#Anyway I just think there's a lot of interesting potential there
yuri-is-online · 13 hours
After reading a translation by Yuu Rei on twitter, I’ve been thinking about Book 7 and how this could potentially end. I know there’s been a lot of discussion of how this may need to be ended with a peaceful resolution since Malleus is so powerful and/or Idia’s plan is looking too much like Henrik’s very successful take down of Maleanor. Personally, I actually want to see Idia’s plan succeed to a degree and think it would be fun to defend why.
I’ll link it for reference here if you want to read the thread too: https://x.com/yuurei20/status/1672514883215331328?s=46
1. I personally would find it narratively fitting. History repeats itself when no one learns from it, and it was a previously mentioned lore tidbit that fae history is not well known among humans. And let’s be honest, anything that does exist on the human side for history would not be completely truthful on what happened with Maleanor if her fate is even mentioned. There has also been a lot of buildup with how overblots are dangerous to the health/wellbeing of the overblotter, and using Malleus to pay it off would both parallel Maleanor’s fate and nerf him for Book 8. A necessary action in order for the plot to not be immediately solved by Malleus’s ridiculous might.
2. I think it works with Malleus’s portrayal so far. He does have his good moments and traits, but I haven’t forgotten his tendencies to steamroll the opinions and perspectives of others. Take the Spectral Soirée for example, when Malleus decides to freeze time and kidnap a significant part of the student body simply because he sees himself in the lonely ghosts. No concern whatsoever for harm to his classmates or how it would look for an entire chunk of the student body to suddenly go missing. Or his dorm uniform vignette, where Malleus remains stubbornly insistent that it is the fault of the other housewardens or circumstance that he does not attend the meetings despite very reasonable measures to remind him having already been taken. Followed by a complete disregard for what’s polite/acceptable by summoning the other housewardens using magic reserved for objects because he doesn’t want to miss another meeting. The point I’m making here is that a massive rebellion like Idia gathering up his peers may be what it takes to get through to Malleus that what he is doing is not acceptable behavior just because he was afraid of Lilia leaving and didn’t want to be alone.
3. The last two books set a precedent for the shift from teaming up with solely the current and previous dorm to defeat an overblot to joining forces with students across various dorms. Combining that with the opportunity to build characters further by showing the NRC boys being capable of working together it would make sense for the big overblot battle to involve the other cast members like Idia’s plan intends to.
But I’m also kind of Malleus hater so take it all with a grain of salt. - 🦐
I am also kind of a Mallues hater and think his relationship with Yuu kind of gets overplayed by the fandom to an annoying extent at the cost of the character development and friendship of all other characters in the game by the English speaking fandom. In fic anyway, in game I appreciate him for what he is specifically for reasons like this, he's an interesting character.
I sort of disagree about Idia's plan looking too much like Henrik's take down of Maleanor. It might look like that on the surface to a fae who was there at the time but there is a big difference between Maleanor defending her territory and her child and the temper tantrum Malleus is throwing. To compare the two is disingenuous at best, which is why it is so narratively fitting that they might go down the same way.
I sort of get the sense that what happened is lost history because the fae eventually destroyed the human kingdom/ the kingdom destroyed itself. There is a reason Silver is an orphan and the fae keep to themselves. In a way Briar Valley seems sort of bad at history education? Which makes sense in a weird way, if you don't reproduce often and everyone lives for an age you sort of just expect to remember things and you don't always think to explain important stuff to kids. The point about needing to nerf Malleus for Book 8 is such a good fucking take I would be so surprised if the health complications angle didn't come up. I wonder if the consequences are worse for fae due to them being made of magic?
Malleus does seem to understand that his power is great and that it is meant to be used to bring people happiness... he just does not seem to see other people as. Well. People nor does he seem to understand the concept of dreams. In a way the ideals of someone like Azul are completely foreign to him because he's never had to work to be good at anything he's needed to do. Sure he might like learning to do mundane things like use a washer and dryer, but he doesn't need to do it and that's the only reason why he likes it. If he had to do it every day he would find that exhausting so yes, this plan does seem like the only way to get through to Malleus. He needs to realize he is treating people not like his subjects but his toys, just because Sebek is ok with that doesn't mean everyone else is.
