#Arlechinno Genshin x reader
hunnieknight · 1 year
"Grandpa Knows the Best"(+Art)
In which your grandpa, Pulcinella, tells you a reason why Harbingers are bad as your partner.
Time set after Signora's funeral, before Sumeru setting, comedy/crack, dry humor, capitalist joke
Series I Series III
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mtchacffinz · 1 month
what a blunder!
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prompt!!! Arlecchino personally deals with your unwanted marriage proposal in her own unique way.
content!!! fem!reader x arlecchino, SFW, impatient arlecchino, violence mentioned, marriage proposal, possessive arlecchino
note!!! "Farlahr" is a made up character for the sake of this ficlet. The Doctor here is NOT Dottore. something about arlecchino tweaking and losing a few screws is so hot to me so here you go girls this one is for my strap on arlecchino riders 🙏 im so normal
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"He told me that if I consider him as my betrothed, I would be set for life." You smile up at her, albeit nervous. "Huh? Oh— Where are you going?"
Long empty corridors could carry even the faintest whispers. The moon peeks from the shadows, it's serene light softly caressing the harbingers figure— still, quiet, tensed. Her heels clang echoing all throughout the corridor, her gaze that was pinned straight forward seemed to pierce through the thick air surrounding the atmosphere.
Long empty corridors could carry even the faintest whispers, and Arlecchino failed to notice she started to hear her uneven breathing.
Peculiar. Truly peculiar..
"Right this way, Ma'am." Arlecchino set her gaze towards the head butler, greeted with the sight of a tensed figure in return. The head butler winces, stammering on his words. Was she glaring? She doesn't know. That's not important. She's needs to get through the door. "I- I will inform the Master of your arrival—"
"That will not be necessary." Her sultry voice cut through his words. "We have been long collaborators, a reunion shan't wait too long."
Her monochromatic figure heaves a soft breath, looking blankly towards the excessively pretentious door, it's sheer size looming over Arlecchino's figure— the entrance towards an office.
Eloquent and graceful, although her lips were painted with a polite smile, the person before her couldn't tell if the crimson woman was brewing something from within. The Knave was calculative and perceptive, an expert at keeping herself cold despite the scorching flames imbedded within her. The man kept his gaze at the floor, lacking the courage to even contest her gaze.
Those eyes, terrifying crimson hued crosses that could mess with your head tried to dare his optics to even catch a small gaze. Staring into them was ill advised indeed. The butler knew this for his heart was racing, and what added to the cold sweat undeniably trickling in his jaw was that Arlecchino stood unnervingly still— as if contemplating something under deep thought. Before anything could be done, Arlecchino firmly gripped the mansion door's handles in a few momemts, swinging it open with great force.
There had always been an air of nobility in Arlecchino's presence. As soon as she stepped foot into Farlahr's office, the doctor stood up in shock, startled.
"Please, excuse my abrupt visit, Doctor." Arlecchino deliberately spat out the title, a composed smile tugged at her lips. Farlahr's eyes widen at the sight of her monochromatic elegance painting his mansion floors with her presence.
"You're not too busy, I presume? Do let us catch up, I insist— I truly do." It was way beyond the wee hours of the night, the breeze was cold and unforgiving, and the doctor could feel it crawling up his spine. The Harbingers assertive words leave no room for arguments. As if there was an invisible wind from the room, forcing every bit of his movements to bend at her own will.
"I admit that it's quite off fashion to visit at this hour empty handed, Lord Harbinger." The man chuckled in an attempt to disperse the growing tension in the air. He swings his hands— decorated with glimmering stones to mask his nervousness. The woman quickly responded.
"I won't be empty handed for long."
"Pardon, Lord Harbinger?"
Arlecchino doesn't clarify any further, but directs her unwavering gaze to him. Dark, piercing. It was like a warning, a ticking bomb for the doctor to diffuse except there seemed to be no signs of dismissal any time soon.
His crisp smile quickly dropped.
"...I merely jest." Farlahr quickly followed up, as if it was the most amusing joke in the world. Arlecchino doesn't seem to share the same opinion, as her expression stood the same. Whatever The Knave came here for, he doesn't know just yet. And if he fails to catch on, Farlahr just might lose something. His head fell from the deep crevices of his panicked mind falling into one topic he suddenly could bring up as distraction.
With their history of collaborative partnership of 13 years, Arlecchino didn't have a single problem in regards to the business and it's contributions to the House of Hearth. Arlecchino didn't care for his obsessions with women and adulterous activities, the poised lady simply stood her ground due the information the Doctor withheld about the history of medical fallacies and treatments alike.
Arlecchino's rigid gaze quickly looked relaxed, unbothered. Her voice had voice lowered and her arms and legs sit crossed.
"I came here to offer a deal."
"And that is?"
It was no surprise to Arlecchino that Farlahr was a worldly man. Riches to riches, he has re-married at least three times and he's proud of that. Arlecchino didn't bother to comprehend his thought process. She believes that his brain was processed waste ideally converged with multiple nerves. His body reeked of metals, teeth gleaming brightly with silver. She kind of wishes she could rip it all out of his jaw..
"You will retract your marriage proposal." Arlecchino starts, "And I say this, your wealth, status, and people— all safeguarded as per usual."
Farlahr was taken aback by the sudden demand. He doesn't know if her statement stemmed from concern for his safety or a wake up call to his unethical hobbies. The opportunist in him say the opposite, it says that maybe you are some sort of leverage in this world— so valuable that even the 4th Harbinger of then fatui would personally come and abolish his plans of marrying you.
But the curiosity of his consciousness gnaws it's way out of his lips, asking one particular question.
"You disapprove of my wife and I?"
How disgusting. Utterly repulsive. Its almost an offense to your whole existence to be called a wife to someone as repugnant as him. The monochromatic grace managed to suppress her disgust by responding in a more poignant tone.
"Ah, forgive me." Arlecchino very slowly tilts her head, eyes unblinking. She effortlessly stands up from her seat, her coat elegantly swaying with her refined and poised movements, breath light as a feather— a shadow cast on her face.
"But I don't disapprove of your proposal, pig." In a moment, there was a switch in her tone. Her pointed high heels shoes dragged themselves against the expensive velvet carpet, dreaming to at least peirce through the back of a certain crisp, fragile cranium. With every step closer Arlecchino gets, the more Farlahr's heart pounds in his chest, daring to jump off.
She raises a hand and firmly places them on his shoulder.
"...I forbid it."
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Serenity was all that could be described throughout the night. And you, as a person of idle leisure in the evening, appreciated the tranquil breeze that brush past your cheek. A soft sigh escapes your lips, falling into deep thought. What is there to do? With the last 28 hours you were given to decide on an answer, you're left quite bewildered. Tapping your fingernails on the terrace by muscle memory, your train of thought was disturbed when you head familiar foot steps behind you.
You turn around to see a sight of dignified beauty, standing before your sleepless eyes. Arlecchino's presence, despite the abruption, quickly calmed your disgruntled nerves down.
But something was wrong. Before you could ask about the residual crimson stains on her cheek and darkened hands, she speaks in a tone softer than any voice you've heard her.
"If I may ask, my dove, could you marry someone with an absent ring finger?"
Wow. What a random question. Completely uncalled for. Maybe the ungodly hours of the night got to her? Despite the conspiracies flowing through your mind, you try hard to think of an answer.
