#Anyway I love Vyn hes so funny to me
xxfillerxx · 5 months
thing you should know about vyn that makes him 1000× funnier
So you know that post that's like
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Yeah. Yeah thats vyn deadass. At least one phonecall, maybe a couple stories and definitely main story chapter 10 (i think?), the one where Artem almost dies. He sees some tragedy play out whether it's a story EG the cowherd and weaver girl (phonecall), his parent's outcome of splitting up (food for thought), or artem and MC being in mortal peril or whatever, then goes "aha couldnt be me, I would never let that happen." Like PLEASE 😭😭 if ur not a vyn fan pls understand this man is so FUNNY. He goes all "oh, that's a nice story :) how unfortunate for them. I, on the other hand, would never let that happen, MC."
And you know it's Vyn so theres a good chance it probably WOULDNT happen. This man is prideful (wont allow himself to bug others, let anyone pity him, shows off in front of MC, lowkey jealous too but in a funny way- this man isnt yandere or anything hes just a funny little guy) but in a subtle tm way.
Also another small funny thing about him showing off- 1st chapter of his personal story, this pickup artist tries showing off to MC to woo her and after he goes "😌🤓☝️ermh actually he was wrong abt the montblanc facts + i sent you these delicious ones i made myself", SHOWING OFF and one-upping the dude only a few hours after. Also the SR story where he A) sees MC enchanted by a magic show so he practices a magic trick in secret to look like a pro before her (literally dude looks like hes a pro but hes "anxious to outdo others" and usually practices smth in secret to look like a pro) B) sees her rave abt it when his old friend performed it so he goes all "hey dont u think magicians are LIARS theyre actually not that impressive" before losing a light hearted debate with MC abt it and C) gets insecure when he had to perform his trick right after they see a more elaborate magic trick and whem MC goes "no i want to see it im sure itll be great" and when he does he goes "I can do what they can do. I wont lose to anyone in front of you."
This guy is SO funny. I figured hed be the elegant, standoffish yet caring character who maybe did some dark stuff on the side. But no bc i was expecting another Lucien but this guy is HILARIOUS with a lot of subversive moments and traits (lots of the characters are). This dude is less of a threat and more of a silly little guy once you read more
HES ALSO CLINGY HE JUST HIDES IT. Vyn, gripping his knees in Trace of Puff: 16 days 14 hours 23 minutes MC pls i couldnt bear being a month without you 😔😔
"during this period... I will practice spending my days thinking of you." THIS GUY IS DOWN B A D 😂😂😂
also this one's more obvious but him being a grouchy Not Morning Person who hates being woken up early too that one's funny
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actualbird · 2 years
yknow, i really love the SR cards where the main plot is basically just NXX Boy Goes And Does A Thing, And He SUCKS AT IT!!!
vyn has SR Mercury In Retrograde where he does a fantastic job being absolute ass at household plumbing. marius has SR Overtone where he gets an A++++++ for being the last guy you wanna lend your guitar to, because hes really bad at playing the dang guitar. and at first i didn't know what artem's card was that followed this pattern but sam @samsspambox blessedly informed me that it's SR Thin Veil, the paywalled SR i dont have yet. and in that card story artem fucking SUCKS at PUPPETS
(sidenote: i generally weep at paywalled top-up cards but the concept of basically having to pay for artem's cringe is So Very funny to me)
but now here is where the injustice becomes apparent.....vyn, marius, and artem each have an SR Epic Fail: The Card Story
to avoid any misunderstandings, here are the traits of what, to me, makes up an "SR Epic Fail":
one Main Thing is the thing our beloved nxx boy will suck at and what and it's also generally Main Focus of the whole card story (which then later leads to a sweeter core message about vulnerability and love and being okay with not being perfect etc)
our boy has to suck In The Moment. not in a flashback, not in a referenced past anecdote, no no. i want to have to tap through the entire excruciating scene/s of him failing at whatever hes doing
the story format has to be in a contained card story and not a recurring-but-brief theme in a personal story
with this criteria in place, it is IMMEDIATELY apparent that luke is the only one without an SR Epic Fail. the closest story instances would be the following:
SSR Through The Heavens (the skateboard card) since he fails at being a normal not-hypervigilant human being and also the NSB makes fun of him with memes, but this doesnt count because it wasn't the Main Focus of the story, there was a whole lot of other stuff going on and the Main Focus was the skateboarding which he did awesome at
some past anecdotes and flashbacks in SR How I Remember You (the luke blindfold card) about how luke sucks at drawing and sucks at charades, but this doesnt count because the drawing was just referenced in a few sentences and the charades fail was a brief flashback. it's also not the Main Focus of the story as well
his general inability/difficulty with cooking that is a recurring theme across his personal stories doesnt count because it's not a card, and thus isnt eligible
this is terrible. this is horrid. i love luke and i want a card thats all about him messing up at a minor activity. i want a full SR Luke Fucks Up At Cooking where the focus is what it says on the tin
i can even see the story so clearly in my mind's eye. it'd be so easy. maybe luke tries to make gingerbread man cookies but accidentally ends up with a gingerbread massacre.
luke mentions hes gonna bake and mc is excited about it because it seems he put a lot of thought and research and prep into it, maybe it actually starts with a scene of them shopping for ingredients together, and theyre both looking forward to luke's baking! but when it actually happens hes like "oh sorry a case came up, dont come over to my place anymore!!" which is sus
mc comes over anyway the next day to pick up some stuff she forgot and luke is there acting awfully nervous and his whole BUILDING smells of burnt gingerbread but there are no gingerbread treats to be found. luke keeps evading until mc finds The Massacre in a plastic container box haphazardly shoved into one of the kitchen cupboards
and it's an absolute baked-goods crime scene in there. none of the gingerbread men look like they were ever even men or homonids of any kind to begin with, it instead looks like all the dough just came together in the oven to create an amorphous Blob with the odd "limb" sticking out here and there. what luke has created is a gingerbread abomination.
mc stares at the gingebread abyss, and it stares back.
upon further investigation, mc even finds slight burn marks around the oven's door too and luke has his face in his hands, his shame is IMMENSE, just about as immense as the aroma of gingerbread treats everywhere. he was hiding it because he was worried that he got her so hyped up for the whole thing that it'd be SUCH a disappointment to her that he fucked it up!