Agree. I feel like the real threat in Twisted Wonderland, whatever it is, will need every student to work together in order to face it and not just a handful of students from one or two dorms. We still need to find out what's up with Grim and Crowley... and RSA if we're lucky!
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aromanticannibal · 3 days
hi i haven't seen this yet on tumblr so i'm throwing my crack theory here:
mystery character is Hana.
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Everyone is obviously assuming it's Tenko and honestly it's probably going to be Tenko, but Hana seems very interesting and given the current situation with Tenko/Tomura's body (aka it's gone into dust) somehow more likely?
My theory of how this could be Hana is that AFO is simply a bastard and snatched her before she could be killed - he definitely has illusion or cloning quirks that could replace her.
The reason why AFO doesn't use Hana is because she's "too far along"
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He wanted someone he could make into whatever he wanted from the start, to control everything about their life entirely. But like... we know AFO has a lot of side plans. Just in case. The orphanages full of replacements like the one Touya was in is proof of that. I think it would make sense to keep Hana just in case because the point of it being Tenko specifically isn't that he's special (he was literally made into what he is - according to AFO). It's not about his individuality.
It's about being a Shimura. A descendant of Nana Shimura, of All Might's mentor. Therefore, Hana would be the second very best potential successor. Also, I feel like mister "little brother <3" AFO would like Hana is only because she's Tenko's older sister.
So perhaps through quirk fuckery and trickery he kept Hana specifically, and then...
Forgot about her. Or maybe, she didn't work out how he wanted her to, maybe she was in fact too old and noticed he was a fucking weirdo and he had to take her by force, which explains why the mystery character/"Hana" is so banged up and panicked and especially in a prison jacket. Alternatively, she escaped and for one reason or another was thrown into jail, or she was forced into villainy by AFO or society, or maybe her quirk is dangerous or AFO gave her a dangerous quirk to make her believe she has to cooperate with him because otherwise she'll hurt others/be arrested - there could be tons of things.
Finally, all I have look wise is LOOK AT THEM.
That is undeniably a Shimura to me. Like jesus.
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look at this shit. this is either Tenko before he became Tomura or it's Hana, because just look at them.
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The eyes are rounder than Hana's which could indicate that it's Tenko (and again; it probably is, this is just my little crack theory because I love Hana) or it's simply caused by the angle, aging or the clear panic on the character's face.
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The hand on the wall is giving hey look they're not decaying the wall lol.
Anyways. Feel free to send your own thoughts on who this is in my inbox I am so incredibly intrigued by this mystery character and I can't wait to know who that is.
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winterrhayle · 21 hours
an incomplete list of things that i am very very very very very very very intrigued and excited about being visually portrayed in the tlc adaption:
BIOELECTRICAL MANIPULATION. HOW will they portray this??? because its animated i could imagine them doing some like visual effects like squiggly lines or something (kinda into the spiderverse spidey-sense esque) OR they could show it in the way it would look irl, by just showing the impact of the manipulation on the person however i would imagine that this would be really really difficult to show as the audience needs to know when someone is acting by their own accord and who is acting due to manipulation,, this is so intriguing to me genuinely
LUNAR FASHION ! specially in the scenes during winter at levana and kai's wedding, i think the clothing and hair and makeup would be so fun to look at as the aristocrats' clothing is so ornate, and as its animation there really aren't any limits to what they do with that
cinder's vision, with her constant information trickling in with the orange lie detector, heart monitor, internal portscreen etc etc, i kinda imagine them doing a lot of scenes from her POV, where we can see what is happeining through her eyes, and this would be specially interesting in particular scenes like when her cybernetic and natural vision are fighting against eachother to try and figure out how levana really looks, and the scene where cinder is doing some insane multitasking fighting the guards + wolf soldiers while escaping artemisia palace and jumping into the lake
the character designs for the fully modified wolf soldiers, i've always found them kinda difficult to picture personally so i would be very interested in looking at how they're portrayed here
general scene setting like : new beijing market, the artemisia and new beijing palaces, cress' sattelite, the rampion, the abandoned paris opera house fight scene, farafrah, benoit farms, etc etc etc, you get the gist. i feel like tlc has so much potential with these visuals specially because theyre in the future, so the fashion could go in any difrection, and you'd see futuristic things around like the hover cars and maybe like, subtle things like people scanning their wrists (with their ID chips) to pay for things im yapping i know but i just love the world building so much
winter's hallucinations, it would be interesting for it to switch between what she sees, eg a scene where the walls are bleeding and they could do some like spirally camera work around her and then it could cut to another characters POV, like jacin where you can see how it really looks, it would be cool juxoposition and it would be really helpful to get into winters head (as she has the shortest time on paper out of all the characters :(((( SIGH)
they could do a cool thing with the selene / cinder connection, i said yelled my ideas in the tags of this post here, its in all caps sorry lmaooo i got a little excited
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anyway these are just off the top of my head there are definitely more,, but if u guys have any more please please please please share i would loveeee to hear
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aromantic-diaries · 2 days
it’s frustrating when there are canon aspec characters and people invalid them. Like what the fu—? What happened ‘we need to respect queer identities’? Like I hate when aspec characters are shipped in a way that completely ignores their sexuality. like yes shipping is okay but respect the sexuality.
