#Arknights conviction
leahxyz17 · 4 months
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Conviction from Arknights! 6/2/24
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petterwass · 2 years
It's really funny but I randomly drew a Conviction in this evening's IS run and ah well... She slaps? Like, this little thing
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With her infamous unreliability really carried the early part of the run.
Firstly, they're surprisingly tanky for a little thing, clocking in at only a few hundred HP less than Skadi with good attack speed and power. And their S1 is actually a solid skill, providing rapid and inpactful arts damage that allowed them to be my main combat unit for much of the game with a 1/20 chance of just clowning the on someonw each time she hit them. Which they did, including a Duck.
And their S2, while if course hilarious unreliable is still a huge burst of Arts damage in a large AoE, you just have to plan around it be deploying her in her own. But they killed Big Bob by their own without him even leaving his spawn and slew a lot of Berserkers in the Kjerag map as well as stopping Sarkaz Lancers getting their damage bonus, helping take down Bullies and many other things.
And then they only rolled self-stuns in the Phantom fights, because that's how luck goes. But eh, whatever. It's Lucian, if I can't bully Lucian without a specific Operator, the run is already awful. And I did.
Usual killbox past the first roadblock, Lucian got gangbanged by Skadi and Surtr and lasted all of 1.5 seconds.
So if you ever see a random Conviction in your IS run (and I'm saying random because I don't think many people have them upgraded), pick her up! Their randomness is funny and potentially powerful and they're a really solid Arts melee unit with S1 if you want reliability.
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arkiwii · 6 months
It's also a reference to Conviction's bio, where they invented, and put into practice, the trolley problem (as the train problem, because trolleys hadn't been invented yet)
oh yeah that too, i forgot that files were a thing for a second
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000yul · 10 months
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actually i need to know what the hell is going on here. why’s gnosis #wasted. why degenbrecher lookin like she’s a health worker telling SA to keep him hydrated
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nyansequitur · 5 months
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in the labs inventing all new kinds of useless tech. you can time u-offical to allow pullers to pull past themselves without retreating them.
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amazonclimber · 2 months
Does anyone else get the urge to ship Operators for no other reason than that you keep putting them on shifts together in the base? Just me?
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brave-symphonia · 1 year
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Nice, an outfit that I will never be able to use because Conviction isn’t possible to get through headhunting.
Unless, are they available every April Fools, not just the first one?
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Yeah, looks like it. I honestly assumed I’d never get them.
I’m sure they’re really useful and not heavily RNG-based, right?
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ouroborosorder · 2 years
Arknights was truly on some shit when they made their April fools day operator a non-binary literal god with a 90’s anime art style who is almost unusable due to overreliance on RNG
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parasitictongue · 11 months
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Arktober day 26: Minos/Aegir
Decided to fill a muffin tin with Minos operators, because they are all such sweet muffins.
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leahxyz17 · 1 year
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Happy birthday to Conviction from Arknights! 5/29/23
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mon0ch · 1 year
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say cheese!? 🧀
reposting old art from the blue bird! it’s the minoans before Erato got released so i didn’t get to draw her here yet 😩 these homesick people deserves a vacation together
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thegreatyin · 1 year
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gee i wonder which collectable i should get. it's hard to pick.
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kara-knuckles · 4 months
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Had a really fun IS run today that started very slow, but I was basically getting Operators and relics exactly when I needed them. It's all about Conviction! No, seriously, I think I only dropped them from my team twice, they were a huge help throughout!
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arkiwii · 1 year
Last post because it's 2 am but just to proudly show all of them
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This blog can now live up to its name, and also I can finally start saving for Lone Trail and Ho'olheyak/Muelsyse
Time to get all these guys to E2 now (also might continue to pull a little bit to get Firewhistle to max potential, unless she comes in the daily free pulls)
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johannstutt413 · 2 years
(requested by coldgoldlazarus) Click/Conviction II: Please Like and Subscribe
It was Friday night, and Conviction wanted to dance. Something about tonight was… different, though. They called Click. “Are you free this evening?”
