#Arius DMC
dmc-questions-anon · 1 year
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if they ever make a devil may cry 2 remake something that would be really funny is if they wrote Dante and Arius like theyre toxic exes with extremely homoerotic banter. i want that shit so gay you listen to one exchange between them and go oh yeah. those two were definitely in a two week relationship that could only be described using the slogan of sour patch kids. sour sweet gone baby.
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maniaredgrave · 2 years
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Inktober day 6!
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Family is an important theme in every DMC game. Dante and Vergil are always grappling with Sparda and Eva's legacy, and now Nero has to deal with Dante and Vergil's baggage. It seems DMC characters tend to have complicated relationships with their parents, and the supporting characters are no exception.
Lady is an obvious example. She became a devil hunter in DMC3 because her father, Arkham, murdered her mother in a bid for demonic power. Near the end of the game, Lady kills Arkham, which a line in DMC5 suggests has weighed heavily on her since. On the note of family, an ancestor of Lady's happened to be a priestess who aided Sparda in a ritual to seal away the demon world.
Side note, I've been told it's canon that this ritual killed her, but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Sparda didn't have to give a lethal amount of blood for the sake of the ritual, and Lady didn't give a lethal amount of blood to break it. Neither did Dante or Vergil, for that matter. It means little either way, the sacrifice was almost certainly willing, and she'd be long dead by the present anyway, but it still bugs me a little.
Trish doesn't really have parents in the traditional sense, but she was created by someone: Mundus. But Mundus saw her as expendable, easily recreated, little more than a tool to lure Dante to his death. Ultimately, Trish aided Dante in defeating him, and she became a devil hunter herself.
Trish was also made in the image of Dante's mother, Eva. While Trish never met the woman, it's an undeniable fact that Trish wouldn't exist in the same capacity without her - one could also consider her to be a parent to Trish, or at least like some kind of magical sperm donor.
Wether you choose to look at it that way or not, Trish has definitely endured both Dante and Vergil (as V) projecting their feelings about Eva onto her, though the former seems to have gotten over that, and the latter hasn't interacted with her much at all. Despite this, Trish continues using Eva's face, even though she can change her appearance.
On the subject of Dante, one could assume that she was adopted into his family in some way, given that she was trusted to wield Sparda's sword and his pistols. She carries his legacy just as much as Dante does, even though she doesn't share his blood.
Lucia, like Trish, was artificially made, in her case by a human sorcerer named Arius. Mundus only remarked that he could easily recreate Trish, but Arius actually proved it - Lucia is one of many "secretary" demons, and a defective one at that. She was discarded by Arius, and adopted by Matier, who raised Lucia as her own daughter. Later, Matier directly states that Lucia being adopted doesn't diminish their relationship, and that shared history is more important than blood.
Learning of her true nature was disastrous for Lucia: believing she would eventually become a threat to innocent people, she attacked Dante and demanded that he kill her. She later volunteers for a suicide mission because she sees herself as "expendable". I'm not aware that she ever came to terms with these feelings, and I wonder what would become of her if she no longer had Matier to support her.
I suspect that Nero and Kyrie's dynamic - as it's been said, Nero wouldn't be so well-adjusted without her - would be relatable to Lucia.
Moving on from characters who've been playable (so far), Nico's parentage is extremely important. Her father is Agnus, a scientist who created many kinds of artificial demons for the Order of the Sword, even becoming one himself. Agnus abandoned Nico at an early age, and when her mother died, she was adopted by her uncle, Rock Goldstein, who happens to be the son of Nell Goldstein, the gunsmith who made Ebony and Ivory. Nico became a gunsmith herself, and later used her biological father's research for the benefit of a devil hunter, Nero.
Finally, Kyrie's parents were killed before the events of DMC4, so the only family she had left was her brother Credo. In that game, Credo turns out to have become a demon, and to be involved in a plot by her religious organization to open hell gates in Fortuna to draw out and destroy demons (or something). Once Kyrie is used as bait to capture Nero, Credo turns on his superiors, and is promptly killed for it. Suffice to say, Kyrie must have some very complicated feelings about her family, as well as her religion, but such feelings haven't been made known.
