#Anno 2070
scentedluminarysoul · 10 months
Me: I haven't played Anno in a while. Hey, I habe Anno 2070, why don't I play that more?
*installs it on Steam*
*it needs Uplay*
Oh right. Fine, it connects easily at least.
*trying to make a profile*
*unknown error*
*literally no options*
*literally nothing I can do*
Ah. There it is. Thanks for nothing, Ubisoft.
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mrslittletall · 2 years
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Honestly, it is the very addictive and motivating gameplay. Just having always something to build and tinker around until your town is the best in the world, it is glorious and so fun. It sometimes is hard to stop. The historical setting is a huge bonus though, because I love the 19th century's fashion. The whole game is taking place in the industriual revolution and they KNEW how to dress back then. It is just fun to zoom in and look at them doing stuff in your town all while wearing awesome hats. I also had a good laugh at one of the NPC rivals. If you do stuff in the game, you often get comments and plus or minus points with them. I once did a thing and someone commented positively on it and then this guy commented negatively and said "I hate you both!" It was such situational comedy, it was glorious. I also like to see how they actually did things back then. Yesterday I was streaming to my friend and we watched the fire department go to work and it was so cool to see that they had to use horse carriages to get their equipment to the burning houses. I love just taking a backseat and watching a little.
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cityof2morrow · 1 month
Anno2070-to-Sims2: Eco Residence Buildings
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Published: 8-15-2024 | Updated: 9-25-2024 (description typo) SUMMARY Here are the eco residences from Anno 2070 (Ubisoft, 2011). Buildings are available as lot/hood deco and some extras (smaller accents, building toppers, and connectors) are included for embellishing individual builds. Lot deco may be convenient for those who want to place these buildings on elevated terrain or on top of other buildings (see examples below). Look for other anno-to-sims2 content on this site under the #co2anno hashtag. I’ve also written a tutorial for anno conversions HERE.
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DETAILS Requires all EPs/SPs. §1-4K | Buy > Lighting > Misc and Hood Deco > Effects §0 | Hood Deco > Effects Items are mid-to-high poly and counts are slightly higher for hood deco. Also, buildings have a visibly grungy look and light up partially in night/hood view. There are some texture quirks since these are not meant for larger meshes. ITEMS *poly count range applies to all versions of each building Pioneer-Worker Residences 001-004 (2351-3772 poly) Villager-Employee Residences 001-004 (1754-4369 poly) Builder-Engineer residences 001-005 (1272-4002 poly) Creator-Executive Residences 001-005 (642-4906 poly) DOWNLOAD (choose one) from SFS | from MEGA COMPATIBILITY Compatible with lighting mods. Some buildings may appear lit during both day and night. Here are some in-game shots showing how the lot/hood versions work together with playable lots. With the right CC, you can build your own versions of these buildings like I did HERE.
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CREDITS Thanks: Simming, Blender, Github, and Anno Fan communities. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik), Anno 2070 (Ubisoft, 2011), Anno 2070 Buildings, Anno 2070 Wiki.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Some Solarpunk Game Ideas
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Folks seem to enjoy me writing a bit about Solarpunk, so let me bring in something, that I have been thinking about a lot: Solarpunk in videogames. Because so far, all we have in that direction basically goes into some sort of city builder (Anno 2070), anti city builders (Terra Nil) or some sort of farming or crafting game.
The issue, I think, a lot of game developers, who want to do something with the genre, struggle against, is the rather peaceful and idealistic nature of Solarpunk. A lot of people do not feel it is right to make a Solarpunk game combat oriented. But most game genres are kinda reliant on some sort of combat. Now, while I disagree with this assessment (Solarpunk is as much about rebellion, as about the hopefully idealistic outcome of it), I understand the sentiment.
I personally would love to create a Solarpunk game, but on my own I just do not have the skills for that.
Still, I have thought about it a lot. So, I want to offer to you a couple of ideas for Solarpunk games in different genres, that could be developed. Yes, if you are interested in building out one of those ideas, you are welcome to just take it. Also: Yes, if you want more details on the ideas, you can totally contact me! No fear.
Visual Novel
Let me start with probably one of the genre most easily used under the umbrella of “peaceful”. A Visual Novel. Visual Novels can be all sort of storylines. A lot, obviously, are romance focused, but you can use the genre to tell all sort of stories. Hence, telling a story in a Solarpunk world, could be very easy. And technically you are almost unlimited, about the kind of story you want to tell.