"Hmm. I should rephrase that. Could you marry a man with no fingers?" Arlecchino ponders out loud, "Despite a marriage contract, you must need a ring to put on his finger, right? Quite a shame, really.."
"No, I don't think so. Wedding rings are to be put on ring fingers, if I recall correctly."
"That's a relief." You raise a brow, completely lost. You gaze at Arlecchino, a subtle triumphant look paints her expression, her fingers play around with her numerous rings that sit comfortably on her fingers. Taking one out, she approaches your figure.
"May I embrace you, my lady?" Suddenly, the Harbingers sultry voice was sullen, sulking. My, what's up with this woman? A moment ago she shows up with (possibly) blood around her person, and now she's asking for sudden physical contact? After just a consonant of the reply 'Yes' was uttered, Arlecchino quickly took you in her arms, embracing you deeply— taking in your presence wholely.
"How I wish I could rid you the scent of that swine." She loosens her grip for a moment, putting a stray hair strand behind your ear. All this feels like a fever dream.. you remember that just mere hours ago, Arlecchino's face looked grim and unpleasant when she received news of your sudden proposal— her reaction left you perplexed. You thought it would be a good idea since Farlahr was a good business partner of hers, why the grim expression?
You pat her back comfortingly. Before you could say anything, Arlecchino quickly lets go of you, standing perfectly straight. Her face once again unreadable— she speaks in a calm and collected manner.
"That fool said that if you'd marry him, you would be set for life." She recounts, almost irritated. Arlecchino's crimson crosses gaze was away from you, but hands traced their way back to your arms, carefully holding them in hers. Her thumbs brush the back of your hands affectionately, with tenderness and care in her voice. Arlecchino's knee made contact with the floor, and her hands delicately handled yours as if they were the most precious thing in the world.
"You must marry me. All he could offer you, I could provide tenfold."
All of the sudden, the wind started to pick up, and the ethereal lady before you never looked so grand. Her monochromatic hair danced with the cool breeze, and her crimson eyes looked from above, transfixed on your figure. Your throat felt like there was too many words you could spit out in one go, and you were terrified that you'd ruin the atmosphere by stammering over your words.
"Marry me so you are mine to gratify. This is a promise I can keep, unlike that farce. Even at your grave, my everlasting flames will be buried with you in the dirt where you lay— in turn that you will never freeze from the cold kiss of death." The Harbinger adds, tenderly placing a peck on your knuckles. Her gaze could contest even the eyes of Archons at this very moment, possessing full confidence that upholds the standards of her capabilities.
Compared to her, what could a limbless man offer you?
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my dumbass just woke up and decided to edit it a bit cus I was writing this at like, 3AM LMAOO, hello (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) its me again, just dipping my toes in the water to see if I could still write 🤔
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I would not be able to be seen as a god cause the moment any pretty lady talks or flirts with me. I deadass would say something stupid like- “Can I have one pleaseburger cheese?”
(The bloodline ends with me 😭)
no rizz fr😭😭
that gives me an idea like a rizzless god in sagau who gets really flustered when someone attractive talks to them. sorry if shes a bit ooc here lmaooo
imagine visiting fontaine the same time Arlecchino is there, Creator! Reader would do their best to avoid Arlecchino because they'd just be a blubberring mess as soon as she breathes near them or something.
Creator! Reader who gets invited to a meeting with Neuvillette only to find Arlecchino there too. You're all nervous and you could feel a bead of sweat run down your forehead because... It's FATHER were talking about here!! Before you were isekai'd into this world, you loved Arlecchino to a point you have her C6 and her weapon!
Neuvillette soon excused himself as there seemed to be an emergency in court, now it was just you and Arlecchino in the room. Her stare was frightening, you couldn't even look her in the eye...
"I heard a lot about you, your Grace, through my children... They told me they were your guide when you first visited Fontaine." She spoke up, "Uhh... Yeah... They were really nice and welcoming." you replied. Silence again... You didn't really know what to fucking say because what the hell would you even say to her??
'Oh hey uhh Arlecchino, I love you, I read your fanfics and lore and stuff uhh... I have your poster on my wall so uhh... Please don't be weirded out...'
Oh no way in hell were you saying that...
You cleared your throat to try to make small talk, "Umm... nice weather were hav-" you were cut off by a sudden thunder... looks like whatever Neuvillette was handling he seemed to be pretty upset by it. You just decided to shut your mouth. "Hmm... Well looks like it's time for me to leave." she spoke out as she sat up from her seat.
You glanced up at her, "If you're interested, I would like to have dinner with you tomorrow, Your Grace." she added. "Oh... As a business meeting? I don't think I have anything to discuss with you in terms of business." you replied. "No, as a date." she replied.
"Oh... as a date... okay." wait... a... a...?!?!?! You're eyes widened, you could see her lips curl a little as she soon left.
Wow you truly are rizzless... to a point they'd have to just do the first moves themselves...
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18 plus only. Contains mentions of fingering. No pronouns used.
No thoughts… just them…
The way they pump their fingers into your little hole and coo as you gasp and whine and plead for them to just let you cum already. But they’re already pulling out of your sloppy little hole, leaving your brain in shambles as your body aching to orgasm. It’s incredibly unfair, especially when they hush you and put their lips against your neck, giving you little hickies while waiting for you to stop being so damn close to orgasm.
You whine and complain about how mean they’re being and that you need to cum, your sex feels so achy and any liquids falling out of your body make it burn. They purr assurance that you’re almost done, that it’s ok, and that you will cum soon. But fuck, it’s not fair. Especially when you are THAT close and they pull away.
They’re so excited, too. Their own sex is in your eyes, leaky and red with excitement. But they just won’t let you touch them. It’s so mean. You promise to get your revenge sometime…
Characters- Genshin Impact: Arlecchino, Al-haitham, Kaveh, Ningguang, Beidou, Ayato Kamisato, Albedo, Diluc, Wriothesley, and Furina
Honkai Star Rail: Blade, Jing Yuan, Himeko, Kafka, Firefly, Stelle, Boothill, Acheron, and Aventurine.
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knavesflames · 1 month
HELLOOOO sorry I’ve been a bit absent I just was super super busy :-( but here you go!! This situation got me thinking thoughts frfr
Contents: dick riding, praise, reader just wants to make cupcakes omg
Word count: 1135
Nsft utc<3
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When you were baking this morning, you certainly didn’t expect to end up where you are now. I mean, surely it’s expected by now, with Arlecchino as your girlfriend. You should know by now that she’s prone to suddenly coming up behind you and turning you into putty with a few simple touches and whispers against your ear. But the cupcakes, you protest, but by the time you finish your sentence, you’re already breathless, the back of your dress slowly unzipping, thanks to the charred hands belonging to Arlecchino. Her nails softly scratch at the skin of your back, a place she knows you adore. And you prove that, by shuddering at the sensation, a smirk spreading on her face. The cupcakes are half forgotten by now as she leads you away from the kitchen with her hand on your arm, lips brushing against your ear with every step she takes, the sound of heels on wood echoing the suddenly quiet room.
Before you can blink (or that’s what it feels like) her lips are on yours, moving in the perfect rhythm as her hand brushes against the shoulder of your dress. Already unzipped, it falls, past your shoulder, resting at your elbow and revealing the top part of your breast. She doesn’t hesitate in catching a nipple in her mouth, sucking and swiping her tongue over the ever hardening bud.
