#Deltarune: Dark-Insert
mrchaosman · 6 months
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Arachae: Hello, and welcome to Doc-U-munch: Flying cabin, what do you need?.
Arachae: See what you helpful.
(When you buyed).
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Ohh, thanks, I'll find an use for this one.
(If your inventory is filed).
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Arachae: Sorry but your have a space limit.
(If you didn't have enough money).
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Arachae: Like I'm gonna sale it for free.
No Way.
Arachae: Well, I guess I'm open for a little chat.
(About Yourself).
Arachae: my apologies, I forgot to introduce myself, young ones.
My name is Arachae, Creepa's head butler.
When we are in our space time, we use this room as a humble and niceful little cabin.
If you want anything, just say it, you are KingsnQueens here.
(The castle's status).
Arachae: Well, everything is kicking.
U lead a strong guys to sculpturing an entire mountain for our King Creepa.
Write poems, novels and stories of his greatness.
Which is actually turned out to be a "Creeper".
To destroy millions of his cubed-made statues in a "championship" for absolutely no reason.
To bring hundreds of Box is filled with more cube-made statuies whose also been smashed.
The answer is.....
Pretty hella great.
Arachae: Katlyss?, I don't think I have heard anyone with that name...
Oh, wait, you don't mean that weird....
Ohhh, a SPECIFIC Lady went here and demanded to be the "Head of Butlerish"
I'm sorry but that person is....not here anymore.
And got beaten up by the henchmen as a result of....... throwing alot of moths around.
Please, Don't you ever mention her again.
We still cleaning up the mess she did.
(Katlyss after defeating her).
Arachae: You really beats her.
Thanks a lot.
After she stole for her "Last Attackish".
The Rox Cleaners and Rox himself told me that he saw her running in the hallway.
And she say: Yo All reallyish must be Kingish Creepa, rightish?.
May be your head Butlerish?.
Well, enough about her.
Do you want some baked cookies.
(Your look).
Arachae: Oh, my look, the heart-shaped head and the weird looking body is kinda surreal but cool, isn't it.
And to show sense of respect here, I can mimic any element from a nearby Indigner.
I used to do that to with my friend......
Well, I guess that's all I can say about that.
(The basement).
Arachae: Basement?, what basement??, I don't remember we have a one here.
Just don't worry about it.
(The basement safe).
Arachae: So that's where that sound.
This place is both a system of archive and purgatory for the creative mind of a outsigner.
So many individual ideas, encased within concept art theoretical theme.... but what If that's as far as one is to go?, to have themselves and their legacies stuck in one place? For now and forever?, or what if the opposite happens?, and you remain stuck reinventing, remaking and rehashing the same sprites and sounds?.
I actually know someone like that, after reconsidering my statement... and the smell of the western pests still lingers outside these doors. It's why Creepa never let us leave our quarters. Wouldn't want the wooden boy... although, I've interacted with him multiple occasions (and I would say that he's nice) one might even say we're friends.
Arachae: Please come back soon, take care of yourselves.
(In the Castle Town).
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Arachae: Hello there, Young ones, I have found this little cafe, and I decided to make it up, so after this long and tiring adventure, please relax and enjoy yourselves.
Hey @imaginary-regret-608, I have made it, sorry if it took alot of time, but here it is.
Hope you like it.
Arachae replaces Swatch.
Katlyss replaces Rouxls Kaard
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olegianote · 11 months
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my deltarune-sona is NOT having a great time!!
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themadzarka · 11 months
AU Progress: Design WIPs
Featuring Susie, Ralsei, Noelle, Berdly and Pinkle (OC).
WIP fullbodies of the DR-SIM mains. There are still some things missing like Ralsei's eyes robe additional patterns, the colors of Pinkle's sword, details on her crown... just wanted to know what impression they give since it's been so long I've been working on this artwork and now it just.. looks wrong to me.
YES I am aware the stripes on Susie's coat are the wrong color. I just noticed and now it bugs me too, lmao.