My personal favorites, when it comes to the ideas, is for once a polyamorous romance VN. See, most romance focused VNs do have different story paths depending on which romance you pursue and within that storyline you are very linear. I do think for several reasons, that polyamory and Solarpunk work very well together – so, why not try and mix it up?
Another idea, though, could be a storyline about building up a community within a storyline featuring the challenges of building a new community. Both social problems, as well as technical and environmental issues. This one would actually build a lot around the characters within the community you build and about you getting to know them.
Puzzle Game
Another genre that works well without any sort of violence, is puzzle games. And there would be a lot of possibility here to explore. After all, you can find a lot of reasons the player has to do puzzles of all sort.
The idea I have for this genre, is the idea of repairs. A lot of Solarpunk is also build around the “right to repair” and also around community help and community workshops. So, as the player you take over the role of someone volunteering in such a workshop helping all sorts of different customers with their repair and DIY projects. To repair things, you have to complete all sorts of puzzles.
Point-and-Click Adventure
Another genre, that most of the time does not involve much violence, is that of the old Point-and-Click Adventure. These often, obviously, have a lot of puzzle elements, too, but obviously tends to have a lot more story advancement in there. A lot of the most notable examples of the genre, are rather focused on humor, though you can tell all sorts of stories with the genre, if you really wanted to.
My idea for this, is the story of an archeologist in anno 2500 Solarpunk future unearthing the remains of an ancient 2020s city. A kinda genre reversion of the entire Indiana Jones thing – only that instead of someone being all archeologist-adventurous about something from what we call the “ancient past”, it is people from the future exploring the present. I don’t know. I found that idea kinda cute.
Now, last genre and idea for today. RPGs typically tend to be combat focused and use combat and XP claimed from it to advance. But of course the basic of it – Role Playing – does not need to use combat as a mechanic. You could use all sorts of mechanics to do this. You do not even need any sort of level progression technically – though of course this mechanic is so closely linked to the core of the game genre, that it is hard to think without it. Still, there recently have been quite a few cozy RPGs, that do not feature combat.
Cozy RPGs often feature you helping other characters and advancing through that. So, why not make it an RPG about mutual aid within a young Solarpunk community. Things of all sorts need to be done. Someone needs you to find a certain spare part. Someone else needs you to find people willing to help with a roof repair. Yet another person wants you to help in the community kitchen. And maybe at the same time you and the people in your town are trying to repair the environmental impact on the surrounding area, leading you to go out into the wildness around.
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That’s it for some ideas right now. I might post other ideas at some other point, if you guys are interested.
As I said, I would kinda love to develop some ideas, but… Not alone. So… We’ll see.
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mitigatedchaos · 9 months
What’s the/a capital matrix?
I don’t have an opinion on use frequency regarding ‘matrix’, by the way
Well that's the problem. Looking back at that post, it's not clear that it's the best choice of words.
Though this is not just about capital, the average American is benefiting from the energy equivalent of about 12 full draft horses working continuously, 24/7, being channeled through the capital matrix. Cars, aircraft, milling machines, excavators - just flick a switch and off you go. (Because it’s low-dimensionality, it isn’t the same as real labor, but in terms of overall production, it’s astounding.)
Matrix A
Officially, according to Merriam-Webster, a matrix is a material ("such as soil or rock") within which some other object ("such as a fossil") is embedded. Some figurative uses are from this basis - for instance, in the movie The Matrix, the human population are kept in virtual reality pods, and the context that they live in is a computer simulation... called "the Matrix."
Matrix B
A mathematical matrix is a two-dimensional array of numbers. Basically just think of it as a grid of numbers.
This is also used figuratively, often to describe things similar to a table (the document element), or a spreadsheet.
To quote Merriam-Webster quoting Forbes,
And in the two-by-two matrix of men and women being warm and not warm and competent and not competent.
A mathematical matrix is usually composed of vectors. You can think of a 3-dimensional coordinate, which consists of three numbers (three "elements"), as a common variety of vector.
The Social Matrix
We could imagine a "social matrix" where we represent each person in a community's relationship with each other person in that community as an element in a vector.
For instance, maybe Alice, Beth, and Carol all live together in one house. Alice hates Beth (1 out of 5 stars) and likes Carol (4 / 5 stars), so: { -, 1, 4 }. Beth is neutral on both Alice and Carol: { 3, -, 3 }. Carol loves Alice and mildly dislikes Beth: { 5, 2, - }
We can arrange this as a grid:
[4] [3] [-] [1] [-] [2] [-] [3] [5]
Though it's only a model (relationships don't reduce to a single 5-point scale), this has the effect of being both a mathematical matrix and describing the social context within which Alice, Beth, and Carol are embedded.