and mc is like "hey no it's okay, as long as it tastes good, it doesnt matter how bad it looks!" and then she breaks off a piece from the gingerbread monstrosity and eats faster than luke can warn her "NO NO DONT DO IT---"
it tastes like shit
anyway they go out to get desserts from cafe instead and mc reassures luke that she obviously still loves him even if he created a baked treats atrocity and broke the genevabread convention. she tells him that if hes having trouble or if he fails, his instinct shouldnt be to hide it all and avoid her but to let her know and so she can help out, because she wants to be there for the wins and for the losses, for the good days and the bad. luke then goes all blushy grateful happy and they kiss and love is real.
the end. the post-story text conversation can go something along the lines of
luke: okay so i figured out why my gingerbread men went nuclear
mc: oh? why?
luke: i....misread "tsp" as "tbsp".........every time
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worms-i-think · 1 year
Silliest little guys:
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HES SO MEAN aaaahdikkkhwdkj I love Vyn, how in the world does this man treat people’s mental conditions when he loves to jab at his coworkers this much
Also Artem, who is apparently Mr. hobby collector extraordinaire according to canon, worrying he will be bad at this activity because it involves being relatively creative is so funny to me. He has no confidence in creating anything that lacks a step-by-step guide. He hates things being open to interpretation.
(Good thing Lukie is so eager to help people make things. You could walk into the shop and ask what he’s gonna do to repair your antiques and he would show you and let you help if you want. I would love to see him interact with Artem more! Then again, there would also be the interesting dynamic created at the begging of the game where Luke urges Rosa to decline his offer to join the NXX. The possibility of that tension! Anyway.)
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Like?? I need to sit in on one of their tutoring sessions.
Also, this past chapter that was released was super tense in terms of inter-NXX relations, so it’s fun to see them get along as well as they can, but then there’s the lingering undertone that the four of them don’t feel they can trust one another at all. I’m super excited for chapter 10 >:)
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enchantedmirage · 7 months
Tears of Themis x Enstars word vomit, GO.
(more on, what do you wanna say if that ever happens lol)
HI HELLO? This is such a surprising concept since I'm already working on another Enstars AU, but anywho!
The core of Tears of Themis is that it has FOUR love interests, which plays hand in hand with our four agencies, well if that matters since we'll focus more on the personalities.. We'll forgo the dynamics the original four have (like marius being vyn's student, vyn and artem having worked with each other before, luke being part of the group the three are also in)
Now.. speaking of those four though, it's time to draw different parallels with them and a character from Enstars. It'll take a while for me to remember what they're exactly like since it's been about two or so years since I last played it..
Okay, starting off with a guy who works in the same field as you, he is your boss basically and would fuss about you not taking care of yourself- ding ding ding, who do I draw Artem parallel to? Ibara Saegusa.
so THIS stood out "Artem's favorite movie genres are art films and war films." and??? Okay, let's roll from that.
"Put himself to an unimaginable standard" Hmm..
Just a headcanon but they probably enjoy black coffee
Also fun fact he shares a va with Nagisa
(anyway I spent like a good ten minutes scrolling his card gallery)
And then soon after, we're introduced to a childhood friend.. yeah okay.. who works a dangerous job.. mhm.. that's will lie to you for your safety... Mama? Like he wasn't completely Anzu's childhood friend but.
"When he was a child, Luke dreamed of becoming a hero, making a charming appearance in times of need and beating all the bad guys. As he grew up, though, he realized heroes aren't always charming and glamorous and are often a mess instead."
UM?? HELLO???????????? (in shock at this guesstimation)
They're both also really reliable
He shares a VA with Mao!
So then, moving onto Vyn, because my friend's favorite was Vyn and she would always talk to me about how Marius steals her pulls and like?? He's something.. is he a manipulator? Is he a yandere? I don't know but when he said "Destruction precedes creation" it reminded me of the genshin fanart with Albedo as Vyn. ... AND okay, so Albedo, right? He's voiced by Nojima Kenji and the person is DING DING DING, the parallel goes to!
"Vyn is able to face anything with ease and skill, giving those around him a sense of peace, resulting in people involuntarily opening their hearts to display their truest self before him. If one's heart has secrets, they will most definitely be discovered by him."
Natsume, natsume??? I can't think of anyone else who would have this kind of description to fit.
Vyn has a very gentle temperament, but he is not what one may imagine as a weak scholar. He is very reliable in critical moments, and with his ability to maintain a perfect disposition, any weakness he might have is unknown. <- what Natsume wishes he could be/j
Oh, and the two of them have really influential parents, go figure.
However, he is sometimes derisive of common human flaws, such as the tendency to prioritize selfish short-sighted personal gain while still rationalizing those same choices as logical and intelligent <- BAHSHAJKA they're both hypocrites
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Yeah okay, so last but not the least! jsldkjfsl this is super funny because Marius shares a va with TSUMUGI, TSUMUGI AOBA!! Him and Luke were my favorites actually, oh look.. me falling for the childhood friend trope and a character with purple eyes.. ah...
"It is difficult to understand this second young master. " <- Okay, Hiyori. I'm calling it now. Rich kid that gets on people's nerves sometimes? Hmmm
Good at art, though the only person that comes to mind is Hajime.. who is the opposite of rich.
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So conclusion? Yeahhh, four agencies? Nope, we have two cospro and two newdi idols sjdkfjsklj --- This does make for a good idea though! Thanks for the ask :3
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anittam · 1 year
Ranking ToT boy on how slutty they are
And once again I let intrusive thoughts win, and since I don't want to suffer alone i will share it with the world... because everybody need to hear this 🙂👍
So before the I start I would like to say this is a joke, I will try to use only official parts of story to create the ranking, and also spoilers, i guess, with that said lets find out which ToT boy is the biggest thot.