It's also worth noting that Kyrie, along with Nero, has taken in three children - Kyle, Carlo, and Julio - further continuing the theme of adopted family.
With the exception of Lady, all of the characters above have some relationship with an adopted or chosen family. With the exception of Lady and Kyrie, all of them have had apathetic father figures who abandoned, discarded, or used them.
So if we ever get that female-led spinoff game (and it's actually any good), then family should be a major theme. But unlike the main series, this entry should have an additional emphasis on chosen families. And whatever tangible threat the cast faces, it should be one that can be a vehicle to explore those themes.
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midnightkolrath · 5 months
Quick thought ideas on a DMC2 remake potential
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Thinking about DMC2 recently and how a remake could benefit into making the story MUCH better than how it unfortunately ended up (due to the messy development of the game but alas). These are just things I've thought about off the top of my head on how they could easily benefit from remaking 2 and putting in much needed reworks and additions because man this game has potential still if redone right. I threw these on Twitter recently, but I'm giving abit more expansion here. I'm sure there's more ideas, but this is all I've gone to throw on the floor for right now.
Give Argosax an actual personality that matches their description of being a demon lord and rival to Mundus in territory terf war. They also have a cult like Mundus, as DMC2 has highlighted, so...surely they need to be represented better as a threat, yeah?
Make Arius much more of a threat. He’s a sorcerer, so have him FLEX that alot more. He made Lucia and the secretaries, who're artificial demons, and he ends up taking in Argosax's power...so like...keep him abit hammy if you want but make him the SCARY kind of hammy.
Potentially have Dante and Lucia’s campaigns be steamlined into one consecutive storyline. Alternate as the story goes on like in DMC5. I feel like since the two campaigns were mostly, iirc, copy paste parallels...they could just have the two stories basically run side by side. Give Lucia's side more room to be more unique.
Have more lore for the Protectors (The group Matier and Lucia belong to). They fought Argosax and worked together with Sparda, so like…an added crumb of flashback or so wouldn’t hurt imo. I'm not asking for like a whole big thing on it, just... [pinches fingers together] abit more.
Have Dante and Lucia interact abit more. Lucia being outted as an artificial demon is something I feel can have more connection there. A ‘Devils Never Cry’ moment, if you will. As cheesy as it can be seen nowadays, the series IS named after it. Well....moreso the fact that any demon encountering Dante 'may cry', but you get what I mean. Plus, its stated Lucia has a crush on Dante....so like...give that more to lean on? I'm not saying they have to build to anything actually happening, as we know how Dante is, but juuust enough, you know?
Have Dante’s brooding be more akin to, say, how the first DMC anime handled it. I feel like he was a good balance of ‘Man I’ve been through shit’ tiredness but still ‘I got some snarky humor and understanding towards others’.
The obvious rebalancing of weapons so it isn’t just GUN 24/7, but they can be cheeky and add an achievement referencing that, sure why not.
Maaaaybe add styles. Though acrobatic Dante with the movement he can do in this game, while silly, is still kinda fun. Trickster DOES have its roots from this game, as an inspiration.
Give the bosses in this game personality, please I am begging. They’re barely, if at all, memorable because they’re plain as hell. Remake them, replace, idc, I just want that boss banter.
Speaking of, make the Argosax fight less a pain and maybe better utilize that fact that it reuses the DMC1 bosses. I feel like we can go more body horror on it, esp if Argosax gets more a personality. Like…Argosax’s title is literally Argosax the Chaos, go crazy on that.
Speaking of Argosax having potential...did you recall that they casually flip genders in the second form they turn into? To me, you can make that unsettling in the sense that you can make Argosax sound more unsettling. Like the idea brewing in my head is to make it sound like more than one person speaking at once...like a legion. Or akin to how the true final boss for Sonic Frontiers was handled voice wise. Like I said, you can REALLY potentially run more with the fact that Argosax has 'Chaos' in the title.
