#As a Snow-loving Canuck I can say
excanadianbacon · 6 months
0 notes
fallinallincurls · 5 months
in picture frames, in all my dreams, you’re the one i want
this is my entry for @wyattjohnston 's winter fic exchange 2k24!! i wrote this fic for the lovely @laurenairay and i hope you love it so much! i had the best time writing this one (which means there will probably be more brock fics in the future). and shoutout to @tonyspep for bouncing ideas around with me as always!
i also made a playlist for this fic as well if you'd like to check it out!
hope you enjoy!! feedback is always appreciated! xx
word count: 3.8k+
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This was not supposed to happen. You were supposed to be on a plane back to Minnesota right now so you would be home in time for Christmas. But when you arrived at the airport earlier, the board of departures were full of canceled flights including yours. And when you brought your dilemma to the customer service desk, they informed you that all flights out of Vancouver were either booked or canceled through the 26th. The day after Christmas.
That’s how you ended up where you are now. Frantically knocking on your best friend’s front door and trying to hold back the overwhelming urge to cry.
“Come on, come on, come on.” You mutter to yourself, knocking one more time in hopes that the one person you want to see right now will answer.
At that very moment, the door swings open to reveal a cozy but sleepy looking Brock. He’s wearing a pair of gray sweats with an old Canucks t-shirt. His blonde hair is tousled but still somehow looks perfect and his blue eyes light up at the sight of you. You love seeing him like this, so soft and relaxed. The Brock that the media and fans don’t know, but you do. 
“Uh, hi. Again.” You say quietly while offering a watery smile.
“Y/N?” Brock asks, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. You don’t blame him, it is only six in the morning. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you going home today?”
“Well yeah, but the insane snow storm had other plans. My flight was canceled and I can’t get anything until after Christmas. So I’m kind of stuck here.”
“A week of me wasn’t enough for you?” He teases, that familiar smile brightening up his face. You just shrug in response, your lips just barely tipping up at his playfulness.
Without saying another word, Brock pulls you into his arms for the tightest hug. It takes everything in you not to sob against his sturdy chest as the warmth and comfort he always carries surrounds you.
“I’m going to miss Christmas.” The terrifying admission tumbles from your lips as tears start falling. You’ve never missed a Christmas at home with your family and you can’t imagine spending the magical day stranded halfway across the continent. 
“No, you’re not.” Brock murmurs, smoothing your hair down as he holds you. The small gesture immediately makes you feel more at ease. It’s something only he knows that will help calm you down when you’re upset. Before you protest, Brock makes a split second decision. “You’re going to spend Christmas here, with me. We’re going to celebrate Christmas together. And you can stay here since all the hotels are probably booked or mad expensive, it’s just easier.”
It takes a moment for Brock’s words to register in your mind, but when they do, your heart swells. Of course he would welcome you in for a holiday that you weren’t supposed to spend with him. He would do anything for you and he’s been that way since you were kids. But right now, you’re more grateful than ever for his kindness.
“Are you sure? I was only supposed to visit you for a week.” You ask faintly, voicing the only worry that surfaced at his suggestion. 
When the University of Minnesota, the school that you’re currently a professor at, announced the dates of winter break, you immediately booked a flight out to Vancouver to spend some much needed time with your best friend. It’s tough to see Brock during the season because classes are also in session and schedules almost never line up. But you weren’t letting this opportunity pass by. The past week has been spent catching up and doing everything that was physically possible together. You couldn’t have been happier you made the trip until the debacle this morning put a damper on the unbelievable happiness you’ve been feeling since you arrived in Vancouver. 
“And the weather said a week wasn’t long enough.” Brock says, his tone of voice telling you there was no room for arguments. “I won’t let you spend Christmas alone so we’re doing this, okay? Plus, I don’t think Coolie and Milo will mind having you around for a few more days. You know how much they love you.”
“The dogs aren’t the only ones who love me.” Brock smiles at your playful comment and can’t help but chuckle at the truth of the oblivious statement. The full extent of his feelings for you that he’s been hiding for years is unknown to everyone but himself. And maybe Quinn and Petey. But he won’t admit how he feels about you until he knows the moment’s right, until maybe there’s a chance you feel the same way.
So he shrugs nonchalantly and lets a laugh slip past his lips while ignoring the way his heart races just from looking at you. Before he can say anything in response, you’re surging forward to hug him again.
“Thank you so much, really. It means the world to me. You have no idea.”
