mrmethadone · 1 month
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C9h13n apati
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casxuls · 4 months
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cdnxzs · 3 months
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if someone stumbles across this give recs plz
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Can people on here post more about apati before I do it myself thanks
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humannish · 10 days
i dislike "those" kinds of "DSBM" bands they suck and dont sound good. its emo/shoegaze larping as black metal ive already said it but im saying it again its my blog.
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deathwhoregutfucker · 3 months
shit. might just have to breakdown and do a lifelover + hypothermia + psychonaut 4 + DSBM catboy/dogboy au. read all about it under the cut, i’ll shield all of the normal people from my gay craziness.
i apologize in advanced. i know how nuts i am! don't need to remind me!
i'm also probably gonna do a thrash metal one too and for SURE i'll be doing a black metal one.
[also kind of a gore warning because of niklas]
Kim Carlsson - 🐱
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like, is he not the 🐱emoji?!? IS HE NOT?! he’s just a cute little guy. @gloryofnegativity and i were talking about how much of a catboy he is, he’s just soooo fucking catboy coded, it’s not even funny anymore.
like don’t you wanna just let him curl up on your chest and fall asleep? would he not go outside in the woods for the entire day and you’d be scared and wouldn’t know where he is and he’d just come back to you every single time?!?
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like look at the guy!! don't you just wanna pet himmmmm!!!!?!?!/?1//1/1/1/1/!?/1
Trist - 🐕
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dogboy 100%. he just looks so needy in the second picture--i just can't. like he's begging you for a treat. he just needs it. he would be such a good puppy like you don't even get it. so obedient. he would hang out with graf a lot too since they would both be pretty chill.
he would be besties with kitty cat kim too. just look at them!!
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we love puppyboy trist.
David Graf - 🐈‍⬛
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total black cat vibes, but one of those freaky lil guys. he would be extremely anti social, he would have a majorrrrrrr biting and scratching problem, but he would also be kim’s best friend. i feel like kim would be a lot more high energy than graf, and kim would drain his social battery in no time (especially when he would have his catnip)
graf wouldn't really be cuddly either but i feel like he’d be veryyyy sleepy. like all the time. maybe he would cuddle with kim if he was super super super tired, but only sometimes.
i feel like the only dog that he would like would be trist since trist would be very easy going.
S.D. Ramirez - 🐕
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dogboy allll the mother fuckin way. dude, just look at the guy! he would be extremely high energy, like he’d run around and knock shit over. he'd be best friends with graf obviously, no question about it.
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there's absolutely no question about it. he’d be a whole lot more destructive than ramirez. he’s the type that you’d have to put down for biting one (or three) too many people, especially when it would come to defending david and kim and everyone.
he would always be messing around with christian and getting on his nerves. trying to bite him and scratch him. trying to play with him whenever he was tired. he would certainly make christian take a bunchhhhhhh of catnip and get him all fucked up.
oh, and he also had a piercing on one of his ears. just letting you know.
Christian Larsson - 🐱
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he’s just a cute little kitty just like kim. they’d also be best friends. catboy chris would be chill, but he’d have some energy to him too. he would be friends with niklas, but like i said before, niklas would do just about everything to get on his nerves.
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just had to throw that in here. you know i had to. not sorry about it.
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bumbumzumzum1996 · 1 month
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Interview With Obehag
Ladies and Gentlemen! Depression is good, depression is great! If you don't have your own depressive black metal band, it's better to create one before the second coming of Jesus. In the meantime, you can read this interview with Obehag, a guitarist and vocalist from Sweden. A new and one of the finest offerings in depressive/drug black metal is Apati.
- Hello! How are you? How is it in Västerås and Fagersta? By the way, these are two different cities?
- Hello, I'm fine, a little hungover at the moment. Westeros and Fagersta are two different cities, yes. Not much going on in these small towns, they are pretty dead.
- Is this your first interview, or have you given them before? Do you read webzines or print fanzines? Which one do you prefer?
- Me and Patient C were interviewed for "Funeral March" a few months ago, other than that - nothing else. Personally, I do not read magazines, it is difficult for me to find time for this. But if I have to choose, I'd prefer print magazines, actually.
- Tell me about the beginning. Why and how was Apati founded and what is its purpose?
- Apati was created by me and C9H13N because we both felt the need to express our feelings, and lack of feelings. We wanted to create very emotional music that could touch the listener. Professor X joined us a few months later, and after a while Patient C also joined us. But for X, there was so much going on around him that we had to let him go. Apati is now a way for us to express our feelings in different ways. It's about trying to break down barriers, musically.
