Uncle Deadly
My Hero Academia
All Might (Yagi Toshinori) Eraserhead (Aizawa Shōta)
Devil Lude Peloquin Shuna Sassi
One Piece
Buggy the Clown Caesar Clown Pedro Vinsmoke Sanji
Cassidy (Cole Cassidy) Hanzo Shimada Junker Queen (Odessa Stone) Junkrat (Jamison Fawkes) Roadhog (Mako Rutledge) Sigma (Siebren de Kuiper)
The Owl House
Alador Blight Emperor Belos (Phillip Wittebane) Principal Hieronymus Bump
Absol Absol (mega) Aerodactyl (mega) Deep King Agnol Alakazam (mega) Annihilape Arbok AZ Banette Banette (mega) Beedrill Beedrill (mega) Biker (trainer class) Blaziken Blaziken (mega) Bouffalant Brambleghast Gym Leader Brassius Breloom Brute Bonnet Carbink Carnivine Centiskorch Charizard (mega X) Clown (trainer class) Corviknight Cubone Delphox Diancie Diancie (mega) Dhelmise Dragalge Dragapult Drampa Druddigon Dubwool Eelektross Espurr Firebreather (trainer class) Florges Flygon Furfrou Galvantula Gengar (mega) Gliscore Gogoat Goodra Golisopod Grafaiai Grimmsnarl Gumshoos Team Skull Leader Guzma Guzzlord Haunter Hex Maniac (trainer class) Hex Maniac (ghost) Hoopa (unbound) Houndoom Houndoom (mega) Hydrapple Hydreigon Incineroar Inteleon Kangaskhan Kingambit Kommo-o Gym Leader Larry Lopunny Lurantis Lycanroc (midnight form) Kahuna Nanu Majin Malamar Mandibuzz Mareanie Marrowak Marowak (ghost) Maushold Mawile Mawile (mega) Mightyena Miltank Mimikyu MissingNo. Naganadel Cipher Nascour Ninetales (Alolan form) Noivern Obstagoon Gym Leader Opal Team Yell Leader Piers Team Skull Admin Plumeria Pyroar Pyukumuku Rapidash (Galarian form) Rayquaza Rayquaza (mega) Sableye Sableye (mega) Salazzle Scolipede Seviper Shedinja Shiinotic Spectrier Spiritomb Tauros Team Skull Grunt (trainer class) Thievul Tinkaton Toxtricity Trevenant Vespiqueen Wooloo Xurkitree Zangoose Zoroark (Hisuian form)
Postal Dude
Sasha Nein
The Red Eclipse!
Miss Conduct
Resident Evil
The Duke HUNK Karl Heisenberg Leon Scott Kennedy Mr. X (T-00) Nemesis (Nemesis-T Type) Salvatore Moreau
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head Robbie Rabbit
Space Ghost
Brak Moltar Sisto Zorak
Stardew Valley
The Dwarf Elliott Shane Willy The Wizard
Star Trek
Lietenant Commander Data Soong Constable Odo Ital
Star Wars
General Grievous General Armitage Hux Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) Darth Maul Captain Phasma Grand Admiral Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
Studio Ghibli
The Mandrake No-Face
The Time Machine
The Über-Morlock
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
The Venture Bros.
The Action Man (Rodney) Master Billy Quizboy (William Whalen) Brock Samson Dragoon (Jiles Perry Richardson, Jr.) Henchman 21 (Gary) Iggy Pop (James Newell Osterberg, Jr.) The Monarch (Malcolm Fitzcarraldo) Dr. Mrs. the Monarch (Sheila) Dr. Orpheus (Dr. Byron Orpheus) Pete White Red Mantle (Charles Hardin Holley) Sergeant Hatred (Courtney Robert) Vendata (Don Fitzcarraldo)
Warhammer 40k
Corvus Corax Leman Russ Magnus the Red The Night Haunter (Konrad Curze)
The Warlock
Weird Science
Metal Face
What We Do in the Shadows
Laszlo Cravensworth Nandor the Relentless
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years
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rearranged the priority of my muses a little bit!! this is the new ranking, still subject to change of course! PRIMARY
Jane Romero
Claudette Morel
Anna "The Huntress"
Julie Kostenko "The Legion"
Ji-Woon Hak "The Trickster"
Vittorio Toscano
Mikaela Reid
Haddie Kaur
Nea Karlsson
Danny "Jed Olsen" Johnson "The Ghost Face"
Laurie Strode
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List of Survivors and Killers that Luis likes/dislikes.
Survivors he likes:
Mikaela Reid.
Jonah Vasquez.
Felix Richter.
Vittorio Toscano.
