#Anti Nesta Archeron stans
shallyne · 2 years
Little note for my Blog
This Blog is an Pro Feyre blog. This blog is Pro Rhysand, Pro Inner Circle, Pro Feysand
This blog is Anti Nesta and Anti ACOSF. This blog is also Anti Tamlin. There won't be a single nice word about Tamlin on this blog.
If you have a problem with that then you are free to block me. If you have a problem with that, keep away from my blog.
I will not discuss anti Feyre, anti Rhysand, anti Inner Circle. If you leave such a comment, your comment will be deleted and I will block you.
This is a safe space for said pro's. Your negativity is not welcome here.
Thank you
and I have to unpin my beloved Nyx post for this bs.🙄
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oristianvalkyrie · 6 months
“Nesta could’ve just used the stairs”
Did you not read the fucking book. She tried multiple times to escape the house and she couldn’t make it hundred steps with falling and nearly killing herself. What don’t you understand about the fact that Nesta had been starving herself for almost a year. You think that she going to be able to just get up and go down ten thousand steps. She could barley walk after two hours of just stretching.
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kataraavatara · 17 days
“Feyre reached out so much she invited nesta to live with her after the war 🥺🥺🥺” in the house with feyre’s mate who’s made his hatred of nesta no secret and constantly harasses her? the house filled with paintings of everyone but nesta? imagine seeing that visual reminder of how little your sister cares for you every. day. DAMN. as an act of reaching out/reconciliation it sucks because it wasn’t one. we need to recognize and respect that as the absolutely sick psychological warfare it was. feyre archeron i tip my hat to you because that was insane.
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ophelieverse · 1 month
First you are pro Nesta and anti Rhys,now you also are pro Tamlin.Woah,you truly want to be so different uh
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daybreakmusings · 1 year
Elain telling Nesta “All you can think about is what my trauma has done to you” was incredibly ignorant and no one can convince me otherwise.
For some reason, Elain thinks the trauma that had resulted from that night belongs solely to her and Nesta is being selfish for trying to take any ownership of it.
Everything in Nesta’s life, has always been about Elain. She came first and she never stopped to think about how it could impact Nesta. Very rarely does Nesta have the time to face her own trauma and learn to heal from it because she was always in environments/situations that put her on guard to protect her sister. And Elain has always been comfortable allowing her to do so while she retreats to the background where it was safe. She has never thought twice about putting Nesta in these positions all her life. 
When the sisters first come to Pythian, Elain completely checks out from the weight of the loss and trauma she has experienced. Which is completely understandable. But she isn’t the only one to have lost so much. So had Nesta. But at a time where Nesta may have needed her support, she wasn’t there. 
All Elain could think about was what their shared trauma has done to her. But Nesta never cared.
Those first few weeks in Pythian? Nesta was there to check on her. To make sure she is eating. To ensure her wellbeing. To see to her needs. To make sure she is comfortable.
In ACOSF, for the first time in Nesta’s life, she isn’t capable of putting Elain first. But Elain is unwilling to confront the possibility that the trauma they both experienced that night may have affected her sister differently than it did her. As a result, she avoids putting herself in a position where she might have to face the full extent of that truth.
I’m not saying that Elain doesn’t have a right to feel greatly impacted by what had happened to her. She went through alot. But she doesn’t get to pick and choose whose trauma that night was greater and warrants more concern.
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reblogandlikes · 12 days
Are there many Feyre stans out there simply for Feyre alone, or are they actually Rhysand stans just tagging Feyre along?
Are there many Feyre stans that dislike Rhysand openly like Nesta stans can easily rip Cassian a new one because we want more for the FMC?
Feyre got out MC'd in her own damn books. What a damn shame. Her name seems unable to stand on its own weight. Always in conjuction to that mate of hers who only allows her to know what he wants her to know if it's in line with his own desires.
At this point, Feyre is a victim of both SJM and Rhysand. The fandom has been positively swindled and perpetuates everything they say they hate.
