#Aquarian Preponderance
seagull-astrology · 1 year
Mathematics Man, E. T. Bell
Our header picture of E. T. Bell is from the Constance Reid biography on him, taken when he was a freshman at Stanford, then a free college. Bell was born February 7, 1883, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland and died December 21, 1960, Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California. He emigrated to the United States in 1902 at the age of 19 and immediately enrolled at Stanford University, Palo Alto,…
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Weekly post forecasting with I Ching, Tarot & Astrology, from 02.18 to 05.18.24:
Aquarian Tarot
Social life: The Magician (1, reversed) + Justice (11) + 9 of rods
Economics & Development: 6 of rods + 8 of rods + 3 of swords (reversed)
I Ching's advice
Chien Modesty (15) & Hsiao Kuo Preponderance of the Small (62)
Main astral vibes:
Saturn in Pisces
Stellium in Aquarius
For private readings, send a request here.
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whispersofmercury · 2 years
The Horizon - Splitting of Houses
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“Twelve houses. Together they form a ring around the earth, just as the signs do. Once again we return to astrological bedrock. We return to the prime symbol: the circle. Symbol of Infinity. Wholeness. The Absolute. But now we see the prime symbol from a new angle. Not divided up by the yearly pattern of the seasons, but cut in a more immediate way: split in two by the ground on which we stand. Infinity divided by two. Half the sky can be seen. Half is invisible. Above: six houses representing an obvious, communally shared reality, visible to all. Below: six houses symbolizing a reality known only by in- ference. A reality encountered only in the imagination. Subjectivity: that is the theme of the hidden houses—the ones below the horizon. They represent feelings, secrets, the inner life. Reactions are formed here. But always in darkness, always hidden from view.
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When a majority of planets lie in the houses below the earth, we do not necessarily see an introverted character. A Sagittarian with an Aquarian moon and a prominent Jupiter is not going to be shy even if all his planets lie below the horizon. What we see is more subtle. Emotion and intuition flavor all his perceptions. His conversation tends to emphasize feelings about facts rather than facts themselves. His life is a search for an inner state, and he takes major evolutionary steps without creating the slightest ripple in his outward pattern of circumstances.The masterpiece of work below the horizon is not the ambition fulfilled or the dream made real. Nothing so concrete. It is the realization. And realizations happen invisibly.
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A preponderance of planets in the upper hemisphere has precisely the opposite connotation. Concrete, palpable experiences are emphasized in the houses above the horizon. The sky overhead is seen by all, shared by all. It conceals no secrets. Objective structures and communal consciousness come to a focus, balancing the privacy, mysticism, and illogic of the lower hemisphere. A person born with most planets overhead is not always an extrovert. Again, the issue is more subtle. Signs and planets spotlighted in her birthchart determine the tone of her character, not the houses. But whether she is a bookworm or an exotic dancer, her life is a busy one. A visible event marks every important developmental milestone on her path. The event may be a move to another city. A marriage. A journey to the East. No way to tell. But it will be there. For such a person there is a perceptible life ritual signaling every major evolutionary step. No significant change occurs without an accompanying rite of passage, visible as the sky. Realizations are insufficient. She must craft an event through which she can project and crystallize her changing individuality.”
- Steven Forrest, Inner Sky
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astraltwelve · 6 years
Astrology and Physical Appearance
Before we begin, I’m going to say that more than anything, you genetics will influence the way you look. 
That being said, there are some patterns that can be found between an individual’s Natal Chart and their Physical Appearance. 
The parts of the Natal Chart that tend to be most influential or, I should say, indicative, to a person’s appearance are:
The Sun                                                                                  
Someone with the Sun in Virgo is likely to have Virgoan features.
Decan also plays a role - a Third Decan Pisces is likely to be Piscean with Plutonian undertones.
The Sign Opposite to that of the Sun Sign. This can be more obvious than the Sun sign for persons born close to sunset or midnight.
Planets closely Conjunct the Sun will likely be visible as well.
The Ascendant 
Someone with the Ascendant in Aquarius is likely to have Aquarian features.
