#Apple Stock Price Prediction 2030
moneyhustlers · 1 year
Apple Stock Price Prediction 2024,2025,2026,2027,2028, 2029, 2030.
Apple Stock Price Prediction 2024,2025,2026,2027,2028, 2029, 2030. Unlocking the Future: Apple Stock Price Prediction Unveils a Path to Prosperity What will Apple’s Stock price be in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, and 2030? Welcome to the Apple stock price prediction post by the written MoneyHustle team, In this post, we will provide complete information about Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) along…
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ordinarymomentsai · 17 days
US Presidential Elections and Investment Strategies: 3 Golden Rules from the Experts
How will the 2024 US Presidential Election impact the market? We delve into investment strategies and future outlook.
With the 2024 US Presidential Election on the horizon, we examine its potential impact on the market, drawing insights from expert opinions. While the election is a major market-moving event, historical data reveals some surprising trends.
Navigating Market Volatility: 3 Golden Rules
Wait for the Dust to Settle
Markets tend to be volatile in the lead-up to a presidential election, with limited directional clarity.
Significant market moves are unlikely until the election results are confirmed and policy directions become clearer.
Historical data suggests a tendency for stock prices to rise for approximately six months following a presidential election.
Don't Rely on Market Predictions
Market predictions have been inaccurate in the past two US presidential elections (Trump vs. Hillary and Trump vs. Biden).
Even experts struggle to predict election outcomes, so basing investment decisions solely on predictions is risky.
Focus on China Policy
The China policy during the Trump administration triggered a trade war, contributing to stock market declines.
The US-China relationship will likely remain a significant market influencer, requiring close monitoring.
The Power of Long-Term Investment: Any Time is a Good Time to Buy US Stocks
The US stock market has historically exhibited a long-term upward trend.
Past data indicates that investors holding US stocks for 15 years or more have consistently earned positive returns, regardless of their entry point.
This highlights the importance of adopting a long-term investment perspective, rather than focusing on short-term market fluctuations.
Investment Strategies: Diversification and Growth Potential
Index-tracking Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) like the S&P 500 offer diversification benefits, enabling investors to mitigate risk while pursuing returns.
However, investing in individual stocks with high growth potential requires thorough research and meticulous risk management.
Future Outlook: Will the Nikkei 225 Reach 70,000 by 2030?
Experts suggest that the Nikkei 225 could potentially reach 70,000 by 2030.
This projection considers the anticipated growth of the Japanese economy and the long-term upward trajectory of the US stock market, making it a feasible scenario.
Final Thoughts
While presidential elections are major market events, it is crucial to adopt a long-term investment strategy and avoid overreacting to short-term fluctuations.
By diversifying investments, considering growth potential, and closely observing US-China relations, investors can make informed decisions to navigate the market effectively.
Key Terms
NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account): A tax-exempt investment program for individual investors in Japan. A new NISA program is set to begin in 2024.
FAANG+: Refers to high-growth stocks of Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google, and Microsoft.
All Country: An investment fund that invests in stocks across the globe.
Risk Tolerance: An individual's capacity to withstand potential investment losses, which varies based on factors like age and financial situation.
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legacysuite · 2 years
Other Uses of Crypto for Our Everyday Lives
The crypto market has changed dramatically in the previous 18 months. Its expansion has been more rapid than ever, however, its future has never been more uncertain.
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With so much free time and so few things to do, most customers have ventured into cryptocurrency trading as a beginner during the pandemic. All of this points to one major tendency. Cryptocurrency, which was once only comprehended by a small group of anti-establishment investors, is rapidly becoming a household name. Market analysts predict that the global market of crypto will more than triple by 2030, reaching roughly $5 billion in value. Brands, businesses, and investors cannot ignore the swelling wave of cryptocurrency for long, whether they want to or not.
The number of investors in the crypto space has been steadily enhancing worldwide, but recent growth has been spectacular. Furthermore, the investor profile has transformed. It is no more a niche passion in the era of meme stocks and stimulus checks. Instead, regular consumers have considered this new asset category as an opportunity to supplement their portfolios with possibly more rewarding, if riskier, investments.
Cryptocurrency and its Importance
A few years ago, many of you might have imagined cryptocurrency as some sort of currency that is involved in an underworld banking system having hooded traders or investors sitting behind shady computers. But now, we read about them in almost every section of news publications. So, the question is; do you really think that cryptocurrencies deserve so much attention? Are they important? What will be the effect of cryptocurrencies in the long run?
In essence, these unique digital coins are- as blockchain-built platforms are meant to be- fully decentralized. It means cryptocurrencies are not controlled by any monetary authority or central bank. It is instead supported by a peer-to-peer community computer network composed of “nodes”.
In contrast to traditional institutions, you do not need an address for cryptocurrency trading, all you need is an internet connection. Theoretically, cryptocurrency is based on the collective activities of regular users to self-regulate; they maintain the ledger of transactions- the blockchain- safe and updated, and the method enables anyone having a computer to mine coins. Interesting, isn’t it?
Let us now dive into the benefits these cryptocurrencies offer to users.
The transaction cost for cryptocurrencies is negligible, unlike the price for sending money from a digital wallet to any bank account. You can transact at any time you want, with no limits on withdrawals and purchases. In addition, unlike opening a bank account, which needs documentation and other procedures, anyone can use cryptocurrency.
International transactions using cryptocurrency are also more efficient than wire transfers. Wire transfers consume about half a day for money transfers from one location to another. But with cryptocurrencies, transactions are accomplished in seconds.
How can We Use Crypto in Our Daily Lives?
It is worth wondering if the fame and attention that Crypto assets Protection has gathered over the years are hollow or not. Nevertheless, although it is nowhere near substituting institutionalized cash, crypto coins, especially bitcoin, have acquired wide acceptance worldwide.
Mode of payment
Most merchants across the world like jewelers, restaurants, flights, and apps have begun accepting cryptocurrencies as a viable source of payment. Apple Inc. is one of the most prominent acceptors of cryptocurrency as a feasible payment medium and enables 10 kinds of cryptocurrencies for transacting in the App store.
Cryptocurrencies have now been considered the most lucrative option for investment. Its value appreciation is extremely dynamic and can be an exceptional avenue for capital growth.
Travel the world
It is now possible for you to travel wherever you want by using cryptocurrency which is mainly due to its explosive growth in the past ten years. Well-known travel agents such as Destinia and CheapAir accept bitcoin as a medium of payment to book flight tickets, hotels, and car rentals.
If you are a game-lover, then cryptocurrency is good-to-go. The recent rise of the gaming industry combined with crypto games and blockchain has built a new trend that was never seen before. Games based on cryptocurrency tend to gain more popularity, and there are numerous reasons that support their popularity.
De-corrupting charities
Who says cryptos are only meant for gaining profits? Cryptos are powerful for non-profits also, such as donating to charities. Crypto asset based are transparent, faster, and most essentially, cost-effective than traditional currencies. Donations done with cryptos can minimize costs, with respect to time and fees, and can avert corruption in charitable firms and fund leaks.
All You Need to Know About Legacy Suites
If you are looking for a reliable platform that can help you transfer all your digital assets securely and safely, then Legacy Suites is the best place for you. Legacy Suites is primarily established to preserve your digital life.
Legacy Suites’ patent pending technology strives to revolutionize the Estate planning process by allowing you to retain your crucial ledger of NFTs, crypto, and all digital assets in a single safe personal ‘centralized’ place. Moreover, the platform enables you to share these critical facts with whomever and whenever you wish. This helps guarantee that your assets are not misplaced and stranded, and it offers your heirs complete knowledge of all your assets.
The team of Legacy Suites comprises artists and the precise, profound, and inexhaustible source of art which is their commitment and dedication to creating your ever-lasting legacy.
Looking Ahead
We believe cryptocurrency signals the beginning of a new era of technology-driven markets with the potential to disrupt traditional market tactics, longstanding corporate practices, and reputable regulatory outlooks- all to the benefit of consumers and greater macroeconomic efficiency. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to offer individuals unprecedented access to a global payment system-anytime, anywhere- wherein participation is limited only by access to technology, instead of considerations such as having a bank account or credit card history.
Futurists estimate that by 2030, cryptos will account for 25% of national currencies, implying that a large portion of the globe will begin to believe in bitcoin as a form of transaction. It will be broadly accepted by customers and merchants, and its volatile nature will imply that prices will continue to vary, as they have for the past few years.
You can get the latest updates on https://www.legacysuite.com/.
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smeelwest · 3 years
Cathie Wood is Making Better Investment Decisions than Warren Buffett
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If you have any interest in money and investing, then you will have heard of Warren Buffett. Chances are that you’ve heard of him even if you don’t. The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett, is in the top 10 richest people in the world — the 6th richest in Dec 2020, according to Business Insider. He has an estimated wealth of $85 billion.
Buffett famously lives a simple, frugal life despite his vast wealth. Now 90 years old, he still lives in the house he bought in the 1950s and drives a 2014 $24k Cadillac.
His frugality makes him a fascinating individual. How can someone who gets so much enjoyment from pursuing growing his money be so uninterested in spending money?
This is his secret sauce. Investing is a psychological game as much as it is having finance and business knowledge. He is motivated by the game itself rather than the fruits of the game. He is driven not by wealth itself but by staying true to his values. He has committed to donate all his vast wealth to charity rather than bestow it to his children.
For all these reasons and more, there’s no other investor in the world with Buffett’s profile. Or is there? If you haven’t heard of Cathie Wood yet, then you will soon.
If Buffett was the type of investor that was successful in the 20th century, then Cathie Wood is the one to watch and emulate in the 21st century.
Warren Buffett doesn’t invest in anything that he doesn’t understand. He doesn’t invest in technology, making an exception for Apple. He follows the Benjamin Graham school of value-based investing, finding a stock that is low in price based on the intrinsic worth — a subjective concept with no universally agreed definition.
To build his view of intrinsic value, Buffett uses his working time to understand the underlying businesses he is interested in. He spends 5–6 hours a day reading company reports and business sections of newspapers. The companies he invests in are those he believes will generate earnings — those that will make money in the long term.
As a result, the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio is full of old-school companies such as Coca Cola, Bank of America and ExxonMobil. The reliable stockmarket stalwarts.
This strategy has served Buffett well over the years, with Berkshire Hathaway outperforming the stock marketing by growing at 20% every year since it’s inception. Until recently, that is.
Even the Oracle of Omaha wasn’t able to outperform the losses of 2020. In fact, Berkshire Hathway has not performed any better than the S&P500 for the past decade.
It’s time for the new lady in investor town.
Cathie Wood founded ARK Invest in 2004. In complete contrast with Berkshire Hathaway, she embraces new technology. Wood specifically targets artificial intelligence/deep learning, blockchain, digital payments, energy storage, robotics, and genomics for her investments.
She asserts that companies that are based on these technologies will experience exponential growth in the coming decade.
If you don’t believe her predictions, her track record speaks for itself. In 2020, the year that investors would rather forget, ARK’s five investment funds grew by at least 100%, compared with 15% for the S&P500. ARK Genomic Revolution EFT grew by a phenomenal 182%.
ARK Innovation is now the biggest actively managed exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the US. The top 10 holdings in this fund read like the great, and the good in the new technology revolution — Tesla, Spotify, Crispr Therapeutics and Shopify speak for themselves.
Her assessment of companies with exponential growth potential comes from her belief that we are going through a new golden age of disruptive innovation.
In her 2019 speech at a Singularity University Finance event, Wood explained that we have to go back to the late 1800s to find a similar point in history. Back then, the revolutionary technologies of telecommunications, electricity and the internal combustion engine were changing the world. These platforms enabled many other industries to spawn with a resultant exponential growth impact on the stock market at the time.
Wood believes that an analogous trajectory is about to happen in the next decade and beyond, driven by blockchain, genomics and deep learning.
‘ARK’s investment process recognises that true disruptive innovation causes rapid cost declines and demand growth, cuts across sectors and geographies, and spawns further innovation, stimulating growth over extended time horizons.’ — Cathie Wood.
This vision resonates with the views of Wharton Professor Mauro F. Guillen in his book ‘2030’. Guillen makes predictions about what will happen in the world over this decade we’re currently in.
The subtitle ‘How today’s biggest trends will collide and reshape the future of everything’ is aligned with Cathie Wood’s thesis — the enormous changes that our near-term future will bring based on current trends.
I raise this book not only because Guillen and Wood’s general world views are aligned but because of the insight Guillen highlights on the future role of women in finance.
Even as close in our recent past as the early 2000s, women were largely left out of decision making around money both in the home and business. The major financial institutions were all male-dominated.
I’ve heard it said many times, and Guillen repeats it in his book, that the financial crash of 2008 would not have happened if Lehman Brothers were Lehman Sisters.
Guillen writes that in this decade, the wealth between men and women will become more balanced. And this will have profound effects on the economy and the world of business.
As women around the world become more financially savvy, it’s not surprising that the role of women is also shaking up Wall Street.
Cathie Wood is the leading example of this trend. We’d all be wise to follow her lead.