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4. Luke Pearce
And in last place we have Luke, you may be wondering "why is he in such low position? There is some horny stuff about him" and yes there is some cards from the game which are very suggestive, but most of thoses are Rosa taking the "Initiative", like in the cards "Overflowing Thoughts" or "How I Remember You", and had moments where he was the one taking initiative like in he's card from the Bakerlon Street event or the card from 2nd anniversary of game, but still, compared to the others characters he is kinda bland, he is a very sweet, cuddly boy, and we still love him anyway
3. Marius Von Hagen
I went back and forth a lot about who should be in this position, and I end up choosing Marius. Marius is a thirst trap guy, like in "Dream of Thebes" or "Eternal Flame", he also have the fuckboy personality, but not in a bad way, he overflows charm, so why is he only in 3th place, and the reason is simple, Marius is a boy with lots of potencial of becoming the biggest whore, but he is yet to blossom, he is an investment, you can see he trying to keep up the playboy persona, and we can appreciate that, because suit him well
2. Artem Wing
Some of you may not agree with me in this one, but this is my list I do what I want.
So why is Artem in 2nd place? Let me put in this way, if Marius is thirst trap guy, is because he is trying to be sexy, and Artem, my friends, he doesnt need to try, he just is that sexy. God, the moment we first see him in the game is a thirst trap, and the game do this so much with him, where he is put in the most sluttiest poses, and just make him so unaware of it, I mean, at least until this man discovers what sex is, because after this man lost his virginity, he started actively being a whore. I just keep think about that one card (idk the name, sorry) where he is says he has been practicing making a cool poses for Rosa, this man was practicing how to be a seducer, not that he need it, but he accepted that side of him, which is nice, and lets not forget the unholy amount of butt we see in his card, like in "Wings of Exhilaration", this man deserves the 2nd place.
1. Vyn Ritcher
Honestly, I wanted to pretend this choice was hard, but it wasn't, there was no way any other character could be first, when competing with a horny bastard like Vyn. Unlike Artem who is oblivious to how sexy he is, Vyn is very well aware of it, not only that he knows how to light up the desire in others for him, this man has an ungodly amount of rizz, and we can see that in the main story, and his solo story, not only with Rosa, but with literally anyone, he is constantly using his charm to get what he wants, and he does is beautifully, differently of other characters that tend to be in suggestive situations to be slutty, he doesnt. And when it come to the more smutty stuff, we can see a kinda of different side of him, like I keep thinking this one card, if im not mistaken is his 3rd birthday card, where Rosa tied his hands behind his back with tie while he is on his knees and she is undressing him, and Vyn relentlessly tease her, even a submissive position, he still in control of the situation. That ladies and gentleman is top tier slut behavior, and dont get me started in the tot 2nd anniversary card, so yeah, this is why he is first place.
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This is all, it was kinda funny writing it, maybe i will do some other raking thing, who knows. And please dont kill me it this was just a joke.
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wqxianvents · 2 years
// tears of themis event spoilers !! (Dreams of Childhood)
ahh !! this event was pretty cool, i will admit i did get a little bored towards the end of the story (like i started to skip the dialogue during the little investigations and stuff lmao) but the lore picked up alot around the last story :(
honestly it never crossed my mind that the stone couple son passed away idk why?? like it was subtle but dhdjdjwkw 😭😭 i felt so badd
but this rlly did hit home a little and i did enjoy how it ended especially since we got some NXX family bonding 🥺 ive been waiting my entire life for this shit wtf.
anyways,, 7/10 i’d say :00 but here are some ss from the event that were rlly cute or rlly meaningful for me. yes it has to do with the NXX bonding.
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BAHAHA SO FIRST OFF I LITERALLY ALMSOT CRIED WHEN MARI PATS LUKE 😭😭 like leave me alone i’m vulnerable rn wtf… shaking sobbing throwing up #real
i just love how they were all understanding and u can tell they really care for him :(( esp since this was a bittersweet reveal so hehrowhwof :(( sobbing
AND THEN AT THEIR HQ 😭😭 LMFAOO,, so… marius… hahahaa 😏 how about them uh, free spots 😩 LET ME STOP HES LITERALLY JUST LIKE YEAH YEAH WHATEVER LMFISHRF </33
this is why i think reader x NXX stories would be so funny like everyone’s dynamics are *clicks tongue* top tier and then u and rosa are in the middle of it 😍 OR u could be the cause too…
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“marius agrees with vyn, which is rare.” , “he is being competitive again.” , “i wish that everyones dreams come true.” WHAT IF I END IT ALL
THEY ARE MY LITTLE BABIES I WANNA HOLD THEM GENTLY AND GIVE THEM LITTLE KISSIES SOBS SOBS also and i had personal reasons? is he talking about the heart thing or… :(
but anyways !!! the stone family is very lovely and im so glad nxx got to help them ,,, homu a goat frfr and the staffs are so nice sobs </3
ty for comin to my ted talk we need more nxx family bonding.
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surely-galena · 2 years
for the ask game!!! i was wondering if you could answer S, T, and C pretty please?? thank you love u mUAH
Hi Sam!! :D
C: What character do you identify with most?
This one made me think! In the realm of ToT land (which I think might be the implied question?), I think it might actually be Vyn. Which is so funny to me because I don't want it to be Vyn, but somehow he's written in such a way that there are aspects about him I can point at and go "yeah, I get that". Not necessarily the manipulative part, but the "I don't necessarily belong in this place, but I'm going to find/make a home anyway". He's one of the only characters who isn't native to whatever country Stellis belongs to and because of that, there are certain things the rest of the NXX aren't going to understand about him (and perhaps vice versa).
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
It's not even a specific fandom trope, it's just a straight up trope that I'm sure we can all guess: found family (and friendship). Like... a team of people coming together and learning to rely on and trust each other. A group of people who are maybe indifferent to -- or maybe even dislike -- each other at first, only to realize later that they'd die for one another. It's so good and I'm such a sucker for it haha
For fandom specific tropes: detective AUs can be fun, and if the original work isn't contemporary, modern AUs can be interesting. In vino veritas, when done well, is also fun :D
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I had a think about this one, too! Here I'm just considering stuff I click on and then regret, not tropes/subject matter I stay away from in general. And honestly there really aren't that many because filtering is super helpful! I think I'm really just thinking about works that dunk on a specific character when it feels unwarranted. Which is super subjective, I know! It's mostly just when you can tell an author hates a specific character, and sometimes I'm okay with that because I get where they're coming from, but if we politely disagree then I can just close the tab and walk away, no problem.