“You know I’d do anything for you.” Brock admits, honesty seeping through each word. “Besides, spending Christmas with you just made my holiday a lot more exciting.” 
“Please,” You roll your eyes in response, but the softest smile blossoms across your lips and the insane amount of anxiety that was consuming you a few minutes ago has already started to dissipate.
“C’mon,” Brock starts, pulling you through the door and over the threshold of his apartment. “You’re probably exhausted so let’s get you a nap and we’ll go from there.”
There’s no resistance as he leads you to his bedroom, hands you one of his t-shirts and tells you it’ll all be okay. Before you know it, you’re under the blankets, wrapped up in the warmth and coziness of Brock’s bed, drifting off to a much needed sleep.
When you wake up a few hours later, well rested and feeling much better, you find yourself squished between two large dogs. A giggle slips past your lips at the sight.
“Hey guys!” You exclaim, not wasting a second to give both Coolie and Milo some pets. “Lucky you, I’ll be here for a couple more days which means you’ll get plenty of extra snacks.”
“No, they won’t!” Brock calls from somewhere in the apartment, making a laugh bubble up in your throat. Even if your Christmas isn’t going to go as you had planned, you’re glad that you’ll be spending it with your favorite person in the world. 
The dogs race ahead of you to find Brock as you start making your way down the hallway. Although you’ve spent a decent amount of time in Brock’s apartment over your weeklong visit, you take a few extra seconds to look over the collection of pictures he has hanging on the wall throughout the hallway. Photos of him with his family, smiling with teammates, namely Petey and Quinn who you know have become his best friends, views from his many trips to different places around the world and of course, snapshots of you and him together. 
A smile blossoms on your face as you look over the memories frozen in time in each photo, laughing to yourself at the ridiculous ones Brock has hanging up that feature his teammates and you. But just before you’re about to head down the stairs to find him, one picture catches your eye. You don’t know how you missed it over the last week, but you must have.
Because staring back at you are little versions of you and Brock, flashing big, beaming grins at the camera in front of the sign to the summer camp you both attended for years. That’s how the two of you met and you remember looking forward to the summer just because it meant seeing and spending time with Brock. Even though you both lived in Minnesota, it wasn’t until you were older that you were able to communicate outside penpal letters sent in the mail and the ninety days you spent together on the campground where you both formed memories that will last a lifetime.
You couldn’t have been more than seven in the photo and it’s clear that both of you are happier than ever. That feeling is still present today whenever you’re with Brock, it’s nestled deep within your heart like it belongs there forever and you’ve carried it around for most of your life. It only took you years after he already had moved to Vancouver to realize that happiness can often be mistaken for love. 
Shoving those thoughts away, you bound down the stairs to meet your best friend again. There’s a new pep in your step as you’re determined to make the most of every second this Christmas even if it’s not what you expected. You’re here with Brock which is all you could ask for.
A gentle smile is already on your lips when you get to the bottom floor, but you halt almost immediately when you see the scene in front of you. Coolie and Milo are wearing the cutest doggie holiday sweaters and Brock is softly grinning while leaning against the kitchen counter which is full of a wide variety of baking ingredients. And when your eyes look over the living room, you notice a box labeled “ornaments” sitting atop the coffee table, undoubtedly full of all of the beautiful ornaments that were carefully hanging from the branches of Brock’s Christmas tree just hours ago. 
“What is-”
“I told you we were celebrating Christmas and we’re going to do it the right way.” Brock simply explains, blue eyes twinkling with joy and you see a flicker of nervousness there too. Like he isn’t sure if you like the gesture.
“Brock,” You breathe out, his name just above a whisper. 
“I know you love decorating the tree on Christmas Eve so I just took down the ornaments so we can do it together. And your family always bakes cookies the night before Christmas too and I surprisingly already had most of what we needed for the recipes.”
There aren’t enough words to properly show the gratitude, the love, that’s swelling in your chest so you just cross the room and wrap your arms around him in the tightest embrace. Brock immediately responds, pulling you even closer to him, and for a moment everything feels right. 
“Thank you,” The words are quiet, but Brock hears them and presses a delicate kiss to the top of your head. You pray he doesn’t feel the way your heart skips a beat at the sweet action and he must not because he pulls away with a big smile and a hint of mischief mixed with something else you can’t quite place evident in his eyes.
“Of course, you deserve nothing less. What do you want to do first?” He asks, ready to jump into either activity. But it’s right then that everything clicks.
