#Antique finish
Antique - Opa Opa 1999
"Opa Opa" is a song originally by Greek singer Notis Sfakianakis, released as a single from his second album Ise Ena Pistoli in 1992. It is a laïko dance song and was written and produced by singer Giorgos Alkaios.
The song has been covered by a number of artists, taking it to further success abroad. In 1999, Swedish-Greek duo Antique covered it as their debut single with Eurodance elements, reaching the top ten across Scandinavia. Despina Vandi recorded an English-language cover, which reached the top 20 of several markets in Europe and North America.
Antique is a Greek singing duo consisting of Helena Paparizou and Nikos Panagiotidis, originating from Sweden and combining Greek popular music and lyrics with a Nordic dance-pop beat. Both Paparizou and Panagiotidis were born and raised in Sweden by Greek parents. In 2001, Antique represented Greece at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "(I Would) Die For You", ending with a third place, and in 2005 Paparizou went solo and won the contest for Greece with "My Number One". After 19 years of hiatus the group reunited in March 2022 and released a cover hit song from 90's meant to be their comeback in music industry.
"Opa Opa" received a total of 66,6% yes votes!
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
oh god this antique side table I just found
I'm dying I-
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l e g g y
CLAMP-ass table
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sugarpasteltmnt · 5 months
HI FRIENDS ‘lil update for you since I’ve been so scarce—
‘TNV’ is on a temporary hold because I’M GETTING A NEW JOB YAY!!! 🎉🔥🎊🍾💃🎉🎉🔥 Even BETTER news is now I’ll have a bit more time to write turtle angst ehehehe >:3
That being said, I gotta get some things settled before i can get back to TNV. I’m so sorry I’m behind on asks and artwork but I promise I’ll catch up soon!! Thank you guys for your patience I promise I’m not ignoring you ;w; things are just bonkers right now but it’s also very exciting
I wish i had something a bit more special planned for the anniversary tomorrow (HUH???) but rest assured I’ll be back at getting you Turtle Angst before too long (`・ω・´)ゞ
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sygneth · 4 months
guys i went to a furniture conservation super intense course and the amount of the cool things that did in the past three days is insane and we're not even half way through it, it was the best decision in years
I can make a historically appropriate drawer now
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spockandawe · 4 months
Oh, I forgot to use this picture anywhere! It's been an exhausting, EXHAUSTING spring, including the painting, including the paneling, including a trip to nj to retrieve a pile of furniture, including way too much crochet for human hands to safely endure. But the guest room is coming together! The lips are probably getting evicted to the next guest room over (music/manga room), because the Horrors have faded enough that I'm itching for my next paint job, and I think it's going to be a pink and red palette. Just having one vibrant room in my house makes me so happy already, I simply HAVE to continue
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Actually, you know what, have these curio cabinets too, because I'm delighted with how they turned out. More gifted old furniture finally giving me a dignified residence for my knickknacks. Pls note the tasteful heavy bookbinding objects on the bottom shelves definitely because they're pretty and not because I almost tipped these things over more than once before getting them anchored to the walls
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randomslasher · 1 year
Did you know. There are just. Books? About anything you can think of? And you’re allowed to read them! You can! You can just...pick them up and read. And you’ll get to learn about SO MANY THINGS. Did you want to know more about Seabiscuit? You can read about him. What about the dog sleds that delivered antitoxin to sick kids? Yep, probably several options there. How to identify native mushrooms? Check. Want to read about shoes? yeah I’m sure there’s at least one or two books on the topic. I haven’t even checked I’m just THAT CONFIDENT because there are SO MANY BOOKS and you can just READ them.  But there’s a catch: you can’t read all of them at once. That’s how they get ya. 
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Do you know this queer character?
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Seon-woo is Gay and uses he/him pronouns!