To quote a Rationalist Tumblr user who I am not going to name because they are not a discourse participant and I am not going to drag them into the discourse:
I was enmeshed in a social matrix where lots of people are dating each other and making new connections happens almost automatically once you’re plugged in enough into the network.
We could map out who is dating whom in this Tumblr user's life with a matrix in this style.
Now, as for capital...
Capital Matrix A
We can actually model the economy as a whole using 2-dimensional matrices, and solve for the equilibrium, assuming that we can describe the production function for each enterprise or sector in linear terms. Think of it as a static ratio, the sort of thing you might see in a video game like Anno 2070. "2 apples + 1 wheat = 1 apple pie," that sort of thing.
Energy is a key term in this system. We would channel energy through this system in order to transform inputs into outputs.
In reality, production isn't static, and input-output ratios are not linear (due to many factors, including economies of scale), which means that you can't just solve the problem of economic planning by feeding everything into a single big table in a computer.
That's our first matrix analogy for capital. In some ways it's very similar to the idea of the social matrix, as the capital matrix is also the context that we're working within, and is modeling the relationships of the production systems through the use of vectors.
Capital Matrix B
We can also view capital, such as a metal stamping machine, as composed of two components - the material it's physically composed of, and the configuration of that material.
While the actual physical material is a solid, thick, physical object, the configuration is a simplified construct that humans dreamed up. If you're using high-resolution voxels (volume pixels), you could mark the material at each point using a 3-dimensional matrix, and then simulate the flow of energy and materials through that system to produce an output.
Another definition given by Merriam-Webster is a mold from which a relief surface ("such as a piece of type") is made, or a die (such as used for metal stamping), or an impression of a phonograph used to duplicate it.
Mathematical matrices can also be used to transform the contents of another matrix, such as rotating the points, flipping, or scaling.
One way to view capital is as a reusable pattern used to gain leverage in reordering the environment according to some intention.
So, from the metaphorical perspective, we could view capital as applying an ordered sequence of transformations to an initial input, exerting forces on an objects, which would be modeled with vectors.
This is where the analogy breaks down a bit, because that's not a matrix. That's a sequence of matrices. And we're not doing a scaling operation; we're often doing a lot of destructive editing.
(I still need to get through more of the textbook I have about matrices.)
So, to come back to the quote...
Though this is not just about capital, the average American is benefiting from the energy equivalent of about 12 full draft horses working continuously, 24/7, being channeled through the capital matrix. Cars, aircraft, milling machines, excavators - just flick a switch and off you go. (Because it’s low-dimensionality, it isn’t the same as real labor, but in terms of overall production, it’s astounding.)
For the first analogy, I think we're fairly solid. (Even though the actual production functions aren't actually nice simple lines.)
For the second analogy, I feel I'd want @regina-bithyniae 's opinion on whether it's a fair use of the term.
Matrices as New Metaphor
What I was actually getting at with my question about whether other people are using matrices as a metaphor is a bit weirder, though.
As you know, the new deep learning AI systems are based on matrices, and specialized hardware that allows massively parallel execution of matrix operations.
I don't know if you can sense it, or if others can sense it, or if it's just me, but the limitations of Llama2-70b, the text-based large language model, feel like the limitations of Stable Diffusion, the image-based model that "predicts" images from noise.
It's frustrating, because I can't put it into words, but after fucking around with Stable Diffusion long enough, you can feel the way you're reaching in and probabilistically pulling things out of its training data. This includes a sense of when you're requesting things that are less represented in its training data, and so are less 'probable,' gradually sliding into things you can't make it represent because they're not in the training data at all.
With LLMs, it feels like you're reaching in to a library in the same way, trying to influence which part of the library it's pulling from.
Both have issues with abstractions, being able to depart from their training data to a degree, but requiring human assistance to work out more complex subjects in layers of intermediate reasoning.
Metaphors or frames of viewing the world often come from real life, and our descriptions of more abstract phenomena are often based on abstracting more concrete real life meanings.
New technology provides new real-life concepts, leading to new ways for humanity to understand the world - new metaphors. (And "the brain as computer" is better than "the brain as clock," for instance.)
Obviously, describing things in terms of a bunch of vectors has its uses. (I have described max1461 and I as 'using different weights, but on similar models.')
