mrchaosman · 6 months
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Arachae: Hello, and welcome to Doc-U-munch: Flying cabin, what do you need?.
Arachae: See what you helpful.
(When you buyed).
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Ohh, thanks, I'll find an use for this one.
(If your inventory is filed).
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Arachae: Sorry but your have a space limit.
(If you didn't have enough money).
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Arachae: Like I'm gonna sale it for free.
No Way.
Arachae: Well, I guess I'm open for a little chat.
(About Yourself).
Arachae: my apologies, I forgot to introduce myself, young ones.
My name is Arachae, Creepa's head butler.
When we are in our space time, we use this room as a humble and niceful little cabin.
If you want anything, just say it, you are KingsnQueens here.
(The castle's status).
Arachae: Well, everything is kicking.
U lead a strong guys to sculpturing an entire mountain for our King Creepa.
Write poems, novels and stories of his greatness.
Which is actually turned out to be a "Creeper".
To destroy millions of his cubed-made statues in a "championship" for absolutely no reason.
To bring hundreds of Box is filled with more cube-made statuies whose also been smashed.
The answer is.....
Pretty hella great.
Arachae: Katlyss?, I don't think I have heard anyone with that name...
Oh, wait, you don't mean that weird....
Ohhh, a SPECIFIC Lady went here and demanded to be the "Head of Butlerish"
I'm sorry but that person is....not here anymore.
And got beaten up by the henchmen as a result of....... throwing alot of moths around.
Please, Don't you ever mention her again.
We still cleaning up the mess she did.
(Katlyss after defeating her).
Arachae: You really beats her.
Thanks a lot.
After she stole for her "Last Attackish".
The Rox Cleaners and Rox himself told me that he saw her running in the hallway.
And she say: Yo All reallyish must be Kingish Creepa, rightish?.
May be your head Butlerish?.
Well, enough about her.
Do you want some baked cookies.
(Your look).
Arachae: Oh, my look, the heart-shaped head and the weird looking body is kinda surreal but cool, isn't it.
And to show sense of respect here, I can mimic any element from a nearby Indigner.
I used to do that to with my friend......
Well, I guess that's all I can say about that.
(The basement).
Arachae: Basement?, what basement??, I don't remember we have a one here.
Just don't worry about it.
(The basement safe).
Arachae: So that's where that sound.
This place is both a system of archive and purgatory for the creative mind of a outsigner.
So many individual ideas, encased within concept art theoretical theme.... but what If that's as far as one is to go?, to have themselves and their legacies stuck in one place? For now and forever?, or what if the opposite happens?, and you remain stuck reinventing, remaking and rehashing the same sprites and sounds?.
I actually know someone like that, after reconsidering my statement... and the smell of the western pests still lingers outside these doors. It's why Creepa never let us leave our quarters. Wouldn't want the wooden boy... although, I've interacted with him multiple occasions (and I would say that he's nice) one might even say we're friends.
Arachae: Please come back soon, take care of yourselves.
(In the Castle Town).
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Arachae: Hello there, Young ones, I have found this little cafe, and I decided to make it up, so after this long and tiring adventure, please relax and enjoy yourselves.
Hey @imaginary-regret-608, I have made it, sorry if it took alot of time, but here it is.
Hope you like it.
Arachae replaces Swatch.
Katlyss replaces Rouxls Kaard
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lenok993 · 6 months
Alastor & Charlie Duo - Official Hazbin Hotel Print
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Artist: @silentzound
Thank you for this art! Please visit the original source, follow artist's page Twitter / Tumblr and support the artist there!
Buy print: https://streamily.com/HazbinHotel/32123
Signed by: Amir Talai, Erika Henningsen
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o-ana-posts · 2 months
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I made a tribute for Torikago-san! An amazing artist and one of the sweetest people ever!
They had done this one, and I drew it again in my style! I hope you like it!
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charlastor-love · 7 months
Charlastor won with 53% in the last round! Now it’s down to the wire with Charlastor VS RadioApple! Who will claim the #1 ship in the Hazbin fandom? Find out next time on Dragonball Z
Vote here: https://x.com/knskam/status/1763431688581833101?s=46/
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dukeofdogs · 1 year
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Puppy and bug
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the-starry-artist · 1 year
this boss was underwhelming but i love the little scorpions
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lesserknownwaifus · 5 months
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dr aracha sorez from spidersaurs
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
OverpanKid!OP anon
Sentinel and Blackarachnia would have interesting reactions.