like, anyone on the aspec should have their identity respected and not changed to cater to other people, like What about us?! What about our representations? Why not cater to us??
especially during pride month, I just wish that people just respected more and I mean it’s called the 2SLGBTQIA+ community anyways, so why only respect the first half? :/ respect all.
As someone who isn't all that involved in fandom, I don't really care but tbh it still makes me kind of uncomfortable and just tells me that my identity isn't something that people care about. I don't really care about shipping but what does bother me is that most people can't seem to find a character interesting if they're not romantically or sexually involved with anyone. I don't feel personally victimized by seeing ship art of alastor hazbinhotel or whatever because I don't care about that guy, it just serves as a reminder that nobody actually cares about aro/ace representation because it's boring to them. Aromanticism and asexuality aren't seen as complex identities, people on those spectrums aren't seen as individuals with depth or interesting experiences. Nobody wants to explore the potentials of an aspec character because they just don't think anything of it besides "they don't get bitches" and yknow, shipping is a big part of fandom culture which isn't a problem but it's not the only interesting way to engage with characters. We can go on and on about how people don't respect aspec identities when it comes to fandom but I think the real reason for why they're disregarded is the fact that they're not seen as something interesting or worth talking about. Then again, a lot of representation is really half assed so I'd barely call it representation
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whitewitchqueen · 3 days
Thank you for all the work you've done for your Elden Ring concept with the reader. I constantly go back to your posts and reread them whenever I start itching for the DLC to come out.
While joining the Tarnished on their journey they finally arrive at Mohgwyn Palace and discover Miquella’s cocoon. How do you think the readers would react when Mohg emerges from the cocoon? Any malice or resentment for kidnapping their close friend etc and seeing them in this state? So far the relationship between reader and the tarnished is one of protection but would this encounter with Mohg start some sort of fire within the reader? Aiding the Tarnished and putting up a fight in the battle against Mohg? Or would they just be heartbroken at the sight idk fluctuating possibilities honestly.
Additionally, I can't really remember if there was a previous interaction between Mohg and the reader or if Mohg just knew the reader due their strong involvement with the Empyrean family and vice versa. If there was, how do you think Mohg would react to the reader's return? Would he be aware of their close relationship with Miquella? Would there be any exchange of words between them? Or idk some underlying beef with the reader since Mohg desires to be Miquellas consort and all.
After the battle, what do you think the reader's reaction would be upon seeing or being face to face with Miquella, or rather his withered hand/corpse in the cocoon after all this time? Given Miquella’s slight reaction to the reader returning to the Lands Between (if I remember correctly from a few posts back), would the reader's close presence to his body once again trigger a response from him, perhaps a more significant one this time? I believe I heard that in the DLC we are required to ‘touch thee withered arm’ in order to enter it but I’ll send more based on this once we find out more or when the DLC actually comes out.
I know this is very long sry! I viewed this as prep for the DLC since Miquella’s cocoon is where our journey will begin. Ahhh so exciting!! the final stretch before we can get our hands on it!
Please feel free to add in any additional details or information that I haven't mentioned from this. Eager to read more!
Thank you so much for enjoying my Elden Ring stuff. I find it kinda surprising there isn't more Elden Ring fanfic, but honestly I don't think many people look at Elden Ring or Any Fromsoftware game and think "man this has so much fanfic potential" if we're being honest.
