#April sexton
sydcarmyfan · 8 months
God, I see what you’ve done for others, and I want that for SydCarmy
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thena0315 · 4 months
Back when One Chicago occasionally showed new romance/hook ups between shows
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Now everyone, especially the newbies, stays on their own shows
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aiiviiloo · 7 months
A Shaking Surgeon
Chicago Med: Connor Rhodes x Reader
WC: 2.9K
Summary: A long and failed surgery hits the surgeons hard, some only choose to not show it.
Warnings: Stubborn ass Y/N, a little angst if u squint, fluff, comforting, mentioning of blood/body/normal surgery stuff
A/N: Just wanna say firstly, I am not a taught medic and I don't understand shit about these types of things, so take everything I write about medical things with a pinch of salt.
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Y/n watched her reflection in the faucet beneath her as she thoroughly washed her hands with the soap bar, her mind elsewhere other than her task that was going to arrive just in seconds.
"L/n?" A person called, making Y/n turn around after shaking off water off of her fingers.
There stood Connor Rhodes, her fellow co-surgeon in most situations.
"Good Afternoon, Dr. Rhodes." She answered while Connor walked up to the sinks to wash his own hands before the surgery.
"Ready for this hell of a fight?" Connor asked, making Y/n, who was staring through the glass into the OR, laugh and turn back to him.
"Just slightly nervous, Dr." She began. "I've never, in my short years of being a worker here, done a surgery for an aortic aneurysm."
Connor stopped the water and shook the rest off of his hands before turning to Y/n with empathy in his eyes.
"I've not known you for a while, but I know and trust you will handle this completely fine. Just, calm down and take deep breaths to not hurry anything." He reassured Y/n who nodded before walking into the OR, Connor following behind.
While a nurse helped Y/n get her gloves on, the nurse noticed a slight shake in Y/n.
"Dr. L/n, are you alright?" She asked, looking up into Y/n's eyes who blinked from nervousity into seriousness.
"I'm fine." Y/n answered shortly before walking to the patient who laid there, completely untouched.
Y/n stared at the patient's skin and took a deep breathe before nodding.
An incision was made with the scalpel, right by the abdomen.
Connor watched Y/n work silently, only asking for her equipment as she cut open the abdomen where the aneurysm was being hidden.
"Calm down, L/n." Connor muttered as he watched Y/n start to hurry with her work.
Y/n looked up at him, eyes locking with his as she noticed her breathing had stopped. She took a new deep breath and nodded before looking back down.
Y/n stuck her hand down, trying to look for a part of the aorta where she could clamp it to stop the blood flow.
"I-.. I can't find a place to clamp down." She nervously stated, trying to look and feel for one.
Connor watched, trying to let Y/n find it for herself, since he knew she could do it.
He had been her teacher once, when she started at the ED.
Connor loved teaching Y/n, who always was open with critique and conversations about her improvement and what she should learn for next time.
He remembered how quickly she got sent up to the surgery team, after helping a surgery right on the spot in one of the emergency rooms.
It hadn't been a shocker for Connor later when Y/n showed her great skills in surgical matter, her calm and collected self helped him AND Downey in their surgeries.
But today, her calm and collected self had vanished, off to go to Bahamas while Y/n stayed and did a open surgical repair of an aortic aneurysm.
"N-No.. I can't- I-" Y/n's stressed muttering got interrupted by Connor.
"Hey, Y/n, calm down. This is going to go okay. Deep breaths. You know what you are looking for, tell me what you feel, look at me and tell me." Connor comforted Y/n who looked up into his eyes.
She nodded and kept her eyes on his, her fingers trying to find the perfect spot.
"I- H-Here, it's not too far from the aneurysm, I found it." She explained, looking down to clamp down onto the aorta.
Y/n went quiet again, looking down into the incision.
As she got handed the scalpel, she felt her hands start to shake more as she tried to dip her hand into the patient's abdomen.
"Y/n?" Connor asked as he watched Y/n's hand shake as a leaf.