If Overpan figured out what happened on Aracha-7, Sentinel would be in deep slag. Thankfully, while they don't see eye to eye, Optimus doesn't want Sentinel dead, so while his parents are tearing into Ultra Magnus (not literally but the little twitches in Trepan's digits and Overlord's glare say other wise, though they can't act on it. While they are of neutral alliance and can't be prosecuted, Optimus isn't and they wouldn't put it past the Council prosecuting their son for their actions) Optimus pulls Sentinel over to the side like;
"Hey, I think we need to have a chat and bury a few hatchets before you get buried by them."
They have a long overdue conversation and who knew that the threat of your old pal's parents ripping you to shreds would be the key to healthy communication? There's still a long way to go for them but they've made up for now. Though upon learning Trepan - a mech with a very explicit reputation - was an Autobot, makes Sentinel a bit curious. He's been under the impression that their faction can do no wrong, but realizing this mech as committed atrocities that have been struck from the records, makes him wonder what else they've been hiding. (I like to believe that Sentinel genuinely believes in the Autobot cause, but he's so young and fully indoctrinated with the the wool pulled securely over his eyes, he's ignorant of the darker side of the Autobots. Trepan showing up is his glimpse behind the curtain. I don't hate Sentinel, he's a jerk and needs to learn his lesson, but I think he can be redeemed.)
Blackarachnia on the other hand, well, her mental state isn't the best, so she's probably gonna end up extremely conflicted once she learns that sweet, goody-two-shoes, Optimus is the son of two of the most terrifying mechs in the universe.
I'm sure I can figure out some way to reunite these three again. Sentinel's got a good start but Blackarachnia is gonna be tough.
Makes perfect sense, it's totally TFA Autobot of the autobots™️ to blame whatever Overlord and Trepan do currently on Optimus
Nice to see Optimus and Sentinel work something out... Even if it's under threat of two of the most terrifying mecha in the galaxy who just happen to be your friend turned rival's parents. Sentinel had to have been terrified lol
And you're right about Sentinel. He does honestly believe everything autobot wholeheartedly, especially after Archa Seven. This being a turning point in that could have interesting interesting results, especially as you put it tfa Sentinel imo too can be redeemed with careful work.
Yeahh BlackArachnia already had several reasons to be wary, but she's going to be Extra reevaluating her interactions with him after learning of his past before the academy. Though, considering their interactions in canon I think BlackArachnia is severely tempted to accept his help (at least that was the tone I saw in the show, with the whole tragedy angle— especially in the episode where she was working with meltdown and meltdown double crossed her) and considering bw BlackArachnia I feel like we'd definitely see her go through a redemption arc of her own (thought I don't see her becoming an autobot again. I've thought before about her declaring as neutral before though...) Her learning about Trepan and the worse sides of the autobots cannot help her opinions on them.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 month
I haven’t been able to watch fantasy smp due to timezones and not having time for vods but I saw you said pearl was a Arachnae, what is that? :0
My brain went to spider because arach being short for arachnid and us Aussies being known for our spiders lol.
Arachae is a spider origin, yes! She is Spider-Pearl
The origin abilities that i can think of off the top of my head are night vision, wall-climbing, cobweb making, and theoretically she’s supposed to be a carnivore as well but there that isn’t working right and so she’s able to eat anything. (Scott, the other carnivore, is grumpy about this, as his is working correctly)
She doesn’t plan to stream much on the server but she is playing a lot, currently she’s neck and neck with fWhip on leveling up, which is especially impressive given that she joined a couple weeks into the server.
She initially chose revenant as her origin, but the combination of having to run away from golems and wanting to have a unique origin she was able to re-roll and she chose to be spider pearl. Both she and fWhip immediately made Australia and spider jokes, if i remember right. (I did actually watch that live, but it was past my bedtime so i don’t remember much tbh)
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on-a-lucky-tide · 2 years
I love the cuteagens! Maybe cuteagens staring Eskel and Letho?