“Hey, Vicky, glad you called.” The Zalak was at her computer, editing as she so often was. “If you answer my question, I can be, yeah.”
“Would you come to the club with me tonight, then?”
Silence for a moment. “You… Are you asking me out on a date?”
“Somewhat.” They definitely were. “I wouldn’t want you to miss out on the glory of my performance, but more than that, I’d like to do something with you that isn’t just talk about my channel.”
“Wow, uh, okay, yeah, I’ll go with you.” Now she wasn’t sure if she should ask her question after all.
Conviction smiled to themself. “Excellence of excellence! Now, what did you want to ask me?”
“It’s video stuff,” Click brushed aside, “I don’t wanna bother you-”
“Click, hearing your voice is never a bother. What is it?” They hoped their brow furrowing wasn’t audible.
The Zalak sighed, relieved of a sudden burden. “Thanks for that. I was going through A Word On Words for the highlight reel, since you were on fire for that whole interview, but there’s this one comment you made…”
After making sure her first and favorite client wasn’t going to be canceled on release of their latest video essay, the video producer switched her phone to silent, turned off her computer (after triple-saving everything that needed saving), and bounced around her room for a few minutes. It’d finally happened! Obviously, they had good chemistry, both for film and just generally, but she’d wondered when Conviction would ask her out, and finally they had! She would’ve probably only been able to wait another week before asking them out herself, but as they usually did, they’d delivered.
By the time she’d gotten changed and managed to calm down, there was a knock on her door.
“Good eveni-” The Conviction immediately ran out of words upon seeing Click’s outfit of choice. “...Well, hello~”
“Hey.” Not that the Zalak particularly noticed with her nerves acting up.
Conviction held a hand out to her. “If I didn’t believe in sharing beauty with the world on principle, I’d keep you to myself for the night. Have you eaten yet?”
“No?” She gave them a curious look. “We’re dancing, right?”
“I mean I am, honestly I didn’t want to assume you would just because I invited you.”
Click smiled, a red ring gathering around her pupils. “Well, then, I guess tonight just got a little more interesting. Whaddya say to a little contest?”
“You’re challenging me to a dance-off?” They laughed. “Oh, Click, what an amusing jest-”
“Why d’ya think I’m joking?” The Zalak stared them down.
The Conviction shook their head, still grinning. “Because you seem to think you’ll be able to win.”
“Look, we can agree your hot stuff, Vicky,” she admitted, “but I wasn’t the virtual dancing champion in my blogosphere for nothing!”
“...Alright, then.” Conviction stopped in the middle of the hall.
Their date spun around to face them, still holding their hand. “What’s this? Ya wanna do this without an audience? Without music?”
“I would prefer settling this before going to the club, yes.” They snapped with their free hand. “As for music?”
As the intercom speakers began playing a song Click had never heard, in a style she’d never heard of, the Conviction let go of her hand. “Out of the heart, the body speaks! Let your soul confess what words cannot express!”
“What words can’t express, huh?” The Zalak’s eyes were completely crimson by this point. “Yeah, I think I can do that.”
“Then let’s dance!” Each took a step back and, eyes locked, they began busting it down Minos style.
At least, Conviction was, because it did not take long for a small crowd to gather and marvel at just how confident Click seemed to be doing… whatever it was she was doing. It was definitely some kind of dance, but nothing like any of the steadily-growing audience had ever seen. If true connoisseurs of the arts were there to witness her perform, surely, she could’ve started a dance revolution!
Unfortunately, none of those sorts of people were heading to the club down the hallway the dancers were blocking, and eventually a particularly large Forte stepped forward. “Hey. You’re blocking the hallway.”
“Use another one!” Conviction replied mid-step. “We’re having a sacred duel right now!”
