ofwondersandhares · 2 years
♡ - from a certain redhead to the hare XD
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tealeavesandthorns · 11 months
Five times smiled for Declan & Maria
’ 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴𝚂 ’ 𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙱𝙱𝙻𝙴 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂. five times smiled: ( five times the sender made the receiver smile ) - @dxrknessexplored
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It's just soft and small, nothing big, barely noticeable but it's the kind of smile that takes you off guard. That resonates in your chest. All Maria is doing is watching him with Eli at his feet but it warms something in her chest, like it always does, when she sees someone so clearly loving something unconditionally. It's just a completely ordinary moment but those are always the ones that really make Maria smile. Those little moments of softness in the world.
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2. This one could almost be followed by the whispered words of I'll kill you. Instead it's a sarcastic laugh and tilting of the head that Declan is given in response as he fights his way to the counter. The word 'busy' having left his lips the moment he caught Maria's eye. The shop is heaving, tourists, kids, and a coachload of old people who were visiting the museum. Maria is run ragged behind the counter with hair falling out of her pony tail and four cups in her hands.
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3. Maria doesn't actually realise she's smiling until her dad asks her what she's thinking about at dinner. He's got a smile on his own face, like he clearly thinks she's thinking about someone she likes. It dawns on Maria then that, oh no, she like likes Declan, because yes of course she appreciated how attractive he is and of course she understands why Alice always blushes around him. He's handsome and gentlemanly and friendly.
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4. Maria has no idea when Declan figured out that cheesy, terrible jokes really, really make her laugh but he did and he seems to be coming into the shop with more and more of them. Almost like he might have bought a book and is just slowly ticking them off.
After that Maria has gone hunting for a book of her own and now when things are a bit tough it's like a weird secret language between the two. Maria cracks a terrible joke to Declan or he cracks a terrible joke to her and the mood is instantly lifted.
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5. Sometimes a bad day just needs a smile to make it better. Maria has been shouted at and harassed in the shop. It's just one of those days when all the worst people and customers seem to be out and about. There's nothing she can do about it but she's worn out, run down and the smile isn't touching her eyes. There's other things too, little stresses that have all just piled on top of one another throughout the week. She hasn't been able to talk to her family and she's been shouldering the load of Alice and Tony's emotional problems like a lone parent.
"Well if it ain't my favourite shopkeep."
And that's all it takes, well that and the smile, the way he leans against the counter and looks all twinkly. The smile on her face is real then, gentle but touching her eyes and god she could just cry.
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heartofmania · 2 years
“i’d rather end up wishing i hadn’t than wishing i had, wouldn’t you?” - for daphne! or any of your bridgerton muses! :)
For @dolcesuono
Daphne is, for the most part, a very well behaved young lady. She knows that the eyes of society are upon her, and she must uphold a certain level of poise and decorum in order to protect her reputation. But, that doesn’t mean she is immune to getting ideas. Now of course she’s nowhere near as rebellious as her younger sister, but she’s not one to pass up an opportunity to sneak away from the watchful gaze of her older brothers (a feat to be proud of) and mingle amongst the other opera attendees for a brief moment of freedom.
She spots a certain soprano from far across the room, and weaves her way through the crowd towards Hetty with two glasses in hand. Before her friend even has a chance to speak, Daphne offers her the other glass with a devious quiet smile. Her eyes flick surreptitiously to where both Anthony and Benedict remain rapt in conversation, for the moment blissfully ignorant of their sister’s disappearance, signaling her escape.
‘They started arguing about Benedict 'applying himself', it was the perfect opportunity to slip away. Heaven knows Anthony will have some choice words for me later, but I’ve found one has to act when you have the chance.’ Daphne suppresses a laugh, taking a sip from her drink.
‘I’d rather end up wishing I hadn’t than wishing I had, wouldn’t you?’