This article is for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as financial or legal advice. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.
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T-Mobile will benefit from 5G implementation soon
The stream of news about 5G adoption will snowball soon. This is the technology of the current decade and in the 2030s. The next generations will come. For example, in May, the Neuberger Berman Next Generation Connectivity Fund (NYSE: NBXG) placed its shares on the NYSE, which intends to invest not only in 5G, but also in 6G, and what comes next. True, two-thirds of the fund's funds will be invested in companies with high capitalization (more than $ 20 billion), which, of course, develop today's technologies.
And among them, of course, Apple will play the first violin. More than half of Americans own the company's smartphones, so if Apple equips the entire iPhone line with 5G technology in 2022, it means that the standard will be available. Perhaps, if there is no mobile phone that supports 5G, fans will be helpless, because they predict that the main consumer will be the organization's network. The networks will manage the activities of "smart" factories, cities, transport, health care systems, etc.
If in 3 years on domestic equipment they launch 5G in million-plus cities, of course, many will grumble, but it is likely that we will not feel an acute lag. The fact is that there are not so many new services consumed directly by humans that require 5G. Sharing data with a game server in a multiplayer game is cool, but not everyone needs it. Telemedicine transmitted real-time tomographic images of our internal to Dr. House. Fortunately, he also received his instructions. Video training is flowing smoothly through Zoom based on today's standards.
Invest in international IT companies that, as the pandemic ends and emerges from a difficult economic situation, become the architects of the new economy.
The major consumer of 4G is no longer a person, but the Internet of Things. And Vivian Blumenthal expects 5G to be implemented in most of the main technological processes:
● The 5G standard will increase the data transfer rate by over 100 times. If the 4G standard allows you to reach 100 megabits/sec, then 5G will bring the speed up to 10-50 gigabits/sec.
● Thanks to this speed, the reaction time to an event, for example, when driving a car or remote surgery, will be reduced to a millisecond.
● Over 43 billion devices will be connected to the Internet of Things (IoT).
Already in 2025, the following should be operational:
1. Smart transport. This will lead to an 80% decrease in the number of incidents and a 25% decrease in traffic.
2. Smart factories. Networking will cause real-time automation, productivity gains of 20-30%, and assembly efficiency gains of 50%.
3. Smart healthcare. Telemedicine will cut healthcare costs by 30% thanks to remote services.
4. Smart retail. The main applications of the second and third waves of artificial intelligence will be stores that recognize a customer using biometrics and automatically accept payment for goods.
5. Virtual and augmented reality. The increased communication speed will allow you to achieve amusiveness (immersion effect).
According to Qualcomm's November 2020 report (The 5G Economy in a Post COVID-19 Era Report), the total gross domestic product created with the participation of next-generation communications technologies will be $ 13.1 trillion by 2035. This industry will create 22.8 million jobs. Apparently, Qualcomm's optimism suits Apple, so new iPhones will still use the company's modems. But the processors will already become their own.
Apple's pre-market stock has not yet responded, frozen at $ 146. Perhaps yesterday's growth of 2.6% has so far reflected all the accumulated positives. Vivian Blumenthal held the consensus forecast at $ 159. In terms of analytical fundamentals (multiples), Apple is not an expensive company. The company's revenue is $ 325 billion, and the EV / Revenue multiple is 7.7. The P / E multiple is 33 and the profit is a whopping $ 76 billion.
Besides Apple, American telecoms will soon benefit from introducing 5G, and above all - T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS), which is considered the leader in the speed of implementation of this standard. T-Mobile's 2020 revenues were $ 68.4 billion, up 54% year-over-year, reflecting the impact of Sprint's successful takeover. Revenue over the past 12 months has increased to $ 77 billion. Net income for the same period is $ 3 billion.
T-Mobile's share price has grown by 41% over the year and is now $ 147. The consensus forecast of analysts surveyed by Yahoo! Finance is at $ 166, with a fair value range of $ 130 to $ 250. The company's capitalization reached $ 183 billion, which is already quite comparable with the capitalization of AT&T, the largest telecom in the industry ($ 207 billion). Since the beginning of this year, the T-Mobile company has risen in price by 11%. The EV / Revenue is 3.72 and the P / S is 2.38. Debt in the amount of $ 60 billion relative to revenue is not as large as AT&T ($ 145 billion) and Verizon ($ 107 billion).
The multiple to earnings P / E is 60.6 and the predicted one is 44.6. The multiples are quite high and on the rise - there is a certain amount of excitement around the company's stock since they are the most obvious way to capitalize on the growth wave associated with introducing the 5G standard. Even Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway managers invested about a quarter billion dollars in T-Mobile in the fall. It would seem that the strategy of these investors should not include companies with such high P / E. However, T-Mobile's business model is clear and designed for long-term growth, in line with Buffett's investment philosophy.
We raise our target price for T-Mobile shares by the end of the year to $ 170, 15% above today's level, and have a Buy recommendation for the company.
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corral100-blog · 3 years
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Five mistakes beginner traders often make
Some communication device like the iPhone or better that has access to your health , acts as the key to your doors and car, acts like a credit card to stores, movie ticket to the movies, passport, social security. I think apple is heading in a direction in which the iPhone or whatever device they're planning can be used for virtually anything. I think they're trying to make a device that would be the center of your life.
Maybe they're developing contact lenses in competition to google glasses?
Pretty awing and scary thought
I want worth of Apple shares today. Much will I invest/earn if I wait years?
Will Apple’s stock share rise USD in the coming years?
I just bought Apple’s stock, will it be likely to rise again? To
Is it possible for Apple’s stock price rise to 1000+ USD in the future (like the way Amazon is for now)?
Will Apple’s stock go? Is that likely to happen anytime in the next year or two?
USD in the coming years?
Don’t heavily invest in one tech stock. Nokia was a king, if you told an average person that Nokia will be an unknown company by they would have laughed at you. Tech is hard to predict. And my personal belief is that apple is already worth more than it should be worth. Apple has dollars worth of factories and assets, and the market is pricing it at 1.2 trillion, that is insanely expensive. If the market changes its mind about its value and it brings it down you have no assets behind it to protect you…
I want to invest $5,000 worth of Apple shares today (year 2020). How much will I invest/earn if I wait 20 years?
Is it possible for Apple’s stock price rise to 1000+ USD in the future (like the way Amazon is for now)?
I just bought Apple’s stock at 168.58, will it be likely to rise again? To 300,500,700 or even 1000
Will Apple’s stock go to $1,000? Is that likely to happen anytime in the next year or two?
What are your predictions for Apple by 2030?
Historical index on US Stock Market : C "Should I invest in Apple stock?" "Should I trade "AAPL" stock today?" According to our live Forecast System, Apple Inc stock is a good long-term (1-year) investment*. "AAPL" stock predictions are updated every 5 minutes with latest exchange prices by smart technical market analysis. Q&A about "AAPL" projections.
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At Walletinvestor.com we predict future values with technical analysis for wide selection of stocks like Apple Inc (AAPL). If you are looking for stocks with good return, Apple Inc can be a profitable investment option. Apple Inc quote is equal to 149.070 USD at 2021-07-14. Based on our forecasts, a long-term increase is expected, the "AAPL" stock price prognosis for 2026-07-06 is 316.054 USD. With a 5-year investment, the revenue is expected to be around +112.02%. Your current $100 investment may be up to $212.02 in 2026.
Current Price: 149.070 USD
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Apple Inc (AAPL) Forecast Chart, Long-Term Predictions for Next Months and Year: 2021, 2022
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Min Price
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Price: 148.798
Min: 148.001
Max: 149.629
Price: 149.813
Min: 148.997
Max: 150.604
Price: 150.879
Min: 150.029
Max: 151.692
Price: 152.598
Min: 151.672
Max: 153.469
Price: 154.024
Min: 153.131
Max: 154.883
Price: 154.131
Min: 153.223
Max: 155.017
Price: 155.146
Min: 154.195
Max: 156.073
Price: 156.213
Min: 155.167
Max: 157.230
Price: 157.931
Min: 156.820
Max: 158.928
Price: 159.357
Min: 158.223
Max: 160.431
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AAPL price target in 14 days: 160.431 USD* upside and 147.933 USD* downside. (Highest and lowest possible predicted price in a 14 day period)
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Bullish or Bearish?
Based on the last 30 days
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anitakumarigrewal · 3 years
Rise in Demand for Wearable Devices with Advanced Smart Features Expected to Drive Europe Smartwatch Market: Ken Research
Smartwatch is a wearable computing device that closely matches the wristwatch or any other time-keeping gadget. There are a variety of smartwatches that are purpose-specific and also are standalone devices. Purpose specific features of smartwatches could comprise providing Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities or also providing data regarding the health of the user. Rise in level of health & fitness awareness amongst people is expected to foster the growth of smartwatches market in the near future. Smartwatches has various apps same as smartphones & tablets and these apps provide additional functionality including reminders throughout the day, heart beat rate monitoring, stock prices, weather information, and displaying maps, directions and to make the phone calls and  to send & receive text messages.
As per analysis, Europe Smartwatch Market 2020-2030 by Product Type, Operating System, User Gender, Age Group, Distribution Channel, Application, and Country: Trend Outlook and Growth Opportunity the key companies operating in the Europe smartwatch market include Fitbit, Inc, ASUSTeK Computer Inc., Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Apple, Inc., Google Inc., Connected Device Ltd., Pebble Technology Corporation, Neptune Pine, Razer Inc., Sony Corporation, Xiaomi, Samsung Electronics, Qualcomm Inc., Timex Group Inc. and among others. Leading players have been enchantingly investing in the design & development of the economic products equipped with all basic smart features, which is indicative of the potential growth of the classic smartwatch market throughout the forecast period.
By product type, Europe smartwatch market can be categorized as standalone, classical and extension. By operating system, market can be categorized as Real-time Operating System (RTOS), android, tizen, watchOS and others. By user gender, market can be categorized as men and women. By age group, market can be categorized as age < 18, age 18 to 24, age 25 to 34, age 35 to 44, age 45 to 54 and age more than 55. By distribution channel, market can be categorized as online channel and offline channel. In addition, by application, market can be categorized as personal assistance, medical & healthcare, sports and wellness.
The Europe smartwatch market is driven by increase in preference for smartwatch among young generation, followed by rise in health awareness among the consumer, increase in penetration of sensors technology in various industry verticals, rise in awareness on personal health & fitness, introduction of innovative solutions, high penetration of internet & smart-phones, rise in smartwatch-controlled automotive capabilities, growth in demand for wireless fitness & sports devices, rise in spending capacity of consumers and high demand for wearable devices & trackers devices to track numerous activities for instance steps covered in a day & calories. Apart from this, dearth of awareness about the technology & utility and high cost of smart-phone with less battery life phone may impact the market. Moreover, high investment by key players for product development activities is a leading opportunity for market. Furthermore, growth in technological glitches is a major challenge for global market.
It is predicted that future of the Europe smartwatch market will be bright on account of rise in demand for wearable devices with advanced smart features coupled with increase in partnerships & agreements between regional players during the forecast period.
For More Information, click on the link below:-
Europe Smartwatch Market Research Report
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Global Smartwatch Market 2020-2030 by Product Type, Operating System, User Gender, Age Group, Distribution Channel, Application, and Region: Trend Outlook and Growth Opportunity
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Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications
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bohoweddingvuq · 4 years
Did Korekiyo Takahashi Save Japan?
So many things exist that you can use today to change the way you live, your business or just the vehicle you are using. Thus, we can find economics noble laureates disagree amongst themselves too. Secondly, seek out trendy boutique benefits paid out out once per year for the last 20 years. Inventory Management is another functional domain in which the Navision has several benefits to offer. If you’d prefer to invest just a few stocks, many blue-chip companies offer plans that make it possible to purchase their stock directly. Snowflake also relies on infrastructure from the major cloud players such as AWS and it’s also possible that they could provide Snowflake with unfavorable pricing. YRC Worldwide has major resistance on the upside located at $5.00. Finding where to buy the PS5 has been a major challenge for PlayStation fans, as stock across the globe sold out extremely quickly after the PS5 launched on November 12. Subsequent PS5 restocks in the run-up to 2020’s holiday season allowed eagle-eyed buyers to snap up the consoles, but stock levels were generally constrained, so the PS5 rapidly went out of stock again. The baby will soon start finding a zone of comfort and will appreciate your presence.
JP Morgan is trying to start the spark of a financial crisis in the Middle East which has the same modus operandi as the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Some people are hoping and predicting a fed rate cut in May 2019 but I don't share the same sentiment as them because the EFFR has been rising to 2.44% now. When the EFFR(2.44%) is greater than IOER(2.4%), it becomes a monetary tightening situation because the excess funds are moving into EFFR which are usually used to invest in treasuries. If the US Fed were to cut the interest rate, it would cause the USD to depreciate and that would contradict the rise in EFFR which was causing the rise in USD. This will also send a signal that Trump has intervened in the independent Fed again which is bad for the US economy. By cutting the rate now will send a bewildering signal to the market and also highlighting the contradictory stances between the US Fed and Trump.