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hachiibun · 2 years
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“The dust from the old newspaper slides down and makes L/uke sneeze repeatedly.”  — Another actual quote from the game
Happy Birthday to my favourite of the guys from T/ear/s o/f Th/emis, the detective himself 🔎
From what we get from him in the game, he seems to be sensitive to dust. What a fun little quirk for a guy who handles antiques in his store and does secret agent-type stuff in addition to his detective work~
If you like my drawings, please consider supporting me by buying me a coffee ☕ ! It helps me out a lot and I’d really appreciate it!
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coffee-in-veins · 2 years
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Reynauld may pretend to be an honorable knight but you should know better than to question if he’ll murder you or not, really. he’ll make an example of your execution, on the central square, and make it long and pompous.
while Dismas will just shoot your brains out because you had a decent pair of boots. that’s enough reason for him.
they are perfect for each other, really.
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promithiae · 2 months
Bleh. I don't know what I want to read next. I've been on a history jag lately, but none of the books I've picked out (and are available) on libby are piquing my interest.
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polarfarina · 2 months
I think it would be real cool if I could make a living by spending all my time making crafts and artworks of all sorts that I really enjoy and then touring around as much as I can to events to sell those artworks. I think it would rock to be able to have a job where I sell things I make - but I'm so so invested in the physical I don't think I'll ever succeed doing digital art commissions. I really liked when back when I was growing up my mom had a jewelry business and we'd sell the stuff at booths at events. You get exposed to a lot of different artists that way, you get to listen to live music, you get to eat nice food. It's so enriching even if it's really just sitting at a table for hours and hours and maybe getting to walk around a bit. I honestly like the idea so much
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rosicheeks · 25 days
#I’m doing my first garage sale ever#and you guys would not believe how much stuff I’m going to have#my parents went through everything in their crawl space#I got a lot of my clothes that I don’t wear anymore#there’s soooo much clothes and toys#and I can’t even describe how many fucking stuffed animals we have 🤦🏽‍♀️#if anyone has done garage sales or are familiar with them#how do you price things?#I’m just going to do by table cause I don’t have the time or patience to do each individual thing#but I’m wondering#how much would you price for idk small /medium and large stuffed animals?#or beanie babies#or CLOTHES#how much would you price for kid clothes and adult pants and dresses and shirts#or fuck me I have no clue for the toys#most of them are just old and kinda antiques#nothing is like super old where it doesn’t work or is super scuzzy#and I tried to go through the clothes and got rid of any that had stains or holes etc#anyway it starts tomorrow#I’m doing Thursday - Saturday#maybe Sunday if I want to do just a free day?#just to get everything OUT#whatever doesn’t sell or anything I’ll just donate#let me fucking tell you#we have SO MUCH SHIT#maybe I’ll take a picture to show you guys when it’s all done#it was just in boxes for awhile and now that I’m actually getting it all organized I did not realize we had so much shit 😵#and today is my last day before the sale and man I’m no where near ready annnnd I have Mayas and then a family dinner….#so I have to finish it alllllll tonight after dinner 🙃 wish me luck lol#shut up rosie
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serenpedac · 1 year
Tidbit Tuesday
I was tagged by some very lovely people who are also amazing writers to share a snippet. Thank you @evilbunnyking, @agentnatesewell and @ejunkiet <3
This is a lot longer than a tidbit, so no obligation to read! It’s from my Antique Shop AU where Yael and Nate go from friends to lovers after their initial, steamy meeting. No Book 3 spoilers!
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“Won’t you please, please come with us?” Farah’s eyes turn wide and pleading. “I’m gonna die of boredom if you’re not coming.”
“I’m sure it can’t be that bad. Won’t Adam and Nate be there as well?”
Farah makes a face. “Like I said, die of boredom.”
To be fair, the assignment did seem less than exciting from what little Yael had gleaned. Some sort of ceremony to show the continued collaboration between the Agency and one of the supernatural communities. It was more of a formality than anything else, Nate had explained, a fond smile on his face. She’d thought it might be one of the things that had become something of a tradition during his long life. Which did explain why Farah would be practically begging her to come along.
“I would love to save you, but I have a ton of required reading and there are some supplies I need to pick up from the city. And I really should be preparing for the workshop on Monday.” She gestures at the paper and study books strewn across the kitchen table and Farah purses her lips.