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queenxfthedxmned · 11 months
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Name: james (jay) fernandez
Alias(es): jay, j
Gender: male
Age: 32
Birthday: october 18th
Place of Birth: england
Spoken Language(s): english, spanish, some french
Sexual Preference: straight
Occupation(s): adventurer, freelance photographer
Eye Colour: caramel
Hair Colour: dark brown, black
Height: 6'1
Major Scars: all over from numerous hiking accidents
Colour: blue
Song: lovesong by the cure
Food: anything and everything
Drink: green smoothie
Passed University: no, dropped out to travel
Had Sex: yes
Had Sex in Public: yes
Gotten Pregnant/Someone Else Pregnant: no
Kissed a Boy: no
Kissed a Girl: yes
Gotten Tattoos: many on both upper arms
Gotten Piercings: none
Been in Love: yes
Stayed up for More than 24 Hours: yes
A Virgin: no
A Cuddler: yes
A Kisser: yes
Scared Easily: no
Jealous Easily: yes
Trustworthy: yes
Dominant: yes
Submissive: no,but can be if in love
In Love: elena toro is literally everything to him
Single: no
Have They Harmed Themselves: yes unintentionally
Thought of Suicide: no
Attempted Suicide: no
Wanted to Kill Someone: no
Have/Had a Job: yes
Have Any Fears: not particularly
Sibling(s): none
Parent(s): mother and father who are madly in love and still married, still living in england.
Children: no
Significant Other: elena elena elena!!!
Pet(s): none, due to his busy on the go lifestyle but loves animals
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Name: keith williams
Alias(es): none
Gender: male
Age: 30
Birthday: march 10th
Place of Birth: portland, oregon
Spoken Language(s): english
Sexual Preference: straight
Occupation(s): veterinarian
Eye Colour: green
Hair Colour: brown
Height: 6'4
Major Scars: on his wrist from a dog bite
Colour: green
Song: there she goes by sixpence none the richer
Food: spaghetti and meatballs
Drink: coffee
Passed University: yes
Had Sex: yes
Had Sex in Public: no
Gotten Pregnant/Someone Else Pregnant: no
Kissed a Boy: no
Kissed a Girl: yes
Gotten Tattoos: no
Gotten Piercings: no
Been in Love: yes
Stayed up for More than 24 Hours: yes
A Virgin: no
A Cuddler: yes
A Kisser: yes
Scared Easily: yes
Jealous Easily: yes
Trustworthy: yes
Dominant: no
Submissive: yes
In Love: yes with the angel that is seraphina
Single: no, not in his mind anyway
Have They Harmed Themselves: no
Thought of Suicide: no
Attempted Suicide: no
Wanted to Kill Someone: no (yes in vampire verse)
Have/Had a Job: yes
Have Any Fears: ending up alone
Sibling(s): none
Parent(s): mother who raised him single
Children: none but is open to it
Significant Other: seraphina, in his mind lol
Pet(s): a dog and an old man cat who he loves both so dearly
tagged by: @lcnelyday tagging: whoever wants to do this
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wartsetal · 2 years
abatina, anemone, bluebell, pansy!
abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (  due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc . ) ,  or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?
Ohoho, juicy question for this guy. Generally, Quifrey is a fairly open-minded person but the more important a topic is to him personally, the more he'll dig in his heels. He can be very stubborn sometimes. Nevertheless, here are some instances when he's changed his mind in a significant way:
as a child he tended to just drift from day to day without a purpose until a certain friend convinced him that life is worth living :')
he chose to abandon his quest for revenge against the Brimhats to instead become a teacher and build his own little sanctuary for himself out in the country, to live a peaceful life... and then he changed his mind again :'''')
regarding forbidden magic... that's very juicy. He has a visceral disgust for it and much anger and hatred for the Brimhats. And yet... he can also see where his own society is unjust. He doesn't seem to have many qualms about bending the rules when it suits his own purposes or moral code. He's less loyal to the laws of society and more driven by his own needs and the needs of the people in his life.
still doesn't eat his vegetables though smh
anemone :   how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ?  where does that world view come from   ( what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc . ) ?
answered here !
bluebell :   does your muse learn from their past ,   or are they prone to repeating the same mistakes ?
Unfortunately... he does tend to repeat the same mistakes, gets stuck in the same well-worn paths of suffering, and he's trapped by it. This is perhaps his greatest tragedy. The people who know him best can see it happening and feel a little powerless to stop it.
pansy :   does your muse often reflect on their own actions ? do they ever think a lot about the past ,   and what they could have done differently ?
