#Arianne martell x daemon sand
sunspearesque · 5 months
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arianne martell and daemon sand, the hottest situationship in westeros
this is my first drawing in a year *phew* and who’s better to draw than these emotionally constipated lovebirds? lol… i tried to be as canon accurate as i could with a sprinkle of headcanons *cough cough the nip piercing and the beauty marks* hehehe :3 i hope y’all like it!!!!! <3
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natividadmoon · 4 months
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Day 07 Martell Week: Favorite ship involving a Martell
I was waiting for this day because there is VERY LITTLE Daemon x Arianne content, and these lovebirds desperate for love deserve much more. Their scenes and chemistry are so <3<3<3. Love you very much. I imagine a scene after all the books, I'm not going to say what I hope happens with them since it's for another time
The 5 older sisters of the sand snakes appearing, this is the last one although there is an extra one, but I have exams
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I normally focus on the tragedy of the Arianne and Doran relationship, with their chronic inability to talk to each other and express all the things they want to say, but it's also kind of very funny in a sad way. Like, it's almost certain that Daemon Sand was the first to ask for her hand. So, you'd have Arianne, who already is heartbroken about the Quentyn letter, maybe sad about Doran turning down Daemon (even if she didn't think it was likely, if Doran had approved, I think she'd have probably said yes), but probably hopeful that it meant that she still had enough of Doran's regard that he wanted a higher match for her than the illegitimate son that would never inherit anything...only for Doran to later offer her Walder Frey, and her to wonder why the hell he'd turned down Daemon if this was the alternative, and if he wasn't just ambivalent to her but actively hated her.
And it's even funnier if you think about the Daemon side of it. Imagine being Daemon, right, and you're young and in love and have a good relationship with your girlfriend's entire family, so you go up to her dad and be like, "Hey, Prince Doran, can I marry your daughter?" and he turns you down flat, but then later, you hear that he offered her an old, creepy man from halfway across the continent that already has like twenty kids.
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valyriansource · 2 years
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His eyes were as blue as a desert sky, his hair the light brown of the sands they had just crossed. A close-cropped beard followed the thin of a strong jaw, but could not quite hide the dimples when he smiled. I always loved his smile.
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martellspear · 9 months
I havent seen you post much about arianne but since you seem to be positive to all martells im asking you since I havent seen much about it elsewere either. I absolutely love arianne and daemons relationship especially the twow prewiew scene where he asks her not to go to storms end, do you have thoughts about it or can i talk about it in your asks because I have no one to talk to about this and im loosing my mind over it.
Hi, anon! You’re more than welcome to talk about them in my asks and I’d be more than happy to read your thoughts. Also, with the Martells, I’m on the “everything they’ve done wrong was trying to do something right” spectrum 😁.
Anyway, let’s talk about Arianne “I always loved his smile” Martell and Daemon “My face is yours. Do what you will” Sand.
Warning: it’s a long post.
I seem to enjoy relationships that we know little about, so they caught my attention immediately. They have #history and I don’t believe that what happened is buried lifeless, quite the opposite. Arianne is constantly thinking of their past and how much it still lingers within her, with them. I see “what if?” and “in another life” as a big part of their dynamic and it drives me insane!! They’d be great together and yet Daemon can’t be more than a paramour.
“The rest of the party kept a more sedate pace. The princess found herself riding beside Ser Daemon, remembering other rides when they were younger, rides that often ended in embraces. When she found herself stealing glances at him, tall and gallant in the saddle, Arianne reminded herself that she was heir to Dorne, and him no more than her shield.
The thing is: Daemon still has feelings for her, feelings that have been there for quite some time. She’s the firstborn daughter and heir to Dorne and he, a bastard, asked for her hand for marriage. He’s either insane – which we know is not the case – or he truly thought it was worth the risk; it’s Westeros, Doran could be less tolerant of that as some other lords might have been. We see that the offer to share a bed with her causes a different reaction from what I believe she was expecting; I think he knew that laying with her again would bring to the surface the same feelings he was trying to make go away.
Arianne gave him her most seductive smile. “We might share a bed together.” Ser Daemon’s face was stone. “Have you forgotten, princess? I am bastard born.” He took her hand in his. “If I am unworthy of this hand, how can I be worthy of your cunt?”
AND THEN we have one of the scenes that get me giggling kicking my feet twirling my hair squealing:
She snatched her hand away. “You deserve a slap for that.” “My face is yours. Do what you will.”