Thank you for the asks!! love you platonically <3
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chuluoyi · 10 months
Same.... I've never spent a single cent on games, so I only can grind.. And I'm failing badly... I've grinded like 1000 s-chips in 3 days and I still need 200+ before I can do a 10-pull... YEA they've come so far... Lukerosa is so the best ship in my opinion! I love Vyn and Rosa dynamics too... Like I didn't like Vyn at the start cause he's so sussy (Vyn girlies don't come after me please) but after seeing him and Rosa rely on each other so much I feel like Marius's and Artem's relationships with Rosa are just pretty normal (Again this is my opinion so don't come after me please 😭😭)
It's about $8 for me... And woahwoahh again?! Are you like in Japan rn? And I would advise you to save your money... BUT if you don't get a Gojo coaster then spend away! Anything for the husbands 💖
YEA like I had no idea... I thought people disliked Suguru so I went into Animate all happy and shit but I guess I was wrong... Cause where I'm from everyone hates Suguru I'm just that one crazy fangirl AHHAH- And I share your sentiments... I think I just dislike that group of Kenjaku homies... I'm not wrong tho??!? Volcano man has ONE eye and is BLUE SKINNED but he gets all that the girlies desire 🥲🥲
HUH VENTI TOO 😭😭😭 Okay I probably would've done that too if I HAD Venti... But I lost 50/50 to Qiqi in all of his banners... But FR Genshin is so... Money leeching.... I have so many friends who want to quit but can't cause they already spent so much...
AHAHAHAH RIGHT WRIO SUPREMACYYY!! And it's always the men ahhahah!! I started cause of Diluc and Ayato omg... I only stayed till Sumeru cause of Alhaitham.... yes, I agree... These men are probably too... too holy? Throughout Heaven and the Earth, they are the honoured ones... 🥲🥲
hehehe it's really nothing!! 😍😍
And 'once' ..? You sure about that babe...
Also NO I have not seen the newest ep... I stopped for like 4 weeks cause I knew Nanami's end was coming... But guess what I was spoiled on Instagram anyway... Nobara is so precious like tf she's just 16 Mahito leave her tf alone!! Yuji too! Like he already killed Nanami in front of him... And he had to bring Nobara there too... He's despicable like please stop 😭😭😭 Leave our babies alone!
P.s. Chu I really enjoy talking with you omg like you're probably the only writer on Tumblr that I've interacted so much with!! Love you!!!
HOW did you grind 1000 s chips in three days?!😭 disco anon i barely could grind 100 daily so how sskskks you must teach me😩
actually i agree with you!!🥹 in my personal opinion, it’s their chemistry due to the childhood friends trope that makes things already intimate between the two of them. ahh, i’m still not used to vyn i’m sorry🥲 partially bcs of the sus part HAHAHA
for me it’s luke - marius - artem - vyn 🥹 but i’m not saying vyn is bad! i actually love his birthday cards and the main story in the cruise ship! it’s just i’m not used to his calm persona HAHAHA marius is a big baby so he is dear to me and artem is the epitome of man every mother wants for their daughter so i go for him to delude myself into having the perfect man☺️
omg why?! suguru is so precious he didn’t deserve the ptsd imposed by the jujutsu world *sigh* VOLCANO MAN PLSSS😭😭😭😭 it’s so funny ahahahhaha
venti is not as useful ever since kazuha is released imo🥲 it’s just his burst skill is fun and you can fly. tbh i pulled for him just because he’s cute and anyway why do we pull for genshin men at all? not bcs of their usefulness, certainly. it’s just they’re so easy in our eyes😩😩🫶🏻
i agree!!🤧 like well everything is pricey, and the rate off possibility is just too much sometimes🥹
too holy lmao🥹🥹🥹 i think i’m logging in genshin again just to see my luck and primo… i honestly forget if i still have any left or not…
…sure. i’m totally sure. pls pray for me to be sure 💀
HAAHHHA there are many of my friends who haven’t even started the 2nd season at all bcs they already know what’s coming😭 but yes it’s so painful like nothing good comes in this season *sigh*
hshshsjjs i enjoy talking to you too disco anon!!🥹🫶🏻 thank you for stopping by omg i’m always happy to answer asks and i’m glad i’ve found kind friends in this hellsite because tbh i’m a bit spooked by several discourses i’ve seen in this fandom🥲 like pls i don’t ever want to be involved in any of that😭
love you too!!!✨
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vynegar · 2 years
okay gonna ramble about some scouting plans/future cards since i Always think about this and it’s MY blog so I get to choose the posts~
i Can Not believe that they're doing dreams of childhood. like. okay. well played, mihoyo. i was Indeed getting too complacent in thinking i could predict the ww server schedule but no worries!! that’s gone!!
i might toss some normal tears i already have in here and kinda let pity build a bit but also i need to see details on how the SRs in the event are obtained. i’m more likely to spend tears if the SRs are gacha obtainable bc yes the vyn story is a hot mess but like... he’s holding crispy chicken.....
i’m getting vampire vyn and incubus marius. this is non-negotiable. at first i somewhat considered luke but there are enough other banners i want to spend on
i legit cannot tell if snowfallen secrets or gufeng will be the november one. or maybe NOW we’ll get marius personal story?? for my impatience, i want gufeng to come asap (and also so i can know how to budget the rest of my schips) but simply because of that, i bet mhy will go with my least preferred order of marius -> snowfallen secrets -> gufeng. or now that i said it, it’ll reversed. regardless, i only really care about gufeng (vyn and marius) among these events, but might toss some tears in snowfallen secrets for fun
honestly i think there’s only one other card i’m actually aiming for before anniv2. the other ones...
actually i guess i’ll probably still go for the men of NXX MRs since they’re SO funny and cute lol. like i think i do want those to set as my profile icons
the butterfly kisses ones... maybe i’ll see how many chips i have until then. they’re very pretty, but i’m more interested in the other cards than i initially thought
for the normal 2SSR events, i might toss in a few tears here and there in case i get lucky (esp CCG pt 1), but not really planning on anything. some of the the sweet chapter SSRs are very nice (art for gilded gloaming and paired blessings is top-notch, i need to read artem’s card tho) but i’ll only pull if i already have the permanent SSR in the banner :/
wait hmm some of marius’s MRs... the shirtless one and the belt/cuff/?? one.... i may waver....
