#Anti mha
denkisauce · 2 months
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my growing collection from redacted dot com 🥲
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whateverthought · 23 days
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia is funny cause like,
the show makes a Big Deal about being a hero despite your weaknesses and shortcomings, perceived or otherwise, and rising above it all. It stars a character with no special abilities and very real feelings and views and ideas and the way they take that first step... is by getting a Special Ability. The Specialest Ability of All even. And it ends with this character losing said Ability while not being able to save their Foil, a victim of the world Just Like Them, and only becoming a hero again, not from their Own Hand but by someone else buying them a suit. Once again, only becoming a hero thanks to another's actions
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bump-inthe-night · 1 month
Izuku stagnated as a character, reaching a point in his development and never growing beyond it. Throughout BNHA, he learned about how unfair and corrupt Hero Society was, even being a victim of it himself when he was quirkless. 
Izuku would experience doubt and start to question the world he idolized for so long, only to return to worshiping and defending it. He kept speaking about “saving” Tomura but failed and acted as if he couldn’t because heroes can’t “save” everyone. In the end, Izuku and his classmates become cogs in Hero Society’s machine, and nothing changes. He repeatedly encountered proof of Hero Society’s failure, but in the end, none of this mattered to him.
Instead of becoming the catalyst of change and leading it with his classmates and the League of Villains, Izuku decided to accept Hero Society as is. He's so blinded by his adoration for heroes that he ignores the corruption and flaws of the society they uphold. 
Horikoshi hit a wall with Izuku’s character, reducing him to a pro-Hero Society bootlicker instead of making him someone who is a hero of change and improvement.
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heartbreakercupcake · 6 months
MHA Wild AF for calling this man a villain when really he was just activating for basic human rights
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gece-misin-nesin · 1 month
"Save to win, win to save"
So you agree that the heroes lost? So you agree that since the heroes didn't save the villains in any way whatsoever, they in fact didn't win?
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this showed up on my feed and.. two things.
1. bakudeku are NOT childhood friends to enemies to lovers idk what show this person watched. bakugou and izuku were NOT friends at any point. bakugou was izuku's bully and it stayed that way until the present timeline.
they also never become enemies, they were not even rivals, the rivalry was purely imagined by bakugou, while izuku always tried to stay on good terms with him.
do people not know what "enemies" or "rivals" mean anymore? it doesn't work that way if the aggression and animosity is one-sided.
2. same goes for c//a. they were friends, sure, but catra was adora's abuser at the same time. and while they could be called enemies while they were on opposing sides, like bakugou, catra was the one who imagined a betrayal and used it as an excuse to continue hurting adora.
i do agree with the fact that these two ships are similar though. they're both instances of abuse being glorified and the abusers treated like cute little tsundere babies.
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What I'd Change about MHA
firstly, i'd put monoma in 1-a. i'd replace sato b/c i hate his character design and does he even do anything?
i'd make aizawa more of a stoic, scary looking guy but he just wants what's best for these kids. he doesn't lie to them or use ruses but he tends to push more and seems like a hardass to prepare them for the cutthroat life of heroics
i'd flesh out the characters more, their backstories, why they want to be heroes. i'd also build their relationships more. give them time to bond, spend time together outside of school without a disaster happening. filler type stuff
i like most of the plot up until the war arc, so i'd probably keep it, changing small things like stain. i think i'd make stain a former hero, like lady nagant, who saw corruption in his field and decided to handle it in the most extreme way. i would either get rid of stain attacking tensei or have it be a 'wrong place, wrong time' scenario where tensei found stain attempting to kill a different hero and wouldn't leave(similar to midoriya running in to save tenya)
ofa is one of the things about the og that annoys me. firstly, more than 9 users. probably 11-13. if it's supposed to be 2-3 hundred years since quirks, 9 doesn't make sense. especially since the first 3 were all around the same age and most of them died young. i'd also have more diverse users and quirks. i hate fa jin and gearshift, and danger sense and smokescreen don't make sense. blackwhip and float are great quirks. expand on the users' pasts as well. why were they chosen? what did they do with the quirk when they had it? also more izuku/vestige scenes. no random bakugou look alike user
i'd change a lot of the villain's stories. i'd change toga to actually be a victim of the system instead of just a blood-crazed lunatic. she was starved and didn't understand her cravings until she snapped and accidentally killed a classmate. from there, she's treated like a monster and pushed into the league who help her get the blood she needs which calms her down significantly. no wanting to become the people she loves and creepy harrasment of izuku and ochaco. just make her a scared teenage girl with no one else to go
as for shigaraki, when afo gets arrested show a slow change in his thought process, behavior, and lifestyle as he adjusts to life without the man who had been grooming and abusing him his entire life. make him realize afo isn't a helpful sensei but rather manipulating him. have him grow and reject afo and his ideas. have him start forming his own ideas of how he wants to change society
dabi is a tough one. i think i'd make him ostracized from his entire family. he had the quirk but not the body or mind for heroics. enji rejects him, rei can't stand his ambition, natsuo and fuyumi don't have anything in common and so he pushes them away, shoto is the masterpiece. this makes him more sullen and closed off. i'd have him run away instead of nearly dying and being save by afo. when he finds the league, he starts to open up more and develops more of a personality in this new family.