They will be bullied by the US and they will bend to US demands. But sometimes the cinch gets so big that the individual slices also get big and expensive this is when stock splits occur, for example, if you bought 10 shares of Apple right after they went public in 1980. You will now own 560 shares without any further investment this happens when the company gets too big and their individual shares get too expensive for the average investor to buy. In its latest press release, the company highlighted it’s burning $14 million to $16 million cash each day on an average in Q4. HK will become a sunset city soon because of the latest economic measures in Shenzhen. The earliest will be in 2025 and the latest by 2030. If we use PPP to measure the GDP, China is already the largest GDP in the world as compiled by PWC.
China's economy will overtake the US in less than a decade if China GDP is still growing at the current rate. The US GDP growth slowed to 1.9% but this would still be an optimistic number in the face of the consecutive declines in its PMI. The Hongkongers don't really know what they're doing and also the repercussions they'll face in the future. Yes, China cannot take down the US but the US also cannot take down China. The US cannot take down Russia even though the US economy and military prowess are much bigger. No wonder he keeps siding with the USA because he belittles China too much. Bull 3X Shs(ETF)(FAS) - Sirius XM Radio (SIRI) - American Intl Group, Inc. (AIG) - China Shen Zhou Mining & Resources, Inc. (SHZ) - Rare Element Resources Ltd. Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (CYCC) - Shares of Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. are high on my radar due to the volume in the stock.
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giancarlonicoli · 4 years
For added laughs, Jonas also throws in a $2070 bull case for the stock, nearly 3x his price target. "Our bull case valuation for TSLA is $2,070 and our bear case is $281," the note concludes.
This gives Jonas a nice, wide $1800 price target range to get it right before his next "update".
If Jonas wants a real explanation, perhaps his time would be better served looking into the mechanics of the options market instead of feeling forced to drop a Tesla note every time the stock makes a profound move that he failed to predict would happen, leaving him to opine on it after the fact.
Dumbfounded By Tesla, Morgan Stanley's Jonas Cites "The Power Of Hope", Issues $1800 Price Target Range
by Tyler Durden
Thu, 07/09/2020 - 09:06                                          
It's been a running joke for as long as we can remember that sell side analysts are behind the eight ball. They are notorious for upgrading and downgrading stocks after a large move has already taken place.
But at least they used to do their best to try and spin a yarn explaining the move so their bank's investment banking clients wouldn't feel like total idiots for missing the move after paying tons of money for research - just slightly less than total idiots for at least having an explanation.
Well apparently that bar for sell side analysts has been lowered again. And for proof, look no further than Morgan Stanley's Adam Jonas' last note on Tesla. Jonas, who has watched Tesla blow through most of his price targets for the last few months, continues to try and play catch up: he has raised his Tesla target to $740 (which would represent downside of almost 50% at this point) and has pinned the stock's move on "the power of hope".
"Hope is a powerful force," Jonas' latest mindless brain-fart begins, "and for millennia has driven mankind to reach for what was never before thought possible. Does anyone doubt how hope has changed the world? The power of hope, the formation of capital and the movement of share prices have long co-existed in a symbiotic relationship. Hope is the fuel of democratic capitalism. It doesn’t always work out, but when it does... it’s special."
Great. But what the hell does that have to do with equity valuation?
Jonas then writes: "In the case of Tesla, in addition to the company’s proven leadership in EVs and sustainable transport, we believe investor hope has been playing an increasingly important role in driving a higher stock price."
The diatribe continues: "Folks... we’re not pretending to have discovered a genre of behavioral economics and psychology in financial markets about which much has been written over the decades. We just wanted to highlight, based on our discussions with investors and other stakeholders, that this important engine of hope appears to be a contributing factor at work behind the increase of Tesla’s share price currency, further expanding the collective investor imagination of what is possible."
Yeah. Hope and extremely interesting out of the money call option purchases that are taking place on a near-daily basis.
But after the feel good sell-side note introduction of the year, Jonas reverts to his "Underweight" stance, choosing to finally address reality as his "analysis" barely bleeds into a second page. He brings up the very real concerns of:
2Q deliveries was further evidence of how much Tesla growth (and we believe profitability) is underpinned by an ability to freely/openly pursue a commercial strategy in the PRC. We harbor concerns over the sustainability of this model over the long term and believe investors should apply a discount to China growth and profit.
While investors, understandably, do not appear too concerned with the incursion of competing EV offerings to date from legacy auto OEMs, we do not believe that is where the biggest threat comes from. We continue to follow Amazon’s building of its captive transportation network that we ultimately see as becoming a formidable competitor to Tesla in many key markets. We urge investors to prepare for similar moves from the likes of Alphabet/Waymo, Apple and others.
"High Expectations"
At $1,400, we estimate the current price is discounting 2030 volume of at nearly 5 million units or more than 10x the volume the company appears on track to achieve this year. On our calculations, the earnings power embedded in the current market cap would imply group EBITDA margins in the 20% range or higher. We’re not saying these are assumptions are not possible, but they are a very big leap ahead from what the company has proven to date and implies a level of commercial success in a global EV market at less than 2% penetration today.
Caution About Full Self-Driving, Which We Again Remind You Does Not Exist
As one of the earliest firms to analyze the AV market in our 2013 Blue Paper, Autonomous Cars: Self-Driving the New Auto Industry Paradigm (6 Nov 2013), we have worked across multiple sectors and engaged with numerous parties in the AV value chain. While we see significant long-term potential for the technology, we are extremely cautious on adoption rates over the next decade where we forecast full self-driving to be less than 0.3% of global miles traveled by 2030. Our concerns around the moral, ethical, legal/regulatory and even the technological hurdles that must be overcome appear largely ignored by the market, in our opinion. Tesla may be a leader in the field, but we believe realization of the TAM for AVs will disappoint investors in the near to medium term.
For added laughs, Jonas also throws in a $2070 bull case for the stock, nearly 3x his price target. "Our bull case valuation for TSLA is $2,070 and our bear case is $281," the note concludes.
This gives Jonas a nice, wide $1800 price target range to get it right before his next "update".
If Jonas wants a real explanation, perhaps his time would be better served looking into the mechanics of the options market instead of feeling forced to drop a Tesla note every time the stock makes a profound move that he failed to predict would happen, leaving him to opine on it after the fact.
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noodoecorp · 4 years
Noodoe EV Electrifies L.A.’s Iconic Millennium Biltmore Hotel
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WALNUT, Calif., Nov. 19, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Noodoe, a global leader in EV charging technology, has just completed installation of ten S1000 EV charging stations at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel, one of L.A.’s most historic and iconic landmarks. As electric cars become commonplace, guests are starting to choose where they stay based on the presence of EV charging. Hotels no longer see EV charging as a perk but as a necessity, and are responding to fill this accelerating customer demand with solutions as advanced as their vehicles. Effective through December 31, 2019, the Biltmore is offering a “2 Electrifying Hours Free” holiday special.
“We’re extremely proud to bring our five-star Noodoe EV charging stations to this historic landmark hotel,” Jennifer Chang. “Our Noodoe EV OS system is as smart and sophisticated as the Millennium Biltmore. The hotel has a year of historic firsts, from hosting the Academy Awards, to JFK’s 1960 nomination speech, to welcoming the Beatles in ’64 and housing the Olympic Committee in 1984. Our installation of Noodoe EV chargers in 2019 will bring the latest of sleep n’ charge solutions to the Millennium Biltmore guests and their electric vehicles.”
As an enduring industry leader in the hospitality industry, the Millennium Biltmore recognizes the latest trends in hospitality and technology and is taking action to continue to fulfill their current and future guests’ needs. All forecasts indicate that electric cars are rapidly growing from niche to common. A Bloomberg New Energy Finance report, predicts that sales of electric vehicles will increase from a record 1.1 million worldwide in 2017 to 11 million in 2025 and then to 30 million in 2030 as the price of manufacturing the vehicles continues to decline.
“The Millennium Biltmore continues to be at the forefront of delivering exceptional offerings to our modern and tech savvy travelers,” said Jimmy Wu, General Manager and Owner’s Representative of Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles. “By bringing EV charging stations to our hotel, we are providing a necessary amenity to many of our guests and expect it to become a sought after trend over time.”
Why Noodoe
At the heart of the commercial Noodoe EV Charging Station is a cloud-based OS that serves as its brain. The OS seamlessly taps into a business’s existing electricity supply bandwidth. It manages the charging experience for customers, allowing them to use any form of payment at the pump, including credit cards, Apple or Google Pay. The OS also provides management functions that empower owners to configure pricing, modify peak hours, monitor charging while supervising the entire charging infrastructure. “Noodoe is the only commercial EV charger that offers a complete cloud-based solution,” states Chang. “The OS is designed as a future-proof system, able to integrate additional features as new industry priorities or requirements arise.” Current industry-leading features of Noodoe’s EV OS include Universal Charging Service, Comprehensive Payment Processing, Central Management, Service Personnel Access, Automated Diagnostics and Operational Analytics.
About Millennium Biltmore Los Angeles
The Millennium Biltmore Los Angeles, a hotel within the Millennium Hotels and Resorts brand, opened in 1923 and was designated a Historical Cultural Landmark by the City of Los Angeles in 1969. Its unique interior features frescos and murals, carved marble fountains and columns, crystal chandeliers, and embroidered tapestries. These elements fuse together to create an elegant, incomparable option for an overnight stay or event venue in Downtown Los Angeles. All 683 newly-refurbished guest rooms and suites are elegantly appointed, and facilities include a 24-hour fitness center, a Roman-style indoor pool, Gallery Bar and Smeraldi’s Restaurant. With 70,000 square feet of flexible meeting and event space, we feature five iconic ballrooms including two notable venues in Oscar history: the Crystal Ballroom and Biltmore Bowl.
About Millennium & Copthorne Hotels
Millennium & Copthorne Hotels (M&C) is a London-based global hotel company, which owns, manages and operates over 135 hotels across some 80 locations worldwide. Its properties are in key gateway cities such as London, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Dubai, Doha, Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Singapore and Hong Kong. M&C is the hotel arm of Singapore-listed global real estate company City Developments Limited (CDL). M&C’s global brand – Millennium Hotels and Resorts (MHR) has four distinct hotel collections — Leng’s Collection, M Collection, Millennium Collection and Copthorne Collection — throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand and United States. Occupying the best locations around the world, MHR has the perfect address for business and leisure travellers. Listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1996, M&C was delisted on 11 October 2019 following a successful privatisation exercise launched by CDL.
Visit https://www.millenniumhotels.com for more information.
About Noodoe
Noodoe is on a mission to make the world greener by accelerating the world’s transition to electric transportation. In this quest, we produce well-designed EV charging infrastructure solutions that help construction, retail, hospitality industries and public sectors be part of the global zero-emission revolution.
Through innovation Noodoe empowers businesses to turn their parking lots into profitable charging stations. We enable hotels to become recharging sanctuaries that attract high-value patrons. The company also provides charging infrastructure, enabling governments and energy companies to build eco-friendly “smart cities.” Beyond automobiles, Noodoe’s endeavors extend to motorcycles; through innovation we partner with global brands to bring the electric riding experience to consumers worldwide. Noodoe provides products and services used in 110 countries.
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preciousmetals0 · 4 years
3 ETFs to Buy in the 2020 Stock Market Turmoil
3 ETFs to Buy in the 2020 Stock Market Turmoil:
Now is NOT the time to sit on the sidelines.
In fact, now’s the time to back the truck up and start buying.
If you wait for the economic news and sentiment to get better, you’ll be too late.
The reason is simple: The stock market is a leading indicator. It turns higher before news gets better.
If you wait for an “all clear” sign that it’s safe to get back into stocks, odds are you’ll miss the bulk of the next move up.
That’s why most investors sat out the longest bull market in history.
It started on March 6, 2009, when news went from bad to terrible.
The S&P 500 Index fell to a multiyear low of 666 — down more than 50% — and corporate and economic news became dire. But that’s also when the stock market turned and soared higher for the next decade!
Investors who waited kept waiting … and they missed out on huge gains.
Don’t make that same mistake. Because when the stock market begins to rise, it happens very quickly.
That’s why I want to share with you three exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that should outperform over the coming years. All three are in industries that have strong tailwinds pushing them higher. To find out what they are — and why now’s the time to buy — check out my video below:
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Now’s the Time to Play the Long Game
If you’re a short-term investor in this type of market, you’ve got your work cut out for you.
Right now, you’re trying to buy stocks whose prices are reacting to news of the coronavirus curve and the economic shutdown.
And that means most other investors are buying and selling shares of those stocks based on emotion — not business fundamentals.
That’s not the way you make money in the market.
Instead, you want to find companies that will weather this storm over the long term — and then use this price volatility to buy stocks while they’re cheap.
That’s exactly what I’m showing readers of my Alpha Investor Report newsletter how to do.
And I want to help you do the same.
For more information, watch this special presentation that I put together for you and find out how to sign up for Alpha Investor Report today.
