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vanishaestheticlaser · 5 months
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Vanish Aesthetic Laser Studio is renowned for its top-tier Laser Hair Removal Service in Springfield MO. Utilizing the latest laser technology, we deliver effective and long-lasting hair removal solutions. We prioritize safety and comfort, ensuring each client receives personalized care tailored to their unique skin. In addition to the laser, we offer exceptional Waxing Hair Removal Service in Springfield MO. Our skilled professionals are dedicated to creating a comfortable experience, using gentle and high-quality waxing products to achieve the best possible results. Whether you're seeking laser precision or the traditional effectiveness of waxing, contact us to achieve smooth, hair-free skin.
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silver-pieces · 2 years
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Pairing: Cassian Andor x fem!reader
Word Count: Almost 8.7k
Synopsis: You never expected to find your soulmate here.
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, smut (unprotected p in v sex, slight breeding kink), physical pain & trauma, depression, nightmares, prison, prison labour, open sea & dark water
A/N: For the prompt ‘Nightmare/Soulmark’ in Andor Bingo, created by @sw-andor​ This fic features major spoilers for Andor S1. Keef = Cassian. Divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics​.
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“What’s she doin’ ‘ere?”
“I think that’s obvious.”
“Yeah but, she’s a woman.”
“What do they care? Man, woman, we’re all just slaves - ”
“Oi! Table five.” Kino barks from behind you. He stalks over, meeting everyone’s eyes with a glare. “Is there a problem?”
“Yeh’ve given us a woman,” the redhead says. “No offence, love, but why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with the other birds?”
“Shut it,” Kino growls. “It doesn’t matter why she’s here. She is. Now stop wasting my time and get back to work. Unless you want to get fried.”
Your feet shift nervously at the memory. Hot, electric pain. Everyone else stiffens too, a shared sense of dread filling the sterile air.
He takes you by the shoulders and pushes you towards one of the men. “Keef.”
A man with dark hair and even darker eyes looks up at the sound of his name, his gaze falling on you as he pauses mid-crank.
Your lips part, and your gaze lingers on the sight of his sleeves rolled up, his arms tensing with each push so hard, that, in any other circumstance, you might find it appealing.
“Show her the ropes.” Kino lowers his voice to a menacing growl. “And make sure she understands what’s at stake.”
The man gives him a subtle nod.
“You’re down four now, boys,” Kino says, his gaze shifting to you, “... and girl. No more distractions. Let’s get this done!”
They get back to work - a synchronised effort that you struggle to follow, only adding to the chaos happening around you. There are lasers and cranks and drills and pieces of machinery that they have to manually fit together. And the sounds are overwhelming - hardened voices overlapping with the whirring and clanking of the machines.
“I’m Jemboc,” the older one next to Keef says. “This is Ham, Xaul, Melshi, and Taga.” He goes around the table, pointing at each one.
You say your name in return, but it comes out feeble, your throat still not working properly. Xaul, the redhead, pins you with a look. Melshi mutters something to himself, shaking his head.
“Here,” Keef grunts to get your attention, beckoning you to his side. There's a lilt to his voice that pleases your ears. “Watch what I do closely. You have to pull your weight around here, or we all get fried, you understand?”
You manage to nod.
He removes the crank from the machinery and sets it aside, his hands moving deftly from one task to the next. You’re drawn to his hands, the display of skill and strength sending heat down your spine. His brows are lowered, his gaze focused.
Each part requires something different - to pull, crank, lift, reach, press, load. It's heavy labour, but he proves himself more than capable.
"It's easy once you get into the swing of things," Jemboc's voice taking you out of your trance as he steps beside you.
"Right.” You’re not sure you want to get into the swing of things.
The older man frowns at you, but there's a kindness in his eyes.
"Are you getting it?" Keef growls to you as he lifts his hands and backs away from the table.
You nod.
He draws near and ducks his head down, a patient look in his eyes. "Any questions, you can just ask me."
Your heart flutters. Heat rises to your face, though you're not sure why. "Thanks."
With a nod, he turns back to the table and starts loading alongside the others, letting you stand by his side and watch.
No more words are exchanged apart from the occasional barked order from the others - push!, lift!, and hands away!
They get more frantic as time passes. Kino calls something out and your table groans in response.
You realise that they're falling behind.
Get back to work. Unless you want to get fried. Shit. There is no way you're taking that punishment again if you can help it.
Stomach in knots, you step up beside Keef. "I've seen enough, let me help."
He eyes you, a muscle feathering in his jaw, before handing you the crank. As your hand closes around it, he mutters, "Be careful."
A shiver runs down your spine. His voice is low and smooth and it does something to your body that momentarily distracts you from this hell.
Hesitantly, you take the crank from his grip and fasten it to the piece of machinery.
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"Table five, your productivity levels are unacceptable. Proceed to the centre of the room and remain on program."
The soles of your feet tingle with each step on the floor. Your head is spinning, heart pounding, mouth drier than a desert.
The others at your table stand with you in the centre of the floor. For a second, you allow yourself a glance over at Keef.
He’s staring straight forward, a dead look in his eyes, but the tiniest shuddering expanse of his chest betrays his fear.
You close your eyes and wait.
No no no no no no no no no -
It slices through your body and your muscles seize with pain. A cry escapes your lips. Your knee hits the floor painfully hard as your legs give way, and the cries of the others violates your ears, inescapable.
It's over in seconds, but it feels like hours.
Your lungs draw ragged breaths. Tears leak from your eyes, and you wipe them away before anyone sees.
Stand. The others are already getting up - you need to follow, quickly, before they decide to punish you again. But your legs are too weak.
A familiar outstretched hand enters your vision.
Your gaze trails up the veins in his forearm, to the sleeves bunched up over his biceps. "Come on," Keef urges softly. "You have to get up."
With all your willpower, you reach up and grab him by the forearm, his hand closing around the inner side of your forearm, bracing you there to help you up.
"Ah!" you hiss, pulling away as a sudden burning sensation flares where his hand touches you.
“Shit!” He grits out, exchanging a confused look with you, and then looks down at his own arm, where you touched him.
Your breath halts as you see it - the symbol burned into your skin, on the inner side of your upper forearm. It’s a simple slashing of lines, but the meaning it carries is far more significant - a soulmark.
He’s staring at the same symbol on his own skin in stunned silence.
“Keef,” you breathe.
Then the deep warped voice of the prison interrupts.
“Prisoners on program. Proceed to your quarters.”
He takes one frantic look at you, and then turns his head forward, following the prison directive and raising his hands behind his head on program. The sleeve, you noticed, he pulls down to hide the mark.
You quickly do the same, assuming the position, even though every fibre of your being is flooded with shock.
As you file through the doors with the others, you can barely hear anything over the pounding of your own ears. Your mind struggles to make sense of what just happened, let alone process everything else that’s happened to you in the last twenty-four hours.
Keef falls in line behind you.
Instantly, you feel his eyes on you, the heat prickling at the back of your neck.
The line of prisoners shuffles along through a long corridor, passing the night shift, stopping and starting up again until you're at your quarters.
"Jemboc, give her the orientation," Kino directs the older man, before leaving you behind to deal with another group of men.
Jemboc turns to you. "Come on, I'll show you your cell."
As he takes you down through the hallway, you see Keef emerge out of the corner of your eye, and when he reaches his own cell, so do you. Directly opposite from each other.
Your eyes meet.
Stars. Finding a soulmate is rare, practically unheard of for most. But he’s here, and the mark is burned into your flesh, still throbbing with fresh pain as you run your fingers over it.
Jemboc starts explaining what the lights on the floor mean, but you can’t seem to take your eyes off of Keef, raking your gaze over his tense form, brown hair mussed and grown out, dark eyes you could lose yourself in, even as you listen to Jemboc listing all the various rules.
“You understand?” Jemboc asks you.
Not really. “Yes,” you reply with a nod, dragging your eyes away.
“What are you in for, anyway?”
“Loitering.” You’ve grown numb to the anger.
“I see.” Jemboc pats you on the shoulder. “You’ll be okay, sister. We all will be, soon.”
“Hey!” The bark of another prisoner cuts him off.
It’s Xaul, pushing past the others, stalking towards you with a deadly glare.
You take a step back on instinct, and Jemboc folds his arms defensively, but it’s Keef who gets in his way.
With a growl, he pushes off the wall, getting in Xaul’s face before he can reach you. “What’s your problem, huh?” he growls. “You’re scaring her.”
Xaul growls, jabs his finger in your direction, and shifts his glare to Jemboc. “Not her.”
They exchange unreadable glances.
Jemboc scowls and takes him by the shoulder, leading him out of earshot from you. The two of them begin talking in low, urgent tones, Xaul shooting you another glare.
Your hands curl into fists at your side.
Hesitantly, Keef turns to you, his head ducked low in sincerity. “Are you okay?” he asks, his voice coming out softer than you’ve heard before.
“No,” you say, even as warmth fills you at the concern in his devastatingly brown eyes. Stars, but the sight of him pleases you. “I think we need to talk.”
“Agreed,” he nods, holding his forearm with his other hand, his eyes briefly glancing down, “but we don’t have the time or the privacy in here.”
You draw nearer. “How long is left on your sentence?”
“No,” he shakes his head, “That doesn’t matter anymore.”
“I don’t understand.”
His eyes dart to Xaul and Jemboc. “I wish I could tell you. I - ” he cuts himself off as the floor lights start flashing.
In seconds, the hall clears as the rest of the inmates scramble to get into their cells. Keef pushes you towards yours. “Go.”
With his push, you step up into your cell before the lights can turn red. What was it Jemboc said? Seven seconds when the lights start flashing, then they turn red. And if you’re caught in the red light, you die.
On instinct, you turn back around to see Keef again.
Your soulmate.
He stands in his cell across from you, an unreadable expression on his face, his mouth in a grim line, as the lights begin to dim.
The floor lights turn red a second later.
There is no way to get to him now, and no way of talking across the hall without everyone in the surrounding cells hearing you. That’s not an option.
He lingers at the edge of his cell, and so do you, for a time, struggling with this new feeling inside you - this urge, compelling you towards him. Even if you don’t know him yet, you want to.
So you’re paralysed in silence; staring at each other across several feet of deadly flooring.
The murmurs of the other inmates eventually peter out, and as the snoring starts to rise, you feel your eyes growing heavy.
You curse beneath your breath.
Keef must hear it, because he raises his chin and nods in understanding, retreating from the edge of his cell and into darkness.
Grimly, you turn away from him, towards your bunk.
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They're everywhere. They're watching you. They know what you've done. You're going to be punished -
You wake up in a cold sweat, gasping for air.
"Hey, hey, breathe." Keef's hushed voice carries across the cell.
Your eyes dart around until you see him, a broad mass in the shadows, sitting on the edge of his bunk across the way.
The soft sound of the other men snoring in their cells settles over the silence.
"It was just a nightmare," he whispers across the corridor. "I'm right here."
You blink back tears, and push yourself up by your elbows. “Did I wake you?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I couldn’t sleep.”
You run your hand down over your face. There’s been a lot of that lately.
A few shifts in, you found yourself staring at the ceiling of your cell counting the seconds going by, running your fingers over the soulmark on your arm, unable to stop thinking about him.
You’ve memorised his form and features with almost no effort - the cut of his jawline, occasionally peppered with stubble if he hasn’t shaved, being your latest obsession.
And you can feel when he looks at you, too. Devouring glances out of the corner of your eye that set your cheeks aflame.
It’s like your body is on high alert at all times. Working alongside him throughout the day, barely able to exchange a few words without anyone overhearing, passing by each other, brushing past each other so close your skin hair raises, but not touching, never touching, just savouring the few small moments in his presence and then trying to go to sleep every night knowing he is a only few feet away from you.
But it’s worse, somehow, when you do manage to turn your brain off. That’s when the nightmares come.
It’s relentless and repetitive; nothing but the Empire and memories of pain, torturing you through your sleep.
Keef’s been developing shadows beneath his eyes as well. You wish you could talk to him about it, but he doesn’t seem to want anyone else to know about your soulmarks, and shit, neither do you. It's hard enough to even admit to yourself, let alone have the others staring at you, judging you more than they already do for being the only woman here.
And if the prison ever found out, they could take you away from each other. Your gut clenches at the thought.