“So needy, hm?”
Her voice is a low rumble, one filled with amusement and desire she can’t seem to hide. Her hands take purchase around your waist, and you bury your head in her neck as you feel your hands fumbling with the belt of her trousers. She lets you fumble, your nipples now rolling between her thumb and forefinger, her lips ghosting the shell of your ear.
“Are you so excited you’ve forgotten how to undo a belt, love?”
You grumble in response, but your breath is taken away when she pinches your nipple, motivating you to hurry up, already. Hurry is what you do, your head rising to catch her lips in another kiss, fast, needy, passionate. Her belt finally comes loose, her buttons undone, and she bites back a groan as her dick springs out, hitting her lower stomach. Instead, she breathes out harshly, her hands finding your waist again as she sits on the abundance of blankets and pillows (your choice, of course, she doesn’t see a need for it, but she secretly adores the smile you develop when you find a new pillow you like). Her hands drag her on to you, two fingers making their way between your legs, dragging across your slit to collect the slick that’s been gathered there. She hums in approval, giving herself a few pumps, distributing said stick to her dick from her fingers before she speaks.
“You’re soaked. We haven’t even started and you’re making a mess.”
You whimper quietly in response as she drags the tip across your slit, teasing you. Your hips move, grinding against it, your head falling forward as your face twists in pleasure. She lets you, her breathing speeding up, though she remains silent. When Arlecchino decides you’re finished with that, she doesn’t even give you a warning, slipping herself into you and letting out a sharp puff of air the same time you groan. Your head falls into her neck once more as she starts gently, small, shallow thrusts.
“God, you’re good. So good, good girl.”
Her voice is strained, it isn’t difficult to tell she’s holding back on making any sounds at all. Why she does this, you don’t know, but it’s so much hotter watching her face of struggle, her head tilted back, her eyes closed and her mouth open in silent moans. Her hands tighten around your waist, her sharp, sharp nails threatening to dig into the soft skin that lays upon you. She lets you do the work, riding her and getting what you need, but she’s so close to just holding you there and thrusting into you instead. She likes control, she likes to control the pace, and most of all, she likes to be the one to control when you orgasm over her.
“Keep riding me, pretty girl. You’re taking me so well. You can take all of me, look at you. Your pretty cunt is so greedy for me.”
Only she knows how much she loves whispering to you while you ride her, how much she loves watching your cheeks dust with pink, and your mouth opening and closing, only to open in a quiet moan. You and her both know the praise she gives you only spurs you on. You ride harder, the sound of skin meeting skin sounding over and over again as you bounce on her, a little harder every so often when Arlecchino can’t help but spear you on her cock.
And when your legs start trembling, your grip on her shoulders gets tighter and your moans get louder, she finally, finally lets out a grunt of pleasure, her hands shifting just slightly to position herself right before she stops your movements. Not a second of hesitation occurs before her hips start moving, thrusting up into you again and again. She makes sure the tip of her nestles into that spongy spot inside of you again and again, relishing in the mewls and moans coming from your pretty lips.
“Good girl. Good fucking girl. Take it, doll, I know you can.”
Her thrusts stay fast until you cry out, a signal that your orgasm is fast approaching, sweat beading on your forehead. She changes her pattern, hard, slow and deep, just to prolong the pleasure, just enough to make you wait.
“Do you want to cum, pretty girl?”
A nod so urgent and a gasping breath, a shaky “yes” ringing out so loud it sounds like the walls are speaking back, and her thrusts return to their original pace.
“Then cum. Cum all over my cock. You make such pretty faces when you cum, so keep your eyes open. Keep them open or I stop.”
You know she isn’t joking. She’s done it before, stopped and waited. Cockwarmed you until the high of the almost orgasm ebbed away before starting again, the same command in place. So, your eyes stay open, rolling back as the peak of the orgasm crashes over you like waves hitting the sand. Her thrusts slow to a stop, her lips meeting yours once again, though this time, slow and loving as you come back to reality, as both of you calm down. Once you do, her fingers caress your hair, moving it behind your ear as she kisses your forehead, her voice murmuring once more with a hint of a chuckle in it.
“Now, those cupcakes. Are they chocolate?”
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ambros1an · 1 month
arlecchino x reader: affections
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warnings: none. bug talk. soft arle
summary: “affections left unreturned suit me perfectly,” she tells you, but she can’t help but long for more.
a/n: did I write a fic solely based off her “spider” voice line? yes 👍
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As a child growing up in the hearth, Peruere had little friends. Most days she would spend outside, back in a corner where a spider would be her companion. She would pick up insects between her fingers and launch them into its web. In return, she got nothing.
As expected. She liked that.
“Affections left unreturned suit me perfectly,” she tells you.
As an adult, Arlecchino has little friends. Most days she spends her time outside, where she’s greeted by you.
“I’ve been expecting you. Come sit.” Arlecchino hands over a plate of today’s limited edition cake. She knows it’s your favorite. And she expects nothing in return.
“Thank you,” you dig your fork in and hold it up to your mouth, but then pause, “but where’s your piece?”
“I did not feel the need to get one,” she shakes her head, “your presence alone is satisfactory.”
“That won’t do. I’ll treat you next time.”
“That won’t be necessary,” she looks directly in your eyes this time, crossing her arms in disapproval.
“Hmm…” taking a bite, you stare down at your lap. She stares at you eating the treat with a look of interest that one watches a spider spin a web around its prey. A spider gives no affection. And she is perfectly content with that.
Unexpected. She doesn’t like that.
“Arlecchino, I told you I would get you something!” A familiar voice shouts from behind. It’s you. She looks over her shoulder it’s…
“A plain vanilla cake…” You really do know her well. She couldn’t believe you actually listened to her ranting about spiced foods and how bland was better. A twinge of something like unease sets in her stomach.
A gift.
“Arlecchino, are you alright? Did I do something wrong?” You look so serious with your eyebrows furrowed and eyes downcast. A look that doesn’t suit you.
“Apologizes. Thank you for the sweets. I appreciate your gesture of kindness.” She watches your expression change, looking up at her with- was that shyness?
Your gaze shifts off to the side, hand rubbing the back of your neck in an awkward manner. Uncharacteristic. Once again unexpected.
However, this time the feeling is different. The flames that roam in her blood are all consuming, only there to destroy. But this time they feel different; like little butterfly wings in her stomach.
Who knew a human could catch a spider in their web?
“I suppose I can accept these acts of affections. This time.”
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cred to @/miau-meow-miau for the butterfly divider
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pigeonpeach · 3 months
Yandere sex shit
Cw: fem reader, pregnancy risk, degradation, dubious consent for some, somnophillia, breeding, women with dicks, might be mildly misogynistic in arlecchino’s but idk if it really counts as that.
Characters included: Diluc, Arlecchino, Neuvillette, Yelan, and Pantalone
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“I can’t stop…” his voice was like a growl almost. You raised your head, your body felt sore as you took in the scenery and the position you had been forced in. You were on your side, leg hitched onto his shoulder.Diluc must’ve come home late while you were already asleep. The fact your nightgown had been hitched, your panties pushed aside, and your womb had been filled was enough to incriminate him yes. But it wasn’t like you could leave this olace anyways. As his pace resumed the chains on your hands clanked slightly. You hated how you still had to be chained to this day. You had been so good and yet his staff still doesn’t trust you. Or is it their way of offering you as a sacrifice to him, leaving you defenseless so he can have his way. Although initially you were numb to all pleasure, your mind sleepy snd still processing everything. You suddenly gasped as you felt him knock against your g-spot. Your arms thrashed, the chains clanked and jingled.