but anyway that card i mentioned is actually artem’s!! xDDD i kinda can’t believe myself bc yes, i’m prioritizing that over every other birthday card this year. i think i really like cards that dive deep into artem’s ideology about his work (you’ll see this again when i plan to scout for his bakerlon card). imo his emphasis on human touch in approach to law is one of the most stereotype-breaking aspects of his character.
anniv2: vyn and luke (tho weirdly, i feel less of a “i HAVE to get it”) for them? i think for each of them, one of the card arts just doesn’t hit as hard as it could)
i am Very much tempted for luke’s sweet chapter 2 SSR. especially since looming nightmare paired with perfect partner, so that means alluring gaze (which i have!) will be with that one?? i would guess?? but yeah i really like the first card evolution, i LOVE the story (as evidenced by... translating it...), and after reading the story i like the second card art a lot more TT
i might go All Out for bakerlon. i think in terms of card story, my personal opinion goes like marius (kinda wild, a lot of fun) > artem (some parts that didn’t capture my interest but the ending was really good and it gave a lot to think about) > luke (nothing wrong with it really, but i wish they would change up luke stories more. although luke interrogated mc so i will forgive anything else in that card) >> vyn (just felt like nothing was super standout to me... idk maybe i’m biased against all new vyn cards bc of the AI voicing thing. which is super tragic bc this card could be the crowning jewel to my whole essay on vyn (and fairy tales and stories)). but anyway my priorities in pulling for it are luke>artem>marius>>vyn. the art for luke and artem’s cards.... oh my god.
in conclusion: my concrete goals are bewitching night rave, gufeng, birthday artem using the various accumulated normal tears + built up pity, anniv2, and then see what i can scrounge up for in-between events and how much i can dump onto bakerlon
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yoraely · 2 years
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moot appreciation post bc i just wanna❤️❤️❤️
AHEM !!! starting off STRONG💪 we have.. *drumroll sounds* : @lawfullgood ‼️ slaying everyday w the strong vyn stan (kaso ung vyn anon nya pwet daw ni satanas so uhm…) NO BUT IN ALL HONESTY I LOVE CAY /P ‼️ i love him 4 his attitude kase #slayingeveryday with the tot, genshin AND tokyo revengers stan 💞
@hearts4r1na : LITERALLY SUCH A FUNNY SILLY GOOFY MOOT ?!!??!? ALSO !;₱;!:₱;& HIS ART❤️ I LIVE FOR HIS ART AND I LOVE IT SM❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 he also sends me asks everyday and UAGH😻😻 (no i dont get my daily dose of human interaction as you can see) ANOTHER ONE😋😋 THEYRE AN ENA KINNIE UR HONOR❤️❤️. AN ENA KINNIE ❤️❤️❤️ ANF HIS OCS ?!???? AUSFDHDHDGHD I LOVE THEM.. THEY R LIKE MY CHILDREN..
@mireinaas-blog : MY GOOFY BALL❤️ REIGNA💞 literally i love her sm too 💞💞💞💞 ALSO!!! shes an enstars, genshin, TWISTED WONDERLAND , tokyo revengers fan💞💞💞💞 HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HER BC I LOVE HER… LIKE A LOT AS A BIG SISTER 😻😻😻😻😻😻 SHE ALSO RESPONDS TO MY ASKS ALMOST RIGHT AWAY❓❓❓ LOVE HER FOR THAT ‼️‼️
@lovingmichi : AN ICON😋‼️‼️‼️ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE SILLY GOOFY GOOD HUMORED MOOTS (honestly, all of my moots are)😍 ALSO !!! A MORIARTY THE PATRIOT FAN❓❓ (shes a bonten hater but we r putting that aside😇😇😇) PLAYS MECHAT ?????? ITS SO RARE TO FIND A MECHAT PLAYER MY HUMOR THESE DAYS😋😋 ALSO‼️‼️‼️‼️ SHE ALSO KNOWS TWST😻 LOVE HER FOR THAT
@erriukie : underrated tr writer🤬 LITERALLY ‼️ READ THEIR TOKYO REVENGER X READER STUFF NOW. ANYWAYS❓ELI’S VERY HUMOROUS 😍😍😍 THEYRE VERY FUNNY AND THEY MAKE ME GIGGLE AT LIKE 7 IN YHE MORNING.. (eli’s scared of one of the major arcana guess who) JK‼️ pls dont i love eli very much like cats 💞
@heizours : FLABBERGASTED. WHEN I BECAME MOOTS W HOWL I INSTANTLY FLEW TO CELESTIA LIKE DILUCS DAD (sry crepus stans) ALSO‼️‼️‼️‼️ THEIR FICS❓TOE CURLING (SOMETIMES) HEARTWRENCHING BUT MOSTLY HEART WARMING GENSHIN FICS U HAVE EVER SEEN😻… i read their fics b4 i sleep i definitely recommend doing it if you like fluff (or not)
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29-04-2001 · 3 years
I saw your work and I really enjoyed reading them.
if you still doing match-ups, I would like one match-up of haikyuu and tears of Themis.
i’m a ENTP Capricorn, and I really enjoy tease others people when I have free time. I like cooking sometimes and drawing. I’m a type of friend that can like scare others and being childish, and a lot of people in my school really hates me because of that, but I never cared about them. If you have haters, is because they are jealous with your talents and dedication in work.
I like play RPG games like genshin, but i like gamble with my family or friends sometimes, I can say that is funny, specially when you see their reactions after losing a match.
I feel lonely a lot of times, but I always tell myself to keep positive, one day I will find someone that will understand me.
I enjoy study history and debate about politic. And I hope one day I will be a lawyer to help peoples that are suffering abuse or domestic violence.
heyy thank u so much! means a lot to me ;) hopefully you’ll enjoy this one too <3
i match you up with vyn richter & oikawa toru !
note: reminder that matchups are closed, i’m just doing what has been in my inbox since yesterday.