Anyway, I've had a hard time incorporating reader into post-shattering events, but I feel like I have some ideas, so buckle in:
In my head, reader enters the lands between somewhere near Layndell, probably not in the city but close to it. Here they met the tarnished, who they join in on their adventure in return to helping them traverse the Lands.
If we're thinking about Mogh and Morgott, I don't think reader ever met them before the Shattering. This is because they were most likely still in the sewers when reader was in the Lands. However, I really like the idea that reader can connect to other characters though their dreams, so reader meeting one of the Omens through a dream, especially since it's said that Omens are plagued with nightmares, would make a lot of sense. I imagine Morgott meeting reader when they are younger and is still trying to learn about their powers. Maybe this is how reader learns about the mistreatment of the omens and swears to befriend Morgott, which Morgott feels eternally grateful for. However, once reader finds their way into the Lands Between, their visits suddenly stop and Morgott is only left with the memory of you.
I feel like Mogh however is less than pleased about you. I personally don't believe either of the twins were close to each other, due to many factors. So I feel like it isn't until he starts taking an interest in Miquella that he actually really learns about you. Mogh realizes Miquellas connection to you pretty quickly, but rather than feeling jealous or possessive, I'd imagine he'd be more curious on how he could use you to his advantage. I wouldn't be surprised if Miquella made contact with Mogh regarding your whereabouts once he's realized you've returned, but even in the past he's questioned whether or not he should take you back to his palace, in hopes it would appease Miquella more. Speaking of which, yes, even though Mogh isn't obviously possessive, he does hold a lot of resentment towards the Dreamer and Miquella's obvious affection towards them.
If reader came with the Tarnished to Moghwyn Palace, I can't really imagine them fighting along side them, however I do think Mogh would recognize them and definitely have a lot to say, but not wanting to anger Miquella he holds his tongue.
Readers reaction to Mogh emerging from Miquella's cocoon would definitely be a mixture of many things. As much as reader learns about this land, I don't think they full comprehend its powers, so something like this would definitely worry them. I wouldn't be surprised if reader fully thought Miquella to be dead due to the state he's in. Once the fight is over and Mogh is no more, I could imagine reader wanting to take time to be with Miquella alone. Like I mentioned before, Miquella would react to readers return, but this time his reaction would be more obvious. Like reader takes his withered hand and he actual reciprocate or something. Because Miquella is free from Mogh, I could image them being able to meet in a dream once again, this one being what we would see in the DLC.
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ihopesocomic · 2 days
And I must say that what I'm looking forward to the most is when our protagonists meet the other prides. I can't wait because it's completely different from the one Hope and Adamant grew up with.
I'm glad that these prides are very different. To contrast this, for example, in Warriors there are five clans and they differ from each other only in where they live and food they eat. And the truth is they are practically the same, there is no diversity in thinking, lifestyle or beliefs.
However, your prides have these differences. I noticed that Golden Grove focuses a lot on the character of the Great King. Hope herself mentions that they don't hear much about the Traveler, and both her mother and grandmother were rather against the Traveler lifestyle and view the Traveler herself as an omen. Edge's Kingdom is one big business, him being big CEO, and he has a slightly different approach to Traveler and death in general. In Periwinkle's pride (or maybe 'garden'?) there is a lioness who is said to have a bond with Traveler. Their group is also quite... specific. The Thundering Mountains pride actually looks more like a typical kingdom there. Many lions come from different places, but they live together under the protection of one monarch. Both the current King and his young successor seem to be very noble leaders who primarily care about the good of the pride. Overall great variety.
Of course, we also have the Travelers and their lifestyle, but it is completely different from the prides, so I think Hope and Adamant realized early on that it would look completely different from the life they knew. But the meeting of other prides and the confrontation of their beliefs and systems will certainly confuse our girls. I mean they were so confused about eating alongside Storm (and what's worse it wasn't always like that in Golden Grove! Man I hate Jasper! I can't even see Edge doing that to his kids!)
To sum up, I love your world building <3 you managed to create a completely different and interesting groups in one story! I can't wait for more!
Thank you so much, anon!!
Yeah, we've tried to make pride distinct and unique on top of having their own naming themes. Like you've pointed out, the Clans within Warrior Cats had some potential but they're ultimately kinda boring and same-y. To the point where I was all gdi because I kept getting ShadowClan on unofficial 'which wc clan do you belong to' quizzes.