Another thing we know about them is that, regardless of the damage their relationship suffered in the past, they still care for each other. Daemon is honest with her in a way one wouldn’t be unless there’s some level of trust; she’s a royal, she’s the woman he can’t have. He must protect her, it's literally the reason he’s there, he could simply agree and oblige to what she says, but he doesn’t. Instead, he helps her see things as they are without undermining her. And Arianne is aware of that, she seeks his opinions.
Her father had confided in Ser Daemon when he chose him as his daughter’s shield; with him at least she could speak freely.
 I would also like to mention how they, apparently, seek each other, that old familiar pilar, crafted together, that one leans on.
Arianne exchanged a look with Daemon Sand.
They are comfortable with each other; Daemon wouldn’t say half the things he does otherwise.
“Be gentle with her, my lady,” Arianne said. “I remember when I was her age. My father despaired of me, I’m sure.” “I can attest to that.” Ser Daemon took a sip of wine and said.
“I never knew how wild she was till now,” Arianne complained to Daemon Sand, afterward. “Why would my father inflict her on me?” “Vengeance?” the knight suggested, with a smile.
If the gods were good, by now Obara Sand had treed him in his mountain fastness and put an end to him. She said as much to Daemon Sand that first night, as they made camp. "Be careful what you pray for, princess," he replied. "Darkstar could put an end to Lady Obara just as easily."
”I would sooner it were Quentyn who’d returned”.  “Or so you say,” said Daemon Sand.
This last one specifically didn’t mean much to mean until I reread it: he understands the Quentyn situation in a way most don’t or can’t. They grew closer during the time Arianne found out about the letter, Daemon probably became some sort of confident to her. They were close friends, there’s no soil more perfect for love to grow, and so he goes and asks to marry her. Which obviously he can’t and that leads to a permanent mark on their relationship and that “I hate loving you but without that I wouldn’t be me” atmosphere they have. 
I love how she ricochets between “Thankfully, Daemon is here <3” to “I want him gone!!” (and it’s in that “I cannot look at you any longer, there’s too much – too much history, too much of you in me; my heart is betraying my gracelessly betraying my heart” way).
“I like the dragon.” She wanted to slap the smile off his face. Or kiss it off, perhaps. The man was as smug as he was comely. Of all the knights in Dorne, why did my father chose this one to be my shield? He knows our history.
Her father had confided in Ser Daemon when he chose him as his daughter’s shield; with him at least she could speak freely.
Furthermore, let’s talk about how Daemon was DEMANDING the Sand Snakes to be released, imagine: a bastard demanding something of the ruling prince. He isn’t one to conceal his thoughts – see that he also doesn’t drink to Tommen. There’s more than duty to Arianne as a princess; he’s his own person and I adore this dynamic, Arianne does drink to Tommen, he could have done the same just to please her. He’s her sworn sword, he’ll die for her if needed, but he is not following her blindly, despite his feelings, we see that in the TWOW chapters. He chooses her. Daemon respects her as a person and this is one of the very few relationships in which we see that happening in ASOIAF.
Arianne is idealistic, she has her own beliefs and is still learning that they aren’t the standard – and to cope with that -, she believed she could defy social structures directly and one of the reasons I love her character is her development, she is learning and she’s aware of that. Daemon beckons her to look at other angles. It comes from a place of support and admiration; he knows what Arianne is capable of achieving. Arianne is in the process of learning how to measure her decisions, to think harder, and analyze the situation she’s in; she’s the spectrum between Doran and Oberyn.
“Who will defend Ghost Hill if these strangers land upon our shores? Should I call my men home?"  "Your men are needed where they are, my lady," Daemon Sand assured her. Arianne was quick to nod.
In the scene where they discuss Storm’s End, I couldn’t see just a sworn sword fulfilling his duty, he wants her safe. Arianne, not only the Prince of Dorne. That scene is so endearing to me, they’re talking as equals; it’s the situation I’ve talked about before of their balance: Arianne’s idealism paired up with the scars from the failed plan and its consequences and Daemon showing different angles. We also see the “at least she could speak freely” in practice.
That night when she told Ser Daemon what Chain had said, the Bastard of Godsgrace seemed as perplexed as she was. “Storm’s End was still held by men loyal to Lord Stannis when last I heard. You would think Connington might do better to make common cause with another rebel, rather than making war upon him too.”
