#Another hilarious fact: Emrys is so done with everyone
windblume-violet · 5 months
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Do... do I go with the username for the running gag of "worst kept secret" or do I say fuck it and say magister Merlin for giggles to see his reaction
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My Favorite Merthur Fic (Part 5)
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4
Online Relationship
* Rule Number Four by neuroticnick
“Pendragon Enterprise is the world's leading computer security company and ruthless when it comes to taking down malicious programmers. It's the perfect place for a skilled hacker like Merlin Ambrosius (codename: Emrys) to work undercover and gain a tactical advantage. But being the personal assistant for vice-CEO Arthur Pendragon is more complicated than Merlin expects. The female Pendragon threatens castration, Arthur apparently sleeps with all his PAs, and it only gets more complicated when the Kilgharrah virus causes a panic. Merlin might just have a solution though, because Anonymous...Anonymous is legion.”
* Fan Favorite by harrycrewe
“Where one is a famous celebrity of some sort (movie star, musician, royalty, etc) and the other is a shamelessly enthusiastic fanboy who during a celebrity-meet-and-greet/convention panel/concert/whatever asks the other to marry him/go out on date and of course, the other much to everyone's surprise and especially the fanboy's says yes.”
* Dickmagician by ingberry
“Arthur just needed to know that he could take a good dick pic. He wasn't going to do anything with it, obviously. It was just an experiment, just a test he had to prove to himself that he could pass. Drunk Arthur had other ideas, though. Who knew there were people online willing to review other people's dick pics? And frankly, Arthur was never going to settle for anything less than an A+.“
* Chatroom by neuroticnick
“After breaking up with his girlfriend of two years, Arthur's friend suggests he visit a chatroom to meet someone new. Arthur doesn't expect any results, and only follows through with the idea for lack of anything better to do. But then he starts talking to the witty, intelligent, and absolutely hilarious user known only as MightBeMagic, and it seems like his friend's advice wasn't so bad after all.“
* The GreatPumpkin69 by ofWolves
“Merlin and Gwen frequent the late night hours. Or at least Merlin does, Gwen makes a valiant effort before hogging Merlin's bed. One 'hangover day', he meets a knight in shining armour (almost literally too!) who saved him from getting beat up by a couple thugs.”
* A Face Behind Those Words by EssieScrawls
“This is the story of how baker Merlin Emrys and Crown Prince Arthur Pendragon get to meet each other one faithful day through the wonderful virtual world of Omegle, and haven't stopped talking via e-mail since.But even after all this time, one of them still doesn't know who the other is.”
* Butterflies and All by bunnysworld
“Merlin feels like a loser. He’s almost 30 and still hasn’t managed to find a boyfriend, there must be something seriously wrong with him. He’s tried all the dating websites but it seems he only ever attracts the freaks. He’s ready to give up on love.“
Fake Relationship
* Best Man by lamardeuse
“Arthur needs a date for Gwen's wedding. The rest is history.“
* All The Wooing is Done by pizarra
“Merlin is a single father working for his uncle’s newspaper. Arthur is in line to be the youngest CEO with a father who wishes him married with the possibility of offsprings in the future.”
* Lord Drake’s Bequest by Pennyplainknits
”To my great-nephew Arthur I bequeath Tintagel Distribution, wholly and without reserve, save for one condition. You must marry, and stay married, for a period of no less than six months. You're a wonderful businessman Arthur, but a full life needs love and companionship, not just a string of affairs. Settle down young Arthur, and your life will be the richer for it."
* The Trick by bravenclawesome
“It all started when Arthur’s sister decided it would be a good idea to trick him into going on a blind date with her best friend’s flatmate. Arthur and Merlin don’t see eye to eye at first, but decide to fake a relationship for a month to stop their loved ones from pestering them about finding a partner. Their arrangement backfires when they realise they’ve fallen for their own trick, and aren’t pretending anymore…“
* Over You by Thursday_Next
“Merlin sees Arthur at a party for the first time since their break-up two months ago. He has every intention of pretending his heart isn’t broken –- especially since none of their friends even know they were ever together. But when he has to contend with Arthur unexpectedly bringing a date, Gwaine deciding to be his fake boyfriend, and a good deal of sniping, it soon becomes apparent that Merlin’s not as over Arthur as he tries to pretend.”
* No Matter How Far You Roam by lady_ragnell
“In which Merlin gets conned into spending Christmas with Arthur's family and pretending to be his husband, because somehow this is his life.“
* PTA by rotrude
“prompt: Established relationship: 3 months from the wedding Merlin is beaten up where he works and forgets about everything and everyone. The meds tell Arthur to take him home, but never to tell him about their relationship (deep sentimental issues might cause him distress). So Arthur hides everything: the pictures, the engagement rings, he moves his bed into another room... so that Merlin thinks they're just roomates. An old Merlin-piner takes advantage of the situation and starts to hang out with him. Arthur is devasted but he knows he has to keep quite for Merlin's sanity. The only confort Arthur has are the videos of their last holiday, where he had proposed to Merlin. One day Arthur falls asleep with his laptop open, and when Merlin enters the room he can see himself, but not quite smiling and kissing the same Arthur who's now sleeping clutching at two shiny rings.“
* Forget Me Not by ArgentSleeper
“One year, four months, and sixteen days ago Merlin was in an accident and lost his memory. One year, four months, and sixteen days from then, Merlin is getting married to his fiancée Freya. Both then and now, Arthur is in hell.“
* Remember When We Never Faded (Canon Era) by giselleslash
“Merlin and Arthur don't meet in Camelot: they meet near Ealdor. Merlin brings an unconscious Arthur home from battle, but when Arthur wakes, he's forgotten who he is. The closer they become, the more Merlin believes in the world their shared destiny could create.“
* Over and Over (Canon Era) by Razzel
“ Following a run-in with a sorcerer, Arthur forgets something terribly important.”
* Deja Vu by oflittleuse
“One accident changes Arthur's life forever. Now he is living with an amnesiac housemate in a crumbling cabin in a town so small most maps forget. He isn't sure which is more troubling, the fact  he is deeply attracted to someone who might possibly have a family waiting for him, or the odd things which seem to keep happening ever since they met.”
* Overboard by shiny_starlight
“When single father Merlin Emerson discovers that the man who denied him thousands of dollars that was his due has gotten amnesia, he seizes his chance for revenge by pretending to be his husband. The joke is on him though when he realises that Arthur Pennington is possibly even more wonderful that he ever could have imagined...“
* Where This Road May Go by batgurl88
“Arthur is a royal who can't remember his past. Merlin and Gaius are con-men, hoping to return Arthur to Uther for a hefty reward. Little do they know they have the real deal on their hands.“
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