“I can pick things up for you, okay? And can’t you study Nate or something? He’s antique, right?”
A burst of laughter escapes Yael, one she is quick to smother when Nate enters the kitchen right that moment. Not that he would have noticed, focused as he is on his phone. His brow is furrowed as he taps the screen with his index finger, a quick motion like he might get burned if he touched it for too long.
“Am I even allowed to attend?” 
Nate looks up from the screen. “Are you coming with us?” His frown smooths out, a smile lighting up his face. “I don’t see the problem. You have sufficient clearance, and it would give you a better understanding of how the Agency has been working with supernatural communities throughout the years.”
“See?” Farah whispers loud enough for Nate to hear even if he didn’t have vampire senses. “You have to save me from this.”
“You promise to pick up my order tomorrow?” 
Farah’s earrings dangle wild as she nods. “Promise.”
Yael turns to Nate, a plan beginning to form in her mind. “What do you know about marquetry, specifically Boulle?”
“Tarsia a incastro, you mean? Let me see, it’s a marquetry technique that developed in the seventeenth century, with André Charles Boulle among its most famous practitioners. He is well-known for using materials like---”
“---copper and tortoise shell,” Yael finishes his sentence. “I love you, you know that?”
“Ooh, no.” Farah dashes to stand in between Yael and Nate. “No, no, no. I’m the one who promised to travel all the way to the city for you, not him. You’re supposed to be talking with me.”
“You are more than welcome to add your thoughts on the topic.” Nate’s efforts to school his face into a serious expression are negated by the amusement tugging at the corners of his mouth as he glances at Yael. It’s quite adorable.
She lifts her hand to--- To do what? To trace the curve of his lips? She blinks at the thought, pressing her hands against her thighs to keep them there and redirecting her attention to Farah, whose look of betrayal has turned into something Yael can’t quite read as those golden eyes dart between her and Nate.
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Tagging, though no pressure: @wayhavenots, @serial-chillr, @lykegenia and anyone who wants to share!
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spurgie-cousin · 10 months
ok as the resident fundie interior decorating police I have to rant about Kaylee's living room and the coffee table that I KNOW Jill is responsible for:
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That table has much potential but Jill and her sandpaper and antiquing goo just physically can't resist ruining every piece of wood furniture within a 5 mile radius. It looks SO bad.
Other than that the only thing I kinda hate is the yellow (or gold?) and silver on the tree but that's just a me thing. I also didn't know that they had a wood burning furnace for heat, that says to me that either the house is pretty old (which nothing against that I love an old house) or that the building was converted from something else into a living space.
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
posts with library workers discussing library business where they feel the need to make it very clear whether or not they have an MLS are so annoying. like that makes them the ultimate authority on basic ass library shit that even most regular patrons understand
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jensownzoo · 3 months
Got a new piece of alleyway furniture in need of love/repair yesterday afternoon:
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It's the base of a hoosier cabinet in a pretty sad state. The sides are delaminating and at least two of the legs are splitting. And you can see the state of the finish.
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Not a valuable antique so I feel no guilt in what I'm going to do to it to give it an alternative function.
It's going to turn into a combination plant stand (that enameled top makes it perfect) and cat bed (in the cabinet part. The drawers, which still work well, will be nice storage. Might see if my seed packet collection will fit or I might put cat toys and brushes in it, who knows?
It's not going to be a professional job for sure. I'll probably just sister some additional supports to the insides of all the legs to fix that issue. Then see about getting some thin plywood or Masonite board to fit into the sides. Remove what little finish remains, sand, and paint/stain.
Probably should either put a little lip on the inside of the cabinet part to keep the cat bed from slipping out. Or I could keep the door shut and just remove the left panel entirely to allow feline access. I'm a little concerned that if I make it too private, however, some little kitty (lookin at you, Princess Many Toes) will start using it as a litterbox.
Anyway, it's not a project I'm going to start until I finish the current garden project since I'd like to get that done before we hit 100F again.
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