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bellmo15-blog · 1 month
The OTHER Plugsuited Demon Beauty.
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Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting one to talk about.
It's hardly a secret at this point but Devil May Cry 2 is widely agreed upon, when people aren't busy ragging on the 2013 reboot that is, to be the worst game in the series. And there's plenty of good and valid reasons for that. Aside from the obvious stuff that people love to meme on anyway like how over powered the guns are or that one of the bosses is literally a tank there's stuff like how the games story isn't explained very well, Dante had all the personality and charisma that made him so likable sucked out of him, the game's world looking bland and lifeless compared to the first games setting which still looks wonderful even today, the only other melee weapons you can get are just reskins of your starting one with only very minor differences and how pretty much every problem this game has could of been avoided if Capcom didn't force a completely different team who had never worked on an action game before to make it in only 2 years. And people act like publishers treating there devs like shit is a new thing this generation...
Even with all the shit DMC 2 does wrong and rightfully get's crap for there is one aspect from it I actually really do like and it might surprise you to hear what it is. Lucia. I actually kind of really like her. Not so much her gameplay because it has the same issues as Dante's gameplay and I'd argue is even worse because she has several awful underwater sections, but more just everything else about her.
Her design for one thing I really like especially since her Devil Trigger makes her look like a Mega Absol but also her story two a little. She learns during her campaign that she's actually a defective demon created by the games main villain Arius and the rest of her story she's having one big existential crisis due to a fear she's going to lose control of herself and become a monster killing everyone which for as wired as this sounds is actually kind of relatable. Because let's be completely honest here, how many of you people have learnt something about yourself that you have no idea how to react to or how to process and spend a good while worrying about it? Hell, I didn't even know I was autistic or what the concept of Autism even was until I was 14 years old and you bet I spent several days not knowing how to even process that at first. Not to mention the several years I was worried I'd grow up to be an angry and bitter man because of how my own farther had anger issues himself. I mean sure, maybe Lucia's story could of been handled a lot better in game and fleshed out a lot more but it is because of the likely un-intended relatability that does actually make me like her a bit.
Which brings me to the whole reason I decided to get her in Rei's White Plugsuit in the first place. Aside for the colour matching Lucia's original design I mean. I mentioned in the Trish Plugsuit pic ChaosCroc did for me that the whole reason I was motivated to get that was because of how Trish being a demon created in the image of Dante's mother Eve was very similar to how Rei in Evangelion was created as a clone of Shinji's mother. Only there are multiple Rei's in Evangelion in the event that one happens to die. Just like how there are technically multiple Lucia's and the one we follow in Dee Em Cee Too is a defect. And that justification pretty much speaks for itself! Lucia had some similarities to Rei and it inspired me. And I'm happy to have gotten this pic. Especially since over the years I've actually wanted Lucia to show up again in new game a little because it sucks that she's stuck in the worst game in the series and anything past that she DOES show up in is in supplementary material we might never get outside of Japan.
Artist is AmeerAshourDraws. Also fun fact, the design of his Ashour Drones was slightly inspired by Plugsuits which is peak!
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prophetparadox · 7 months
DMC OC Week 2023 Day 5: Job and Hobbies
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This one's also kinda short, but oh well. Not like I could do Devil Trigger since Avalon's completely human. But anyway! Day 5 of @dmc-oc-week-specialedition! Just a quick little thing involving his work and what he does in his spare time.
Job: Avalon works for Uroboros in the R&D department, having joined some time after Arius’ defeat. He’s very good at his job, though he makes an effort not to stand out too much so he keeps a low profile. Outside of work hours, he spends his time researching demons and current events that might have demonic influences. Even if the Saviors of Dawn have been disbanded, his work is never done.