“Wait, you went out in the snow to get the rest of the ingredients we needed?”
“Well, yeah, it’s not too bad. Compared to the snow we used to get at home, this is like nothing.”
“But it’s cold! And how did you get the recipes for my favorite Christmas cookies without-” You trail off, the realization setting in at the same moment Brock speaks up to confirm your suspicions.
“I called your mom. She was more than happy to share the recipes with me when I explained what I was up to. That was the easiest part actually!” 
If you weren’t already head over heels in love with him already, this moment would’ve sealed the deal. You can’t believe he went through all this trouble just to make the holiday special when you weren’t even supposed to be here in the first place. Nothing but adoration rushes through your veins and you can feel the blush creeping into your cheeks. Without hesitating, you lean up to kiss his cheek as yet another silent thank you and his skin almost immediately turns pink. 
“Alright, let’s do this, yeah?” He asks, distracting you from his reaction to the little gesture the two of you have been doing since you were younger and pulling you into the kitchen. It doesn’t take long for Christmas music to be turned on, filling the air with even more of a festive feeling. Brock makes sure your apron is tied on, just like you do for his, and then you’re off baking. You teach Brock all the techniques you’ve learned over the years from making these recipes and you get the pleasure of seeing him so free and happy.
You want to see him like this for the rest of your life. A big smile on his face, eyes crinkled in happiness and no sign of any stress hanging over him.
“What are we going to do with all these cookies?” The question falls off your lips after Brock slides the last batch into the oven. 
“Easy. You’ll take some back home with you so your mom can see how much of an awesome job I did and the rest I’ll give to the team. A lot of them won’t say no to homemade cookies even if it’s the middle of the season.” 
“If you say so,” You giggle, not being able to picture his teammates willingly accepting Christmas cookies when they’re in the middle of the best season the team has had in a long time. But you don’t argue, just set aside the best looking cookies that you and Brock decorated for Quinn and Petey, and sneak one to Coolie and Milo too, before getting the kitchen back in order.
After everything is cleaned up so the kitchen doesn’t look like a total disaster anymore and you both enjoy the takeout that Brock ordered for dinner, no time is wasted in moving to the living room to decorate the Christmas tree.
“Okay, where do we start?” You contemplate, gently placing your full mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table while surveying the tree glittering in the corner of the room. 
“I forgot how seriously you take decorating for the holidays.” Brock chuckles, opening the box that he put all the ornaments back in earlier. He didn’t really forget, in fact, he missed it more than anything. That’s more than half the reason he spent so much time taking every single bauble off the tree. Yes, he wanted to make sure Christmas was as magical for you as it would’ve been back home, but he also selfishly wanted to share this moment with you too.
And he’d be lying if he said his heart isn’t full to brim right now with what he knows is love. Not that you can tell or would ever know that.
“The tree is serious business!” You exclaim with a chuckle, watching as Brock carefully starts removing ornaments from the box one at a time. He hands you a simple, but gorgeous blue ball to hang up first.
Slowly, but surely, the two of you decorate the tree with the wide variety of ornaments Brock has. He tells you the stories behind the ones his teammates have gifted him, shares the laughter with you when he stumbles across one that has a picture of him as a toddler in the picture frame and recounts the memories of family or solo vacations whenever he hands you one that was clearly bought at a tourist shop. There’s a soft smile on Brock’s face that never disappears and you swear he keeps sneaking glances at you.  
The tree becomes more festive as each decoration once again finds a home on its branches and not for the first time today, you forget that this isn’t where you were meant to be for the holiday. But you’re kind of grateful for the snowstorm now. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have gotten to do any of this with the man who you’ve wanted for years.
“It’s done!” You cheer with excitement when you place the last ornament on the tree. “We did a pretty good job. Don’t you think?” Stepping back to admire the beautiful work you both did, your shoulder bumps Brock’s and that familiar shock of warmth floods through your veins at the brief contact. 
“It’s the best Christmas tree I’ve ever seen.” Brock responds playfully, but there's a faint tone of seriousness evident in his voice. His eyes are glistening in the glow of the lights and you can’t deny how perfect he looks so cozy and joyful like this. 
A few seconds later, without you realizing, Brock slips away to put the box away until it was time to take all the holiday decorations down in a few weeks. But to his surprise, there is one last ornament sitting in the box that was somehow forgotten.
“Y/N,” Brock laughs, picking up the decoration. “We forgot one.”
“No way! What is it?” Nothing but curiosity and excitement is evident in your voice. You cross the room to Brock and lean into his side to see what the mystery ornament is.