"I'm okay." Y/n said as she took a deep breath in and stuffed her hand down to cut off the weakend part of the aorta which contained the aneurysm.
Her hands shook only slightly as she tried to put the material tube, but she couldn't. Something was wrong.
"I can't get the graft in place, it's not working." Y/n spoke, her voice quite calm to difference to her mind.
"What do you mean?" One of the nurses beside her asked, brows furrowed.
"It- It won't. I checked this earlier and it should work but it won't do it." Y/n answered, starting to speak slightly quicker in stress.
Connor stood there, watching as he tried figuring out the problem.
"We need a solution, we can't leave this poor girl like this, I won't leave her to die." Y/n rambled while trying to fix with the graft.
The crew began quickly thinking about solutions, watching Y/n try to fit the graft by the aorta but failing miserably.
But alas, in the end, nothing worked.
A failed surgery, now a life of a woman taken to a stop.
Y/n hurried out from the OR, pulling her gloves and mask off, as her coat.
She watched Connor do the same before walking with him to the OR waiting room.
"Mr. Donawell. I am sorry to say, but your wife sadly passed in the surgery." Y/n said, feelings behind her words but her face showed nothing, like a stone cold wall.
Mr. Donawell stared at Y/n, tears startng to drop down into his lap until his eyebrows furrowed into an angry expression.
"You!" He shouted. "You murderer!"
Connor walked forward, putting a hand in front of Mr. Donawell.
"Mr. Donawell, calm down. Dr. L/n did her best work in that OR. The best I've seen lately. I understand your grief and I am so sorry for your loss, but this is not her fault. She only wanted the best for your wife." He argumented, the man in front of him turning quiet and sit back down in his chair.
Y/n bit down on her inner cheek as the two men fought, her mind and feelings running laps around and around.
"Once again, I am sorry for your loss and take your time. There is no hurry and when you feel like writing the last forms, come up to the desk and we will help you." Y/n spoke to the man who sat with tears streaming in his eyes.
Mr. Donawell nodded and put his head down, trying to calm his breathing.
Y/n and Connor took that as a sign to leave him alone and walked away down toward the ED.
"Hey, L/n, you okay?" Connor asked before they stepped out into the big chaotic room that got called ED.
Y/n nodded and gave a soft smile to the man beside her, Connor feelng his heart to flips as he got to see the woman's smile once more.
It had started when he began teaching her. The feelings. The feelings of wanting more than they could have.
The looks, smiles, brushes past their hands, everything.
It had to mean something, it did mean something. Atleast for Connor.
The way Y/n's head leaned against Connor's shoulder when they sat in the breakroom after a long surgery to just calm down before any paramedics ran in with a new patient.
The way Y/n smiled at him every morning, calling out a "Good morning, Rhodes." with the slight wave with her fingers.
It had to mean something, it had to have some meaning behind with that wasn't only platonic.
"Wanna take a break in the breakroom? I know that surgery was hard." Connor asked as they stepped into the ED.
"No, I'm okay, I promised April to help her with her patient." Y/n said with a smile before walking away to April who smiled and waved at her.
Connor sighed, knowing that Y/n could not be in good shape after that surgery, he just knew it but couldn't say anything.
He went off to do his own work, helping Natalie with a patient.
After some work with the patient, who was a young little girl who had started to throw up everything without any sign of sickness, Y/n and April walked over to Maggie to do some paper work.
"Oh, yeah, how did the surgery go?" April asked Y/n who stopped her writing, not ready for the question.
"It went.. It went terribly, I couldn't fit the stupid graft by the aorta and slowly but surely the woman died, the clamp on the aorta had accidentally ripped off something and blood got everywhere."
Maggie and April looked at each other in worry and looked at Y/n who continued writing on her paper work, trying to ignore the looks from the two women.
"The husband, Mr. Donawell, got angry at me and called me a murderer. Which I kinda understand." Y/n continued to ramble, turning the paper to continue writing.
"Hey, Y/n?" Maggie said, grabbing Y/n's attention.