Hobbies: While most of his time reading is focused on research, Avalon does enjoy reading for leisure when he gets the chance. Whether it be Clive Barker, Douglas Adams, or Ray Bradbury, he’s probably got a book lying around somewhere that he’s reading. He also makes sure to get exercise often. Don’t let his age fool you, he’s very much in shape and makes sure he stays that way, in case he needs to fend off any pesky demons that decide to get in his way. He also likes golf. Admittedly, he’s more fond of watching it than playing it, but he’ll partake on rare occasions.
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danthepest · 11 months
If they do make a DMC6, I want to see more of how Dante, Nero and the gang interact with the rest of the world. How does the general populace view these strange men and women who fight demons and end the catastrophes?
Are there other devil hunters out there? If so, what’s the culture and etiquette of the business? How widespread is the knowledge of demons?
So far all the games have had a very...isolated (?) approach to the story. DMC1 took place on Mundus’ island so naturally there were no “outsiders” on the job, but Dante does get a call at the start and doesn’t get the right password and hangs up.
DMC2 is set in a more industrial city with a village nearby, but the story is so bare bones and it seems the entire population consists of Arius, Matier and Lucia, which is a shame.
DMC3 is set in the same street where Dante has his shop, but the entire area is totalled and presumably everyone is dead. Which begs the question of who rebuilt the entire place. And how. Were Dante and Lady given any kind of credit? Did the tower collapse by itself or did they demolish it?
DMC4 had a great opportunity to show us the world through the eyes of the everyman, but doesn’t take it. Its focused on the very confusing religion and motivation of Sanctus and his goons.
DMC5 has everything destroyed and everyone dead again.
I dunno, I just want more interactions between our heroes and the “real world”
And no, the DMC anime doesn’t count.
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dmc-questions-anon · 5 months
Imagine if when Dante and Arius first met Arius genuinely had no idea who Dante was. When Dante says "Do you have to ask?" and imagine Arius responding with "Yeah, I really have no idea who you are, who are you?" Dante is so taken aback by this and he's just like "You mean??? You have no idea who I am???" Arius just shakes his head "Nope, no idea." Dante is in disbelief "You are a bad guy and have no idea who I am? Are you joking?" Then Arius just shakes his head and leaves and Dante is in a crisis over this the whole game. At random intervals he just shakes his head and goes "I can't believe he really has no idea who I am!"
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Character Opinions Ask Game for dmc?
blorbo (favourite character, character I think about the most) V my boyyyy tortured by the narrative bastard man
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) Danteee is such a fucking guy. he is a man. he is super wife.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Kyrie on the account that the writers have done nothing but fuck her over 💔 Lady goes here too for the same reasons
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) Morrison tbh
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) nay……shall I say it…….fine……..Arius…….(glances around me in worry)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) Vergil.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) Urizen and Mundus
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
Little Spotify Wrapped + Fic Writing "Request" Game!
2022 is finally coming to an end! And with it, comes ✨Spotify Wrapped✨
So I decided to make a little game so we can interact more during this time of the year!
You'll give me a number - and then you can choose a DMC character to be the main subject, or even two - and I'll get the corresponding song on my "Most Played Songs of 2022" list on Spotify and write something with it!
I can't promise these will be FULL length stories. Maybe they'll be a few paragraphs and such, depends on how many people send me asks and how far my imagination can get me - some might even become lengthier than others.
How will it work?
Pretty simple:
Send me a number on my ask between 1 and 101;
IF you want, you can specify a character, or even two, you'd like to see me writting about (this isn't obligatory - you can send me just the number and leave the rest to me!);
For instance: 47, Dante; or 47;
I'll work on it and post as an answer to your ask!
You CAN ask anonymously ^^
A few rules to keep in mind!