And when you get a glimpse, your breath is stolen away. Because in Brock’s hand is a small photo of a grinning little boy and girl sitting together at a picnic table inside a picture frame made of colored popsicle sticks. The two words “best friends” are written in black marker across the bottom of the frame in a neat, but childish looking style of handwriting.
Recognition washes over you instantly.
“I made that,” You start, almost stunned as you look between the homemade ornament and Brock’s face.
“You did. Like decades ago.” Brock chuckles, the sound fills the room with happiness and light. He still remembers the day you gave him this little gift. It was the last day of summer camp and before you both said goodbye with a promise to see each other soon, you gave him the gift. For only being nine years old at the time, Brock thought it was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for him. Plus, that way he had a little piece of you back home too.
Since then, he’s cherished this adorable, homemade ornament like nothing else. It always seemed a little silly to him, to hold onto a childhood craft, but seeing your reaction right now tells him it means just as much to you as it does to him.
“And you still have it. You kept it all this time?”
“Of course I did.”
“Why?” The question is gentle, but full of genuine interest. There’s a beat of comfortable silence as Brock battles with his thoughts for a moment. He knows this is it. This is the moment he finally tells you how he feels. All of the nerves and worries he had about confessing how his heart beats just for you falls away in mere seconds.
Your brows furrow at the strange look on his face. His blue eyes are full of an emotion you can’t place and the softest smile graces his lips. But more than anything, there’s a trace of clarity on display across his features. His gaze flicks down to your lips a few times before he speaks. 
“Because you’re my best friend.” Brock whispers, each word carrying more weight than ever before. “But I don’t think that’s enough for me anymore.” He admits, a weight lifting off his shoulders as the words hang in the air for a moment.
He doesn’t have to say anything else because you know what it is right then. He is in love. With you.
“And you’re my best friend, but I want us to be more too.” Brock’s face practically lights up at your response, knowing that you feel the same way he does. It almost feels like a dream that after years, he doesn’t have to wonder anymore if you have fallen for him too.
“Can I kiss you?” Brock asks with a gentle voice as one hand settles on your hip before pulling you in closer. “We did somehow end up under the mistletoe.” He points up to where the collection of leaves are hanging in the entryway you’re both standing under. You can’t help but laugh at the sight and nothing but pure elation fills your heart.
“Yes, please.” 
He cradles your cheek with one hand while the other stays on your hip, keeping you pressed against his body. You can’t help the smile that blossoms on your face before his lips catch yours in the softest, most passionate kiss you’ve ever experienced. The rough feel of his scruff against your smooth skin makes you giggle a little bit, which Brock responds to by deepening the kiss even more.
It’s absolutely perfect. You’ve dreamt of this exact moment more times than you’d like to admit, but it’s everything and more. And by the way Brock is holding you, it’s obvious he’s been waiting for this too.
When he reluctantly pulls away a few seconds later, there’s a new glimmer that you’ve never seen before in his bright blue eyes. He looks like the human form of sunshine right now and you can’t take it. You reach up to brush a lock of blonde hair back off of Brock’s forehead. He gives your hip a reassuring squeeze, a reminder that this is in fact real.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Brock murmurs, his smile just mere centimeters away from yours.
“I think I do.”
And without hesitation, you lean in to kiss him again. Once because it’s been a long night, twice because it’ll be alright, three times because you waited your whole life.
Before any fears or worries can creep in and ruin the moment, Brock wraps you up in a tight hug. Your head rests against his chest where you can hear his steady heartbeat.
“We’ll figure everything out. I promise.” He says calmly, somehow knowing what your next thought is going to be. “But it’s Christmas Eve and I don’t want to do anything else but enjoy being here with you.”
“I’ve never been so grateful for a snowstorm in my life.” You laugh, pure bliss humming through your body.
“Me either. Who would’ve thought that’s all it would’ve taken for this to finally happen?”
Later that night, when you’re snuggled up with Brock on the couch watching Home Alone while Coolie and Milo sleep nearby, you realize that you did in fact get to spend Christmas at home even though you didn’t make it back to Minnesota. Because Brock is home. Just being in his arms brings you the same kind of comfort and love you cherish so deeply.
Almost as if he can sense that you’re getting lost in your thoughts, Brock raises a brow in silent question when you look up at him. You just smile in response before leaning up to kiss his cheek which earns you a sweet grin.
“Merry Christmas, Brock.”