This Historic Market Turmoil Will Be Remembered
Keeping reading because at the end of this article I’m going to share three ETFs to buy in the 2020 stock market turmoil.
We will talk about this moment for decades to come. The stock market has been absolutely volatile.
From the market highs of February 19 to the low of March 23, the market fell 34% — the quickest bear market in history. Then, three and a half weeks later, it rose 28%. And now looks like it’s turning back down again.
The stock market is going through a rough patch, but eventually stocks will rebound. And if you want to learn how to profit from the rebound, you can subscribe to the Alpha Investor Report.
If you are a short-term investor in this type of market, you have got your work cut out for you. Emotion is moving stock prices and trading off the COVID-19 curve — how many cases there are, how many deaths, the curve flattening etc.
The country is on shutdown. People are shut up in their houses. Businesses are being shut down throughout the country. Non-essential businesses have been closed for the last month or so. Public companies are not even giving guidance anymore. Business is curtailed.
The future is extremely uncertain.
A savvy investor should ask: what the hell are prices trading off? What are stock prices is trading off if not earnings? COVID-19 charts? That doesn’t make sense.
The unemployment rate now is nearly 18%. There are 22 million lost jobs, and that was just in the last month. But that’s just a guess. It’s probably going to be many more than that.
The shutdown of the economy that we’re having now is causing a sharp selloff in GDP, which is followed by a decline in corporate profits … which is going to be abysmal in the quarter ahead.
So, during this stock market turmoil — the past three weeks or so — the market has done the exact opposite of what most people expect.
It has gone up! In fact, it recouped half its losses. How is that possible? All bad news … and the stock went up.
Well, what people don’t get is that the stock market is a leading indicator — not a lagging indicator. In past downturns, the stock market moves higher way before the economy bottoms and way before sentiment flattens out.
The best example I can give you is the Great Depression…
Comparing 2020 Market Turmoil to The Great Depression & 2008 Financial Crisis
In July of 1932, the Dow hit 40 and the economy continued to deteriorate further over the next eight to 10 months. It didn’t turn around until a few months later when FDR took office in March 1933. The Dow was already up 30% from its low.
The economy and the sentiment were still terrible, but the stock market always leads.
So, here’s my message to you: If you wait for the “all clear” sign to get back in the market or to buy again … you’re going to miss the big moves. In other words, if you wait for the robins, spring will be over.
That’s not my message. That’s a message from the greatest investor of all time, Warren Buffett.
And to put this in context for you, during the darkest days of the 2008 financial crisis, Buffett wrote an op-ed article in The New York Times titled, “Buy American. I Am Now.”
When he wrote this article, the stock market was already down 38% over one year. Just a few weeks earlier, Lehman Brothers went belly-up. It was the largest bankruptcy in history. The stock market cratered.
At that time — October of 2008 — he wrote that he was buying stocks. In fact, he said he was going to personally be putting his net worth — his personal net worth, not his Berkshire net worth — 100% into stocks.
Why? Simple … Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.
He wasn’t trying to predict where stocks would go over the short term. He had no idea. Instead, he was focused on the long term. Buffet wrote:
If you wait for the robins, spring will be over.
In other words, Buffer was saying “Don’t miss the boat.” Guess what happened after he wrote this? The stock market plunged even further.
After he wrote the op-ed piece on October 17, 2008, stocks continued to fall. In fact, they fell 27% further. They stopped going down on March 6, 2009, and most investors kept seeing bad news come out over the next several months as the economy got even worse.
And instead of going down, the stock market started to soar.
In fact, from the low of March 6, 2009 until just a month or two ago, the stock market soared more than 395% to a high in February, 2020.
Unfortunately, most investors sat on the sidelines when the biggest gains were happening. They were too scared to get back in the market.
You see, folks, they don’t ring a bell to let you know when it’s all safe. The secret is to focus on the long term, and to use the short term — the price volatility — to buy stocks when they’re cheap.
So, if you wait for COVID-19 to settle down, the economy to open up again, business to go on as usual and all the non-essential businesses to get back up again … I can almost bet you, dollars to donuts, you’re going to miss most of the market’s gain.
Don’t wait for the robins. Now is a great time to be invested.
3 ETFs for Long Term Gains
And now, what you’ve been reading for, the three ETFs that should do extremely well over the next few years.
I like these three because they have a huge, huge tailwind pushing them higher and because they sold off recently during this market downturn. They’re really trading at attractive prices and you should consider adding them to your diversified portfolio.
1 – Vanguard Information Technology Index Fund ETF Shares (NYSE: VGT).
Technology is going to continue to grow in importance in every facet of our business and personal lives. That’s just a fact. Just think of how technologically advanced we are from just a few years ago…
The top 10 stocks in this portfolio represent 60% of it. So, while the portfolio has a lot of stocks in it, just 10 represent the bulk of its movement.
Software and I.T. services make up the bulk of the fund. So, this fund has stocks like Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Intel, MasterCard, as technology continues to permeate every facet of our lives. This is a trend that’s not stopping. These stocks should do extremely well over the long term.
2 – Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE: XLV).
The health care industry makes up 18% of GDP, so you’re talking about close to $3.6 trillion dollars. That comes to about $11,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States. It’s only going to grow as the population gets older.
So, this is a secular way that’s just going to get bigger and bigger as time goes on. XLV is the oldest and largest fund in this segment.
The top 10 stocks represent half the portfolio, and they have stocks like Johnson & Johnson, UnitedHealthcare, Merck, Pfizer, Abbott Labs … It’s a really great selection.
3 – Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (Nasdaq: BOTZ).
Now, I’ve seen projections of A.I. — or artificial intelligence — adding close to $15 trillion to the world economy by 2030.
Tech is disrupting multiple industries. We see the impact daily in our lives.
Just think … iPhone facial recognition is powered by A.I. When you’re using Google Maps, A.I. is redirecting you to avoid traffic accidents and any other mishap in the road. That’s all A.I. — and that’s all driven by software and hardware.
One computer scientist said: “A.I. is the new electricity.” And I totally agree. [1]
The top 10 stocks in this portfolio represent 64% of it. So it’s pretty concentrated in that sense. And what I really like about it is that it’s globally diversified.
More than 40% of the companies in the portfolio are Japanese-based, 38% U.S.-based, 11% Switzerland-based and the balance is all throughout the world. And that’s great, because you want to be everywhere.
Great A.I. innovations and robotics are coming from all parts of the world. This portfolio has companies like and NVIDIA, Keyence, Intuitive Surgical, ABB … So, this is a really good ETF, especially now. It’s at a good price.
Your Investing Plan for The 2020 Stock Market Turmoil
If you wait for the robins, spring be over. Don’t wait for the “all clear” sign because it never comes. The future, by definition, is always going to be murky and uncertain.
Don’t say, “I’m going to wait until things settle down.” Now’s the time to get in.
In the short term, it’s impossible to predict what’s going to happen. But I just mentioned to you three trends that are about as predictable as the sun coming up tomorrow in the east over the long term.
Technology is going to continue to power ahead. Health care is going to continue to dominate our GDP as the population ages and grows. And A.I. robotics is already here and it’s in the early innings.
So, it’s much easier to play trends measured in years with good tailwinds rather than trying to pick what’s going to happen next week. The ETFs I’m recommending should do really well over the long term.
Now, if you like certain stocks, I definitely have a tremendous portfolio. I do a lot of research that you can get by just clicking in the description to my newsletter, Alpha Investor Report. Each month, I come up with one stock.
I recently came out with one that is really the does the financial plumbing of the brokerage industry. It’s a fantastic company.
This COVID-19 pandemic bear market gave us an opportunity to buy at a cheap price. And I think this stock is selling at a fraction of what it’s going to be worth in just a few years.
Bottom line, don’t wait for a bell to ring … because it never does. Now’s the time to get into the market.
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Charles Mizrahi
Editor, Alpha Investor Report 
[1]: Artificial intelligence: the new electricity – WIPO
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anitakumarigrewal · 3 years
Different Developing Trends of Global Smartwatch Market Outlook: Ken Research
Smartwatches are intended to either on their own or when combined with a smart phone, provide features such as connecting to the internet, running mobile apps, making calls, messaging through text or video, checking caller ID, retrieving stock & weather updates, provided that fitness monitoring skills, providing GPS coordinates & location directions, and additional. A hybrid smartwatch provide the benefits of a regular smartwatch with some linked features but deprived of a touch display or a charging functionality. The smartwatch can be effortlessly attached with smartphone through wireless connectivity and Bluetooth feature. This also assistances the sports person or any client to programme their day to day responsibilities.
According to the analysis, ‘Global Smartwatch Market 2020-2030 by Product Type, Operating System, User Gender, Age Group, Distribution Channel, Application, and Region: Trend Outlook and Growth Opportunity’ there are so much key players that are working for the boost of the market that surrounds of Google Inc., Connected Device Ltd., Neptune Pine, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Pebble Technology Corporation, Apple, Inc., Samsung Electronics, Qualcomm Inc., ASUSTeK Computer Inc., Sony Corporation, Fitbit, Inc, Timex Group Inc., Razer Inc., Xiaomi.
Led by inventions smartwatch corporations are expenses heavily on the R&D front. Top players are including on their R&D investments as a highlighted strategy to upsurge their own market shares. Further, a sturdy distribution support is additional key aspect of this market. The foremost companies are cooperating with their dealers and resellers to penetrate in the market during the right selection of the channel, region and target audience. Numerous features comprise notifications, alerts, and apps and answer messages by voice, media management, fitness tracing and a very decent battery life.
Advanced and progressive features are motivating the global smartwatch market and are also expected to improve the overall sales of smartwatches within the coming years. Design and growth of gender-based smartwatches are deliberated as one of the chances of this market.
However, high initial price of the technology and difficulties related to power consumption and low battery life hinder the market development. Furthermore, expanding emphasis for linked devices among numerous industries and accumulative demand for connected ecosystem are predictable to provide lucrative smartwatch market development internationally.
The regional investigation of Global Smartwatch market is taken into the account for the key provinces like APAC, Europe, North America, Latin America, RoW. Europe is that the passionate province over the domain inside terms of open market share on account of initiation of large expanse of shopper’s within the region. Whereas, North America is as well estimative to exhibition exhilarating rate over the forecast amount 2020-2026.
Furthermore, increasing concern regarding personal health & fitness and the growth within use of Smartphone’s are the key features driving the development of this market? Moreover, innovative features like tracking, alerts and connectivity within smartwatches have garnered customer interest within recent years. Smart watches established on operating systems (OS), like Tizen and proprietary OS are predictable to show important development during the forecast period. Therefore, it is predicted that the Global Smartwatch market can increase within approaching years.
For More Information, click on the link below:-
Global Smartwatch Market Research Report
Related Report:-
Smartwatch Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version)
Contact Us:-
Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications
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goldira01 · 4 years
Now is NOT the time to sit on the sidelines.
In fact, now’s the time to back the truck up and start buying.
If you wait for the economic news and sentiment to get better, you’ll be too late.
The reason is simple: The stock market is a leading indicator. It turns higher before news gets better.
If you wait for an “all clear” sign that it’s safe to get back into stocks, odds are you’ll miss the bulk of the next move up.
That’s why most investors sat out the longest bull market in history.
It started on March 6, 2009, when news went from bad to terrible.
The S&P 500 Index fell to a multiyear low of 666 — down more than 50% — and corporate and economic news became dire. But that’s also when the stock market turned and soared higher for the next decade!
Investors who waited kept waiting … and they missed out on huge gains.
Don’t make that same mistake. Because when the stock market begins to rise, it happens very quickly.
That’s why I want to share with you three exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that should outperform over the coming years. All three are in industries that have strong tailwinds pushing them higher. To find out what they are — and why now’s the time to buy — check out my video below:
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Now’s the Time to Play the Long Game
If you’re a short-term investor in this type of market, you’ve got your work cut out for you.
Right now, you’re trying to buy stocks whose prices are reacting to news of the coronavirus curve and the economic shutdown.
And that means most other investors are buying and selling shares of those stocks based on emotion — not business fundamentals.
That’s not the way you make money in the market.
Instead, you want to find companies that will weather this storm over the long term — and then use this price volatility to buy stocks while they’re cheap.
That’s exactly what I’m showing readers of my Alpha Investor Report newsletter how to do.
And I want to help you do the same.
For more information, watch this special presentation that I put together for you and find out how to sign up for Alpha Investor Report today.
This Historic Market Turmoil Will Be Remembered
Keeping reading because at the end of this article I’m going to share three ETFs to buy in the 2020 stock market turmoil.
We will talk about this moment for decades to come. The stock market has been absolutely volatile.
From the market highs of February 19 to the low of March 23, the market fell 34% — the quickest bear market in history. Then, three and a half weeks later, it rose 28%. And now looks like it’s turning back down again.
The stock market is going through a rough patch, but eventually stocks will rebound. And if you want to learn how to profit from the rebound, you can subscribe to the Alpha Investor Report.
If you are a short-term investor in this type of market, you have got your work cut out for you. Emotion is moving stock prices and trading off the COVID-19 curve — how many cases there are, how many deaths, the curve flattening etc.