“Yeah, there’s a shortcut through there anyway!” The Zalak pointed down a corridor a few feet behind the crowd which did, in fact, also lead to the club district of Rhodes Island… provided one was willing to spend a few minutes weaving through a poorly-managed storage closet first.
The interloper stomped her foot with a huff. “That some kind of joke?”
“The only joke here,” the blogger shot back, “is that you’re still talking! Vicky, you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“I think I am, Clicky.” They’d never called her that before. It just felt right in the moment.
The Forte lowered her head, a pair of sturdy horns aimed down the hallway. “Get out of my way, or I’m charging!”
“You won’t be chargin’ anything but the clinic when we’re done with you!” The dancers met in the middle of the hallway before briefly sharing a smile. “CONVICTION - COMBINATION STYLE!”
“Wait, Convic- oh, shit,” one bystander muttered, pulling out his phone just in time to record the Zalak and Conviction perform a tag team dance attack on their challenger. Everyone knew Click was a Caster, so she couldn’t possibly-
She hit the Forte’s knee with her foot, and it buckled, setting up her partner’s uppercut perfectly to knock their opponent clean out. “Holy shit, it worked!”
“Of course it worked!” The Conviction was bouncing on their feet, and it had very little to do with the music anymore. “Anyone else feel like getting Convicted, hmm?”
“Actually, I think you’re the guilty ones tonight.” Jackie emerged from the crowd, Rhodes Island Precinct badge on her chest.
Click scoffed. “Whaddya mean? She started it!”
“You guys know this is disorderly conduct, right?” The Perro gestured to the Forte slowly rising to her feet. “Not to mention assault?”
Jackie sighed, tapping the Forte on her shoulder. “Sit back, I’ll take this from here.”
“Officer?” The Forte put her hand on the cop’s shoulder in turn. “You’re the one who should be stepping away.”
“And why’s that?” She turned to face someone who was about to be the third person on her arrest to-do list.
Click took this opportunity to tug on Conviction’s shirt. “We should leave.”
“Don’t you mean resist the arrest?” They smiled. “Where’d that confidence of yours go?”
“I’m not spending our first night on the town together in the drunk tank before I’ve had a drop of alcohol, Vicky!” Her eyes flashed between yellow and red in rapid succession.
The Conviction sighed. “And here I thought you almost-”
“I’ll hold her off!” The couple’s moment was interrupted as the Forte who’d challenged them tossed Jackie into the crowd. “GO!”
“Don’t have to ask us twice!” Conviction led the way as the pair scurried down the hall, the mob following… mostly because they wanted to go to the club, really.
That didn’t stop our heroes from hiding in the first not-so-obvious turn-off they could find, breathing heavily as they waited for their pursuers to pass. “That was… not how I thought that’d go,” Click admitted, a goofy grin on her face.
“Yeah, I can’t believe you managed to Convict that lady without going through proper training.” An awkward silence. “Or did you mean the-”
“The ‘almost being arrested’ thing.”
Conviction nodded. “Right, that’s also fair.”
“Why’d she turn around and defend us?” The Zalak laughed. “She should’ve been trying to help that cop lady, not toss her into our audience!”
“After seeing you dance? I would’ve Convicted that entire crowd for you if I had to, so she must’ve felt inspired, too.” The Conviction waited for a response and looked up when they didn’t get one.
Click was staring at them. “You… liked it, then?”
“Absolutely sensational. I wish we’d made a recording.” They sighed. “Maybe some other time.”
“...Do you still want to go to the club?” She slowly approached them, hands behind her back.
Conviction shrugged. “Honestly? That was enough dancing for me.”
“In that case,” the Zalak continued, “there’s some, uh, other moves I want to show you. Back in my room. Or yours, I guess, if it’s closer.”
“Other moves?” The Conviction seemed genuinely confused.
The blogger cursed under her breath. “I mean- mm~”
“I know what you meant,” her date replied after stealing their first kiss. “Just, uh… be patient with me?”
Hopefully a second kiss wasn’t too forward.
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