He tends to carry a whole lot of guilt, but is surprisingly forward thinking most of the time. This guy is a master of coping with painful emotions... or at least avoiding them.
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cassercole · 4 years
Q + Carol Danvers?
Q is 100% a conspiracy theorist (i.e. she believes the moon landing was faked) so the mystery of Carol Danvers is one of her secret faves
She was like 10 during that whole thing in Captain Marvel, and has definitely read all the different conspiracy theories on the situation -- though hasn’t told anyone of course
When she got to SHIELD, she totally looked up any files on the subject, though of course all of them were highly encrypted. So when she finally got access, she read them all front to back and back again lol
Cut to: when everyone is mourning over Tony at his funeral, Q is quietly fangirling over Carol lol
Name an OC and a topic and I’ll give you 3-5 facts about them to do with it
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mitrassupercrew · 4 years
27 for the memories meme for Artemis :)
Mhh for a Celestial, she has tried many things over the centuries. But I think one of the things she is proud off,would be her first successful photography project. Artemis wasn’t always so good at photography when she started-trail and error. So getting her first well praised/best shots in her first few batches was a greal deal.
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serribomb · 5 years
soy tu favorita en el grupo 😏
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Ya quisieras serlo, mi pequeña estrellita Byeol, ya quisieras.
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damianjang · 4 years
Pregunta honesta: si tuvieras que sacar a alguien de SOS, ¿a quién sería?
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Pues sacaría a Jun sin duda alguna, así tendría una habitación para mí solo, ah, miento, miento, no sacaría a ninguno, todos lucharon muy duro para llegar hasta aquí.
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yongbarin · 4 years
¡Tienes buen gusto! Y no lo digo porque tengamos casi el mismo gusto musical, para nada. Por cierto ¿coleccionas algo? figuras, álbums, no lo sé... cualquier cosa. Yo solía coleccionar postales, pero están de vuelta en casa y acá no he tenido tiempo. Aunque si pudiera traerme algo sería definitivamente mi perro. ¿Tú extrañas algo de casa? ¿qué te traerías contigo? Por cierto, perdón si me demoro un tanto pero a veces tengo la cabeza en otro lado y se me olvida escribir. Mi culpa.-ss
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¿En serio, S.S? Ah, me encantaría conocerte, podríamos hablar de cuáles son tus comebacks favoritos, side b o covers que más te gustan y me parece realmente original que colecciones postales, hay algunas preciosas. Oh, disculpa, me he ido por las ramas, pues a ver extraño muchas cosas, entre ellas a mi familia pero si pudiera traerme algo, uhm, creo que me traería una remesa de galletas de jengibre de mi madre, su pavo asado del día de navidad o esas galletas danesas que siempre tenían en casa, eran de mantequilla, no sé de dónde las conseguían. Oh y no te preocupes, a mí también me pasa en ocasiones disculpa si tardé en mi respuesta.
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tealeavesandthorns · 11 months
Hercules Beetle, Aphid, Golden Silk Orb Weaver - Maria
Insect Themed Character Headcanon Asks
Golden Silk Orb Weaver:  What is a hobby that your muse loves?
Reading is absolutely Maria's biggest hobby, it's the thing she crams into any spare minute of the day most of the time. She also really likes puzzles, things like crosswords, word puzzles, code breakers, and things like that. She also on quieter days she even enjoys a jigsaw puzzles.
Aphid:  What is their favorite breakfast food?
Strawberry and Chocolate French Toast/French Toast Roll ups. That's mostly a treat though she couldn't eat that everyday. In general it's just good old toast with butter and strawberry jam.
Hercules Beetle:  Are they physically or mentally stronger?
Maria is definitely mentally stronger, even in verses where she's particularly strong she's still mentally stronger. She's resilient and vulnerable and wears her heart on her sleeve and all those things take a kind of courage and strength.
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heartofmania · 2 years
❝ i’ll come get you, where are you ? ❞ ( felix to pax. )
-- @himbovillains -- CW: Mild violence, language --
Pax is no stranger to scrapes. In fact, she spends most of her life getting into various kinds of trouble, always with a smile on her face. And she can usually get herself out of it, through a mix of charms, fists or fast feet.