The fire crackled between them, the discarded skin of the trout they had consumed half an hour before curling in the flames, and Letho tasted the air. He wasn't sure what possessed him in the moment. Around others, he masked his impulses carefully, because they provided too much of an insight into his relative strengths and potential weaknesses. But with Eskel sitting opposite, illuminated in the flickering amber of the firelight, his body a little dirty, a little travelled, with pheromones and sweat lingering in the linen of his open-necked shirt, Letho found it difficult to control himself.
His tongue lacked tastebuds or scent receptors, but it did collect chemicals from the air for him to press against the roof of his mouth, and it was here that his brain could process the taste of the world around him. Earthy salt from the remains of the fish and the damp soil, the rich tang of mineral oils Eskel was using to coat his steel blade after their successful arachas hunt, and a unique, spicy perfume that was uniquely Eskel. He tasted different to Geralt; Geralt was horse hair, arenaria and bitter on the tongue; Eskel was treated leather, deep, musky, something to be savoured. It was that aroma that had drawn Letho's eye in the tavern where they'd met that morning, and now it made his serpentine eyes flicker closed for a fraction of a second, so he could--
"Everythin' a'right?" asked Eskel in his usual, laidback drawl.
Letho opened his eyes slowly. "Nothin' amiss."
"Just... you licked the air."
"Salt on my lips."
"N'aww," Eskel said, his scarred lips quirking up at the corner. Couldn't get much past this sharp-eyed blood hound. "You licked the air. Seen you do it a few times before, now I come to think of it. Thought I was just seeing things."
Hmm. Letho had not been as discreet as he'd first thought. He considered his options. A continued lie wouldn't earn much more than a dismissive snort from the wolf, further confirming Eskel's belief that Letho hid more than he shared, which meant he was untrustworthy, or he could share this one little tidbit. A tiny sliver of trust in a witcher that had walked the Path as long as he had. Eskel had his own code based on honour, neutrality and avoidance of conflict. The threat was relatively minor and, Letho reasoned, if Eskel knew, then he could taste Eskel more often. Even if only on the air around him.
"I smell things that way."
"Huh." Eskel appeared to consider the information. It would go one of two ways. He would either judge it not sufficiently interesting and continue tending to the sword across his lap or, more likely, he would want to investigate. That was one thing Eskel and Geralt had in common, by Letho's evaluation. Curiosity. But whereas Geralt's extended to politics and people, Eskel's was purely based in the natural world. Couldn't show him an odd looking mushroom without him snaffling it off for a little analysis. If pressed, Letho would admit it to be somewhat endearing. "How's that work then?"
Those deep amber eyes, so much richer in colour than Letho's own, widened a little, trained on Letho's mouth. Letho let his tongue poke out again, topping up the taste of Eskel against the roof of his mouth. "There's a vomeronasal organ in the roof of my mouth. Works through chemoreception, which is--"
"I know what chemoreception is," Eskel huffed, putting his sword aside to roll onto his knees. "Same way basilisks and slyzards smell. Never considered you'd've been given mutagens from those sources. Makes sense though, biggest vipers outside the ones in the grass, although I always figured you'd have had more wyvern, an'--" Eskel was shuffling over but hesitated when Letho raised an eyebrow. Eskel's propriety caught up with him, and he sat back on his heels with a quiet rumble, a chastened hound whose nose had wandered too close to the dinner plate, "can I look?"
Eskel looking meant he got closer, and now that Letho had conceded a little, he wanted to concede more, just to see where it led. It was a slippery slope, and he could hear Ivar's lecture about the duplicitous nature of other schools droning in the back of his head. They were a distraction from the mission, blind to the real purpose of the order. Letho packaged him away in the recesses of his memory and focused on the broadness of Eskel's face.
Hillfolk, Letho recalled. The witch had said as much during one of her many pontifications. As much of a pain in his arse as she had been, Yennefer had provided lots of intelligence on the nature of the wolf school. Letho traced Eskel's wide brow and nose with his eyes; his fingers itched to follow their path, but he kept them resolutely on his thighs as his mouth dropped open for Eskel's inspection.
"Minor warping of the palate, but not much," Eskel murmured, leaning in closer. Letho couldn't hide his body's reaction. His skin crackled like it had been touched by lightning, and the smell of Eskel's made his head light. His palm left his thigh and cupped beneath Eskel's chin to pull him away, but only far enough to meet his eyes. The deepest gold Letho had ever seen, richer than Toussaintese honey. Eskel grimaced, "Got somethin' to say?" Eskel's fingers tightened around Letho's wrist in mild warning.
