#Anti HitsuKarin
exo-raskreia · 1 year
What do you think will happen to Karin? I hope we get to learn about her abilities!! Do you think hitsukarin should be canon?
Hello! Oops, this became a somewhat lengthy response 😅.
Well, considering how the manga ended with a bunch of plot holes, Karin's potential was just one of them. Gone down the drain. She seemed like a regular girl in the end, despite all the foreshadowing of her becoming something more. Her reiatsu was increasing, needing help from Urahara's products, saying it was her turn to protect her brother, & for what? It went nowhere. There's no further implication of her having any sort of relevancy beyond that. So, I don't think Kubo's gonna do anything with her character at this point (as much as that hurts!). He's given no such hints 😒. Wasted potential 😮‍💨.
With that said, I'd love it if HK became canon, & I do think they had (have!!) quite the potential, but I don't have much hope for it. Karin is grown up & Hitsugaya is still the same (you don't know how disappointed I was when I first saw that in the final chaps). Sure, he could still get a growth spurt (I have the HC that with more training, he'll mature into his true bankai form sooner or later. If I had it my way, I would've had him maturing alongside her growing into her teens—just like how they both reached the pre-teen stage at the same time in canon 👀—and then they meet and—), so technically, they could still happen in that twisted universe dumped into 685-686...
However, in a world where IR isn't canon (or headed there), I can't accept HK happening. I'd be so torn seeing my main OTP being implied while the other was done so dirty. I can't wrap my head around it.
I've said in some of my previous posts that I would've liked a HK spin-off sequel if Bleach had a coherent (preferably IR-implied) ending. They'd be the true next generation of Bleach in my opinion 🤷‍♀️. Destined to meet & all like their predecessors 💞.
But yeah, unfortunately, that's not how things went, & so far, there doesn't seem to be anything on the horizon for those two. I don't want to have hopes that the ending could be fixed in the anime (which I'm not even watching, btw), so sorry I don't have any positive things to say about the future of my Bleach OTP 🥺😓.
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swisssadge · 6 months
So, there are several longfics that I have started working on. Talking about stories that are most likely gonna reach light novel lenght. And I like each idea equally. However, I think I need to focus on one at a time. Otherwise I might get nowhere. So, I would like to ask you guys what you would be most interested in. Here's a description of each.
Lady of the Takeda (Ikemen Sengoku)
Set after the end of Shingen's route and is set in the I-perspective of either an OC or reader. Just because there's peace between the Takeda and Oda doesn't mean that nothing's gonna happen. And being THE lady of a clan like the Takeda brings its very own trials with it.
Rose of the East (Saint Seiya x Sailor Moon crossover)
This one is set in medieval Japan, shortly before the country shut its borders to the rest of the world. Albafica is a Swede who by circumstances gets stranded there. However, he meets Makoto Kino, and love blossoms between them. However, Japan's anti-foreigner stance at that time doesn't make it exactly easy for them.
Inkmaster (Naruto modern AU)
Ino stumbles into Sai's tattoo shop one day, determined to get one. However, she found more than only a tattoo. And there is more to the pale tattooist than meets the eye.
Angel of Winter (Bleach angel AU)
I have already written over 10 chapters for this. My plan now is to do a quick overhaul, include what I forgot to include and then to repost it and also finally finish it. It is a HitsuKarin story set in an angel AU, where the characters are angels/nephilim instead of Shinigami.
I will keep working on other fics too, but with these big ones, it might be a good idea to focus on one. So here's a poll to see what you guys would be most eager to read. n.n They can be found on my AO3 account. If necessary, just ask for the link and I will send it to you. Am curious to see what you're going to vote on!
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enixamyram · 4 years
Bleach Couple Opinions
My OTPs - RenRuki - HitsuHina
The ones I like very much - GinRan - IchiHime
The ones I’m not a fan of - HitsuKarin - IshiHime
My NOTPs - IchiRuki - HitsuMatsu - UlquiHime
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What really upsets me is when people have to shame on your ships because they don't like yours. I'm sorry but you can force people to like a ship they don't like, how about we all be nice and respect eachother wither if they like or dislike a ship of yours. It's really not that difficult, don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be rude but it's honestly sad
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penqueen · 4 years
can you believe that hitsukarin, a crackship, had more screentime than ich**ime lmao
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berry10thsquad · 6 years
My OTP (Bleach)
•M\F OTP: IchiRuki, IshiHime, UlquiHime, HitsuKarin, GinRan
•M\M OTP: (Maybe ByaRen) I can't stand it!