“You feel like so good.” He commented,”Haah… fuck If you squeeze me like that… oh… fuck.. shit I’m going to cum.” Your eyes widened as you looked down. Unable to communicate your concerns as you realized you had no form of birth control here. Nor was he wearing a condom. But it felt so good you didn’t want to stop deep down. The previous rounds sloshed inside yourself as you couldn’t help but spread your legs s little more. Your sensibility actively fucked out of you.
You just had to hope you weren’t ovulating
“Please~~~!” You whined. The vibrations of the toy inside had been edging you for so long now. Each time you would get close to release Arlecchino would pull it out making you squirm desperately. You had tried to escape recently, growing a bit paranoid after being here for so long against your will. But after what must’ve been hours of orgasm denial the torture session’ had turned you into what you would later regret. But currently you were dumb and horny and really just wanted to cum already.
“You haven’t earned it. Disobedient wives to be don’t try to escape in the middle of then night now do they? You’re a bad little fiancé and therefore you need be punished until you’re absolutely sorry.” She growled into your ear. You whined as she pulled it out once more.
“N-no no I’ll be good i promise! I promise I’ll be good!” You whined desperately. Your hips chased the toy to no avail. You heard her belt unbuckling. You looked down to see a rather impressive cock. You were to out of it to think about how she wasn’t reaching for a condom or any form of protection.
“You promise? As if that has any value.” She smacked your face with her cock. “Don’t just stare at it, be a good little whore for me and I’ll consider letting you cum.” You gulped but quickly pressed your lips to it as she quickly forced it in. Your sounds of surprise were muffled as she quickly settled her own pace.
“A useless little whore. Am i the first to defile this little mouth? Will I be the first to deflower you?~” she grasped your hair like a leash. Forcing you up and down until suddenly pulling out.
“W-wha-“ you whined as she suddenly flipped you over.
“I need to know how pure my beloved little fiancé is.” She responded with immediately sinking her cock into your pussy. You whined as you felt absolutely heavenly. Squirming as she established a brutal pace. “You’re tight, even after all that foreplay… fuck… i need to defile you, make you my whore and only mine. I’ll turn your body into my little cumdump!” You gagged from the ferocity of her thrusts. You tried to say something but it came out in stutters and mumbles. She seemed to understand it somehow. “You’re going to cum? Good. I want to feel you cum on my cock again and again until I fill your womb with my seed.”
“The Iudex is… currently in heat.. miss please do consider your position on your marital responsibilities!” The maids pleaded with you. The Iudex, the hydro dragon was currently in heat but hadn’t the heart to make you accompany him during it. You turned your head away. You could care less if your captor was suffering, it hardly would be as painful ad you felt just being here. “Please its been absolutely torrential rains!” The maids pleads ment nothing.
“I don’t care. Now where is that tea I ordered?” Normally you would be polite and respectful of service workers. But considering who they were working for and what their intentions were you really couldn’t give s fuck if you made them cry. What you didn’t know was in that tea they begrudgingly brought out was a aphrodisiac.
“My love… they said you weren’t feeling well…” His hands traced over your face. You didn’t really know where he came from just that he emerged from hiding to help you. You were certain those maids had some role in your current predicament, but also you were too horny to care. Your body felt firey and hot and you needed him more than ever. He opened his mouth to lick at your sweat as his hands reached down below your nightgown.
“Just… get it over with..” you whined, trying to maintain some defiance. It was humiliating sure but… oh you couldn’t help but fall apart as his finger entered inside. His cold hands making you clamp onto him tightly.
“So.. warm.. fuck.. you’re fertile too.. i can taste it in your sweat.” He purred. “I won’t be able to control myself. Please pardon me.”
“Ne-neu-neuvillette!” You whined as he slammed every inch of his cock into your sopping wet little cunt. His hands pinning you down as you squirmed mindlessly. All resistance long drawn out as you had been fingered through three orgasms until now. You were practically his little bitch now. Unable to think straight.
“You’re so tight for me… fuck I can’t… i need to breed you my love.” You gasped at his words but couldn’t respond as he started to fuck you at a brutal and unrelenting pace. His cock dragging against your insides only to slam back in. “So good for me. So good…” his whines turned you on more than you would like. But who could blame you when his cock was just so thick and reached all the right places, his voice bordered on a purr as you were held in a mating press unable to stop or resist as his cock bulldozed any thoughts out of your head. The aphrodisiac making you into a fine slut.
“Cum inside! Please!” You begged instinctively. Your body wishing to be fertilized and impregnated beyond your senses. You needed him in this moment more than anything.
“Fuck… can’t.. stop… ugh!” He groaned loudly as he came, his seed flooding your womb as you whined in release. He paused briefly before resuming his pace. “I’m going go knock you up, maybe then you’ll finally be a obedient little slut for me”
“You’re such a bad liar you know. I wonder what your god would think if she saw one of her top soldiers bouncing like this.” Yelan was simply smarter than you, a simple Fatui agent. But you really couldn’t resist. Her charisma was irresistible. Her voice itself was aphrodisiac that made you buck your hips.
Pantalone would no doubt be utterly disgusted if he saw you now. Although he’d likely be more disgusted that you were bottoming than your sexual orientation. But the chances of you ever returning now were low. You had a feeling this encounter would leave you in her grasp forever based on that possessive stare she held. “Fuck… you’re such a good slut. I don’t know how you haven’t been taken by that harbinger yet, although he already doesn’t have good tastes in fashion, he must’ve been blind to your true potential~”
“N-noooo… ah~”
“No? You aren’t a good slut? I beg to differ. I don’t think I’ve had this much fun interrogating any of the other agents before. You certainly are a catch.” She purred. You tensed up at the idea that your colleagues may have similarly found themselves in your position. “Don’t worry, you’re the first I’ve done this too. I just couldn’t resist the way your uniform looked on you. You’re always so well dressed. Maybe I should steal your clothes and send you back to him nude?”
“N-no!” You gasped, blushing more than you should’ve. She winced as you clenched on her.
“I’m only teasing now. I have absolutely no intentions of letting you go back at all.” She grinned like a cat as she suddenly held your hips down, forcing you to feel her deep inside. You flinched and squirmed. Desperately trying to get off or finish. “Look me in my eyes now.” You hesitated before eventually obliging. Your hands bound tightly in some artistic pattern behind, your legs sore and exhausted. You were used to the point of exhaustion, a normal sensation but not in the sexual sense. You thought if you could break your restraints now and gain some freedom you could make a escape now, you would just have to cover your torn tights that left your cunt exposed- “I know what you’re thinking. You’ve already tried to break those restraints and you haven’t succeeded yet. Why would you even want to go back anyways?” Her hands pushed your thighs so you were on your back, legs in the air, you tried to kick at her with what little sense and strength you had. But she grabbed it with amusement.
“I’m not letting you leave. I think of all those nick-knacks I’ve taken from that harbinger you’ve certainly been my favorite. I don’t care what he tries, you are going to be mine. Even if I have to melt your mind myself. I’ll happily train you to be a good little slut~”.