i wouldn't make kurogiri oboro. i think i'd scrap oboro as a whole. kurogiri is still a nomu but he has no ties to any heroes.
i'd have more people die in the war. more important heroes like all might, miruko, edgeshot, jeanist etc. bakugo stays dead, it's a tragedy that even someone as strong as him can't always win. maybe parents, friends, past classmates of the students because this is a war, collateral is going to happen. gran torino also should've died.
izuku: -make izuku's hair slowly turn white after he gets ofa so by the end it is completely white. this can be due to stress, having multiple quirks, getting a quirk when he didn't have one, etc. -all for one is his dad. this can explain why izuku can wield all of the past users' quirks, he's built to have multiple. now, this doesn't make afo a good person suddenly. he's still the man who groomed tenko and killed countless. maybe he just makes kids every now and then to get/make new quirks. it's just a game to him, he doesn't care about izuku or inko but it give izuku more personal stakes. -lean into izuku's analysis and intelligence more. -make monoma part of his friend group and have them bond over quirk analysis. -i think i'd make Mic his tutor. like how aizawa saw shinsou and decided to train him, mic sees izuku and his destructive quirk and decides to do something about it.
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moonsb1996 · 3 months
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TF Bakugou gets 1st place again??? Brainless fans will rule the world, everyone. If we're smart enough, let's find a new planet to live on.
Who voted for AFO until it came in 18th place? There are people who like villains in Saturday-Sunday cartoons. Although there is no dimension other than Is it truly bad for the sake of being bad???
And Chisaki Kai's subordinate also came to rank??? Even though it has become a supporting character with no role???
A student from another hero school. (I can't remember the name) also rose in the rankings. Even though there was only a copy of Izuku's face???
We really need to find a new planet to live on. We are aliens on planet Earth.
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mikeellee · 2 months
I recently saw a comic art of Izuku winning a place on a podium while Uraraka and Bakugou kiss in the background, and his distraught face at noticing them kissing as well as him purposely spraying champagne in his eyes the joke... I hate it here.
Cutting out the artist, no hate to them, but it sums up the fandoms awful tendency to make Izuku's pain - namely being cucked in this incidence - as a joke.
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Hi @doodlegirl1998
Shocked how this never happened in canon and I'm serious considering how hoei dislike izu and loves to dunk on him...
And sure the op must have meant as a joke or maybe ships kachako, ship and let ship, but as a ship what a cruel thing to link your ship.
"I like them together bc they cucko this innocent character"
But yeah you are right...the fandom detest Izu and is all thanks to the framing. Izu is hated in and outside the story and....the funniest part, in a dark way, is how he is not an evil person ...he did nothing to warrant such hate.
(btw, I ship shigadeku more bc, with all the flaws and underveloped writing, got to admit, in a bizarre way, shig was one of the rare people who were happy to see Izu, unlike Ochako)
Actually....I want to propose a challange to anyone who saw this image and is upset.
Let's do a sequel where Izu kisses Mei, Melissa, Shig or even Rudy as response to Ochako.
Bc when we take the "hahahaha he is being cucko" jokes. Ochako has nothing with BK, nor toga.
So let her be alone and miserable (she throw a good friendship away, it's canon) as it was her request. "I want to focus on my career, can't be seen with Izu"
Ok bitch, let's draw Izu thriving with Mei, Melissa (I know is too much to ask for Shig here but I ship them) while she is alone, crying for a killer who...would kill her again.
(btw, the whole cucko thing is a feeling that hover Izu, in canon, two times now in canon)
So...fandom, izu haters. Are you all happy? Are you projecting? Bc waste time to make those jokes is just...sad. I don't think you guys have a happy life and honest...feel a bit bad for y'all.
