#Antibiotic Treatment
praiseinchains · 2 months
Gratitude Journal Entry (7/17/24)
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Today I'm Grateful For:
*The 5 1/2 (or more!) inches of rain we got! I can't remember ever getting that much rain in one night, but it was definitely appreciated.
*That this part of the poetry challenge is going so well and easy. Now instead of spending hours working on it, I don't spend nearly that time!
*To have started day 1 of my antibiotic treatment. The sooner I start, the sooner it'll be over and so far, it's going well. It appears I ate enough to avoid the horrible stomach issues, for which I'm extremely grateful.
Something I'm Proud Of:
For hanging in there with my challenge. When it took literally all afternoon and evening to get out one poem, I started feeling discouraged. But I hung in there and it got easier, and I am so glad it's almost over!
Tomorrow I'm Looking Forward To:
Catching up on my reading. Because I've not felt well, I've not read as much, and I've fallen behind. Tomorrow, I plan on binge-reading and watching my shows :-)
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headlinehorizon · 10 months
Mysterious Dog Respiratory Condition: A Potential Cure Found
A California couple claims to have found a lifesaving antibiotic that has helped their dog recover from a mysterious and potentially deadly respiratory condition. The illness, known as Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC), has been resistant to traditional antibiotic treatments. This latest news provides hope for other dog owners struggling with the same condition.
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Antibiotic Treatment for Indianapolis Endodontics PC
Antibiotic treatment is sometimes prescribed by endodontists to help treat or prevent infection in the teeth and gums. Antibiotics can be taken orally, applied topically, or placed directly into the tooth or gum tissue.
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Types of antibiotics used in endodontics
The most common types of antibiotics used in endodontics include:
Penicillins: Penicillins are a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is effective against a wide range of bacteria. They are often used to treat infections of the teeth and gums, such as abscesses and periodontitis.
Cephalosporins: Cephalosporins are another type of broad-spectrum antibiotic that is similar to penicillins. They are often used to treat infections that are resistant to penicillins.
Metronidazole: Metronidazole is an antibiotic that is specifically effective against anaerobic bacteria, which are bacteria that do not require oxygen to survive. It is often used to treat infections of the gums and teeth, such as periodontitis and abscesses.
Clindamycin: Clindamycin is an antibiotic that is effective against a wide range of bacteria, including both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. It is often used to treat infections of the teeth and gums, as well as other infections of the head and neck.
When is antibiotic treatment prescribed?
Antibiotic treatment may be prescribed by an endodontist for a variety of reasons, including:
To prevent infection before a dental procedure, such as a root canal or endodontic surgery
To treat an existing infection of the teeth and gums
To prevent the spread of infection from the teeth and gums to other parts of the body
How to take antibiotics
It is important to take antibiotics as prescribed by your endodontist. This means taking the correct dosage at the correct times and for the full course of treatment. Do not stop taking antibiotics early, even if you start to feel better, as this can allow the infection to come back.
If you have any questions or concerns about antibiotic treatment, be sure to talk to your endodontist.
Indianapolis Endodontics PC
Indianapolis Endodontics PC is a team of experienced and skilled endodontists who are dedicated to providing their patients with the highest quality of care. They offer a wide range of endodontic services, including root canal therapy, endodontic surgery, and antibiotic treatment.
If you are in need of antibiotic treatment for a dental infection, Indianapolis Endodontics PC is here to help. Contact them today to schedule an appointment.
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sharonkcastaneda · 1 year
What Should You Consider When Choosing Antibiotic Treatment?
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The choice to treat patients with antibiotics is an arduous task that has many variables. An approach that is simplistic such as 'pan culture as well as pan treating' is likely result in antibiotic resistance and expose patients side effects and costs.
Take into consideration pharmacodynamic characteristics like time-dependent killing bacteriacteriostatic or bactericidal action, and the absence of a post-antibiotic effects. Consider liver kidney, drug and renal interactions. In http://americanvisionmagazine.blogspot.com/2013/05/consumer-group-urges-trader-joes-to.html, you will discover info concerning antibiotics.
The Symptoms of Infection
When your doctor suspects that there is an infection caused by bacteria The doctor may recommend an analysis of your blood sample to determine the exact cause of the. This will assist them select the appropriate antibiotic.