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This is a way better redesign, I don't know why I decided to redraw it. Ralsei's hatless redesign is next to her, but I'm not exactly proud of it enough to show it yet.
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Pinkle was supposed to have a dress/skirt, but I figured baggy shorts were better next to her comrades. Ralsei already has the dress silhouette. I've been thinking on giving her this tail too, but it would serve more of an occasional feature than a main one on her Dark World form.
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This deserves a post of its own, but I have tried my hand on drawing the lightners and doing my little spin on them, and even if the lineless style looks pretty good, this isn't exactly what I'm looking for.
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This is a sprite for Ralsei if I ever make sprite animations, lol. It helps with his robe patterns, especially the ones in the back. DR-SIM Ralsei is very decorated.
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Angel Halloween costume for Noelle.
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sallertiafabrica · 1 year
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It’s @kronehaze’s birthday which means everyone’s joining in for cake!! 🎂
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
Letter Event [innactive now]
Send your favorite character a letter or message for Valentine's Day, and they'll send a letter or message back! It can be a declaration of love, a time and date to meet up, or anything else you can think of! Feel free to get as creative as possible!
Thinfs to Acknowledge...
Everything will be posted on Valentine's Day, on February 14th 2023.
Send 'Letter Event' letters/messages into my ask inbox or as a personal message before Valentine's Day.
In your letter/message, please be sure to include the character you're addressing, as well as your name (or a fake name) so the character knows who to write to. If you don't put your name, that is perfectly fine; at the very least, include the name of the character you're addressing.
For this event, you can ask for any character to write for you! If it's a character that isn't on the pinned post, please include what fandom they're in so I know who you're talking about!
Get creative as possible! Whip out the good ol' camera and take a picture of a letter you wrote IRL, or go to ifaketextmessage.com and 'send' (screenshot) a message to your beloved character!
If you do write something by hand, please be sure that it's mostly legible! Or, send a transcript of what it says off to the side.
Example of what an ask may look like
💌 Hi there! This is for the event. The character I'm writing to is SpongeBob from the SpongeBob SquarePants show. (Dear Spongebob, I think you're very cute! Can we meet up? Love, Egg.)
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ebtnoob · 2 years
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made a dark world concept design of random characters.
the characters are michiru, trollface, and EBTnoob (me)
also my design is getting a new render
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fferthe · 7 months
Valentine's Unknown Sender
A couple of people don't find the Valentine sender's speech in tandem with Gaster's, which I completely agree with! However, not everyone can see what we mean, so let me show you. But before we continue, I should clarify that I'm not a fluent Japanese speaker and am just going off of what little I know about the language.
Now, let me show you the two (out of three) Japanese writing systems: hirigana and katakana.
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It helps me think of hirigana as 'squiggly' characters and katakana as 'stiff'. The last one, kanji, you'll recognize immediately, as they can be confused with Chinese characters due to their complexity (and, well, origin).
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One of the points I've seen is that the style change is simply due to informality of the letter. Someone also said that it was written this way so we couldn't recognize who was speaking. To get the latter possibility out of the way: during the release of DELTARUNE, the name of the account was blurred out, making them appear as a seemingly unknown person (everyone knew it was our lovable silly goober). Though, they still had a recognizable.. style. They spoke in stilted kanji + katakana. No hirigana anywhere, which is a strange mix. Kanji + hirigana? Sure. But excluding katakana instead of hirigana is weird. Katakana is used for names, loan words (and can also be used to show a foreigner speaking Japanese), names for species, emphasis, and also to indicate unnatural speech, often used for robots (which is the case for Queen, by the way).
