#Emrys is NOT paid enough for this
windblume-violet · 5 months
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Do... do I go with the username for the running gag of "worst kept secret" or do I say fuck it and say magister Merlin for giggles to see his reaction
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sofitai28 · 1 year
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uni hasn’t killed me yet!! my social skills might, however
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detectiveneve · 1 year
vivid image of astarion helping emrys out of her heavy armor. the plate separating the brush of fingers and the slow methodical process of it all combined with the visual metaphor of her laying down her guard with him. that's it really.
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echo-goes-mmm · 2 months
Ambrose and Elliot #34
Warnings: torture, past noncon, waterboarding, broken bones
It was some sort of sick game.
Or at least, [REDACTED] hoped it was a game. It certainly didn’t feel like one, but if he could fool himself into thinking it, there was still hope.
“Please, sir-”
Lord Dael kicked him again, knocking the breath out of him. “Stop-” he gasped, and the boot came down to slam his head into the stone.
The room swirled, and he felt bile and blood in his mouth.
“Don’t tell me to stop,” Lord Dael snarled. “Don’t ever tell me to stop. Got it?” His heel dug into [REDACTED]’s temple, and the pressure made his head throb. 
“I got it! I got it, sir, please-”
The boot lifted from his head, and [REDACTED] curled into himself. He didn’t dare cover his head. Defending himself only made Dael get more sadistic. 
Dael loomed over him, and [REDACTED] couldn’t bear to look at him. He focused on the shadow cast on the floor.
“I don’t think I like ‘sir’ anymore,” Dael said, stroking his face. [REDACTED] screwed his eyes shut, shuddering. He didn’t like him like this; it meant he’d be fucked again-
“You’re going to call me ‘Master’,” he continued, patting his cheek, and [REDACTED] nodded.
“Yes, Master,” he breathed out.
As long as Master was happy, it didn’t hurt so much.
“You deserve this,” Dael said, taking a swig of wine.
[REDACTED] cried, his arms and shoulders burning with every movement. 
Master had strung him up by the wrists, left him dangling on his tiptoes, and grabbed a bullwhip.
“Say it,” Lord Dael commanded. He cracked the whip in the air next to [REDACTED], and he jumped.
“I- I deserve this.”
“You deserve this, what?” The whip came down on his back, and [REDACTED] screamed as the fire ripped up his back for the dozenth time.
“I deserve this, Master!” he cried out. The whip cracked through the air again, and [REDACTED] wailed.
It wasn’t true, it wasn’t. He didn’t deserve this. No one deserved this.
“You should be thanking me,” Master said, pausing to drink more wine. “I’m teaching you your place. Your purpose.”
The whip came down on his back before he could answer, and hot wet blood dripped down his skin.
He gasped for air. “Th-thank you, Master,” he shuddered.
“Again.” The whip slashed into him-
“Thank you, Master!”
Thank you thank you thank you-
The month was almost up, and [REDACTED] had never looked forward to something more.
He had a plan: get the money, and get out. He’d go to the doctor first, as his wounds were too much to bear. 
Then, he’d pick up his sister. Surely she was at the Emry temple, and he’d give her the biggest hug and apology he could manage.
[REDACTED] licked his dry, cracked lips. He couldn’t really explain what happened- it was too awful for her- but hopefully she would understand, especially with all the money he’d be paid.
The money. It must be a lot; a whole month of wages and maybe more because of… He cut the thought off. He shifted, trying to find a position that didn’t irritate his sore ass.
It would be enough to pay bills, get her new shoes, clothes.
Her birthday was in two weeks. She’d be nine, and there would be enough money for a proper present, unlike the past few years. He knew she wanted a sketchbook and some fancy colored pencils. He could swing that. 
Birthdays were important, after all. Especially nine. “Almost double digits!” she had told him proudly. 
Maybe there would even be enough for cake.
[REDACTED] closed his eyes, and dreamed of sweets and shiny wrapped boxes.
Richard opened the cell door, metal rod in hand. He wasn’t sure what the steel was originally for, but it was the perfect weight and length to teach his slave a lesson.
The slave cracked his eyes open, his nose and mouth covered in dried blood and cum.
“Morning,” Richard smiled at him. The slave sat up partially, still leaning on his arm.
His eyes dropped to the steel in his hand, and he looked devastated.
It was a good look on him.
“The- the month is over, Master,” he whimpered.
Richard blinked. “You actually believed me?” he asked, incredulous.
The boy’s eyes went wide. He actually thought-
Richard laughed. It was just too good.
The slave slowly stood, shakily sliding up the wall.
“You- you said-”
“I lied, moron,” Richard mocked, advancing on him.
The boy looked at the door and back to him, and surely he wasn’t that dumb-
The kid ran towards the doorway.
Richard grabbed his arm, flinging him back to the ground. The boy sprawled onto his hands and knees.
“You stupid bitch-” Richard spat, kicking him onto his side.
“Don’t-” gasped out the slave, and Richard’s vision went red.
“What did I say about telling me what to do?!” 
He brought down the steel rod, over and over, and the crying and shouting was nearly background noise to the buzz of anger in his ears.
Until he heard a sickening crunch.
The boy wailed, clutching his leg.
“You broke it!” he screamed. “My leg! You- you broke it-”
Richard felt nauseous. The limb was streaming blood, and it looked so wrong. A bone shard peeked out of the skin, and his stomach twisted.
The slave began to weep, and it was too much.
He turned, slamming the door locked behind him.
Richard leaned against the stone door, scrubbing his face. Gods, that was gross. He tasted bile and it was all that damn slave’s fault. 
He flung the metal down the hall. Ew. Even his hands had blood on them.
Richard went to wash up, and a cleaning bucket near the sink gave him an idea.
He sobbed through the pain. It was one of the worst things he’d ever felt, and with a broken leg-
Master wasn’t going to let him go. 
His brain stuttered. He was going to stay here forever. 
Everything went fuzzy. The pain felt far away, and he couldn’t breathe-
The door slammed open again and it all rushed back to him.
No- No more-
Master lugged a bucket inside, water sloshing at its sides. He dropped the bucket, and drops splashed out.
[REDACTED] braced himself.
Master grabbed his hair and began to drag him towards the water.
[REDACTED] screamed, shards of agony shooting up his useless leg as it scraped against the stone.
“Shut up,” Master hissed. Then his face twisted into a smile. “Take a deep breath,” he advised.
And then he plunged [REDACTED]’s head into the water.
It was freezing. [REDACTED] held his breath, twisting and fighting the grip. But Master didn’t let up-
He was almost out of air when Master pulled him out. He sucked in a breath, and he was back under.
And again, and again-
[REDACTED] scrabbled at Master’s hands, desperate for air. Master kicked his broken leg, and bubbles flew as he screamed into the water.
He choked and breathed in water and then-
Master yanked him out, letting him fall to the floor. [REDACTED] coughed up water, his lungs stinging and burning.
“I’m sorry-” he begged. “Please, Master, I’m so sorry-”
[REDACTED]’s jaw snapped shut. He trembled and shivered, which only made his leg worse.
Master stood looking at him. Then he turned and left, the door locking behind him.
[REDACTED] fully collapsed on the stone and just… breathed.
It was all he could do. He was thirsty and starving and dirty, but getting to the water in the bucket felt impossible.
It all felt impossible.
It was impossible. 
[REDACTED] breathed out, closed his eyes and tried not to cry even more.
Why why why-
There was only one answer. Only one thing made sense.
I deserve this.
taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @secretwhumplair @paintedpigeon1 @whump-blog @whump-em
@thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @starfields08000 @littlespacecastle @mylovelyme @whump-cravings
@zeewbee @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @fanastyfinder @roblingoblin285 @whumpzone
@snakebites-and-ink @astrokea @latenightcupsofcoffee @tobiaslut @whumpsoda
@loserwithsyle @bitchaknso @cepheusgalaxy @taterswhump @fleur-a-whump
@hellodecisionparalysis @otterfrost @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94 @risk606 @i-walk-on-the-dark-side
@phoenixpromptsandstuff @haipasa
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tiredflowercrown · 2 months
No Child Left Behind AU
This is a Descendants AU in which VKs didn't grow up on the Isle
Every month, Auradon sends gaurds to the Isle to collect any children born during that month or any that were missed on the previous visits. The collected VKs are the put into the foster care system with a few being taken in by Family members or groups who wish to perseve the culture of the child's heritage.
The initiative was spearheaded by the Charmings and The Fitzherberts with them bringing in several political allies to pressure King Beast.
These are the main families who take in or personally place the VKs of their villians.
The placements of "Important" VKs
The Hooks (only Harriet, Harry, and CJ) were each raised on Neverland with the Fairies until they were 3, when Auradon determined they didn't have any abilities that would nesscitate being raised by the fairies and placed them into foster care.
When Harriet turned 18, she hunted down and adopted her siblings
Anthony, Adrian, and Dominique Tremaine were raised by their fathers while the rest if the Tremaines were placed in families who were personally vetted by the Charmings. They all know of each other and have the option of meeting and interacting.
The Faciliers were taken in by Mama Odie, who wanted to protect the magic they were bound to have and keep it in the Bayou
The Song sisters were also raised in New Orleans by the LeBeaus who had dealings with their mother. An arrangement paid in information, training, and an offshore account filled with enough money to guarantee the sisters can live whatever life they want.
Only Myd, Magnus, and Mars Mim (last names known as Emrys) were placed with family, their grandfather. The rest of the Mims are scattered in foster families. Many of them were late findings, being taken as old as 4 years old.
The Metternich siblings were taken in by Snow White. Eventually. This only happened after both showed incredible intelligence and a knack for politics.
The de Vils were taken in by the Radcliffes surprisingly. They weren't sure if they were going to, with Hunter being in foster care for a few years. They decided to put out of remembrance of their old friend.