The Planets close to, or conjunct, the Ascendant tend to be more noticeable than the sign on the ascendant (should Jupiter be Conjunct the Ascendant in Capricorn, the physical appearance will, in most cases, be more “Jupiterian” than “Capricornian”).
The Lord of the Figure (Planetary ruler of the Ascendant Sign)
Someone with a Sagittarius Ascendant and Jupiter in Virgo will likely be Sagittarian with Virgoan undertones. 
Planets closely Conjunct the Lord of the Figure will likely be visible as well.
If a Stellium occurs primarily in one Sign, it is likely that an individual will have many of those physical traits
Dominant Element: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Especially when at least two of the following are in one element: Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and/or Lord of the Figure.
Dominant mode. Rare - must be an overt dominance
Now, with all that it’s very common for us to be a mix of traits. One person can be very Arian with Solar traits - or very Uranian, with Aries traits! Similarly, one could be a blend of Venusian, Jovial, and Capricornian qualities. 
Some have a preponderance of traits aligned with a single Sign or Planet (especially one that one Sign/Planet meets many of the above factors), others are more in the middle, and a blend of many different Planets and Signs. 
The Aries Appearance
Usually are tall and bold. Usually lean, they have strong bodies and may even be quite athletic .Body is lean and strong, with large bones, thick shoulders, and a long neck.The face is usually long and the eyes are steady and somewhat piercing — not looking through you, but certainly looking at you, as if to challenge. There may be a scar on the face or the body from a past fight — if so it will be “worn” with a certain pride like a winner’s trophy.
They are usually concerned to project a physical image of success. They need to be winners and generally do their very best to look the part. 
The Taurus Appearance
They may be plump or slim, but either way they will walk with a slightly ponderous gait, as if each step has been carefully considered. They have a presence which emanates solid reliability. Body compact and sturdy, often with thick, muscular legs and thighs.Face rounded with a clear, often beautiful complexion.
Neck short and may appear rather thick if the shoulders are high and square influence. Typically, their feet are large or broad. Eyes are usually large and offer a steady gaze.
The Gemini Appearance
Usually are tall and stand upright, usually with a slim body. Strong and active, and typically have long arms and legs with fleshy hands. Very animated speaking style, often “talk with their hands.”
Usually look younger then their actual age, at any stage of life. Light on their feet, regardless of their body size.
The Cancer Appearance
People who exhibit the physical characteristics distinctive of the sign of Cancer are of three facial types.Face 1: Large head, high cheekbones and prominent brows; eyes small and far apart. Face 2: Baby-faced, round with soft skin, a wide mouth, and a charming grin; eyes are usually round. Face 3: a combination of the two above, but distinctive, with especially strong cheekbones.
Whichever type they are, they have very expressive faces. Every mood, emotion, and fleeting response shows in the changing features of the Cancerian face.
Body is usually top heavy; can be slim, but often on the plump side.
The Leo Appearance
They may seem tall if (typically) they are proud of their appearance, and usually move majestically. They are either very particular about their looks or apparently somewhat careless. Either way their appearance catches the attention of others. Body is slim and graceful in movement. Face is oval with large eyes, and their voice is strong.
Long hair or short hair, bushy hair, curly hair or straight hair — a feature of pride which they emphasize by stroking, running their fingers through their locks, or playing with a curl.
The Virgo Appearance
Often look neat and fastidious and have a pleasant, often quietly beautiful face. May look like “loners” and are not usually noisy people. High forehead, with a cranium may seem too big in comparison with the face. Eyelids are often veiled, with a nose is straight and a broad jaw.
The Libra Appearance
People who exhibit the physical characteristics distinctive of the sign of Libra are not easy to describe, since there is no typical Libran feature, except for the dimple. Which is often located in the chin, cheeks or knees. Features are generally well balanced, being both sharp and soft. Face is pleasant, even when angry. Charming smile can be seen frequently. 
The Scorpio Appearance
Broad face with wide forehead and thick neck. Strongly built body of middle stature, generally slender with broad shoulders. Usually have very intense eyes. Eye color and shape can vary widely, but if someone looks at you with deep penetration it is a sign of a personality strongly influenced by Scorpio.