•F\F OTP: I Hate this!
•Favorite canon: So, I like Isshin × Masaki
•Favorite Crack: Ginjo × Tsukishima Ohh... It's so hard! I don't know!
•Guilty Pleasure: Khm... I think HitsuKarin (Due to the fact that friends consider this pairing so strange) Don't forget about Ikkaku × Yumichika (so so)
•Pairing I hate: HitsuHina, IchiHime, RenRuki, Yoruichi × Soi Fon. (I really hate Hinamori. It would be better to die)
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hitsukarinweek · 2 years
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HitsuKarin Week 2022 Rules! -both SFW/NSFW works are allowed and anything in between! Use tags as needed - We are here to celebrate this great ship, so pieces must revolve around them! Cameos are okie dokie AS LONG AS IT DOESN’T CREATE AN ANTI HITSUKARIN SITUATION! -Work can take ANY FORM! Original artwork, edits, fanfiction, comics, poems, comics, AMV’s, Cosplay, playlists, etc are accepted and will be reblogged here IF YOU TAG #hitsukarinweek2022 or #hkw22 -No stealing artwork or editing other’s work, collabs are allowed ONLY WITH PERMISSION FROM PARTNERING ARTIST(S)! Please credit all artists in the post(s)! -No bullying or harassing each other. SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER and your outstanding talents! -LATE WORK IS OFFICIALLY ACCEPTED until approximately two weeks after the final day, but feel free to use the prompts and tag whenever~ -This blog will only reblog artwork during HKW with the correct tags -Early work will not be accepted right away. Work pertain to the prompts that are posted early will be reblogged on the date they are due -Feel free to SUBMIT your work to THIS BLOG Rules may be added later if additional/changes are required! Let’s have a wonderful and support-filled week~! Artwork is by @emmmiru
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mimidorika · 7 years
I gotta get new friends...
Friend: they seem to be right, what you guys are doing is adultery against the couple.
Me: they are just fictional characters, bruh. I don't know why people inisist on guilt-tripping us when we make artworks and fanfics based on our otps.
Friend: But this is a big deal. They are married now with different spouses. It is undignified for you to ship A with B because they have their own marriage. So just stop. Just accept your non-canon delusions.
Not my friend anymore: ...
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tobito · 4 years
So, what are your thoughts on the whole “pedophilia isn’t an appearance problem, but a mental age problem” excuse ppl like to pull on the non-human/human pairings of bleach? (I’d actually like to see a serious response, bc ive just read a reddit post dedicated to how “wrong” it is to ship ichiruki/hitsukarin considering their difference in mentality)
First off, Kubo has never been 100% clear on how age works in Soul Society in contrast to the living world so I don’t understand why ignorant ass people in this fandom wanna pretend they know what’s suddenly morally right or wrong.
Keep in mind these are the same group of people who think it’s okay for Kubo to sexualize Orihime, a minor, and put her in awkward situations for fan service and comic relief.
Suddenly bringing age difference up as a way to make IchiRuki and its shippers look bad is so ridiculous. There’s a CANON pairing in Bleach with the same/larger age gap, a pairing specifically made to MIRROR IchiRuki.
Antis accusing IRs of something as serious as p*dophilia is disgusting and insensitive of their part.
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ch3micalbrid3 · 7 years
Thinking about how beautiful the Kurosaki family shenanigans would've increased with Ichiruki and Hitsukarin... could've had it all
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exo-raskreia · 4 years
HitsuKarin & IchiRuki similarities & ideas
Now this is based on my other post where I mention some crazy ideas I had started getting (the HitsuKarin “spin-off sequel”). Because I’m a HitsuKarin fan to no end.