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nestaswhore · 1 year
‘Everything in her life, from the moment she was born, had been controlled by other people. Things happened to her; anytime she tried to exert control, she’d been thwarted at every turn—and she hated that even more than the King of Hybern.’
so sjm is gonna write this paragraph. and then have nesta end up in an environment where her life is under constant control. end up around people who do nothing but control her. end up with a man who feels more than comfortable controlling her.
she doesn’t have a job. she doesn’t get paid. sjm never gave her financial independence even though i (personally) believe it’s one of the MOST important things nesta needed in her life. she’s been controlled through finances her entire life. she’s depended on others for finances her entire life. you’re telling me she’s just okay with depending on c*ssian for it now? i just don’t understand how silver flames was a book dedicated to healing and nesta finding herself. i really don’t.
she can’t even leave her house easily? she needs to either ask someone to get her out or TAKE 10,000 STEPS! how does nesta not despise living there. how does she not despise having her weapons taken from her and controlled by others. how does she not despise waking up every morning to train just because c*ssian told her to! when she was literally threatened into it!
how are you supposed to take nesta’s ‘healing arc’ seriously when she’s ended up in a position that old her would’ve despised. every time i reread this nightmare i find more quotes that make no sense even being in the book when you know how it ends and it makes me just as mad as i was when this book was released.
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silly--fangirl · 2 months
okay so i'm not a fan of how nesta was locked up in the HoW basically
so i've been thinking of ways that would be better to help her
1. i think the ic should help her get a job in velaris (or outside of it if that's what she'd prefer). one that would cover her bills and necessities - not alcohol. one that she would be responsible for, to make a living for herself- one to create her financial freedom.
maybe - if they wanted her to help at the library - that could be the job?
and if they can't trust her with just having cash, someone could hold it and give her access to it under supervision - only to ensure she doesn't buy alcohol
2. definitely not ruining the house she chose - letting her stay there under the condition of making it a bit more upgraded.
just simple things - fixing sinks, installing something to keep the place warm, getting a bed frame.
maybe overtime a talk about moving to a nicer place of her choice?
3. take her to counseling - something like the priestesses have at the library.
even if she doesn't speak at first. even if she's mean - giving her an outlet to express her feeling verbally.
4. if they need her to train or get to know her magic - let it be under certain conditions.
if she wants to do idk some prythian form of yoga - let her. she doesn't need to become a warrior if that's not what she desires - and if they need her to be able to protect herself then the required training should focus on self defence.
and exploring her own magic - it should be with a mentor of her choice - one that will put her well being first, not the possible future use of her abilities.
the ic shouldn't use her skills unless she agrees.
i am not sure what else but if someone has any ideas i'd be glad to read them!!
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hereathemoment · 1 year
Imagine writing a romance story where the protagonist isn’t even given an “I love you”
That shit was so abusive. Why did Nesta have to all-of-a-sudden see herself as worthless in ACOFAS for her to fall in love with ACOSF Cassian… either let her hate the IC in peace or give her a love interest in a different court. This “romance” was a character assassination of Cassian and Nesta. It’s never been more obvious that sjm pulls canon out of her ass as she goes.
“Everyone f*cking hates you”
“I didn’t ask to be shackled to you”
‘My best friend wants you dead so let’s add physical abuse on top of my verbal abuse’
And then for Nesta to think about how she doesn’t deserve him??????????????????
She is forced to train, is forced to participate in the rite, and yet is the only one of her friends to not pass because she is ATTACKED by her (possessed) mate??????????!?
And on top of all of that…. She loses her powers in the end??? The powers that weren’t even explored after they served their purpose in the war and for finding things….
I’m sorry but SJM needs therapy. God forbid a woman not be nice
Nesta deserves to be with someone who makes her feel relaxed, protected, and happy. That’s kinda the bare minimum in a relationship… and instead she’s constantly fighting for her life in the group chat (is yelled at by the IC), is always tense, and was written to be absolutely broken mentally
Personally, I don’t think Nesta would have started drinking and sleeping around after the war. Although she would have distanced herself from the IC for their abusive behavior, I think she would have clung to any traits that were reminiscent of her human life. Everything happened so fast I don’t think she’d be ready to have sex with any man let alone fae. She would have clung to all of the things that make her a Lady like she did as a child in the cabin. Her whole personality is based on being proud and regal and stoic. She’s a suffer in silence type if ever there was one. She clung to a tiny figurine her father made when everyone would have interpreted her as hating her father. I know that girl has trust issues— she’s not blacking out and taking random men into her home (especially when she can smell them the next morning). ACOSF was genuinely hard to stomach.
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I will never understand how the intervention scene was good for Nesta. All it did was show how the IC DID NOT CARE about her and her needs. All they cared about was their precious image and that isn't a good enough excuse for what they did.
They didn't really give her a good choice... it was either the HOW or the Human Lands and they threatened her with banishment to the human lands which was practically a death sentence given the mistrust and hatred of the fae by the humans.
Amren made up a law that wasn't even upholdable given Nesta still had a job she never abdicated from.