"Oh, Dr. Rhodes cleared the feelings and Mr. Donawell calmed down." She explained with a small smile.
"No, Y/n, how are you feeling? The loss of a patient isn't something easy." Maggie asked, worry and empathy filling her eyes.
Y/n's smile faltered and she tried to bring it back up.
"I'm okay, really, it happens sometimes and I tried my best." She reassured with a slight smile, the women in front of her not believing it but not pushing on anymore.
"I'm gonna check on that little girl again." Y/n said as she completed the paperform, putting it back down on the desk before walking into the patient's small room.
"Hi, Lucy, Ms. Hadfelt." Y/n greeted the small girl and her mother who looked quite distressed.
"I got answer from your tests, you remember those small pricks you felt in your arm that Nurse April took?" She told Lucy who smiled and nodded.
"Well, we have found out that it is your stomach that has a little problem, it won't let your food melt down with your stomach acid, which means that it has no way of going down so it comes up instead, and you throw up." Y/n explained, Lucy nodding with some confusion in her eyes.
"But," Y/n looked at Ms. Hadfelt. ", this is fixed with medication. I will prescribe you a medication that will allow your stomach to do it's job."
Ms. Hadfelt grew a smile on her face and nodded, silently thanking Y/n who only smiled and nodded.
"So in only a few minutes, you and your mom can go home, and it will say on the medicine box how to take them but I would recommend she takes them for every meal, and if it doesn't get better, take two every meal."
The mom nodded and Y/n left with a slight bow in respect.
As she walked out, she accidentally walked into Connor, stumbling slightly in her walk.
"Oh- So sorry, Rhodes." She apologised with a smile.
"No worries, L/n." Connor answered, his hand on her shoulder to reassure her.
A slight spark went down Y/n's shoulder as she felt Connor's calloused hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, our shifts are over soon, wanna go to Molly's after? I can buy you a drink if you want to?" Connor asked, a small smile on his face.
The only thing Y/n wanted to do was go home and cry her eyes out, but the smile on Connor's face made her think otherwise.
"Yeah, sure." Y/n answered, her smile never leaving her face as Connor nodded and walked away.
Y/n walked back to April and Maggie, her smile still there as she leaned against the desk.
"Did Ms. "I promise I have no feelings for him" just get asked out on a date?" Maggie teased Y/n who's smile turned into an annoyed expression.
"Shut up, this isn't a date, we usually hang out like that you know." Y/n argued back while April and Maggie giggled for themselves.
"And I promise you, nothing will happen on this so called 'date'." Y/n promised them both, pointing a finger at them before looking up at the clock up on the wall.
"And now my shift is done, see you guys tomorrow." She bid goodbye for them both before walking into the breakroom, opening her locker.
As she was changing her shoes, Connor walked in, a smile now on his face as he noticed Y/n.
"You still up for Molly's?" Connor asked and Y/n smiled and nodded, pulling her coat on.
"See you again in maybe 30 minutes?" Y/n said and Connor agreed, walking with her out from the hospital into the parking lot.
"Well, see you." Connor said to Y/n who waved to him before sitting down into her car, driving off back to her apartment while Connor stood there, his smile never leaving his face.
About 30 minutes later, Y/n walked into the bar, now new clothes on that wasn't her scrubs.
She wore a simple black short skirt, a white top and an oversized leather jacket on top.
It was an evening in the late spring, so thankfully the outfit didn't make her too cold.
Y/n looked around and saw that Connor sat by the bar, wearing a pair on grey pants with a brown sweater, his hand holding a half empty glass of some alcoholic drink.
Y/n walked up to him and sat beside him, smiling.
"You started to drink without me?" She teased Connor who turned to look at her, his expression turning to a happy and slightly surprised one.
His eyes wandered down to check her outfit out and he felt his body just melt, piece by piece, just by looking at her.
"You look good." He complimented her with a smile, making Y/n just want to pull Connor into a makeout session, right then and there.
"You too, Rhodes." She said back to him, watching as the bartender walked up to the pair.