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Now, the Valentine's person? No kanji. They only use hirigana and katakana. Excluding kanji is very weird, too. But JRPGs at the time (which Toby loved deeply, as there are countless references to them in the game) had hardware limitations, so this choice was somewhat of a tribute. This also applies to the Light World in DELTARUNE, which resembles Undertale heavily. However, in the Dark World, kanji is used. This stranger who people believe to be Mike would have to be a Lightner to speak without using kanji. Which makes me doubt that this is Mike at all. He has an affiliation with Spamton, with Tenna. They go a long way, before the fountain opened. And a Lightner can't enter a Dark World without one. More on that later. Back to the letter, the grammar mistake is not accidental. In the Japanese version the sender writes "サラ ば!" which should be either in full katakana (サラバ) or full hirigana (さらば), not a weird mix. Also, 'goodbye' in Japanese is one word and should not be separated like that. So, same thing with the letter. While we're not told who it is, their speech still has distinct features. 🎉 PRONOUN TIME 🎉🎉 Who uses what? (I've highlighted Gaster in bold where needed.)
I: watashi (わたし) by both You: kimi (キミ) vs anata* (アナタ -> あなた) [* -- kimitachi in Entry 17] We: watashitachi (わたしたち) vs ware-ware (ワレワレ -> 我々)
Watashi is a regular formal first-person pronoun. Kimi (+tachi for plural) is a more casual second-person pronoun, can either be used by a superior to refer to a subordinate or one's equal. Anata is a respectful second-person pronoun. Ware-ware is a first-person plural pronoun used by either ancient beings or just someone old and important. The download page for DELTARUNE in 2018, the SURVEY_PROGRAM itself, the SAVE menu, the GAME OVER screen -- all of them share these same speech quirks, mannerisms. Gaster isn't just "formal", he speaks very slowly, often separating a sentence in two parts by starting off a new line. He uses very peculiar wording and it's as if he's struggling to speak. Picture an alien trying to communicate in our language, or a human that knows this 🤏 much [insert language], trying to form a sentence.
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Gaster's quirks are also present in Japanese, the localization reflects what I just talked about. He's unnaturally stiff. He also never uses commas, and it's not about formality -- it's a distinct feature of his.
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(For the Love of God Can You Embed Like a Normal Video)
Also, there have been suggestions that it could be another piece of Gaster. We already got a glimpse of what he was like pre-accident, and it's ENTRY 17. It lines up with the Gaster that accompanies us throughout chapter 1. And that means we are dealing with the most cohesive 'piece' of him. Why would, then, there be such an opposing part of him? It doesn't line up.
Personally, if this was about Gaster, I wholeheartedly agree with carlyraejepsans's take. And the only case which I'd agree on is DR Gaster.
So, here's the "later". The person knowing about the DELTA RUNE could line up with them being a Lightner, since they do have it plastered everywhere in the town, don't they? Only the Angel is ever mentioned in the Light World, but I'm sure that just like in Undertale, it's called DELTA RUNE by the Lightners just as it is by Ralsei. It seems to me that only the contents of the prophecy are different, but the name stays the same throughout worlds.
Though, funny how the prophecy is inverted.. I didn't notice it until now. In Undertale the focus is on the triangles and their salvation, while in DELTARUNE the focus is on the winged orb and its condemnation.
"You free the banished" vs "You banish the freest" hehheeh Anyway, it's not about the game, but the prophecy, so the person doesn't have THAT much knowledge. And I doubt they know about Ralsei's version of the prophecy, because other Darkners besides the prince himself don't seem to be aware of any prophecy. All they know is the Knight, which makes sense, since Asriel's doppelgänger stayed at his castle in wait of the Lightners all alone, without spreading a word about it. Neither Darkners nor Lightners know of it. Though, the phrasing does feel odd. Waiting for what exactly? DELTA RUNE? Also, the Japanese version having the name merged kind of bothers me. So, is it DELTARUNE or DELTA RUNE? The translation team does distinguish the two. Why not here? Was it intentional or not? Well, I'll leave it up to someone else to figure out, right now I'm too tired for that.
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tl;dr(?): It's not UT Gaster, nor Mike (it's not a Darkner at all). It's a Lightner and possibly DR Gaster.