“Stannis is too far away to be of help to him,” Arianne mused. “Capturing a few minor castles whilst their lords and garrisons are off at distant wars, that’s one thing, but if Lord Connington and his pet dragon can somehow take one of the great strongholds of the realm…” “…the realm would have to take them seriously,” Ser Daemon finished. “And some of those who do not love the Lannisters might well come flocking to their banners.
“And that is why you should not put yourself at risk.” Daemon Sand went to one knee. “Send me to Storm’s End in your stead. Then if the griffin’s plans should go awry and Mace Tyrell takes the castle back, I will be just another landless knight who swore his sword to this pretender in hopes of gain and glory.” […]  “It is brave for you to seek to shield me, ser. I thank you for that.” She took his hands and drew him back to his feet. “But my father entrusted this task to me, not you. Come the morrow, I sail to beard the dragon in its den.”
I think he’ll end up going with her and I can’t wait to see more of their relationship. In the caves, he was the one that made her keep going. Daemon helps her find in herself to push limits and go further; Arianne gives him purpose in a way I don’t think he’s even aware of yet. They’re somewhat complicated, given the history and the social distance, but no one else could fill the space the other left. They don’t need each other, but it’s much better when they’re in each other’s lives; I believe they have a kind of bond you can’t break and pretend it never existed.
Thanks for asking my thoughts, it was fun rereading her chapters and going into deeper thought about their relationship <3
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Tyene: Arianne, you're going to have to stop screwing around if you want to be Daemon’s girlfriend.
Arianne: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Girlfriend? I don't want to be Daemon “girlfriend”.
Elia Sand: Well... what do you want then?
Arianne: I don't know. I just wanna be with him all the time. I wanna hear about his day, tell him about mine. I wanna hold his hand and smell his hair and wake up to the sound of his heartbeat. But I don't want to be his stupid girlfriend!
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thedeadthree · 2 years
TAGGED BY the dear @marivenah and @leviiackrman to answer a few questions! ty ty so much love!
TAGGING: @feystepped, @griffin-wood, @jendoe, @kingsroad, @chuckhansen, @risingsh0t, @queennymeria, @denerims, @phillipsgraves, @jillvlntine, @morvaris, @aartyom, @minaharkers, @unholymilf, @leviiackrman, @jacobseed, @arklay, @corvosattano, @jackiesarch, @malefiicarum, @pearlcscent, @shellibisshe, @weisshaupts, @shadowglens, @leondaltons, @adelaidedrubman, @florbelles, @belorage, @confidentandgood, @girlbosselrond, @thee-morrigan, @rosebarsoap, @fragilestorm, @lacunafiction, @noonfaerie and you!
THREE SHIPS: inspired by mari <3!
THREE CANON SHIPS: geralt x yennefer, corlys velaryon x rhaenys targaryen, and arianne martell x daemon sand!
THREE OC SHIPS: iovanna dayne x daemon targaryen, edelgard vanderweyden x reese verner, maekar targaryen x aeryal arvel (carolines dear!)
THREE MUTUALS SHIPS: mo @kingsroad's alyse x aegon (they mean the world to me!), ash @unholymilf's iconic varya x roman (forever the moment!), airika @chuckhansen's nina x adam (the loveliest! they're dear to me!)
FIRST SHIP: oo ok ok i want to say my first ship was I think? rajaion and ena from fire emblem path of radiance? that or? selina kyle/catwoman and bruce wayne!
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: an iced coffee ajanjnsk bc i am a responsible adult <3.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: my 3829838th rewatch of house of the dragon <3 am i surprised? nay nay! its not at all for oc lore! (leg says like a liar jnjanj <3)
LAST MOVIE: the batman! <3 and one i recently adored seeing was bullet train as well! (ty ty orion and ash for introducing me bc of ur ocs u dears u!)