"Well, hello L/n." He greeted Y/n who only nodded back at him. "What can I get you this fine evening."
Y/n chuckled and told her usual order and he nodded, starting to make the drink.
"Hey, I know you're not in the best state after that surgery." Connor blurted out, making Y/n lose her smile.
"It doesn't matter, things like that happen sometimes, and that's okay." Y/n muttered, smiling at the bartender who handed her the drink.
"It does matter, I worry about you and I don't want you walking around with a burden like that." Connor told Y/n who focused on her drink in front of her.
"I know you. I know that something like that hit a spot in your mind and isn't going to leave if we don't talk about it."
"Well, what is there to talk about? Huh? Are you going to tell me that it was all my fault and I could've done it so much better and that Downey will never see me as his head surgeon anymore and I won't get a promotion?" Y/n snapped back, making Connor hitch his breath in shock.
"Y/n. It's not your fault." Connor sighed, trying to speak in a calm tone.
"It's not your fault." Connor interrupted Y/n who stared at Connor in a mix of shock, anger and sadness.
"No, it's-"
"It. Is. Not. Your. Fault." He said again, his hand now on Y/n's, he could now feel how it shook in stress.
Y/n stared at Connor who looked at her with empathy and sadness.
She couldn't say anything, her eyes starting to burn with tears taht threatened to fall down.
Connor stood up from his bar stool and slowly embraced the shaking woman in front of him, her feelings now more open than they ever had been.
Y/n softly began sobbing, her hands gripping onto Connor's sweater, her tears staining the wool as she sobbed into his shoulder.
"You're okay, it's okay." Connor whispered as Y/n began slowly to calm down, her head lifting upwards toward his.
Her eyes connected with his, hers covered in a layer of tears that had yet to fall down her cheeks, other wise to Connor's that showed empathy and love.
"Y/n, I am here for you. I will listen to all of your problems, speak about your gossip or anything your heart desires. I have loved you for so long that I would never find you weak or ill for anything." Connor confessed, not really thinking this was the way he would confess.
Y/n stared up into his eyes, a little shock in them now.
"You.. You love me?" She asked softly, Connor nodding while smiling softly.
"I'm glad, because I love you too." Y/n whispered, leaning up to Connor and softly pushing her lips onto his.
Holy shit. Was what Connor thought, his lips meeting hers too.
It was like fireworks all around them, like party poppers popping every second as Y/n's hand slid up to his face to cup it while they kissed even more deeper.
After some seconds, they parted, small smiles on their faces.
"Wow." Connor muttered, making Y/n chuckle and pull him into a hug, now without any tears, nor any shaking hands.
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willtruman-3 · 18 days
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chicago one as things i tweeted
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w00wzerz · 4 months
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Yaya Dacosta & Brian Tee as April Sexton and Ethan Choi
Chicago Med season 3 episode 11
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bonobochick · 2 years
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April & Ethan’s wedding and HEA exit. 💍 ❤️
Chicago Med ep 8x09
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
The Saregeant's Daughter - Chapter 10 Madeline
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"Because it's our job to save patients no matter what they did! We treat them like normal patients we took an oath to this and you know it"
Chicago Med S1 EP4: Mistaken
I sat next to April and Natalie while they ate and Will was standing next to you.
"You brought something from home?" Natalie asked him," I've seen your fridge. What'd you bring, expired yogurt and baking soda?"
I laughed at the thought of his disgusting fridge, "I guess things haven't changed at all"
"All right, we get it. He's rich." He said shrugging his shoulders.
"He's just new. He's trying to be nice" April said bringing her plate to her face.
"What are you eating Natalie?" He asked.
'It's some cabbage kale thing. I promised my mother-in-law I would try it, so.." she said bringing the fork to her mouth.
"Disgusting, you know it's okay to say No right," I said standing up.
"You got, uh.." Will said pointing at his mouth, "Actually let me get you some napkins" he said and walked away from us.
"Thank you"
"I think I'm seeing something," April said.
