#studio sonnoli
garadinervi · 10 months
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Olimpia Zagnoli, Come sale e pepe nella zuppa. Lora Lamm, «oilà», Electa, Milano, 2023
Editor of the Series: Chiara Alessi Graphic Design: Studio Sonnoli
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
"letizia battaglia senza fine": mostra a roma,
immagine coordinata a cura dello Studio Leonardo Sonnoli, dettaglio “Letizia Battaglia. Il Ballo. Festa di Capodanno a Villa Airoldi. Palermo, 1985.” Nel trentesimo anniversario degli attentati mafiosi a San Giovanni in Laterano e a San Giorgio al Velabro, le Terme di Caracalla accolgono dal 27 maggio al 5 novembre 2023 la mostra “Letizia Battaglia Senza Fine”, un omaggio alla fotografa…
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fashionbooksmilano · 6 months
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Triennale Cento Anni di Manifesti
testi di Mario Piazza e Stefano Boeri
progetto grafico Norm, Zurigo
Marsilio Arte, Venezia 2023, 184 pagine, 22,5x33,5cm, ISBN 9791254631584
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Triennale Milano è da cento anni un punto di riferimento internazionale per la cultura del progetto. Dal 1923, con l’avvio delle Esposizioni Internazionali, ha investigato e mostrato il meglio delle arti decorative, del design e dell’architettura italiana e internazionale. Un enorme patrimonio di storie che è stato interpretato e comunicato dai migliori progettisti grafici nelle diverse epoche.
Dagli anni del cartellonismo d’artista, alla grafica progettata, al visual design, il volume consente di ripercorrere, attraverso manifesti e immagini, la storia di Triennale Milano e al contempo di tracciare una storia della progettazione grafica, oltre che della comunicazione e del costume.
Centinaia di manifesti di grandi grafici, come: Aldo Scarzella, Giovanni Guerrini, Marcello Nizzoli, Michele Cascella, Mario Sironi, Enrico Ciuti, Max Huber, Ernst Scheidegger, Marco Del Corno, Eugenio Carmi, Roberto Sambonet, Massimo Vignelli, Albe Steiner, Giulio Confalonieri, Italo Lupi, Alberto Marangoni, Bob Noorda, Mauro Panzeri, Giorgio Camuffo, Anna Kulachek, 2x4; Pierluigi Cerri, Theo Crosby, Wim Crouwel, Michel Folon, Felix Humm, Norm, Massimo Pitis, Leonardo Sonnoli, Ettore Sottsass, Studio FM Milano, TassinariVetta, George Tscherny, Heinz Waibl, Lance Wyman.
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Milano, esce il libro Triennale. Cento anni di manifesti
Milano, esce il libro Triennale. Cento anni di manifesti In occasione del suo centenario, Triennale Milano ha realizzato il volume Triennale. Cento anni di manifesti, a cura di Mario Piazza ed edito da Marsilio Arte. Un originale repertorio che ripercorre la storia di Triennale attraverso l'evoluzione della progettazione grafica, gli stili e gli autori, gli approcci e le tecniche, la comunicazione e il costume dal 1923 al 2023. Il volume è disponibile in tutte le librerie. Triennale. Cento anni di manifesti racconta in particolare la storia delle ventitré edizioni dell'Esposizione Internazionale di Triennale dal punto di vista della grafica, fino ad arrivare alla nuova identità visiva dell'istituzione, sviluppata nel 2019 dallo studio Norm di Zurigo. Dagli anni del cartellonismo d'artista, alla grafica progettata, al visual design, il volume consente di ripercorrere, attraverso manifesti e immagini, la storia di Triennale Milano e al contempo di tracciare una storia della progettazione grafica, oltre che della comunicazione e del costume. Il libro riunisce centinaia di manifesti di grandi nomi, come Aldo Scarzella, Giovanni Guerrini, Marcello Nizzoli, Michele Cascella, Mario Sironi, Enrico Ciuti, Max Huber, Ernst Scheidegger, Marco Del Corno, Eugenio Carmi, Roberto Sambonet, Massimo