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vyn thinks it’s cute that you’re a little childish and like to scare other people. whenever you try to tease him or make him flutter, he’ll just simply smile and pat your head. this man won’t fall for it, but he loves how you try anyways.
vyn likes watching you secretly while you draw. he’s a silent watcher. he smiles to himself when he sees you slouching on your desk while doodling or drawing. he definitely takes you to art exhibitions! he would probably even introduce a peace or two of your arts to the manager and tries to get your arts to be presented in the exhibition🤫
he loves how you don’t care about people who hates you. he thinks they’re a waste of time as well.
he loves a girlfriend who’s into what he’s into. he would do anything to help people from domestic violence, it’s his job. though he’s not a lawyer, he is a psychiatrist and he’s very well known for helping people.
he’s definitely the man you’ve always been looking for <3
oikawa toru is a man of playfulness. he plays too much and he tease too much, but he absolutely adore you.
from the way you want to become a lawyer to help people, to how you don’t care about what people have to say about you.
though he’s playful, he does have times where he’s very understanding of serious situations. when you’re feeling lonely, he’ll order takeout from yours and his favourite restaurant and come by your house. sometimes he’ll bring you to the rooftop and watch the stars. anything to get your mind off of something.
he definitely plays games. or i’d like to think he does. he probably plays genshin and mains childe. you guys would play for hours and hours while you order takeouts and have a sleepover. it’s a repetitive thing.
matchups: closed !
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Hi! Funny thing that you call Vyn Dr. Sexy, 'cause when I started playing the game knowing almost nothing about the characters, the word sex is what exactly came to my mind right after I met him in chapter 2, while with the other guys it was usual handsome, hot, kind, loyal etc. Still don't quite understand this phenomenon. Anyway, what is your NSFW hc (favourite sex poses, aftercare etc.) for Vyn and maybe for Rosa? BR, Nikki. P.S.: Please, sleep at least 6 hours a day. T___T
Hi Nikki!
Exactly, ever since his proper introduction and when he accompanies you in the von Hagen case he is just pure sex in my mind and not just because he's so pretty, it's also because his character satisfies the sapiosexual in me. I guess that's his edge over the other boys--he tickles my brain matter.
As for NSFW HCs for him--which are mostly consistent with my smutty stuff so far...the man likes to do 'things' with his tongue. Food play. Especially with his own desserts.
He's also pretty open with experimentation to some degree, I think, as long as it for his partner's pleasure.
Sex poses...anything goes. May go rough if he gets riled up enough to lose control, and if he does a slight sadistic streak manifests.
At the very least, that's how I like to write him. I love the cinnamon roll Vyn Richter like in the Snowy Fairy Tale card, but I also like the flirty Vyn Richter in Mercury in Retrograde, and the dangerously gray Vyn Richter in Near and Far with the god complex.
As for Rosa, I typically write her as a foil to however Vyn is at the moment (if they're the pair in the story). My characterization of her is more fluid; in some fics she's a total girlboss; in others like the current series of my card fansequels she's somewhat of an innocent that enables Vyn to show what sort of a lover he would be to someone a bit inexperienced.
Anyway thanks for this really interesting ask!
As for my horrible horrible sleep hours, I have a really bad case of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination. I've always had this before, but ever since a breakdown late last year got me writing in a manic pace it just worsened haha. Though I do take naps and sleep a couple of hours or so during the daytime--but yeah, my total number of sleep hours cannot be more than 4.
There's only 24 hours in a day and I need to write stuff. I must write stuff.
Haha anyway I ramble on. Thankies again~
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actualbird · 3 years
what luke's contact names are in his phone for each of the nxx team and the team's group chat
a question i answered from beckthebeetle on twitter and also inspired by @surely-galena's fanfic "In the end, all I hope for is to be a bit of warmth for you" where---among many amazing things in that fic u should toTALLY READ---is luke's phone contacts being an absolute MESS of contact names that are not the person's actual name.
loved that detail so much so luke's mess of contact names is basically canon to me. now, i project my own version of contact names (i.e. jokes) onto luke's phone
and heres the names
artem: artortle
artem mentioned once to luke that he had a pet turtle growing up and the pokemon wartotle was both a turtle and possible to pun-ify with artem's name with the w dropped
vyn: cynthia
luke was originally gonna put "vyndictive" but when he typed "vyn" his autocorrect did this and he found it too funny not to keep
mc: watson
the only not joke name and very self explanatory. this has been her contact name since the beginning of time. sometimes luke adds a heart emoji at the end but gets too flustered so he always removes it and adds it back in every other day. the endless sisyphean cycle of heart emojis
marius: Don't Pick Up, Don't Reply
also self explanatory, luke thinks marius is a LOT....but luke always picks up/replies anyway
nxx group chat: collectively a single fully-functional adult
a reference to the collegehumor comic below
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cosmicangst · 3 years
Artem is also my number one, love my beautiful, boring (actually not boring) old (actually not old) man, however Marius has been tempting me lately.. he’s just so *incoherent noises* especially in the fabulous feast date!!! Have u read it? What are your favorite dates for each li in case u haven’t answered this question yet. Btw i love your tot fic and I hope you have a great day!
you and me both anon <33 and thank you for the compliment!
yes i have read that card! lol it's actually my icon/top card in the app precisely because marius looks so damn good in it. that swept back coiff with that loose section of his hair, his suit, the fact that he's basically wearing his family! the ending was sweet and typical marius buying a truck when he couldn't buy the ice cream lol but the most interesting about all of it was the Implications. we already know how underestimated he is by others and i love how he turned that reputation to his advantage by basically manipulating the situation for that dude to buy the fake comb for charity. i also found the alcohol bit rather compelling as it shows his disinclination to succumb to the pressure of his fellow society but he still feels the weight of it anyway. and then rosa drinking in his stead, taking that burden off very symbolic
my favorite dates for artem and vyn are pretty typical: atmospherics and medieval suspense, which i've talked or mentioned before. both reveal more complex (and less polished) sides of the boys and it involves a confrontation of sorts with rosa, which are always my fave bc that's where the real meat of the dynamic is lbr. because artem’s my fave, i do have to mention in sickness or in health and sparks as close runner-ups.