If describing things as a 'matrix' is becoming more common, I'm wondering if it's related to underlying exposure to the new technology and its description as working based on matrices, or if this is part of our demographic cohort aging (as Tumblr becoming more nuanced seems to be).
It might also be that it isn't becoming more common. There probably isn't a good way to separate out the metaphorical usage using Google Trends, though.
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thehie · 1 year
Anno Domini 2070: I'm still waiting for Hinamori and Aizen reunion behind my researcher desk, Kubo achieved immortality long time before and teased Hell Arc' second chapter due to 2100, I die in vain and my reincarnation will wait again.
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mezzopieno-news · 2 years
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Lo strato di ozono che protegge la terra dai raggi solari dannosi si sta ricomponendo ed ha raggiunto un calo record nella densità delle sostanze chimiche nocive che lo distruggono, ridotte del 50% rispetto ai livelli degli anni ’80.
Il dato è stato diffuso dall’ultima rilevazione della National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), l’ente federale che si occupa di monitorare il buco nell’ozono, che 35 anni dopo il primo allarme lanciato dalla NASA ha definito questi valori una “pietra miliare significativa sulla via della guarigione”. Lo sforzo mondiale seguito alla firma del Protocollo di Montréal nel 1987 da parte di tutte le 197 Nazioni Unite, rappresenta la prima e unica volta nella storia in cui un trattato ha ricevuto una partecipazione unanime. Nel 2000 la produzione di CFC è scesa dal suo massimo di un milione di tonnellate (raggiunto nel 1988) a meno di 100.000 tonnellate per anno, grazie anche all’introduzione degli idroclorofluorocarburi (HCFC) che non contenendo atomi di bromo o di cloro dannosi per l’atmosfera. La progressiva riduzione della produzione di CFC in tutto il mondo ha permesso la drastica diminuzione del cosiddetto “buco nell’ozono” che secondo le proiezioni sarà completamente chiuso entro il 2070.
Il Protocollo di Montreal mostra come un’impegno preso da tutte le nazioni e rispettato con scrupolo può invertire un processo apparentemente irreversibile, diventando un modello e uno dei trattati più efficaci mai entrati in vigore.
Fonte: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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talleyran · 1 year
Terra Nil
Давненько не писал про ламповые игры и вот представилась отличная возможность. Terra Nil ещё в прошлом году порадовала всех своей демкой, а теперь вышла полная версия.
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Это экологическая стратегия. Вам дается участок земли в непотребном состоянии: засушливая пустошь, ледник или выжженное вулканами и гейзерами плато и там надо организовать живую зеленую экосистему: высадить луга, леса, залить болота и вырастить зверей.
Сделать это предлагается за счет всевозможных терраформирующих устройств, которые устанавливаются на карте в определенной послед��вательности. Они, помимо радиуса действия имеют множество особенностей и уникальных механик и суть в том, чтобы разместить минимальное их количество с максимальной эффективностью. А в конце миссии ещё надо всё за собой убрать, оставив девственный озеленённый пейзаж.
В целом это медитативная головоломка, у которой мне видится что-то от Dorfromantik и что-то от Anno 2070. Приятная графика, приятная ненавязчивая фоновая музыка природы.
Если вам нравятся подобные игры, то крайне рекомендую.
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Major Study
Production Post #8
Concept Design: Player's Base
Moving into the realm of environments, I wanted to revisit some aspects of world-building, not to conceptualise for the deadline in August, but there after. It's important that I consider the wider world when designing the player's base as it can inform building materials and what would be a privately owned amenity versus one shared by the community.
The Purpose of the Player's Base
The purpose of this game is to capture the sense of adventure from exploring a new, mostly uninhabited part of the earth (similar to the wild west).
The settlements located in the game must have a sense of purpose to feel lived in and legitimate. 
Taking inspiration from the purposes of Wild West towns that all had clear purposes visible in their designs: These included towns focused on mining, farming, railroad and trading, military forts, whaling stations, monasteries etc.
Ideas for solarpunk settlements: 
phenomena research stations.
Towns based on a Renewable energy: giant hydro, sun/borealis solar farms.
Inuit-owned cultural centers (showing the difference between this ‘colonisation’ and more invasive wild west colonisation.
Inuit values to include in town design: sharing resources & knowledge, sustainable living, respect for nature, wisdom of elders and teaching through song, stories and legends, family, arts and crafts, music and dance.
Trade and crafting-based.
Eco Tourism.