Vignelli, Albe Steiner, Giulio Confalonieri, Italo Lupi, Alberto Marangoni, Bob Noorda, Mauro Panzeri, Giorgio Camuffo, Anna Kulachek, 2x4, Pierluigi Cerri, Theo Crosby, Wim Crouwel, Michel Folon, Felix Humm, Norm, Massimo Pitis, Leonardo Sonnoli, Ettore Sottsass, Studio FM Milano, TassinariVetta, George Tscherny, Heinz Waibl, Lance Wyman. Nei lavori di questi protagonisti della grafica internazionale, il manifesto assume quindi una valenza simbolica, rappresentando non solo un supporto informativo, ma anche un elemento in grado di comunicare direttamente visioni e suggestioni legati ai temi e ai progetti. Il libro, di grande formato e disponibile in italiano e in inglese, si apre con l'introduzione di Stefano Boeri, Presidente di Triennale Milano, e include un saggio di Mario Piazza sulla grafica in Triennale, le schede per i ventitré manifesti delle Esposizioni Internazionali e testi di approfondimento sui manifesti e artefatti grafici legati a mostre, progetti, eventi e campagne di comunicazione, sempre redatti da Piazza. Il progetto grafico della pubblicazione è realizzato dallo studio Norm. Mario Piazza Mario Piazza (1954), grafico e architetto, lavora a Milano e si occupa di grafica editoriale, sistemi di identità e allestimento. È docente di Design della comunicazione alla Scuola di Design del Politecnico di Milano. Nel 1996 ha fondato 46xy, studio di grafica e ricerche sulla comunicazione, critica e storia del design. È stato creative director di "Domus" e direttore di "Abitare". Ha progettato l'immagine dei tascabili Einaudi e curato molte esposizioni. Nel 2008 ha ricevuto l'Icograda Achievement Award. Indice del volume - Cento anni di grafica in Triennale, Stefano Boeri - Cento anni, ventitré manifesti, una storia della grafica, Mario Piazza - 1923-2022. Manifesti ufficiali delle Esposizioni Internazionali - Un giacimento di manifesti - I manifesti di Italo Lupi e Alberto Marangoni - L’art direction di Italo Lupi - La grafica di Pierluigi Cerri - Nuove generazioni di progettisti - Un concorso negli anni della contestazione - Verso il Museo del Design - I manifesti del Triennale Design Museum - I manifesti delle grandi mostre in Triennale - La nuova immagine di Triennale Milano - Bibliografia Informazioni - Triennale. Cento anni di manifesti - a cura di: Mario Piazza - progetto grafico: Norm cartonato ricoperto - formato: 22 × 33 cm - pp. 184, euro 40,00 - due edizioni italiana e inglese... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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spinedamaged · 3 years
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grafica italiana dal 1945 al 1993
ig: tantifox
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jordansmithg12503 · 2 years
Week 5 refined timeline
During week 5 I felt as if I wanted to refine my timeline to make each event more significant to Catherine Griffiths design career as opposed to her life as a whole.
Below is an extended timeline of her design achievements throughout her career. This timeline has been sourced from Catherine Griffith’s website. https://www.catherinegriffiths.co.nz/00-the-typographer-&-designer.html
Installations / Interventions 2020 — »AEIOU« for HERE magazine, NZ 2020 — »intro/extro/vert« for Rectify This Painting, City Art Depot, Ōtautahi, NZ 2019 — »So far, a map of projects, a drawing«, as part of »catherine griffiths : SOLO IN [ ] SPACE«, The Space Gallery, Shanghai, CHINA 2016–2018 — »Kihi/Kiss«, carpet, Wellington Airport, NZ 2012-2018 — »Light Weight O«, O’Connell Street, Auckland, NZ 2017 — »Collidescape«, Te Kei, Ara Institute, NZ 2016 — »only U know«, Lela Jacobs, Auckland AW17, Paris SS17, NZ 2016 — A bespoke display system, New Zealand Institute of Architects, NZ 2014–2016 — Zion Hill Reserve, a pocket-sized park, Auckland, NZ 2016 — The Blyth Performing Arts Centre, Stevens Lawson Architects, NZ 2015 — »Constructed/Projected«, Typojanchi, Seoul, KOREA 2014 — typ gr ph c ........ a series of occasional workshops, Karekare, NZ 2012 — »Fifth Movement«, Takapuna Beach House, Auckland, NZ 2012 — »The Trestle Leg Series«, Auckland Harbour Bridge, NZ 2011 — »A Hillside Intervention«, Athfield Architects, Wellington, NZ 2011 — »Sound Tracks«, The Dowse, NZ 2010–2012 — Two studios + modest house, with Bruce Connew, Karekare, NZ 2010 — »The Jets«, short film, Paris, FR 2009 — »AEIOU, typo/sound installation«, Wellington, NZ 2005 — Distance markers, Wellington, NZ 2003 — Ponatahi, a house wrapped in a poem, Wairarapa, NZ 2000–2002/2004 — Wellington Writers Walk, 15 large-scale concrete text sculptures, NZ
Exhibitions 2022 — A Vocabulary, Bruce Connew, Te Kōngahu Museum of Waitangi, NZ (touring, design) 2021 — Poipoi Whakaaro, with ĀKAU for Toro Whakaara, CoCA, NZ 2021 — A Vocabulary, Bruce Connew, Toi Tauranga, NZ (touring, design) 2020 — A Vocabulary, Bruce Connew, Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery, NZ (design) 2020 — Rectify This Painting, curated by Eve Barlow, City Art Depot, NZ 2019 — »catherine griffiths : SOLO IN [ ] SPACE«, The Space Gallery, Shanghai, CHINA 2019 — »United Korea Flag«, Gwangju Design Biennale, KOREA 2019 — »Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa« tour, multiple gallery/public venues, NZ 2017 — »JOHN SCOTT WORKS« (exhibition design), Objectspace, Auckland, NZ (design) 2017 — »So far, a map of projects«, transitionalfieldwork, Auckland, NZ 2017 — Shanghai Art and Design Exhibition, Liu Haisu Museum, Shanghai, CHINA 2016 — »A whakapapa, two lines of women«, All Lines Converge, Govett-Brewster, NZ 2016 — »Installation with mirror and line«, transitionalfieldwork, NZ 2016 — »Figures of Speech Display Stand«, Make Something, NZ 2015 — Typojanchi 2015, 4th International Typography Biennale, KOREA 2015 — The False Demographic, Blue Oyster Art Project Space, NZ 2015 — The Alphabet Project, Fitchburg, Massachussetts, USA 2015 — Fête du Graphisme 2015, City Poster Project, Paris, FR 2014 — The Hone Tuwhare Project, NZ 2012 — A View From Where I Was Sleeping, Dowse Art Museum, NZ 2012 — »memento :: motif«, Proyecto de Arte Contemporáneo Alzheimer, Chile 2011 — OLD SCHOOL/NEW SCHOOL, curated by Luit Bieringa, 125 years CoCA Massey, NZ 2011 — »Club de Conversation Keyholes«, Maquettes for the Floor, Dilana, NZ 2009 — New Zealand Identity: le cadavre exquis, curated by Leonardo Sonnoli, TypeSHED11 2007 — »Protest Vessel«, 1/2 Price, (collaboration), Norsewear Art Awards, NZ 2006 — Just Hold Me, curated by Jonty Valentine, Objectspace, NZ 2003 — Conversation Pieces, Michael Hirschfeld Gallery, NZ 2000 — Up:date//The Active Eye: Contemporary New Zealand Photography, PhotoForum
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rachel-koo-grad503 · 2 years
Catherine Griffiths Overview
Installations / Interventions 2020 — »AEIOU« for HERE magazine, NZ 2020 — »intro/extro/vert« for Rectify This Painting, City Art Depot, Ōtautahi, NZ 2019 — »So far, a map of projects, a drawing«, as part of »catherine griffiths : SOLO IN [ ] SPACE«, The Space Gallery, Shanghai, CHINA 2016–2018 — »Kihi/Kiss«, carpet, Wellington Airport, NZ 2012-2018 — »Light Weight O«, O’Connell Street, Auckland, NZ 2017 — »Collidescape«, Te Kei, Ara Institute, NZ 2016 — »only U know«, Lela Jacobs, Auckland AW17, Paris SS17, NZ 2016 — A bespoke display system, New Zealand Institute of Architects, NZ 2014–2016 — Zion Hill Reserve, a pocket-sized park, Auckland, NZ 2016 — The Blyth Performing Arts Centre, Stevens Lawson Architects, NZ 2015 — »Constructed/Projected«, Typojanchi, Seoul, KOREA 2014 — typ gr ph c ........ a series of occasional workshops, Karekare, NZ 2012 — »Fifth Movement«, Takapuna Beach House, Auckland, NZ 2012 — »The Trestle Leg Series«, Auckland Harbour Bridge, NZ 2011 — »A Hillside Intervention«, Athfield Architects, Wellington, NZ 2011 — »Sound Tracks«, The Dowse, NZ 2010–2012 — Two studios + modest house, with Bruce Connew, Karekare, NZ 2010 — »The Jets«, short film, Paris, FR 2009 — »AEIOU, typo/sound installation«, Wellington, NZ 2005 — Distance markers, Wellington, NZ 2003 — Ponatahi, a house wrapped in a poem, Wairarapa, NZ 2000–2002/2004 — Wellington Writers Walk, 15 large-scale concrete text sculptures, NZ
Exhibitions 2022 — A Vocabulary, Bruce Connew, Te Kōngahu Museum of Waitangi, NZ (touring, design) 2021 — Poipoi Whakaaro, with ĀKAU for Toro Whakaara, CoCA, NZ 2021 — A Vocabulary, Bruce Connew, Toi Tauranga, NZ (touring, design) 2020 — A Vocabulary, Bruce Connew, Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery, NZ (design) 2020 — Rectify This Painting, curated by Eve Barlow, City Art Depot, NZ 2019 — »catherine griffiths : SOLO IN [ ] SPACE«, The Space Gallery, Shanghai, CHINA 2019 — »United Korea Flag«, Gwangju Design Biennale, KOREA 2019 — »Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa« tour, multiple gallery/public venues, NZ 2017 — »JOHN SCOTT WORKS« (exhibition design), Objectspace, Auckland, NZ (design) 2017 — »So far, a map of projects«, transitionalfieldwork, Auckland, NZ 2017 — Shanghai Art and Design Exhibition, Liu Haisu Museum, Shanghai, CHINA 2016 — »A whakapapa, two lines of women«, All Lines Converge, Govett-Brewster, NZ 2016 — »Installation with mirror and line«, transitionalfieldwork, NZ 2016 — »Figures of Speech Display Stand«, Make Something, NZ 2015 — Typojanchi 2015, 4th International Typography Biennale, KOREA 2015 — The False Demographic, Blue Oyster Art Project Space, NZ 2015 — The Alphabet Project, Fitchburg, Massachussetts, USA 2015 — Fête du Graphisme 2015, City Poster Project, Paris, FR 2014 — The Hone Tuwhare Project, NZ 2012 — A View From Where I Was Sleeping, Dowse Art Museum, NZ 2012 — »memento :: motif«, Proyecto de Arte Contemporáneo Alzheimer, Chile 2011 — OLD SCHOOL/NEW SCHOOL, curated by Luit Bieringa, 125 years CoCA Massey, NZ 2011 — »Club de Conversation Keyholes«, Maquettes for the Floor, Dilana, NZ 2009 — New Zealand Identity: le cadavre exquis, curated by Leonardo Sonnoli, TypeSHED11 2007 — »Protest Vessel«, 1/2 Price, (collaboration), Norsewear Art Awards, NZ 2006 — Just Hold Me, curated by Jonty Valentine, Objectspace, NZ 2003 — Conversation Pieces, Michael Hirschfeld Gallery, NZ 2000 — Up:date//The Active Eye: Contemporary New Zealand Photography, PhotoForum
Collections Auckland Council Art Collection, Aotearoa NZ Christchurch Art Gallery, Ōtautahi, Aotearoa NZ Metropolitan Museum of Art Special Collection Library (books), USA National Hangeul Museum, Seoul, KOREA Shanghai University of Visual Art Museum, Shanghai, CHINA Special Collection at the Art Institute of Chicago (books), USA Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Published 2021 — »catherine griffiths: SOLO IN [ ] SPACE« A documentation, Pocca, CHINA 2020 — Dwelling in the Margins, Katie Kerr, Gloria Books, NZ 2019 — Self-Portraits, Art Zone, NZ 2014 — Art New Zealand #150, Body, Mind, Somehow ..., Gregory O’Brien, NZ 2013 — Lettering Large: The Art and Design of Monumental Typography, Steven Heller/Mirko Ilić, Monacelli Press, USA 2013 — Desktop, cover design and feature interview, Heath Killen, Australia 2013 — LetterScapes, Anna Saccani, Thames and Hudson, UK 2013 — New Graphic Design, The 100 Best Contemporary Designers, Fiell, UK 2011 — Typographic 69, The Australian Issue, ISTD 2009 — Small Studios, published by HESIGN, Germany 2007 — Typo — the beautiful world of fonts, Fabiola Reyes, MONSA, Barcelona 2006 — Lettere Nascoste (Hidden Letters), James Clough and students, Milan, Italy 2006 — Print magazine, feature, Life in Italics Helen Walters, USA 2003 — Artichoke magazine, feature, Writing by Types, Justine Clark, Australia