"Yes! I've been trying to tell them but they act like air-heads" I said clapping my heads together.
"You both are crazy, we are just friends. No" Nataile said shaking her head.
"If you say no" April said.
Sirens were heard by many of them as they got closer Will came back with napkins in hand giving them to Natalie. Then our beeper went off.
Maggie came running towards us, "Shooting in a movie theater. Mass casualties. About to get crazy. EMT four minutes out"
"Check that, they're here," Will said.
"Another maniac going crazy in a theater. This the world we live in" Will said as I followed him out.
"I guess so," I said shaking my head.
"What do we get?" Maggie asked.
"Lucy Simms, 34, unresponsive. Flaccid, agonal breathing. Tubed her without drugs" Sylvia said as we helped her push the stretcher.
"Trauma Two"
"The boy hurt?" Dr.Rhodes asked.
"He was never touched, Mom was a human shield. Dads in the ambo behind us" Emily said holding the little boy in her arms.
"Maggie take him somewhere until Dad arrives"
"On my count, One, two, three," I said.
"Two epi, pulse is weakened"
"I'm having trouble bagging. Lots of resistance" April said, the heart monitor then started beeping steadily, "BP 70 over 40z Heart rate 130. States are dropping"
"No breath sounds on the left," I said checking her breathing, "she braying down"
"No pulse, she's coding," Conner said as he started doing chest compressions.
"Milligram if epi"
The heart monitor started to flatline and Conner continued to do chest compressions.
"Slide over, so I can needle the left chest," I said ripping up a needle.
"Hold compressions," I said as I stuck the needle right above her breast.
The monitor then gets a pulse again, "Got a pulse. Let's get a pressure" Conner said looking at the monitor.
"100 over 78, heart rate 120," April said.
"How long was she down?" I asked April as I still looked at the screen.
"23 minutes Doctor"
"Last patient I had down that long, it didn't end well," I said looking over at the patient.
"Let's get a chest tube in her and then get her up to CT. We'll take it from there" Conner said looking at me.
I ran towards the entrance of the hospital as paramedics brought in another patient.
"What do we get?"
"17-year-old male, GCS six, multiple GSWs to the abdomen. Two large bore IVs. Tachys at 160. Pressures marginal" the male paramedic said as turned the stretcher into a room.
"Baghdad turned over?" Conner asked
"Yeah, it's all yours"
"Reese! Stay with us"
"All right, on my count. One, two, three" I said as we all moved him into the bed.
"Check for breath sounds"
"This the shooter?" I asked the officers who were standing by the door.
"Yeah, we got it from here, thanks," Conner said.
"Breath sounds bilaterally," Reese said.
"Doctor," a nurse said and the heart monitor flatlined.
"No, pulse. Reese?" I said putting on gloves.
"On it"
"He's bleeding into his belly, we need to clamp the aorta, to keep whatever blood he has left going into his heart and brain," I said.
Reese was kneeling on the bed as she did chest compressions and April was bagging him.
I cut right underneath his nip. As Conner grabbed some things to get the patient for surgery.
"You're going to crack the chest here?" Will said walking into the room.
"Shut it Halstead don't have time for your comments" I snapped at him.
"It's futile, what, are you just practicing your thoracotomies," he said looking at Will as he switched places with me.
"He's trying to save his life" I shouted at him not caring that the nurse was looking at me as I scolded him.
"Ah, the hearts empty, pump the blood with the level one now," Conner said.
"Give me the tubing, and I'll run it through the growing here," I said.
"All right. Aortas cross-clamped. Clock starts now" Conner said, "we have 30 minutes to find out where he is bleeding from call the OR, and tell them that we're on our way up with an open chest and a gunshot to the belly"
"Good luck," Will said exiting the room.
Conner and the team of nurses rushed him up to the OR, while I stayed in the room with Will and April as she notified the OR.
"Will, what the fuck is up with you and your goddamn attitude," I said taking off my bloody gloves and throwing them onto the floor.
"Why is he trying so hard to save a shooter?!" He shouted.