Fortunately, I took the official one and got SkyClan and they actually have some stuff going on with the daylight warriors (yeah, hot take: I like the concept) and so on. WindClan and RiverClan are least have some culture going on via the former's closeness to StarClan and the latter's affinity to water but the main players - ThunderClan and ShadowClan - are just very boring to me.
So yeah, completely hear you there. lol
Thus, we wanted to provide some variety with the prides and also give opportunity for those who want to make their own fan prides. Especially when it comes to ranks and titles. For example, the non-canon Kingblessed Coast pride that I'm working on is operated like a pirate ship's crew vs. a monarchy, so we have a Captain in place of a King/Queen. Honestly, sky's the limit because these prides are not unified under a weird government order. They are their own individual democracies... Or dictatorships. Whichever you wanna go by. lol
But yes, storywise: we wanted Hopeful to experience worlds with a plural and various cultures that differ so drastically from the Golden Grove. For better or for worse. We wanted our audience to ooh and ahh with her as we go on. Africa as a place is so diverse in its landscapes and environment. It's not all just desert and grasslands. There's mountains, canyons, valleys, the list goes on. My only real regret is that we won't see any coastal areas because they're beautiful af.
I'm particularly looking forward to showing more of the crystal caves of the Thundering Mountains tho. <33
Anyway, I'm rambling but thank you again, anon. We're totally excited alongside you to show more of this big wide world we have going. <33 - RJ
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The show's never had any gay characters and I legitimately never think they will. Don't get me wrong, a show doesn't NEED lgbtq rep to be good. But I'm a little worried they're avoiding it for the wrong reasons.
If characters in a show don't naturally fall in love, it feels rushed or forced. A lot of people feel this way about Titan and Titania- We don't know if this'll become a true canon ship or anything yet, because Titan does seem to be a little more distant from Titania's affections, but alas, it is Titania's affections which are the problem. Some think its shoehorned in, and I can't really blame them. The blushing was obnoxious, and Titania didn't spend too much time on-screen with Titan, and Titania never got the development AWAY from Titan to BE a proper character, really. It feels like shipping the main character with a side character who hasn't had their own story fleshed out yet.
So, if love isn't natural, it's hard to lapse into it. I don't want this to happen for any ships on the show, let alone a gay one lol. But I think the whole Titan x Titania thing kind of presents my issue, that they might be falling down the road of forcing ships just because one character is a girl and the other is a boy. If i haven't made that clear, that's bad and I don't want that.
Relationships between characters are hard to handle, and admittedly Solarballs has done a very good job so far! Pluto and Charon were handled wonderfully and I do get the appeal of other hinted ships like Calisto and Triton. Genuinely, they CAN handle ships well. One day I would LIKE to see a gay ship in Solarballs handled with the same grace. But that kind of rises the problem of community shipping discourse. No main character in Solaballs will be revealed to be queer. I'm just saying, the likelihood of that is like. 0%. And it's not because Solarballs is homophobic or anything,, rather its a conflict of interests.
Make your main character gay and anger the fandom who had their own headcanons, ORRRR keep everyone ambiguous! Shipping culture is HUGE especially in Solarballs. The people who make Solarballs KNOW their community, at least a little, and they do listen to our feedback. So, why upset the fandom by taking away one of the Main Characters they PROBABLY have headcanons for already.... and instead just, keep it on the low? Oh also the whole 'their audience is kids' thing and the potential backlash they could get for representation,, if ykyk.
So I guess, no character is gay and no character is straight or whatever you headcanon because we'll probably never truly get a reveal on any character being gay. I kind of hope the same thing is true for straightness, god forbid they make Mercury crush on a woman, you could get the best woman alive and I'd still keep him 16 ft away. LMFAO. ANYWAYS
That was my rant because I needed to get it out and I've seen a bit of this topic from kids in the fandom. Yep. Thanks for reading if u did because lord is this long.
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halliescomut · 2 days
Just a small point...
have any of you considered that when it appears that an actor is being so weirdly awkward on screen that it might be an acting choice/direction and not them being a bad actor?
But you know where we used to see this conversation a lot. Around Robert Pattinson and Twilight. Everyone swore up and down that he was such a terrible actor and so fucking weird in Twilight (the full series technically) and now over a decade later it becomes clear that his behavior was an acting choice, because we've seen what else he can do, and specifically how well he can do it.