I had already mentioned some of their dynamics here. But this is about their similarities with IchiRuki, & just crazy ideas that I’ve had for a while…
Let’s start off with Ichigo & Hitsugaya:
Both had to become Soul Reapers to protect their families - Ichigo for his dad & sisters (ch. 1), Hitsugaya for his grandmother (ch. 286.5)
Both are protective of their loved ones, want to become stronger for them
Both give themselves a hard time when they don’t feel/weren’t strong enough
Both have massive reiatsu for their young age (which they still struggle to control, if Ichigo’s lack of, & Hitsugaya’s barely able to handle his true bankai, are any indication...)
Both super strong for their young age. Ichigo is OP (imagine if he got proper training) & Hitsugaya is said to have the potential to surpass Kyoraku, the new Captain-Commander, in about a 100 yrs
Ichigo had a hard time coping with his mother’s death, & blamed himself, but then Rukia came along & cleared the rain.
Hitsugaya hasn’t gotten over his trauma of what happened to Hinamori because of Aizen, & blames himself for not being strong enough. It doesn’t seem like they ever talked about it either & he’s still struggling with self-loathing/guilt. So who will ‘clear his rain’? 👀
Ichigo was seen as a delinquent, that he “bleached” his hair, & seemed unapproachable.
Hitsugaya in his early childhood, was also criticized for his appearance & seemed unapproachable, due to his large & cold, unrestrained reiatsu.
Ichigo sees Hitsugaya as a friend, calling him by his first name with no honorific, which he mostly does with ppl he feels a connection to or something (we were never shown how that 'bond’ was established, but it must’ve happened sometime during the week Ichigo & his friends spent in SS after rescuing Rukia). Because Hitsu is basically a child, is it why Ichigo treats him in a friendly manner, & has also shown to be a bit protective of him even tho Hitsu is a captain (there’s a decent example in the 2nd Bleach movie)? I mean, he is good with kids & his little sisters look up to him…
Hitsugaya may not appreciate Ichigo disregarding his title, but he seems to have some sort of respect for Ichigo. And maybe he’ll gain a bit more respect for him once he finds out Ichigo is his former captain’s son. In scenes where Ichigo thinks about those he considers comrades in SS, or even when said comrades appear to help him (such as in the Fullbring arc), Hitsu is often one of the first & in the front. It’s like a mutual camaraderie &/or trust, no? There’s also a good example of this in the Fade To Black movie, where everyone in SS had their memories of Ichigo erased & were against him, but Hitsugaya was the only one who had started to feel Ichigo wasn’t an enemy & analyze the situation.
There were two sides to/conflicts in the SS arc: Ichigo’s side, the main conflict, where he desperately wanted to save Rukia, & the other, Hitsugaya’s side, where he was the one dealing with the conflict regarding Aizen & investigating it. And they both ended up being related (Aizen’s plan).
Now let’s move on to Rukia & Karin:
Both are feisty, spunky, quiet, calm, can have a poker face, have dark hair, & know how to kick butt.
Both are tomboyish (bro, Rukia’s childhood friends were all boys & Karin’s group of friends are all boys, like-)
Both have some girly qualities (Rukia likes cute things, wears dresses, & Karin let her hair grow & puts it up in a ponytail, doesn’t seem to mind wearing skirts)
Rukia had felt worthless & didn’t think anyone cared enough about her, but then Ichigo saved her.
Both have shown to be caring & selfless, trying to help others even at the cost of their own safety
Both saved Ichigo & Hitsugaya in the rain after a fight (IR in ch. 24, HK in the DiamondDust Rebellion official novel)
Karin doesn’t want to be a burden to her family, doesn’t tell them about her problems & keeps a low profile, so as not to worry them. But for how much longer can she last? Who could be the one to save her from herself? 👀
Now Ichigo & Karin:
Both are Kurosakis. And Shibas.
Ichigo has the hybrid powers, Karin might not be too far off
Ichigo is strong, Karin has the potential
Ichigo is hot-headed & gets into fights, Karin is similar (but she’s calmer & smarter)
Here’s Hitsugaya & Rukia:
Both full Soul Reapers
Have ice zanpakutos; Hitsu’s is the strongest ice-type, Rukia’s is the most beautiful one
Do I need to mention their heights? Tho Hitsu is still growing
Both serious, calm, collected
Have similar values on what it means to be Soul Reapers (Rukia in ch. 2, Hitsugaya in ch. 674)
Both got betrayed by their childhood friend (Hinamori & Renji) & never got an apology for it
We already know a lot of the dynamics between Ichigo & Rukia, so there’s no need to mention those, haha.