"Because it's our job to save patients no matter what they did! We treat them like a normal patient we took an oath to this and you know it" I shouted at him before storming out of the room.
"So, did you ever lose consciousness?" I asked the teacher who shot the shooter as I stitched up some skin above his eyebrow.
"Briefly. I think, um.....I have a little headache now, but it's probably just from the adrenaline" he said as I cut the string that was left over.
"All right, let's get you a CT just to be safe," I said removing my gloves and throwing them into the trash can.
"Oh, my phone has been blowing up with texts and emails ever since my name got in the news," he said showing us his phone that was blowing up with notifications from different social media.
"This morning I had 120 followers, now I have 96,000"
"That's cool," April said handing me a a badge that I placed on the stitching.
"Mr.Miller, there are a couple of detectives here that wanna talk with you," Ms.Goodwin said pointing to the two detectives standing behind her.
"I just finished him up so he is good to go, just waiting to send him up for a CT," I said standing up from my seat.
I saw Jay and Antonio standing behind her, with their banged and gun strapped on the waist of their pants.
"Madeline," he said nodding at me before walking away with the patient Ms.Goodwin and his partner.
"Who is that hottie?" April said following me out of the room.
"That's Will's younger brother," I said smiling at her.
"I think he is totally into you"
"Nope, sorry. I don't do relationships" I mumbled.
"Okay, what if–that's a huge if. What if he asked you out on a date would you say yes?" April said smirking at me.
I turned to look at her, "Fine. Yes, I will" I said smiling at her.
"Well let's hope that it happens"
"Probably won't he works with my uncle" I mumbled.
"What he doesn't know won't affect him, plus last time I checked you're a grown woman," she said sending me a wink.
I saw Will talking with Ethan and made my way towards him.
"Hey, Will did you hear?"
"Hear what?" He said.
"The kid at the theater, the one who got shot didn't have a gun, but a leafy blower instead," I said, "next time think before you act 'cause you never know the whole story," I said before walking from him to treat another patient.
Gosh, how much I hated that sometimes Will judged people before knowing the whole story, how wish he could change the way he thinks before he specks.
I rolled my eyes at those thoughts before looking at my iPad and the vitals and information for my next patient.
I felt a tap on my left shoulder I quickly turned around, "Yeah, how can I help- oh Jay hey" I said bringing the iPad down.
"Hey, sorry about that horrible hello," he said chucking.
"Oh no it's fine don't worry about it we were both busy," I said sending him a warm smile.
"I just wanted to make sure we were both cool," he said shoving his hands into his jean pocket.
"Yeah, we are good. I didn't know you were a detective" I said pointing over at his badge.
"Well you never asked what I did for work," he said smirking.
I smiled at him, "Well Detecive Halstead is there anything else you need?"
"Actually, yeah," he said pulling out his phone, "Can I get your number?"
"Ask Dr.Halstead for it. I bet he won't mind" I said winking at him and walked away from him.
"Reese, what do we get?" I said rushing towards Maggie and calling Reese over.
"Blunt trauma. Open pelvic fracture. Got a kind airway and a 16-gauge IV in the right AC. Still got a radial pulse" the male EMT said.
"Wait a second," Maggie said looking closer at the patient.
"You know him?"
"It's Mr.Miller, the guy who shot the prankster."
"Go, go, go, go, go," I said rushing them into an empty room," On my count"
"If he had a pulse, I can't find it now," Reese said.
I started doing chest compressions, "Crash cart!" I yelled.
April brought in the crash cart and handed me the paddles, "Charge" I said.
"Another round of epi," I said.
"Yes, Dr.Sanchez"
"We've done three," Natalie said doing chest compressions.
"Clear," I said looking at Natalie as we stared at each other the sound of the flat lining was heard from the heart rate monitor flat lining," Any objections" I asked looking around the room.
"Call it Dr.Sanchez," Dr.Charles said.
"Time of death, 22:47," I said and left the room.
I walked out of the looker room with Conner following behind me, "Madeline" Will said stopping me.