When it comes to Nero, the ONLY ship I write is Nero x Kyrie - y/n is his best friend, almost a sibling on my writings (sorry Nero lovers but your man is taken in my world "^^);
I don't really write NSFW, but if the song is kinda ~sexy~ I might do something a ~little spicy~. Nothing explicit, but I'll leave a little warning for those who don't enjoy this sort of interaction ^^ (I mean, there's a lot of Guns n' Roses on my list, half of their songs are about sex);
I mainly write s/o interactions with Dante and Vergil. When it comes to other characters, I'll probably write them as very good friends, basically like Dante interacts with everyone;
I swear to Sparda, if you send me a blatant RANDOM character - like Sanctus, Agnus, Mundus, Arius, Arkham, Jester, etc. - be ready for a MEME. I'll write your thing, but you better be FREAKIN' READY FOR ME AND DANTE JUDGING YOU AND GOING BANANAS. Just thought it was nice to leave this out here huhuhu :) ;
Like I said above, they might be super short, or super long. It depends on loads of variables, but I will write something!
That's it, I think! Anything else, I'll make sure to tell you guys ^^
My ask is open! Let's get this party started!
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Okay, so this the Anima Mercury, the key item you pick up in DMC4 to activate Gyro Blades, which are those spinny things that you can knock around to destroy certain barriers, and sometimes damage enemies.
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Because Nero activates them by hitting them with Buster, it's most likely that he absorbed the power from the Anima Mercury, just like he did with the Evil Legacy, the Rusalka Corpse, and the Aegis Shield, which has... Interesting implications, when you notice how the Anima Mercury is described.
It's an artificial soul created through alchemy.
The Gyro Blades are powered by souls.
What Nero absorbed was a soul.
Does that mean that the Gyro Blades are living creatures? Ones that only temporarily come to life when activated, and cease to be when deactivated? Is there a living being living in the Devil Bringer?
Or is a soul merely one ingredient necessary for life within the metaphysics of the Devil May Cry universe? Are they necessary to be considered "alive" at all?
If the Gyro Blades are alive, are they intelligent? What is being deactivated like? Is it like falling asleep, or more like dying?
If the Devil Bringer was holding a living spirit, what happened to it when Vergil tore off the Devil Bringer? V implied that Vergil gained power from the arm, and Vergil's unexplained use of a Doppelganger and a Sin Devil Trigger at the end of the game supports this interpretation. And yet, Nero also regenerates all of his original power at the end of the game, even the power that came from Yamato, which Vergil clearly still had. Which one of them has the soul? Or does each of them have custody of an identical soul?
Did the Order of the Sword use artificial souls for anything else? They had a lot of really advanced-looking technology besides the Gyro Blades. And the Bianco Angelos were empty armors, animated by the souls of humans and demons alike, could artificial souls have been used to make them too?
Do demons use artificial souls? Machiavelli's creations seem to have some kind of intelligence, given that they can possess people (which happened to Lady in DMC5), were they imbued with artificial souls?
What about other demons who were "created" rather than born? Do they have artificial souls? Trish was created by Mundus, so perhaps he was powerful enough to make "real" souls, but Lucia was made by a human, who was in charge of a Corporation™ and everything. The wiki describes Arius as a "sorcerer", is alchemy in DMC a kind of sorcery? Or is it more like a science?
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Who's your favorite Devil May Cry character? I'll give you a list to choose from: Trish, Dante, Vergil, Mundus, Lucia, Arius, Lady, Arkham, Nero, Kyrie, Credo, Agnus, Sanctus, Nico, V, Urizen, Griffon.
I'll just go with Dante because it's been a while since I replayed the first DMC
I was going to say "V and I have a running thing about how they are "one of us" in terms of "not as good as the others," but on replaying it I realized that is because I'm too much of a fan of the "one of us" thing. "One of us" in DMC is about a different, cooler, cooler-in-theory version of yourself who would win against you in a fistfight and is your superior in many ways as well
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prophetparadox · 7 months
DMC OC Week 2023 Day 7: Boss Fight (Free Day)
I have no image for this day either, my apologies.