Now when it comes to Isshin…
Isshin calls Rukia his 3rd daughter. He was very proud of Hitsugaya, his former 3rd Seat, when he was still captain
Isshin once made a choice: to stay in the Living World for Masaki (he knew what saving her with his powers would entail). Will Ichigo follow in his father’s footsteps & make a choice too, to stay in (after the TYBW arc), whether it’s cuz of his massive reiatsu or other, or move to SS later for Rukia? Will Karin eventually follow in her father’s & brother’s footsteps?
IsshiMasa came first. They saved each other. IchiRuki followed in their footsteps (the parallels). Will HitsuKarin follow too? (The DDR novel already has a scene that parallels IR & IM...)
Let’s move on to some random ideas.
Hitsugaya doesn’t have any friends, or anyone he particularly confides in. Hinamori was his only childhood friend, like an older sister, but he doesn’t let that get in the way of his duties, & doesn’t allow her to call him by his nickname. She doesn’t know the struggles he’s been through because of her. Matsumoto, she’s his lieutenant, his subordinate, so it’s not like he treats her as anything much more - even though they have a closer relationship than most in their positions, as if she was his crazy older sister, aunt, cousin, or almost mother figure. He doesn’t interact with other kids (as much as he likes to think he’s not one himself, especially in SS terms), doesn’t know how to have fun, & it seems he’s more at peace when he’s alone, cuz there are too many “crazies” around him. Someone would have to teach him the joys of youth, that he doesn’t always have to be alone…someone he can confide in.
Now, we know Ichigo later gained his own Soul Reaper powers to save Rukia, since he’d first been using ‘borrowed’ power from her. In the FB arc, he regained power through his comrades in SS. And then in the final arc, he fully chose to be a Soul Reaper & had his reiatsu finally balanced (knowing at this point, that Zangetsu came from his Quincy blood, & that he was basically a hybrid that included human, Hollow, & Fullbringer). This is what he wanted, because this is how he felt most alive & cuz it’s Rukia’s world (as if it wasn’t obvious from the FB arc). Now for Karin… One of the very plausible reasons for her to have to become a SR, is if Yuzu, her sister, is in danger. Let’s say that’s how she starts off…not because she wanted to, but because she had to (since it doesn’t seem like she wants to get involved with that, judging from her interaction with Urahara). But what or who could make her want to choose this path, later on? Maybe become stronger for?
Actually, that’s something else HK have in common: both hold things in. Don’t confide their problems to anyone. They’ll have to break sometime…
Anyway… I know this stuff sounds far-fetched, but I couldn’t help it. Some fanfics have touched on this theme, but there haven’t been that many based after the TYBW arc.
Now before I finish, let me just add: all the foreshadowing with Karin goes to waste if Kubo never intended to give her a bigger role, whether in the original story, or one of her own. It’s established in the beginning, since she first appeared, that she can see spirits pretty well (unlike Yuzu). She’s the one who manages to inform Ichigo about their father & Yuzu in danger (ch. 1). She starts to see Hollows. The parakeet plot? Karin is onto something if she could see the soul boy’s memories. Her growing reiatsu abilities are then put to use when Don Kanonji requests of her to help defeat Hollows, & we see how she applies it to her soccer ball (sketches in ch. 81-87, then ch. 88.5). She slowly finds out about Ichigo’s secret & suspects Rukia too (heck, in ch. 18, she found her somewhat familiar at the graveyard, even tho her family’s memories had been erased after ch .1, like-?!). Eventually, her reiatsu increases so much, that she needs help from Urahara’s products to keep it in check.
Honestly…what was Kubo getting at, if it did not have any meaning? Just another unresolved subplot in the manga? And what about the other kids, Jinta & Ururu? Yuzu? Heck, Yoruichi’s brother? Adding these guys with HK… Now they are the TRUE next generation of Bleach.
Like I said, these are just some things I noticed & crazy ideas I’ve had.