Writing 2020 — A Paper Vehicle, Catherine Griffiths & Bruce Connew, Dwelling in the Margins, NZ 2019 — Figures That Don’t Add Up, Eye Magazine Blog 2018 — 1997–2017, 43 Black Pins, 40 men, 3 women, The Spinoff 2018 — Peace, Word—Form 2015 — A meditation (Sir Ian Athfield, 1940—2015), Architecture Centre 2015 — typ gr ph c, Strips Club 2013 — FF ThreeSix (typeface review), Typographica 2012 — Truly No Idea, Desktop magazine 2012 — Look for the Purple Lining, Eye Magazine Blog 2011 — Shots in the Air, Eye Blog 2011 — John & Eye (feature), Prodesign 2011 — Quite a Blast (conference review), Prodesign 2009 — Locating Our Feet, TypeSHED11, Threaded magazine 2007 — Notes on Feijoa (typeface review), Prodesign
Lectures / Workshops / Community 2022 — upcoming: Workshop, 16 – 20 May, ISIA Urbino, ITALY 2021 — Speaker: in conversation with Pocca at Bananafish Books, Shanghai, CHINA 2021 — Speaker: Variation on a Theme [11:00h, 11 June NZT], Typographics NYC, USA 2020 — Kaitautoko: »Te Reo on the Streets« with ĀKAU and taitāmariki, Kaikohe, NZ 2019 — Speaker/Workshop: Upholding Te Tiriti and diversity in design, Designers Speak (Up) + Ngā Aho, Design for Social Innovation symposium, AUT, NZ 2019 — Speaker: Transformations, Parlour + University of Melbourne, AUS 2019 — Kaitautoko: »Ngāti Hine Pou Kōrero« ĀKAU Futures!, Taumarere, NZ 2019 — Kaitautoko: Basketball Court, ĀKAU Communities!, Kaikohe, NZ 2019 — Speaker/Workshop: Visual Narratives, School of Design, VUW, NZ 2019 — Panelist: Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa, Enjoy Contemprary Art Space, NZ 2019 — Speaker/Workshop: »Solo in [ ] Space«, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, CHINA 2019 — Panelist: Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa, Ilam Campus Gallery, NZ 2019 — Panelist: Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa, Laurel Projects, NZ 2019 — Speaker/Workshop: Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa, RAMP Gallery, NZ 2019 — Curator, organiser: Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa project + exhibition, NZ 2019 — Speaker: Type Directors Club exhibition, St Paul St Gallery 3, AUT, NZ 2018 — Founder: Designers Speak (Up); co-founder, Directory of Women Designers, NZ 2018 — typ gr ph c ... #6, Format Limited, CG with Hamish Muir (UK), NZ 2017 — Speaker: Shanghai Art and Design Exhibition, CHINA 2017 — Speaker: CASS: A SERIOUS HOLIDAY, NZ 2017 — Tutor: Porto Design Summer School, PORTUGAL 2017 — Speaker: International Symposium on Typography, RMIT + NGV, AUS 2016 — Speaker: in conversation with Len Cheeseman, City Gallery Wellington, NZ 2016 — Panelist: PhotoBook NZ Festival, NZ 2015 — Speaker: Typojanchi 2015, 4th International Typography Biennale, KOREA 2015 — typ gr ph c ... #5, Speech Practice, CG with online guests (NL), NZ 2015 — Juror: Gareth Morgan flag competition design jury, NZ 2015 — typ gr ph c ... #4, work out work, CG with Tino Grass (DE), NZ 2014 — 2015 — Advisory Board: Typojanchi, pre-Biennale, KOREA 2014 — Speaker: Art + Book Symposium, opening lecture, Dunedin, NZ 2014 — Speaker: A Slight Return, (Graphic) Design School School Symposium, Cass, NZ 2014 — typ gr ph c ... #3, Friday the 13th, CG with Warren Olds (NZ), NZ 2014 — typ gr ph c ... #2, Stencil/Stencilled, CG with Paul Barnes (UK), NZ 2014 — typ gr ph c ... #1, A Type of Improvisation, NZ 2013 — Speaker: Think Outside, Design Minds, Asia Pacific Design Library, AUS 2011 — Speaker/Workshop: A Type of Improvisation, Design Assembly, NZ 2010 — Speaker: Together, Alone, Designers