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ghostysn0w · 5 months
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Writing Requests: Closed (For Now)
Okay, so I decided to open up Writing Requests for character x reader and that is sort of the main focus of my Writting Requests, but it doesn’t mean I’ll do other Witting Requests. I’ll be discussing any boundaries and anything that I will or will not write. But just an FYI, it will take me around a a few days to a few weeks to write the Requests, so I will try to write as soon as I can. So if you are impatient, please message me, I can be sometimes slow but I promise I’ll do it quickly, so I do apologise for any delay.
* What I Will Write *
SelfShips (OC x Cannon, Self Insert x Cannon) — Just Give Me A Good Description About You Or Your Self Insert So I Am Able To Write It.
Gender Neutral, Male, Female, Trans MtF And Trans FtM Reader — I Will Mainly Write X Reader Fics, But I’ll Mainly Focus On Gender Neutral, Male And Trans FtM Reader Since I’m TransMan Myself And I Want To Mainly Focus On That Since I Don’t See Gender Neutral, Male Or Trans FtM Reader A Lot But I’ll Still Take Female And Trans MtF Requests Don’t Worry.
NonCon, Twincest, Incest, Stalking, Yandere Etc — I Will Write Dark Fiction, I’m Total Cool With That So Go All Out. But I’m Willing To Write Healthy-Writing Requests, So If You Prefer Healthy FanFiction, I Can Do That Too.
Any Violence — I’m Okayyyy With Writing Stuff Like Violence And Stuff, But I Am Not Really Good With Like, Extreme Detail So I Might Struggle.
Writing In Another Language — I Am Able To Speak Polish Too Because I’m Half Polish, So I Will Write In English AND Polish, Only Those Two Languages Since I Can’t Speak Any Other Language.
SFW (Safe For Work) — Just What It Says, I’m All Able To Do SFW.
Headcannons — I Will Write Headcannons If Given Enough Information About A Character I Might Not Know, But I Will Do My Own Research.
* What I Might Consider Writting *
NSFW (Not Safe For Work) — I Miiighhhttt Consider Writing NSFW, But Don’t Get Your Hopes Up. The Reason Why I Might Consider Writing NSFW Because I Am Not The Best At Writing At NSFW, But I Will Still Try To Write NSFW If I Get Any Requests.
Fandoms I Never Heard Of — I Will Write The Fandoms I Will Prefer To Write For, But I Will Try To Write For Characters For I Never Heard Of Before If I Do My Research Or Given Enough Information About.
* What I Will NOT Write For *
Any Bigotry Or Hateful Stuff — I Absolutely Do Not Want To And Will NEVER Write Anything About Hatful Stuff About Minorities Or Any Other Things.
Heavy Gore / Violence - I Just Can’t Write Heavy Gore / Violence I’m Sorry.
Certain Fetishises, Kinks, Paraphilias Etc — This Falls Under The Category Of NSFW, Because I Won’t Write Certain Fetishes, Kinks And Paraphilias And I Will Decline The Request. Some Are Like: Piss Kink, Scat Etc, So I Will Decline If I’m Not Comfortable With It.
Real People — I Only Write Fictional Characters, Not REAL Life People.
* Fandoms That I’ll Mainly Write For *
Marvel — Might Struggle Since I’m Still Getting Into Marvel
Undertale / Deltarune
Yuuri On Ice
Genshin Imapct
Honkai Star Rail
Reverse: 1999
Vocaloid / Utauloid / Fanloid
Total Drama Island
But if you want any other fandom please tell me, I’ll try extremely hard to provide with a good fanfiction. I might not be able to write it perfectly but I still want for everyone to like the work that I’ve created, so please do request any other fandom that you want and a character.
Also, if any characters are out of character, then I do apologise for that.
Asgore x OC - Forced marriage
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dattosdan · 1 year
Something people never mention:
Pshh, hey you... Look at these screen caps i took.
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Notice something? He said, "GOD" Then paused, and finished his expression of frustration with, "DAMMIT".
So, you might be wondering, what am I getting at here? Well, you see... He said, GOD dammit, and it occurred to me...
How does darkner know of the concept of God? How would they even find out that information? Now there are plenty of darkners who know bits and pieces of knowledge about the dark world, this is to be expected as they are actually objects, and when they became sentient, perhaps they carried knowledge of what they're object form overheard to they're new body.
