paisleygamecock · 2 years
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"That lust and filthy fornication and sodomy and buggery roam this realm, beating their lewd wings and raising a coughing and stinking and blinding dust to lead reason astray, you may be well assured, aware too of God’s wrath in the dread portents of the times."
Burgess' fictional biography of Shakespeare's sex life, in which his Dark Lady is the well-paid African courtesan of a deceased peer, HW is his noble gay lover and patron, and Anne Hathaway is the older woman who stole him from his first love with booze, dirty stories and a shotgun wedding.
WS, working-class poet, dreamer son of a resentful glovemaker, flees backwater Avon and leads a life of tightrope walking between husband and rake, actor and playwright, intellectual and labourer, forever on the edge of religious, political and economic violence in and Elizabethan England where sex, death, disease, birth, violence and literature are all shades of each other.
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fnovelso · 8 months
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Time For a Tiger
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kommunic8 · 1 year
Un libro comprato secoli fa in un negozietto di seconda mano a Byron Bay. TRASCRIZIONE [ENG translation below] Nelle calde ore agostane o agostiniane, non lo so, comunque nelle calde ore del pomeriggio d'agosto, quando non sapevo che leggere, mi sono rifatta ai vecchi libri. Ogni tanto io prendo vecchi libri letti molti, molti anni fa, di cui non mi ricordo molto bene la trama, ma mi ricordo se mi erano piaciuti o meno. Ecco il libro che ho preso e un libro che mi ricordo, mi era piaciuto molto, per più di un motivo. Anzitutto è un libro comprato di seconda mano e infatti c'è ancora l'adesivo giallo fosforescente del negozio dove l'ho comprato 'Icon Books, 2$ Byron Bay'. E già questo me lo rende simpatico perché è un libro che comprai quando andai per la prima volta in vacanza a Byron Bay. Baron Bay era negli anni, boh '60, '70, il paradiso degli hippy in Australia. Quando io l'ho visitato negli anni '90 era ancora abbastanza paradiso, ora mi risulta sia molto meno paradiso, comunque è sempre un posto fantastico. La cosa divertente è che quando io comprai questo libro che è intitolato 'Inside Mr Enderby', non m'ero resa conto o non avevo collegato immediatamente che l'autore è un autore che in effetti è molto famoso, vedi quel nome, Anthony Burgess, forse non vi dice molto il nome, ma è l'autore di Arancia Meccanica, altro libro che ho letto, si capisce pochissimo dal libro perché una delle caratteristiche di Anthony Burgess era questo amore incredibile per la lingua e per la linguistica, infatti era anche un abile linguista, insegnava linguistica, ha insegnato per diverso tempo linguistica e parlava diverse lingue, oltre a scrivere tantissimi libri, appunto, il più famoso è Arancia Meccanica ma ne ha scritto tanti altri, io solo a casa ne ho, boh, 5 o 6 suoi perché a me prende così: una volta che compro un libro mi piace, allora cerco di comprarne diversi, molti dello stesso autore. Ha scritto anche libretti di musica, ha tradotto addirittura l'opera Carmen, oltre che aver tradotto anche, mi pare, l'Odissea o uno di questi libroni così. Comunque, perché mi misi a comprare tanti libri di Anthony Burgess? Perché ha una scrittura incredibilmente divertente, satirica, e s fa una satira molto sottile, a volte si riferisce a cose che io non conosco, allora vado un po', me le cerco. Comunque è stato bello riscoprire in questa tranquillità post-meridiana di un pomeriggio d'agosto, il mio vecchio libro comprato a Byron Bay. TRANSLATION In the hot August or Augustinian hours, I don't know, anyway in the hot August afternoon hours, when I didn't know what to read, I went back to the old books. Occasionally I pick up old books that I read many, many years ago, whose plot I don't remember very well, but I remember whether I liked them or not. Here is the book that I took and a book that I remember, I had liked very much, for more than one reason. First, it is a book bought second-hand and in fact it still has the glow-in-the-dark yellow sticker from the store where I bought it 'Icon Books, $2 Byron Bay'. And already that makes me like it because it's a book I bought when I first went on vacation to Byron Bay. Baron Bay was in the '60s, '70s, IDK a hippy paradise in Australia. When I visited in the 1990s it was still quite a paradise, now I understand it is much less paradise, however it is still a great place. The funny thing is that when I bought this book which is titled 'Inside Mr Enderby', I didn't realise or didn't connect immediately that the author is an author who is actually very famous, you see that name, Anthony Burgess, maybe the name doesn't ring a bell, but he is the author of 'A Clockwork Orange', another book I read, you can tell very little from the book because one of the characteristics of Anthony Burgess was this incredible love of language and linguistics, in fact he was also a skilled linguist, he taught linguistics, he taught linguistics for a long time and spoke several languages, as well as wrote a lot of books, actually, the most famous one is 'A Clockwork Orange' but he wrote many others, only at home I have, IDK, 5 or 6 of his because it gets me so: once I buy a book that I like, then I try to buy several, many by the same author. He also wrote music librettos, he even translated the opera Carmen, as well as having translated also, I think, the Odyssey or one of these big books like that. Anyway, why did I set out to buy so many books by Anthony Burgess? Because he has an incredibly funny writing, satirical, and he does a very subtle satire, sometimes he refers to things that I don't know, then I go and I look it up. Anyway, it was nice to rediscover in this post-dawn quiet of an August afternoon, my old book bought in Byron Bay.