Fuck. Trying to drag your emotions out of the gutter before you break is becoming harder everyday. The weight on your shoulders is crushing you, and you can’t see any light at the end of this tunnel.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this,” you confess, wrapping your arms around yourself.
He stands, coming to the edge of his cell in the low, red lighting. “Don’t say that,” he whispers. “Don’t let them break you.”
You fiddle with your mattress. Don’t let them break you? They already are, and it isn’t your choice.
“Listen to me,” he says, raising his voice to a low growl.
You look up at him, drawing in a shaky breath.
“You had a nightmare, but you woke up from it.” The urgency in his baritone voice calls to you, and you stand, approaching the edge of your cell as he continues. “That’s all this place is. It’s a nightmare. You don’t realise it while you’re inside, but you’re in control. All you have to do is wake up.”
“What are you saying?”
He meets your gaze, an intense, unreadable look in his eyes. “I'm saying, hold on. Just a little while longer. Can you do that?”
“Yes,” you breathe, before you realise what you’re saying. You blink and look away from him, frowning. “I can.”
His words paint a picture in your mind, one of you, years from now, out of here. On some beach planet or forest town, enjoying the sun on your face. This place, a distant memory in the back of your mind.
Just a nightmare.
A slight smile finds its way onto your face at the thought. You meet Keef’s gaze again, the fierceness in his eyes amplified by the red of the floor, and nod in gratitude.
“I’ll try.”
His shoulders relax slightly, and he nods. “That’s all we can do.”
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You sleep.
There’s a warmth in you when you wake, a buzz from the memory of last night. That was the longest conversation you’ve had yet, and even if you couldn’t talk openly, it still felt real.
When you first open your eyes, you’re drawn to his cell on instinct, drinking in the sight of him every chance you can get.
But it’s like he hasn’t moved all night. He’s leaning one shoulder against the wall at the edge of his cell, arms still folded, and he’s staring at you, his dark brows furrowed, the slight stubble peppering his clenched jaw telling you he hasn’t shaved since yesterday. Movement draws your gaze to his arm, where his knuckles shift back and forth, running over that small mark on his arm.
Heat slowly rises to your face.
The floor is still red. The others are awake too, the few you can see from your cell having breakfast or pacing around their small cell. The slight murmur of muted voices blending together.
“Did you sleep?” you ask him.
He gives the subtlest shake of his head.
Your heart sinks.
It’s not just being around him that you can’t bear, it’s also seeing him suffer and not being able to help. You have to keep holding back these strange, rising urges to comfort him. It doesn’t help that he has those big, soulful brown eyes that could melt you down into the cracks of the floor.
You’re not in love, but he matters to you more with each passing day, and that feeling is killing you.
Damn, you thought you’d grown numb to everything, but suddenly the despair is back with a vengeance, and you have to look away to blink back sudden tears.
“Hey,” he calls to you. “You okay?”
Shaking your head, you blow out a breath and chant in your head, don’t break, don’t let them get to you.
He curses, and then he’s pushing of the wall to pace his cell. His shoulders tense with each breath.
You draw near the edge of your cell, watching him try to walk out the tension in his body, your heart caught between desire and despair.
It’s a vicious cycle of suffering between the two of you.
Then the floor lights shift from red to white.
“On program!” Kino calls out.
Prisoners load out of their cells, slowly getting into their line with murmurs and sluggishness.
Keef is already on the floor when you tentatively step down, enduring that moment before your feet touch the metal with your heart in your throat every time. White lights means it’s safe, but -
He approaches you suddenly, closing his hand around the nape of your neck, tipping his forehead against yours. Warm electricity floods through your veins and over your skin at his touch.
“Keef,” you stutter out, shocked at his public display, even as you sink further into his touch. The sounds of shock and angry voices from the men around you start kicking off, but you ignore them.
“Please,” he breathes, his forehead pressed firmly against yours, his face inches away, “it’s killing me. I know you’re scared - I know. What can I do?”
You shake your head. “I - ”
“What the fuck are you two doing?”
You pull him off you and step away.
He shudders at your touch, and you realise with a jolt that you took his arm right at the soulmark. For a brief moment, he cradles his arm, before Kino approaches and the two of you join the others in line.
“Hm?” The man raises his eyebrow at the both of you. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“It was nothing,” Keef responds. “Just making sure she’s okay.”
Kino glances at you, an unreadable look on his face. “Are you?”
“I’m fine,” you say, but even you can hear the shakiness in your own voice.
He blinks, searching your gaze. Then he grabs Keef by the arm and leans in to whisper something in his ear.
As Keef listens, he sets his eyes on you, before giving Kino a firm nod.
Apparently satisfied, the older man steps away and raises his voice to the rest of the men.
“Time to face another day. Everyone, move.”
As you begin walking forward, you turn your head to whisper back to him, “what was that?”
“Don’t worry,” Keef whispers. “He’s on our side.”
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The tension is high at table five.
“I don’t think they should be next to each other today,” says Taga, eyes darting nervously between the two of you.
“Why?” Keef growls.
“Does he really have to say why?” Xaul interrupts. “You like her.”
“It could be a distraction,” Ham mutters.
“No.” Keef glares. ���She stays by my side. Kino’s orders.”
“Oh, ‘Kino’s orders’? Fuck that. We don’t want to get fried 'cuz of you,” Xaul growls.
Keef turns his ire on Xaul. "And when was the last time that happened? If memory serves, not since she started here, under my guidance."
A mutter goes around the table.
"Table five, get moving," Kino warns as he passes by.
"Let's get this done," Keef growls, and that's the end of the discussion.
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The next days feel different, and the same.
You try to hold on, like you promised him, but the nightmares and the sleepless nights are getting worse.
You touched each other for the second time ever, felt the warmth of his hands on you, breathed the same air, the memory of seeing the depths of darkness in his brown eyes up close is carved into your mind, and now the yearning inside of you has developed; a deep ache in your bones.
The others can sense something more is up between you. You feel their eyes follow you; but you can't bring yourself to care whether they notice the way he always rushes to your aid, or the soft exchanges of words, or the way the two of you never move too far apart. You can't fight this growing need to be around him. You're soulmates. Whatever that means.
"Doctor! We need the doctor!"
Your ears prick at the commotion at table two. Everyone keeps working, but out of the corner of your eye you watch as Kino goes over to investigate.
"Is it another panic attack?"
You push down on the drill.
"...he's not breathin'"
You lift it up and inspect the results.
"Shit. I’ll call the doctor."
Your table begins to lift the cog off the table to load it on the rack. You step away, watching them move. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the man keeled over on the floor.
A little bit of your soul cracks.
Keef returns to your side, and it’s brief, but his arm brushes against yours.
He doesn’t even need to say anything - you meet his brown-eyed gaze and all the hurt in your lungs evaporates.
“Unit Five-Two-D on program.”
He flicks his gaze up to the entrance, a gleam in his eyes.
You put your hands behind your head and turn to face them as the doctor is lowered onto the floor.
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The man is dead.
There’s a strange anticipation in the air, like the way the air gets dry before a storm hits.
You watch them carry the man away in a bodybag. You catch Xaul and Jemboc exchanging a look. You catch the way Kino nods subtly to Keef as he walks past.
Everyone goes silently to their quarters - not even a whisper.
“Fall out!” Kino yells.
You turn to Keef. “What is going on?”
He pulls you aside, leaning in with his voice down low. “Do you trust me?”
“Tomorrow, whatever Kino says, I want you to follow immediately. No hesitation. You understand?”
“What - ”
“I can’t explain. I wish I could, but - ” His eyes catch on someone over your shoulder, and his mouth closes in a grim line.
You glance back and see Xaul, watching from a distance, arms folded, jaw tense. He’s never seemed to trust you, and you don’t blame him, but the way he watches you at all times is hard to get comfortable with.
“I don’t understand,” you turn back to your soulmate and search his eyes, “but... I trust you.”
An unreadable expression flashes in his eyes, and then everything is swept away as he takes you by the waist, cups your chin, and sweeps you into a gentle kiss.
For a nanosecond you freeze, before the rush of adrenaline fills your veins and you melt against his lips. The soulmark pulses on your arm, and the most amazing feeling overtakes you, of drifting high up in the clouds and watching the sun rise. You pull him closer, threading your fingers through his hair. The bristle of his five-o’clock shadow makes itself known with each movement, desire pooling in your core as you move your body against his. He feels so real, solid and alive, and it’s breathtaking.
The sounds of the world around you only vaguely registers in your head. Men, shouting at you.
Fuck them. Nothing else matters. You’re in the arms of your soulmate and you never want to leave again.
Then one voice, Kino’s, pierces through your haze. “Oi! The floor!”
Your eyes fly open as Keef breaks off the kiss and pushes you towards your cell with a growl.
You barely have time to react. Between the flashing lights, you lunge for the safe zone, leaping up into it seconds before the place is bathed in red.
You turn around.
He stands in his cell across from you, panting, his hair mussed from your attention. His eyes are wild, staring at you like he’s waiting for you to drop dead.
The instinct to reassure him overwhelms you. “I’m okay,” you say, stepping away from the edge. “I made it.”
He closes his eyes, running a palm over his mouth, and his shoulders rise and fall with a deep, shuddering breath.
You look down at your soulmark. That heightened feeling is fading, fast, each second you’re not back in his arms. A vision enters your head, of you, throwing yourself across the hall, even though you know that ends in death.
“You two lovebirds have a death wish?” Kino yells from his cell.
“I told you they were distracting each other.”
“Gonna get us killed.”
Murmurs ripple down the hall. Heads, poking out of their cells.
Keef shakes his head, eyes swimming with anger. His voice is low, but you still hear it above the din. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken that risk.”
His words should fill you with regret, but a part of you, a small, stubborn part, thinks that maybe it was worth it anyway, just to touch him again, to feel his arms around you, the dominance of his kiss.
You close your eyes, a hand going to your mouth on instinct, fingertips trailing where he had his mouth on yours.
Kino’s bark gets everyone’s attention instantly. The chatter dies down.
You open your eyes, and Keef is staring at you, a hungry look in his eyes. Heat rises to your face.
“Everyone knows what the plan is. Yes?”
Mumbles of men in agreement echo through the hall. You tilt your head, trying to discern any information you can, but pick up nothing. Nothing except that Keef looking towards Kino’s cell with fire in his eyes - tense, almost like hope, but darker.
“Good. Now’s the time to rest. Tomorrow, we fight.”
A chill runs down your spine.
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He’s shirtless in the morning.
Instantly pushing yourself up, your gaze locked on his chest, his stomach v, his arms, you catch his attention with the sudden movement.
He snaps his gaze to yours, pausing mid-stretch. His arm pulled across his chest, braced against his other arm to stretch his shoulder, the ropes of his biceps on full display for you.
“Hi,” you say.
Your swear his mouth curves just slightly, a twitch in his face, and he nods at you.
All the blood in your body has left your brain. You continue to stare at him like an idiot while he does some basic stretches, before the lights flick to white, and Kino yells his daily on program! while Keef slides his shirt back on.
You fall in line in front of him.
He stands closer to you than normal, pressing his up front against you, his breath fanning against the back of your head as he leans in. His lilting voice sounds lowly in your ear, a lilting, baritone sound. “Remember what I said?”
Your eyes flutter shut at the sensation. “F-Follow Kino,” you manage to stutter out.
He hums in approval. “Good girl.”
Your thighs clench together.
He’s getting more bold in front of the others, more playful, and you can’t help but feel excited and nervous by the shift. Why has he stopped hiding?
The line starts moving forward, and you follow the person in front of you to the showers as normal, trying to focus on anything but what he just said.
He thinks there’s a chance you could both escape, you think, and then immediately regret that line of thinking. But it’s too late. That future you imagined - the one that he planted in your mind with his words, shifts, and suddenly he’s there beside you in each vision, relaxing, laughing, grinning like an idiot.
The shift begins, the men exchanging knowing glances that have anticipation and dread growing in your belly. You know what this is by now, you’ve put the pieces together despite their weird reluctance in telling you.
This escape plan is really happening.
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The new prisoner arrives shortly after your shift begins, and when Keef returns from the bathroom soaking wet, you barely have time to react before shit hits the fan.
Obeying Kino’s orders, you watch as together the other prisoners hijack the lift and short out the entire system - no more hot floor.