Welp, we're here at the end of @dmc-oc-week-specialedition, and I figured for this last prompt I'd do something a little interesting~ So here we have a hypothetical boss fight for the bastard! You see, since he is an antagonist, there's no doubt that if he were in a DMC game he'd be fought at some point, right? So I whipped this up. You can also consider this an extension of Day 5's prompt since it goes into his weapons and abilities somewhat, but it's more about the potential boss fight than anything.
Once again, I have enjoyed doing this week, and I might already have plans for next year's prompt as well! I certainly know which character I'll be using for it, hehehe. I hope you've enjoyed learning about this terrible bastard man!
Avalon would likely be a boss that’d be fought multiple times throughout the game, like Griffon in 1, Vergil in 3, and Agnus in 4. Since I haven’t worked out how the story itself goes, this will be detailing what the first out of these boss fights would be.
Avalon would probably function similarly to Arius in 2, with both of them being humans who don’t have demonic powers but can use magic instead. Though unlike Arius, Avalon isn’t seeking demonic power in any regard. That doesn’t mean he’d be a pushover to his hybrid opponent though.
At close range, Avalon will primarily attack using Severance, his dagger. He’ll attack with a combo of slashes, attempting to lock the player in the combo to deal significant damage, at least one section of the health bar. Being hit by one of these attacks wouldn’t lock you into the combo if you manage to dodge out of it in time, but the longer you stay in the combo the harder it is to break free of it. He may also try to use punches and kicks as well, though they’d likely be less frequent.
At long range, he’ll use his pistol. Being hit with a shot will stun the player for a brief moment, which he’ll follow up with other attacks in order to keep you locked in a combo. These attacks would also be infrequent, serving only to keep you locked in a combo.
More frequent would be his magic attacks. He makes use of a variety of spells, using elemental abilities such as fire and lightning, along with shadow-like spikes that can pierce you from any distance. Along with his normal skills, he also has an invisible magic bar that functions like a Devil Trigger bar. If he hits the player enough times, and gets hit a decent amount, he can unleash a powerful attack that’ll deal massive damage and would be difficult to dodge if you don’t know what you’re doing. There is a cue to him using these attacks though, giving the player a few seconds to get out of the way.
He also uses magic defensively. After being hit by a full combo by the player, he may use his magic to teleport to another area of the arena. He may also use it to try stunning you in order to leave you open for an attack.
Some strategy would need to be applied when fighting Avalon, as he will take note of the moves the player uses. If playing a character with multiple weapons like Dante, switching between them would be crucial as he’d pick up on the moves you have and adapt to them. If playing a character with only one main weapon like Nero, relying on the same few moves and combos would have the same effect. If you spend too much time staying on the sidelines and relying on long range attacks, he’ll attempt to get up close to keep you on your toes. Essentially, if you try to do things that’ll keep your style rank up, you should be fine.
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dmcrpc · 5 years
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Arius from Devil May Cry 2 | Icon Set (52 icons)
100px Icons by betteresurrection of @dmcrpc​ Resources
Edits: Colour correction & I totally gave up on that coat fur editing.
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dmc-questions-anon · 2 months
ask game: Lucia
(For this)
favorite thing about them: As clunky as DMC 2 is I do really enjoy her story.
least favorite thing about them: She's stuck in DMC 2 poor gal.
favorite line: "Dante told me... Devils never cry!"
brOTP: After she gets over her crush and Dante starts actually staying in contact with her, I think they could be really good friends. I feel like she could connect with Trish and even Kyrie too, both for different reasons.
OTP: I like one sided Dante/Lucia, but I can't think of any mutual attraction ships for her.
nOTP: Nothing I can think of
random headcanon: Matier told her that the mark on her shoulder signifying that she was a creation of Arius was a sign of her destiny as protector of Dumary Island.
unpopular opinion: I'm not sure if this is about her per se, but DMC 2 has more potential for a remake than people give it credit for.
song i associate with them: None really
favorite picture of them:
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