for luke, my favorite is how i remember you. the part where rosa’s feeding him while he’s blindfolded is so sensual but also so funny because here they are having this intimate, awkward moment while the escape room guy is just there on his afternoon shift witnessing all this. i’ve mentioned before that there’s always a sense of loss that pervades luke’s personal story and dates--whether that’s in the form of the eight years they missed or a possible one in the future. the escape room is basically a means not to test each other’s knowledge of the other but to prove that what ultimately matters is that they will always find and be there for each other in the end. they make a point to mention that facts about someone (likes, dislikes, habits, etc.) can be easily deduced by a skilled detective but the essence and personhood of someone requires a different kind of epistemology. the best moment is when she’s wearing this heavy veil along with several other women of her same build and even from the back, luke knows it’s her. when she’s like, “how did you recognize me?” and then he answers back so simply, “how could i not?” is both so sweet and sad. luke is a great detective but he’s an even better best friend no matter the distance and that’s how and why he knows.
for marius it’s overtone. it has everything i love: humor, banter, him being a lil shit, accompanied by a more palpable melancholy that we sometimes glimpse as the real grounds for his lightheartedness. i love that he just goes off without thought to impress her even though he doesn't know how to play and she’s the one who ends up playing for him instead. marius says (and im paraphrasing), "typically, the less you have of something, the more you want it. but with you, it's different" ie the more he has of her the more he wants. his carefree affectation and humor masks a lot of weight he carries and in that same vein, it's as if he feels like desiring more is overextending, asking more than his due of the wealth he already has and what duty calls for him. when he says, "you, me and the guitar. we can wander off far away," there's an implication of running, which we know he would never do but there's also a real, sad desire in him to escape. borrowing as a theme is prevalent: marius asking the guitar from the busker, marius passing on his old one that he's never touched to rosa, and marius ultimately borrowing his father and his brother's role. it's not supposed to be permanent. as such, it's not him; at least not the him he considers is his best and free self. but he can accept that so long as he can do good and "make beautiful memories” in the meantime especially if it’s with her
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actualbird · 3 years
Crawls in here once again since the week is almost over and i thought of another ask that might be fun, what r ur thoughts on nxx team at a haunted house (amusement park or otherwise www) -Marsh
ELLO, MARSH!!!! thank you so much for this ask!! answering this was so much fun :DDDD
okay so i decided to forgo amusement park haunted house bc artem already does that in SSR Loving Memories so we Know how he is in a recreational haunted house (aka rambling about SAFETY REGULATIONS why is this man like this smh) n i dont wanna be redundant SOOOO
nxx team for some reason have to go into an abandoned house that is heavily rumored to be haunted as hell. theyre on....an investigation. and they all have to be there all at once....dont think about it too much, i sure didnt HAHA
in the tradition of scooby doo, somebody suggests "let's split up, gang!" for utmost hilarity and also because a grp of five people goin thru a house like a pack of meerkats is a bit silly KJJSKGSF
so here are my proposed teams: vyn + mc + artem, luke + marius
my rationalization for these teams is because each team needs a "supernatural skeptic/person who isnt scared" to balance out the one in the team thats like "supernatural MAYBE this place is CREEPY n im A BIT SCARED do NOT JUDGE ME/im NOT scared i just HATE THIS"
vyn + mc + artem
vyn and artem are the staunch skeptics who are balancing out mc's jumpiness and mc would like it ON THE RECORD that she doesnt believe in ghosts but she gets jumpy sometimes!!! in her defense this place is CREEPY AS HELLS
so like while theyre going through rooms looking for whatever theyre looking for, vyn and artem are trying to comfort her in their own specific way
artem goes and rambles about the non-spooky explanations for all the rumors of this house, people like to go to the easiest explanation for unexplained things, though the easiest route isnt necessarily the most logical one---
vyn serenely tells mc Well, Actually the perception of supernatural quite often comes not from reality but from the outwards manifestation of a person's personal fears so it's less indicative of a place and more indicative of the person themselves---
and vyn and artem are trying to be the More Rational Person
mc, internally: (guys...i know you guys are trying....but it's NOT EXACTLY....HELPING....)
because honestly what mc needs right now isnt people telling her how her fears are absolutely nothing to worry about. what she needs is just her two friends being there for her even thru her irrational fears
eventually vyn and artem do clue into this and actually start being NOT IDIOTS about being good haunted house exploration partners but they only clue into this AFTERRRR each of them get SPOOKED AS HELL FIRST they gotta get a taste of their own medicine.
it's very funny to me that both vyn and artem have Really Good Aim (vyn with bow and arrow, artem with GUN) so when a sudden creak happens outta nowhere theyre both like O_O and then IMMEDIATELY throwing the first thing they can find at the noise
vyn throws a pen like a frigging javelin and artem just throws his wholeass phone, so much for rationality, huh, fellas?
the noise turns out to be luke and marius, stumbling upon their team, and thanks to vyn and artem's great aim, both those items hit luke hard in the face
well thats one way to get rid of mc's fear, because she bursts into a peal of giggles
but how were luke + marius doing before coming across them?
marius is DEAD FUCKING SILENT the moment the team splits up and luke is like "huh, didnt take marius for somebody who believed in ghosts" but luke doesnt bring it up because this doesnt seem like a light kind of spooked that luke would want make fun of.
like marius is pale, his breathing is shallow, his clenched fists are in his jacket pockets but luke can see that his hands are trembling
so luke fills the silence with investigation talk to get marius' mind of it, and luke is glad it works a little bit, even if marius' replies are monosyllabic. luke glances at marius and sees that the fear in his eyes has been replaced by his Thinking Gaze and great awesome
until they get to a room that is just. wayyyy fucking colder and darker than the rest of the house
and marius' fear slams back into him like a battering ram. he doesnt jerk back through the open doorway though, he just kind of stands there and luke is like "uh. you dont have to go in if youre scared---"
"i am not scared," marius grits out because come on. hes gotten over this, hasnt he? [spoilers for marius ssr in the darkness] fine, whatever, he had a bad time as a kid with cold dark places but mc had helped him get through it, back then, in the cave on nosta. surely one good experience is enough to completely erase a childhood fear that has followed him all the way to adulthood?