The Sagittarius Appearance
Body strongly built and energetic; movement is normally quick, although not always graceful. Head is often large, well-shaped skull with a high, broad forehead. Uses hands and arms to make broad, sweeping gestures. Bright, intelligent, and sparkling eyes which often twinkle with good humor. They are often taller than average and have handsome faces. The face often appears about to break into a smile — and regularly does. Either tall and athletic in appearance, or shorter with a sturdier body. Excess weight can be a problem.
The Capricorn Appearance
Generally have a small, and stocky, skeletal structure. The shape of the body will depend on how well the musculature has been developed. If physical training is part of the daily routine, then it will be done with determination and discipline, resulting in a well-developed musculature which may make a them look heavier than they really are.Typically has a serious look, and when young often look older than their years. It is also typical that they eventually tend to become more relaxed and so look younger than their years.
Forehead narrower than average between the temples, with deep frown lines. Swift and sure style of walking, because all they take great care of where they put their feet when they take each step.
The Aquarius Appearance
Often have a distant, dreamy look in the eyes. Body taller than average, with noble with fine facial features. Neck bends to allow head to drop forward or tip to one side when thinking. Movement is not graceful but has purpose. Often (purposefully) look like nonconformists.
The Pisces Appearance
Body usually short and thinkset, with a back that may stoop as the person walks. Sleepy appearing eyes with large eyebrows, with a head that may be oddly shaped. Limbs are generally short. They give off a feeling of otherworldliness, and usually have very sensitive, caring eyes. They may have a trusting, eager look or a quality of empathy and nonjudgement exclusive to those who truly understand human sorrows and failings. They often look more clumsy than they actually are.
The Solar Appearance
Body powerful and well formed, but rather bony; face and forehead large, hair and complexion usually light, inclined to baldness; eyes commanding and complexion clear.
The Lunar Appearance
Body of middle structure inclined to heaviness; face round, complexion pale; eyes large and soft; hands and feet short but thick; usually small boned.
The Mercurial Appearance
Body and face slender’ forehead full, nose long, lips thin; fingers slender and hands very expressive; hair dark, beard thin, complexion poor, eyes penetrating.
The Venusian Appearance
Body short but graceful, inclined to stoutness in advancing years; face round, hair dark, eyes large and wandering; voice soft and manner vivacious.
The Martian Appearance
Body strong and stocky but not overly tall, deportment military; hair red or black, often curly or wiry; eyes quick and sharp; complexion often very ruddy, face livid when angry.
The Jovial Appearance
Body large and well formed, inclined to become portly in advancing years; chest wide; forehead high; eyes widely spaced and kindly; hair dark and wavy; attitude paternal.
The Saturnal Appearance
Body slender and angular with large bones - back bends with increasing years; features stern, eyes small and beady; hair dark and curly, complexion indifferent.
The Uranian Appearance
Body slender, but of pleasing appearance, features irregular but prepossessing; eyes large, brilliant and keen, usually light; some types very ascetic in appearance; this type often gives the impression of being effeminate.
The Neptunal Appearance
Body slender and very finely organized; head long, features sharp, expression often cruel, always mysterious; hair retreats from temples; eyes hypnotic. Distant, confused, facial expressions common.
The Plutonian Appearance
The Pluto type has an almost inverted, V‑shaped head. The forehead is larger than the rest of face. The eyes are very penetrating, seeming to notice what is going on around them, and somewhat unworldly looking. 
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Astrology Cardinal Houses
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Percentage. 5%. match making
Horoscope astrology 2019 personal astrology
2019 personal astrology
Astrology Signs Gender Oct 6, 2013 … Astrology 101 – An Introduction to the Astrological Signs (Part 1). In our last lesson we learned about the astrological planets and now is time … Zodiac basics and characteristics of the twelve zodiac signs. … then zodiac signs consecutively alternate in gender till the end of zodiac with feminine Pisces. In
Astrology and Numerology Celebrating 20 Years on the WWW December, 2016 by Michael McClain Welcome to Astrology-Numerology.com! Whether this is a first time look into astrology and numerology or you’re a serious novice student, these pages should be just right for you.