There are quite a few VKs attending Auradon Prep, being either sponsored by royal families or via scholarships.
Current Students include Noelle Song, Jay Reynolds, Carlos de Vil, and Harry Hook on scholarships.
Various Tremaine siblings, Mars Emrys, Faciliers, and Evangelina Metternich sponsored by families
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Consider: Arthur keeping his word about making peace with the Druids (*side-eyes BBC*) and the next time they come across one of those small shrines, he's a lil uncomfy still but is doing his best like, "what's this one for? Should we go around or...?" Because this one isn't as subtly creepy as the last one, there are no "def haunted" vibes, it's just a kind of rough cairn of stacked stone and branches, and it's got flowers all over it, candle stubs and incense sticks, little jars of honeycomb, sweetmeats, preserves, etc.
And it's Percival (hc he was raised in a Druid camp, even if he doesn't have magic) is like, "No, it's fine, this one is for Emrys."
Cue Arthur asking about Emrys, and Percival explaining he's supposedly the living son of the Triple Goddess, born to heal the wounds of the Old Religion (he's tactful enough to not mention who made those wounds *coughcough*kingcunt*cough*) and the offerings are made to show kindness and peace, and to aid him in his duty (sure enough, those flowers and herbs are all medicinal).
"Why's it so important to keep him happy?" It's Gwaine who asks, irreverent and curious.
And Percival tells them the story of the High Priestess Nimueh, who tried to turn her power against Emrys's through the magic of life and death. So Emrys created a great storm over the Isle of the Blessed and called down the wrath of rain and lightning to unmake her.
They're all so absorbed in storytelling that nobody notices Merlin sitting off to the side and sweating like a hooker talking to a beat cop.
Bonus points if Merlin sneaks over to take some of the offerings, against his better judgement bc he should not be encouraging this but he's got a killer sweet tooth and nobody in Camelot can make decent sweetmeats, apparently, and some of these herbs are pretty rare.
Double bonus if Percival or Elyan sees him do it and are like, "bro you gon be so cursed," and Merlin doesn't know how to explain that no he's not sacrilegious, these are for him, they're offerings, they were offered, and not entirely realising he's being paid the magical equivalent of ye olde protection racket.
*also side-eyes bbc* yeah...this would have been awesome to have...excuse me while i go sharpen my knives, completely unrelated to this ask i assure you
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mariaofdoranelle · 7 months
Catastrophic Blues - part 2
Part 1
Written for @sjmromanceweek
Prompt: Free Day
Welcome to my part 2!! And probably last. It took me so long to find these two a decent closure, now I wrote it in one day and I feel eMpTy
Warnings: language and innuendos?
Words: 2,3k
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Aelin’s hurried footsteps were barely audible on the bustling airport, while the umpteenth last call for her flight to Suria blasted through the speakers. A few aimless passengers curiously watched her, a reminder that this scene would be a lot prettier if she stopped skipping cardio at the gym.
In her defense, the bookstore was too far from her gate, and you can’t rush finding the perfect rom-com.
At her designated gate, Aelin was one of the very few last to arrive. She held her pillow and bag close, rushing through the straight corridor of the airplane. Not minding the passengers staring at her, but trying to ignore a very specific one that followed her with his gaze the entire time.
When Aelin finally found her seat, she didn’t even find time for her muscles to settle before he said, “Still running on your own time zone, I see.”
His deep voice was always quick to soothe her, but this time it brought back a wave of melancholy that haunted her days, way too persistent in comparison to her previous heartbreaks.
“I thought you weren’t coming anymore.” Aelin shouldn’t pry, but she couldn’t help herself. Rowan did say he would still go on the trip with her, but that was before his new relationship. “I’m surprised Lyria let you.”
“She didn’t. We broke up.”
“Oh.” This was unexpected, given Lyria’s annoying loving posts on Instagram.
“We really did.”
“I’m finding it hard to believe you.”
“You should.” Rowan had this boyish grin on, it was hard to believe he was talking about his latest ex.
“Of course.” Fuck, this is awkward. “I’m sorry,” she lied.
“Don’t be. Lyria was… you know—”
“I don’t. Please don’t enlighten me.”
“Fair enough.” He slugged into the airplane seat that was almost too small for his frame, and the lightness of his expression had faded away by now. “I just realized that this trip meant more to me than her.”
“Because of the money we wasted, you mean?”
Rowan furrowed his brows, his gaze unfocused when he said, “Something like that.”
“Wow.” Aiming for levity, she chuckled. “Now it kinda feels like I dodged a bullet.” Well, he did just say that he’d rather lose the girlfriend than waste the money. Aelin had to keep things light to survive this trip.
However, he didn’t seem to find it as funny. “No. Actually—“
“What’s the itinerary again?” She asked, desperate to change the subject from his love life.
Of course, Rowan had a copy of their entire trip plan on his phone. They’d arrive at the hotel too late to explore Suria, but tomorrow they’d have a—
Aelin snatched the phone from Rowan’s hand, zooming in the details of the excursion.
“Did you book us in a tour for seniors?”
“You said you wanted to relax.” He took his phone back. “There’s no tour calmer than one made for the elderly.”
“I’M BURNING THROUGH THE SKY, YEAH!” A chorus of the nicest old people Aelin had ever met sang in the small bus, still bursting with energy after several hours of touristing in Suria.
Emrys, the tour guide, had a guitar to entertain everyone during the longer stretches inside the bus, while his husband drove and sang along with them. Most of the passengers were either clapping to the rhythm of the song—which was Rowan’s choice of participation—or singing their lungs out, like Aelin when she put her hands around her mouth to shout, “200 DEGREES, THAT’S WHY THEY CALL ME MR. FAHRENHEIT!”
The initial goal of this trip had been relaxation, but her active little tour group had been a small blessing today.
Rowan paid for a small, extra bed in their room, but last night and this morning were still uncomfortable. Sharing a room and being this close left a hollowing type of ache inside her, but taking a bath after him just to start the day with the smell of his cologne and shaving cream completely ruined her mood for breakfast.
But now, between the tour and singing and assisting cute old people with their phones, Aelin and Rowan didn’t have the time to be awkward around each other.
Or worse, they were easily falling into an old, comfortable rhythm.
The tour’s last stop was on a closed street for pedestrians. The tourists were eager to get off the bus and join the lively street, filled with shops, restaurants, and street artists trying to be louder than the pedestrians’ chatter. Outside, the smell of fried street food lured Aelin like a magnet, but Rowan watched their new acquaintances disappear into the crowd with a surprised grin.
The hand he kept on her back while descending the bus’ small corridor slid to her hip outside, and he whispered on her ear, “I think we are the elderly ones.”
His breath fanning against the shell of her ear sent a shiver down her spine, and by the way his hand tightened around her hipbone, he noticed it too.
“We?” Aelin shrieked, forcing a smile despite the heat on her cheeks. “Buzzard, I’m going dancing with Emrys right now.”
Aelin scurried away, her back already to Rowan when she realized the ease in which Rowan’s old nickname fell from her lips and cringed. It’d only be weirder if she returned to take it back.
Emrys was swaying alone in a small crowd around a saxophonist, and Aelin was quick to join him. The man knew how to lead a dance, and he led her so well her mind wandered back to Rowan.
Turns out she was a lot less over him than she thought. Big fucking deal, Aelin just needed to keep in mind that they broke up for a reason. A jazz version of some trendy pop music blasted behind them, and Emrys twirled her in a way that flared her long green skirt, making her laugh despite feeling conflicted.
She doubted Rowan would want her back after all this time, especially since his breakup with Lyria was so new. But in the few glimpses she took, he watched her every move, leaned against a streetlight, arms crossed with a knowing grin on. When the song ended, Emrys hugged Aelin and smiled at someone behind her.
“You looked like you wanted your girl back,” the old man said to Rowan’s approaching figure.
He just nodded and said his goodbyes before leading Aelin away, a hand on her waist.
Rowan was onto something, he had to be.
His thumb went up and down in unsettling strokes on her waist while they quietly strolled down the street, his arm around her wiring her every nerve. Aelin feigned interest in the boulevard as she tried to slow her breathing. This was a low blow after two months swatting away memories of his bulky arms nestling her, picking her up, yanking her down.
“Where am I buying you dinner?” Rowan asked against her ear yet again, giving her another shiver.
This was getting ridiculous. It had to be intentional.
“Here.” Aelin pointed at a street vendor nearby, heart racing. He wanted to snuck her into a closed, dark place and buy her fancy food? Nuh-uh. Not today.
The break-up happened for a reason, Aelin reminded herself, though it was hard to remember which reason was that. No matter how many times she said it to her mirror.
Undeterred, Rowan found them a bench near the vendor and joined the small line by the cart. With both hands on his pockets, he sent her a small smile, eyes crinkling as if waiting there to buy his ex food was the highlight of his day.
Aelin looked away. This is a trip with his ex he forced himself to go because of the money already spent. No need to overthink what she already overthought two months ago, it wasn’t relevant if her feelings changed or not.
As her treatment worked and Aelin realized she ended a permanent thing because of a temporary situation, the gaping hole in her chest opened further and further, almost swallowing her whole.
But everything was already said and done, no going back now.
Besides, Rowan’s probably over her by now. Maybe he just wants ass and thinks that what happens in Suria stays in Suria. That’s… highly unlike him, but he’s still a man, and that’s what Aelin needs to tell herself to get through this evening.
He sat beside her sooner than expected, coming back with pan-fried trout.
Aelin pouted. “You know I don’t eat fish.”
“Give it a try.”
“What happened to good old french fries?”
“Come on.” He playfully elbowed her. “I’ll get your fries if you at least try.”
She sighed, frowning at the trout. It did look perfectly edible and crispy. She held one and carefully inspected it before taking a bite. After breaking the delicious fried crust, Aelin tasted the most tender and moist flesh, the flavor of butter and herbs exploding inside her mouth.