"Yeah?" I asked him.
"Jay asked for your number, is it okay that I gave it to him?" he said.
"It's fine, he asked for my number but I told him to ask you guess he followed my advice," I said smiling at him.
Me and Conner walked out of the hospital together, "I can't believe you were married to James Wright" Conner said chucking.
"Yeah, five years of marriage and one year of a nasty divorce thank god for the prenup and having amazing lawyers," I said smiling.
"Never marry a rich man if you don't want a nasty divorce," he said shaking his head.
"I come from a rich family as well Conner. They are very popular and extremely rich" I said as we stopped in front of my car.
"Yeah? Like my family wealth?"
"Richer, old money. My mom's family owns Sanchez Corporations" I said shrugging my shoulders.
His eyes widened as he took in the information, "Oh wow, I'm working with the famous Sanchez"
"Yes, now us rich kids gotta stick together," I said sending him a thumbs up.
Jay Master List
intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Book Two
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renegadesstuff · 9 hours
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CHICAGO MED (2015 - present)
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nija-orita20 · 2 years
Everyone get up!! We won
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tommy-kinard-buckley · 6 months
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Thank you for the tag @paperstorm
Connor had just walked into the ER while on the phone with his girlfriend, making sure they're date was still on. “Alright babe, so remember how you said that you didn't want anything fancy tonight?” Connor placed his phone on his shoulder while signing in and giving April the gift basket that he put together with the help of his girlfriend. April had been holding her sides a lot for a couple of days and going to the bathroom with her purse so Connor asked his girlfriend for advice on what to get April. “Connor Rhodes what have you done?” Connor smiled when he saw April's eyes light up while she looked through the basket. “Nothing, okay I might have gotten us a reservation for a fancy Italian restaurant.” He scowled at Maggie when he saw her trying to stifle her laughter. “Seriously Connor?! Did April like the gift basket? Also I thought we had an agreement? I let you pick where we go and you don't try to spend too much money on it, remember?” Connor angled his phone so he could ask April if she liked the gift. “Gi wants to know if you like the basket, April.” He picked up a pen off of her desk and threw it at a now cackling Maggie.
No pressure tags below
@bullet-prooflove @thisbuildinghasfeelings @lemonlyman-dotcom @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @rmd-writes @storms-s @firstprince-history-huh @carlos-in-glasses @goodways @reyesstrand @reeeallygood
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thatonefng · 4 months
How about indefinitely - Sarah Reese x Reader (Chicago Med)
A/N: I finished watching the season finale of Chicago Med and was inspired by Will Halstead’s own departure and I miss Sarah Reese
Summary: Sarah and the reader had been dating while she was the psychiatrist resident and the reader an attending physician in the ED until she decided to leave Gaffney and head to Texas. At the airport she offered the reader to come with here but ultimately declined, reason was Chicago is home. She was okay with your decision but said if they’re ever in Texas, just call her.
Since that day, you had a hard time maintaining your work, every where you look, you see her. It affected you personally and professionally because throughout your career, Sarah had been there since the beginning.
Now it was you who saw her at the end of her career for a new change. It was understandable that she wanted to leave, it made you proud that she was finally making a choice for herself, yet it was saddening that she was still going.
But before boarding, she turned to you and told you that you could come along with her. You did ponder on it but ultimately decided to stay in Chicago. She understood and you knew that it marked the end of your relationship. It ended amicably and you send her away.
It was miserable, the next months you woke up expecting her to be near you but she wasn’t. You also tried going out but it wasn’t like the one you had previously with the psychiatrist. Then it hit you, you still held a torch for Sarah Reese.
During your residency at Gaffney, it was understandable that people all come and go. Connor left, Ava died, Jeff moved to Hawaii, Dylan resigned, Ethan and April had gotten married and started a mobile clinic, Nat had been fired, and now recently Will had been fired and moved to Seattle, last you heard from him he reconnected with Natalie. All of them leaving hurt, but Sarah’s hurt you the most.