Town to Focus on and Design Phenomena Research Stations
Central focal point - strange original design of a large antenna/sail/dish/array.
Surrounding laboratories.
Power - solar array on outskirt.
Local food growing labs - hydroponic farms.
Cultural centre: Traditional garden (inuit culture), small school / library / gallery, community centerpoint. (circular pattern of base).
Living quarters.
Tavern, Arcade.
NPC Architecture
Other buildings in universe not to design as much but may appear in concept art:
Ruined non-solarpunk military facilities from world governments. 
Old whaling stations converted to a faction.
Native/Inuit   camps / towns / religious sites.
Structures / geological formations made by Northern lights creatures.
I grouped the following research into catagories based on the above points of architecture to consider:
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Most of these research images are from Anno 2070 as it could be considered the nearest solarpunk game with it's earth-focused futuristic designs.
Using these designs and my past research for player base, I created this thumbnail painting exploring a small rigid tent-like structure on a raised platform above the player's farmland. I created some height with a landing pad for the hovering craft and solar panels designed to double up as shelter.
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This was my first iteration of the base design, but I wanted to explore alternative housing options for the base. During my peer review, number 4 was the most popular choice due to it's circular design. This is a great choice to consider as it better matches the community aspects of Inuit culture as well as hearkening back to the circular designs of an igloo.
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I'm going to try some more versions using a circular design, however, it's important to remember that the materials and building parts will have a re-used and recycled aspect to them and should not have too many pre-fabricated curvaceous structures or components. What I mean by this is that the buildings will be made of many parts and not a singular structure.
Related Designs & Blue Byte (2011). Anno 2070. Ubisoft.
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mrslittletall · 2 years
The last few days I have played Anno 1800. It is fun but I constantly am running into the minus! It is really hard work to get your folks content enough to work for you and actually pay for stuff. Also let's say... the last newspaper was kind of disastrous because it released right when my booze factory exploded! Arghl!
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maximuswolf · 5 months
Game recommendation for games similar to a few.
Game recommendation for games similar to a few. I've burned through a few games lately. I'm looking for something new.I've got Helldivers 2 in my rotation, but I pretty much only play that with a few friends. I wish I could say it was a well made game, but it's not. Arrowhead has a lot of work to do. Great game. Anyway.I'm looking for a builder game to fill the other side of my gameplay void. I recently played through They Are Billions, Anno 1800 (Also played Anno 2070). I like both of these games, but I really need some level of multiplayer or interaction. I also would have liked more playstyle options with TAB. I feel like the lack of units and structures and the nature of the upgrades just really locks you into a pretty static build. And again, the lack of multiplayer/coop. I liked ANNO but the combat was just too slow and limited for my taste. I tried Infection Free Zone, it was okay but...meh. I've played plenty of the classics, SC, SC2, WCIII, loved them. The tropico series was good but obviously lacks combat. I tried Starship Simulator, obviously that has a long way to go. Probably not as far as Star Citizen, lol. Hammerting and Evil Genius too were games I liked recently but both a bit too linear. Loved factorio too. I saw tempest rising on the horizon and I just don't think that'll ever come out. I've also got Rust too but...I don't feel like having cancer this month.I've tried to get into Stellaris a few times. It seems good but I feel like that has a steep, steep learners curve at this point. Anyone got any good recommendations? Submitted April 27, 2024 at 11:21PM by ghostoutlaw https://ift.tt/gzyXetp via /r/gaming
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pjsgames · 1 year
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🎮 Throwback Thursday Alert! 🕰️
Remember when we stepped into the future with Anno 2070? Over a decade ago, this game set sail, and we're still captivated by its complex city-building, dynamic ecosystems, and thrilling trade mechanics. Ah, those first glimpses of a futuristic metropolis coming to life on your screen! 🏙️✨
For those who haven't yet embarked on this incredible journey, Anno 2070 is not just another city-builder; it's an exploration into what the world could look like in the not-so-distant future. Choose between powerful global corporations or environmentally conscious organizations, and watch how your choices ripple through a dynamic, reactive world.
The visuals? Still stunning. The strategy? Deeper than the ocean you'll sail. Whether you're a seasoned captain or a landlubber looking for adventure, this game has layers of fun and challenge that continue to impress.