“That good, huh?” Rowan teased, making her realize that she was practically orgasming next to him.
“You should’ve bought the fries. Now you’re going bankrupt with all the trout I’ll make you buy.”
He didn’t seem to mind, so they silently ate together, only making scarce comments about passers-by—and their dogs, in Aelin’s case. She ate her entire fish, then snuck bites of Rowan’s, to his snarling dismay.
He grabbed one of the vendor’s cheap, thin napkins. “Here, you have a…” Rowan slid it against her lower lip, sending her heart racing. Once done, he still cupped her face and brushed his thumb against her chin, then he smiled. “I think smudged red lipstick might be your best look.”
Aelin’s face faltered. “I think…” She added some distance between them and crossed her arms, feeling mad for him making her feel things she worked long and hard to suppress. “I think you’re using your lowest weapons, and I think it’s not fair.”
Rowan had the gall to cock his head and smirk. “I haven’t even tried using my lowest weapon yet.”
She got up. They were too close, her chest was too fluttery, and… no. She did it for him, and it was a little upsetting if Rowan didn’t recognize that, especially after she worked so hard to not rebel against her own decision.
“Aelin.” He followed her, hot on her heels no matter how much she tried to distance herself, on the crowded main street and then into a quieter side one. “Talk to me.”
She paused, taking deep breaths with her heart still racing, and Rowan knew better than to get nearer right now. “What’re you trying to do?”
“Win you back,” he said, plain and simple.
“Because we’re traveling together and sharing a room corrupted your thoughts?”
“No,” Rowan trailed, looking as if he couldn’t believe he had to explain something so obvious. “Because you broke up with me, but your reasons never convinced me.”
Her eyes narrowed at him, full of disbelief. “Was I supposed to think that while you dated Lyria?”
“Lyria was—“ He huffed. “You know—“
“You won’t get any points if you belittle her or—“
“I’m not trying to do that!” Rowan ran a hand through his hair, looking away for a second to gather his thoughts. “Look, I liked Lyria. She was nice. I only got serious with her because she’s someone I could see myself falling for.” Rowan swallowed, his pine-green eyes boring into her soul as he continued, “But it’s fucking impossible to do that if I’m still in love with you.”
Aelin crossed her arms, looking away and blinking hard so she wouldn’t lose control of her emotions. “You’re not.”
She glared at him.
“I love you. Is that what you don’t wanna hear?”
Aelin took a deep breath and sat on the sidewalk curb, not caring about the cute skirt she bought in his favorite color a million years ago. She’d prepared for his hatred. Indifference. Even a hookup, worst-case scenario.
She did not prepare for Rowan still having feelings for her.
He sat by her side, eyes vacant. “Look, you were going through a hard time and I was worried. But you can’t stop me from worrying, and when shit escalates, my worrying does too.”
“I’m still fucked in the head—progressively better, but the trip’s kinda making me forget about it—I just think you’re happier without me.”
“I’m at my happiest when I’m with you.” Rowan sighed, looking up now. “In a relationship, we’re supposed to go through shit together. Not to break up because things are hard, let alone to spare me. Spare me from what?”
“I’m trying so hard not to disagree with my own decision.”
“Then don’t.” He put his hand above hers on the sidewalk, tentative. “Take me back.”
Aelin tried to swallow the thickness in her throat while she fought her own instincts. Trying to distance herself from the memory of Rowan is one thing, but she was too weak to hear him out like this. Besides, he did have a good argument. It kinda added to the little voice in her head saying she ended a perfectly good relationship because of one bump in the road.
“I’m still in love with you too,” she confessed, the words hanging in the air with no closure to them, just that raw feeling.
Rowan reached for the side of her face, his hand slowly cupping her jaw. He stroked it with his thumb, his eyes looking for an answer in hers.
She silently gave it to him.
They hesitantly grew closer, her eyes half-lidded as Rowan grew bolder with her melting in his arms, until he lost patience and took her lips.
Aelin’s body relaxed when he washed her away with the familiarity of his mouth on her, and she had to break the kiss for a second to smile. This dopamine rush he spontaneously gave her was greater than any antidepressant and, right now, the one thing she felt in her bones was that she wouldn’t let go.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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adhd-merlin · 8 months
merlin S1 rewatch: episode 8
this is a thing I was doing do you remember? do you remember this was a thing I was doing
it’s been like 3 months since I re-watched episode 8 (and 9!) so I’ve just re-re-watched it. Just now.
Would you let something terrible happen if it meant you'd stop something even worse happening in the future?
A fascinating ethical dilemma. Would you pull the lever in the trolley problem? Would you travel back in time and kill baby Hitler?
It isn't just Mordred’s life for Arthur’s, but Mordred’s life against the Golden Age and the freedom for magic people that Arthur is supposed to bring, so I understand why Merlin felt torn. There’s no clear-cut answer, which is what makes this storyline so compelling.
Anyway, let’s start with my main grievance – Mordred’s powers.
Merlin tells Gaius that he heard the Druid boy’s voice inside his head, to which Gaius replies:
Yes, I've heard of this ability. The Druids look for children with such gifts to serve as apprentices.
In this episode, Mordred mind-speech is a special ability that sets him apart from other children. By season 5, any random Druid can use it, to the point that Merlin is surprised when he tries to communicate with Daegal telepathically and the boy cannot hear him. The episode hints to Mordred’s magic being remarkable, even dangerous (like when he magically shatters a mirror in a fit of rage), but by season 5 Mordred barely even uses it.
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I am fascinated by Mordred’s backstory and disappointed that the writers forgot their own set-up, or decided to ignore it. 
I only knew Asa Butterfield from Sex Education, so it was weird to see him as young Mordred. He did a good job at looking mysterious and vaguely threatening, though it must be said he spent most of the episode unconscious.
Who was the Druid accompanying Mordred? The Merlin Wiki transcript names him as Mordred’s father, which is not in the credits (where he's only named as “Cerdan”). I didn’t get father-son vibes from their interactions, but maybe it’s just me. My impression was that he was some kind of mentor. Apparently I saw Mordred and decided he was an orphan. Don't ask me why.
We see Arthur trying to challenge his father (in private) multiple times, but he still spends a good chunk of the episode as an antagonist. He searches for Mordred when his father demands it and he’s willing to let him die, even if he’s not pleased about it. It’s only when Morgana begs him that he caves in (30 minutes into a 43-minute episode).
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Uther is a fascinating portrayal of an emotionally abusive parent. I wonder what he would have done if Morgana had “come out” to him – because he clearly cared for her, in his own fucked-up way. At least enough not to want her dead. Acceptance would have been out of the question, but I’m not sure he would’ve had her executed. Probably attempted to make her go through some kind of “conversion therapy”. He did keep Gaius as his physician after all, after making him vow never to use magic again (not that Morgana would ever have accepted it).
Now Arthur, I believe, would’ve accepted Morgana if she had told him she had magic. He’s so obviously fond of her, despite all the sibling bickering. 
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We get the first mention of the name Emrys – from Mordred, then confirmed by Kilgharrah.
Morgana saying she couldn’t live with herself if anything happened to Gwen or Merlin is such a !!!! statement considering what will happen later in the series
You are a guard of Camelot minding your own business when suddenly someone knocks you out. Just an ordinary Tuesday. You don’t get paid enough for this.
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Arthur telling Mordred (as he's freeing him from his cell) “Don't be scared. I've sent word to your people” -> HOW??? literally how. How does Arthur know where the Druids live. how did he get in contact with them. many such questions
Mordred glaring at Merlin when he finally comes to his rescue is so funny. “I had trouble getting out of the castle” he's like bitch you did NOT!
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Mordred’s name drop at the end is so epic. Even if you aren’t familiar with Arthurian legends (I wasn't), the music and Kilgharrah’s warning to Merlin make this moment sufficiently ominous and tense (and if you already know who’s going to kill Arthur, you will have guessed the boy’s name already anyway)
Arthur returns Mordred to Iseldir. The next time we see young Mordred is in ep 2x03 (The Nightmare Begins) and then again in episode 2x11 (The Witch’s Quickening) — in neither of them he is with Iseldir anymore, though Iseldir is still alive, given he reappears in S3. WHAT HAPPENED. Mordred’s childhood is a compelling mystery. I like the idea of there being different Druid clans with different beliefs about Emrys and Arthur’s destiny – and possibly Mordred’s, too. Not every Druid recognises Merlin as Emrys or thinks of him as a savior, after all (see Sefa and Kara). Is this why Mordred was (perhaps?) abandoned by Iseldir? Did he find out something about Mordred's role in Arthur's death? It’s an interesting idea. To me.
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morganofthewildfire · 2 years
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Café Conundrum
~1.2k words
just something silly i started for class and turned into fanfic haha
The ringing of the bell on the front door sounded through the small cafe, signaling Aelin’s doom as another customer walked in. Her shift was so close to being over, maybe forty five minutes left, and then she’d be free for the evening. Well, free to go work on her piles and piles of homework from class that morning.
But that was a different issue altogether. Her Doranellian Literature essay weighed heavily on her mind, but she pushed it aside in favor of work.
“Hello!” She said cheerily as the customer walked up to the register, smiling tightly at her as he looked at the menu. He was probably coming right from work, wearing a nice button up shirt and jacket with a loosened tie, a briefcase in his hand. It was about that time of day. “What can I get you, sir?”
He read off his order and she wrote it down on the empty coffee cup, setting it down on the counter before typing in the order on the screen. A hand whipped the cup up from practically right under her, a large body brushing past her to start the order. She clenched her jaw, forcing herself not to look too put out.
Not in front of the customers.
The man paid quickly and headed down toward the other side of the counter, and she was able to drop her smile. 
“What the hell is this supposed to say?” a tense voice said from a few feet away, “I can’t read this chicken scratch.” 