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” Brock murmurs softly, brushing your hair behind your ear. “So happy my Christmas wish came true this year.”
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bedsyandco · 5 months
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❥ — ꒰ pairing ꒱ lani x quinn hughes
❥ — ꒰ synopsis ꒱ in which an unfortunate accident happens before christmas…part 1!!!
❥ — ꒰ content ꒱ hospitals, talk of car accidents!!
❥ — ꒰ note ꒱ i love you🫶🏻 i hope you like it!! <3
December 2024
Lani startles a little as she hears her phone buzz on the bathroom counter, putting down her makeup brush and she answers the call with a smile.
“Hey baby,”
“Hey angel. I’m done at the rink. Are you ready yet?” Quinn asks and she winces a little, pulling the phone away from her ear so she could check the time.
“Uh no, I’m almost done with my makeup but I still need to do my hair. I’m sorry. You should go ahead and I’ll meet you there.” Lani says
Her and Quinn were attending the Canucks Christmas party before they flew to Michigan for a few days over the Christmas break. Vancouver was playing their first game after the break there anyway so no one had a problem with Quinn flying out a few days earlier to spend Christmas with his family.
“Are you sure? I can wait for you,” Quinn says
“No you should go. I don’t want to make you late, you’re the captain, you should be there on time. I’m sorry I didn’t realise I was running that late. You’re closer to the venue than my apartment anyway, it wouldn’t make sense to drive all the way here and back. I’ll be there soon though,” Lani says and Quinn stays silent for a few seconds, contemplating.
“I don’t mind coming to get you. Are you feeling better? I don’t want you to come if you’re not feeling well,” Quinn says, concern evident in his tone and Lani’s smile spreads even wider. Her boyfriend was a worrier. She had witnessed it before whenever he was fussing over his teammates that were injured, but the past couple of mornings Lani had been waking up sick and Quinn was almost overbearing with his need to take care of her.
“I’m fine Quinny. I feel much better,” Lani responds
“Okay. Drive safe okay?” Quinn says, phrasing it as a question and an order.
“Yes captain,” she responds teasingly, as she always did when Quinn told her to do something.
“Put on your seatbelt,” “Yes Captain”
“Take your lunch hour and eat something.” “Yes Captain”
“Remember to take your coat. It’s cold out there,” “Yes Captain”
“Lani, I’m serious. It snowed a lot today, the roads are gonna be messy. This is not helping to convince me to not come pick you up…” Quinn says
“I promise I’ll drive safely. I always do. I’ve lived here my whole life and driven these roads longer than you have you know? Stop worrying so much. Now go before you’re late and make me even later than I already am. I’ll see you soon. I love you,” Lani says affectionately at the end.
“Text me when you leave. I love you,” Quinn says ending the call
But no matter how well Lani knew the roads, or how carefully she drove, there was nothing she could’ve done to prevent the accident that would happen only an hour later.
Quinn was sitting at a table with Brock, Elias and Thatcher when he got the call. He was excited for a moment thinking it was his girl telling him she was there, but that smile turned into a frown when he didn’t recognize the number, choosing to ignore it.
“Who is it?” Thatcher asks, leaning closer to take a look.
“I don’t know. I don’t recognize the number,” Quinn says but sighs when the number calls again, picking up the phone and answering.
“Quinn Hughes speaking,” he says, all eyes at the table on him.
“Mr. Hughes, I’m glad I could get a hold of you. I’m calling from Vancouver general hospital. I’m afraid there’s been an accident…” the woman over the phone says but Quinn couldn’t hear much after the word accident.
Elias, Brock and Thatcher all exchange worried glances when Quinn’s hand begins to tremble and he hastily stands up, reaching for his car keys.
“Quinn what’s wrong?” Petey asks, observing his friend.
“Lani she- she’s-” Quinn tries to say but he can’t get the words out. He feels a little bit like someone's sitting on his chest and he…
“Quinn you need to breathe,” Brock says, noticing the way Quinn is gasping for breath, his chest rising up and down rapidly.
“Just breathe,” Brock says again, putting both his hands on Quinn’s shoulders and breathing with him.
“What happened to Lani?” Elias asks as he and Thatcher also stand up.
“Car accident. I have to go to the hospital,” Quinn says, his voice soft and face tired, all the joy from moments before long gone. It was as if he was spending all his energy on feeling one emotion…panic. And he didn’t have any energy left to even speak loud enough.