But like... The town doesn't HAVE a god, they're religion is based off an angel, so i doubt there would really be any conversation involving God that a random card in a school supply closet could overhear.
This doesn't mean i don't think the deltarune world doesn't have the concept of God, it's a whole world, there's probably some other religions around the world, but that the town of deltarune SPECIFICALLY, wouldn't be a town where a mere card could learn of such a concept.
To me, this means one of five things:
Perhaps, although there is an angel at the heart of the towns religion, there is perhaps a god aswell, after all, angels an gods are connected, but this would bring into question would the higher form of power, the god, is not worshipped instead of the angel. Maybe the god is evil or something, or maybe the person who created the religion only knew of the existence of the angel and not the god who could've created it.
Darkners have more knowledge then what they just hear, allthough it is logical that they would only know what they're object forms heard or witnessed, perhaps they have other random knowledge as well, certain npc's like the bosses of each chapter, jevil, and sean, know more knowledge then you would expect them to, so perhaps they are just born with this knowledge inside of them, although people like queen still don't know about the roaring, despite the fact that you would think someone like her would, so this knowledge is pretty inconsistent.
Perhaps he knows about is, due to his knowledge as a retainer to a king, kings are appointed as such by God some would posit, so perhaps as a card darkner, he is just aware of such beings.
Maybe Rouxls is just fricking weird, dude is hella sus so it wouldn't surprise me if he had knowledge like that for actually unknown reasons.
Toby just thought it would be funny and didnt think about it too hard, this is probably the most likely one, (Insert joke about utdr theorists overthinking the games), not everything has answers, toby is just a regular dude, and expecting everything he puts into the game to have meaning and nuance is an unrealistic standard
Let me know what your thoughts on it are, have any other explanations about how rouxls know this? Agree with one of my theories? Found a counterpoint or piece of evidence or something I'm missing? Let me know, reblog, comment, all that stuff.
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canadiancryptid · 10 months
So I started thinking about the game on Asriel's computer, and now I can't stop thinking about the possibility of Asriel and/or Kris being the ones to create Undertale. I mean, if Gaster might have created Deltarune, why couldn't they have made Undertale?
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I mean, its clearly supposed to be a reference to the Asriel fight, but I started questioning if there might be more to it, and here I am.
They way this has been piecing together in my brain, I see it as more Kris picking up what Asriel started and never finished some time after the events of Deltarune, with every intention of having it played by the same entity that controlled them.
All of the similarities between the games can easily be things that were based of their actual adventures and people from Hometown. What I'm interested in are the major differences.
- Most of the magic used by monsters could be based on what little magic they can use in the Light World, as well as magic used by both Lightners and Darkners in Dark Worlds.
- Frisk and Chara being so similar to Kris makes perfect sense if they were inspired by them. They both share a ton of traits with Kris, but Chara seems to have the most. Frisk is the player character based on their experience while under the player's control, and Chara is the self-insert that fills their role in the Dreemurr family, but is also one of two characters in the game who directly speak to you as the player.
- Gaster and all his mysteries could be based on whatever entity we've been assuming IS Gaster in Deltarune. They never fully found out what was going on there, but they knew putting in references to it would drive the curious players insane.
There's something about the idea of Kris creating Undertale because of the events with the player in Deltarune, only for most of us to find Deltarune in the first place because of Undertale.
The one major part of this theory is how Asriel is depicted in Undertale. I guess it could be explained as Asriel's edgy OC from when he was working on it getting reworked for the story, but that might be stretching it a bit.
Do I think any of this is even close to canon? Not for a second. Pure crack theory. But I can't stop thinking about it and it makes a concerning amount of sense. There are a bunch of other smaller things I can think of that could be looped in, but these are most of the main ones. I don't like how deeply this has infected my brain.