Commonly, infections like cystitis, pyelonephritis, the sinusitis and pharyngitis can be managed with antibiotics administered by mouth or injectable (IV medications, which are injected directly into a vein). The antibiotics ease symptoms and kill bacteria or slow their growth. If you do feel better, it is still essential to complete the prescribed course of antibiotics. If you stop taking antibiotics too early, it allows bacteria to live and develop resistant to the antibiotics.
The efficacy of antibiotics should be assessed against severity of the disease as well as the previous use of antibiotics. The decision to use antibiotics must be based on adherence to treatment, efficacy and limited spectrum while minimizing the risk of costs and toxicities. It is often difficult for patients as well as doctors to know when the antibiotic is working because it may take between 48 and 96 hours to show any indications of improvement. Physicians should be "of hearty determination" to resist the temptation to alter antibiotics too soon.
Determining the Bacteria
The correct antibiotic should be selected by identifying the type of bacteria. Since every antibiotic is effective against certain types of bacteria, it is important to identify those bacteria that cause an disease.
In order to do this, a health care professional may test a sample of your urine, blood and stool, or skin mucus for bacteria. Your healthcare professional may analyze the bacteria to find out if they are resistant to certain antibiotics, which could help determine the best method of treatment.
The health care provider may start you on antibiotics for a wide range of bacteria while waiting to see the outcomes of the bacterial culture. Be careful not to use too much, since it is possible to develop resistance to antibiotics. Also regularly washing your hands while cooking food in a clean manner and avoiding sharing personal items like toothbrushes can help prevent infections and decrease the need to take antibiotics.
Identifying the Symptoms
Infections caused by bacteria are life-threatening. Examples include cellulitis, (the growth of an infection onto the skin) and the condition known as septicaemia. Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to combat various types of bacterial infections, and wait for the results of tests that will identify the bacterium responsible for.
The antibiotic treatment should also be individualized to suit the specific needs of each patient. Some antibiotics are not suitable for people who have specific allergies. Others may react when mixed with alcohol or different medications. Some antibiotics are able to pass through the breast milk and they shouldn't be consumed by nursing mothers.
The time frame for antibiotic treatment should be limited as much as you can to minimize the risk of toxicity and widening of spectrum and subsequent appearance of resistance. If you have an chronic uncomplicated bronchitis, or COPD exacerbations that have the highest likelihood of being caused by bacteria, the most effective guidelines recommend treating them with penicillin, which is a narrower spectrum antibiotic or cephalosporins.
Recognizing the treatment
The GPs must be aware of the seriousness of the illness and if it's in an area where oral or intravenous antibiotics are required (such as an eye infection or a cut, as well as an exacerbation of COPD, CAP or UTI). They should also assess if the patient's ability to afford any drugs that are recommended. The patient should be "of strong and robust heart" and must not be forced to change medications if they do not see immediate improvements after starting treatment.
The last step in determining the appropriate antibiotic is to decide which one should be used. The information collected in Steps a to C can later be used to establish a different clinical diagnosis as well as the best antimicrobials for the situation are selected. The aim of this process is to lower the use of antibiotics, slow down resistance development and avoid complications such as Clostridium difficile, MRSA as well as VRE. An appropriate dosage and the right duration of treatment is crucial to making sure this happens. Antibiotics can be divided in classes according to how they influence bacteria. For instance, some inhibit the development of cell walls and others inhibit development of bacteria via stopping the process of synthesis of protein.
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kashikaoverseas · 2 years
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naamahdarling · 3 months
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mpekamitzii · 7 months
i actually put together a furry commission sheet with art because i need to get antibiotics of an unknown cost next week (the ones i got earlier didn't work!hooray!) plus because of that kind ask i got a while ago ngl.
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bubblergoespop · 7 months
i got bitten by a rat
what do i do
embrace the fact that now you’re gonna become a rat person.
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coldvampire · 11 months
oh im gonna hsdgfjk
okay so three+ months ago i discovered I had a Fun Condition called perioral dermatitis. basically, just this Extraordinarily persistent face rash that looks like a bunch of small pustules in a circle around my mouth, but it also went around my nose and eyes. reacts to literally fucking Everything, deeply annoying to treat, even with antibiotics it takes weeks but usually months to clear. causes are ?? can be anything from inhaled steroids, face cream, toothpaste, hormones, etc. basically impossible to pinpoint. i have some guesses about what triggered it but ofc no real way to know for sure.