The country is on shutdown. People are shut up in their houses. Businesses are being shut down throughout the country. Non-essential businesses have been closed for the last month or so. Public companies are not even giving guidance anymore. Business is curtailed.
The future is extremely uncertain.
A savvy investor should ask: what the hell are prices trading off? What are stock prices is trading off if not earnings? COVID-19 charts? That doesn’t make sense.
The unemployment rate now is nearly 18%. There are 22 million lost jobs, and that was just in the last month. But that’s just a guess. It’s probably going to be many more than that.
The shutdown of the economy that we’re having now is causing a sharp selloff in GDP, which is followed by a decline in corporate profits … which is going to be abysmal in the quarter ahead.
So, during this stock market turmoil — the past three weeks or so — the market has done the exact opposite of what most people expect.
It has gone up! In fact, it recouped half its losses. How is that possible? All bad news … and the stock went up.
Well, what people don’t get is that the stock market is a leading indicator — not a lagging indicator. In past downturns, the stock market moves higher way before the economy bottoms and way before sentiment flattens out.
The best example I can give you is the Great Depression…
Comparing 2020 Market Turmoil to The Great Depression & 2008 Financial Crisis
In July of 1932, the Dow hit 40 and the economy continued to deteriorate further over the next eight to 10 months. It didn’t turn around until a few months later when FDR took office in March 1933. The Dow was already up 30% from its low.
The economy and the sentiment were still terrible, but the stock market always leads.
So, here’s my message to you: If you wait for the “all clear” sign to get back in the market or to buy again … you’re going to miss the big moves. In other words, if you wait for the robins, spring will be over.
That’s not my message. That’s a message from the greatest investor of all time, Warren Buffett.
And to put this in context for you, during the darkest days of the 2008 financial crisis, Buffett wrote an op-ed article in The New York Times titled, “Buy American. I Am Now.”
When he wrote this article, the stock market was already down 38% over one year. Just a few weeks earlier, Lehman Brothers went belly-up. It was the largest bankruptcy in history. The stock market cratered.
At that time — October of 2008 — he wrote that he was buying stocks. In fact, he said he was going to personally be putting his net worth — his personal net worth, not his Berkshire net worth — 100% into stocks.
Why? Simple … Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.
He wasn’t trying to predict where stocks would go over the short term. He had no idea. Instead, he was focused on the long term. Buffet wrote:
If you wait for the robins, spring will be over.
In other words, Buffer was saying “Don’t miss the boat.” Guess what happened after he wrote this? The stock market plunged even further.
After he wrote the op-ed piece on October 17, 2008, stocks continued to fall. In fact, they fell 27% further. They stopped going down on March 6, 2009, and most investors kept seeing bad news come out over the next several months as the economy got even worse.
And instead of going down, the stock market started to soar.
In fact, from the low of March 6, 2009 until just a month or two ago, the stock market soared more than 395% to a high in February, 2020.
Unfortunately, most investors sat on the sidelines when the biggest gains were happening. They were too scared to get back in the market.
You see, folks, they don’t ring a bell to let you know when it’s all safe. The secret is to focus on the long term, and to use the short term — the price volatility — to buy stocks when they’re cheap.
So, if you wait for COVID-19 to settle down, the economy to open up again, business to go on as usual and all the non-essential businesses to get back up again … I can almost bet you, dollars to donuts, you’re going to miss most of the market’s gain.
Don’t wait for the robins. Now is a great time to be invested.
3 ETFs for Long Term Gains
And now, what you’ve been reading for, the three ETFs that should do extremely well over the next few years.
I like these three because they have a huge, huge tailwind pushing them higher and because they sold off recently during this market downturn. They’re really trading at attractive prices and you should consider adding them to your diversified portfolio.
1 – Vanguard Information Technology Index Fund ETF Shares (NYSE: VGT).
Technology is going to continue to grow in importance in every facet of our business and personal lives. That’s just a fact. Just think of how technologically advanced we are from just a few years ago…
The top 10 stocks in this portfolio represent 60% of it. So, while the portfolio has a lot of stocks in it, just 10 represent the bulk of its movement.
Software and I.T. services make up the bulk of the fund. So, this fund has stocks like Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Intel, MasterCard, as technology continues to permeate every facet of our lives. This is a trend that’s not stopping. These stocks should do extremely well over the long term.
2 – Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE: XLV).
The health care industry makes up 18% of GDP, so you’re talking about close to $3.6 trillion dollars. That comes to about $11,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States. It’s only going to grow as the population gets older.
So, this is a secular way that’s just going to get bigger and bigger as time goes on. XLV is the oldest and largest fund in this segment.
The top 10 stocks represent half the portfolio, and they have stocks like Johnson & Johnson, UnitedHealthcare, Merck, Pfizer, Abbott Labs … It’s a really great selection.
3 – Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (Nasdaq: BOTZ).
Now, I’ve seen projections of A.I. — or artificial intelligence — adding close to $15 trillion to the world economy by 2030.
Tech is disrupting multiple industries. We see the impact daily in our lives.
Just think … iPhone facial recognition is powered by A.I. When you’re using Google Maps, A.I. is redirecting you to avoid traffic accidents and any other mishap in the road. That’s all A.I. — and that’s all driven by software and hardware.
One computer scientist said: “A.I. is the new electricity.” And I totally agree. [1]
The top 10 stocks in this portfolio represent 64% of it. So it’s pretty concentrated in that sense. And what I really like about it is that it’s globally diversified.
More than 40% of the companies in the portfolio are Japanese-based, 38% U.S.-based, 11% Switzerland-based and the balance is all throughout the world. And that’s great, because you want to be everywhere.
Great A.I. innovations and robotics are coming from all parts of the world. This portfolio has companies like and NVIDIA, Keyence, Intuitive Surgical, ABB … So, this is a really good ETF, especially now. It’s at a good price.
Your Investing Plan for The 2020 Stock Market Turmoil
If you wait for the robins, spring be over. Don’t wait for the “all clear” sign because it never comes. The future, by definition, is always going to be murky and uncertain.
Don’t say, “I’m going to wait until things settle down.” Now’s the time to get in.
In the short term, it’s impossible to predict what’s going to happen. But I just mentioned to you three trends that are about as predictable as the sun coming up tomorrow in the east over the long term.
Technology is going to continue to power ahead. Health care is going to continue to dominate our GDP as the population ages and grows. And A.I. robotics is already here and it’s in the early innings.
So, it’s much easier to play trends measured in years with good tailwinds rather than trying to pick what’s going to happen next week. The ETFs I’m recommending should do really well over the long term.
Now, if you like certain stocks, I definitely have a tremendous portfolio. I do a lot of research that you can get by just clicking in the description to my newsletter, Alpha Investor Report. Each month, I come up with one stock.
I recently came out with one that is really the does the financial plumbing of the brokerage industry. It’s a fantastic company.
This COVID-19 pandemic bear market gave us an opportunity to buy at a cheap price. And I think this stock is selling at a fraction of what it’s going to be worth in just a few years.
Bottom line, don’t wait for a bell to ring … because it never does. Now’s the time to get into the market.
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Charles Mizrahi
Editor, Alpha Investor Report 
[1]: Artificial intelligence: the new electricity – WIPO
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findstuff · 5 years
Blockchain Technology Future Prediction for 2030 | 5 Blockchain Forecast
In 2017 cryptocurrencies took the world by a storm. The cost of a Bitcoin soared to almost $20,000. The average ICO returned more than 10x. ICO funding surpassed standard VC funding. Blockchain technology emerged as the brand-new buzzword of option by executives. Is this all simply buzz?
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We also discuss Top Blockchain Technology Trends in 2019 in our previous article. This article will discuss the future of blockchain and some ”blockchain future trends.“ 
 Blockchain has a history of 10 years as the Bitcoin blockchain was implemented in 2009 for the first time.
We argue this is just the start. As a matter of fact, both Ray and also I left our tasks at the well-known innovation research study company, Gartner, to join the blockchain motion. Here is how we believe ‘blockchain innovation’ will certainly form the globe by 2030.
 Blockchain Forecast # 1: Government Crypto
 Governments all around the world are adopting Blockchain Technology. By 2030, most federal governments all over the world will create or adopt some form of digital currency.
 The federal government currency of the future is certainly crypto. Compared to the conventional fiat choice, cryptocurrency is a lot more efficient, offers minimized negotiation times, and also offers increased traceability. Cryptocurrency can also be backed by genuine properties, comparable to fiat money, and also its cost can be synthetically manipulated by various controls (e.g., financial plan for "printing" much more tokens). Blockchain can revolutionized the financial transactions. In the meantime, blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the sports industry.
 In the short-term, government-based cryptocurrency will come to be an area of testing and expeditions, led primarily by creating nations with unsteady economic situations and also weak institutions. Many of such initiatives will certainly relocate a rash fashion-- with a timeline driven by political concerns as opposed to financial issues or technological development. Consider the Zimbabwe buck, for example, which has actually endured incredible inflation of 500,000,000,000%.
Many Zimbabweans have currently relied on Bitcoin as a hedge against their nationwide currency, thereby driving the Bitcoin price up on the local crypto-market. Creating a brand-new cryptocurrency offers a practical solution for the Zimbabwean federal government to ease the grim understanding of its nation's monetary challenges. In the short term, such efforts might show really effective.
Considering Venezuela's newly produced cryptocurrency "petro" elevated over $5 billion throughout the pre-sale occasion, several various other countries will follow suit. Nonetheless, much of these early tasks will unavoidably fail because of the onset of the innovation which is yet to mature as well as a result of lack of in-house expertise by a corresponding federal government in charge.
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 In a great deal of these situations, such experiments will be unintended. Simply put, governments moving on with a cryptocurrency job may not understand that they are guinea pig in their own experiments. As a result of the lack of requisite knowledge inside, these governments will certainly look to outside working as consultants, a few of which are newly developed as well as with restricted sources.
Therefore, lots of federal governments will certainly wind up victimized by cyberpunks, as a result of inadequate or incompletely implemented practices pertaining to private-key management as well as relevant processes. This scenario parallels the early days of the Internet, where major companies that were successful in business (yet not knowledgeable about shopping) made errors in initial implementations, causing loss of data and funds.
 In the long run, however, effective situations will emerge. Future generation blockchain technology will certainly solve lots of present constraints, such as scalability, personal privacy controls, toolset maturity, as well as interoperability.
Price-stable tokens regulated by financial plans and backed by collateral will certainly start to acquire traction as they end up being more dependable as a way of exchange and as a store of value. Governments that have stopped working to produce a successful cryptocurrency will certainly rely on "steady coins" as their virtual currency of option.
 Example Blockchain based companies attempting to fix this trouble today: Tether, BitShares, Manufacturer, Basecoin, Carbon, Stably, Havven, Kowala, TrueUSD, Arccy, Sweetbridge, Augmint, Fragments, Petro, as well as others.
 Blockchain Forecast #2: Trillion-Dollar Procedures
 By 2030, there will certainly be more trillion-dollar symbols than there will certainly be trillion-dollar firms.
 There is a race amongst the 4 most valued firms worldwide (based on stock exchange valuation) regarding which one will be the initial to reach one trillion bucks in worth. Apple, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), and Microsoft remain in a race to the "4-comma club."
 These business are all representative of the new economic situation-- one that should maybe be called the no-longer-so-new economic climate. This new-ish economic climate is one based upon the decades-long shift to electronic company and also online links.
It is the Web economic climate or what blockchain supporters call "Internet 2.0" (preparing for the following era, the blockchain period, as "Internet 3.0").
 The old (standard, pre-internet) economic climate is analog, brick-and-mortar, based upon oil as well as resource extraction, on production of basic materials and cultivation of foods items and also accouterments, and also on the transportation and also sale of these with typical physical channels.
Obviously, the real-life will not disappear. It is where we live, take a breath, eat, and also ambulate. Yet its economic role has actually declined in the grand system of points.
 The new-ish economic situation is a layer of worth on top of the physical substratum. It has not yet fully diffused with all edges of the globe and the economic sphere. Its impact will continue to expand, thus the high and also growing valuation in stock markets. It is feasible that after the very first trillion-dollar company, others will certainly additionally cross that threshold, as well as there might be 3 or 5.
 However the next era of blockchain technology is emerging, and that might comply with various pattern than previous waves of financial transformation. What the old economy and the new-ish economy have in common is that they are both based on the notion of a company.
In organization, there is a long-lasting idea of the concept of the firm, expressed in 1937 by Ronald Coase. The theory of the company looks for to attend to questions as: Why do companies exist? Why do they grow? How are they structured? What are the various functions of a company? And so forth.
 In our sight, checking out a company resembles taking a look at a single-cell microorganism, taking a look at its internal subsystems, and also at the semi-permeable membrane that allows the flow of certain materials throughout that limit.
Coase's concept is that firms exist since the cost of certain purchases or organisation processes inside the membrane is a lot lower than having to go across the border. Other purchases and also processes must cross the border (to do company with other entities), but particular features normally gravitate inside the wall surfaces of the company or microorganism.