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mrchaosman · 4 months
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kozykricket · 1 year
Some less-lore-oriented Gaster Thoughts(TM)
y'know, i don't imagine this is anything New per se, especially in terms of like. theorycrafting for lore, but. for a perspective of looking at undertale through a literary lens, maybe it is you ever think about the parallels between gaster and toby himself? I mean, both use the official undertale twitter, and... gaster is like, this super powerful plot device used to explain certain things. it feels like in a way, gaster is tobys real self insert. ive even heard rumors that his easter eggs were added as a way to make sans powerful and make that make sense
but i've been thinking about gasters fate, tobys history with UT/DR, and how it mirrors what dark fountains and dark worlds seem to be attempting to deconstruct, what they're literary metaphors for
For some reason, I remember always thinking that... "falling into his own creation" just. Literally meant he fell into either the core or... shoved himself in the DT extractor. But I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what that can mean. To fall into something can be to get absorbed in it in every facet of your life, to be thinking about it lots, or... just letting it take you over, in a way. To fall into ones own creation is to obsess over it. Was he obsessed in his research into... ah, we're getting into actual lore. Whoops Anyways, it would be odd for toby to have written this if you think about it as a parallel to the absolute success of undertale, since hes very humble and didn't expect a huge success... but when you think of it in the context of how much he, not a thriving community, was absolutely absorbed in his own creations? How he stopped the development of deltarune to make undertale? How hes still working on making that one dream he had years ago come true?
I think it pieces together as... quite poetic. I wouldn't say it was enough to make me believe it was intentional, though. When I piece that together with the brilliant theory that Andrew Cunningham posed in his video about determination in deltarune, though? Well, specifically that... deltarune is aiming to deconstruct our relationship to escapism, and that dark worlds are metaphors for creating fiction... Maybe gaster really was the first one to create a dark world, and. well. what happens when you go into a dark world? you fall into it. Perhaps gaster made himself more than just a simple dark world, but the entire world of deltarune, and thats why hes the... narrative god or whatever, at the beginning. Whether he made one or not, I cant say for certain. But I think I can say that toby may have made one, and thats one thing I'm curious to hear insight into after deltarune is all said and done. Was it always meant to be about a creators relationship to creations? about getting absorbed in fantasy? And how might this narrative have changed, as his own work became as loved and famous as it is? Only time will tell, won't it? Mr. brilliant White Dog ...
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themadzarka · 1 year
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Thankyou thankyou!!! They're the Vessel from the beginning of the Survey Program, and follow Kris around as a ghost narrating. Sort of the Chara to their Frisk, but with a lot more backseating
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They don't control Kris, per say, like the player in canon Deltarune, but they do have more than just the power of being really annoying and can sway Kris without their input. Obviously, Kris isn't a big fan of being told what to do against their will and tends to fight back as much as they can.
They try not to be too annoying to Kris and stay in their lane as just an observer, but sometimes a choice comes up that they get entirely too excited about (like giving the plush to Berdly in Chapter 2, or giving affection to Ralsei) and end up accidentally forcing Kris to go along with them. They rarely notice when they do this, and Kris is unable to convey their lack of control to them, making their relationship very uneven.
In the Light World no one but Kris can see them, and they can't go very far from Kris on their own, where in the Dark World they can move at will and can even physically interact and be seen by everyone else, though Kris is still the only one who can hear them, so they tend to still stick pretty close to them.
They can also possess Kris to fully influence their choices and speech, though they only did so once and it was on complete accident. Kris described the experience as taking a Back Seat to their own life, fully conscious but unable to do anything. They've sense sworn to Kris to never do this again, it's the one thing Kris trusts them on.
I haven't yet decided if they're something that's always been with Kris, or if they're a new thing that appeared around the start of Chapter 1. That's probably a decision that'll change as we get more chapters and more information on Kris themselves
This Self Insert doesn't have any self ships attached to it, per say. The Vessel is very attached to Berdly and Ralsei but in a much more "Kris you should date these people" way, which makes Kris incredibly uncomfortable so they try to keep to themselves about it.