i go on 90 days of antibiotics. cool, whatever, condition dissipates but doesn't go away entirely. i think nothing of this bc I know even With oral antibiotics, it can still take months.
halfway through this treatment i develop arthritic symptoms. i also think nothing of this bc I have Some sort of illness undiagnosed anyway + family members have it so while I am definitely not happy w this development, I'm resigned.
i finish the pills.
less than 24 hours later, dermatitis has Returned. i know that allowing this to happen makes it worse and last longer. i cannot stress enough how bad it will be for my mental health if this happens. yes this probably sounds overly dramatic but I'm pretty sure watching my face flare up in any way is a legitimate trigger atp after dealing with cystic acne.
anyway. i book an appointment with my gp bc the pharmacist cannot refill the antibiotics. great except the appointment is at the End Of The Month, and I know this is going to be bad in a few days time. like, in the last few hours the inflammation has already accelerated, who knows how bad it'll be then, I'm assuming it'll be like I never even took the pills to start with. i am going to have a nervous breakdown.
mysteriously, the arthritis symptoms have Also started to decrease after stopping the antibiotics. that's weird, I think, that wasn't brought up in the list of side effects when I asked, but the timing is literally exactly when my face started flaring up so I know I definitely don't have those in my system anymore. i look this up, to see if there's a link.
'''acute polyarthritis''' also described as 'drug-induced lupus' are you Fucking Kidding Me
so i am now back as Square Fucking one for this shit, my skin is about to be so goddamn inflamed & I apparently can't even take the drug that was working to clear it up. because it causes inflammation in my joints.
and like i cant really express properly how mad this makes me lmfao because of Course. i spend a solid year on Accutane finally after being deterred for nearly a decade, i get maybe 4 months of enjoying my skin after I'm off of it and then This Shit. can i win?? can i Fucking win??????? no one else in my genepool seems to deal with this shit its just me and ohhh my god i am This close to walking straight into the ocean.
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babsaros · 8 months
hey, regular reminder that if you get someone in your inbox (that you have never interacted with before/has never been following you) asking you to reblog a post on their blog (sob story asking for donations, usually about a pet to make it extra guilt-trippy) and they specifically ask you to answer this ask privately (for a vague and weak reason, why wouldn't they want more eyes on this post?) and then you go to their blog and their account is days old at most (and they're even claiming they have an old account that got shadowbanned ((?? being "shadowbanned" on tumblr does not mean you can't still post from that account?)) but never mention the url of that old blog) and all their reblogs are straight from the op and not from anyone they might be following who reblogged the post first (indicating they just quickly searched a semi-popular fandom tag to reblog some innocuous fanart to make the blog seem lived in)-
this is probably a scam :/ keep your eye out for odd details, inconsistency, and a glaring lack of credibility. stay safe out there everypony.
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bisexualspace · 8 months
something that bothers me every day at work are medication 'allergies' that just aren't true allergies
And i don't blame the patient's because its just poor education on our part on what classifies an allergy (probably should avoid the drug in future) vs a side effect/adverse reaction (we can use the drug in future unless theres an equally effective alternative with some supportive meds)
nausea/vomiting/diarrhea after taking a medication is almost certainly not an allergy, especially with antibiotics (antibiotics of all sorts are known to cause this as a side effect!)
the reason it bothers me is because so many people get slapped with 'penicillin allergy' which means you can have THE most effective antibiotics for several conditions (skin infections, chest infections, meningitis, gut infections are often in part treated with penicillins). Us using an alternative is possible but largely far less effective! And just because someone hasn't sat down and explained that its not an allergy!!
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thewirewitch · 1 month
Hey guys, guess who's still not feeling well? :')
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sarahwatchesthings · 2 years
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kasper-k · 7 months
I hate silkie chickens so much these birds are genuinely giving me fucking stress nightmares
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ricoka · 7 months
It's lame af that we as a species can't just regrow teeth
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doctorweebmd · 10 months
well if we’re trying to be medically accurate on bungostraydogs.edu, the disease state that actually COULD theoretically fit Akutagawa Ryuunosukes symptoms (chronic cough, hemoptysis, life-limitation, stunted growth, difficulty gaining weight) it could either be cystic fibrosis or primary ciliary dyskinesia.
for metaphorical reasons I like primary ciliary dyskinesia better for him because dextrocardia (your heart being flipped so it’s on the right side instead of the left) is really common, so it could be like… commentary about his heart being in literally the wrong place. Or something
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