Speak National Tour, NZ 2009 — Curator/Co-organiser (with Typevents Italy): TypeSHED11, NZ 2009 — Speaker: Beautiful World of Typography, Govett-Brewster, NZ 2008 — Speaker: Alaska Design Forum, Anchorage and Fairbanks, USA 2007 — Juror: Typography, D&AD Global Awards, UK 2006 — Speaker: Arts Institute of Bournemouth, UK 2006 — Speaker: Fast Type, Slow Type, Birmingham, UK 2006 — Speaker: SPARK, International Festival of Media, Arts and Design, NZ 2005 — Organiser/Speaker: inaugural Designers Speak, NZ 2005 — Speaker: I live at the edge of the universe, ATypI Helsinki, Finland 2005 — Book reading and interview: Typeradio, ATypI Helsinki 2004 — Juror: 20under40 annual ideas competition, Architecture Centre, NZ 2003 — Juror: BEST Design Awards, NZ 2003 — Speaker: (x)periment, Adelaide, Australia 2002 — Speaker: Landscape Design Conference, Wellington, NZ 2001 — Panelist: Judging a Book by its Cover, Auckland Writers Festival, NZ
Teaching 2020 — 2022 Lecturer, full-time, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ 2019 — ongoing: Kaitautoko, Design Collaborator, ĀKAU Studio + Foundation, Kaikohe, NZ 2019 — Mentor, Womentor Programme, NZ/International 2017 — Tutor, Porto Design Summer School, PORTUGAL 2014 — 2018 typ gr ph c ... a series of occasional workshops, Karekare, NZ 1994 — present: Guest teaching, assisting and mentoring students, including workshops, lectures and portfolio assessments, NZ and international
Memberships 2015 — present: Advisory Board Member, Whitecliffe College of Art and Design 2008 — present: Member, The Printing Museum, NZ 2006 — 2014: Member, Type Directors Club, NYC 2006 — Professional Member, International Liaison Group Arts Institute of Bournemouth, UK 2003 — 2010: Professional Member, DINZ
Awards [up to 2017] 2017 — Finalist, The Gentle Hand + The Greedy Eye, Cornish Family Prize, NGV, AUS 2017 — Pinnacle Award, The Gentle Hand + The Greedy Eye, AGDA Awards, AUS 2016 — Judges’ Choice, The Gentle Hand + The Greedy Eye, AGDA Awards, AUS 2016 — Gold Pin, Local Architecture Awards Display Stand, Best Design Awards, NZ 2016 — Bronze, Zion Hill Reserve, Best Design Awards, NZ 2016 — Bronze, The Gentle Hand + The Greedy Eye, Best Design Awards, NZ 2015 — Winner, Bates Smart Award Media in Architecture, Parlour Guides, AUS 2015 — Shortlisted, ParlourLIVE!, Venice Architecture Biennale, Australia 2015 — Certificate of Excellence, »Self-portrait in C«, Type Directors Club, USA 2014 — Winner, submission for a pocket-sized park design, Auckland, NZ 2013 — Shortlisted, Point of Distance, Venice Architecture Biennale, NZIA 2013 — Bronze, »The Trestle Leg Series«, BEST Awards, NZ 2012 — Winner, submission for a light sculpture, O’Connell St, Auckland, NZ 2012 — Honorable Mention, »AEIOU«, Zgraf 11, Zagreb, Croatia 2010 — Gold Pin, »For the record«, TypeSHED11 book, BEST Awards, NZ 2010 — Silver, I Must Behave, artist book, BEST Awards, NZ 2010 — Bronze, »AEIOU, a typo/sound installation«, BEST Awards, NZ 2010 — Gold Medal, »For the record«, TypeSHED11, Pride in Print Awards, NZ 2009 — Best Cover, A Short History of Photography, BPANZ Book Design Awards, NZ 2009 — TypeSHED11 voted Best Design Event of the Year, Urbis Magazine, NZ 2008 — Finalist, Books, Stopover, D&AD Global Awards, UK 2006 — Recognition for Contribution to the Environment, Architecture Centre, NZ 2003 — Finalist, Typography, Wellington Writers Walk, D&AD Global Awards, UK 2003 — Winner, Environmental Graphics, Ponatahi House, BEST Awards, NZ 2002 — Winner, Environmental Graphics, Wellington Writers Walk, BEST Awards, NZ 2002 — Winner, STRINGER Award, Wellington Writers Walk, BEST Awards, NZ 1999 — Best in Show, On the way to an ambush, Strathmore Graphics Gallery Award, USA 1994 — Gold Medal, The $4billion Sheep, Pride in Print Awards, NZ