As he reaches the top, Keef turns back to pin you with a wild, furious look in his eyes that fills you with fire. He jerks his head for you to follow him.
So you do.
You climb. You run. You follow.
A guard catches you and tries to pull you away, but Keef is there in a flash of red and the smell of burning flesh, grabbing you by the hand and telling you to run as the man slumps to the ground.
The loading platform ends in a sheer drop to the sea. Your stomach drops as you pull back, glancing around as others begin to jump.
This is insane.
“I can’t swim!”
You barely hear Kino say it over the sound of the wind and the other prisoners, but then he says it again, and there is no doubt.
You step up beside him. “Me neither.”
Keef stares at you in shock.
And then he’s gone.
One of the men drags him off the edge by accident, and a shriek escapes you. “No!” but you can only watch as he disappears from sight.
A second goes by, then two. More men rush past.
There's nothing but the sound of blood pumping in your ears. No matter which way you think about it, if you follow, you're dead. There's no way you can swim that far, and if Keef tries to help you, he'll probably just die with you.
You fall to your knees.
Others race past you still, flinging themselves off the edge one by one. Kino stands by your side, watching them with an empty gaze.
“What do we do now?” you ask, and find yourself subconsciously cradling your arm, the soulmark on it beginning to throb painfully. Follow Kino, he said, but you’re not sure Kino has any moves left. There’s none you can see; no way to survive.
Maybe you should just jump anyway and let fate decide.
“Nothing.” Kino looks down at the gun in his hand. “We’re going out, one way or another.”
You nod and take in a deep breath of salty ocean air. “Agreed.”
He says nothing.
“Ah!” Your soulmark throbs again, and you grip your arm, hissing through your teeth. “Fuck off!”
“Sorry?” Kino growls.
"It’s uh,” you pull back your sleeve to him, “my soulmark.”
He blinks. “Damn. Keef?”
“That explains you two then.” He nods, casting his gaze out to sea. “I... I have a family.”
You peer up at him.
“I just wanted to see them again.” He looks down at the gun in his hands again.
“At least you know you tried,” you offer. “Sometimes...” Keef’s words ring true, pouring from your lips even as you hear the memory of his words spoken in your mind. “...that’s all we can do.”
The two of you linger in silence. Below you, the forms of men swimming away from the prison spread out, reaching towards the horizon. The soulmark on your arm is aching something fierce now, calling you to the edge. But it’s the realisation that Keef must be feeling this pain too, that hurts even more.
You hope he is trying anyway, down there, despite the pain.
He’s probably thinking the same thing about you.
You stand. “Give me the gun.”
Kino hands it to you without even looking, his eyes remaining fixed on the horizon.
You turn around, facing the inside of the prison, and point the gun at one of the panels of the wall. The sound of the blast almost deafens you.
The panels sizzle where the blast hit, but as you approach, you can see them peeling away from each other at the seam. Without hesitation, you wedge the barrel of the gun in the hole, and with all your strength, try to peel the panel off the wall.
“What are you doing?” Kino growls.
You glance back at him with a half-cocked shrug.
“Finding something that floats.”
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Cassian’s fingers close around sand. His lungs are on fire, exacerbated by the stinging salt he inhales with each breath. Everything hurts.
A shadow relieves him from the sun. He looks up and for a moment, it’s you, the beautiful image of you reaching down for him tilting this world on its axis. Then he blinks, and Melshi comes into focus.
“We need to disappear,” he’s saying, scanning their surroundings.
Cassian tries to push himself up, but there’s a terrible ache emanating from his soulmark. It was easy to ignore in the sea - everything hurt. But now it spreads through his body, an urging like no other to wade back out into the dark waves - to go back for you.
He wants to punch the man who tackled him off the edge. Whoever it was. But as soon as he hit the water, swimming was the only way to survive.
“Did ya hear me? Keef?”
With a grunt, Cassian sits up and brushes off his hands, wincing when his arm throbs with the movement. “Did anyone else make it?”
Melshi squints. “If they did, they didn’t follow us.”
Yeah, that’s what he thought. Even if, by some miracle, you did make it, you could be miles apart, with no way of finding each other.
It would be enough to know that you survived, but he’s never been that lucky. No. He thinks of you, of your tentatively hopeful expressions that get him through the day, that beautifully trusting look in your eyes right before he kissed you, and has to tilt his head back to prevent his eyes from watering.
His soulmate. Dead.
He thought that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance he could save you.
“Keef.” Melshi stoops down beside him. “We have to move.”
“What do you know about soulmarks?” he murmurs.
Melshi sighs. “You’re dehydrated, mate. C’mon.” He goes to lift him up.
“No - no!” Cassian resists, pushing Melshi away and scrambling to his feet. He shoves back his sleeve and bares his soulmark. “I need to know! I need to...” He cuts himself off with a grimace as pain pulses through the mark.
Melshi stares at the mark, wide-eyed. “No shit. The girl?”
Cassian can only nod. “She doesn’t even know - my real name.” He chokes the words out past tears. “I thought I could save her. But she’s... she’s probably dead by now.” It feels like he’s separated from his body, like someone else is saying these things.
“Wouldn’t you know?”
Cassian stills. “What do you mean?”
Melshi hesitates.
“What do you mean?!” He grips at his hair, heart thudding in his chest so hard it might burst. “How would I know?!”
“I don’t know! It was just a story, back home - people said the marks are like homing beacons. So if she’s dead, your mark would... stop working.” He cringes, muttering, “it sounds stupid when I say it like that.”
Cassian looks down at it the throbbing, aching mark. He focuses on it, and - there - the throbbing pulls towards the sea.
He looks out at the waves. “She’s alive.”
His legs carry him forward, back into the sea. The sound of Melshi yelling behind him is a distant worry over the beating of his own heart, the very blood in his veins burning to get to you.
Then arms close around him, pulling him back. “You’re insane!”
He snarls and shoves Melshi back. “Get off me!”
“You’ll die!”
“I have to go back!”
Melshi lets him go. “Okay okay, just - just think about this! You’re no use to her dead.”
“You don’t get it. You don’t understand. If she’s alive - ”
“If she’s still alive, she’ll need more than just one man swimming out to rescue her!” His gaze darts down. “Is it getting better or worse?”
He points to Cassian’s soulmark. “It’s painful, right? Is it getting worse?”
Cassian looks down at it. “It’s been about the same for a while now.” Fucking painful, but, “...maybe a little less than before. I don’t know!”
Melshi nods. “So she could be getting closer.”
“If that is how it works.” Instinct - the mark - tells him it does, but the panic in his chest won’t go away. He needs to see you. “So what do I do then? Wait around for her to find me? She can’t swim, so how - ”
“I don’t care!” Melshi interrupts. "But if you don’t return to shore with me, I will knock you unconscious and drag you back.” There’s a deadly serious look in the man’s eyes.
The ache within him isn’t going away. He’s not sure how much more he can take. But Melshi is right - it would be a death wish to swim back.
The prison is a blip on the horizon. Could you have really made it, somehow?
Melshi eyes him aggressively, waiting for him to make a move.
Cassian raises an eyebrow. “You really care about me that much?”
“You’ve been a bloody pain in my arse, but you were instrumental in our escape, so I figure I owe ya.”
With a nod, he looks back towards land, skimming his fingers over the waist-high water. “We wait here then.”
“They’ll be sending ships looking for us.”
“I won’t go any farther inland.”
Melshi shakes his head. “Fine.” With a splash, he begins wading toward the shore. “Then we’d better find some shelter for the night.”
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It’s midnight. Probably, anyway. Cassian has no sense of time here, except that it's been dark for a while.
He sits with his face tilted up to the stars. The sea breeze is a cool rush of air, swaying the tree above and rustling his hair across his face.
He needs a haircut again.
The mark on his arm has steadied to a slow, aching pulse every few seconds, nothing more than the sensation of a mending bruise.
Melshi is right - he can feel it in his veins that you're getting close.
So he's waiting.
Sleep will not come to him tonight. Like you, it eludes him, and in its place, the unnatural sense that something is missing.
It's subtle, at first. A crashing of waves that don't fit the slow, steady beat he's been listening to all night.
Then, the sound of voices out there. A man's, deep and grating, and yours.
He'd recognise it anywhere.
He peers around the tree, out towards the sea, and sees a shape floating on the water.
“Melshi.” He hisses his companion’s name, getting up. “Melshi! It's them.”
“Huh,” Melshi starts, half awake.
“It’s them. I’m going to get her.”
He groans, shifting his arms up to cover his face. “They’re actually here? Wha’ are the chances? How?”
“I don’t know.” Breathless, Cassian turns toward the sea, towards the place his soulmark has been calling him towards all night. “But I’m going to find out. Come on.”
He runs to the water.
Sand sprays beneath his feet, then water splashes, and then he’s wading, then swimming, towards it. The shape blotting out the stars on the horizon morphs into two silhouettes sitting on some kind of raft. They’re slowly paddling their way towards the shore.
Cassian wants to weep with joy when he hears their voices - first Kino, then you.
“Is that - ”
“Keef? Keef!” you cry out, your voice hoarse.
His palm collides with the raft - a smooth white panel, and there you are, sitting on one side with a salt-streaked, wind-struck, beautiful face, staring down at him in wonder.
“Well shit,” Kino croaks, glancing at you. “You were right.”
Your hand rests over your soulmark as you stare down at Cassian.
Stars. There is so much he wants to say, but none of it seems like enough for this moment. He doesn’t want to take his eyes off you - he can’t.
But as the waves gently rise and fall, Kino clears his throat pointedly. “Much as I love being surrounded by water...”
“Right, right.” Cassian grabs hold of the panel. “I’ll take you to shore.”
The soft strokes of the sea abuts his efforts as he pulls the raft behind him, until the sea floor shallows out and he can put his feet beneath him.
“You should be good now. You can stand,” he says, instantly returning to your side of the raft. “Melshi’s with me, on the shore.”
Kino nods, sliding off the edge. “We should bury the panel.”
You hesitantly dip your legs in the water, and Cassian places his hands on your waist ready to help you down. “I’ve got you.”
In the darkness he can barely see your face, but he could swear there’s a heat reflected in your eyes.
It feels good, coming to you aid on instinct. Putting his hands on you.
As he holds you steady, you gently slip off the edge of the raft and collide against him with an oof as you land.
Despite his exhaustion, his shaft hardens. To go from be denied his soulmate for so long, to this...
“Here,” he says, roughly pushing the panel towards Kino, his eyes never leaving your face. “Go see Melshi. We’ll catch up.”
The man grunts something, and begins to wade to shore with the panel, and then he’s forgotten as Cassian is drawn back to you on instinct.
His arms tighten around your waist, and he opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. He’s struck.
You cup his face, gaze flitting between his eyes and his mouth, your breaths mingling, and then suddenly he’s pressing his mouth against yours.
You let out a cute little gasp against him, and his chest flutters, as you yield to him.
Yes. He burns with the rightness of this moment, and yet braces you against him as he deepens the kiss, like he’s afraid you’re going to slip away. He doesn’t quite believe you’re real yet.
Your fingers dig into his hair, and he likes it, the way you pull him into you with the same hunger and desperation he’s feeling.
“Cassian,” he breathes suddenly, pulling back for a moment, his forehead pressed against yours. “My real name is Cassian.”
“Cassian,” you repeat, and then your mouth curves into a smile - a fucking smile.
He almost groans. His soulmark pulses warmly against you. “You’re alive.”
“Yes,” you breathe, nodding against him.
“You’re my soulmate.”
You nod again, clinging tight to him. “Yes.”
A low, reverent chuckle escapes him, and you let out a light giggle in response; together relishing in the intimacy of this moment.
And then you cant your hips, and his laugh turns into a groan, a new kind of bliss making itself known in the hardening of his length beneath his pants. He thinks he’s never seen anything as beautiful as the look in your eyes. Full of passion - a beautiful, twisting flame, but also, understanding. You barely know each other, and yet it’s like your souls know each other intimately; bound together by something greater than either of you can fathom.
With a swift motion, he sweeps your legs out from underneath you and hitches your thighs around his waist so you're floating in the water, anchored in place by him alone.
You press yourself into him, arching your back and leaning forward to brush your lips against his.