It was then that Letho realised what he'd done. Lifted a wolf's head to expose his throat. But Eskel hadn't bitten back, hadn't shoved him away; his pupils were blown wide, two black suns highlighted in liquid amber. Letho tilted his own head, tongue darting briefly between his lips. Arousal. And not just his own. Eskel had intended this to happen. "You're playing a dangerous game," Letho said.
"Only play games when the odds are in my favour," Eskel replied, keeping his gaze steady. Letho tested, slipping his hand a little lower to the hinge of Eskel's jaw. He saw the flicker of appreciation even if Eskel tried to keep his gaze level. Eskel pushed against Letho's palm. "Your move."
Letho considered his options, measured the disadvantages of revealing this little crack in his facade, and pulled Eskel towards him. Letho made the wolf arch, stretching him off balance to keep the game in his favour, and brought their lips together. Eskel tasted just as Letho expected; like the divine come to earth. The scent of him washed through Letho's body like a tide, consuming his every sense, leaving quivering eagerness in its wake.
When the wolf let out a little whine, a trill of pleasure followed by a slump on his posture, Letho crowded him to the ground. He slipped a hand into that awful fucking haircut to force Eskel's head back, and licked a long stripe up his exposed throat. Eskel arched against him, strong hands gripping hard at Letho's shoulders. "If I'd known you were so eager to show me your belly, dog," Letho growled. "I'd'a offered sooner."
"Shut up and fuck me," Eskel snarled, or tried, his voice broke around the moan Letho forced from him with a sucking bite at the hinge of his jaw.
Letho smirked, teeth somehow sharper in the dying firelight. "Gladly."
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chiefbeifongcanrailme · 6 months
Son of the Black Sun
In light of the Solar Eclipse today, I wrote a little Linzolt drabble.
Silken sheets rustled against supple skin while the wind blew threw the tiny slit in the window, making the curtains flutter. The room was dark, excepting the rosewood candle that remained lit from the night before.
Lin stretched her legs out, her arms above her head. It was the first time in weeks she wasn't being awakened to the mulberry scented mix of aracha tea. It wasn't ideal, habits were made to be broken, but it made her wonder.
She reached to her side, and that's when she realized her teamaker was still in bed. She ran her hand over his chest and settled herself in his arm.
"Do you know what day it is?" she asked.
Zolt groaned in his sleep. He pulled her flush into his body and turned her around so he was spooning her from behind. He had to leave a trail of kisses on her shoulder until he could finally answer her.
"The damned eclipse. No wonder you're awake before me."
She turned in his arms so she could run her index finger down his face seductively. "It's also your birthday, birthday boy."
"Baby, I haven't been a birthday boy in thirty years."
His eyes were still closed, but he had that cocky grin on his face.
"Well then, I haven't been a baby in twenty-nine years," she countered.
Zolt sighed, but he was still smiling. "Linny, did you know firebenders need the sun to wake up in the morning?"
"I'm familiar with the concept."
"But for me, I wake up with you. I wake up because I get to spend another day in the sun with you. Did you know that too?"
Lin fumbled with his night-shirt as she finally managed to slip her hands up his torso. His body wasn't warm like she was normally accustomed to. So she rubbed some heat into his body using friction and he gave her a thankful kiss on her nose.
"You're just a bowl full of sugar today, aren't you?"
"For you, I could be anything, everyday, for the rest of my life."
Lin giggled. "Could you be someone who opens their eyes?"
"I haven't had my tea yet, baby. For all I know, I'm still dreaming a beautiful dream."
"Shall I make you some tea then? Maybe my specialty this time? Some hojicha with honey?"
She tried sitting up, but Zolt drew her back under the covers. His hand traveled down and lifted her skimpy nightgown over her legs until it collected by her thighs. He caressed the area slowly and pressed a kiss by her jaw.
"As enticing as that sounds, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep warm if you leave this bed."
Lin scoffed, and then she kissed him right on his mouth. His breath was warm- not hot like it always felt on her skin- but inviting nonetheless.