“I’ll drive,” Brock says, taking the keys out of Quinn’s hand and grabbing his coat. Elias and Thatcher do the same and Quinn opens his mouth to protest but Thatcher interrupts him before he can.
“Don’t even try to convince us to stay, we're all going. Stop wasting time and come on,” Thatcher says, as they walk towards the exit of the restaurant and Quinn obliges because Demmer is right. Every second he wastes is a second later that he’s gonna show up to that hospital and find out what’s going on with his girl.
Brock drove them there and recorded time and Quinn albeit sprinted to the reception, startling the receptionist a little.
“I’m here for Leilani Reed. She was in a car accident… Is she okay?” Quinn rambles and the receptionist types a few things on her computer before directing her attention back to Quinn.
“Ms. Reed is currently in surgery. She was rushed to the operating room upon arrival. There’s no update yet but I’m sure the doctor will be out to see you shortly. Do you know any of Ms. Reed’s personal information? Do you think you’d be able to fill in these forms?” the older woman asks him, giving him a clipboard with forms and he nods. He knows everything there is to know about Lani. From the exact hospital she was born in, to the streets of all her foster homes, her first kiss, what dress she wore to prom, the fact that she’s allergic to shellfish, her deepest fears and her biggest dreams. Quinn knows Lani better than he knows himself.
“Yeah, I’ll fill them in,” he says, taking the forms
“Mr. Hughes? If Ms. Reed has any family, I’d suggest you contact them and tell them to come,” she says and Quinn swallows roughly. Why? To say goodbye?
“She doesn’t…” Quinn starts, but cuts himself off. He was about to say that Lani didn’t have any family, but that would be a lie. She does have a family.
“I’m her family,” Quinn responds and the woman nods, sending him an understanding smile.
“Any news?” Brock asks when Quinn joins them in the waiting room.
“Not yet,” is all Quinn says, putting the clipboard on the chair next to him and pressing his palms into his eyes, trying desperately to keep it together.
“Is there anything I can do for you?” Thatcher asks Quinn and he sits up straight looking at his three friends.
“Go home and spend christmas with your family,” Quinn answers
“Quinn there’s no way we’re leaving you-” Brock argues but Quinn interrupts him.
“We only get so many days off in the year. Even less days where our families are off on the same days and we all get to be together. Go spend time with your loved ones, while you have the time to do so. All I’m gonna be doing with you here is feel bad that you’re not home with your family and there’s already a thousand other things going on in my head,” Quinn says and Elias scoffs as Quinn’s attempt to guilt trip them into leaving.
“We’ll leave if you call your family and tell them what’s going on…” Elias insists and Quinn nods, pulling out his phone and walking towards the hallway. He holds the phone to his ear and the tears immediately start when Ellen answers.
“Hello sweetheart, how was your dinner?” his mom asks warmly and Quinn’s throat is so tight for a moment, he can’t speak.
“Mom?” he asks, his voice hoarse.
“Quinn? What’s wrong?” his mom asks, her voice immediately more alert and concerned after hearing Quinn’s tone.
“It’s Lani she…she got in an accident. It doesn’t look good,” he says, forcing the last words out of his throat and resting his head against the wall.
“Quinn…” Ellen responds, her tone conveying the same disbelief that Quinn has been feeling ever since he got that call. Because how could this possibly be happening? Why would Quinn find Lani, experience the all consuming love that they have, only to have it ripped away not even a year later. How cruel is that? Forever will never be long enough with her, and Quinn only got to have a year. There’s no number of years that will ever be enough, but all Quinn knows is he needs more time.
“I need you,” Quinn pleads softly, taking a shuddering breath.
“I’m already on my way,” she reassures him.
And she was on the first flight out, and so were the other members of the Hughes family, including Violet and Blue. All hoping they would arrive in Vancouver to discover that this was some cruel joke. Maybe they were holding out hope for a Christmas miracle.
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pinkrifle · 1 year
Hello wonderful person!! I’m not sure if your requests are open, if not, just save this for when they are. Could you write hc’s for the main 4 + butters (or just one person if that’s too much) with a Canadian reader? (Except they don’t look like the Canadians in south park, maybe they were born in America but grew up in Canada, or were just adopted or something 💀) And at some point they nonchalantly bring up being Canadian and the group is so confused because they somehow had no clue (even though the reader fits practically all the stereotypes; too nice, says eh, watches hockey religiously, etc.) Just kinda what the aftermath of that would be? This actually happened to me a while ago and I’m still flabbergasted bc idk how my American friends didn’t know I was Canadian 😭 (they now refuse to call me anything other than ‘canuck’, maybe you could incorporate that) Ok this request is getting kinda long so I’ll let you do the rest, have a great day! :)
have no fear! i love long requests, it gives me more to work with ^^ also i’m srry if this isn’t how you wanted it to be i dnt know much about canada and stuffs 🫶 also i’m so sorry this is short, i kinda didn’t know where to go with this <3
— butters + main 4 finding our reader’s canadian!!
