arcdreamer · 7 months
"Charm" Chapter 1
Intro to a new fantasy story.
Okie, boys and girls,I started to draw up “Charm” – the novel that’s about a story of a King (that’s a prisoner) and a Mage (interrogator), who discover the issues that misalign through history. Based in a Fantasy setting with mages, elves, humans, some absolutely mad level beasts, creepy hell issues and a lot of “dark & traumatising” things. I’ve yet to see if I will slap some 18+ chapters or…
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agentgrange · 29 days
ArcDream Writing Delta Green: You are in a subdimension of Carcosa where Soviets and Nazis are locked in eternal combat. It's horrific and terrible and both sides are evil. They are both in Carcosa together, so really it's impossible to tell which side is worse. Also Bashar Al Assad is a worshipper of the Crawling Chaos and is just trying to disrupt the international rules based order. You need to need to work with Raytheon to stop them.
Pelgrane Press Writing Fall of Delta Green: Look I gotta level with you brother the empire demands blood. The unnatural is just another frontier to conquer. Someday soon they're going to pretend like they didn't ask us to drop napalm on that village so they can sleep soundly in their beds pretending like we were just a few bad apples, but we both know this is how the sausage gets made. So until that day, we have a lot of meat to grind and not a lot of time to do it so y'know. Have fun. Go apeshit. You might not get the chance tomorrow.
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skunts-own-truth · 5 years
Wrestlenomicon only has a few more days to go!
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arcdream/wrestlenomicon?ref=user_menu Hey, gang, if you like goofy fun card games, giant monster brawls, and the Cthulhu Mythos go and back Wrestlenomicon! It only has a few more days to go, and it just needs $5000 and it’ll be funded. Do your part to support the smackdown at the end of the world! And when you pledge, be sure to vote Hastur to represent that Yellow Sign! 
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rpgsandbox · 6 years
Delta Green: The Labyrinth takes Delta Green agents beyond the beltway and deep into the fissures of America in the new millennium. From Silicon Valley startups to industrialist Super-PACs, from Oregon anarchist collectives to alt-right activists, from the depths of Reddit to this morning's livestreams, American life has entered a labyrinth of twisty passages all alike. And while there are many ways in, there is no way out.
Written by Delta Green co-creator John Scott Tynes, this all-new collection of organizations presents ready-made sources of allies, enemies, mysteries, and surprises for your Delta Green campaign. Each group has its own story arc, progressing through three stages as it encounters Delta Green agents and the evils they fight. Some groups corrode, wither, and die. Others gain hideous strength and uncover profound new horrors. Each has connections to other groups, ensuring that players find fresh hells at every turn. But all are destined to change — and the journey each one takes holds up a mirror to the agents themselves.
Because things fall apart. The center cannot hold. And once you enter the Labyrinth, you will never escape.
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Delta Green: The Labyrinth will be a sourcebook for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, about 192 pages long, hardback, in full color. Written by John Scott Tynes, illustrated by Dennis Detwiller, designed by Simeon Cogswell, edited by Shane Ivey, and published by Arc Dream Publishing, The Labyrinth will join the ever-growing line of beautiful and terrifying sourcebooks for Delta Green.
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The Labyrinth will contain brand-new factions for players to encounter. Some will be sources of friendlies, allies, and aid. When their exposure deepens due to contact with Delta Green agents, however, those people’s lives and realities will corrode. A group that begins as an ally may end as a foe. Others will be enemy cults and monstrous exploiters of reality. Even those that start small may metastasize under investigation, gaining power and influence.
While this is a faction book, the combinations of story arcs for each faction, and the connections between factions, mean that it can also serve as a de facto campaign. For groups with more self-directed players who like to chase down their own clues, The Labyrinth will be a narrative sandbox they can explore in multiple directions at once.
Throughout, the point remains the same: the mosaic of American life is schisming before us and when exposed to the unnatural, and to the best intentions of Delta Green, it weakens and shatters. The Labyrinth portrays America’s march towards the End Times in microcosm.
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"Deception is a right. Truth is a privilege. Innocence is a luxury. Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another day — but often at a shattering personal cost."
In Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, the cosmic horror of the Cthulhu Mythos meets modern-day technothriller conspiracy. Delta Green postulates a secret group of men and women dedicated to investigating and neutralizing inhuman and supernatural horrors, misappropriating the resources of the U.S. government to wage a war that they must at all costs keep hidden. Delta Green has explored this world of secret horrors in dozens of game books, novels, and anthologies for over 25 years, winning awards and acclaim all along the way. Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game and the sourcebook A Night at the Opera were nominated for seven ENnie Awards in July 2018.
Learn more about Delta Green in the free quickstart rulebook, Delta Green: Need to Know.
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John Scott Tynes founded Pagan Publishing and the magazine The Unspeakable Oath in 1990. He first wrote about Delta Green in "Convergence," a groundbreaking scenario that appeared in The Unspeakable Oath issue 7 in 1992. The idea of Delta Green immediately seized the imaginations of gamers around the world. Tynes expanded it with co-creators Dennis Detwiller and Adam Scott Glancy in the sourcebooks Delta Green (1997) and Delta Green: Countdown (1999), both of which won Origins Awards. Tynes' novel Delta Green: The Rules of Engagementalso won an Origins Award in 1999.
Tynes continued to advise the Delta Green creative team over the years as Pagan Publishing and Arc Dream Publishing created Delta Green: Eyes Only (2007), Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity (2010), and Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game(2016 to present). Tynes also wrote Arc Dream Publishing's Origins Award-nominated RPG Puppetland, and co-created Atlas Games' RPG Unknown Armies.
In an encrypted message left in an unlisted voicemail drop, John told us: “After completing the new edition of Puppetlandfor Arc Dream last year and contributing to the new edition of Unknown Armies for Atlas Games, I found myself haunted by strange dreams of an America plagued by discord, ruled by monsters, and slouching towards one of several moral or literal apocalypses. Fortunately, none of that is happening in the real world, so this seemed like the perfect time to explore these completely fictional ideas in the world of Delta Green.”
We're very excited to have John back in the world he was so fundamental in shaping.
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In late 2015, Arc Dream Publishing ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to launch Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. For the first time, Delta Green is its own game system, fully customized for the uniquely suspenseful and fearful experience that Delta Green scenarios offer. That campaign funded a long line of sourcebooks and adventures, many of which have now been published. We have produced over a thousand pages of new material for Delta Green since that Kickstarter project ended.
The final shape of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game inspired John Scott Tynes to write The Labyrinth, his first new game material for Delta Green in many years. At the same time, illustrator Dennis Detwiller's most substantial work from that Kickstarter, writing the King in Yellow campaign Impossible Landscapes, will be done by the time John has finished The Labyrinth. The timing lines up perfectly. Other books—Deep State, PISCES, Falling Towers—and scenarios are in development by other writing teams.
Funding for Delta Green: The Labyrinth will pay for its writing, editing, illustration, and design, and for printing it as a full-color, hardback book with the same high quality as the Agent's Handbook, the Handler's Guide, and other books in the Delta Green RPG line.
We love working on Delta Green. We want every new book or scenario to be even better than the ones that came before. This campaign gives us a chance to do just that.
Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, August 1 2018 12:00 AM BST
Website: [Delta Green] [Arc Dream Publishing]
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fortheking16 · 3 years
Newest Bundles of Holding - Revived Delta Green RPG Bundle and Revived DG Operations - August 12, 2021
Newest Bundles of Holding – Revived Delta Green RPG Bundle and Revived DG Operations – August 12, 2021
Newest Bundle of Holding – Revived Delta Green RPG Bundle http://bundleofholding.com/presents/2021DGRPG and Revived DG Operations http://bundleofholding.com/presents/Operations2021. Here’s a Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_Green. Current Kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arcdream/delta-green-the-conspiracy Through SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, locate and…
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thegaminggang · 5 years
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'The King in Yellow - Annotated Edition' First Look and Page Through
Jeff pages through the fantastic new annotated edition of The King in Yellow (with annotations by Kenneth Hite) from ArcDream Publishing.