(no. it isnt. it helps, but sometimes it's not enough)
[spoilers for marius ssr in the darkness] back in that cave, marius admitted to mc why he was acting the way he was but he sure as hell isnt going to tell LUKE, NO SIREE, MARIUS IS FINE, marius trudges into the horrible room as he valiantly ignores just all the terrible alarm bells going off in and luke just like.
oh it's not ghosts he's scared of it's. the dark
luke doesnt exactly Know Completely what the Best Way is to comfort the other members of the team (theyre all cagey motherfuckers one way or another but hey, hes a cagey motherfucker too) but he cant like...not do anything. marius obviously doesnt want to be called out but luke wants to help anyway so he has to find a way to ground marius while also giving marius an excuse aaaaand----
luke clears his throat, extending his hand towards marius in the darkness of the room. "this place is old, the floor is uneven. i think it'll be better if we uh. held onto each other, so we dont trip up."
thank GOD THIS ROOM IS DARK because marius feels his face go a little warm but fuck it, yes, he would rlly like this, so he's like FINE and then holds luke's hand
but luke notices that marius' trembling hand stops shaking for a moment when luke squeezes his hand.
and they get thru their half of the house, hands linked the entire way, and they meet up with the others and luke gets projectiles thrown at his face
mc's laughter and the split second chaos is the perfect distraction to let go of luke's hand and nobody notices. nobody has to know. NOBODY
and of course they find whatever thing they were looking for KJBKJSDKFGS anyway in conclusion: the nxx team would be a disaster in a haunted house but theyve got each other's backs :D
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actualbird · 3 years
Irt Vyn’s disaster driving, yeah you can get your driver’s license revoked. In the US it can happen if you get a certain number of traffic violations within a certain period of time. Also I did some research and (I mainly found stuff irt US licenses, but methinks it probably applies elsewhere) in order to drive legally in a foreign country you are usually required to apply for an International Driving Permit (IDP), which you show with your driver’s license (in my reading the US is more lax on foreigners not having a permit). It’s only valid for like a year though. And you need a valid license to get one. Now I’m just imagining Vyn doing all of that awful paperwork for a permit that he can’t even use because of how awful his driving is lol
irt vyn drives like shit cuz svart and stellis has the driver's seat on opposite sides
uh, i went off topic and ended up with a vyn fake dating concept at the end of this
wc: 911
oh my gosh, thank you so much for this information!!! with this in mind, yes absolutely in the og post scenario, vyn gets his license revoked KJBKJSKFJDS
THE IDP IS VERY INTERESTING TO ME OMG. tho canon tells us that when vyn moved to stellis in 2028, he became a naturalized citizen eventually and thus he is no longer considered a foreigner of stellis by the law. so maybe his hell paperwork wont be on the IDP side but just on the naturalized citizen portion wHICH. IM NOW WONDERING IF STELLIS IS SUPER LAX ABOUT?
here in the ph (and also the US, which is where we probly adopted it from), you have to have lived here for at least 3 years before qualifying to apply for naturalized citizenship. but by 2030, vyn is already a legal citizen of stellis.
so theres three possibilities i can see explaining this
stellis is much more lax about the period of time one has had to live in the country to quality for naturalized citizenship. their time requirement is probably one year
vyn (or vyn's father tryna make the life of his son (who may or may not hate his guts) easier past the borders of svart) pulls some royal lineage strings to get the process done faster. could be either one of them cuz if vyn doing it, while vyn stays quite divorced from his past lineage, it has been shown in Lost Gold (he pulled SOME KINDA political manoeuvre related to svart to get the cruise ship past that inspection vessel that could not see the golden mask, or something like that, i have a blurry memory) that he'll use that connection still if the situation really needs it. if vyn's father does it i just think itd be an interesting story of "yes, i was a not great father, i'll try to make up for it in any way i can" and vyn being like "noted without thanks"
OR---and this is my favorite one because it can result in something very very funny---VYN IS LYING ABOUT ALREADY BEING A NATURALIZED CITIZEN
okay continuing on that last bullet point, do you guys know of the romantic comedy The Proposal (2009) starring Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock?
well, if u dont, the summary of the premise is that sandra bullock's character, somebody from canada who is residing in the US with a visa, is now facing deportation because her visa expired. shes in a high position at work and thus does not want to get kicked out of the US so, in a desperate bid to stay, she asks ryan reynolds' character to be fake engaged to her since a marriage would make her a citizen. and to make sure theyre not accused of fraud, they have to get married too (and just deal with the divorce later).
it's not a great movie imo kjbJBKJS but it does have a convoluted premise for fake dating. the expired visa made them fake date.
anyway i want that to happen to vyn HAHAHAHA
hes gotta get fake engaged to one of the nxx (mc would be the most popular choice but would he really rope her into kinda breaking the law, the institution that which she works for? same would go for artem. still could work tho!! i just like all nxx ships/interactions so everybody is a possibility i love so much) so that he can stay in stellis bc his visa expired one way or another.
and this could either go platonic found family where the whole thing just brings the team closer together and understanding vyn more irt to his past (which will inevitably get roped into this situation) and then cue the feels :').
or it could go the romance route like in the romcom itself and whoever he decides to fake propose to is somebody he truly falls in love with. in this route, itd be best if the one he fake proposes to is somebody he DOESNT LIKE ALL THAT MUCH cuz in the og movie, the characters did not like each other but then grew to love each other during the fake engagement period, as is expected in a romance movie. anyway, if we stick to that, his options would be marius or artem. i CANNOT figure out which of them is funnier and will be the most emotionally tender thing as the slowburn fic goes on.
i hate this i hate that ive thought about this now because i want it so bad but i KNOW that this premise in either iteration is gonna be like 50k words at LEAST cuz it's either a slowburn friendship journey or a slowburn enemies to lovers fake dating journey. IT WOULD BE SUCH A LONG FIC. BUT IF IT EXISTED I WOULD LOVE IT TO BITS.
dont look at me, i cant write it myself, im not built good enough for that also i have 8945835 wips. this idea is very much up for adoption, if somebody is into it, jus follow credit link rules yadda yadda
god. how am i gonna think of anything but this for the whole day
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