Every house system is dependent on the rotational movement of Earth on its axis, but there is a wide range of approaches to calculating house divisions and different opinions among astrologers over which house system is most accurate. To calculate the houses, it is necessary to know the exact time, date, and location. In natal astrology, some astrologers will use a birth time set for noon or …
Astrology Energy Today February 1-15 2019 astrology forecast: aquarian Inspiration + Martian Intensity … January 16-31 2019 astrology forecast: total blood Moon Lunar Eclipse! We gather around the hearth fire and hibernate, conserving our energy. … 1/3/ 2019, mercury trines uranus: today you may have a chance to come up with an … So how do we reconcile these
Sep 25, 2017 … The Cardinal Houses are the First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth; if an astrological chart shows a preponderance of planets in these houses, …
Astrology Signs June 21 Compatibility of Sun signs helps you learn how to approach the person standing in front of you, pointing to differences and similarities … June 21 – July 22. gemini dates are May 21 – June 21 but there are variations because of the leap years and your place of birth. Check our online calculator to
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This is the index page for volumes of astrology content covering many aspects of tropical astrology/western astrology. All astrology pages available from here. Page is home for articles on astrology elements, the modes of activity, astrology keywords, astrology symbols, the great ages (Pisces, Aquarius), the angles of the horoscope, the influence of hemisphere, the lunar nodes, and …
In astrology, an angular house, or cardinal house, is one of four cardinal houses of the horoscope, which are the houses in which the angles of the chart are …
Learn more about astrology, moon signs, rising signs, eclipses, retrogrades and transits with Ophira and Tali Edut, astrologers for ELLE. and TV Guide.
The practice of astrology recognizes four cardinal signs of the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — sometimes called reacting signs.It associates those people born "under" one of these with certain human behaviors and traits like being active, self-motivated, insightful and ambitious.
A Cardinal Quality is attached to the signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The Cardinal Houses are the First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth; if an astrological chart shows a preponderance of planets in these houses, its energy is weighted toward cardinality.
The cardinal houses are also called as the quadrants in Vedic astrology. Zodiac has 12 signs of 30 degrees each hence taking from any sign there will be three …
Houses numbered 1, 4, 7, and 10 are the Action houses. They are the most important houses in any horoscope because they show how you make contact with …
Raman Astrology Zone Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid or gas. An FTIR spectrometer simultaneously collects high-spectral-resolution data over a wide spectral range. This confers a significant advantage over a dispersive spectrometer, which measures intensity over a narrow range of wavelengths at a
Astrology.com is your portal to the stars, unlocking the mysteries of the universe with horoscopes, tarot, and psychic readings.. Whether you’re a zodiac beginner looking for a free birth chart or a pro searching for answers to life’s toughest questions, we are here to help you connect the dots – no matter your zodiac sign. Bursting with information on all the astrological signs, love …
Astrology. … The cardinal signs are associated with starting things, initiating things or being … What is fixed is the clean house, the living body and the field.
Horoscope Compatibility Hindu Astrology Horoscope Matching. Groom name. Date. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 …. Ashtakoot Match Percentage. 78%. Manglik Match percentage. 5%. match making Percentage. 48 % … Astrology Today Gemini In Hindi मिथुन राशिफल , Daily Gemini Horoscope in Hindi , Clickastro Looking for Gemini Daily Horoscope in Hindi? Get free Mithun Rashifal from Clickastro.com and see Astrology Today Gemini In Hindi मिथुन राशिफल , Daily Gemini Horoscope in Hindi , Clickastro Looking for Gemini Daily Horoscope in Hindi? Get free Mithun Rashifal from Clickastro.com and see what the day holds for you. PREMIUM NUMEROLOGICAL REPORT » Astrology Today Gemini In Hindi, horoscope astrology 2019 personal astrology REPORTS. THE SPILLER REPORTS, Written By Jan Spiller BONUS FEATURE:
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