 Blockchain innovation transforms the nature of this equation. It drastically lowers the expenses of transactions as well as information circulations. Where there was rubbing as well as impedance, these levels are lowered. Doing so deteriorates the conventional reasoning for a firm, specifically a trillion-dollar company.
Huge firms exist, partially, due to the fact that there is a substantial schism in between procedures that occur inside the wall surfaces versus those that cross to the exterior. Blockchain technologies change the formula and support frictionless circulations of symbols as well as other electronic assets.
 What this means is that, in the future blockchain era, trillion-dollar firms will certainly be replaced by trillion-dollar tokens-- symbols that support a decentralized the ecosystem of entities that together fulfill the function of the huge company. We remain in the dawn of that period, and also there will be a lot more trillion-dollar symbols in ten years than there will be trillion-dollar companies.
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 Blockchain Forecast # 3: Blockchain Identity for All
 By 2030, a cross-border, blockchain-based, self-sovereign identity criterion will emerge for people, along with physical and digital possessions.
 If e-mail verified to be the "killer app" for the Net, identification services will verify to be the "awesome application for blockchain”. Identification systems, as we understand them today, are highly dysfunctional, operating in silos, as well as insecure. Blockchain based identity systems will certainly fix these issues. These blockchain based systems will supply a single resource of confirmation for individuals' identities and assets.
 ‘Blockchain based identity’ decentralizes the data collection, cross-verifies the collected data via a consensus mechanism, and stores this information on a decentralized immutable ledger. It enables reduced risk of security breaches, significantly higher efficiencies, higher reliability, and most importantly self-sovereignty.
 According to various data sources, 1.5 billion people in the developing world lack proof of identity, including more than 65 million refugees. Blockchain based self-sovereign identity platforms will provide the disenfranchised population with tools to obtain and maintain legal documentation.
The new identity platform will be more secure and reliable since it will be stored on a distributed ledger rather than being in the possession of a central authority. Blockchain-based identity platforms will also enable self-sovereignty, which ultimately means individual privacy.
The decision to disclose identity information will be within each individual's control. With recent Facebook data-breach scandals dominating the news, “blockchain-based identity” creates a viable and important solution to many data privacy issues.
 Some use cases for the types of data stored on a blockchain-based identity platform include (but are not limited to):.
 Government records (e.g., date of birth, etc.).
 Reputation & trust scores (e.g., credit history).
 Certificates & attestations (e.g., university diploma).
 Healthcare & medical records.
 Tax identification records.
 Employment records.
 While it is unlikely that, by 2030, a clear end-to-end solution will emerge as a clear winner, a high degree of interoperability among identity platforms will enable ease of use and global cross-verification.
 Furthermore, a blockchain-based asset identity platform will collect, store, and share data for both physical and virtual assets. More than 20 billion IoT devices are projected to exist by 2020. From your smart refrigerator to an airplane engine, these "smart" chips are already pervasive. By their nature, IoT devices are continuously connected to the internet.
They collect, store, and transport unique sets of data. Blockchain will provide a secure, reliable, and efficient mechanism for these devices to transact among one other. Blockchain will keep an immutable record of all interactions and will enable instantaneous payment settlements (e.g., two IoT devices transferring assets between each other).
 Virtual assets will also have a unique identity on a blockchain. One example of virtual assets would be crypto kitties, fictional cats existing in a virtual game and living on the Ethereum blockchain.
With the power of blockchain, these virtual objects are turned into tokenized assets which, similarly to physical assets, will have their unique identity. Ultimately, blockchain will enable an automated operating system seamlessly connecting individuals with assets in physical as well as in virtual worlds.
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 Sample blockchain based companies solving individual identity today: uPort, BlockAuth, Civic, PeerMountain, IDRamp, Sovereign, Sovrin, LifeID, TrustedKey, Ping Identity, SelfKey, TheKey, NuID, ValidatedID, 2way. io, Microsoft, CryptID, ExistenceID, IBM, Blockstack, BlockCerts, Lumeno.us, etc
 Sample blockchain based companies solving physical & virtual asset identity today: WAX, Verses, BlockV, Xage, Guardtime, Filament, Chronicled, Blocksafe, DMarket, etc
 Blockchain Prediction # 4: World Trade on a Blockchain
 By 2030, most of world trade will be conducted leveraging blockchain technology. Blockchain will emerge as the growing technology of future.
 One of the most promising areas where blockchain can provide significant business value is global supply chain. In its current state, world trade is conducted via a chaotic, fragmented set of business relationships among parties that are untrusted.
The future of blockchain is really promising. We have to wait till the world completely adopt the ‘blockchain technology’. This results in inefficiencies, errors, and fraud. This is a set of real-world business problems that are currently unsolved and cannot be fully solved without using blockchain technology.
 Some examples of real-world supply chain problems that need to be solved are:
 Counterfeit medicines in the pharmaceutical industry.
Food supply chain in China (the tragic case of adulterated infant formula).
Fake Louis Vuitton handbags and other fashion apparel in Asia.
Counterfeit auto parts in North America.
Grey market or counterfeit electronic equipment, including medical devices (World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 8% are fake).
Enterprise IT equipment-- a major manufacturer of enterprise networking equipment estimates 10% of products in its multi-billion-dollar supply chain are grey market.
As is evident, the problems in global supply chains are significant and, in some cases, life-threatening. According to WHO, tens of thousands of people die from counterfeit drugs every year.
The solution to these problems is difficult because the business ecosystems are fragmented, siloed, only partially automated, and lacking a trusted central authority with jurisdiction, resources and credibility to track provenance and certify authenticity.
 Unlike the example of the banking industry, where there is an existing system (SWIFT) that works correctly and reliably, in the supply-chain examples, there is no proven, working system. There is no order, only chaos. Therefore, disruption is not an option, because disruption implies disintermediating or dismantling an existing system.
 What is required is "anti-disruption"-- i.e., bringing order to chaos by using blockchain technology as a force for unification: to unify disparate flows of payment, physical goods and information. This won't be easy, and complete solutions will take years to build. In effect, one is constructing an ERP system for a business ecosystem, which means it will take longer and be more difficult than building an ERP system for a single company.
 Also, as mentioned earlier, the technology does not yet have the functional scope, flexibility, performance, efficiency, and maturity. Once it matures, the problems in supply chains are real enough, and important enough that solutions will eventually be built, and blockchain will play a critical role in these future solutions.
 Sample Blockchain based Companies: Skuchain, Provenance, Blockfreight, Blockverify, Caravaggio, Cargo Chain, Chain of Things, Consentio, Everledger, Filament, Fluent, Kioog, Kouvola Innovation, Mojix, Modum, Synechron, Tallysticks, Tradle, Wave, Zerado.
Also read:  Advantages of Blockchain Technology For Business
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 Blockchain Prediction # 5: Blockchain 4 Good
 By 2030, significant improvements in the world's standard of living will be attributable to the development of blockchain technology.
 Poverty and income discrepancy are arguably the hardest problems for humanity to tackle. More than 10% of the world population, more than 750 million people, live on less than $2 a day. More than 2 billion people are considered to be unbanked and have no access to financial services. Though the overall living standards increase, and world's GDP is on the rise, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
 Blockchain technology has the potential to shrink the poverty gap. How? It can be done by increasing financial inclusiveness, reducing corruption, and enabling decentralized access to value-creating assets. Here are three examples.
 Financial inclusiveness is the most obvious benefit of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. As is already evident today, Bitcoin and blockchain enable the unbanked population to get banked, and therefore, get paid. One no longer needs to rely on a centralized institution, such as the government or a bank, to give you permission to open a bank account.
You can buy and sell Bitcoin on an open market (provided access to a crypto exchange) with access to a smartphone. A number of merchants around the world already accept cryptocurrencies. By 2030, cryptocurrency will serve as a de facto standard, similar to how the US dollar is widely accepted today.
 Second, blockchain technology reduces corruption by creating transparency of official records. Whether you are a farmer in rural Latin America or a house owner in Russia, you will no longer be driven out of your land by a corrupt official tampering with the land registry. All assets, including land, will be recorded on a transparent, tamper-free distributed ledger open for the public to see.
 Solving this problem alone will have massive financial implications on the global economy. According to a prominent economist, Hernando DeSoto, "dead capital," or, in other words, property or asset which is held but not legally recognized, is estimated at $20 trillion.
Uncertainty around asset ownership reduces asset price and tradability potential. Therefore, by creating a transparent, tamper-proof property and asset tracking system, blockchain technology has the potential to increase global wealth.
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 Lastly, blockchain technology enables a massive-scale tokenization of value-generating assets only available to the rich right now. Think about buying The Plaza Hotel in New York City or an expensive piece of gold mining equipment producing a steady, recurring income stream over several years.
To purchase such an asset today, one has to borrow large sums of money from a bank and take an upfront risk on the purchase. Blockchain enables tokenization of large-scale assets. This means that even if you are a farmer in rural Africa, you can now become a fractional owner of a revenue-generating asset such as a gold mine.
I hope this article will help you out in letting know the future of blockchain Technology. Blockchain Future is really promising. It will take some time for the blockchain to emerge further all over the world.
Recommended:  The Journey of Blockchain Generations From 1st to 4th
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Scott Galloway on healthcare, education, retail, media, entrepreneurship
The New York University professor Scott Galloway is deeply critical of companies that used profits during the bull market for stock buybacks, describing bailouts of such firms as “capitalism on the way up and socialism on the way down.”
He told Insider’s Sara Silverstein that every large government program was designed to maintain the wealth of baby boomers at the expense of younger generations.
Galloway predicts that Amazon will be the fastest-growing healthcare company in the world by 2025. It’s no accident, he says, that the company is investing a lot of money in better COVID-19 testing.
Galloway says the second-most-disruptable industry, after healthcare, is education. He expects the top institutions to see a dip and come back stronger but says many second-tier universities may never reopen.
The professor recommends taking a gap year if you are supposed to start your undergraduate or business-school program this fall. He expects it to be “a terrible year for the end consumer, as we, as academics try to maintain this hallucination that we can continue to charge what we’re charging for a totally substandard experience via Zoom.”
Galloway, who has started nine companies, says there hasn’t been a worse time to own a small business than right now in the past 10 or 15 years. The entrepreneur also says, however, that in about six to 12 months there will not have been a better time to start a small business in the past decade or so.
Asked about the future of the media business, Galloway said sometimes it’s darkest before it’s pitch black, adding, “It’s about to become pitch black in the world of ad-supported media.”
Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.
Scott Galloway is a marketing professor at the New York University Stern School of Business and the author of “The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google” and “The Algebra of Happiness: Notes on the Pursuit of Success, Love, and Meaning.”
His new weekly show, “No Mercy, No Malice with Professor Scott Galloway,” will premiere on Vice TV on May 7 at 10 p.m. ET.
Following is a transcript of the video.
Sara Silverstein: Professor Galloway, you’ve been talking a lot about how we have capitalism on the way up, and socialism on the way down. Can you explain that thesis, and what do we do about it?
Scott Galloway: Good to be with you, Sara. Yeah, so effectively, when we have an 11-year bull market, we have rugged individualism and privatized most of the gains. And then once we hit obviously an exogenous shock, and this is a formidable shock, you have CEOs who have taken 96% of their free cash flow to buy back stock when times were good, inflating their own compensation, claiming that we’re all in this together.
And when you have capitalism on the way up and socialism on the way down, that’s cronyism. And if we’re going to have socialism, then let’s have universal pre-K and universal healthcare. But if we’re going to have capitalism when times are good, we need to have capitalism when times are bad. And quite frankly, I think a lot of these businesses need to fail. And I think the approach we should be taking is that I think we should be protecting people, not companies.
Silverstein: And will we see a change in some of the ways that we pay frontline workers, such as grocery-store clerks or things like that at the end of all of this?
Galloway: Yeah, I hope so. It’s a little bit … I mean, there’s a lot going on here. At 8 p.m. every night, we lean out our windows, and we applaud our frontline healthcare workers, and that is warranted and a wonderful thing, or at 7 p.m.
A cashier ringing up purchases behind a shield at a grocery store in Queens, New York, on April 3.
Morse Collection/Gado/Getty Images
But at 8 p.m. or 6 p.m., we don’t lean out and honor our frontline essential workers, the people putting your food in the back of your seat, or delivering your groceries, or working in a meat-processing plant to ensure that the supply chain is safe for food. And I think it’s this ongoing, what I’ll call quite frankly, this implicit war against the poor. And that is, the downside to believing you live in a meritocracy is that billionaires deserve it. And the downside or the ugly part of that is that if someone is bagging groceries at 8 or 9 bucks an hour, that it’s their fault, that they don’t deserve to make a living wage.
And there’s a wonderful opening line in the book “The Little Prince,” that, “What is essential is invisible to the eye.” And ideally coming out of this, we’re seeing that some of our essential workers shouldn’t be invisible, and they should be making more money. What I would like to see is that I do think that it makes sense for some people, just as healthcare workers to put themselves, in a limited amount of harm’s way, but they should do it out of greed, not fear.