"Fine, but only because it's your birthday I'll forgo my morning tea."
"Our morning tea," he quipped.
Lin kissed him again. "Happy birthday, my love."
"Thank you, Linny. You're the best gift the black sun could've given a firebender."
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northernolddragon · 2 years
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— I'm fine. Stop treating me like a lady of Beauclair. — Let me note, the bite was deep and, as a medic, it was important to me that after your not very careful treatment, the wound did not develop into an abscess. — That's what I'm talking about. You forget that I am a witcher, and that the functions of my body are much more sustained. — And at the same time, literally, a few months ago, you ran into a rather venomous arachas, that managed to cause you severe poisoning, even with your endurance. — I wasn't quite ready... — And you followed his trail anyway. — Okay... Come here already, grumpy. — Geralt, sometimes you forget, that you are not immortal. — You're hitting a nerve. And, wait, what kind of discrimination? — Ahaha. My faith in you is unyielding, but please remember to be careful. Your path has always been between life and death. Witchers probably lose their sense of fear over time. And careful vigilance slips away like a snake that is difficult to catch. — Oh.. Vesemir always said, that moderate fear is a way to survive in battle. — You see, fear isn't weakness, my dear... Geralt, just take care of yourself. I can't always come to the rescue, no matter how fast I am in my abilities. I'm always afraid of being late. — Did you know, that your humanity and selflessness are the best that this and your world have?
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lenok993 · 2 months
Oh dear, oh dear. Gorgeous
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You fucking donkey
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o-ana-posts · 7 days
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🌈 : "Al, let's dance in the garden!"
🦌: "As you wish, my little princess."
Here is a little soft Alastor and Cutie pie Charlie!! 💞🥹✨️🫶. I have been inspired by @mooumao recent drawings with the child version of Charlie, and I wanted to do something similar! I hope you will all like this little piece of Heaven! ✨️❤️💞
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charlastor-love · 7 months
My friends, I come to you, in a time of great need. If you have a Twitter please consider voting charlastor so we can win #1 ship in this fandom. OUR LOVE FOR CHARLASTOR WILL BURN BRIGHTER THAN THEIR HATRED
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Please go vote here!
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dukeofdogs · 2 years
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Arachas Queen
Chest 1: Once native to the far south, this invasive species migrated north over the course of decades, adjusting as it went to new climates and temperatures. It finds damp woodlands and swamps most hospitable and made them its home, making use of the mulch and moss found there as cover during its winter hibernation. Arachasae often hide their unprotected, sac-like abdomens under a hollow tree-trunk shell worn on their back... Unfortunately, as a result, overlooking them is a far too common – and lethal –mistake.
Chest 2: At first glance, a stationary arachas often looks like a part of the forest undergrowth, a fact it uses to deadly advantage when hunting. It usually begins a battle by spitting venom, then tries to grab its prey with prehensile feelers in order to drag it within reach of its crushing pincers. The best defense against its tactics, you ask? There isn't one.
Chest 3: According to scholars at Oxenfurt, the hive queens of most insect and insectoid species are almost completely defenseless. Arachasae, however, are a notable exception. An arachas queen is the largest and strongest in her swarm. A single drop of her venom is enough to bring down an adult man, a swipe of their claws can cleave through a Nilfgaardian pavise as if through butter. When two arachasae swarms vie for territory and the queens battle for supremacy, all other woodland creatures flee the forest with haste, as if escaping a raging wildfire...
Scroll 1: “N’aracche aen woed endicen."\n– Elven proverb\n"Let sleeping arachasae lie." Sage advice... For where there's one, the queen is likely not far off.
Scroll 2: And woe shall befall any who strays across her path. Many monsters can be deceived, enticed, or by fire and silver scared off... Yet, an arachas queen is no ordinary monster.
Scroll 3: She is driven by raw, primal instinct. Kill, eat, breed, kill, eat, breed... In a single week, a queen can lay over one thousand eggs. If not destroyed in time, you'd be advised to find a new home. And quickly.
Scroll 4: The swarm's allegiance to its queen is absolute. Bewitched by her pheromones, the drones will do anything to serve their matriarch – rush into a blaze, dive into a chasm, sacrifice their bodies in her defense. Human commanders can only dream of such unconditional loyalty.
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