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cws/tw’s: none
— Kyle B !
was 100% not surprised, he probably knew it before you even thought abour telling him
but he is a little more confused when you tell him
i mean, you do fit the traits, nice, your a severe hockey lover.. but you don’t look canadian? 🤨
but his brother is canadian too, so whenever you come over he always brings ike to you!!
he hates when ppl try to take advantage of you for your kindness, it’s just a perk of being canadian!
“WAIT YOUR.. CANADIAN?? i mean. uh. your canadian? 😙 my brothers canadian!! maybe you guys know eachother…. wanna come over later?!”
— Stan M !
another one who suspected you were Canadian, surprisingly. but didn’t really mention it.
would 100% watch hockey games with you when you hang out even tho he doesn’t know wtf to do in hockey 😭 he jus loves his friends
loves the way your so nice, it makes him feel amazing!! definitely a nice replacement for cartman (kyle agrees, 100000%)
when you go over to his house, your always so nice to shelly even though shes a little bit of an ass, to you and to her turd brother.
his ass loves that maple syurp snow thing and makes it everytime you come over!!!!!!!!! (with ice instead of snow, if y’all don’t feel like going outside)
“CALLED IT. i so called it.. so.. do you know how to make that maple syurp snow thing or not?.. 👀 oh uh my fave hockey team,,uhhh the yankees?—”
(clueless man. i love clueless man.)
— Eric C !
100% ripped on you before you told him. but rips on you even more when you tell him 😈 black air forces energy
pretends to be scared of you when you come over to them in the bus stop, and clings to kyle.
then he realizes kyle is also “part canadian” because of his brother (even tho he’s adopted 💀)
he gives you puppy dog eyes and a weak apology a few hours later. you accept &lt;3
he definitely takes advantage of your kindness, but hes really grateful for it since you don’t beat his ass every 4 seconds because of his recklessness
“i’m sowwywyy🥺 sowwwyyy 🥺🥺 so sorrryyy 🥺 can we be friends again i like canada 🥺🥺 (has a piece of paper with the canada flag on it taped on his shirt)”
— Kenny M !
dirty jokes, doesn’t matter what gender u are 😟.
doesn’t really care what you are, kinda just wants to hang out with you regardless. loves how your super nice too, and super caring when he dies :((( feels bad when he wakes up but he’s glad you don’t remember (surprisingly)
(also forgets your canadian like 2 hours later you tell him, forgive him 💔)
likes watching hockey with you, gets into it just cause of u!! also enjoys that maple syurp snow thing as much as stan, him and stan make it all the damn time!!
“cana-ussy huhuhuhu.. oh yeah. good for you! me and stan uhh we like those maple syrup candy things :3 i think you’ve heard that enough from stan tho.”
— Butters S !
very excited when you tell him!! wants to know ALL about canada and bugs you for days.
you guys are both super duper nice, and he always feels so warm around you knowing you actually care about him &lt;3
doesn’t care that your canadian, but he does find it cool as hell!! tries to like hockey, but it’s too confusing for him ,,,
puts a small picture of the canadian flag in his room and shows it to you when you come over (it’s so precious)
he tells his parents all about canada, whatever you tell him!! they don’t find it interesting but who gives a damn, they suck
“O HAMBURGERS, that’s amazing! how come you didn’t tell me sooner?! do you like hockey? what part of canada are you from? wh—” literally asks 100 questions, but you love ur bestie
once again i’m so sorry this is so short :( i didn’t know how to interpret it, but i hope you do like it!
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
Hi love,
Can you do 6. "I missed you this Christmas" with #6, Mr Brock Boeser?
listen…. I’m sorry
“Come on daddy, we’ve got to go!” Harper pulled on Brock’s arm.
“Put your hat and scarf on first! It’s cold Harps then we can go” the little girl did as told, pulling her hat on and draping her scarf on before she called on the dogs.
“Oolie, Milo! Let’s go see mommy!” She smiled waiting by the door for the two dogs to sit and get their leashes on.