He kisses you with all the fervour and unfulfilled need building inside him. His hands come around your ass and dig in, tugging your crotch against him so you can feel his hardness.
Another heady, submissive gasp escapes you against his mouth, and when your legs open further to let him settle against you, he's done for.
“I know you’re probably tired,” he murmurs, “and we should probably get to shore, but I...”
You're nodding before he even finishes the sentence, making his heart soar with the needy look in your eyes. “Yes,” you breathe. “Yes, yes, please, Cassian, please.”
With a breathless laugh, he drops your thighs and takes you by the waistband of your pants instead.
Together, you work to pull it off of you. It’s awkward, messy, not how he imagined this going, but it doesn’t matter. The mood is playful as you struggle to pull your pants off beneath the water - you, bracing yourself on his shoulders, and him, trying to pull it off your legs and getting splashed in the process.
But then suddenly you’re fully naked from the waist down, and your laughter quietens as you draw close to each other again.
He can’t see your naked lower half beneath the dark water, but he can feel when you wrap your legs around him again.
Slowly, he places his hand on your bare thigh, treating the moment with all the reverence of a ritual, his soulmark tingling in anticipation and sending a shudder through his body.
With his other hand, he cups your face, searching your gaze.
“I’m clean.”
“Birth control?”
Something like pain flickers in your eyes, and you shake your head. “Not since... before.”
“Right. Of course.”
He hesitates.
The two of you just escaped prison, and if he’s learnt anything, this is not the kind of galaxy he wants to risk bringing a child into. He’s not even sure if he’ll survive tomorrow.
“What do you want to do then?”
“We could die tomorrow.” You shift in his arms, pulling yourself flush against him until his hardness presses firmly between you. “Fuck it.”
He tilts his head, a slight grin curling on his face. Stars, when you say it like that... With a clench of his jaw, he pulls you down slowly and impales you on his hardness.
His head falls back. You’re fucking tight. A raw, incredulous groan rises from his throat.
Your reaction has his head spinning - fingers winding through his grown-out hair and pulling desperately against him. He loves little hiss you make.
“Look at me.”
Your eyes flutter open to meet his gaze and his seed almost spills, only holding himself back with the barest restraint. Must savour this moment. Finally being inside you - his soulmate.
He pulls you in for a hungry kiss. Heat rises between your bodies as you give yourself over to his touch, opening your mouth into his kiss and arching your back for him.
It’s too much. Unable to stop himself, his hands grip you by your thighs and he fully impales you, forcing your tight, inner channel muscles to give way and let his shaft thrust full inside you.
You brace his shoulders and writhe in pleasure. “Oh, Cassian, please, m-move - ”
That’s all he hears before his instincts take over, and he uses all his strength to thrust, desperate to wedge himself so far inside you he’ll never leave.
He plants his feet on the sea floor and braces you against him as you cant your hips for him. Your bodies are working overtime to create that toe-curling friction, thrusting into each other with bruising force, the waves splashing and breaking over your entwined forms.
Your mouths clash in a tangle of heated, desperate kisses that burn him from within. The tension is pulled taut between you, soulmarks thrumming in time with each other as you desperately unite your bodies as one.
He rocks his hips up between your open legs and hits home harder and harder with each slosh of the water. His hands grip you by the back of your shirt, fingers scrambling against the fabric to pull your body down as hard as he can.
Your head lols back in the water, a gasp escaping your throat. “Cassian! Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop - oh!”
He grunts in approval. His hunger for you grows, seeing you so vulnerable like this for him, desperate to hold out as long as he can to pleasure you. His thrusts grow even more frantic and sloppy - a fast, brutal jerking rhythm of pounding up into your cunt.
“My hope,” he murmurs in Kenari, barely hanging on to his sanity. “Better than anything I’d ever dreamt of.” He drinks in the sight of you, wet and vulnerable and all his, and his hardness gives a heady warning pulse of heat. He groans. “You’re everything. You’re mine.”
You let out a whimper in his arms, and then you’re tensing, your thighs, clenching around him with newfound strength.
“Cassian,” you moan through gritted teeth, “Cassian!”
The first jolt of pleasure wracks through his body without warning. At the realisation that you’re climaxing, he’s had it - he can’t hold back anymore.
He groans in disbelief. His brows draw together, the deep, intense, deliberate jerking of his body against yours faltering as pleasure takes over. A sound comes out of him, a mix between a desperate plea and praise, and then he’s coming inside you.
Fierce, intense waves of heat pulse into your raw, messy, clenching cunt.
His pleasure deepens as you open your legs even farther to receive his spend inside you. With a growl, he pulls you against him and jerks his hips against you once more, finishing himself off.
“Yes,” you moan, leaning forward and pressing your forehead against his. The change in angle shields your face from the starlight, but the sound of your shuddering, desperate pants of breath are clear as day. You’re high on this shared bliss together.
“Don’t want to wake up,” he murmurs against your lips.
“You think I’m a dream?”
He traces up your arm and wraps his hand around the back of your neck. “You’re too good to be real. I’m not that lucky.”
You chuckle. “You are now.”
“We’ll see.”
It isn’t until the next morning, when he opens his eyes to the first rays of sun and you’re still there, asleep in his arms, that he finally allows himself to believe.
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luchadorbard · 8 months
The Fallen Angles of our better nature (An OC short story)
(EDITORIAL NOTE: I've made various changes to this story after first posting it, mostly grammar and spelling. I have also changed a key aspect in the story itself to move away from a real world organization. Primarily to keep with the 'out there', fictitious nature of the sci-fi. I also no longer wish my story to be associated with a hyper-litigious group that has ALLEGEDLY many bad actors within it. I've made this change a while ago however this information has been brought to my attention recently and has further validated my decision. Please enjoy.)
"Guess who got tickets to the art expo!" Evelyn practically sang the question as the door to her apartment shut behind her. Her wife's head slowly peered around the door frame.
"Finally! It's not like I'm in that damn exhibit." Amanda smiled as she moved out of the study to stride over to Evelyn. Her hanging black Mohawk swaying slightly with each step, before quickly tamed with one of her large hands running through her shaved half of her head.
"With all the confusion in the wake of the director resigning, it's not that surprising honey." She leaned up and exchanged a quick kiss with her wife before she pulled back.
"Will Ame be there? They're kind of the whole reason for that piece in the first place."
"Amethyst will be there, don't worry about. It's they're translator drones that'll be the big question." She tossed her things on to the near by couch. "Got an outfit ready for tomorrow night?"
Amanda shook her head. "I'm torn, the suit and tie still calls to me but we'd both look great in clashing dresses."
Evelyn smirked as she let her fiery hair down. "You'll look good in anything dear."
Her partner sighed and dragged a hand over her face. "You always say that to avoid picking one. It can't be true all the time!"
Evelyn chortled as she made her way upstairs. "I'll stop saying it when it is!" She started the process of decompressing after a day of work as reflected on what drew them to this new milestone.
She remembered when she first met Amanada, the memory so vivid it bordered on a vision. One of the many mass planet wide protests that rocked Norumbega after the planetary governor announced another round of crippling austerity, another round of new measures against the Xalens aliens on world and another round of empowered security forces.
New Holguín was one of the epicenter of the push back, and her local parish had been key of not only providing support and logistics for the protests themselves but also helping the strange abstract aliens protect themselves from local authorities pointed ire.
She was there, a pale siege tower of a woman. One of the many members of local branch of the Chapel of Baphomet united in common cause with Evelyn and her congregation. Her aura seemed to have a natural command to her fellow protesters.
When the line of contact had grown more rowdy, her and her fellow believers were injured in a security line push, her group was the closest street medics they access to and urgency outweighed there reservations about there presentation.
"Let me get a look at it." Amanda readied the med kit without even looking at it, her attention laser focused on wound itself. "Hopefully it's just a shallow cut."
Droplets of blood from the scrap on Evelyn's arm were staining the larger woman's fingers, her black nail polish and her jacket. Evelyn shook her head. "It was just an awkward fall during the push. I got lucky, Matthews needs the help more than me."
Amanda raised an eyebrow as she sprayed a sanitizing solution on the cut before quickly wrapped it up. "You won't be so lucky if it gets infected. I'd see a doctor proper just to be safe."
"I'm not leaving until this is done." Evelyn stared back up at the woman, quiet defiance burning in her green eyes, the subtle implications of her removal not lost on her.
"This isn't a game. That could have easily turned into a stampede or a crush." Amanda tone wasn't confrontational or hostile, but it did carry the weight of a warning.
Evelyn remained unmoved. "I'm not leaving my congregation or the Xalens out there." An edge crept into her voice she didn't know she had, catching Amanda off guard. She nodded in response as more injured came in, demanding attention.
Once the days protest finally settled down, the pair had crashed at the Amanda's chapel branch with many of the more badly injured of Evelyn's congregation needing to stay there. Once the initial awkward introductions and opening questions had passed, the pair seemed to relax and words came more freely.
"Evelyn O'Sullivan and Amanda Saarela, with the contribution of 'Baphomet's grace'." The announcer's proclamation was met with a smattering of polite applause. Evelyn practically hung off her wife's arm and broad shoulders as pair gave respectful waves to the rest of the galley before the next artist in attendance was pointed out.
The obsidian statue gleamed in the gallery lighting to an almost mirror polish, the goat head figure shielding several Xalens with his wings and arms. Many of that species in attendance as well, hovering between exhibits as crystalline rock orbited there stony cores.
"There's still too many mistakes in it." Amanda said unprompted as she sighed. "The wing span is all wrong and those horns..." A groan of disgust escaped her throat.
Evelyn turned to face her wife. "Or, you've just been looking at it for too long, honey. Just let other people enjoy it." Amanda eyes remained fixed on her creation, forcing Eve to turn her head to match her eyes. "It's -fine- Amanda."
Her wife sighed and clearly fought back the urge to contest and just accepted it and shook her head.
"A concordance of address flows from gates of purple." The robotic voice startled pair, there full attention to the approaching newcomer. Amethyst hovered with several robotic translation drones orbiting the angular center speckled with purple crystals, along side the more mundane rock fragments.
"Amethyst! Hello! I'm so glad you could make it." Evelyn let go of her wife as the pair walked over. "Enjoying gallery so far?"
A sound like grinding stone as well as quick flashes of light between the gems followed as the translation drones whirred to life.
"The stimulation of senses harmonize to create an eruption of potent thought. We assume this is the efficacious outcome."
Amanda couldn't help but chuckle under her breath. "I mean, that's one of way to look at it. I guess." She gestured with her head back to her own work. "You helped make that happen, Ame. Thank you. I mean it."
There was silence as the orbiting objects realigned and swapped positions before the rumblings and translations resumed. "We are ebullient that our form could help produce harmonization of potent thought. Should you required furtherance in concordance or even, a hymn! We shall be willing to render utility."
The Xalen shuddered before it then floated away leaving the pair alone as Amanda seemed to un-tense as Eve stroked her broad shoulder. "Told you it was fine."
Amanda quickly snagged a drink from one of the automated refreshment carts and downed it in a single swig, before she took a sharp inhale. "I'm going to need a few more of these."
The pair settled on the roof top of the gallery, Evelyn pouring the pair of them another glass of wine as Amanda folded her suit jacket to one side.
"I'd wager somewhere in the pirate fringes, no way he could show himself in Gaia aligned space or any of Earth's allies." Evelyn pointed to some of the distant stars in the night sky.
Amanda took another long sip. "Hah, I doubt its so dramatic. Former Governor Bjelke probably just bought a domicile-barge and is skulking between grey ports. Sadly, justice for people like him is a very rare thing. Likely he'll slink away with his stolen fortune and fade into unearned obscurity." A long sighed followed.
Evelyn reached over to squeeze her wife's hand. "We saved our world, at least for now." Amanda returned the affection but clearly didn't seem soothed by that prospect. Sensing a lull in the conversation Evelyn smirked and leaned back on her palms.
"Remember our wedding?"
Amanda looked at her before she chuckled. "How could I forget. That ordained Father of yours was unflappable! I couldn't even get him to raise an eyebrow no matter what I said about the theological relationship between our Gods."
Evelyn sipped her wine. "Father Gutiérrez does confession. You'll have to work a lot harder than that to phase him." The shared laughter flowed as easily as the wine.