“I-i didn’t mean anything sir I was just trying to be polite to her!” You whined. You were simply his secretary. Used to handling and recieving guest when he was busy. Apparently Signora had a bone to pick with the Regrator, some drama you weren’t aware of and she decided to… make him jealous? You hadn’t even known of his feelings. Despite his smile he is hardly expressive minus when he’s angry. What were you supposed to do other than abide by her advances! She was a harbinger afterall!
“I don’t care about that. I don’t care if that manual didn’t specify or told you what. You are mine.” Pantalone was certainly pissed now. His eyes revealing a unnatural and omitting a possessive aura. You felt like a mouse in the clutches of a cat. You hadn’t even been stripped yet as he had simply thrown you onto his desk. He towered above you as his hand trailed up your skirt, which was now pushed up to expose you. “You are my secretary. And I swear if I have to lock you up in some room in my mansion I will gladly do so. I don’t care if some harbinger catches your fancy or whatever prior commitments you have. You will henceforth be considered mine both in mind and body.”
“I-I didn’t know that you considered me in su-AH!” You squeaked as he tore your tights. Those tights weren’t the fragile type either, special made and lined with thicker fabrics to help insulate in the typical blizzards you would encounter leaving the office.
“It doesn’t matter now…. You’re practically leaking right now. You tremble and shake but your body is as ripe as a peach. I wonder if you’ve dreamed of this scenario before…” his voice grew more assertive. “Or maybe you were thinking of that woman instead. Hoping she’d be the one to see this perhaps?”
“N-no! No sir!” You shivered. Your legs trembled as you were utterly lost on where to go from here. You couldn’t escape and you hadn’t ever fucked your boss before so this was a quite the adjustment. A shiver ran up your spine as you suddenly felt his lips latch onto your dripping cunt. Your hand reached to cover your face from embarrassment. Trying to stay still as if it wasn’t already to late. What made you even more embarrassed was the sounds he was making. The sensations and pleasure you felt was in your veins but the sounds of wet smacks and slurping could be heard potentially out of his office. You knew they hadn’t finished soundproofing it. Anyone passing by would hear it. Your hand suddenly was tugged away.
“Don’t muffle your sounds now. You were oh so chatty just a few seconds ago. So go on, scream, cry, beg I don’t care. The louder you are, then the better other people will hear you.”
“Bu-but that’s p-mmmmm!” You bit your lip as a finger suddenly entered. You didn’t even notice the rings had been removed.
“Go on. Let everyone in this building know your mine!” He growled as he began to finger you more aggressively. The tips of his fingers still clothed by his gloves, reached your g-spot making you yelp and squeal. “I’ll make sure you never go unmarked again. You aren’t going to leave this office or my presence until I’m thoroughly satisfied.”
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avocad1s · 8 months
Let Them Eat Cake
Arlechinno x Creator! Reader
CW: Sharing Food?, Obsessive Thoughts, Arlechinno is down bad for you in this.
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The Knave never actually believed you would agree to this.
To sit before you, to bask in your divine presence. It was almost overwhelming for her. She couldn’t stop the rhythmic thumping that quickened in her chest.
Arlechinno crosses her legs, although she requested an audience with you, she couldn’t bring herself to speak. Her eyes could only take in your divinity. Words of gratitude repeating in her mind for taking the time out of your precious day to speak with her.
“Would you like more cake, Your Grace?” She finally says, her voice soft and eloquent.
The Knave’s plate of cake remained untouched. You invaded her every thought, her senses couldn’t focus on anything that wasn’t related to you. If eating her cake meant she had to take her gaze of you, then she didn’t want it.
You wipe the icing off the side of your mouth as you look down at your empty plate.
“Well if you have more then I’d be delighted to have another slice.”
The Knave immediately obliges as she slides her plate over to you. If you want seconds then surely you must like the cake? She and the children put extra love and care in this treat just for you.
“I can’t take this.”
Her eyes widen, was there something wrong with it? Was the piece not up to your satisfaction visually? Please tell her, she’ll do everything in her power to correct it.
“This is your piece, I can’t just take it from you.”
Arlechinno smiles, your benevolence was always something she admired.
“Seeing you eat it is already enough for me.” She murmurs, picking her teacup up from the saucer. “Please enjoy it. For the both of us.”
“Then how about we share it?”
Arlechinno sputters feeling her face grow warm as her mind races to find her next words. As a Fatui diplomat, she should never be reduced to such a state but you were an exception. She could only watch as you stand up with the plate moving over to her side of the couch sitting next to her.
You were so close, she could reach out and hold you if she desired.
You grab two forks off the table holding one out to her, Arlechinno graciously takes it.
“I am honored that you wish to share this with me,” she breathes out, “I cannot thank you enough.”
You smile.
Gosh, all Arlechinno wants is for you to smile at her again.
Sharing this cake with you is greater than anything else she has experienced before. Obtaining a vision, becoming a harbinger, those mean nothing if she could sit here with you for a moment longer.
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© avocad1s 2023
Note: I just finished the 4.1 Archon Quest and OMG THE KNAVE 😩 GIMME A CHANCE 🙏🙏
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dawndelion-winery · 3 months
Thanks for the Flowers
You send them a little prank thank you text with flowers they never sent
Ft: Alhaitham, Arlechinno, Childe, Scaramouche, Wriothesley
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You thought it would be a funny prank to send him a stock image of flowers and a small thank you
"Glad you like them."
He smiles to himself, but then immediately deleted his message when he sees the attached image
That wasn't the bouquet he sent
His smile drops so fast because who exactly is sending you flowers apart from him?
"Throw those out, they aren't from me. Don't you like the one I sent more? I got your favourites, my love."
He gives the house a cursory scan the moment he steps in through the front door
It's only after you've given him his welcome home kiss and a hug that he starts looking for the bouquet for some trace of who the sender might be
At first he doesn't believe you when you say it's a prank because he wouldn't put it past you to just want to allay his worries
He'll come around though, and then he's annoyed
"That's childish and you know it, you can have my attention if you just ask for it."
This is her sign to publicly announce that you're with her because this sort of idiocy wouldn't be an issue if people knew you were spoken for
Initially chuckles to herself as she glares at the offending image
"Do you like them?"
Of course she's not telling you the weren't from her if you like them
The poor sucker who sent them to you deserves no credit anyway
If anything, they deserve her personal thanks for helping her gift you something!
Of course she needs to know their name and face to express her gratitude in person <33
In a totally genuine and non-threatening way (lie)
She ends up coming home late that day, having scared off any of your potential suitors just to be safe
"Had some unsavoury business come up, dearest, sorry to keep you waiting. Have you had dinner yet? No? Shall we dine together?"
She never brings it up though, so you sorta forget to ever tell her it was a joke
At first he doesn't process that he didn't send you the flowers
It's not like he doesn't pay attention, but he has his subordinates send you so much stuff as he comes across it that it's really hard to keep track
For all he knows it might have been something he came across and spontaneously thought of you liking it
And your likes were pretty much needs to him
"Love you, my pookie <33"
And then he stows his phone away
Only to remember he hasn't gotten you any flowers that day
"My honey drumlet darling-kins, there doesn't happen to be a note attached to the flowers, is there?"
When you insist that no, there isn't, and you've checked thoroughly, he makes a mental note to look into anyone who's ever had a crush on you
For a friendly spar, of course!