Haddie Kaur.
Claudette Morel.
Zarina Kassir.
Élodie Rakoto.
Quentin Smith.
Cheryl Mason.
Survivors he dislikes:
Ace Visconti.
William “Bill” Overbeck.
Killers he likes:
Caleb Quinn. “The Deathslinger”
Talbot Grimes. “The Blight”
Sally Smithson. “The Nurse”
Lisa Sherwood “The Hag”
Nemesis T-Type “The Nemesis”
Tarhos Kovács. “The Knight”
Sadako Yamamura “The Onryō”
Druanee. “The Dredge”
Pyramid Head. “The Executioner”
Carmina Mora. “The Artist”
Kazan Yamaoka. “The Oni”
Adiris. “The Plague”
Jeffrey Hawk. “The Clown”
Elliot Spencer. “The Cenobite”
Charlotte & Victor Deshayes. “The Twins”
Danny Johnson. “The Ghostface”
Michael Myers. “The Shape”
Freddy Kruger. “The Nightmare”
Ji-Woon Hak. “The Trickster”
Killers he FEARS:
Herman Carter.
Freddy Kruger.
Elliot Spencer.
Evan MacMillan. “The Trapper”
Anna. “The Huntress”
Amanda Young. “The Pig”
Demogorgon. “The Demogorgon”
Albert Wesker. “The Mastermind”
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Nina di aprile e su Sybille Bedford!
Ancora una bellissima puntata di Nina. Si parla di Sybille Bedford a cura di Anna Toscano con Antonella Cilento e Valeria Palumbo. NINA è il podcast della Società Italiana delle Letterate ideato e organizzato da Anna Toscano e Viviana Scarinci. Ogni mese una puntata nuova che poi potrete scaricare e tenere con voi per ascoltarla e riascoltarla quando volete a partire da Spotify, Audible di…
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trash-gobby · 2 years
🪝 Dead By Daylight Masterlist 🪝
Symbol Meanings:
✨ Fluff = 🐶
✨ General = 👋
✨ Dating = 💕
✨Romance (not specifically dating) = ❤️
✨ NSFW = 🔞
✨Violence = 🔪
✨ LGBTQ+ = 🏳️‍🌈
✨ Tragedy/Angst = 🖤
✨CrackFic = ❄️
Symbols beside the characters names show you what kind of content I will be willing to write for them.
Warning!: I DON’T write anything that is NSFW for minors. If you’re a minor DON’T interact with any NSFW content please.
Adiris "The Plague" 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Anna "Huntress" 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Yoichi Asakawa 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Herman "The Doctor" Carter 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Kenneth "Jeffery Hawk AKA The Clown" Chase 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Demogorgon 🐶👋🔪🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Kate Denson 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Charlotte Deshayes 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Victor Deshayes 🐶👋🔪🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Dredge 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Dwight Fairfield 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Adam Francis 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Talbot "The Blight" Grimes 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Ji-Woon "The Trickster" Hak 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Steve Harrington 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Pryramid "The Executioner" Head 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Joey "The Legion" 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Jeffery "Jeff" Johansen 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Danny "Jed Olsen AKA Ghostface" Johnson 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Nea Karlsson 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Zarina Kassir 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Haddie Kaur 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Yui Kimura 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
David King 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Julie "The Legion" Kostenko 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Tarhos "The Knight" Kovacs 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Freddy "The Nightmare" Krueger 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Yun-Jin Lee 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Susie "The Legion" Lavoie 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Evan "The Trapper" MacMillan 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Cheryl Mason 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Feng Min 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Carmina "The Artist" Mora 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Claudette Morel 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Frank "The Legion" Morrison 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Michael "The Shape" Myers 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Philip "The Wraith" Ojomo 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
William "Bill" Overbeck 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Jake Park 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Caleb "The Deathslinger" Quinn 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Elodie Rakoto 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Felix Richter 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Jane Romero 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Mikaela Reid 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Bubba "The Cannibal AKA Leatherface" Sawyer 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Lisa "The Hag" Sherwood 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Quentin Smith 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Sally "Nurse" Smithson 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Elliot "The Cenobite AKA Pinhead" Spencer 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Laurie Strode 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Detective David Tapp 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Megan "Meg" Thomas 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Max "Hillbilly" Thompson Jr. 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Vittorio Toscano 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Jonah Vasquez 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Ace Visconti 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Nancy Wheeler 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Ashley "Ash" J. Williams 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Sadako "The Onryo" Yamamura 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Kazan "The Oni" Yamaoka 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Rin "The Spirit" Yamaoka 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Amanda "The Pig" Young 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
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