Feeling nostalgic or just curious about this gem? Check out the product page on PJ's Games and see what the future (of the past) looks like. Trust us, you won't want to miss the boat on this one! 🚢
👉 https://pjga.me/anno2070pc
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gmlocg · 1 year
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1,757.) Anno 2070
Release: November 17th, 2011 | GGF: Real-Time Strategy, Economy, Simulation, City Builder, Management, Sandbox, 4X, Story Rich | Developer(s): Related Designs Software GmbH | Publisher(s): Ubisoft Entertainment SA | Platform(s): Windows (2011)
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cityof2morrow · 2 days
Anno2070-to-Sims2: Tycoon Residence Buildings
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Published: 9-24-2024 | Updated: N/A SUMMARY Here are the tycoon residences from Anno 2070 (Ubisoft, 2011). Buildings are available as lot/hood deco and some extras (smaller accents, building toppers, and connectors) are included for embellishing individual lots. Lot deco may be convenient for those who want to place these buildings on elevated terrain or on top of other buildings (see examples below). Look for other anno-to-sims2 content on this site under the #co2anno hashtag. I’ve also written a tutorial for anno conversions HERE.
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DETAILS Requires all EPs/SPs. §1-4K | Buy > Lighting > Misc and Hood Deco > Effects §0 | Hood Deco > Effects Items are mid-to-high poly and counts are slightly higher for hood deco. Also, buildings have a visibly grungy look and light up partially in night/hood view. There are some texture quirks since these are not meant for larger meshes. ITEMS *poly count range applies to all versions of each building Worker 001-004 (506-2370 poly) Citizen-Employee 001-004 (487-1221 poly) Executive-Engineer 001-005 (424-2232 poly) Leader-Executive 001-005 (446-3963 poly) DOWNLOAD (choose one) from SFS | from MEGA COMPATIBILITY Compatible with lighting mods. Some buildings may appear lit during both day and night. Here are some in-game shots showing lot/hood versions.
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CREDITS Thanks: Simming, Blender, Github, and Anno Fan communities. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, @I.play.Anno.2070 (via YouTube, 2022), Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik), Anno 2070 (Ubisoft, 2011), Anno 2070 Buildings, Anno 2070 Wiki.
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haven-collins · 1 year
Fisico tonico per un’altezza nella media (60kgx170cm), figura longilinea e proporzionata dal fisico temprato da missioni e allenamenti. Capelli castani ribelli di media lunghezza spesso lasciati indomati ad adornarle il viso spigoloso e appuntito. Le iridi verdi incorniciate in un taglio felino. Sia nell’aspetto sia nelle movenze ha un qualcosa che le conferiscono un'aria selvaggia. 
Sprezzante delle regole e avventata nelle decisioni, in cuor suo pensa che l’unico vero coraggio che ha dimostrato in onore di Godric è quello di aver vissuto ogni giorno senza preoccuparsi dell’indomani. Il malumore adolescenziale e le scelte di vita hanno lasciato il posto a una sfacciata allegria e positività. Le piace attaccar briga con chiunque, rissosa e senza filtri, il suo hobby è portare all’esasperazione la vittima di turno.
Ha imparato a non affezionarsi troppo alla gente a causa del suo lavoro, d’altra parte i legami sono come le regole: mettono catene. A parte la sua famiglia, i contatti inglesi si sono tutti spezzati. I colleghi  sono i suoi principali interlocutori, tomi di mitologia antica i suoi migliori amici. Il suo affetto sincero è per la Gringott e i goblin, affetto che si rinnova di mese in mese ad ogni stipendio.
Ha mollato Hogwarts alla fine del 5° anno dopo i GUFO, si è presa un anno sabbatico ed è ritornata a frequentare il 6° nel 2068. Si è magata con un anno di ritardo nel 2070. Dal ’73 al ’79 ha vissuto per lavoro nell'area del bacino mediterraneo ritornando a Londra a marzo. Sa parlare spagnolo e italiano (male).
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ajarofpickledtears · 2 years
1, 16, 19, 32, and 96 for the weird asks? 💜
question list
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
depends on what I'm drinking 😂
most things I drink from a normal glass, tea and cocoa from mugs, water either glass or bottle
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
good question, if you find it, lemme know 😂
I like sitting with my legs crossed, or leaned against something and legs pulled up, but after a while something always starts to hurt 😂
back, knees, whatever - I'm an old woman 😂
19. sleeping position?
some mix of on my side and on my stomach with one arm under my pillow
32. top five favorite vines?
I... well, I know vines, I think, but not really aware of what is based on a vine and what is a meme etc 😅
I never had the app either
96. desktop background?
an "official" desktop background from Anno 2070 (I think? I can't look up the game rn aaaaa)
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