He just needs to make sure his competition is even worth noting (they aren't)
He comes home, thoroughly disappointed that none of them could even hold their own against him - few even dared to try, scared shitless by the sudden appearance of a harbinger demanding they fight
Sweaty and tired, he's all over you, whining about his day and how everyone wants you and can't take a hint that you're so happy with him ("You are, aren't you? I'm your favourite.")
Of course you cave and tell him it was only a prank
He scowls at first, but then breaks out giggling as he buried his face in the crook of your neck
"It doesn't really matter because I think they're all scared of me anyway. Some of them took one look at me and blanched. Unlike you, of course; the sight of me excites you, doesn't it?"
Ah. There's your bastard ginger.
"Wrong number, I think you meant to text your side hoe."
Sends you the most unbothered replies
Is actually overthinking
He knows logically this is most likely a joke because he swears he has seen that bouquet somewhere on the internet when looking for flower arrangement inspiration
But what if it's just a really similar layout and someone actually did send it to you?
Horrible. He doesn't want to think about it
But of course he does anyway
Brings you flowers because he planned to sneakily replace the stranger's bouquet
"Honey, please tell me this is a joke."
Seething inside
Who in their right mind dared to covet you while you were happily dating him??
Don't even try evade his interrogation, he needs to know every detail
From the exact time the flowers were sent to the arrangement and paper quality
Don't mind him, it's just a small investigation he'll carry out in his free time
The sooner you come clean the better
Not that you'll go unpunished...but hey, confessing to your crimes must at least lighten the sentence, yeah?
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Taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat @yinyinggie @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @haliyarobin @irethepotato @boundedbyfate @favonius-captain @aqui-soba @tiredsleep @sadlonelybagel @mastering-procrastinating @lemeowade
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urmomspersonalwhore · 7 months
imagine calling Arlecchino daddy instead of fatheri badly want her fingers inside me
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You were cleaning the Knave’s office, dusting the shelves.
They were so ridiculously tall, partially to match the Fourth Harbinger. You didn’t complain much about it, even though it was a nuisance because well…you liked the way things had to change in order to accommodate her height. It was sort of attractive. She wasn’t “giant” tall but compared to you, yea. You were about to clean the bookcase until the door knob turned and opened to reveal the handsome woman.
Her eyes narrowed at your presence and walked inside her room, sitting down on a luxurious chair.
She parted her lips, sitting in silence before finally saying something whilst staring at the piles of documents.
“I require you to retrieve a letter from Columbina, Mrs. Moreau has it.”
You turned to face her, maintaining eye contact as she spoke. It was quiet, seeming to be in your little headspace. You couldn’t lie about how attractive your boss was, she was so irresistible. The thought of her on top of you pounding into your wet hole having to scream her rightful name, “Daddy”. You shook your head, bringing yourself back into reality, and nodded,
“Right away, daddy.”
You were meant to say father, but the little Drabble in your mind thought differently. Red took place on your face, the embarrassment running through your veins as the knave’s eyes widened in surprise and shock at the name.
She perked an eyebrow at the name
Arlecchino stood from her chair, a small smirk so faint you would have to squint in order to notice it.
This is it, you thought.
This is the end of your life.
You stepped back, but she kept walking forward which ended in you being pressed against the bookshelves with her body on top of yours.
A gasp left your throat as you looked up at your boss, she raised a hand to hold your waist before speaking with a raspy tone,
“Such a naughty thing, in need of a punishment.”
You whined, a blush crawling from your throat to your cheek. She smirked, leaning in to tease your skin with her cold breaty before licking a spot on your neck until she bit it which caused you to yelp.
She licked the spot again to soothe pain while teasingly rubbing your thighs with her slim fingers.
A hand slipped under your waistband of your underwear, feeling your wetness making her smile.
“Wet already?”
She teased, adoring your flushed expressions.
You whimper as she slowly rubbed your clit, the stimulation barely there.
The Knave chuckled at your neediness and pulled you off the bookshelf, guiding you to her desk. She tugged your uniform, pulling the dress off.
Her hands went to hold your thighs, pulling them apart.
She maintained eye contact with you, slowly sitting down on the floor to meet your clothed pussy. Arlecchino practically ripped it off of you, staring at your now dripping cunt making her smirk.
“Barely even touched you, and you’re already soaking wet.” She growled, making you ache for her more.
Her fingers toyed with your clit, her breathe being felt from how close she was.
After a bit of her teasing, she finally licked a stride up your slit, giving kitty licks. You whined, wanting more after all this barely gave you anything.
She laughed, the vibrations stimulating you further, forcing a moan from your mouth.
The Knave finally sucked on your sensitive bud, her hand moving near her mouth. Then, slim fingers entered your tight walls. She started off on a rough pace, not slowing down a single bit as she continued to eat you out.
Her tongue swirling around and sucking on your clit, fingers pounding into you.
It was so much, your legs wrapping around her head while your spine arched. She could tell you were close and became faster in movements.
Once you came, she instantly went to clean you up. Not wasting a single drop, humming at your taste.
After licking your cum, she got up. Staring at you a bit before kissing you, making you taste yourself.
She pulled away, your bottom lip in between her teeth.
“Maybe I’ll move you to be my personal maid, hm?”
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yoshiyomi · 1 month
arlecchino x male reader - nsfw
- warning(s) contain nsfw, breeding, choking
(a/n) - haven’t wrote in a while so this is a great refresher :)
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she leaves u for a woman bc she doesn’t want ur twink ass self.
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How likely the Fatui harbingers are to cuddle you
(as their fellow harbinger)
When you are sick 🛌
An: I am sick so we have to make the best of it :( also included wanderer before his glow up and la signora because I like my harbingers all together, but since I feel like I cannot say anything about Pulcinella, Columbina and Sandrone I left them out, I still hope you’ll like it!
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I feel like he would look at you and tell you to go and rest, but that’s about it. Maybe you get a pat on your head or shoulder in sympathy.
Il Dottore:
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When you’re like, nearly dead? and come to him into his lab in the hopes he can give you medicine. He thinks the sight is pathetic :(
Would help you though and tell you to sit down while gets you some poisonous looking medicine (it probably unfairly works tho). But you’re still burning up so you crave a bit more of a hug. It annoys him (but if you persist in staying annoying to him) he might give you a segment of him that you can use as a plushie for your own comfort if not himself.
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I mean hello? Father?
This woman would take her time for you. If you tell her you really need someone to cuddle you, she will agree, why not after all?
Only one condition, she might want to do some work in the meantime which could be anything from reading, to writing and commanding fatui agents, as well as her children around.
But if you commit to laying on the couch next to her not bothering her too much, mommy/father is gonna take care of you while laying by the fireplace. :>
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Would also be annoyed.
„Why don’t you get lost in your room and rest there? You’re a drag when you’re sick.“ But you don’t want to go to your room you want affection.
So after long minutes of persuading, he might give in, depending on if he likes you or not.
If he gives in and lets you cuddle him, he’s going to make comments about being annoyed, (all while that man‘s got the joker, puppets surely won’t catch a cold) Yet you don’t care and let him talk because you know that behind all the complaints, he likes it a bit.
La signora:
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This one is tricky, I feel like she would be a little like Scaramouche, also saying she doesn’t want to, but should she give in she might find it slightly pleasant and let’s it play a bit into her Ego, other than Scara who would feel it in affection mostly.