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gothamangelwings · 8 years
I love karin, even if I'm a hardcore hitsuhina fan but i really hate how they pair her up with hitsugaya. Out the whole two FILLER episodes neither of them blushed at in the presence of each. Nor did hitsugaya show any type of attached feelings.
Exactly. I loved those two filler episodes, I thought they were really well done and I really liked the TEAMWORK between Toshiro and Karin. But there is no evidence of romance between the two. Toshiro doesn’t even know her in canon, so I don’t understand why some people think they’re suddenly going to meet somehow and fall in love. Or how some think they already are a couple. Especially since the first filler had him thinking about Momo and the good times they had.
What always struck me as funny is that it could have been anyone (girl) teaming up with Toshiro. It could have been another Toshiro/Rangiku ep, it could have been Yuzu. Orihime? Tatsuki? Ururu? The anime team just decided on Karin. It doesn’t mean anything in the canon manga.
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enixamyram · 4 years
As much as I enjoy the episode of Toshiro and Karin playing football, I could never bring myself to ship them romantically. While Toshiro still looks like a kid, he's really not and so it's impossible for me not to think of them as a kid and an adult.
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makiizushis · 10 years
I have another question
I asked about UlquiHime once before because I didn't get it. Now, I'm asking why anyone ships HitsuKarin because I don't get it.
Since I marathoned Bleach, there's a good chance I missed something, but I feel like Hitsugaya and Karin have hardly interacted at all...?
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vincentvxngogh · 10 years
why do you like hitsuhina
I assume you’re also asking why I dislike Hitsukarin. I’ll start with that.
The main reason is because Toshiro and Karin have only interacted with each other during a filler episode. At least with Grimmhime (crack OTP), their interactions were canon. Plus, I sensed no chemistry between Toshiro and Karin during that filler episode. Karin may have had a crush on Toshiro, but Toshiro was only interested in her because she could sense ghosts, He even thinks about Momo in that episode.
As much as I dislike Momo, Hitsuhina is beautiful. Their personalities balance each other out, and except for his grandma, Momo was Toshiro’s only friend. Everyone was scared of him except for Momo. She was his only friend for a good chunk of his life, and she understood him.
It is implied throughout the series that Toshiro is in love with Momo. We rarely see him smile, but when he does, 99% of the time is because of Momo. Toshiro even acts playful to Momo.
But even though he can be immature around her, he can also be really mature when it comes to her. He’s so protective of her. When Momo was stabbed and Toshiro screamed, you could really hear the pain in his voice. He even attacks Aizen straight on because he’s so filled with rage for the pain Aizen has inflicted on her. After Aizen is defeated, we see Toshiro train because he wants to protect Momo. After the time skip, we see that he has become stronger, and it’s because of his desire to protect Momo. Momo makes him stronger.
Even though Momo views Toshiro as a brother, the fact that she no longer has a crush on Aizen, and acknowledges all the things Toshiro has done for her, I think it’s very likely that she’ll return his feelings :)
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hitsukarinweek · 4 years
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HitsuKarin Week 2020 Rules!
-both SFW/NSFW works are allowed and anything in between! Use tags as needed
- We are here to celebrate this great ship, so pieces must revolve around them! Cameos are okie dokie AS LONG AS IT DOESN’T CREATE AN ANTI HITSUKARIN SITUATION!
-Work can take ANY FORM! Original artwork, edits, fanfiction, comics, poems, comics, AMV’s, Cosplay, playlists, etc are accepted and will be reblogged here IF YOU TAG #hitsukarinweek2019
-No stealing artwork or editing other’s work, collabs are allowed ONLY WITH PERMISSION FROM PARTNERING ARTIST(S)! Please credit all artists in the post(s)!
-No bullying or harassing each other. SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER and your outstanding talents!
-LATE WORK IS OFFICIALLY ACCEPTED until approximately one week after the final day, but feel free to use the prompts and tag whenever~
-This blog will only reblog artwork created for the prompts, during/after HitsuKarin week. 
-Early work will not be accepted right away. Work pertain to the prompts that are posted early will be reblogged on the date they are due
-Feel free to SUBMIT your work to THIS BLOG
Rules may be added later if additional/changes are required! Let’s have a wonderful and support-filled week~!
Drawing by @raspberry-doodles​, Coloring by @rinusagitora​
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