Because I see A LOT of really rude things being said about Peat in the first ep of Love Sea, and I just wonder if that's something you ever thought about? Now everyone is being intentionally vague and weird, but I'm assuming the scene they're talking about is the robe-seduction scene, and honestly, while it did seem awkward, I was honestly more distracted by Mut/Fort and the whole discussion about body hair removal, but I digress...
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Rewatching the scene...it feels intentional, to me. Now maybe it's not, maybe it was the best take they could get, maybe Peat was having an off day, who knows?
But do you want to know what I was thinking as I rewatched the ep? (I'm gonna tell you anyway.) I was thinking about how we've now established that Rak needs to be banging someone in order to get sex scenes written. He's done this in the past, more than once. Since he's a 'city boy' he was likely going to clubs and picking up random men, or potentially had a FWB situation, hell maybe he even paid for escorts, who knows. But now he's in this tiny little town, he really only knows Mut, and Mut has clearly shown some sexual interest, and so he's thinking 'Well this is my only option if I want to finish this damn book.' But see...in the past if he never had to be the one pursuing, or seducing, then he wouldn't really know how to do that, and like let's be real Mut's reactions would thrown anyone off their game. So overall the whole thing feels weird and awkward because IT IS INDEED WEIRD AND AWKWARD.
Just something to think about.
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chronomally · 2 years
Of course Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan etc. etc. but I am obsessed with the idea of an arranged marriage between Jiang Yanli and Lan Xichen
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franklyimissparis · 1 month
i think it’s funny how when some people talk abt alex turner’s potential drug usage it’ll either be like “he has a major drug and alcohol problem it’s so obvious!!!” or “i don’t think he’s the type to have ever even tried a hard drug” as if there isn’t a ton of middle ground between those two extremes
like the man who wrote “why’d you only ever call me when you’re high” and has been a touring musician since he was 19 has obviously fucking been high - and not just with weed - but that also doesn’t mean he’s completely off his head in every interview he’s ever done 😭😭
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fiapple · 30 days
i'm getting towards the end of the skypeia arc, & i'd like to say just how much i adore the way the female strawhats have been treated.
just... every aspect of how the way their characters have been previously contextualized influences the story-line is treated with a masterful amount of consideration. we're given so many layers to both of them that enrich not only their characters specifically, but the arc, and the one piece world as a whole. without nami & robin having their specific skills, and their specific values, without those being built upon, the story would have come to a halt.
you could not have skypeia without nami & robin being who they are as individuals. not just because they never would've gotten there without nami, but also because the way these women think is itself foundational to the machinations of the arc as a whole.
to be totally upfront, if you think any other strawhats were more central to the skypeia arc than nami & robin were you are full-on fucking lying to yourself.
#obligatory disclaimer that i’m aware luffy is the protagonist & a lot of interesting stuff is explored w him. this isn’t abt him though.#part of me wonders if this is an aspect of why people will write off this arc sometimes tbh... like that & the political themes.#but yeah anyway i get why people say that for all there are 100% misogynistic tendencies in oda's writing & character design#it is very very hard to say that he as an individual is an ideological misogynist. like the level of care he puts into his female cast mem#-ers generally speaking & how he approaches what existing as a multi-dimensional individual would look like in their specific contexts is#like... in a lot of ways still something that is unprecedented across all forms of media.#but also not the point but anyone who says nami in particular doesnt get real fights/is unskilled um... no you're wrong read her fight in#alabasta & then all of skypeia.#like in alabasta she takes on arguably a stronger opponent than sanji when considering the structuring of BW. not only that but she does s#with a weapon she has never used before while actively reading the instruction manual. and she WINS. she wins based on sheer intellect &#the ability to utilize skills the audience already knows she has. the pre-existing basic fighting skills she's introduced with are elabora#-ed upon by incorporating her skill w navigation. same with the way her cunning is used in skypeia to cover her lack of sheer brute. &#the best part about it is she's fucking tough in a way that makes sense! she isn't strong/weak just for the sake of positioning her as such#it is thoughtful & it strengthens her as a character rather than just like giving the power-scaler types smth to mindlessly chew on.#like do i wish nami got to fight more & take a more active role in that regard even if i don't think she needs to be a fighter in the same#sense as the monster trio? yes absolutely. i'm guessing this is going to be smth that bothers me potentially even more with robin.#but that does not mean her fights are not masterfully written when she gets them or that she isn't tough as a bag of nails.#respect my darling woman or die.#skypeia#nico robin#nami#grey's one piece tag
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shikai-the-storyteller · 11 months
There are SO many cool interactions and lore things we can look forward to now that Rubius says he'll come back to QSMP (not only as an angel / demon, but potentially as a human too!), but that little detail reminded me of something:
Even though q!Vegetta and q!Rubius were mutually interested in each other wayyyy back in the beginning of the series, as an Angel / Demon, Rubius said he can't have relationships with humans because it's against the rules.