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criticfilm · 1 year
A Clockwork Orange (1971): Unhinged Chaos! - Movie Review
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...cult che ha attraversato più di una generazione...uno dei più celebri libri di Anthony Burgess tanto che il regista Stanley Kubrick decise di trarne un film. Inizialmente, il titolo del romanzo era stato tradotto come Un'arancia a orologeria e venne cambiato in Arancia meccanica solo dopo che il film fu chiamato così...Un libro geniale spettacolare e disturbante anche nel suo strambo linguaggio...ambientato in un futuro mai avverato in cui il libero arbitrio viene inibito per impedire i comportamenti violenti...fa molto pensare sul concetto di libertà individuale e sui metodi di controllo che la società usa nei confronti di tutti per stabilire un ordine al suo interno. E', inoltre, una critica feroce nei confronti della società occidentale ed il concetto di famiglia descritto da Burgess risulta essere un vuoto contenitore senz'anima, una fabbrica di risibile ipocrisia...Assolutamente da leggere...#ravenna #booklovers #instabook #igersravenna #instaravenna #ig_books #consiglidilettura #librerieaperte #narrativa #anthonyburgess (presso Libreria ScattiSparsi Ravenna) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRRolhIc4R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nojarama · 8 months
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Happy anniversary to Stanley Kubrick’s film, ‘A Clockwork Orange’. Released this week in 1972. #aclockworkorange #stanleykubrick #anthonyburgess #malcolmmcdowell
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jessicachortkoff · 1 year
Stanley Kubrick: As Captured by "Angeleno with a Camera"
By the way, Stanley's films are rated "R" and contain some artistic depictions of nudity. Viewer discretion is advised! Stanley Kubrick as captured by "Angeleno with a Camera" aka, Jessica Chortkoff! Come with me as I view Kubrick's famous touring exhibit! This is a fan video dedicated to Stanley Kubrick. I dedicate this work to Stanley, his family, and the many wonderful artists he has influenced! His career spanned what I consider to be the last true "Golden Age of Hollywood:" from the late 1950's into the early 1990s. The thing that made this trip so special was that I was allowed to bring my camera and take as many photos as I wanted! If you are a photographer who has been to a museum you know how RARE that is! As a result I learned SO MUCH from taking these photos! Here are some of my favorite Stanley Kubrick Quotes: "Writing, of course, is writing, acting comes from the theater, and cinematography comes from photography. Editing is unique to film. You can see something from different points of view almost simultaneously, and it creates a new experience." Stanley Kubrick "I think the big mistake in schools is trying to teach children anything, and by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared to fear as a nuclear explosion to a firecracker." Stanley Kubrick "Perhaps it sounds ridiculous, but the best thing that young filmmakers should do is to get hold of a camera and some film and make a movie of any kind at all." Stanley Kubrick "If you can talk brilliantly about a problem, it can create the consoling illusion that it has been mastered." Stanley Kubrick If you like this and want to see more please join my Patreon family and SUBSCRIBE to me on Youtube!!! https://www.patreon.com/Jessicachortkoffphotos #stanleykubrick #jessicachortkoff #angelenowithacamera #california #lacma #clockworkorange #2001aspaceodyssey #lolita #theshining #horrorfilms #sciencefiction #sculpture #props #ultraviolence #alex #malcolmmcdowell #costumes #filmhistory #history #photography #1960smovies #1980smovies #Anthonyburgess #students #cameras #lenses #video #1950smovies 1990smovies #filmmaking #film #museum #gallery #art #classichollywood #1970smovies #journalism #photography #oldmovies #bestdirector
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astroneatly · 1 year
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Napoleon Symphony, inscribed with a dedication to Stanley Kubrick, is an Anthony Burgess novel published in 1974, and it’s surprisingly fecund. It’s imaginative and deep, reflecting briefly on constants, on love, on war, on peace. On the nature and duality of man, woman, and all and sundry. Glimpses into Burgess’s mind illustrate a contemplative, thoughtful writes who writes as whimsically as he did tenderly. The book abounds with abstraction, formatting which breaks the pattern, and epistolary, neologisms, all this against a backdrop of Napoleonic France.