Rowan. Her fellow employee, and the bane of her existence.
Aelin pasted a fake smile on her face, turning to look at him. He was frowning, his green eyes blazing.  “I’m surprised you even made it to college with that kind of struggle,” she said, “don’t you have to read to be a History major?” He probably legitimately couldn’t read it, she’d always been told her handwriting was bad. But that was his problem, not hers.
Rowan visibly bristled, his silvery brows furrowed. “I can’t make the drink if I don’t know what drink I’m supposed to be making.” 
“I wrote down exactly what it’s supposed to be,” she said, with a shrug, turning away from him to grab a towel, idly cleaning the counter in front of her.
“If his drink is wrong, you’re the one he’s going to complain to,” he said, and she frowned, narrowing her eyes. He was right. She was the face of the cafe, the one people moaned and groaned about their problems too, even if he was the one making the drinks.
But still.
Aelin turned sharply on her heel, snatching the cup from him. “Right there,” she said, pointing to her handwriting. “Iced coffee with three pumps of caramel and oat milk. You shouldn’t need my help with this.”
Rowan snatched the cup back with a scowl. “And you should learn to write properly,” he said, heading toward the ice coffee machine to get the drink started. “Don’t you want to be an author?” 
His tone was full of disbelief, and she nearly spit. But she kept herself contained, knowing there were still people who could see them. They’d gotten in trouble before for their public arguments. Their boss, Emrys, didn’t exactly approve of them making their workplace a hostile environment, even if they were the only workers. He gave them a lot of grace, given how bad it sometimes got. But even his never failing kindness had to have an end. 
“Don’t you ever want to not be an asshole?” Aelin asked under her breath, but loud enough so Rowan could still hear, if the way he clenched his jaw was any indication. It was a tad hypocritical, but that’s just the lengths he drove her to. 
He finished making the drink, passing it to the man, and then they went about their own routines silently. She cleaned up her work area, as well as his, and he checked that everything was in stock, heading to the refrigerator in the back whenever something needed replacing.
They worked like a machine, smooth oiled gears and perfect mechanics allowing everything to run as it was supposed to. Their attitudes were the only thing that ever messed it up. 
“Can you pass me a new towel?” Aelin asked a few minutes later, when he was fiddling with the espresso machine, the bucket of towels under the counter right where he was standing. But Will didn’t respond.
“I said, can you pass me a new towel?” She repeated, glancing over at him. But he still didn’t even look at her, pretending he was suddenly deaf.
“Can you just pass me a -”
Before she could finish her sentence he was throwing one at her, and it hit her forcefully, making her spill the cup of coffee she’d made for herself. All over her apron.
“What the hell?” She asked, taking it off quickly, and Rowan just shrugged.
“You wanted a towel,” he said, and she saw red.
“You motherfu-” The bell on the door rang again, and she stopped herself mid sentence, forcing a smile back on her face as a woman walked into the cafe, heading right up towards the counter. 
Time to get back to work. 
“Fuck,” she cursed half an hour later, when her shift was done and she was able to get a good look at the damage the coffee had done to her clothes. It hadn’t remained on her apron, it’d spilled onto her t-shirt and her jeans as well, making everything feel just that little bit too sticky.
Aelin frowned as she clocked out, heading toward the bathroom to properly assess the damage. Rowan’s shift was done too, but he’d stayed behind for a minute to clean the iced coffee machine.
Godsdamned Rowan, she thought as she entered the single bathroom, reaching for a paper towel. Turning on the faucet and getting the towel wet, she began to scrub at her t-shirt, trying to get rid of the coffee stains. She’d get most of it out when she got home to her apartment, but she didn’t want the stain to set before she could throw her clothes in the wash.
He just had to mess with her day just that little bit more.
With a scowl on her face, she continued scrubbing at her shirt, barely noticing as the bathroom door opened.
“Occupied,” she said, but before she could say anything else, she was turned around and pressed against the wall, warm lips pressing roughly against hers.
Aelin gasped into his mouth, but kissed him fervently back. Rowan’s hands went to her waist, dipping under the hem of her t-shirt and she hooked her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
They stayed like that for an indeterminable amount of time, their lips sliding against each other, until he pulled back, trailing his lips roughly down her jaw and neck. A sigh escaped her, her eyes fluttering closed.
“You ruined my fucking shirt,” she moaned, and he just nipped at her neck. This had been a somewhat recent development, starting maybe nine months into them working together. Neither of them could help it. Sure - they hated each other - but godsdamned was he attractive.
She’d never been able to deny it, and now they both mutually gave into their desires, while sabotaging the other in every other facet of life.
It was certainly a conundrum, but she wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon.
“Well,” Rowan said, speaking the words into her sweaty skin. “Come home with me and you won’t need it anymore.” 
Aelin’s dark chuckle turned into a gasp as he captured her lips into another kiss. How could she say no to an offer like that?
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tiodolma · 1 year
This is utter crack, but I thought you'd have a laugh. Basically, Camelot meets BBC Merlin.
Morgause and Morgana try to do a spell to summon Emrys, but end up bringing the wrong Emrys to their world. Meanwhile, Camelot!Merlin was minding his business in his room and Camelot!Morgan was on the verge of sleeping with her younger half-brother, Arthur; when suddenly both disappear.
Morgan and Morgause are confused at the two strangers, while Merlin is letting out several curses and Morgan is cursing as well because she was so close to getting what she wanted. Then, both notice each other and Merlin just takes one look at her state of undress and is like, "I don't want to know."
Long story short, Merlin the Elder has a headache a mile long by being stuck with three witches that are getting like a house on fire; Merlin the Younger is running around like a headless chicken because how the hell is he supposed to face this new threat against Camelot; and Morgan, Morgana and Morgause are having the time of their lives. The less said about repressed feelings and a ton of UST the better.
The End.
😂 If I could, I'd write this. But just picturing this is hilarious as hell. Hope you like it!
Thank you! I love this!
Morgause, Morgan and Morgana: "My sisters, together we are powerful”
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BBC Merlin: Gotta... Stop them...Must... Save... Camelot... Grrrgrrrgrr
Starz Merlin: Boy. Stay down. Magic has a cost! Let them discover it for themselves!
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BBC Merlin: cost? What cost? There is no cost!
Starz Merlin: Don’t you get hurt when you use your magic?!
BBC Merlin: LoL no.
Starz Melrin: JFC
Starz Merlin (trying to keep BBC Merlin from blasting everyone with a lightning strike): Ladies pls, don’t do this. Magic has a cost!
Morgan: Everything for the throne!
Morgause: Everything for magic!
Morgana (have sparkle eyes to the other two): For our justice!
BBC Merlin: Must...end... this Evil
Starz Merlin: Evil? Where did that come from? what they’re doing is wrong but not necessarily evil. See this is what our Arthur said (conjures memory of Starz Arthur)
Starz Arthur: Maybe sometimes people do wrongs thing for the right reasons.
BBC Merlin: no... the darkness must be filled with light... only love is allowed... no hatred... should exist... only good must prevail... arthur... cannot die... only he will bring back... magic
The Ladies: Camelot will be Ours! Arthur Pendragon will fall! Through us, magic will return!
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Starz Merlin: I am not paid enough for this.
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eyes-blazing · 8 months
Emrys-Aiden Ris Lokison
Emrys Roleplays + Emrys Headcanons + Emrys Vibes
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Face Claim: Drew Roy
Age: 21
Birthday: September 18th
Orientation: Pansexual(preference male)
Height: 6 Foot 4 Inches
Eye Color: Green
Species: Demi-God
Main Verse: Marvel MCU
Distinguishing Marks: 7 Tattoos(info on them upon requests) and three lobe piercings on his left ear and two lobe piercing on his right.
MCU Verse-
Main ship with: Nate Sanders at @agentsanders
Main Loki @brokenandlonelysouls
Emrys Lokison was born September 18th just outside of New York City. As the Son of Loki and a Warrior from another demention he spent the first 8 years of his life living and training in Asgard with his twin sister Pyira. But after an incident involving bullies and perminate scarring Loki and Emrys mother Sera decided it would be safer for Emrys and Pyira on Earth.
By the time Emrys was thirteen years old he had become addicted to drugs and met the person who he then thought would be the love of his life. The person he thought he would be with forever. But one foolish mistake ended that, and his loves life, leaving Emrys broken and alone.
After five years of training under various influences Emrys became a master marksman and strong enough to know that he’d be able handle almost anything the world threw at him. Using his fathers glamor spell he hides the scars that he is ashamed off and went out into the world to try and loose the ghosts that haunt him.
DC Verse-
Emrys Harper was never a normal boy, he always knew it. He could always feel his "father" inside of him.
The women who gave birth to Emrys was genetic scientist, and a crazy one at that. Convinced that the Joker was the perfect man she stole the Clowns blood from a crime scene and used it to create a clone of the Joker with in her own body. But the child didn't turn out as expected.
Emrys resented his "father", resented the insanity that he had inherited, resented his mother for trying to bring it out of him. So he fought it, learned to control it, got his "mother" locked away in Arkham.
Emrys Harper was never a normal boy, he always knew it. He wasn't going to let his "Father" win.
Shadowhunter/TMI Verse-
Emrys Harper was born four hundred and seventy three years ago with the black and feathered wings on his back and a mother who hated him. He spent his childhood locked in a barn, watching humanity through the cracks in the wall. Learning what they were like, learning what their weaknesses were, learning all he could about how to kill them.
When he turned 18 his mother set fire to the barn, tried to burn the demon out of him. That only enraged him. He lashed out with every bit of magic he had, decemating the family farm.
When he woke he was surrounded by Shadowhunters, they said he was a danger. A threat. They said he was powerful and he couldn't very well argue.
It took one hundred years for his "penance" to be paid, one hundred years to be released from their prisons, and since then...he's wandered.