"I remember my niece taking so much sugar she was trying to climb the Baphomet statue before my sister stopped her. God Emma's was menace when she got going."
The painful snap of current events shattered the memory like a stone in a pond. Amanda looked over to her wife who had suddenly gone quiet.
"Any more news about San Riccardo?"
"Lots of news, most of it bad. Both governments in orbit are jockeying for a fight and terrorists strikes on the ground are growing in frequency and size."
Amanda didn't let the silence linger. "We could sponsor them out of there. I'm sure they'd be happy to stay with us."
"They would be, but my sister is trying to get her family to Naxian space for asylum but that's a bureaucratic nightmare." She sighed and hugged herself. "I pray it'll be enough, that they can get out before it gets any worse."
Evelyn poured the last of the wine for the pair of them as they downed the last of it. Amanda shifted over to bring her wife into a hug as she cupped her face in her hands. "Then let me pray with you. And when we're done, let's fight for them. For everyone. Together."
Evelyn could feel tears stain her eyes as moved closer, sharing a kiss under the stars.
(This was an idea that started out kind of as a joke. 'What if a Catholic Christian and a Atheistic Satanist became a couple based on there mutual interests of social/economic justice.' But the more I sort of mulled on the idea I wanted to make it a more serious idea so I kept working on it and decided to set it in one of my original Science fiction settings. I might write more about these two. Hope it comes across the way I intend it to and I'm open to feedback!)
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backburnerdio · 2 years
OC Kiss Week – Day 1 Dance
WIP: Time Borrowed Pairing: Lora & Valetta cw: Language, alcohol, romance Words: 1690 Tag List: @irnalia, @waysofink, @ashen-crest, @spacetimewraithwrites,@dustylovelyrun, @idreamonpaper, @abalonetea, @jaimistoryteller, @kaiusvnoir, @writeouswriter, @reininginthefirewriting, @concealeddarkness13, @winterandwords (Used the Time Borrowed taglist, please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from this event or the main taglist) Soundtrack: Susie Save Your Love – Allie X
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Valetta was sure she was in hell. Tailor-made just for her. She sat at the bar, crammed between some slumping Joe, well past their limit, and Garnet, who was telling some animated story. Five minutes ago she would have bragged how fantastic the idea of going out was. How great of a place she had picked. Rubbed it in Garnet’s face since he had been reluctant to go out.
Five minutes ago she’d been waiting to give him her best I Told You So speech as soon as he got the number from the girl he was flirting with at the bar.
Five minutes ago she had been successfully distracted from thinking about Lora.
Until Lora was sitting at a table across the dance floor.
With two drinks already in her system, Valetta hadn’t noticed whenever Lora walked in. But she couldn’t miss her now. She was sitting with a group, in one of her pencil skirt dresses with a dipping neckline and little cutouts up the sides. She wore her hair down, spilling down her back, nearly to her hips. And, as always, she was decorated to the nine with shimmering accessories, dangling earrings, and a jeweled choker.
Valetta berated herself any time she caught herself staring through the bustle of the dance floor. She tried entertaining herself by watching the mechanics of lasers and lights fixed on the ceiling. The bass bombarded every corner of the establishment, making her guts feel like they were inside a food processor and her brain rattling inside a jar of nails.
She felt like she couldn’t breathe. Trapped. Smooshed as Garnet leaned closer.
“You plastered?” He called over the music, leaning in her ear. “You haven’t moved in, like, fifteen minutes.”
“I’m good.” She lied, gaze fixed on Lora who had moved away from the VIP table her group booked and onto the dance floor.
“Something in your drink?” Garnet asked, hand on her shoulder causing her to jolt. Even in the sway of the neon lights she could tell he was concerned.
“Lay off, I’m good!” She repeated, feeling like a trapped animal. Garnet leaned away, saying something to the woman he’d been chatting up. She nodded and stepped away, mingling back into the crowd.
“You don’t sound good,” Garnet returned, glancing down at the nearly empty scotch glass in her hand. “You want me to take you home?”
But she couldn’t answer. Her rattling brain detected something about one of the dancers in the crowd. He went up to Lora, leaning into her ear to talk, and she politely shook her head, turning her head to continue dancing. It wasn’t enough to end his pursuit. He had the audacity to grab Lora’s wrist, pulling her back around and talking more.
“Yeah, come on, we’re going home.” Garnet patted her shoulder.
Lora pulled her arm away, again politely excusing herself to a different part of the dance floor. Valetta sat up on the barstool, watching as the guy waited a moment before following her.
“You got me?!” Valetta yelled over the music and Garnet paused from waving down a bartender. He turned back to her.
“Always,” he answered just as loudly.
Valetta knocked back the last that was in her glass before sliding off the barstool, staggering to her feet. She felt Garnet bump into her as he stood as well, leaving room between them as Valetta hunted down her target. She found them at the far end of the bar, near the bathrooms where the creep had pulled her aside to block her exit back into the crowd.
Lora was still stern, showing off every skill she had to avoid confrontation. She hated fighting, physical or verbal –she’d told Valetta several times before. And even then, being backed into a corner by a creep, she was determined to find a civil way out. Valetta, however, was trained to handle danger fast and to the point. Delicate and deadly.
“There you are,” she said loudly, wedging them apart with an elbow. “Babe, I been looking everywhere for you. I got our drinks at the bar.” She glanced at the guy, making a show of looking him up and down. “Might wanna show some manners, my guy.”
“Manners, look who’s talking. Who the fuck are you?”
“Apparently the six o’clock news if I gotta inform you she’s not interested.” Valetta scoffed, using herself as a partition as Lora stepped around for an escape.
“Come on, V, it’s not worth it,” she whispered, taking her by a hand.
“Yeah, like you look like you could take care of her. You even tall enough to ride that ride?”
“You gotta ride tall enough to ride?” The drinks were hitting, starting to feel more invincible than she knew she probably was.
“I’ll bash your fuckin’ skull in—”
“Ay, alright,” Garnet tossed an arm across the man’s shoulders, turning him away. “C’mon man, let’s go get a light. You gotta light?”
Valetta pulled them away from the crowd, towards the edge of the room on the quieter side of one of the subwoofers. There were only a few couples this far back, dotting down the wall to either take a break from dancing or making out.
“Are you okay?” Valetta turned to Lora, dropping her hand to hold her at the shoulders only to flounder when she got a closer look at her face. Her makeup was more suited for the club than what she ever wore for work, and her perfume was to die for. Valetta wasn’t even sure if the alcohol was making it worse.
Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. Her intrusive thoughts wouldn’t quiet down.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Lora nodded, clearly still a little shocked if her shaking hands were anything to go by. Her smile flashed before quickly falling away. “I didn’t know you were here.”
“Yeah, you know how Garnet is he won’t go out—”
“I’m glad you’re here,” Lora interrupted, slamming her eyes shut and shaking her head before laughing. “Sorry.”
“Hey, I’m glad I’m here too. Usually don’t have to worry about creeps in this p-place.” She honest to God stammered when Lora placed a hand on her side, moving in closer as someone squeezed past to head down the corridor for the bathrooms. “Do you wanna step out, maybe get some air?”
“Can we grab a dance first?” Lora laughed nervously. “No one at my table wants to dance, and that’s all I’ve been looking forward to all week.”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“They paid VIP cover to sit at a table? Are they deranged?” Valetta laughed when that earned a smile. “Hell yeah, sweetheart, let’s get you a dance!” She playfully tugged at Lora’s hand, grinning as she led her into the crowd. It was packed and loud, Valetta having to adjust the sensitivity of her hearing aids, but it was entirely worth it to see Lora come alive.
Valetta caught glimpses of her between the flash of laser light, glinting on her jewelry and bangles. It was apparent she loved to dance, infectious to have Valetta joining in. It wasn’t long before they were swaying and bouncing with the beat, belting out lyrics to any song they knew, unsure how many they danced to. Lora was pure energy, radiant and irresistible.
At one point Valetta found herself pulled in close, Lora’s hands cradling the back of her neck with her manicured nails scraping in and out of the short hair on the back of her head. Valetta held her at the waist, matching her movements as the crowd grows more and more packed. Lora leaned down, closer, tilting her face towards Valetta’s neck.
And talking to her.
“I’m really glad you were here,” She called over the music. “You see, I’ve been wanting to ask you out for weeks.” Lora moved one hand, brushing her hair back, exposing more of her throat. “I’ve been too nervous.”
“Nervous?” Valetta asked stupidly, grateful the music was loud enough to swallow the croak to her voice. At least, she hoped so.
“Yeah!” Lora giggled and Valetta nearly melted on the spot. “You’re such a badass and I’m so lame. You literally just tried to fight a man twice your height!” She was laughing hard enough to wrap her arms around Valetta.
“He was a creep!” Valetta laughed too. “And I can’t dance.”
“I like dancing with you!” Lora leaned back something about her face softening. Valetta stopped trying to quiet her intrusive thoughts. She reached up, framing Lora’s face to tilt her into a proper kiss. Lora melted against her, flush chest to chest as Valetta kept them swaying to the beat. Nails scraped into her hair, thankful one of her knees was prosthetic to keep them both from spilling on the floor.
Both of them were smiling too hard to continue kissing, moving to the beat as a new song began to play.
“I like that kind of dancing,” Valetta snickered. Lora gave her a few lingering pecks before leaning to speak in her ear again.
“Why don’t we go get some air now? The back door’s just over there.” She pointed through the lights, “Food?”
“Oh, fuck yeah.” Valetta cheered, stepping back for Lora to take the lead, threading their fingers together to head for the door. “Wait, what about your VIP table?”
“I’ll text them. This is way more important.” She pressed the door open, smiling as she urged Valetta out into the cool night air.
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Garnet waited out front, sitting on one of the massive installed greenery beds. He leisurely worked on his cigarette, staring at his phone screen trying to decide if he should hit send. He didn’t even know if Beau was awake at this time of night. Or online. Whatever.
The notification of a new text popped up at the top of the screen.
Tiny Terror >Don't wait up heading home w Lora >😜💋
Garnet smirked at the screen, replying to tell her to get some sleep and call him in the morning. He took one last drag of his smoke before switching to Beau’s message string, hitting send.
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skaddy111 · 22 days
Rejuvenate Your Confidence with The Live Young Clinic
At The Live Young Clinic, we believe that everyone deserves to look and feel their best at any age. Our clinic is dedicated to providing cutting-edge cosmetic and dermatological treatments designed to enhance your natural beauty, boost your confidence, and promote overall well-being. Whether you’re searching for Skin Care near me, seeking effective Acne Treatment near me, or interested in the benefits of Laser hair removal service, our team of skilled professionals is here to guide you through a personalized journey of transformation.
Personalized Skin Care for a Radiant Glow
Your skin is unique, and at The Live Young Clinic, we understand that personalized care is key to achieving radiant, healthy skin. We offer a comprehensive range of Skin Care near me services tailored to address a variety of skin concerns, from dryness and sensitivity to aging and hyperpigmentation. Our expert dermatologists and aestheticians work closely with you to develop a customized skin care regimen that meets your specific needs. We use only the highest quality products and the latest techniques to ensure that your skin receives the best care possible, helping you achieve a glowing complexion that reflects your inner vitality.
Effective Acne Treatment for Clearer Skin
Acne is a common skin condition that can affect individuals of all ages, and finding the right treatment is crucial for managing and preventing breakouts. At The Live Young Clinic, we offer specialized Acne Treatment near me that targets the root causes of acne, including excess oil production, clogged pores, and bacteria. Our treatments are designed to reduce inflammation, clear existing acne, and prevent future breakouts, leaving your skin smoother and more even-toned. Whether you’re dealing with occasional blemishes or more persistent acne, our team will work with you to develop a treatment plan that delivers visible results, helping you regain your confidence.
Advanced Laser Hair Removal Service for Silky Smooth Skin
Unwanted hair can be a source of frustration, but with our Laser hair removal service, you can achieve long-lasting smoothness without the hassle of shaving, waxing, or plucking. The Live Young Clinic offers state-of-the-art laser hair removal treatments that are safe, effective, and suitable for all skin types. Using advanced laser technology, we target and destroy hair follicles, preventing future hair growth while protecting the surrounding skin. Our laser hair removal service is ideal for areas such as the face, legs, arms, underarms, and bikini line, providing you with silky smooth skin and the freedom to enjoy a hair-free lifestyle with confidence.