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artlyon · 7 years
RPG Blog Carnival, March 2017: THINGS IN THE DARK   This month’s RPG Blog Carnival theme is “Things in the Dark”. Much like MoebiusAdventures, the host of this month’s theme, I’m going to focus my post on a creature – actually, a race* of creatures.   This was really my first thought as I read the theme description for this month’s Carnival, because I’ve been working on a race of literally dark…
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arcdreamer · 9 months
"The Summer Experience" pt3
“Yeah, it does have the full package of events.” – I sighed. “But how on earth did they fire you?” – She asked. “Well. Thing began with them noticing that I’m smart.” – I looked at her, doing ducky lips, wiggling my brows. “Oh tha-at smart, huh?” – She giggles. “Yeah, so they noticed that I do job well and I’m smart to handle more. So they started to ask if I wanted to have a position that is…
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arcdreamer · 9 months
"The Summer Experience" pt2
The wind from the sea was soft, so we sat there, drinks in hand, having a moment. “As I start that work there’s more and more things that make me have more and more questions. Major ones include – ‘where’s the contract?’, ‘why were there no health and safety trainings?’, ‘do people come to work here with some sort of experience with adult industry?’, ‘why do most other people who work here do…
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arcdreamer · 1 year
VoiceMemo episode June21.2023
I have not been updating anything in a while, I get it, but I did upload an episode of VoiceMemo. This one here is really long – 2hrs. Speaking about voice notes/memos, I’ve went quite far with those. Starting off as rants for my friends, to keep them updated with my life, but now it’s more like – yeah, to not repeat myself – there’s a podcast option of same thing. Although, knowing me – I’ve…
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arcdreamer · 2 years
"The Autumn Trip" pt5 [short story]
“The Autumn Trip” pt5 [short story]
“So as I got back, I managed to come by the bartending part, asking what he meant by that. He replied that he has nothing in particular against me, yet, and that most Scorpios he met were bloody crazy. Then he told me what available options of drinks there were, as well as what’s possible to buy in case of need of food or own drink. So, with all them introductions and that down – I knew the seats…
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arcdreamer · 2 years
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Time of the year when it feeos like all black will do well. Ehh... All in all - either making something absolutely epic, or nearing the wish to shoot someone in the knee. Hopefully it'll be the first, not the latter. But oh how some close people try they shit on me. Either way.... Yeh, no real great drive to work on old manuscripts, the new ideas are real itchy in the head, the need for newness yet adventure, though chill and safety is needed. Real glad to have met my cousins over the last week as well. Flippin' more than 10 years later, meeting up... F me we all grew up. Though the best part os that all of us are in art : writing, film and music. Feels like this family is gonna brew some cool shit up together, eventually, though in near future would be more fun. Also have the odd sense of timing and the whole lot of "safety" is now a floaty concept after moving and moving again. So, brain needs chill, brain gets no chill, therefore increased amount of meds. Hence asking "why so much" is frankly unnecessary, coz that's the pills for my headaches, my shoddy nerve system and the vitamins. Coz we all know that homicide is punishable by law. Also... This bish is soon to be 30. Bloody hell... Still no manual for adulting, no EXP stats, no MP and HP stats, no quest highlights... Ehh... . #allblackoutfit #emovibes #ootd #soontobe30 #artfamily #lifeupdate #arcdreamer https://www.instagram.com/p/CkZJGZTqDWz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arcdreamer · 2 years
the taste of it... "some Story of some Life"
the taste of it… “some Story of some Life”
Here you go and check out the first chapter of what this is going to be like, so you know the way the book is like. Yes, here’s the “some Story of some Life” Chapter 1 that’s out there. There’s altogether 14 of them chapters of life issues. A genuine trauma dump with dark humour and sarcasm. Preface Dear reader,What’s depicted here are the memories of a human being, experiencing life on this…
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arcdreamer · 2 years
"Witch and Observer" [short poetic story]
“Witch and Observer” [short poetic story]
All your dreams are out there, within reach. Although some might be a day away, an hour, some others a week, some daring ones might be within year. But all within a hands reach, as long as you wish to take them. The collision of the wise youthful observer and a forest spirit were quite unavoidable. Predestined. Meant to be. The thing called faith, or course of events, the chain reaction, the…
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arcdreamer · 1 year
Outlines insights
I finally fixed up my laptop. Now, new screen and the feeling of it (the screen) being hella huge. I ain’t kidding you. Also, I kind of decided to share a thing for one of my books. So that maybe it helps people, or gets people to notice that I create outlines for the books upon request. That includes worldbuilding, characters, details, art, maps, bits, etc. (link…
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