Now it was only you, Goodwin, Maggie, Dr. Charles, and Dr. Marcel.
But now, it was your time to go. Reason behind it was because of an off-the-books surgery where you saved a child because as a doctor, you save anybody you can. When the staff found out, you took full responsibility and resigned from the hospital.
So here you are, in front of the many coworkers in the ED. With your stuff packed in a bag that is hung over your shoulders.
“I’m sorry that I have to say goodbye.” You spoke softly, but still audible enough for everybody to hear. “I know it’s not going to be easy once I’m gone, but I have faith that the people that stand here right now, will take great care to this city.” You stated without your voice cracking up.
Dr. Charles then approached you and gives you an embrace. It was emotional, growing up and helping Chicago was the best thing that you’ve ever felt.
“Let’s all wish Dr. L/N the very best.” Goodwin and the ED staff all applauded for you as you shook Goodwin’s hand, thanking her for everything.
Then you gave Maggie one final hug and finally approached Crockett. When he came to Gaffney you accepted him and in return he did to you as well and in the end you became basically brothers.
“Keep saving lives while I’m gone, yeah?” You told Crockett.
“Absolutely.” He shook your hand.
Exiting the ED itself, you turned around and gave one final wave to the still applauding staff.
A taxi was waiting outside for you. You had previously packed everything in your apartment but only brought your gym bag and a backpack.
“O’hares?” He asked for your destination. You had decided to leave Chicago whole.
“Yes.” You replied, looking out the window as this would be the final time you would seeing the windy city’s skyline. Memories started playing in your head as one tear silently fell.
Remembering Sarah you decided to go reunite with her so you had just arrived at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport.
Exiting the terminal, and looking all around you felt small. You did let her know that you were coming to Texas, albeit hesitantly because you had never contacted her so you didn’t know what her reaction would be.
She did read it so that’s a good sign. So again, here you are, in another state where everything is new. You pulled out your phone, in the process of calling a taxi, thinking that she wouldn’t be here but when you looked up, she was there.
She may have been amongst the crowds but her beauty made her stood out to you. Out of reaction, you cracked a smile.
You both approach each other, only stopping once you both were close. Looking at her, you could tell she has grown but was still the same Sarah you fell in love with years ago.
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*Obviously not my gif but anyways*
“Hey.” She greeted you.
“Hey.” You repeated. It was nice to hear her voice again. And judging by the way she sounds, she was happy you were there, in front of her.
Her smile grew more but then she gawks at your lightload. “Is that all you packed.”
You shrugged in response. “I didn’t know how long you wanted me to stay.” You truthfully answered her.
Sarah shook her head as she said the words that unburdens you from discovering that your trip was a waste.
“How about indefinitely.” She smiled as she embraces you tightly, you doing the same. You were ecstatic that your reunion was a success.
Then she does the one thing that caught you off guard. She captures your lips with hers. The kiss lasted for seconds but to you, it felt like an eternity.
You were about to ask her but she beat you to it. “I’ve waited all this time for you, can we continue?” She rubbed your flustered cheeks like she always did.
You answered yes.
Then you both walked out of the terminal, hand-in-hand with a smile as your relationship with Sarah never died but instead grew. You were ready, ready for a new life together.
A/N: My first post, yay! I hope I did good
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tvshowscouples · 9 months
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Reblog if you are Team Chexton
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thena0315 · 2 years
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Wolf Universe Weddings  2021 - 2022
💍 👰🤵 💍
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figurelifeflirt · 4 months
Chicago Med season 1 episode 17 Withdrawal
Will we had uhhhhhhhh, let's call it a bump in the road. I am mad at you. But more because of how you treated April than anything else.
I don't know enough about alcoholism or medicine to know what I would do in Will's situation.
Reese, I am all for open relationships as long as everyone is honest about their feelings. Still love you. So very much.
And I also love Doctor Charles.
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windshield91 · 6 months
I miss the "crossover romance" that chicago shows used to do.
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w00wzerz · 4 months
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Speak your truth.
Chicago Med Season 3 ep 1
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