Safe and Effective Tattoo Removal Near Me
Tattoos are a form of self-expression, but over time, your preferences may change. If you have a tattoo that no longer reflects who you are, The Live Young Clinic offers safe and effective Tattoo Removal near me services. Our advanced laser tattoo removal technology breaks down the ink particles in your tattoo, allowing your body to naturally eliminate them over time. This non-invasive procedure is performed by our skilled professionals, ensuring minimal discomfort and excellent results. Whether you want to completely remove a tattoo or lighten it for a cover-up, our team will work with you to achieve your desired outcome.
Comprehensive Weightloss Treatment Near Me
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is essential for your overall health and well-being, but it can be challenging to do so on your own. At The Live Young Clinic, we offer comprehensive Weightloss treatment near me programs designed to help you reach your weight loss goals in a safe and sustainable way. Our approach to weight loss is holistic, combining medical supervision, nutritional guidance, and personalized fitness plans to support your journey. Whether you’re looking to lose a few pounds or undergo a significant transformation, our team is here to provide the support, motivation, and expertise you need to succeed.
Innovative Hair Growth Treatment for Fuller Hair
Thinning hair or hair loss can be distressing, but with the right treatment, it’s possible to restore your hair’s natural fullness and vitality. The Live Young Clinic offers innovative Hair growth treatment options that are tailored to your individual needs. Our treatments are designed to stimulate hair follicles, improve scalp health, and promote the growth of thicker, stronger hair. Whether you’re experiencing hair loss due to genetics, stress, or other factors, our team will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the underlying causes and helps you achieve fuller, healthier hair.
Conveniently Located for Your Needs
The Live Young Clinic is conveniently located, making it easy for you to access high-quality care close to home. Whether you’re searching for Skin Care near me, Acne Treatment near me, or any of our other services, you can trust that you’ll receive exceptional care in a comfortable and convenient setting.
Contact The Live Young Clinic Today
If you’re ready to take the next step in enhancing your natural beauty and well-being, contact The Live Young Clinic today. Whether you’re interested in Laser hair removal service, Tattoo Removal near me, or any of our other treatments, our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to help. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs and helps you achieve your aesthetic goals. Don’t wait to start your journey to a more confident, youthful you – schedule your consultation with The Live Young Clinic today.
At The Live Young Clinic, we are dedicated to helping you look and feel your best through a wide range of personalized treatments. From advanced Skin Care near me and effective Acne Treatment near me to innovative Hair growth treatment and comprehensive Weightloss treatment near me, our team is here to provide the expert care you need to achieve your aesthetic and wellness goals. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on customer satisfaction, The Live Young Clinic is your trusted partner in rejuvenation and self-care. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you live young and feel your best.
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grandstudentwinner · 2 months
Achieve a More Youthful Appearance with Laser Hair Removal in Lubbock
Are you tired of continually shaving, waxing, or plucking undesirable hair? Do you lengthy for a more younger look and smoother skin? Look no further than laser hair removing in Lubbock. This revolutionary medication presents a long-term solution to unwanted hair, leaving you with silky glossy skin and boosting your confidence. In this complete information, we are going to discover the entirety you desire to know about laser hair elimination in Lubbock, from the appropriate motives to decide on this therapy to the optimal clinics inside the subject. So sit down returned, relax, and get prepared to in achieving a greater younger appearance with laser hair removing in Lubbock.
Achieve a More Youthful Appearance with Laser Hair Removal in Lubbock
Laser hair removal is a wellknown beauty process that makes use of laser technological know-how to aim and take away undesirable hair. It is surprisingly high quality in lowering hair improvement and might possibly be used on quite a number parts of the frame, which includes the face, legs, arms, bikini line, and underarms. By getting rid of the need for well-known shaving or all-inclusive laser hair removal bundles waxing, laser hair removal lets in you to have fun with sleek dermis devoid of the worry of on a daily basis maintenance. This makes it an excellent preference for people who prefer to in attaining a extra youthful appearance.
The Science Behind Laser Hair Removal in Lubbock
Laser hair removing works through concentrating on the pigment (shade) inside the hair follicles. The laser emits a beam of gentle that may be absorbed by way of the pigment, destructive the follicle and preventing long run hair development. The manner is trustworthy and helpful while performed via knowledgeable specialists riding progressed technological know-how. In Lubbock, most sensible Laser hair removal near me clinics be offering modern gadget that can provide appropriate outcome while minimizing agony.
How Effective is Laser Hair Removal in Lubbock?
Laser hair removing in Lubbock has been tested to be pretty high quality in slicing hair development. However, it can be worthwhile to word that results may additionally fluctuate relying on causes inclusive of hair color, skin category, and the domain being taken care of. Dark, coarse hair has a tendency to respond well suited to laser medical care, at the same time as easy or high-quality hair also can require additional sessions for most beneficial consequences. It is recommended to refer to a laser hair elimination expert in Lubbock to figure out the so much splendid medicine plan for your distinguished desires.
Top Benefits of Laser Hair Removal in Lubbock
There are multiple advantages to making a choice on laser hair removal in Lubbock over typical hair removing tools. Some of the appropriate merits incorporate:
Long-lasting results: Laser hair removing provides long-lasting outcomes, with many patients experiencing permanent hair reduction after a sequence of treatments. Time-saving: Unlike shaving or waxing, laser hair removing saves you time through disposing of the desire for day to day upkeep. Cost-effective: While laser hair removal may additionally in the beginning require an investment, it may well save you cost in the end by way of cutting back or taking out the need for other hair elimination techniques. Precision: Lase
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blushsg · 4 months
Smooth and Effortless: Exploring Laser Hair Removal in Singapore
Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment in hair follicles with concentrated beams of light. This light energy is absorbed by the hair follicles, effectively damaging them and inhibiting future hair growth. The procedure is precise, targeting only the hair follicles while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. This makes it suitable for various areas of the body, including the face, arms, legs, bikini area, and more.
One of the key advantages of laser hair removal is its long-lasting results. Unlike traditional methods such as shaving, waxing, or depilatory creams, laser hair removal singapore which provide temporary relief, laser hair removal offers a more permanent solution. While multiple sessions are typically required to achieve optimal results, many individuals experience significant hair reduction after just a few treatments. Over time, maintenance sessions may be needed to ensure continued smoothness, but the days of frequent shaving and waxing are greatly reduced.
In Singapore, where the climate is warm and humid year-round, the convenience of laser hair removal cannot be overstated. With smooth, hair-free skin, individuals can confidently flaunt their bodies without worrying about stubble or ingrown hairs. Whether hitting the beach in Sentosa or attending a social gathering in the bustling city center, laser hair removal offers the freedom to embrace bare skin with confidence.
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Furthermore, laser hair removal is a relatively quick and virtually painless procedure, especially when compared to traditional hair removal methods. Advanced laser technologies, coupled with cooling mechanisms, help to minimize discomfort during treatment, making it a comfortable experience for most individuals. This means minimal downtime, allowing clients to resume their daily activities immediately after their session.
In addition to its aesthetic benefits, laser hair removal can also be a practical investment in the long run. While the upfront cost may seem higher than other hair removal methods, the savings accumulate over time as individuals spend less on razors, shaving creams, waxing appointments, and other temporary solutions. Moreover, the time saved from not having to shave or wax regularly can be invaluable in today's fast-paced society.
When considering laser hair removal in Singapore, it's essential to seek treatment from qualified professionals with experience in using medical-grade laser systems. Clinics offering laser hair removal services should adhere to strict safety standards and provide thorough consultations to assess each client's suitability for the procedure. Additionally,  ipl laser hair removal near me clients should follow pre- and post-treatment care instructions to optimize results and minimize the risk of complications.
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Transform Your Look: The Ultimate Guide to Aesthetic Treatments Nearby
In today's world, where appearance holds significant importance, the demand for aesthetic treatments has surged. Whether it's achieving smoother skin, a more youthful appearance, or enhancing certain features, people are turning to aesthetic treatments to transform their look. If you're considering undergoing such treatments, it's essential to understand your options and find reputable providers nearby. This comprehensive guide will walk you through various aesthetic treatments, their benefits, potential risks, and how to choose the right provider for your needs.
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Understanding Aesthetic Treatments
Aesthetic treatment near me encompass a wide range of procedures aimed at enhancing one's appearance. These treatments can target various concerns, including aging signs, skin imperfections, body contouring, and more. From minimally invasive procedures like injectables to surgical interventions such as liposuction, individuals have numerous options to achieve their desired aesthetic goals.
Popular Aesthetic Treatments
Injectables: Injectables like Botox and dermal fillers are among the most popular aesthetic treatments. Botox helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by temporarily paralyzing facial muscles, while dermal fillers add volume to areas like lips, cheeks, and under-eye hollows, creating a youthful look.
Chemical Peels: Chemical peels involve applying a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the outer layer, revealing smoother, more even-toned skin beneath. They can improve skin texture, reduce acne scars, and address pigmentation issues.
Laser Hair Removal: Laser hair removal offers a long-term solution to unwanted hair growth by targeting hair follicles with laser energy. It's a popular choice for both men and women seeking smooth, hair-free skin without the hassle of shaving or waxing.
Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that exfoliates the skin using a diamond-tipped wand or fine crystals, removing dead skin cells and stimulating collagen production. It's effective for improving skin texture, reducing acne scars, and achieving a radiant complexion.
Liposuction: Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat deposits from various areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms. It's ideal for individuals looking to contour their body and achieve a slimmer silhouette.
Benefits of Aesthetic Treatments
Aesthetic treatments offer numerous benefits beyond just improving one's appearance:
Boosted Confidence: Enhancing your physical appearance can significantly boost self-confidence and self-esteem, leading to a more positive outlook on life.
Improved Skin Health: Many aesthetic treatments not only enhance appearance but also promote skin health by stimulating collagen production, improving circulation, and addressing specific skin concerns.
Non-Invasive Options: With advancements in technology, many aesthetic treatments are now minimally invasive or non-invasive, reducing the need for extensive downtime and recovery.
Long-Lasting Results: While results may vary depending on the treatment, many aesthetic procedures offer long-lasting or even permanent results, providing excellent value for your investment.
Considerations Before Undergoing Treatment
Before undergoing any aesthetic treatment, it's essential to consider the following factors:
Research: Take the time to research different treatments, their potential risks, and expected outcomes. Understanding what each procedure entails will help you make an informed decision.
Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a qualified aesthetic provider to discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. A reputable provider will assess your suitability for the treatment and provide personalized recommendations.
Credentials: Ensure that your chosen provider is licensed, experienced, and board-certified in aesthetic medicine or plastic surgery. Ask to see before-and-after photos of previous patients to gauge the provider's skill and expertise.
Cost: Aesthetic treatments can vary significantly in cost, so it's essential to consider your budget and any potential financing options available. Keep in mind that while price is important, the quality of the treatment and provider should be your top priority.
Finding Aesthetic Providers Nearby
When searching for aesthetic providers in your area, consider the following strategies:
Online Research: Utilize online resources such as search engines, review websites, and social media platforms to research aesthetic providers in your area. Pay attention to patient reviews, ratings, and testimonials to gauge the quality of service.
Referrals: Ask friends, family members, or colleagues who have undergone aesthetic treatments for recommendations. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into a provider's reputation and the quality of care they deliver.
Professional Associations: Check if the provider is a member of reputable professional associations such as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or the American Academy of Dermatology. Membership in these organizations indicates a commitment to high ethical and professional standards.
Initial Consultation: Schedule consultations with multiple providers to discuss your goals, concerns, and treatment options. Use this opportunity to ask questions, assess the provider's communication style and expertise, and determine if you feel comfortable and confident in their care.
Aesthetic treatments offer a myriad of options for individuals looking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. From injectables and chemical peels to laser treatments and surgical procedures, there's a solution available for almost any aesthetic concern. However, it's crucial to approach these treatments thoughtfully and responsibly. Research different options, consult with qualified providers, and consider factors such as credentials, cost, and expected outcomes before making a decision. By taking these steps and finding reputable providers nearby, you can embark on your aesthetic journey with confidence, knowing that you're in safe and capable hands. Transforming your look can be a rewarding experience that not only improves your outward appearance but also enhances your overall well-being and self-confidence.