How did you meet Hekan, how did you work out the deal for the album? How important is cooperation with your record company for you? Did you sign the deal just for the debut, or for additional releases?
-I emailed Hekan and asked if he would be interested, he asked for a promo. I sent him a promo and he liked it. Just. Hekan is very easy to work with and we are very grateful that we were able to work with him.
- If I'm right, the band members are very young. When was the first time you picked up an instrument and why did you decide to play in a band?
- I picked up the guitar for the first time when I was about 15, but I still have not been able to become a master in the game. Haha. Patient C, on the other hand, has probably been able to play instruments since the day he was born.
- Did the whole band contribute or is your music made up of individual ideas?
- All members have contributed to Apati. But almost all the songs are written by Patient C, sometimes with my help.
- Some people compare you to "Lifelover". What do you think about it? Lifelover's influence is obvious, I think. But at the end of the day, Lifelover wasn't the epitome of originality, as in terms of music, they also had a lot of influences. How do you feel about criticism in general? Do you read something like this, does it mean anything to you?
- Well, I personally don't care about all this Internet warrior, all sorts of shit is said on the forums. Lifelover is a great band and they have done great things. We are not trying to copy their music or steal their style. We do what we do and don't give a fuck what other people think of us.
- Where do you find inspiration, or what do you think about where people should get inspiration? What are the influences of other bands when it comes to music, concept, image, etc.?
- Inspiration comes from everywhere, especially from within. And besides, inspiration comes from other people, drugs, nature and of course other music. When it comes to other bands that I have to name, "Woods of Infinity" is a great source of inspiration for me, the feeling they deliver in their music is great.
- One of the band members is named C9H13N, which is the chemical formula for amphetamine. Your debut is called Eufori and the lyrics are in Swedish, I have a feeling that the concept is based on drugs or drug abusers. Please tell us about the concept of Eufori, and about the songs in general.
- The lyrics are very personal and I would say for me it represents an escape from reality and a pursuit of happiness and euphoria.
- Apati (apathy) - Eufori (euphoria). This is a sharp contrast between the two words. Was it planned, was it part of the concept, or did it just happen, without any intention?
- It wasn't planned. When we were doing an album that we didn't know what to call, we had a song called Eufori and I thought that would be a great title for the album.
- Your logo is associated with a more classic black metal logo, with trees, branches, roots, while the band's music and image is much more urban. How do you think the logo connects with the music and lyrics?
- When I first saw the logo I didn't care about it at all, it was the idea of C9H13N who asked his friend Etorigan to make a logo for us and he wanted the logo to look creepy like autumn - the time when flowers die and leaves fall to the ground, everything is cold and gray. But the logo has grown on me and I think it's different from most of the other bands' logos.
- The depressive black metal scene has become huge and most of the time the band is looking for someone other than making real art. Apati - agree or not - is part of the scene, although I like to think of you better than the rest. What do you think makes you special in this overgrown and suffocating scene? Why do you think someone should buy your album?
- Well, the scene that we, against our will, have become a part of, is mostly shit. But sometimes a beautiful flower can grow from smelly feces. Haha. No, but seriously, we're not special, we're not just trying to do our thing and trying to do it well. We try to make an opponent to make sure that what we are doing makes some sense.
- I saw a photo of one of the band members wearing a Ronald McDonald mask. Does it matter, or is it just for fun?
- The mask you saw is the mask of Chania. It's a theatrical mask representing a jealous female demon, I think. The reason why C9H13N decided to wear it is unknown to me. He probably just felt the need to stand out from the crowd of uniformed metalheads.
- What is the situation with concerts? I understand that you have not had concerts to this day. Are you getting ready to play live, if so, will there be anything special in your show?
- We haven't played any shows and probably won't do it in the near future. Although, who knows what we will do in the future. But now it is not the most important.
- Eufori was only released on CD. Are you planning a vinyl release? Are you interested in more underground formats like vinyl at all?
- Eufori will be released on vinyl very soon I think. I love vinyl, the feeling when you listen to vinyl is so different from a CD or mp3 on a computer.
- Does it annoy you when people download your album on the Internet instead of buying it?
- I welcome the free download. It's a great way to distribute music. We don't make music to make money. So to answer your question, no, it doesn't annoy us at all.