Emrys Harper never found a home.
(Mun Note: Sometimes I will play Emrys as a fallen angel in this verse, I will let you know if that is what I’m planning on before doing it)
Teen Wolf Verse-
Main ship with: Scott McCall at @mccallofthewild
The youngest son born into a large Kitsune Skulk. A fire type kitsune who chafed against the rules.
Emrys Harper left home almost the minute he turned 18, only stopping in Becon Hills because...well it was interesting.
(Mun note: This is my most changing verse. It really depends on your muse and what we discuss as to what Emrys background will be. I apologize in advance.)
Decendance Verse
Emrys Teach is the only son of Blackbeard and a siren. He grew up keeping himself away from the rest of the island and the other kids his own age due to the constantly renenfored idea that he was not wanted. His father had at one point been a good father but with the death of his wife(a side affect of Blackbeards own magic) he slowly lost control on his drinking and rage, taking it out of his young son. Emrys inherited his fathers storm magic, though he doesn't have a good control over it as of yet and each time a lightning strom happens he can "feel it under his skin". He has a few lichtenberg scars from when he has been struck.
(If Emrys is still on the island then he is aware of the magic in him but can't do anything with it. If he's off the island then he can feel it but has no control)
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none-ofthisnonsense · 6 months
Merlin S5E4, "Another's Sorrow"
Is that thingamajig's raven? Ruadan's?
I swear I know Mithian's father's actor.
So Odin and Morgana have captured Mithian's kingdom.
Morgana looks great. Also that hair is gravity-defying.
Did Mithian escape?
Leon I love you SO much.
Merlin knocked??
Stop flirting you two.
…who is that nurse? Is that Morgana disguising herself? I WAS RIGHT!
The parallels between Morgana and Merlin are SO strong here. They've both disguised as old people to hide and fight for their cause. And have been treated as servants, now.
Gedref… that's the land he gave to Mithian, right?
I'm just thinking how this scene parallels S2E3, with Mithian in Morgana's place. IT'S ABOUT THE PARALLELS
I tend to forget that Arthur and Gwen are married. (Also, it's incredibly weird seeing Gwen in her nightdress with Arthur in his chain mail. Like girl put your pyjamas on)
Mithian you're playing with fire here
The PARALLELS with S2E3!!
Gaius! You are not allowed to make that kind of comments!
This is the how manyth confrontation between Morgana and Merlin?
Arthur, just in time! Merlin always saves Arthur's neck, but it's somewhat paid back occasionally.
They better not pull the coma move.
Leon <3
"That's all I have" hear: You're all I have.
Gaius' sheer despair…
But, uh. Merlin's not tired when he uses his aging spell, is he?
My guys. What have you done with Gaius.
God, I'm SO going to rewatch S3E4 after this.
Percival and not Merlin being with Arthur at his side… :(
I do love to see Arthur fight.
I do think that deep down, Arthur still believes in Morgana. He's just so… sad and disappointed.
Leon! <3
Oh really?
I am now 100% convinced Gwaine knows Merlin has magic but just hasn't said anything, because despite his blind faith in Merlin he MUST have some doubts about how his scrawny, dollophead friend manages to take down the same amount of men he does.
I am a sucker for even one (1) second of Leon fighting. Those shot were definitely not wasted, director. I am the #1 Leon fan.
Yeah Arthur I asked myself that question too. ("Is Odin really that stupid?")
Well, actually, Merlin, only YOU have ever talked about uniting this land. Arthur hasn't. Not on screen. (Or not enough to warrant Merlin's comment.)
Do you ever think about the Merlin/Morgana paralles and how they've changed so much.
0 notes
meddwlyngymraeg · 3 years
I'm going to abuse this blog a bit this once, but it is related. They're getting rid of the Duolingo forum tomorrow, which is fairly shocking because there are too many good resources posted on there!
I'm trying to copy over some of them for reference, because there are things that maybe I'm not advanced enough to use right now, but I would like to be able to use once I'm a little more skilled at Welsh.
Copied below are all the resources, verbatim. (Some resources may be repeated because I'm just copying)
The two best, best resources for self-learning, apart from Duolingo itself, for visual learners, are the series of videos on pronunciation on youtube:- https://www.youtube.com/user/welshplus
and the Big Welsh Challenge course :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learnwelsh/bigwelshchallenge/ (click on 'enter course', then 'skip introduction'), the section 'practice with tutor' is particularly useful, especially the male South Wales presenter, who is a well know, very funny Welsh actor. (Ignore the 'archive notice' and click on 'enter course', it works fine.)
The book that we have linked to in the Welsh course on Duolingo is here https://cls.byu.edu/welsh/BYU_Cwrs_Mynediad.html
Hard copies are available through all the usual book sellers.
For auditory learners 'Say something in Welsh' is very good and has a wide network of supporters in particular its popular Facebook group. https://www.saysomethingin.com/welsh/course1
Finally don't forget to join our Facebook group where further discussion takes place and the writers respond to queries. https://www.facebook.com/groups/welshduolingo/
Also here is a link to an fairly good article about mutations:- https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Welsh/Mutations#Soft_mutation
Here is a website which gives a daily crossword and also a range of 'her geirfa' vocabulary challenges:- http://www.happyhere.co.uk/
In addition for people not anywhere near a Welsh class, there are a number of people and places that offer online Skype lessons. Here is the link to the Skype courses of one of the Welsh centres in Wales:-http://www.coleggwent.ac.uk/welshcentre#.V1Zh_5PR-V5.
Below is the list of apps grouped into themes and in alphabetic order. Enjoy!
Complete courses:
Learn Cymraeg Mynediad Android, and iOS
Lovely free course for beginners, offers a variety of activities and contains plenty authentic audio recordings. A more advanced course from the same developer is available for purchase.
SSiWelsh Android and iOS
Say something in Welsh, a great Welsh course available from the website and via app. Users can choose between North/South Welsh pronunciation. The Challenges and Course 1 are for free and there’s more paid content. I highly recommend this app.
Ap Treiglo Android and iOS
Another amazing app that teaches you how to use mutations properly. There is a list of words causing mutation, you can also look up grammar rules regarding prepositions, numbers, etc. Good to have it in your toolkit.
Welsh Number Whizz Android only
Welsh Number Whizz is an app designed to help you learn the traditional vigesimal number system. Could be useful especially for us Duolingers, as the Welsh course focuses on the decimal system.
Welsh Verb Blitz Android only
A fantastic tool to learn verbs and their conjugations. The app offers several mini-games to practice Welsh conjugation.
Anki Android and iOS, the iOS version is paid
I put Anki here as one of the two tools I know and use for flashcards. Anki is available both in a desktop and app version. There are a few big decks with Welsh flashcards, you can find them here: Dal Ati Android and iOS
For all those who have access to S4C this is a very useful app to learn vocabulary that is used in S4C programmes.
Dreigiau Dinas Emrys Android and iOS
I fell in love with this cute game from the first tap. Such a great idea to explain the legend of two dragons in Dinas Emrys and turn it into a Welsh learning app. Great music and sounds, try it out!
Gofalu Trwy’r Gymraeg Android and iOS
If you want to learn some medical Cymraeg, check out this one: nicely arranged topics with authentic recordings and English translations. Simple and intuitive, well worth taking a look.
Memrise Android and iOS
Many of you probably know Memrise, a popular website and app for learning languages and other subjects using flashcards. But do you know that there are many great decks (or courses, as they are called on Memrise) with Welsh vocabulary? Take a look here to see a list of Welsh flashcard courses on Memrise:
Vocab Game Welsh Cymraeg Geirfa Android only
Interesting vocabulary app for learning Welsh. 8,160 words structured in about 200 levels arranged by number of letters and alphabetic order. Each level contains about 20-25 words. The app is nicely designed and fun to play. Perhaps one downside is that many of these words are old or very specialised and I often have to look up the English translations to find out what something is. Nevertheless, you will surely get to know lots of vocab after completing all the levels, so give it a try.
Ap Geiriaduron Android and iOS
A very nice Welsh-English and English-Welsh dictionary. Recognizes mutations, contains common phrases. And it works offline as well. A must-have.
GPC Geiriadur Prifysgol Android and iOSA monolingual dictionary of Welsh, less useful for beginners, but definitely something to have on your be-able-to-use wishlist. Great features: you can download the whole database to your memory card and there are language games.
Ap Beibl Android and iOS
This one is perhaps not for beginners, but it’s good to know about it for the future. Contains a number of different translations of the Bible into Welsh from different periods of history.
Ap Golwg Android and iOS
This app allows you to buy a digital edition of Lingo Newydd, a bi-monthly magazine for Welsh learners. Articles are colour-coded to mark difficulty and there are audio recordings of articles (which you wouldn’t get in the paper edition). You can either but a single issue for £1.49 or a subscription plan (Lingo Newydd costs £9.99 year). Ap Golwg also gives access to the Golwg360 website. It’s totally free and has a useful VOCAB button at the top that shows definitions of words in articles. You don’t need the app to access the website, but it’s nice to have a shortcut to news in Welsh on your mobile device.
Legends of the West Android only
Fabulous app about the history of Ceredigion and Wales. Contains text and recordings in Welsh and English.
There is a lot on the BBC Learn Welsh site, too - http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learning/learnwelsh/ Much of the site is archived now but much of it still works. There is a downloadable grammar guide here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learnwelsh/grammar/index.shtml - which you might find in book form, too, if it is still in print.
Dal Ati ('Stick At It') is a television programme on S4C for learners of Welsh. There is a Youtube channel for the programme here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSnqXodFrOCxTH2VRAeXIVQ
The recently revised DysguCymraeg/LearnWelsh course books are available for free download in pdf form on their website. This Duolingo course covers approximately the same ground as the Mynediad and Sylfaen books, and a little of Canolradd.The course books are available here - https://learnwelsh.cymru/learning/curriculum-and-course-books/ or try https://parallel.cymru/amdani/ or https://learnwelsh.cymru/
If you hunt around http://www.ybont.org there are a lot of supporting materials for learners of all levels.