And that is, when I was coming out of college, I contemplated joining the Navy because I could make a good living and putting yourself in harm’s way when the compensation, or the rewards, the trade-off there is worth it. So we’d like to see our frontline workers, and our essential workers, go to the warehouses, quite frankly, out of greed as opposed to fear. And I think there needs to be legislation, minimum wage. There’s all kinds of things we can do. But yeah, hopefully, we’ll come out of this with a greater appreciation for our frontline workers, instead of just calling them essential, and then treating them, and paying them really poorly.
Silverstein: And in reality on the other side of this, will we have more leveling, or will we have more inequality do you think?
Galloway: That’s a great question because I would argue the COVID-19, more than a real change agent, is just an accelerant of trends already in place. And what we see is, I mean quite frankly, the wealthy who are invested in the stock market appear to be just fine. If you own big tech, you’re up this year. Your stocks are actually up on the year.
And most of the bailouts I would argue aren’t really an attempt to protect people, or the people most vulnerable. And there’s some big ugly questions here. How can we be the wealthiest nation in the world and effectively 50% of our population is so vulnerable? They can’t go 30 days without a paycheck. But I would argue that these bailouts are really nothing but an attempt to flatten the curve of wealthy people, that if you look at the wealthiest cohort in America, they largely are small-business owners.
And while there’s this cartoon of a single mother who owns a cupcake bakery, who just needs some money to get to the other side, and there are some of those people, I think we’re going to find out that the majority of the $600 billion PPP package went to, quite frankly, ended up in the pockets of wealthy investors, and wealthy business owners.
And as is always the case, every large government program appears to be pulling prosperity forward from our children and grandchildren who don’t vote, to our ultimate goal as a society, and that is maintaining the wealth of baby boomers. We have lost the script. It’s OK for businesses to go out of business. We should be protecting people, not businesses. And if young people get a chance to buy real estate in Brooklyn for 500 bucks a foot, instead of a 1,000, if they get to buy Amazon at 30 times earnings, instead of 50, that’s not the worst thing in the world. Everything we do, Sara, is nothing but an attempt to maintain the wealth of baby boomers.
Silverstein: Wow, and looking at the accelerating of change in different industries, let’s start with healthcare. What change was on the forefront there that we’re accelerating through coronavirus?
Galloway: Well, if you think about it, the big tech guys that have a trillion dollars in market cap, take for example, Amazon, I think it’s about a $1.1 or $1.2 trillion market cap. They have to have a story or a narrative for doubling their stock price in the next five years; otherwise, investors will just buy Salesforce or Netflix. Which means they’re going to need to add somewhere between $100 and $150 billion a year in top-line revenue. And when you have to make those sorts of staggering incremental gains in top-line revenue, it limits you to the number of industries you can actually go after. And these have to be enormous industries that are ideally ripe for disruption. And that creates a fairly small list. So the automobile industry is a huge industry, but it’s a low-margin, difficult business. They’re probably not going to go into that.
You can zero in on a few industries, and first and foremost, the largest industry in the world that is probably the most disruptable industry is measured by the fact that it’s raised prices faster than inflation is healthcare in the United States. So it’s no accident that Amazon is announcing that they’re investing a great deal of money in building a more robust COVID-19 testing kit. You can see that just as we can get in certain areas from Amazon now your lunch in 48 minutes, I wouldn’t be surprised if Amazon starts offering more robust testing than the government, which, by the way, the US government is another huge opportunity with big revenues, as is defense. You’re going to see these companies going to education, a $10 trillion industry by 2030 that quite frankly is being disrupted as we realize that a bunch of Zoom classes for $68,000 a year is not sustainable in my business.
So I think you’re going to see Amazon and Apple going to healthcare. I think Amazon has the key resource to make a dent in healthcare, and that is they have investors who are willing to live with breakeven economics, which Apple investors are not willing to live with. So my prediction is by 2025, Amazon is the fastest-growing healthcare company in the world.
Silverstein: And tell us about education. What do you think is going to change? How’s it going to shake out?
Galloway: So, the other industry that is probably the second-most disruptable: We in academia have lost the script and see ourselves now as luxury brands as opposed to public servants. And rather than expanding freshman seats, the number of applications to Stanford has tripled in the last 30 years. The number of freshman seats has stayed the same, and every fall a head of admissions stands up, or a dean, and with pride boasts that, “We turned away 90% of our applicants,” which in my view is tantamount to the person running a homeless shelter, bragging that we turned away 90% of our applicants last night.
How many of us brag that we would never get into the university we went to if we applied today? And that’s a bad thing — that means likely your kid isn’t going to USC or UCLA, your kid is going to Pepperdine or a lesser prestigious school for the same price. And there’s been a cartel that is mostly based off a construct of a duopoly in every city, USC-UCLA, Stanford-Berkeley, NYU-Columbia, and then if you don’t get into those schools because they turn away the majority of their applicants, you go to a school just below that, but you pay the same amount.
And we’ve all raised our prices in lockstep and preyed on the hopes and dreams of the middle class to charge what is the most ridiculous high-margin, expensive product that translates to debt on young people, which results in having a hamstrung economy where young people don’t buy houses, they don’t start businesses, because they are literally crushed with student debt.
But here’s the thing, the jig is up. People are recognizing that a bunch of Zoom classes without the campus experience is not worth $18,000, much less $58,000 or $68,000. So what we’re going to see, unfortunately, is we’re going to see a strengthening of the already strong. I believe that MIT in 10 years will welcome 30,000 students, not 3,000 in their freshman class, and they’ll do it with technology. They’ll likely partner with big tech who will build very robust programs. These are the strongest brands in the world.
People say Apple is the strongest brand in the world. Nobody donates a $100 million to Apple to have their name on the side of a building on the Apple campus. The strongest brands in the world are academic, or university institutions. And the top 20 or 50 will have a dip. They will come back stronger. And who gets crushed here is the two-tier universities that may not survive.
So I believe that NYU is probably not going to open in fall, as it would normally, because of the threat of a relapse. But you’re going to see a lot of universities, whether it’s a university like Drexel, or Pace, or even a Fordham, I think schools like that may never reopen. We’re about to see the disruption in education we’ve been predicting for decades.
Silverstein: Wow, and in the retail space, I’m sure that it seems like a lot of those will also not reopen after this. Who is most at risk? How much retail do we expect to see curbed during this period?
A closed Gap store in New York City’s Times Square on March 23.
Galloway: Yeah, so I’ve been presenting to a lot of different boards and investors about retail, and this is an example of where it’s an accelerant, not really a change agent. And it doesn’t sound that dramatic, but essentially department stores who were in the bottom of the seventh inning of their life are now in the bottom of the ninth, especially retail apparel. I think we saw J. Crew file today. We’re going to see Ann Taylor, and we’ll see some surprises.
There is a chance, Sara, and I know you’re not as old as I am, but we could see the unthinkable: The Gap could go out of business. We could see the Gap go away, or go into bankruptcy, so specialty retail apparel, department stores.
There is a bright side of that — we’re about to see online grocery go from 2% of grocery to 10%, so that’s literally a transition of about $60 to $100 billion in commerce go from terrestrial to online, which will create a series of opportunities for logistics and services companies to help deliver your groceries, whether it’s cold storage, whether it’s automated, or robotics, and warehouses, whether it’s Prologis, the REIT that does logistics. But the REITs that own real estate, they had primarily serviced or hosted as tenants, those big large-format grocery stores, those will be challenged. But the retail is going to be, I would argue dramatically, reshaped.
That’s not to say that everyone will lose. Sephora, Restoration Hardware, truly outstanding experiential specialty retail will actually thrive, because after the culling, the fewer elephants have more foliage to fight over. But the two biggest winners here, I mean the two biggest winners who could have never imagined this scenario was, say Donald Trump said: “I own Amazon and Walmart stock, and I want those stocks to double. What could I do? I know, I know, I’ll put massive stimulus in the hands of every consumer, and Amazon and Walmart will garner a greater share of that stimulus than any other organizations in the world. And just to ensure their stocks double, I’m going to close down, I’m going to have the mandatory closure of 98% of their competition.” I mean literally Amazon and Walmart shareholders couldn’t have thought this up in their wildest dreams.
Silverstein: And what does commercial real estate look like then? What happens to all the retail space in the future?
Galloway: Well, so people are saying what happens to a company like Simon or Brookfield, and my feeling is that if your primary value-add [inaudible] a mall with department stores, or retail in general as a means of value out of that real estate, you’re in trouble.
But at the same time, I think that the rumors of the death of places like Simon are greatly exaggerated, only because that asset class there is the ground those businesses sit on, and that if you look at Simon, or some of the other high-end mall companies, they own some of the best real estate in America. And whether it’s converted to mixed-use residential, because you can imagine people are going to think about spending more time, if it’s going to be converted to some sort of mixed-use, it makes it easier to commute to work for the A, B sessions. I think those companies will be fine. I think you need to evaluate commercial real estate in the context of the value of the underlying real estate.
Now offices, I mean, who knows what’s going to happen there as we rethink? I mean, both of us are working from home, and it’s a substandard experience, but it’ll get a little bit better, and it’ll start to eat into our willingness to pay 60 bucks a square foot to commute into midtown, or wherever Business Insider’s office … or actually, I’ve been to your offices. I’ve got to imagine that Business Insider is going to need less office space next year, regardless of the vaccine or not. So commercial real estate, the question is not what happens? The question is how ugly is it going to get?
Silverstein: And a lot of these things are accelerating change that you talk about, but restaurants, it seems like a lot of restaurants maybe owned by maybe independent, and that they’re going out of business, or might be during this period. Is that an acceleration or is that something that’s going to come back? What are you look at the restaurant industry?
Galloway: It depends. I mean, this has so many second-order effects. So, you and I live in New York, and part of the charm of New York, or living downtown, is density. The magic of Manhattan is its density, which has all of a sudden become a negative in a post-corona world. And some of our favorite restaurants are a function of density, where you go into a small space, and you have people literally almost elbow to elbow. Those restaurants are really going to struggle. And we saw, there was a fantastic article by the woman who owned a great restaurant in the East Village called Prune, talking about how the market has basically just moved away from her. I think you’re going to see just the complexion of restaurants move away.
We had slowly over the last 30 years transitioned from Americans spending more money on restaurants than they were spending on groceries. That is about to revert back, and people are going to spend more money on grocery than on eating out.
Because one of the wonderful things about eating out was, quite frankly, was the density, being in a hip place that creates … I mean, I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Cafe Select or Jack’s Wife Freda downtown. I don’t know if it’s the same experience when we’re all in small groups, 6 feet from one another, and I don’t know if the economics make sense any longer.
Now does it reemerge with ghost kitchens? Does delivery have new oxygen? I don’t know. But you’ve got to think that small businesses, especially restaurants, are going to be hit pretty hard through this. We’re going to have a reshaping of almost all hospitality based on distancing.
Silverstein: And a lot of people are rethinking their careers right now. You started a lot of businesses. Is now a good time to start a business?
Galloway: So I would argue it’s a terrible time to have a small business right now because we’re having a shock and demand is strikingly down. And if I were in charge of the stimulus, I would be putting money in the hands of consumers’ pockets, not businesses’ pockets. Because what small businesses need now is not to be told to hold on to employees. They should be, in my opinion, laying off employees. But we need to create more demand. We need to put more money in the hands of middle- and lower-income consumers who spend it all. It’s a terrible time. There’s never probably … there hasn’t been a worst time to own a small business in the last 10, 15 years.
In about six to 12 months, there will not have been a better time to start a small business in the last 10 or 12 years, because starting a business in the depths of a recession is a great time to start a business. Good people are less expensive. Real estate is less expensive. Your resources, your raw materials, all the things you need to do to build a new business are a lot less expensive. And in addition, when you come out of a recession, companies are much more willing to try new things. You have the wind at your back.
I’ve started nine businesses. Generously, I’m three, two, and four. And if I look at the data around what has distinguished the winners from the losers, the only thing I can determine is which part of the economic cycle I started the business in. And when I started a business in 2010 coming out of a recession, when I started a business in 1992 coming out of a recession, those businesses succeeded. When I started businesses in a boom time, in 1999 or in 2006, those businesses almost always failed.
The DNA imprint of a company that you put around low cost, being scrappy — not wallpapering over your idea with consensual hallucination that it’s working because you have access to cheap capital — in 12 to 24 months, this will be the best time to be an entrepreneur. Right now, it’s tough. There’s just no getting around.
Silverstein: And what do you think WeWork will look like, or will they be able to make it through this period?
Galloway: Oh no, WeWork is already dead. I mean, the brand will live on, because it’s a global brand, but it’ll be a series of bankruptcies based on how it’s structured. Masayoshi Son made a ridiculous offer overvaluing the company to bail out existing investors, benchmarking Adam Neumann to save face. He’s been given face-saving cover with the novel coronavirus. They have walked from the deal. WeWork is a zombie. It’s the walking dead.