LAST SONG: its been stuck in my head all week! the fruits by paris paloma <3
CURRENTLY READING: rereading fernweh saga by the dear aelsa! and fire and blood by george rr martin <3 (leg once again says its bc they want know more of what’s in store for the characters and not for oc lore at all like a liar <3)
CURRENTLY CRAVING: my mom is making sauce so i have pasta on the brain <3
#only if you want to! 🤍🕊#ahh this was so cute! and lovely to get me back into the swing of things <3#t: about leg#i would also like to say that all of the ships of my mutuals with their dears are my favorite <3 THEYRE ALL SO GOOD#IYKYK on the fe ship the way ten year old me watching the cutscenes for that game on yt and that scene had me SOBBING#i fully blame my appreciation of tragic/doomed dynamics on them AHH#AND OF COURSEE the one and only duo <3 can cite my brand! my appreciation for enemies/rivals dynamics on them!#(bruce can have two hands for sel and polly bc i said so <3)#AELSA I HAVE BEEN MEANING TO SINCE I READ IT ON RELEASE DAY NEED TO SHRIEK ABOUT FERNWEH I MUST AHH#if y'all haven't yet YOU SHOULD YOU SHOULD i mean it was the loveliest read floored and blown AWAY absolutely STUNNED it was so good!#(but im never not floored by ur talent and its a HIGH honor truly to know u and be mutuals AND GET TO SUPPORT AHH)#my friend wrote an if an it was PUBLISHEDD and u all should read it <3#AND I SAWWW THE DENIAL ROUTE AND THE PIANO CHOICE I DID I DID AND WHEN I TELLU I SHRIEKED AND WAS SOBBING??#ill be sure to be sobbing for eternity! R VERNER U MEAN THE WORLD TO ME and j I need to make a dear for them I HAVE TO#I mean????? just their dynamic with the mc I was on the FLOOR u know? and the nightmare scenes!!!!!! my god! the bestest!#ok ok also like...... new song with PEAK una energy that has been living in the psyche rent free that I found in my rec songs <3 FLOORED#''angel' he calls me does he know that im falling from a precipice that I tripped off long ago?' ->#''your so pure' he says does he know im forsaken? the original sinner but soon you'll know for if im going down I guess ill take you w/ me?#LIKE I COULD RECITE ALL OF IT FOR HER BUT UHHH im fine im fine totally really not at all shrieking about una at all from this <3#two of the top ships that live in my head rent free that are canon being asoiaf ships <3 AAAND THE OC SHIPS they won this year already <3#AND I MEAN ALWAYS IN MY HEART ALWAYS ON MY MIND Eddie and reese <3#ok ok im suuper thinking vanna and daemy may be the first piece? this week ive done a lot of thinking of them and..... they <3#leg.txt#leg.tagged#MO I CANT WAIT TO CATCH UP ON ITR+R GODD THE WAY THEYRE JUST <3 they mean the world to me!#can't wait to yell about them and be floored by ur writing!!!! VARYA ALWAYS IN MY MIND AND NINA AND ADAM ALWAYS ON MY HEART <3#listen i read the t*wow preview and? ari x daemy? SO GOOD. (and very excited for caro's dears lilyana x daemy he deserves it! he's lovely!)
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agentrouka-blog · 4 years
For the life of me, I cannot see a Jonsa marriage that is NOT based on love as anything other than abusive toward both of them, but especially toward Sansa.
And I honestly think there is way more foreshadowing for romance and passion than there is for a "sensible" match without either. Which would actually be anti-climactic because that's what Sansa is resigned to since ASOS. Same with Jon. It would add zero poetry or balance. There is nothing sweet in that bitter.
But it would certainly waste a gargantuan amount of emotional and symbolic set-up.
GRRM isn't a troll and he isn't a nihilist. I have no idea where people get this idea from. There is a very humanist message to what he's doing in ASOIAF, even if he doesn't spell it out, and even if it's sometimes obscured in his parallels, mirrors and symbols. Even if some of his writing has unfortunately racist tones.
His point isn't to punish the desire for romance or love. His point is about indulgence v. responsibility in positions of power, and the social structures that subjugate and dehumanize people by concentrating that power in too few hands.
Look at Arianne and Daemon. They shared a passion but they both accepted that with privilege comes responsibility. It's sad but dignified and most importantly it doesn't diminish their chemistry or affection. Their desire for romance is neither a problem nor is it being punished for some haphazard grimdark twist. There is a logical tension between social mores and political ambition v. human emotional needs. The human needs aren't the problem. And there is actually every possibility that they will still find some happiness in each other because of the way power structures are shifting toward females.
I don't know why this upsets me so. It feels like slander to me. GRRM isn't trolling us. He's asking us to look with our eyes, not our trope goggles. Dany is a monster hidden in plain sight. Plain sight. No troll twist. There is no nihilistic trolling.
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nerajaana · 3 years
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Arianne Appreciation Week
Day 3: Relationships (family, friends, romance)
He had been her lover, though. At fourteen she had given him her maidenhead. Daemon had not been much older, so their couplings had been as clumsy as they were ardent. Still, it had been sweet.