For an online dictionary, https://www.gweiadur.com is very good (free registration to use its full range of information).
For a smartphone app, the free Ap Geiriaduron is good.An authoritative English to Welsh dictionary is https://geiriaduracademi.org, although many of its examples of usage use more formal Welsh than is taught on introductory courses such as this Duolingo one.
The National Centre for Learning Welsh has a web site including many materials for learners. Look around https://learnwelsh.cymru for materials supporting the national Mynediad and Sylfaen courses for adults.
A few more apps which I have found good are: Tywydd which gives you the weather forecast in Welsh and teaches you weather related vocabulary.
Gwlad Gwlad which teaches you to sing and pronounce the National Anthem of Wales.
The Magi Ann children's books apps which allow you to tap to hear the words spoken in Welsh or tap to see the English translation.
S4C programmes available to view outside the UK: http://www.s4c.cymru/clic/Categories/99
Stories: For entry (mynediad) and foundation (sylfaen) level stories, go to the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Amdani: Learn Welsh Festival of Reading (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNbPx7YxCU13oE6qCWs9hjP57ypKscCgR). The short stories are written for learners, and read by the authors, from the books 'Agor y Drws' (entry) and 'Ffenest' (Foundation). I was able to buy both books online from my local, Welsh bookshop in Llanrwst (https://www.bysabawd.cymru/en/products/books/welsh-books?search=cyfres%20amdani) and find it is really helpful to hear the author read the story out loud while reading the book myself.
The Dysgu Cymraeg course: https://dysgucymraeg.cymru/dysgu/cwricwlwm-a-chwrslyfrau/ Textbooks and mp3s. Is really good.
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merlinbingo · 2 years
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Come one, come all, it’s peach’s stat time again!
Things slowed down a bit in March, but you’re still doing amazing! So far, 39 people have created at least one fill, two people have got a bingo, and one utter lunatic (affectionate) has already blacked out their first card and signed up for a second one!
Of the 41 fills submitted during March, the majority were fics (34), three were art, two beautiful overachievers created fills that were both fic and art, and finally there was one playlist and one manip. Merlin/Arthur came out top of the ships again with 18 works, followed by 11 gen works, and then a handful of other ships with only one or two fills. In terms of ratings, 27 works were suitable for work, ten were a little more racy, and for four of them people opted out of the rating system all together.
Now, enough of my nonsense, and on to the main event:
March Fills
As per usual, fills are sorted by ship and then by rating. Please pay attention to the rating and any warnings, and practice self-care before clicking on those links.
Shoulders by devotedwaywardangel1 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Trust Issues, Paranoia, Campfires, Protective Elyan (Merlin), Angst Summary: Merlin is incapable of trusting anyone and its hurting him.
Stuck. by That-One-Annoying-Fox Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Crack, magic, magic revealed, idiots Summary: The dungeons, Merlin thinks, are ridiculous. They’re so utterly easy to escape from that a jester could do it, with nothing but the clothes on his back. Coincidentally, he cannot escape them.
How Many Are There?! by Camelots_Daffodil Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Friendship, Leon Learns About Merlin’s Magic, Merlin’s Magic Revealed, Happy, Secrets Summary: Heart Attack (noun): What Leon's going to get if people (read: Merlin) keeps revealing these huge ass secrets. A collection of times Leon got more than what he came for.
Scared I Might Be Too by magicinavalon Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Morgana Pendragon, Mirrors, Something Better, Lyrics, Merlin Summary: A photoset of Morgana Pendragon to the lyrics of Taylor Janzen's "Something Better"
Morgana in black armor by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
No One Hurts Merlin by Camelots_Daffodil Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Hurt/Comfort, Leon Knows About Merlin’s Magic, Merlin’s Magic Revealed, Gentle Arthur Pendragon, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: Merlin, Arthur, and Leon are captured while on a quest, by a woman claiming to have a way to identify Emrys. The way? Poison
Gwainenapped by That-One-Annoying-Fox Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, suicidal thoughts, crack, kidnapping, Summary: Gwaine is kidnapped. Well, no. Not kidnapped. He's not a kid.
The Queen has Spoken by devotedwaywardangel1 Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: discription of injury, Implied/Referenced Torture, BAMF Gwen (Merlin), Hurt Merlin (Merlin), Blood and Injury Summary: Get on the wrong side of the Queen of Camelot may God help the fool.
at the center of our own universe by stanzas Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: AU - Star Trek Fusion, Sickfic, Alien Biology, Alien Culture, Friendship Summary: Exploring space is not without risks. Captain Pendragon and his crew experience a modest range of awe-inspiring, mind-boggling, marvelous scientific and cultural milestones on a good day. And on a bad day, it's terribly, unfairly, awfully tragic. —— Or; 5 times it seemingly paid to be Human on the U.S.S. Camelot and 1 time it didn't.
Hallucinations and Other Such Nonsense by demitimelord42 Rating: Not rated Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Summary: Merlin stumbles across a magical glade in the forest, and gets high on magical energy. Arthur thinks Merlin got drunk at the tavern again, and tries to stage an intervention. Emphasis on tries.
BBC Merlin Strip Club by MerthurAllure Rating: Not rated Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Playlist, music, striptease Summary: A playlist of the songs I think the ladies of BBC Merlin would strip/give lap dances to
Insufferable (gorgeous) by That-One-Annoying-Fox Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fluff, minimal angst, period typical homophobia, plotting Summary: Morgana and Gwen imagine future suitors.
My Golden Crown of Sorrow, My Bloody Sword to Swing by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Post-Diamond of the Day, Grief/Mourning, Lovers to Enemies, Closure, Angst Summary: Gwen finds Morgana just before she dies. Morgana has taken almost everything from her, and there are things Gwen has left to say.
Self Medication. by That-One-Annoying-Fox Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Dark, Angst, Immortal Leon, twisted love dynamics Summary: Morgana is a salve for the pain of Camelot. Leon is tired.
Abuse by Mask Rating: Not rated Warnings: Domestic abuse Major tags: Summary:
Break up by Mask Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
dreams of red dusk dragons by stanzas Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: AU - Modern Setting, Fairy Tale Elements, Dragon Merlin, Amnesia, Slow Burn Summary: It's a normal holiday for Gwen and Morgana at a remote village in Gwynedd. The people are pleasantly eager to greet their visitors, the local legends and lore are fascinating, the rustic views are stunning, the food is delicious, and it's all very delightfully normal. At least it seems so, up until Gwen finds a dragon.
All those I've loved before by Clea2011 Rating: General audiences Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Post-Canon, Loss, Moving On, Marriage proposal, canon deaths Summary: Gwen had lost every single person that she’d ever loved. More than anyone, Gwen deserved a happy ever after.
Camelot Customs by That-One-Annoying-Fox Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Confusion, infidelity, polyamory Summary: Rufus is not an expert at customs in Camelot, but the king and his Servant are a lot closer than they should be.
spellbound by insane-ohwhyfandoms Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: modern au, detective merlin, undercover mission, threesome Summary: Merlin is in over his head at a dinner party with Arthur and Gwen, his two childhood friends he hasn't seen in nearly a decade.
Pack of rats by Mask Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Summary: Cornelius Sigan kidnaps Lancelot to get back at Merlin
Love and Knights by paintedpigeon Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Royal Merlin Summary: Merlin, Prince of Deira and Arthur, King of Camelot negotiate an exchange of knights (one totally free of ulterior motives) as part of a peace treaty.
It is always the quiet ones by SandySins Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Friends to lovers, dom/sub undertones, spanking Summary: Gwaine is a little shit and gets what he deserves, discovering a hidden side of himself in the process.
Homesick by That-One-Annoying-Fox Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: modern era, post canon, angst, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: Merlin cooks stew.
The Perils (Pros) of Undelivered Messages by heartsocold Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern setting, get together, misunderstandings, fluff Summary: Merlin pulled out his phone, the blood draining from his face as he looks at the chat. “The message didn’t send. Shit.” Arthur stared at him in terror. He felt himself flush from head to toe, which was curious because he was pretty sure all the blood in his veins had turned to ice. He couldn’t believe this was happening; couldn’t believe he’d completely embarrassed himself like this. He briefly wondered if the mortification would hurry up and kill him, if only so that he didn’t have to deal with whatever came next.
Fever Pitch by archaeologist_d Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: crack, canon era, AU, silly, it went sideways Summary: Kilgharrah has a fever. Never get near a dragon with a fever. Ever.
The depth of life will dim my temptation to live for you by Just_another_shipper Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate Universe - Canon, Merlin's Magic Revealed, Angst with a Happy Ending, Whump, First Kiss Summary: After realizing he’s immortal, Merlin becomes cavalier about dying. He doesn’t really bother to eat or take care of himself because he’ll simply die and wake back up totally alive and fine - and anyway, who’s got time when you need to protect Arthur and Camelot, right? And surely the food is better off with someone who actually needs it, right? And then cue a completely unaware Arthur coming across a temporarily dead Merlin
Pilates, Pets and Pining in a Pandemic by Camelittle Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Pets, Pilates, Pining Summary: Temporarily weakened by the combination of exercise and two really cute puppies, Arthur accidentally blurts out his embarrassing feelings during Merlin’s weekly online Pilates class and therefore runs away. It’s obviously Morgana’s fault. Most things are.
remember how i said i'd die for you by atlanta_black Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: arthur knows about merlin's magic, first kiss, getting together, purple prose Summary: Sometimes, Arthur looks at Merlin and feels so goddamn furious he thinks he’ll burn up from it. Thinks, there’s an irony in that. Burning for a secret he doesn’t know I’m keeping.