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We live in a world where Toga and Twice die and don't get happy endings but Endeavor does
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ultraericthered · 2 months
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Because Deku's been tragically rendered a sad Failure Hero by Horikoshi in MHA canon by the end of the manga. Y'all know if it had been Hibiki out there, she'd have kept her focus on crisis mitigation, pummelled Shigaraki with hard-hitting giant fists, and most likely still have found a more substantial way to "save" the villains in the end!
Don't take it too hard, Deku fans. I was rooting for him too. :(
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elclassicohater · 2 months
Now that MHA is over I just have a couple of thanks to give
Thank you, Izuku Midoriya..
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For proving why there is better than you...
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Thank you Horikoshi..
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For proving that there are better super hero parodies than this magnum condom you call a magnum opus...
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Thank YOU MHA fans everywhere..
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For being the most toxic cesspit of a fanbase that set the bar for much more to follow in your footsteps...
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Thank you, ALL of you
YOU are the true heroes
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bibibbon · 22 days
This TikTok (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP817aCJt/) makes me realize that MHA is the anti-FMA.
The authors themselves are proof of that.
-How they treat their MCs
-How they write discrimination
-How they write disabilities
-How they write women
-How they write corrupted governments
-How they write sympathetic villains
-How they write atonement arcs
I have just started reading the full metal alchemist manga. Iam just on chapter 6 right now and I absolutely love Edward's attitude and overall character really sticks to me and I love it.
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I have watched the tiktok and its gotten me even more hyped to continue reading the FMA manga.
I don't think I can give you a detailed response just because I haven't fully read fma but just from watching the tiktok I can very much tell that mha and fma are very different.
I remember scrolling on the mha critical tag and i remember someone saying that the mha finale is a cheap tip off version of the fma finale and these two manga pages were used.
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bump-inthe-night · 2 months
After learning how awful the ending of BNHA is, I’m glad I dropped the series years ago. Horikoshi points out the corruption and apathy of Hero Society, giving us insight into how cruel it was. We saw how people become villains to survive and seek revenge against the society that caused them to take this path.
Hero Society discarded those who failed to fit into its definition of “normal” and did not get the help they needed, as represented by the League of Villains. Throughout BNHA, the narrative keeps speaking about heroes needing to reach out to villains and help them. Instead of imprisoning or killing them, give them a chance to be redeemed.
It appears that Izuku, Uraraka, and Shouto will save Tomura, Toga, and Touya. As a result, Class 1-A and the reformed villains will rebuild Hero Society, leading the change and bridging the divide between heroes and villains. However, none of this happens.
Instead, Tomura and Toga die. Touya is trapped in a tank and is forced to stay alive against his will. Hero Society imprisons both Mr. Compress and Spinner. Class 1-A accepts that they couldn’t “save” the League of Villains because heroes are unable to save everyone and become heroes who uphold the corrupt status quo. Everything leading up to a massive change in Hero Society is rendered meaningless because, in the end, everything returns to how it was before.
Horikoshi wastes the reader’s time by establishing a message that his story fails to follow through on. Why speak about the problems of Hero Society and the harm it perpetuates when nothing changes? Why have multiple characters suffer and make it seem like they’re going to be saved, only to either die or end up imprisoned?
BNHA genuinely had the potential to be an interesting story, but it was squandered into a meaningless mess by an awful writer who wasted numerous people’s time.
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valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 2 months
Is crazy to find out my old posts about how bad Endeavour redemption arc was handled after the manga finished.
In those posts I used to say "To achieve a well written redemption we had to see actual justice, not just his sons ignoring his texts. That not a punishment, that just a consequence." Thats was always my problem with this character, his punishment didnt fit his crime.
I haven't watched or read anything related to bnha in a long looong time. But now that it ended I was curious so i wanted to check out what happened with this storyline of Endeavor and Dabi… and boy it was bad. The episode where we find out how Toya became Dabi is bad. Plain an simple. Bad as hell.
In that situation Enji was the abuser, he had the fault. Yes, you can kinda say Rei could have done more and she did make mistakes….but the fact that we have an scene were everyone on the family, THE CHILDREN INCLUDED, said "it was our fault too, dad. Now lets fix your broken heart", IT'S DISGUSTING. THEY WERE LIKE 10 WHEN IT ALL WENT TO SHIT, HOW THE HELL WAS THAT THEIR FAULT-
god i hate it.
And then we have the ending, where basically we are forcing Dabi to having to deal with Enji for all the rest of his life.
Anyway, another anime where abusers are excused.
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harukamitsuki · 2 months
Now, I hate to say I told you so...
But I knew MHA was a travesty and the ending just proved it.
Normally, I respect writers/mangakas, because it's such a hard thing to do.
But Fuck Horikoshi
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