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antechhairq · 6 months
Smooth & Confident: Unlocking the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal in Mississauga
In the bustling city of Mississauga, achieving smooth, hair-free skin is a desire shared by many. Fortunately, laser hair removal has emerged as a popular and effective solution, offering a multitude of benefits that go beyond traditional hair removal methods. Let's explore the comprehensive guide to laser hair removal mississauga and uncover its transformative advantages.
Precision and Effectiveness: Laser hair removal targets hair follicles with precision, effectively reducing unwanted hair growth. In Mississauga, advanced laser technology ensures precise targeting, leading to long-lasting results and minimal regrowth.
Customized Treatment Plans: Laser hair removal clinics in Mississauga offer customized treatment plans tailored to each individual's unique needs and skin type. Experienced technicians assess factors such as hair color, skin tone, and hair density to devise personalized treatment protocols for optimal results.
Minimal Discomfort: Modern laser hair removal technology incorporates advanced cooling systems to minimize discomfort during treatment sessions. Patients in Mississauga can undergo hair removal procedures with minimal pain, ensuring a comfortable and pleasant experience.
Versatility: Laser hair removal is suitable for various body areas, including the legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, and face. In Mississauga, individuals have the flexibility to target specific areas or undergo full-body treatments, depending on their preferences and desired outcomes.
Convenience: Laser hair removal offers convenience for busy individuals in Mississauga, with quick treatment sessions that can be scheduled during lunch breaks or after work. Unlike traditional hair removal methods that require frequent maintenance, Hair Loss Specialist Near Me provides long-lasting results, saving time and effort in the long run.
Safe and FDA-approved: Laser hair removal technology used in Mississauga clinics is FDA-approved and proven to be safe and effective for hair reduction. Patients can trust in the expertise of trained professionals and the reliability of state-of-the-art equipment for optimal outcomes and peace of mind.
Skin Rejuvenation Benefits: In addition to hair removal, laser treatments in Mississauga can improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin. Laser technology stimulates collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and skin imperfections, resulting in smoother, more radiant skin.
Boosted Confidence: Achieving smooth, hair-free skin through laser hair removal in Mississauga can boost confidence and self-esteem. Individuals no longer have to worry about the inconvenience and embarrassment of unwanted hair, allowing them to feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin.
In conclusion, laser hair removal in Mississauga offers a transformative solution for achieving smooth, hair-free skin and boosting confidence. With its precision, effectiveness, and convenience, laser hair removal has become the preferred choice for individuals seeking long-lasting results and a renewed sense of confidence in the vibrant city of Mississauga.
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eazy-group · 1 year
11 Vegan Shampoos That Don't Skimp on Quality
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11 Vegan Shampoos That Don't Skimp on Quality
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Farm-to-table vegan shampoo options.
By Allie Hogan, Associate Beauty Editor · Jul 21, 2023
Coco & Eve/Dae
There are so many labels to look for on personal care products these days. We’ve recently become accustomed to seeing sulfate-free and Leaping Bunny labels on hair products. Now language from our diets is creeping into our hair care. Gluten-free and vegan are some of the labels we’ve noticed in the hair-care aisle and in our own showers recently. Whether you’re trying to make your shampoo match your snacks, or you just want super clean hair products, these are the vegan shampoos that are actually worthwhile.
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Alo Shine Shampoo ($24)
A personal favorite, I traveled across the country with this shampoo and it helped me handle different water types. It’s also formulated for gym-goers as it keeps sweat-distressed strands in mind.
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Coco & Eve Hydrating Shampoo ($25)
This shampoo douses hair with an impressive amount of moisture with a powerblend of hyaluronic acid called ResistHyal Technology. The scent of coconut and fig will turn your shower into your own personal piece of paradise.
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Bb Seaweed Shampoo ($36)
This recently launched vegan shampoo, an evolution of an older formula, uses the power of the sea to give you fresh, bouncy hair. The formula features royal sugar kelp, pacific sea kelp and green microalgae.
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Ceremonia Guava Protect & Repair Shampoo ($20)
Forget harsh chemicals and animal byproducts—this formula uses guava and aloe vera to help repair and hydrate hair. It’s especially perfect for the summer as it protects from future damage and color fade from chlorine, salt water, UV and color treatments.
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R+Co Television Perfect Hair Shampoo ($34)
Get TV anchor–ready hair without compromising on clean ingredients. The body, shine and strength of hair are so good after using this shampoo, you might even say it’s “perfect.”
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EVOLVh UltraShine Moisture Shampoo ($26)
This gentle shampoo is popular among those with gray hair, but it’s great for all hair types. It helps nutrients seep into strands for a boost of silky shine and strength.
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skaddy111 · 2 months
Discover Radiant Beauty at Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic
Welcome to Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic, your premier destination for advanced skincare and aesthetic treatments. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your beauty goals with our state-of-the-art technologies and expert care. Our clinic offers a wide range of services, including laser hair removal, tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation, and acne treatments, all designed to enhance your natural beauty. If you're searching for "Laser Hair Removal near me," "Tattoo Removal near me," or "Medispa near me," look no further than Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic.
Effective Laser Hair Removal Near Me
Unwanted hair can be a persistent concern for many people. At Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic, we specialize in providing effective laser hair removal treatments to help you achieve smooth, hair-free skin. Our advanced laser technology targets hair follicles, reducing hair growth and providing long-lasting results. Whether you're dealing with unwanted hair on your face, arms, legs, or bikini area, our experienced technicians customize each treatment to suit your specific needs, ensuring comfort and efficacy. For those searching for "Laser Hair Removal near me," Luminesse is your trusted choice for professional and reliable service.
Safe and Precise Tattoo Removal Near Me
Tattoos are a form of self-expression, but sometimes, they no longer fit with your current style or lifestyle. If you're looking for "Tattoo Removal near me," Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic offers safe and effective solutions to help you remove or lighten unwanted tattoos. Our cutting-edge laser technology can target various ink colors and types, breaking down the pigment into smaller particles that your body can naturally eliminate. The process is designed to minimize discomfort and promote quick healing, allowing you to enjoy clear skin once again.
Your Go-To Medispa Near Me
At Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic, we pride ourselves on being a top medispa near me destination, offering a range of treatments that combine medical expertise with spa-like relaxation. Our medispa services are designed to rejuvenate your skin, refresh your appearance, and help you feel your best. From anti-aging treatments to advanced skin therapies, we provide personalized care that addresses your unique skin concerns. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal results in a serene and welcoming environment.
Advanced Skin Treatments Near Me
Maintaining healthy, radiant skin requires more than just a daily skincare routine. At Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic, we offer a variety of advanced skin treatments to address specific skin issues and improve your overall complexion. Whether you're dealing with sun damage, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, or uneven skin tone, our customized treatments can help you achieve a clearer, more youthful appearance. For those seeking "Skin Treatments near me," our clinic provides a comprehensive range of options, including chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser skin resurfacing.
Effective Acne Treatments Near Me
Acne can be a persistent and frustrating condition that affects individuals of all ages. At Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic, we understand the impact that acne can have on your confidence and self-esteem. That's why we offer specialized acne treatments to help you achieve clear, healthy skin. Our treatments are tailored to your specific skin type and the severity of your acne, combining advanced technologies and clinical skincare products to reduce breakouts and prevent scarring. If you're searching for "Acne Treatments near me," our clinic provides effective solutions that deliver lasting results.
Sculpt Your Body with Body Sculpting Near Me
Achieving your desired body shape can be challenging, even with diet and exercise. At Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic, we offer non-invasive body sculpting treatments to help you contour your body and eliminate stubborn fat deposits. Our body sculpting services, including procedures like CoolSculpting and laser lipolysis, target specific areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms, helping you achieve a slimmer and more toned appearance. For those looking for "Body Sculpting near me," our clinic provides safe, effective, and scientifically-backed treatments to help you reach your aesthetic goals.
Rejuvenate Your Skin with Skin Rejuvenation Near Me
As we age, our skin can lose its elasticity and youthful glow. At Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic, we specialize in skin rejuvenation treatments designed to refresh and revitalize your complexion. Our treatments include laser therapies, microneedling, and dermal fillers, all aimed at stimulating collagen production and improving skin texture. Whether you're dealing with fine lines, wrinkles, or other signs of aging, our skin rejuvenation services can help you achieve a more youthful and radiant appearance. For those searching for "Skin Rejuvenation near me," Luminesse offers personalized treatment plans that cater to your unique skin needs.
Enhance Your Appearance with Botox Near Me
Wrinkles and fine lines are a natural part of aging, but they don't have to define your appearance. At Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic, we offer Botox treatments to help smooth out facial lines and restore a youthful look. Botox is a non-surgical procedure that temporarily reduces muscle activity, softening the appearance of wrinkles and preventing new ones from forming. Our skilled practitioners are experienced in administering Botox with precision, ensuring natural-looking results that enhance your features. If you're considering "Botox near me," our clinic provides safe and effective treatments to help you look and feel your best.
Refresh Your Skin with Hydrafacial Near Me
For those seeking a comprehensive skincare treatment that cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates the skin, the Hydrafacial at Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic is an excellent choice. This non-invasive treatment uses patented technology to cleanse pores, remove dead skin cells, and infuse the skin with nourishing serums. The Hydrafacial is suitable for all skin types and addresses a range of concerns, from dryness and congestion to fine lines and uneven skin tone. If you're searching for "Hydrafacial near me," our clinic offers this luxurious treatment that leaves your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Contact Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic Today
If you're ready to enhance your beauty and take the first step towards healthier, more radiant skin, contact Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic today. Whether you're looking for laser hair removal, tattoo removal, acne treatments, body sculpting, or any of our other services, our team is here to help. Call us to schedule a consultation or visit our website to learn more about our offerings. Let Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic be your partner in achieving your aesthetic goals.
At Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic, we are committed to providing exceptional skincare and aesthetic services to help you look and feel your best. From laser hair removal and tattoo removal to advanced skin rejuvenation and acne treatments, our clinic offers a comprehensive range of treatments tailored to meet your unique needs. With a focus on quality, safety, and personalized care, we strive to deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients. Visit us today and discover the difference at Luminesse Laser & Skin Clinic.
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grandstudentwinner · 2 months
Say Goodbye to Arm and Hand Hair: Laser Hair Removal in Lubbock
Are you tired of constantly shaving or waxing your arm and hand hair? Do you dream of having smooth, hair-free skin without the hassle of daily maintenance? Look no further than laser hair removal in Lubbock. With advanced technology and experienced professionals, laser hair removal offers a long-lasting solution to unwanted hair. In this article, we will explore the various treatment options available for different areas of the body, focusing on arm and hand hair removal. Say goodbye to razors and say hello to silky-smooth skin!
Why Choose Laser Hair Removal?
Before diving into the specifics of laser hair removal for arm and hand hair, let's understand why this treatment option is gaining popularity among both men and women. Here are a few reasons https://www.linkedin.com/company/american-laser-med-spa why laser hair removal is a preferred choice:
Long-lasting results: Unlike traditional methods like waxing or shaving, laser hair removal offers long-lasting results. The treatment targets the hair follicles, inhibiting future growth and leaving you with smoother skin for an extended period.
Precision: Laser technology allows for precise targeting of specific areas, ensuring that only the unwanted hair is affected while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.
Minimal discomfort: While everyone's pain tolerance may vary, most individuals find laser hair removal to be relatively painless compared to other alternatives like waxing or epilating.
Time-saving: With laser hair removal, you can say goodbye to spending hours each week on shaving or waxing. The procedure is quick and efficient, saving you valuable time in your daily routine.
Now that we understand the benefits of laser hair removal let's delve into the specific treatments available for arm and hand hair removal in Lubbock.
Laser Hair Removal for Upper Lip in Lubbock
Say goodbye to upper lip fuzz with laser hair removal in Lubbock! This treatment targets the delicate skin of the upper lip, removing unwanted hair and leaving you with a smooth, hair-free upper lip. Laser hair removal for the upper lip is a quick and virtually painless procedure that can be completed in a matter of minutes. Say goodbye to waxing or bleaching and hello to a flawless upper lip!