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If you ask him and he is not out for business, I wouldn’t see what keeps him from it. Especially if you’d be at home with him in that luxurious house. He’d at least stay with you until you’re asleep before heading back to his desk to deal with some contracts. Maybe he’ll send someone to fetch him a soup or anything he would know makes you feel better so when you wake up and want to cuddle again, he could also give you something he knows you like to make you feel better.
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This man…, you want cuddles, you’re sick? He’s got your back. Just call him up and he’ll try to finish business as fast as possible to come over and help you get better again. Honestly a sweetheart :(
Il Capitano:
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I believe he wouldn’t cuddle you because he is more into battling something somewhere (maybe Natlan). But on the other hand he wouldn’t be too opposed to making you feel a bit better and comforting you so he would ask you if you wanna come along to Natlan and watch him there!
I mean might not be what you asked for but at least it’s gonna be warmer than Snezhnaya. :)
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priestessame · 22 days
... ˜”*°•Jealous S/Os Drabbles (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ ...
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... ˜”*°• Minors DNI˜”*°• ... ✦•┈๑⋅⋯ "𝕴'𝖒 𝖘𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖎𝖓 𝖘𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝖜𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖜𝖆𝖞𝖘" ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
... •Gender neutral reader- sub reader
˜”*°•Jealous partners that love you so much it hurts. Jealous partners that absolutely hate seeing you with anyone else. Those who will clench their fists until the nails draw blood just seeing you smile at someone.
Sure its a little problematic, but its all because they love you so much. They tip toe the line of showing that jealousy to you. Other than a few pouts that make you laugh, they won't let you catch even a whiff of how they truly seethe inside.
˜”*°•Jealous partners that would never blame you for how they are feeling. They know you're always perfect, fiercely loyal, and doting to a fault. But they also know it's your kindness and sympathy that gets mistaken for flirting. You could be just going around doing what you do, smiling harmlessly at a waiter or a cashier. And it's only them that notices the person's face falter. Eyes glazing as if they had looked directly into the sun.
What's infuriating is that you don't see how they look at you. You only ever see a friend making you laugh or a stranger being kind. Palpable. They can taste the jealousy curling in their stomach, crawling up their throat until they can feel it in their mouth. It's bitter and resentful, numbing their tongue like medicine.
˜”*°•Jealous partners that would grin like wolves, before lacing an arm around your shoulder, taking a sadistic pleasure in watching how the other person's face darkens with realisation.
You belong to them, body, soul and mind. And no matter how many times they claim you, it'll never be enough.
Most of the time they try to handle the stares. You see, mostly it's the low-lives giving you looks of pure desire, wondering what you would look like under them. Those can be dealt with easily.
But sometimes the gaze is different, it's always a gut-wrenching realization, for they can recognize it. It's a gaze that goes deeper than just lust. it's how they have looked at you all their life. That's the one that really fucks with them. Rage and fear washing over them like a tide.
They just have to feel you in that moment, pressed themselves up against you until they can feel you heart hammer against their skin. With every passing second, their poised self continues to slip. They need you to show them how much you really crave them. So they'll do it. Even if its means pulling you in a corner, secluded yet public and needing to slide their fingers in you pants to feel how aroused you are.
They want you to feel as consumed by them as they feel about you. Can't you see how pathetic you make them feel? So quick to anger and envy. They want you ruined, to bury so deeply into you that you can feel them mark you forever.
Jealous partners that won't let you go until their teeth leave marks down your bare skin. Playlus nips at your neck as they overwhelm you with the pleasure. Its hard and rough as they take you right then and there, basically beckoning someone to catch you two. So the idiots can watch how easily you come undone under them, your pleasure building your pleasure until you can't help but scream their name. Maybe then, that will ease their jealousy.
"Who do you belong to?" They'd whisper, voice like silk, like they aren't holding you down, fisting your hair. That's the only time you realise someone pissed them off, it's feeling the hunger and need radiating off of them. The touch so starving, that their fingers seem to carve you out.
Yes they a little out of hand, but you don't mind, do you?
ARLECCHINO, Childe, Wanderer, Geto, Sukuna, Gojo, MIHAWK, Sunday,
໒꒰ྀི´• ˕ •` ꒱ྀིა Buy me a coffee?
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quimichi · 8 months
Oh, how about Arlecchino x Creator!Reader? Where Creator!Reader holds her hands and says that Arlecchino’s hands are beautiful and Reader doesn’t mind to hold them?
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Arlecchino x Creator!Reader
Arlecchino - Very fun. But it's not enough (sry it's just my absolute fav, like how she said it---)
As soon as you hold her hands, Arlecchino starts trembling— her breath hitches, and her skin flushes a bright shade of red. She lowers his head, burying her face into your lap. You're holding her hands, she still can't believe it. And how gentle you are even...
She doesn't want to look you in the eye, or admit what she feels. However, she can't help but cling to you. She leans forward, until she's pressed against your chest. She wants to lose himself in you— to be consumed by you. You are her weakness, a weak spot that could be used against her any times. "Such pretty hands you have, so unique...like you" A smirk passes over Arlecchinos face, her lips curving upwards as a blush spreads across her cheeks. If the grace likes her hands, what is there to be insecure about. If the grace deems it perfect, it must be, right?
She hides his face deeper into your lap, her nose nuzzling into your thighs as he leans forward. Oh, how she adores being this close, being the only one who can do this. Others wouldn't even dare to imagine, but she can.
She doesn't want to admit how pleased she is— how flustered she is, by your words. She can't help but be touched by your words, by your gaze.
"I'm honored, your grace" she murmurs. Her voice is sweet and bashful, as if she's still a young child. Unusual to her usual deep, demanding voice.
You trail kisses up and down her hands, appreciating them as they should. As you trail kisses down Arlecchinos hands, she lowers himself even lower; if that was even possible.
Her breathing grows deeper and more ragged; she gulps down air, unable to believe what's happening. She feels as if he's in a dream, it feels unreal, this must be what people feel when they imagine themselves in this situation.
Her eyes water as tears leak out of her closed lids, rolling down her face.
"Thank you, your grace"
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knavesflames · 2 months
Yes. Write it :)
As promised😌
Fem Balletdancer! Reader x Arlecchino ;)
Contents: fingering, in a public space but they don’t get caught, slight choking (a tiny bit), tears, praise, but very slight degradation (in a loving way) arlecchino is possessive (and lowkey jealous)
Word count: 1263
Nsfw under the cut!<3
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Breathing heavily after yet another performance, you stare out into the crowd. You keep your face still, but your eyes can’t help but light up when you see the familiar figure front and center in the crowd, clapping loud and slow. She stays seated while everyone files out of the opera epiclese, her stoic face disrupted by the hint of a smirk.
“Very fun, love.”
You finally move from your ending position, letting your fingers gently bounce on your costume— a beautiful white lace bodice with rhinestones that shine oh so perfectly in the light, complete with a white tutu, because what ballerina can dance without a tutu? You grin a thank you, stretching your feet that are still clad with your pointe shoes.
Finally catching your breath, you hear the familiar clack of her heels walking across the floor and up the stairs to the stage as you take a seat on one of the props. Your ballet partner nods and hastily runs off, not wanting the potential wrath of Arlecchino, because what if his hands were too close to your waist for her liking? What if he held you for a second too long? Her smirk disappears when she sees him run off, a quiet mutter of “coward” under her breath as she walks towards you. Her own hands dance up your waist, her breath coming close to your ear.