Feyre pulled High Lady status and told Nesta that money was the issue and that if they couldn't be seen to control Nesta, Nesta would learn to control herself and they'd tie her up and take her to HOW even if Nesta chose differently.
Rhysand made his dislike and hatred for Nesta known. Really, why was he even there? He didn't do jack to help and was an antagonistic party.
Cassian just let it all happen.
Elain wasn't even there because she was packing up Nesta apartment....even though Nesta stood by her side while she was basically a vegetable for months on end.
The apartment got tore down to force Nesta into the HOW even though it was disguised as an effort to rebuild for the war refugees/veterans, which ironically is exactly what Nesta was.
The only good thing that came out of that intervention was Nesta found friends in Gwyn and Emerie who truly helped her heal.
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shesalittlelost · 27 days
Fellas is it my duty to defend my garbage heap of a sister if she, who selfishly leeched off of me for years & now has a mansion because of me, gets called out for telling me to get out of that same house, poking my changed eating habits due to having turned and dismissing my trauma right after I tell her how I was tortured & almost killed?
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littlefeltsparrow · 10 months
And what if I told you that Nesta was well within her right to reveal the truth to Feyre? What if I told you that Nesta revealing the truth spitefully or in a mean way was in no way comparable to the IC’s lies to Feyre? WHAT IF I TOLD YOU that I couldn’t care less how she said it, just that she said it at all?
Nesta seems to be the only one with the tenacity to unmask the unending facade of the IC. She might be a bitch, but at least she’s honest. If anything, she does right by Feyre for telling her the truth and I will always have more respect for her than the immortal clique who lied to Feyre for months to “protect her”. Oh how noble of them! And here I was thinking that they respected Feyre as a strong and competent leader (guess I was wrong)
The IC is more enraged by the knowledge of a terrible act being spoken aloud than the act itself. It’s as if they live to maintain a certain type of decorum that really just sweeps their troubles, trauma and grievances under the rug. Nesta telling the truth was a violation of that conduct, it was an act that unmasked the IC for what it has been this entire time. A tightly knit clique who enforce their views on others and see the Archeron as inherently beneath them. As such, considering their feelings, opinions and autonomy is unnecessary. (Because they apparently know best)
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lainalit · 11 days
Valkyries Stans knowing that their faves are staying relevant to the plot while Antis faves are being sidelined
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highladyofterrasen7 · 3 months
It’s so funny when nesta stans say feysand need to stop having sex every five minutes.
Did you not read acosf
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reblogandlikes · 22 days
Dipped a toe and snooped in the pro IC and Co. tag just for shits and giggles and it's crazy how so many can't seem to comprehend general criticism of the acotar books and will call people or stans of other characters abusive and idiots and whatever else for simply being a stan of (name character) but do not see the total hypocrisy in their own faves. The abusive nature of their faves. The favoritism towards their faves. The manipulation both from and of their faves.
Many resfuse to see how all over the place SJM writing generally is and I find it hilarious how when it's stated that SJM retcon blatantly to fit the 1st person narrative of the book it's bullshit people and antis are hating for no reason, but as soon as it comes to ACOSF it's lies pandering to pro Nesta despite the story being written in 3rd person from both Nesta and Cassian's POV. I'm sorry, your fave Rhysand has always been a dick. They'd take everything in first books as gospel, but the moment it's Nesta's or even Bryce’s, it's not true? It's biased. It doesn't count.
I don't like ACOSF. The story wasn't about healing, but beating a character down into submission and as a Nesta stan, I still critique it because...I can and I will. Cassian can go fall down those stairs and give the usefulness of his wings to Emerie.
If they want to read the books blindly, go ahead, but don't get mad when others actually internalise and think about the messages being spoken. Everyone digest media differently, and that's OK. I personally like reading about ambiguous and indepth characters. Not a fan of being told how to feel and what to think. The ability to ready between the lines and pick up things that aren't in big neon writing is preferable. SJM has the capability, generally, which from what I've seen, is why TOG is far better recieved, even with the criticism.
They say if we hate Rhysand or Feyre so much, why keep reading? Well, at this fucking point, we're all too deep in this shit show to stop. Call it morbid curiosity. These books have made me a masochist.
If you're an anti blog, keep doing your thing. If you're a pro blog, same thing. Who cares? We find our communities and have fun talking shit. But the unnecessary harsh name calling over something supposedly "not that deep" is wild.
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nestarcheronmommy · 11 months
Nesta antis:
"I hate Nesta cause she was an horrible person"
*Proceeds to be the worst person and say more rude things than Nesta has ever said in her life to real people*
At least Nesta is funny.
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