Now whether whoever ends up buying the brand, because there’s value there, of the 500 locations, probably 100 to 200 on a unit economic basis makes sense. But WeWork as we know it, as are probably somewhere between a quarter and a half of SoftBank’s portfolio, including some of their other real-estate investments, whether it’s Oyo, or Opendoor, or Compass are kind of the walking dead right now.
But WeWork is a spectacle, but it’s not historic. It’s going to go away. The brand will survive, but all the equity will be wiped out. And them walking away from this signed deal is really unprecedented. We usually don’t see that, so that’ll be interesting to see how that plays out in the courts. But WeWork makes for great Netflix documentaries, but it’s basically over, and it’s in the rearview mirror.
Silverstein: And one of our viewers wants to know if they were supposed to start an MBA in 2020, should they postpone it until 2021?
Galloway: I probably would. I’m getting a lot of these calls from parents and from existing students, if you’re halfway through your graduate program, the primary value add of education is not education. It’s certification. So if you’re halfway already to your certification, just tough it out, and get the degree, and get on with your life. But if you’re contemplating showing up for fall as an undergrad, or thinking about an MBA, I think this is a wonderful time to take a gap year, because we as academics need a year to figure this out. Marginal costs accounting for professor in person is marginal. On Zoom, he or she is just awful. And the unfortunate truth around academia right now is because of tenure, the teaching, and the experience hasn’t kept pace with the price increases, and that has been laid bare and naked by these Zoom calls.
So if you’re showing up, I think this is a wonderful time to consider a gap year. I think, and this is a terrible … this is what is going to create the absolute implosion in education, which I think will be good. I think a lot of students, and a lot of parents are going to rethink the value proposition and decide to defer, take a gap year.
I think a gap year is a wonderful idea for 18-year-olds. There’s a lot of evidence showing that if your kid takes a gap year, he or she is more likely to graduate when they come back with better grades. They need a little bit more seasoning, a little bit more maturity. So I think a gap year in deferring. 2021 is going to be what I would call a disruptive but a terrible year for the end consumer, as we as academics try to maintain this hallucination that we can continue to charge what we’re charging for a totally substandard experience via Zoom. So yeah, I would say next year is a good year to do something else.
Silverstein: And for people who are struggling right now, who want to figure out — do you have any advice for people in how to make the most, or find opportunity during this period for their careers?
Galloway: Yeah, so we’re going to need a bigger boat. I mean, a lot of that is situational, and I would argue that this is a fantastic time to really reevaluate if there’s an opportunity to pivot into something you want to do, or where the puck may be headed.
I think for example, if you think about sectors, just purely economic growth, having the wind at your back, I think education and medicine are going to be extraordinary businesses over the next 10 years, because what we’re experiencing is what I would call the great dispersion. And that is, if you think about COVID-19, somewhere between 90% and 99% of the people who we’ll find have antibodies had COVID-19, contracted it, endured it, and then moved on, or survived from it without ever having entered a doctor’s office, or even a hospital. So we’re finding that we can, in fact, distribute healthcare and education away from the physical space of hospitals, doctor’s offices, and university campuses.
That creates so much opportunity in terms of delivery systems, whether it’s online education, or whether it’s telemedicine. But I think figuring out a way to get in the midst of what will be the largest transition of revenues from one channel, a campus, or a hospital, doctors-based business, which is literally multitrillions of dollars go through those channels, to digital. I’d want to be right in front of that switch. So I think those are two fantastic sectors.
I think it’s a great opportunity to do some online learning. I think it’s a good opportunity to think about potentially your own business in six or 12 months, but it’s situational. A lot of it comes down to resources. Someone with rich parents, who’s willing to say, “Just go to university and hang out,” that person’s in an entirely different opportunity set than a single mother, who has to make a living and put her… it’s situational.
I would argue that this is ideally an opportunity, in some ways, if you, in fact, can pay your mortgage, if you, in fact, are healthy, to rethink how you want to position yourself for the next several years. I don’t think we’re doing any favors when you keep people’s jobs in companies that won’t be economically viable post-corona. I think what we need to do is do what Germany or Canada does, and that is protect people, give them unemployment, extended unemployment, and give them the opportunity to reevaluate the landscape, and where they want to be. So, I would say it’s a fantastic opportunity for reflection around what it is you want to do, and where you think the puck is headed, so to speak.
Silverstein: And before I let you go, Scott, can you give me an idea of what your outlook is for the media industry?
Galloway: Sure. So look, it’s just accelerating everything. The little guys are getting crushed. I mean, I predicted that Quibi was dead on arrival. I think it is dead on arrival. I think ad-supported linear television, as I’m about to premiere on Vice, so do as I say, not as I do. Your ad-supported media is going to continue to struggle. We’ll probably have the two largest radio companies go Chapter 12, and that is they’ll go Chapter 11 again.
The only ad-supported media that’s going to gain share, it’s going to be Facebook and Google. They’re going to go from 62 cents on the dollar of every digital dollar spent to 72 cents, and we’re going to see more chaos in the media sector. So quite frankly, sometimes it’s darkest before it’s pitch black. It’s about to become pitch black in the world of ad-supported media. I am not here with a message of hope.
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ethicsustinvest · 5 years
PODCAST: Water and Veggie Investing, Cruise Line Greenwashing
Water-related investing gains traction and has profit potential. Beyond Burger sizzle heightens interest in plant-based food producers. Unilever and Nestlé cited. Coldwater poured on cruise line investing. Morningstar ratings changes will allow investors to directly compare company sustainability scores across industries. Canada’s Responsible Investing Association website offers terrific new resources including investment values screening tool.
PODCAST: Water and Veggie Investing, Cruise Line Greenwashing
Transcript & Links August 2, 2019
Hello, Ron Robins here. Welcome to my podcast Ethical & Sustainable Investing News to Profit By! for August 2, 2019 – presented by Investing for the Soul. investingforthesoul.com is your site for vital global ethical and sustainable investing information and resources.
If you hear any terms in this podcast that are unfamiliar to you, just Google them.
Also, you can find a full transcript, live links and often bonus material to these podcasts at their editions’ podcast page located at investingforthesoul.com/podcasts
Now many sustainable investors are getting excited about investing in water — that is companies and funds engaged with water in some way.
Writing in the New York Times in an article titled, As Fresh Water Grows Scarcer, It Could Become a Good Investment, Tim Gray says, and I quote, “The prospect of shortages in the years ahead could make water a precious commodity… The United Nations Environment Program has predicted that half the globe’s population could face severe water stress by 2030. Annual expenditures of $200 billion, up from a historical average of about $40 billion to $45 billion, are needed now to keep spigots running, the U.N. said in a 2016 report.” End quote.
In his article, Mr. Gray discusses several leading funds in this sector. The first is the AllianzGI Global Water Fund (AWTAX: Nasdaq) which is an actively managed fund that holds companies – and quoting the article – “[that provide] products or services to help overcome water scarcity and remedy infrastructure shortcomings… Created in 2008, the AllianzGI fund returned an annual average of 9.83 percent over the 10 years that ended in June, compared with 5.37 percent for its average Morningstar peer.” End quote.
The second fund he writes about is the Calvert Global Water Fund (FWAX: Nasdaq), which is a passively managed index fund that, and I quote, “[is] divided into four subgroups — utilities, infrastructure outfits, technology providers and efficient users like Taiwan Semiconductor… The fund returned an annual average of 8.56 percent over the 10 years that ended in June.” Close quote.
The third series of funds are under the umbrella of Invesco. They have three ETFs: Invesco Water Resources ETF (PHO: Nasdaq) which holds US companies, and for global holdings Invesco Global Water ETF (PIO: American Stock Exchange). Both are based on Nasdaq indexes.
The third fund is the S&P Global Water Index ETF (CGW: NYSE Arca). The Water Resources and Global Water funds, and quoting the article, “[have] ‘more focus on companies developing technology around delivering clean water,’ while the S&P index fund leans more toward utilities, which make up about half of its assets, said J. Jason Bloom, senior director of Global Macro E.T.F. Strategy at Invesco... The S&P Global Water Index fund returned an annual average of 11.05 percent for the decade that ended in June.” Close quote.
Mr. Gray mentions two funds other funds First Trust Water ETF (FIW: NYSE Arca) and the Tortoise Global Water ESG Fund (TBLU: BATS Stock Exchange).
Points to consider when investing in water include the possibility of regulatory controls and ethical considerations regarding its pricing – especially for poor people. So, though water investing looks attractive, you need to weigh your own ethical values.
Continuing the water investment theme – and this being vacation time for many – some listeners might be thinking about cruise lines as an investment. Well, as far as cruise lines go, Tim Nash writing for Corporate Knights throws cold water on two of the leading global cruise line companies.
Mr. Nash’s article is titled, Tim Nash’s Sustainable Stock Showdown: Can plastic pledges save troubled cruise lines? In it he reviews Carnival Corporation (CCL: NYSE) and Royal Caribbean Cruises (RCL: NYSE).
Mr. Nash writes that Carnival was in the news recently as it pledged to end the use of all single-use plastics by 2021 and that this came a month after the company was fined $20 million for dumping overboard plastic waste near the Bahamas and prior to that was forced to pay a $40 million fine for illegally dumping oil. So, is Carnival becoming environmentally conscious or is this new gesture just a token event? One wonders…
Concerning Royal Caribbean, Mr. Nash comments that and I quote, “Royal Caribbean has a dashboard of environmental goals for 2020 such as emissions reductions, sustainable sourcing and destination stewardship, but it doesn’t disclose targets or indicators.” End quote. My perspective is that without targets and authoritative independent review of them it’s just greenwashing.
In conclusion, Mr. Nash says, quoting him, that, “The reality is both of these companies have leaky sustainability strategies, which could end up costing investors. Carnival Corporation has somewhat better transparency in its reporting but with a high carbon intensity, a poor CEO-to-worker pay ratio and a low tax responsibility, I wouldn’t blame sustainable investors for jumping ship.” End quote.
Most cruise lines are noted for the terrific meals; however, I wonder if any of them are yet offering the Beyond Meat burger! Its stock has been on a tear. It’s been one of the most amazing IPOs in history with its recent stock price over $200 – over eight times its IPO price of May 2! Presently though, it’s run into some headwinds as company insiders and executives plan to sell stock in a significant secondary stock issue. Some additional treasury stock will be sold too.
Again, the conclusion drawn from Beyond Meat’s success is the massive interest in meat alternatives which correspond, generally, to the significant rise in veganism and vegetarianism globally. This trend and investments related to it could become a core holding for ethical and sustainable investors.
Among the global food companies best positioned for plant-based food product sales are Unilever (ULVR: London Stock Exchange) and Nestlé (NESN: Swiss Stock Exchange) this according to UK-based FAIRR, a US$5.3tn-backed investor coalition, says Andy Coyne in an article titled, Unilever, Nestle among best prepared for plant-based future.
Many of you no doubt visit the Morningstar site for investment and sustainability information. You’ll be happy to know that Morningstar is improving its sustainability rankings.
Quoting from an article titled, Morningstar Updates Sustainability Ratings, Gabriel Presler writes on their UK site, that, “The goal is to provide investors with a greater understanding of how the companies in their portfolios are managing their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact compared to their peers. This rating change will allow investors to directly compare companies across industries.” End quote.
A criticism of mine has long been the need to be able to compare sustainable investing, ESG attributes, etc., across companies in the same or similar industries. So, this change is truly welcome.
Two other quick bits of potentially useful information.
For Canadian ethical and sustainable investors, Canada’s revamped Responsible Investing Association website offers some terrific new resources. For instance, not only is it easy to find Canadian licensed responsible investing advisors, but investors can find Canadian mutual funds, ETFs, etc., that reflect their values by using the site’s new questionnaire feature. Simply go to https://www.riacanada.ca/ri-marketplace/
The second item is yet another warning about the proceeds of green bonds not going where you think they should be going.
In a Financial Times article, titled, Clearer metrics are needed to assess green bond authenticity, Joshua Kendall, a senior ESG analyst at Insight Investment, writes that “Imagine lending money to a company to invest in green projects – and that group then using the proceeds to pay off other debt. That money has no discernible environmental impact and there is nothing you can do: it is all in the contract… Only a third of green bonds issued in the past three years met our three-stage criteria for sustainable issuance. This leads us to question the ‘green bond’ label and, more generally, it could undermine the authenticity of dedicated green bond funds.” Close quote.
The conclusion? Before investing in green bonds or green bond funds be very clear about what they’re investing in really does meet with your expectations!
So, these are my top recent news stories and tips for ethical and sustainable investors.
Again, to get all the links or to read the transcript of this podcast and sometimes get additional information too, please go to investingforthesoul.com/podcasts and scroll down for this edition.
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And remember, I’m here to help you grow in your investment success – and investing in opportunities that reflect your personal values!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the content of this podcast or anything else investment-related. I can’t say I’ll have all the answers for you and some answers I can’t give due to licensing restrictions. But where I can help I will.
Now, a big thank you for listening.
Come again! My next podcast is August 16. So, bye for now.
© 2019 Ron Robins, Investing for the Soul.
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