Daemon Sand... things had never been the same between her and the Bastard of Godsgrace after her father refused his offer for her hand. He was a boy then, and bastard born, no fit consort for a princess of Dorne, he should have known better. And it was my father's will, not mine.
The princess found herself riding beside Ser Daemon, remembering other rides when they were younger, rides that often ended in embraces. When she found herself stealing glances at him, tall and gallant in the saddle, Arianne reminded herself that she was heir to Dorne, and him no more than her shield
"I could say the same of you." Arianne turned to gaze upon his face. A good face, she decided. The boy I knew has become a handsome man. His eyes were as blue as a desert sky, his hair the light brown of the sands they had just crossed. A close-cropped beard followed the thin of a strong jaw, but could not quite hide the dimples when he smiled. I always loved his smile.
She wanted to slap the smile off his face. Or kiss it off, perhaps. The man was as smug as he was comely. Of all the knights in Dorne, why did my father chose this one to be my shield? He knows our history.
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dorneuniverse · 3 years
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Arianneweek21: Lovers (Arianne and Daemon)
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sayruq · 3 years
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The princess found herself riding beside Ser Daemon, remembering other rides when they were younger, rides that often ended in embraces.
Summer is For Dorne: Arianne Martell and Daemon Sand
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sunspearesque · 6 months
wip 👁️
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arianne martell and daemon sand, the hottest situationship in westeros
(my favorite sweet baby lovebirds)
used matthew mc. and his beautiful wife camila as a reference because they are my arianne and daemon ❤️‍🔥
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themockingpoint · 2 years
for the shipping game arianne/daemon
Who Cooks?
Elia Sand has had to pull strings with her firefighter buddies three, count’em three, times after those two set fire to their kitchen. Neither is allowed to touch anything more than a microwave.
Who does Laundry and other chores?
How many children do they have?
Two. One boy, One Girl
Who’s more dominant?
Arianne. By far Arianne
Favorite Non-Sexual activity
Horseback Riding
Favorite place together?
Any traditions?
None that do not involve her cousins
Their “Song”
Arianne was being sarcastic when she said “Bootylicious”, but unfortunately it stuck in the minds of her social group and no one accepts anything otherwise. Daemon still has not forgiven her for this
What do they do for each other on Holiday?
Nothing but relax.
Where was their honeymoon?
Norvos to spend time with her mother’s family
Where did they meet?
They do not remember. They were both still in diapers
Daemon wants pets, Arianne does not. The compromise by owning horses that stay in a stable
What do they fight over?
Daemon does not get enough alone time with Arianne. So much stuff they do at least one cousin or sibling has to be involved. There are at least two times that Daemon has come home after a long day at work to find a cousin in his place in their bed (once Rhaenys once Tyene). Arianne does not think that it is a big deal because they are family, and Daemon just wants some time with his wife and just his wife
Where do they go on vacation?
Same as their honeymoon
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Arianne’s complete lack of self awareness in her preview chapters regarding her feelings for Daemon is kind of hilarious. Like, she’s all, “I’ve always loved his smile” and “with him, I can speak freely” and “I’m thinking about turning back in this creepy tunnel but he’s with me, so I can keep going” and “I want him to talk to me” and “he’s grown up to be so handsome” and “I’m going to take his hands and draw him to his feet after he’s just knelt before me to beg me to let him go into a dangerous situation in my place”. But she’s definitely not still in love with him, nope, that would be crazy!
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sunontherhoyne · 4 years
AU where Arianne and Daemon Sand just elope when they're like 18 because they love each other so much and Doran just sits there and asks the gods why his daughter had to take after Oberyn in this area (because Oberyn and Ellaria absolutely eloped in this au too) and also asks how the rest of Dorne finds this charming, not that he's complaining because Daemon is someone he knows will treat his daughter well and help her rule, but why is his family this way?
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vivacissimx · 3 years
fic: desert thirst is like no other (rating: M, 12k, modern au oneshot)
pairings: arianne martell/daemon sand
summary: With the signatures on her second set of divorce papers barely dry, prodigal daughter Arianne Martell returns to Dorne to deal with a looming threat against her family.
Tracing a string of dangerous ex-lovers leads her all the way back to the very first: deadly Daemon Sand, whose dimples still make her heart skip a beat.
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