Problems by archaeologist_d Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fluff, banter, merlin learns to dance, arthur is gorgeous Summary: Merlin needed to learn the Camelot dances for the servant’s ball. After tripping over Gwen a few too many times, Arthur helps.
And Nothing Could Ever Change That by Mischel Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, hugs, established relationship, canon era Summary: A month ago, Uther found out about Merlin's magic. A month ago, Arthur saved his boyfriend from the pyre and got awfully scarred in the face because of it. A month ago, they both escaped the castle and started living with the druids while Arthur healed. And in all that time, Arthur hadn't let Merlin see his face for fear that Merlin would leave him. But Merlin is stubborn and won't let Arthur chase him away. He'll be there for him, always. Arthur just needs to realize that.
If Wishes Were - chapter 17 by archaeologist_d Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, modern AU, arguments, merlin is trying, arthur is a prat Summary: Arthur isn't reacting well to his return into the world. Too much noise, too much confusion, just too much.
The One Wherein Merlin Has His Cake (And Eats It Too) by idyllic_idioms Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Cakeverse, Crack Treated Seriously, Soulmate AU Summary: Imagine a world with three types of people: Cakes, who taste like cake to Forks. Forks, who cannot taste any food and drink except for when they kiss a Cake. And lastly, Plates, who are just normal people.
If Wishes were, chapter 12 by archaeologist_d Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, modern era, arthur comes back, camelot in ruins Summary: Merlin makes a wish list, casting a spell on it, hoping against hope that it would bring Arthur back from the dead.
if Wishes were, chapter 14 by archaeologist_d Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, arthur comes back, modern, arthur isn't happy about it Summary: Merlin makes a wish list, casting a spell on it, hoping against hope that it would bring Arthur back from the dead.
If Wishes were, chapter 15 by archaeologist_d Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, arthur isn't happy to be back, modern, grief Summary: Merlin makes a wish list, casting a spell on it, hoping against hope that it would bring Arthur back from the dead.
Blank Spaces by archaeologist_d Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence Major tags: angst, memory loss, hurt Merlin, slavery Summary: He didn’t remember his village or his family or, worst of all, his name. Nothing but blank spaces where memories should be.
The colour suits you, Merlin by archaeologistd Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: silly, merlin in a dress, morgana plots rom-con, arthur likes merlin in purple Summary: Morgana was using Merlin as a dress-maker’s model. Merlin wasn’t having any of it.
Golden As I Open My Eyes by queerofthedagger Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Post-Diamond of the Day, Arthur Lives, Court Sorcerer Merlin, Frottage, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Sometimes, the unravelling of secrets is the easy part. Sometimes, what is most difficult comes after; how do you relearn something that you thought you knew better than yourself?
The Sight of You by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: PWP, roommates, blow jobs, come marking, glasses Summary: Merlin had spent a lot of time and energy avoiding his feelings for Arthur. Who would’ve guessed it would only take something so small to ruin all that.
It's Not Stalking if It's in Your Job Description by mooonwaffle Rating: Not rated Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: PI Merlin (Merlin), Strangers to Lovers, Misunderstandings, Stakeout Summary: Mithian's mother hires Merlin, a private investigator, to look into her daughter's relationship after she suspects Arthur of having an affair. Merlin begins looking into the allegations, but when he blows his cover in front of Arthur, the truth comes spilling out. The man Merlin thought was a cheating bastard turns out to be the complete opposite, and Merlin can't contain the butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.
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weakforarwen · 2 years
You know how Morgana's nightmares were related to her, Arthur and Merlin's shared destinies? In seasons 1 and 2, she dreamt of Arthur. She saw his death in The Gates of Avalon and in Le Morte d'Arthur, and she had visions of a raven in The Curse of Cornelius Sigan, an episode in which Arthur almost died. But Arthur couldn't die before Morgana learned of her true parentage and powers. If her destiny was tied to Arthur's, he couldn't die before their destines played out. In season 3, Morgana wore Morgause's bracelet, so she didn't have any nightmares apart from those of Gwen becoming Queen. Those dreams were so powerful even Morgause's bracelet failed to block them. In season 4, Morgana began dreaming of Emrys after learning he would be her undoing.
After season 2, all of Morgana's dreams concerned her directly, but she'd never had a dream that wasn't important to Arthur and Merlin as well. Their destinies were entwined, and that's why in season 1 she dreamt of Arthur's death. Thus, Gwen becoming Queen was about more than "stealing" Morgana's place upon the throne of Camelot. Simply by marrying Arthur, Gwen wouldn't have stolen Morgana's crown. She stole Morgana's crown when Arthur died and she became THE Queen of Camelot. All of Morgana's prophecies concerned both the future of Camelot and Arthur's destiny, which were one and the same. Emrys being Morgana's doom was important to the future of Albion because Morgana was a threat to Arthur and Arthur himself was the future of Albion. Hence, it was Merlin's destiny to stop her.
Gwen becoming Queen was a big enough deal that it literally haunted Morgana, night after night. Her nightmares of Gwen and Emrys were the only ones that got through the powerful enchantments on Morgause's bracelet. They were neither nightmares nor visions, but prophecies. Emrys was prophesied to be Morgana's doom, Mordred was prophesied to kill Arthur, and Gwen was prophesied to be Queen instead of Morgana. Gwen was part of Morgana, Arthur, and Merlin's shared destinies. They were her destiny too.
So why didn't Kilgharrah, or anyone else for that matter, ever mention Gwen's role in all this? If Morgana, a very powerful High Priestess and seer, recognized the threat Gwen represented, why did no one else mention Gwen's destiny?
If only the writers didn't downplay Gwen's significance because she wasn't a sorcerer like Morgana, Mordred, or Merlin, or the great King Arthur. She was only a servant, so the characters failed to see her significance in Arthur's story. Kilgharrah might've known about Queen Guinevere, but didn't think it important enough to mention. That was his mistake, because Gwen rose to power when Arthur died and had to deal with the fallout of Morgana and Arthur's deaths and to, assumedly, reform the anti-magic laws. She would've been more willingly than Arthur to bring about the future Kilgharrah wished for.
Wouldn't it have been an amazing plot twist to learn that it was up to Gwen, and not Arthur, to ultimately fulfill Merlin and Kilgharrah's dream? Arthur would've still been The Once and Future King, but Gwen could've been The Once and Future Queen as well.
But, of course a bunch of male writers would've never allowed for this to happen. They would've felt that it undermined Arthur's greatness. They should've pulled a Matrix: Resurrections on Merlin, anyway. It would've been epic. Imagine if Arthur died but Morgana lived and had to fight Gwen for the throne of Camelot? The two of them facing off, with a pissed off Merlin at Gwen's side? Would've paid to see it.
There was so much room for Gwen's character to do amazing things. Beyond her contributions in The Darkest Hour and in Arthur's Bane, the writers should've prepared Gwen to become Camelot's ruler, and showed us Arthur's death didn't mean Merlin had failed his destiny and had to wait thousands of years for his dream of Albion to come true. Had Kilgharrah not been so prejudiced and close-minded, he would've known to explore Gwen's potential. And had Merlin not been so hellbent on saving Arthur himself, he could've used Gwen's help more often, especially in those times he couldn't get through to Arthur. Gwen had a lot more influence with Arthur than Merlin did.
TL;DR: If Morgana was always destined to become evil, Merlin to become the great Emrys, and Arthur to become The Once and Future King, then Gwen was destined to become The Once Future Queen. Nothing could've stopped it from happening.
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Nothing Wrong
Prompt: Writing prompt for Merlin (preferably time passes?): Modern Day everyone try to explain to Arthur how life works now and Arthur trying to get Merlin to therapy because JESUS DUDE and coming up with a somewhat workable alibi for what can essentially be called immortality angst. Hope you're having a lovely day!!
Thanks for the prompt, babe! This is part of a series over on my Ao3 but it can be read as a standalone
Read on Ao3
Pairings: merthur, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2217
 So it turns out that Merlin, to no one's surprise but his, could benefit from seeing a therapist.
“Thank you for coming in today, Mr. Emrys,” Dr. Lerchen says as Merlin sits down in the plush chair, “it’s good to meet you.”
 “You as well, Dr. Lerchen.”
 “Please, Melanie is fine.” Dr. Le—Melanie smiles and fixes her glasses. “I understand that you’ve never been to a therapist before?”
 “Can’t say I have.”
 “Well, I’m happy to have you. May I ask what you’ve heard about therapy?”
 “That it’s something I should definitely do.”
 “Well, I make no judgments about that, but what else?”
 Merlin hesitates. He’s never had someone who’s…paid to listen to him. Whose job it is to help him sort through the mess in his brain. It feels…counterintuitive.
 Melanie nods when he says as much. “You’re not the first person who feels a little awkward asking a therapist for help. Nor are you the first to think you don’t actually need it.”
 Merlin blinks. “I didn’t say that.”
 “No—“ Melanie gives him a look— “but am I right?”
 He fidgets in the chair.
 “You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to,” she says after a moment, “but I want to reassure you that you don’t need to have a reason to see a therapist.”
 “I don’t?”
 She shrugs. “Some people see me because they’re having issues at work that they’re struggling to manage. Some people see me because they’ve got mental issues they need help with. And some people see me because they’ve never actually had someone to talk to.”
 Melanie smiles. “Yes, Mr. Emrys. You don’t have to need therapy to have therapy.”
 A weight begins to lift off his shoulders. Judging by Melanie’s smile, she can see it. She sits back in her chair too and tilts her head.
 “Is that all this is,” Merlin murmurs, mostly to himself, “is this…therapy?”
 “Well, I’m not sure if it’s as easy to tell from the two minutes you’ve been here,” she laughs, “but…yes. I ask questions, and if you like, you answer them. Or we simply talk. About…whatever you’d like.”
 “Whatever I like?”
 “Believe me, I’ve spent sessions discussing nothing but movies and favorite colors.”
 “With children?”