But then there are days like today, when she’s suddenly in way over her head. This time it wasn’t even really her fault. They’d just got back to the city only to be greeted by some drunks having a scrap outside the station. Despite her best attempts to move around the group, Pax had got pulled into the fray and though they’d held their own decently at first - a crack over the head with a bottle certainly made it harder.
Now here they are, sitting on the train station roof with no cash, missing a shoe and a busted face. ‘Man, this is a new one’, she thinks, looking at her bare foot as she flexes her toes to check they aren’t broken. The bastards had even taken her sock, and probably would have tried for the other one if she hadn't scrambled up the gutter.
‘Wankers.’ She sighs. She knows she’s not getting home on time. Reluctantly, Pax pulls out her now very cracked phone and shoots off a quick text to Felix. Light and cheery, in her classic ‘rolling with the punches’ style, in an attempt to stop him from worrying. She’ll get home, clean herself up and he’ll never have to know, right?
‘Yo, gonna be late tonight. Universe decided I have to take the scenic route 😂’ - P, 00:24am
A reply buzzes through seconds later.
‘i’ll come get you, where are you?’ - F, 00:24am
Ah shit. Well, there’s no avoiding him finding out now. Might as well bite the bullet.
‘Train station. … on the roof.’ - P, 00:25am
-- link to meme post --
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periipatetic · 3 years
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@gcmblingdice​ asked:  "Are you into the idea of me getting you off on vlive, without them noticing? Are you into that type of play? Knowing army could see at anytime if you slip up?" (From namjoon uwu)
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Leaning into Namjoon’s taller body, Jungkook felt his skin heat up in reaction to the provocative words. Tipping his head forward, he curled his fingers into the soft over-sized hoodie he was wearing and brought the other hand up to cover his own mouth with a finger before lifting it to press it to Namjoon’s lips as well. “Yo-you can’t just say stuff like that.” He whined quietly, blushing. But he knew his leader would demand an answer instead of his evading so he licked at his lower lip and nodded, “I like that idea. As long as you don’t deliberately try to make me give it all away, Rapmon-hyung.” He admitted thoughtfully, meeting the older man’s eyes confidently. 
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deathbeckons · 2 years
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RANDOM PROMPTS MEME    /     @hokuspocus​ asked:
“you don’t know what you’re doing. you could kill someone.” 
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“i know exactly what i’m doing, haylee, and you don’t live for fifteen-hundred years without having ended someone’s life before. taking people’s souls as a fallen more often than lot lead to the persons death; a mortal can’t survive long without a soul. vampirism is just the same, there’s some hiccups along the way and you may or may not kill someone.” of course, harley would rather not kill anyone but if he did it wouldn’t be the first time. but to suggest that he didn’t know what he was doing was what really grinded his gears. 
“white swallow is perfectly safe, my clients there are perfectly safe and my staff are perfectly safe. do you really think i’d be back to work already if i didn’t feel confident in my ability to not munch down on the people? or that if i did get the feeling that i wanted to do that, that i wouldn’t have a plan in place to stop that from happening?” harley countered, arms folded across his chest as eyes hardened and narrowed at the witch. he had originally isolated himself for months, and yet because he was the type to be rather impulsive people didn’t trust him. 
“i think you’ll find that most are quite willing to be fed from by me anyway, and if they’re not, i have stockpiles of blood in most places that i would need them. you control your life, haylee, not mine nor anyone elses.” 
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wartsetal · 2 years
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romance/friendship arc.
you started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
I just stole this meme but
tagging: @eternasci @cosmicstardreamer @ladysmaid​
and in theory @witchofwarmth​ but you already took it on call we are multimedia
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cassercole · 4 years
Cast your mutuals as your ocs!!!
Q Proctor: @ocfairygodmother
Dawson: @thegalanerd
Molly Proctor: @starsandstormyseas
Marina Popov: @kenobi-jinn
Graham Hughes: @inkoutsidethelines
Tristan Rogers: @daaeleira
Bonnie Rogers: @nellie–crain
Kitty Franklin:  @whindsor
Alex Roman: @anotherunreadblog
Greta Goodwin: @universalfanfic
Theresa Newman: @iron-parkr
Neve: @poe-tato-dameron
man i struggled with this so much lmao 
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