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
Commission Update - Partnership
I've partnered up with @tvccreator, and we both will be working on writing commissions! For commissions that have already been made before this announcement, I'll still work on them alone (unless otherwise requested). I can also continue to work on certain commissions alone and I'll ask before inviting them to work on a new commission with me, but here are some pros to having us both work on a singular commission together;
Commissions will be completed at a very fast rate. It usually takes around a month for me to finish a 3k word commission alone, but partnered with @tvccreator, those commissions could be done within a week or so depending on schedules.
Currently, there are no extra fees when I partner up with them. So the fees seen over here will stay.
Unless asked to change, general writing format and layout will remain the same.
Ellie (@tvccreator) knows a lot about demons and the like, and would certainly love to write about them. (Examples incluuude: Lucifer, Asmodeus, Mephistopheles, numerous Greek deities, Leviathan... and even Dracula!)
However, there are a few minor differences and changes that come with two people writing for a commission that should be noted;
Writing style will be different than how I normally write. Here's one example of us writing together.
Payment can be a little whacky. It's split 50/50, and Ellie has a Paypal while I have a Cashapp and a GoFundMe page. Though, we've agreed on having the full payment sent to me and I'll send her the half, so it's nothing to worry about.
Ellie has a few things she won't write, which includes Dead Dove aspects, graphic rape/non-con scenes, and extreme degradation. However, she can write Original Works/Non-Fandom fics, and writes for almost every fandom and character listed in my pinned post. A couple main exclusions/fandoms/characters she won't write are Invader Zim (fandom), Minecraft Storymode, SCP-049, Krobus, and a few other characters. If you're unsure if she'll write it, don't be afraid to ask!
If you'd like to commission us (Guidelines and prices can be found here), send either me or @tvccreator a message!
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Making a pinned post because i kind of want people to be able to easily go through what i've made.
te/rfs, transphobes, homophobes dni
Hi! I'm Marrow, pick a random set of pronouns for me and use that, idc about my gender. I really want to make my fandom spaces into a more connected community so i will often reach out to people unprompted.
Anyone feel free to message me anytime, and i also love sending and receiving asks. never feel like you can't bother me with something you're excited about.
Fanfiction i've written:
IWSGSTS (In Which Spamton Gets Sent to Seattle)
Exactly what it says on the tin. It's a platonic reader-insert set in modern Seattle where Spamton has a terrible first impression of the city. There's attempted body modification, but don't even worry about it because it was just an honest whoopsies daisy. "You" work in art preservation and restoration at the museum of pop culture. Elaborate costumes and fragile puppets are old hat to you. Living ones however, are not your expertise. Mostly on account of the fact that technically, magical beings are a physical impossibility due to the very nature of souls in your world. (don't even worry about it man)
COCOC (Creator of Creator of Creation)
Summary: It really is a gift, to be able to be a part of the world "you" love so dearly. "You" are a living embodiment of fandom. Not in the metaphorical sense. "You" are the collective consciousness of hundreds upon hundreds of Spamton's fans, all shoved into one cramped and uncoordinated body. 'You' have god-like powers, able to summon matter from thin air and bend space itself to your will. 'You' can shapeshift, changing
Most people would think that having the combined life experiences of hundreds of people would make the resulting entity fairly skilled at most things. They would be sorely wrong. 'You' range from below average to painfully incompetent in most skills. You can barely cook and your shaky movements and strange, conflicted personality unsettle and scare most people that meet 'you.'
'You' are obsessive and unstable, barely able to string together words into a sentence, only just managing to cobble together a flimsy plan for winning over your obsession: Spamton. To 'you,' nothing else but him matters. The whole world and everyone in it could die so long as he was safe and happy for all 'you' care.
But with all the secrets you're hiding, he's sure to catch on. It would break 'you' if he was scared of 'you.' So, you'll do your best to keep him in the dark. He can be safe and happy like this, right?
CoCoC's "bad ending" AU.
Please make sure to read all the tags and warnings before proceeding. This isn't a happy story.
Summary: Spamton really doesn't need to be afraid of you. You'd never dream of harming him. You'll even promise this to him.
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