 “With adults.” She gestures between them. “I’m here to provide the support you need to work through things. Does that sound alright?”
 “…yes,” Merlin breathes, “that sounds…that sounds great.”
 “Wonderful. May I ask you a few questions about why you’re here today?”
 “Do you mind if I write them down?”
 Merlin shakes his head and she retrieves a notepad.
 “In your request for an appointment, you mentioned that you’d been referred to me by a friend of yours?”
 “Yes, um, Leon Camlynn.”
 “Ah, yes, I see.” She makes a note. “Had you been discussing therapy with him prior to the referral?”
  “You should try it, Merlin,” Leon says encouragingly as Arthur sits down on the couch, “it’s just talking.”
  “I’ve had experience with therapy before, Leon.”
  “Not like this,” Leon promises, his eyes shining with the understanding of what type of ‘therapy’ Merlin’s been put through, “I promise.”
  Merlin sighs. “Look, I appreciate the offer, but I’m fine, Leon, I—“
  “Merlin,” Arthur interrupts softly, “I think you should try it. Just once, at least.”
  He doesn’t blink at Merlin’s look of betrayal.
  “Leon says it helps him, and maybe it’ll help you too.”
  “There is so much between us already,” Leon says softly, drawing Merlin’s attention again, “so much history—“
  “So why would I want to talk to someone that I’d have to explain things to?”
  “—that you might not be able to talk about it with us,” Leon finishes, “and you’d only have to explain as much as you were comfortable with.”
  Merlin sighs. “I don’t believe you. There’s—I—I can’t—my—hmm.”
  “You don’t have to explain everything all the time, Merlin,” Leon says, “and you definitely won’t have to during the first session.”
 “I agree,” Melanie says, patiently writing things down, “I’m not here to pressure you into telling me things you’re not comfortable with, nor am I going to tell you what to do.”
 “He said that I should get used to talking to someone.” Merlin toys with the end of his shirt. “Someone that wasn’t…him.”
 Melanie nods. “How long has it been? Since you spoke to someone other than Leon?”
 1500 years. “…a while.”
 “And is Leon your closest friend? Do you have anyone else?”
 “I know people at work, I talk to them, they drag me out for pub nights. But Leon’s my only…friend-friend, really.”
 “I see.” She looks back at the appointment record. “It says here you’re also considering whether or not you have some sort of PTSD?”
  Damnit, Leon.
 “You needn’t tell me anything you feel uncomfortable telling me,” Melanie reminds, “but whatever you do tell me will be useful in how I can help you.”
 Merlin can’t help glancing at the door.
 “Doctor-patient confidentiality,” comes the quiet reassurance, “nothing you say will leave this room.”
 He takes a deep, slow breath. He hasn’t talked about this to anyone. Not even Arthur. Not really. There are so many secrets that no one knows that he doesn’t know how to tell one without telling all of them.
 “Pick something small,” Melanie suggests when he says as much, “something innocuous. A memory, perhaps, one that makes you happy.”
  “Come on, Merlin, this way!”
  Merlin rolls his eyes as Arthur drags him through the woods. “Whatever creature you’re hunting is going to hear us coming from yards away, as you’re so fond of telling me.”
  “We’re not hunting Merlin, now come on!”
  “Then why are we out in the middle of the woods for no reason? And why am I carrying all this food?”
  Arthur bursts through the edge of the woods into a clearing, spinning around with a blinding smile. “We’re having a picnic.”
  Merlin blanches. “A what?”
  “A picnic, Merlin,” Arthur repeats, taking the basket from him, “we’re going to sit down and eat.”
  And they did, in the field, as butterflies flew around their heads.
 “That sounds lovely,” Melanie says, smiling, “and how long ago was this?”
 Merlin’s smile dims. “A long time.”
 “Was it near where you grew up?”
 “No, no, it was…quite far away. I, um, I grew up in a smaller village and went away to a big city to work.”
 “Was it hard, being away from your family for such a long period of time?”
  He misses his mother’s smile.
  He misses the smell of the barn when he walks outside—not the big, Camelot stables, but their little barn with the cinnamon and cloves stuffed into the corners to keep the old donkey happy.
  He misses Will, the shouts and yells of the other boys as they rush up and down the streets.
  He misses the old man’s warbling in the late night as he walked back and forth with the lantern, putting out the lights on his market stall.
 “I’d never been farther than walking distance away from my home,” he says quietly, examining his hands, “so it was…hard to adjust.”
 “I’m sure. Did you go back to visit them ever?”
  “The winters are harsh in Ealdor,” his mother says, pleading in front of the tightly Uther Pendragon, “and there are many children. Some of them just won't be strong enough to survive. We barely have enough food as it is, and if Kanen takes our harvest, our children won't live to see another summer. Please, we need your help.”
“Ealdor's in Cenred's kingdom,” Uther says dismissively, “your safety is his responsibility.”
“We've appealed to our King, but he cares little for the outlying regions. You're our only hope.”
Uther regards his mother with what can only be described as forced pity. “I have the deepest sympathy for you and would have this barbarian wiped off the face of the earth.”
“You'll help us?”
“I wish I could.”
Perhaps sensing Merlin’s dismay, Arthur speaks up. “Surely we can spare a few men?”
 Melanie tilts her head. “You sound sad.”
 “…my friend died when I went back,” Merlin says, “he…I’d known him since I was a little boy. He was…important to me.”
 “I’m sorry to hear that.” And she does sound genuinely sorry, Merlin realizes, as she leans forward. “What was his name?”
 “Will,” she repeats, “I’m sorry he passed.”
 Merlin shrugs. Out of all the people he’s lost, he can’t afford to hurt over all of them all the time.
 “What did you do afterward?”
 “I went back to work.”
 Melanie blinks. “Just like that? No time off, no time to grieve?”
 “…where I come from, that wasn’t really a thing.”
 “…I see.”
 Merlin shifts. “Is something wrong?”
 “People need time to process things,” she says, “to reconcile what’s happened in order to learn how to live with it. And if you weren’t given that time…”
 “It wasn’t the most pressing thing on my mind.”
 That gives her pause. She raises an eyebrow and nods for him to continue. Merlin fidgets a little in the chair.
 “…I have a secret,” he says finally, “one that Will died to protect for me.”
 She makes a soft noise.
 “I couldn’t tell anyone,” Merlin continues, staring at a spot on the carpet, “it—they would’ve—“
 He breaks off. He hasn’t thought about his magic like this for centuries. He hasn’t thought about his magic for decades. He hasn’t actually looked at himself for…a long time.
 He’s been hiding for almost as long as he can remember.
 “What would they have done,” Melanie prompts softly.
 “Killed me.” Merlin looks up. “They would’ve killed me.”
 To her credit, Melanie doesn’t look shocked. Instead, she smiles softly.
 “No one will kill you for a secret, Mr. Emrys, not on my watch.”
 That shouldn’t make him feel as warm as it does, but he finds his own mouth turning up into a smile.
 “Does your family know your secret?”
 “My mother did. My father…yes, he knew.”
 “Does Leon know?”
 “Anyone else?”
 Merlin hesitates. “Yes. Yes, someone else knows. Even though I…I didn’t…I didn’t tell him when I should have.”
 “You’re the only one who gets to make that decision,” Melanie reassures, “no one else.”
 “But he felt so betrayed when I didn’t tell him. He was…he was angry with me.”
  “You’ve lied to me. You’ve lied all this time.”
  Merlin can’t quite hear his heart crack in two, but he can feel it.
 “Why did you decide to tell him?”
 Merlin shrugs. “He was going to get hurt if I didn’t show—if I didn’t tell him.”
  Ygraine, his mother, gone on the day of his birth because of magic.
  Uther, turned bitter and cynical, making enemies upon enemies of magic while hoarding it for his own selfish purposes.
  Morgana, his own sister, twisted and tortured by Uther, by Arthur, by Merlin, until she was barely recognizable.
  Arthur had lost so much to magic that Merlin can’t bear to give him something else to lose.
 “…he’s already been hurt by it,” Merlin says, shutting his eyes, “I didn’t want to hurt him too.”
 “What happened to him?”
  Mordred steps out from behind a rock and walks toward Arthur, he raises his sword...
  Arthur either hears him or sees his reflection in a sword on the ground. He stands and blocks the attack, he goes to stab and stops, realizing it's Mordred. Mordred stabs him and withdraws the sword, fatally wounding him.
  Arthur goes to a knee.
  Merlin can’t find the breath to scream.
  “Merlin. There is nothing you can do.”
  “I’ve failed?
“No, young warlock, for all that you have dreamt of building, has come to pass.”
  “I can't lose him! He's my friend!”
  “Though no man, no matter how great, can know his destiny, some lives have been foretold, Merlin...Arthur is not just a King-he is the Once and Future King.”
  Once and Forever.
  “Take heart, for when Albion's need is greatest, Arthur will rise again.”
  Merlin. Merlin is all that’s left.
  “It has been a privilege to have known you, young warlock-the story we have been a part of will live long in the minds of men.”
  1500 years…
  “Merlin? Merlin!”
  He’s back.
 “…he went away. For a very long time.”
 “And now?”
 Despite everything, Merlin finds himself smiling. “He’s my flatmate.”
 “I’m glad to hear it,” Melanie says softly, smiling too, “you two deserve your soft epilogue.”
 Wait, what?
 “I’m afraid that’s all we have the time for today, Mr. Emrys,” Melanie says, standing and holding out her hand for him to shake, “but I’d be happy to set up another appointment.”
 “Uh, yeah, yeah,” Merlin says, scrambling to his feet and shaking her hand, “and please, Merlin’s fine.”
 “Merlin.” Her handshake is firm, grounding. “Be in touch.”
 “I will.”
 “And one last thing,” she calls as he goes to leave, “there is nothing wrong with being gay, Merlin.”
 Wait, what?
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