We in the court of the royals, arrive at a quandary: Talleyrand, selling surplus french grain to great britain. Napoleon’s very arch-nemesis. Napoleon wants a unified, republican Europe, I was drawn to a comparison as a unified europe as of a United States… but Europe is great as is. “We weren’t fighting the Austrians and the Germans, Man, we were fight the armies of the oppressors of the Austrian and German people.” Napoleon wants to cross the Alps, as Hannibal once did.
All’s fair in love and war, as the saying goes. ‘True love, as true lovers know, is built on caution.’ Much of this book is romantic- a tragic character should not be sitting down. A warlord will always have the romantic idea that they can control history, that with ease of ballasting his rapier and charging siege he can lay down the law that history will favor him. His legacy was one he took by conquering. Conquer or be conquered… Yet behind the front of battle, most of the diplomacy is happening behind closed doors, in hushed whispers, convening over tea. And so, because it was a lot of talking, I fell short of finishing this novel by about 100 pages. I wish to move on.
“We’ve abandoned religion but not, I hope, good taste.” #anthonyburgess
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tetcny · 2 years
Starting my Sunday
Someday, this needs a 4K HD restoration.
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evindedzis · 2 years
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Glad I got the Ultra Violence filter from Alex of A Clockwork Orange #anthonyburgess #aclockworkorange #stanleykubrick #movies #uvfilters #ultraviolence #tiffen #bhphoto https://instagr.am/p/CmjYCdLgC0f/
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erik595 · 3 years
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"Quando i modelli di conformità sono dettati dallo Stato, allora si ha diritto a essere spaventati. Non abbiamo alcun obbligo di amare Beethoven o di odiare la Coca Cola, ma abbiamo il dovere di diffidare dello Stato” -Anthony Burgess- . . . . . #anthonyburgess #burgess #frase #frasi #frasitumblr #citazioni #aforismi #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #scrittore #autore #libertà #società #societàmalata #stato #democrazia #anarchia #consapevolezza #lavaggiodelcervello #conformismo #anticonformista #anticonformismo (presso Manchester, England, UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQLB29YFvaX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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paisleygamecock · 2 years
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"It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday, and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the archbishop had come to see me."
An infamous gay author is commissioned to research the miracles of a recently deceased, soon to be canonised, Pope, whose story he knows intimately as the Pope in question is the ex-brother-in-law of his divorced, lesbian sister. A tour of the twentieth century's attitude to homosexuality, the arts, Catholicism, miracles, the novel, Nazism, nationalism, lies and loneliness, and their attitude to one another.
An awe inspiring piece of art, easily and arrogantly among the highest category of novels.
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filmartgallery · 3 years
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Original first X-rated release 40"x60" poster for A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (1971), featuring artwork by Philip Castle. The film, which premiered in NYC in December 1971 and went into wider U.S. release in February 1972, was slightly re-edited by Kubrick later that year and re-released in that R-rated version in 1973. #aclockworkorange #clockworkorange #stanleykubrick #kubrick #anthonyburgess, #philipcastle #malcolmmcdowell #filmartgallery #newacquisition https://www.instagram.com/p/CQH5FR0JpEC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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paintitblackdesign · 4 years
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#clockworkorange #stanleykubrick #aclockworkorange #kubrick #alexdelarge #anthonyburgess #ultraviolence #korovamilkbar #droogies #aranciameccanica #clockworkorangefans (presso Korova Milk Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGFyxEcFomr/?igshid=am1p336duku2
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0nlyanightmare · 4 years
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It is as inhuman to be totally good as it is to be totally evil. - #AnthonyBurgess #AClockworkOrange https://www.instagram.com/p/CGDPI37gGETjU-_Fw_iTvZ79_GM0QSBGZ0oKGU0/?igshid=4eb57uew5shn
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veereads · 4 years
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"We Can Destroy What We Have Written,But We Cannot Unwrite it" #AclockWorkOrange #AnthonyBurgess #RealHorrorShow
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