But a bit ago on stream, Rubius said that he's thinking about having a "human" side so he can build and do more things on the server as a regular player. I'm excited because this means he can have more casual interactions with people and we can see him interacting with his friends more (and he can experience The Horrors), but also...
I think we're in for some very interesting drama in the next few weeks.*
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* ( Assuming Rubius doesn't get harassed off the server by toxic shippers and weird fans of the Eggs again. Please be nice to Rubius and welcome him back kindly, he's a very cool guy and his character is SO interesting )
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nyx-lyris · 1 year
i know john is supposed to be the heart throb but i swear to God every poi fan on this site has a crush on finch and no one can convince me otherwise. 
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papakhan · 3 months
I think in game it's kind of presented that Julie Farkas thinks poorly of, if not outright dislikes, the Great Khans which I guess is fair enough but also reeks of the attitude of the writers viewing drug addicts and raiders as subhuman. And I don't think really it lines up with either the Khan/Follower relationship depicted in game nor does it Follow Julie's reestablished personality. I think she's a little exasperated with them but not enough to warrent the "who? Oh you mean those raiders who used to clash with the vegas tribes 🙄" line that she has about them like cmon girl 1) people are like your only allies outside of Freeside and 2) why are you taking the Three Families side in this??? They're causing just as many if not more issues than the Khans even Arcade has lines about how the Families are exploiting Freeside and I can't think who else she means by "vegas tribes" Anyway. It does make sense for her to be annoyed with how they're causing more drug problems in Freeside but i don't think it makes sense for her to be written in a way that makes it sounds like she's angry with the Khans for *using their precious medical knowledge to make the evil morphine rather than the morally good morphine* when really she should be more angry with House/The Families for causing the poverty in Freeside and the NCR for forcing the Khans into the precarious position they're in while disallowing the Followers from truly helping them. The fact that by the time that Fnv comes around the Followers and NCR's relationship has broken down should be enough for the Followers to revisit relations with the Khans since, as I said, the Khans have been the only truly consistent allies of the Followers and more importantly, the NCR JUST MURDERED ALL THEIR CHILDREN. In this essay I will
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sieglinde-freud · 6 months
feel like morgan/lucina is kinda underrated like i get why. but also like… duuude… take it from lucinas perspective: the kid of the fell god that betrayed your father turns against you despite years and years of friendship and most definitely knowing eachother since birth (do you honestly think chrom and robin wouldnt set their kids up on play dates immediately? really??) and despite how much you love them you know they’re beyond saving and you have to leave them behind to succumb to grima when you go back in time to save the world, accepting that youll never see them again! oh shit buts whats this… they show up in the past anyways? having forgotten all the time you spent together, the trouble they caused, everything you meant to them? but its them, its morgan and for the first time in years youre able to see them again happy, carefree, and in complete control! should you feel sad? scared? overjoyed? i dont know! but slap some yuri on that and you got a crazy ass little sideplot all im saying!!!
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
like yeah maybe tlj would have been subversive or whatever if finn and poe had been completely different characters. and also white men. but finn and poe already WERE subverting what was typical of star wars (and like pop culture in general) by being men of color in these hero roles. like okay a han solo type getting too confident and fucking up and learning he was wrong WOULD be flipping our expectations but poe never WAS a han solo type, at least not in the way tlj/rian johnson framed him to be.
it is just so clear that rian johnson had this idea in his head for a ~different/unexpected/whatever~ take on star wars but he had to force every single existing character into a new shape to fit what they needed to be for his story with NO regard for who they already were and absolutely no care for how he was stereotyping, demonizing, and humiliating men of color in order to fit his ~vision~
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