Smooth Underarms with Laser Hair Removal in Lubbock
Tired of dealing with razor bumps and ingrown hairs in your underarm area? Laser hair removal offers a solution to achieve smooth, hair-free underarms. By targeting the hair follicles in the underarm area, laser technology inhibits future hair growth, reducing the need for constant shaving or waxing. Say goodbye to irritated skin and hello to confidence in sleeveless attire!
Bikini Line Laser Hair Removal in Lubbock
When it comes to bikini line hair removal, precision is key. Laser technology allows for precise targeting of the bikini line area, ensuring that only unwanted hair is affected while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. Say goodbye to painful waxing sessions and hello to a perfectly groomed bikini line all year round!
Full Legs Laser Hair Removal in Lubbock
Dreaming of silky-smooth legs without the hassle of constant shaving or waxing? Look no further than laser hair removal for full legs in Lubbock. This treatment targets the entire leg area, from thighs to calves, leaving you with long-lasting Laser hair removal near me results and minimal maintenance. Say goodb
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What Are The Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal?
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If you want a laser hair removal treatment, you do a great job removing unwanted hair. Different cultures have different ideas about how much body hair is desirable and where it should be. Look into laser hair removal if you want smooth legs, hairless armpits, or to eliminate that 5 o'clock shadow. Before you search for a laser spa near me, you need to learn about the benefits of laser hair removal:
Short treatment times
Treatments with laser hair removal take far less time than you may think. Therapy on the bikini line or underarms takes around 20 minutes, whereas treatment on the arms and legs takes about an hour. When getting laser hair removal, don't plan on staying in the spa all day; you'll be done in no time. Even if you want to extend your eyelash, it takes considerably low time; you can get it done from lash extension in Kew Gardens.
In the long run, you'll save money.
By getting laser hair removal treatments, you need not use razors, blades or trimmers. While waxing has become more expensive, laser hair removal costs have fallen. In terms of time, money, and total results, laser hair removal is more cost-effective.
Time is saved:
Consider all the times you've spent an extra ten or fifteen minutes in the shower shaving, only to discover afterwards that you missed certain areas and had to return and fix them. You can eliminate unwanted hair without spending time shaving or making appointments to get waxed. Furthermore, you are no longer concerned about errors and missed opportunities. Without shaving or waxing, your skin will be perfectly smooth.
Bottom Line:
The above points are necessary for you to learn since they are the benefits of laser hair removal. And for a high-quality process, you can go to Laser Spa Kew Gardens, NY.
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tda-123 · 1 year
Laser Hair Removal Near Me In Pune
Laser hair removal near me in Pune
Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that has become increasingly common in recent years. It is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair from various parts of the body, including the face, arms, legs, and bikini area. In this article, we will discuss how laser hair removal works, its benefits, and the potential side effects.
the best laser hair removal near me  Magarpatta or Kalyani Nagar, both in Pune? In Pune (Kalyani Nagar & Magarpatta City), The Daily Aestheticse Clinic is renowned for its laser hair removal  treatments. Has best team of  dermatologist with 9 years of experience in laser hair removal/reduction
The Daily Aesthetics Clinic is a world-class Dermatology skin clinic in Pune Near Me that provides both laser Treatment and aesthetic skincare treatments. The Daily Aesthetics is Here to provide you with the highest quality dermatology and trichology treatment with the most innovative scientific technologies in a warm, caring and friendly ambience. Our Pune’s Best Dermatologist strive to give you transparent treatment based on your dermatological concerns and desires. The Daily Aesthetics, as a private skin laser clinic, possesses an excellent track record in Dermatology Treatment.
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How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Laser hair removal works by using a high-powered laser beam to target and destroy hair follicles. The laser emits a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle, which damages and destroys the follicle. Over time, this prevents the hair from growing back. Because the laser targets the pigment in the hair follicle, the procedure works best on people with darker hair and lighter skin.
Before the procedure, the skin is cleaned and a cooling gel is applied to protect the skin and help the laser penetrate the hair follicles. During the procedure, the laser is passed over the treatment area, emitting pulses of light that target the hair follicles. Most people report only mild discomfort during the procedure, which feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
There are many benefits to laser hair removal, including:
Precision: The laser can target specific areas of the body, leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
Speed: Laser hair removal can cover large areas of the body quickly, making it a fast and efficient treatment option.
Long-lasting results: Most people experience long-lasting hair removal results after a series of treatments.
Minimal side effects: The procedure is generally safe and has minimal side effects, which may include redness and swelling that typically go away within a few hours.
Convenience: Laser hair removal is a convenient option for people who want to save time and money by avoiding frequent trips to the salon for waxing or shaving.
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Potential Side Effects
Skin irritation: Some people may experience temporary redness, swelling, or itching after the procedure.
Skin discoloration: In rare cases, the skin may become darker or lighter after the procedure.
Scarring: While rare, laser hair removal can cause scarring in some cases.
Eye injury: It is important to protect the eyes during the procedure, as the laser can cause eye injury if not used correctly.
Infection: In rare cases, laser hair removal can cause an infection in the treated area.
It is important to discuss any potential risks with your doctor before undergoing the procedure.
Laser hair removal has become increasingly popular in recent years as a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair from various parts of the body. In this article, we will take a closer look at the laser hair removal procedure, including how to prepare for the procedure, what to expect during the procedure, and how to care for the treated area after the procedure.
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Preparation for Laser Hair Removal
Before the procedure, it is important to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least two weeks. Sun exposure can increase the risk of side effects, such as skin discoloration and blistering. It is also important to avoid waxing, plucking, or electrolysis for at least six weeks before the procedure, as these hair removal methods can interfere with the laser hair removal process.
It is important to shave the treatment area before the procedure, as long hair can interfere with the effectiveness of the laser. It is also recommended to avoid using any lotions, creams, or deodorants on the treatment area, as they can interfere with the laser and cause skin irritation.
During the Laser Hair Removal Procedure
During the procedure, the patient will be given protective eyewear to wear to protect their eyes from the laser. A cooling gel will be applied to the treatment area to help protect the skin and allow the laser to penetrate the hair follicles. The laser will then be passed over the treatment area, emitting pulses of light that target the hair follicles.
Most people report only mild discomfort during the procedure, which feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin. The procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the treatment area.
After the Laser Hair Removal Procedure
After the procedure, it is normal to experience redness and swelling in the treated area. These symptoms usually subside within a few hours or days. It is important to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least two weeks after the procedure to reduce the risk of skin damage and discoloration.
It is also important to avoid using any products that may irritate the treated area, such as perfumes or deodorants, for at least 24 hours after the procedure. It is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise and hot showers for at least 24 hours after the procedure, as this can increase the risk of skin irritation.
Results of Laser Hair Removal
Most people experience long-lasting hair removal results after a series of treatments. The number of treatments needed depends on the individual and the size of the treatment area. On average, most people require four to six treatments to achieve optimal results. It is important to follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor to achieve the best results.
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Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair from various parts of the body. It works by targeting the hair follicles with a high-powered laser, which destroys the follicle and prevents hair from growing back. While there are potential side effects, most people experience minimal discomfort and can return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure. If you are interested in laser hair removal, talk to your doctor to determine if it is the right treatment option for you.
Currently, The Daily Aesthetics clinic has two branches in Pune. i.e Kalyani Nagar and Magarpatta, Hadapsar. If you searching for the Laser hair Removal  in Pune or a skin clinic near me/nearby you, Then Don’t Hesitate to contact us.
Call us +91 96738 58066 / +91 97685 55421.
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Krishnakunj, Ground floor, 
plot 17, Lane No. 7, next to hotel Sudharshan, 
opposite Lunkad sky lounge, 
Kalyani Nagar, Pune, 411006
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Address - 
Shop 21,5th Floor, B wing, 
DC Rd, Magarpatta, Pune,411028
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blushsg · 6 months
Unveiling the Ultimate Solution: The Quest for Permanent Hair Removal
Permanent hair removal, as the name suggests, offers a lasting solution to unwanted hair by targeting the hair follicles themselves, inhibiting or destroying their ability to produce hair. Over the years, various methods and technologies have emerged, each claiming efficacy and reliability. Among the most popular and effective methods are laser hair removal and electrolysis.
Laser hair removal utilizes concentrated beams of light to penetrate the hair follicles, effectively disabling their ability to produce hair. The procedure is relatively quick and can target larger areas of the body, such as the legs, back, and arms. While multiple sessions are often required for optimal results, many individuals experience significant reduction in hair growth, with some achieving near-permanent results.
Electrolysis, on the other hand, is a method that involves inserting a tiny probe into each individual hair follicle and delivering an electrical current to destroy the follicle's ability to produce hair. Unlike laser hair removal, electrolysis is suitable for all skin and hair types, making it a versatile option for those with diverse needs. While electrolysis may be more time-consuming due to its precision targeting of each follicle, it is renowned for its effectiveness in providing permanent hair removal results.
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The decision to pursue permanent hair removal is not one to be taken lightly. It requires careful consideration of factors such as skin type, hair color and thickness, budget, and desired results. Consulting with a qualified dermatologist or licensed technician is essential to determine the most suitable method and treatment plan tailored to individual needs.
While permanent hair removal offers the promise of smooth, hair-free skin, it is not without its considerations and potential side effects. Common side effects may include temporary redness, swelling, and skin irritation, which typically subside within a few days. In rare cases, more serious side effects such as changes in skin pigmentation or scarring may occur. It is crucial to follow pre and post-treatment care instructions provided by professionals to minimize risks and optimize results.
In addition to the potential physical side effects, laser hair removal near me the financial investment required for permanent hair removal should also be taken into account. While the upfront cost may seem significant, many individuals find the long-term benefits and convenience outweigh the initial expense. Moreover, compared to the ongoing costs associated with temporary hair removal methods such as razors, waxing, and depilatory creams, permanent hair removal may ultimately prove to be a cost-effective solution in the long run.
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cosmodermapatna3 · 1 year
The Top Hair Removal Clinic near Me in Cosmoderma Patna
 Welcome to Cosmoderma Patna, the top hair removal clinic near Me in Cosmoderma Patna, where we specialize in providing exceptional hair removal services to help you achieve smooth and flawless skin. If you're looking for a reliable and trusted destination for your hair removal needs, look no further.
At Cosmoderma Patna, we understand that unwanted hair can be a source of frustration and self-consciousness. That's why we offer advanced and effective hair removal treatments that cater to both men and women. Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by experienced professionals who are dedicated to delivering outstanding results.
When you visit our clinic, you can expect a personalized and comfortable experience. Our highly skilled team will assess your unique needs and recommend the most suitable hair removal method for you. We offer a range of options including laser hair removal, waxing, threading, and electrolysis. Each treatment is performed with precision and care to ensure optimal results while prioritizing your safety and comfort.
Laser hair removal is one of our most sought-after treatments. It utilizes advanced laser technology to target and destroy hair follicles, leading to long-lasting hair reduction. Our trained technicians will customize the treatment to your specific skin type and hair color, ensuring optimal efficacy and minimal discomfort. Laser hair removal offers a convenient and effective solution for reducing unwanted hair on various areas of the body, including the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, and more.
For those who prefer temporary hair removal methods, our waxing and threading services are performed with utmost care and hygiene. Our skilled estheticians use high-quality products and techniques to remove hair from the root, leaving your skin smooth and silky. We also offer electrolysis, a permanent hair removal method that uses a tiny needle to target individual hair follicles and prevent future hair growth.
What sets us apart as the top hair removal clinic in Cosmoderma Patna is our commitment to delivering exceptional results. Our team stays up to date with the latest advancements in hair removal technology and techniques, ensuring that you receive the most effective and efficient treatments available. We prioritize your satisfaction and work diligently to exceed your expectations, helping you achieve the smooth and hair-free skin you desire.
In addition to our advanced treatments, our clinic maintains a clean and welcoming environment to ensure your comfort and relaxation. We adhere to strict hygiene protocols and employ a friendly and professional staff who are dedicated to providing excellent customer service. From the moment you step into our clinic to the completion of your hair removal treatment, we strive to create a positive and rejuvenating experience.
If you're tired of dealing with unwanted hair and longing for smooth, hair-free skin, visit the top hair removal clinic near you in Cosmoderma Patna. Our expert team is here to address your concerns, customize a treatment plan tailored to your needs, and guide you towards achieving your desired results. Experience the epitome of smoothness with Cosmoderma Patna, your trusted destination for exceptional hair removal services.
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