- Sweden is a beautiful country - I mean, there are hundreds of ugly and dangerous places to live, and your country is quite safe and very beautiful. Cities are good, everything is "almost perfect". Still, a lot of depressing and sometimes strange music from Sweden. How do you explain it? Are the Swedish people more contemplative, more profound?
- Wow, this issue cannot be resolved by me. Maybe we're just losers? I read somewhere that Sweden has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, so something must be wrong with this country.
- What is your goal in life as a creative person and as an ordinary person?
- I don't have big goals as a creative, I want people to react to my music, I want them to feel, whether it's feelings of joy, depression, anxiety, anger, love or anything else. I want the feelings that I'm trying to communicate through my music to be conveyed to you.
- The second album is under development. Tell us what we need to know about him!
- We are almost done with our second album, it is very different from our previous work. I am very happy with the tracks and I hope people will like them too.
- Thank you for your time. If you want to say something, anything, this is your space.
- Thank you. Obehag.
Interview taken and translated from a site
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yourblade · 9 months
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theworstedition · 5 months
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fvckinnefor · 10 months
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xe-5aj1700155-024 · 1 year
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Obehag ,2011 - Apati
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mrmethadone · 21 days
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C9h13ns arm apati
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casxuls · 1 month
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disappointedabriel · 2 years
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l1fel0v3r · 8 days
C9h13n X Obehag
“What do you want me to do to you?” C9h13n asked as his hands scattered through the brunettes hair, admiring how soft and well taken care of it was
Obehag just looked at him, then looked down and up at him again.
“You want me to suck you off?”
“Mhm,” was the closest thing to a proper word that would come out of him, but C9h13n did as he was told, he got on his knees (as good as he could), and watched as Obehag unbuttoned his pants. C9h13n never got used to how slutty this made him feel, he felt like he was just hooking up with some random guy after a gig, it made him feel like Obehag was someone who caught his eye from across the room even though he knew that was far from the truth. But it was still nice having those little feelings in the back of his head to pester him in these moments.
Obehag was already hard, he had some precum coming out, but not too much. His hair was almost touching his hips at this point; he looked angelic. It was such a twisted and tainted juxtaposition between the way that Obehag looked and the location that they found themselves in. It wasn’t just disgusting because it was the bathroom, it was disgusting because it was the stall that everyone would hookup in. The walls were littered with dates and names of couples with hearts around it, each of them leaving their permanent mark on the stall to signify their own debauchery. C9h13n remembers when he and Obehag first had sex there, they were far too busy to archive their time together, but they didn’t need to.
But back to Obehag, he looked nothing short of perfect. Aside from his beautiful hair, the way that he looks down and C9h13n is what he adores the most. The one thing that made his face so perfect was his eyes. If you would tell C9h13n some cheesy quote talking about how the eyes are a “window to the soul,” he would call you naive, but Obehag was the only one who truly encompassed that. Looking at Obehag was looking at a thousand lives he’s lived before. The seemingly endless trips to the mental hospital, the dozens of cuts all over his pale and fragile body. The stories from his childhood that he told to C9h13n whenever he felt comfortable enough to open up to him. There was an err of intrigue and mystery in his eyes, but also a feeling of warmth contrasting with his cold soul.
C9h13n opened his mouth slowly, but Obehag didn’t waste any time to start fucking into his mouth. His head slammed against the door of the stall creating a loud crash that would let everyone else know what they were up to, and hurt like hell in the morning. It's not like C9h13n wasn’t used to his mouth getting used, but Obehag was just being extra rough. His pent up libido had to be released somehow, and C9h13n was the only person who he would ever take it out on.
Obehag knew that he wouldn’t last too long, especially when they were still in public. Whenever they’d fuck in the bathroom like this, they really never lasted that long since they knew that there were other people waiting to take their spot. C9h13n head was still slamming against the wall and causing him to get light headed and hope for his boyfriend to be finished soon, and soon enough, Obehag finally spilled down C9h13ns throat causing him to choke. He tried to tilt his head back to take his cock out of his mouth, but Obehag forced it there. There was nothing that he loved more than listening to C9h13ns desperate and muffled moans.
He finally took his dick out of his mouth, looking down at him with his face flushed with a light pink hue and cum splattered all over his face.
Obehag didn’t even need to say anything to make him feel like the slut he was.
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cemeteryxghoul · 8 months
Really feeling the pain in these lyrics rn
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