Clients (since 1995, as independent designer) ĀKAU Foundation / Ara Campus / Architecture+ / Architecture + Women A+W•NZ / Athfield Architects / Auckland City Mission / Auckland Council Public Art Team / BRANZ / Bruce Connew / Boffa Miskell / Creative New Zealand / CCS / Dance Aotearoa New Zealand / David Cohen / David Straight / Four Winds Press / Fulbright New Zealand / Gecko Press / Gecko & Co. / Hanne Johnsen + Gyldendal, Norway / Information Tools / Justine Clark / Kerstin Thompson Architects / Lela Jacobs / LOGAN Studio / MAHARA Gallery / Massey University Press / Medical Council of New Zealand / Minty Architecture / MORST (Ministry of Research, Science and Technology) / Objectspace / Naomi Stead / New Zealand Institute of Architects / Parlour: women, equity, architecture / Rachel Hurst / Random House NZ / REANNZ (Research, Education Advanced Network New Zealand) / Stevens Lawson Architects / Sydney Yoga Space / Victoria University Press / Victoria University of Wellington / Wellington Airport / Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Society of Authors / Wellington Waterfront Limited / Wellington City Council / Wools of New Zealand
(Griffiths, 2022)
Griffiths, Catherine. (2022). 00 The Typographer and Designer. Studio Catherine Griffiths. https://www.catherinegriffiths.co.nz/00-the-typographer-&-designer.html
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Luca Scarlini, La vita è terribile e divertente. Vanessa Bell, «oilà», Electa, Milano, 2023
Editor of the Series: Chiara Alessi Graphic Design: Studio Sonnoli
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Chiara Alessi, Vorrei far vedere una strada che va all'infinito. Lica Covo Steiner, «oilà», Electa, Milano, 2023
Editor of the Series: Chiara Alessi Graphic Design: Studio Sonnoli
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Chiara Alessi, Io so quel che mi faccio. Anna Castelli Ferrieri, «oilà», Electa, Milano, 2023
Editor of the Series: Chiara Alessi Graphic Design: Studio Sonnoli
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Anna Toscano, Con amore e con amicizia. Lisetta Carmi, «oilà», Electa, Milano, 2023
Editor of the Series: Chiara Alessi Graphic Design: Studio Sonnoli
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Rossella Locatelli, Il futuro, qualunque fosse. Elsa Schiaparelli, «oilà», Electa, Milano, 2023
Editor of the Series: Chiara Alessi Graphic Design: Studio Sonnoli
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Silvia Bencivelli, Il dubbio e il desiderio. Eva Mameli Calvino, «oilà», Electa, Milano, 2023
Editor of the Series: Chiara Alessi Graphic Design: Studio Sonnoli
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Chiara Alessi, Lica Covo Steiner, partigiana, «Antinomie», April 25, 2023 [Bibl.: Chiara Alessi, Vorrei far vedere una strada che va all’infinito. Lica Covo Steiner, Graphic Design by Studio Leonardo Sonnoli, Electa, Milano, 2023]
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garadinervi · 5 years
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From: Giosetta Fioroni. Viaggio sentimentale, Texts by Flavio Arensi and Elettra Bottazzi, Electa, Milano, 2018 [Catalogue designed by studio Leonardo Sonnoli]. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at Museo del Novecento, Milano, April 6 –  September 2, 2018
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garadinervi · 5 years
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From: Giosetta Fioroni. Viaggio sentimentale, Texts by Flavio Arensi and Elettra Bottazzi, Electa, Milano, 2018 [Catalogue designed by studio Leonardo Sonnoli]. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at Museo del Novecento, Milano, April 6 –  September 2, 2018
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