“I don’t like him.”
You can’t help but roll her eyes at her jealous streak, one she’d never admit she has.
“You say that with every partner I’ve had.”
Her voice takes on a sharper tone, not by much, but you can tell she’s serious, and you can’t help but try to contain a shudder.
“They’re not me.”
You plant a soft kiss on her jaw as you reassure her that you do not, in fact, feel anything towards them. Her lips twitch into a frown, and her hand grabs your wrist, a tight grip that can only be possessiveness, her voice practically a snarl.
“It’s not you I’m worried about. I know you’re mine. It’s them. You’re gorgeous, and they get to be close to you. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried anything.”
“They don’t.”
Her other hand moves to gently grip your chin, keeping you looking at her. She enjoys watching your face flush when she does it, and if anyone were to walk in, well, isn’t that a bonus? She gets to showcase that you’re hers and nobody else’s.
“They better not. I’ll kill them the second they’re too touchy.”
“Stop it—“
Before you can protest anymore, she’s only gone and bent you over the damn prop, a small wooden table. Your tutu flares upward, which earns a low, throaty chuckle from Arlecchino.
“You’re cute with this tutu. You’re lucky it’s expensive or I’d rip it off you. You’re not only cute, you’re mine.”
She feels your breath hitch as her hand travels up your thigh before she removes it, only to have it landing down roughly on your ass. Her fingers caress smoothly where the slap landed, soothing the sting, and my god is she glad you can’t see her and her wicked grin when you yelp. Her nails, long and sharp (you’re lucky she files two of them down), slice through your tights and leotard with one simple movement, causing you to whine.
“Arlie, these were expensive.”
“Shut up, I’ll buy you new ones.”
“Would you like to cum? Then be quiet.”
With a whimper, you comply. With her one hand on your back, holding you down against the table, her other hand traces around your slit, so carefully avoiding touching you where you want to. Your hips buck back in an attempt to force her hand where you want them, which earns another slap on your ass and a yelp from you.
Your voice echoes around the now empty opera epiclese, which makes you so painfully aware of the fact anyone could walk in.
“What if someone comes in?”
“I’ll kill them if they do.”
“Fine. They won’t.”
With her fingers finally dipping into you, a soft moan leaves your lips.
“Good girl. So wet for me, it’s almost like you want to get caught. Lift your leg.”
Seeing your confused look, she taps your thigh, almost commanding you to lift it.
“You’re flexible enough. You can arabesque and développé everywhere. Lift your leg.”
You bite your lip, but lift your leg anyway, wrapping it around her waist for support. She knows you’re able to stay like that, and she relishes in how easy it is to touch you with your legs the way they are, so she uses it to her advantage.
Her fingers dip into you once again, teasing you mercilessly. Pretending like she’s sliding her sharp nails into you, making you whimper in nervousness, but she’s not that cruel. She slips two fingers inside of you (the ones with the filed nails, thank god), groaning softly when she feels you suck her fingers in. You let out a quiet moan that echoes once more as her fingers card through your hair, untangling it from the elegant hairdo you had while dancing. With a gentle flick of her wrist, your hair is wrapped around her fist, giving it gentle tugs.
Her fingers pump into you, slowly, then faster when your cute sounds only confirm you want to keep going. The hand in your hair tugs harder, lifting you from the table and pressing your back against her. Once she’s satisfied with your position, her hand moves. The hand once weaves into your hair moves to your exposed throat, squeezing gently and chuckling at your choked moans and the tears forming in your eyes.
“Not so scared someone will walk in now, hm? You’re so confident on stage, I thought you’d like someone walking in to see you turn into a fucked out whore. My fucked out whore. Do you hear me? Not his. He’s lucky I don’t rip his head off for looking at you the way he does.”
Her grip loosens enough to let you speak, grinning when she hears your cute little mumbles of agreement, feeling the way your pussy clenches around your fingers as she curls them, hitting the spongy spot inside you just perfectly.
Your tutu and your pointe shoes, which are still on your body (for a reason, because she’ll never admit how much it turns her on seeing you like that), are long forgotten by you. Your brain is focused on one thing, and she knows exactly what— chasing the orgasm she knows she’s giving you. Your voice rings out, stuttering and punctuated by moans.
“Cu-cumming, I’m-“
Her velvety voice whispers in your ear, her lips travelling down your shoulder before giving a quick bite that sends you over the edge.
“Good girl, cum for me.”
It’s all you need as you clench around her fingers and tremble, your position finally failing you. Her arm is quick to catch you before you fall against the table, her body leaning over yours as she soothes you, guiding you through each wave of pleasure. Her fingers pump inside just a little more, slowing to a stop before pulling out. Her fingers glisten with your slick in the stage lighting, and she moves her fingers ever so slightly, if only to showcase how messy you made her fingers. She smirks, her stoic demeanour almost back into place as she stares at you, her tongue flicking out to clean her own digits.
“You always taste so good, little dove. Want to go home and clean up, hm?”
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
Genshin women responding to you in a nightgown
Suggestive themes!
Characters x afab reader:Navia, Arlecchino, Dehya, Yelan, Jean, Clorinde
You might just be the death of her. Alrecchino isn’t one who bothers to restrain herself. If she wants you and you’re willing then she’ll take you. The only exception being around her children for obvious reasons. But seeing you in a delicate silky soft nightgown drives her mad. And she won’t hesitate to tear it down the middle and shove you onto the bed with your legs in the air as she dives down to claim whats hers
Dehya may be a strong woman, she has a reputation amongst the eremites as being very capable while still buying stuff makeup. However! That doesn’t mean she isn’t blushing and huffing when she sees you picking out the lacy and short nightgowns at the store. Sumeru is very warm so there isn’t too much need to wear too much layers at night. But ohhh boy. That dress is so thin, it would just cup your curves and showcase your body’s shape. She just lays back in bed as she looks over you hungrily, trying to not immediately crumble despite the fact that she will the second you lean over her.
She too is also one to wear night gowns. Lathough hers are more long, when she spots you in a shorter one she can’t help but just… hold you. She says she wants to just feel the fabric but its really just a excuse to run her hands over your chest, lightly grabbing at your skin as she starts to pepper kisses onto any exposed skin she sees. Slowly riling you up as she innocently kisses your thighs all while looking up at you. You know from the look in your eyes that it’ll be a long night!
Nothing quite like gentle and loose fabrics like that. She probably gifted you those pieces with the intention of it being easy for her to just slide them up and toy with you endlessly. She clearly prefers the nightgown over any other pajamas you have. Especially the translucent or transparent ones. Ohhh you won’t be getting much sleep in those.
Oooh who doesn’t love nightgowns. Especially coming home to the sight of your lovely little wife in such delicate lace and silk. Oh she had such a weakness for such things. She’ll immediately be pinning you to the bed, eagerly removing her uniform without care. The second she sees the hint of cleavage, oh she’ll be biting and removing her gloves. Her hands just can’t stay to themselves when you look so… tempting.
What better way to lure your beloved to sleep than that. Who wouldn’t love the sight of their partner in such attire? Knocking on her office and innocently asking if she’ll be in bed soon, the beds just so cold without her :(. Oh she can’t resist you. She’ll be right there with haste.
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