The pair trudged through the snow. Harper happily telling Brock all about her day as if he hasn’t spent it with her and about the gift that her uncle Petey had bought her.
When they arrived Harper led the way, she knew it like the back of her hand.
She led the way down the path, stopping and dropping the leashes of the dogs who sat “Stay here, I go see mama first”
They had no clue what she was saying but stayed where they were nevertheless, Brock stood back too. Watching his little stride forward.
“Hi mama, merry Christmas” she announced, brushing the snow off the stone infront of her.
“Uncle Petey bought me the doll house I want! It’s so cool and daddy is gonna play with me” she babbled on, on about her Christmas Day, what the dogs were doing, the latest Canucks score.
When she was finished she smiled at her father who beamed at her then she moved to stand next to the dogs, allowing Brock to move forward.
“Hi baby, merry christmas. She’s getting so big you know? Too big and I hardly knew what to buy her, you’d know this stuff you were always best at this I mean the best gift you ever gave me for Christmas was our baby girl, hey?” Brock heard Harper giggle behind him at him talking about her.
“I missed you this Christmas, more than the others. This one just felt worse. Harper’s got me though, right baby?” The little girl ran over, lifted into her dads arms.
“Yep! I got it mama, don’t worry!” She smiled, head dropping onto his shoulder.
They stayed a little while longer, the dogs laying down on the grass before it began getting dark. Brock kissed Harper’s head “okay, say goodbye sweetpea it’s time to go home”
“Okay daddy” she nodded, turning back.
“Bye mommy! We go now but I’ll be back! Tell grandpa hi, I hope he got you Christmas presents in heaven! Love you!”
Brock could only stare at the little girl, a tear falling down his cheek at her words, admiring just how strong she was.
Harper just stared at him “Daddy! Say bye-bye!”
“Sorry sweetpea” he mumbled, looking back.
“Bye baby, we’ll see you next week. Look over our girl okay?”
When they got home Brock had dished up dinner, with Harper setting the table.
When Brock came into the dining room holding the turkey he stopped and looked at the table.
Three place settings.
Harper just beamed “Mama sits with us, okay?”
He nodded “Of course baby, mama sits with us”
“Merry Christmas Daddy, love you”
“Merry Christmas Sweetpea, I love you more”
“Merry Christmas mama, you don’t have to say it back I know you love us forever”
lol I mega dragged out that ending
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mattyknees · 5 months
u make sports seem cool. what team do u support? i wanna support it too 😭
thank you!! i am just out here enjoying the ups and downs of (mostly) men hitting things
i go to WCL (west coast collegiate baseball) games during the summer when it isn't too hot. my mom's work usually has employee events and sometimes we get season tickets. i will not say which one because their stadium is literally like right next to my house
there's two WHL (western hockey league, kids 16-20) teams close-ish (95+ minutes away) to me, one i've gone to see a handful of times but with the snow and it getting dark really early now it's hard (and they traded the goalie i imprinted on 😫). the tri city americans and wenatchee wild are so 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 they're my babies
i try to watch every toronto maple leafs game i can. unfortunately they are the cringefail NHL (national hockey league, north american men's professional) team i imprinted on. sometimes i will watch a vancouver canucks or seattle kraken game if i'm feeling up for it. kailer yamamoto on the kraken is a semi-local to me and he is 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 so baby
my cat likes the montreal canadiens! she has a collar in their colors we listen to analysis podcasts in french while we fall asleep and when i get ready for work and sometimes i pirate games in french
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i have been a seattle mariners fan since i was old enough to speak. they are the definition of dogshit cringefail poverty franchise but i love them anyway 🫶🏽 the coffee shop my queer support group met up in has a massive photo of ichiro suzuki in it. he is why the 2024 NHL winter classic meant so much to me. i have posts i will link (here) (2) (3) (4) in just a sec explaining why safeco field chanting joey daccord's name made me cry hysterically for over two hours
i'm not super into football because i was born on superbowl sunday (popped out 3 minutes after kickoff, baby) and i haven't really been into professional basketball
i am kind of rooting for all pwhl (professional women's hockey league) teams but cait is a minnesota fan. i like new york because corinne schroeder and alex carpenter but also toronto because emma maltais and carly jackson and sarah nurse and renata fast it's a hard life out here loving women
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laresearchette · 8 months
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CRAVE TV DARK SIDE OF COMEDY (Season 2, Episode 1)
NHL HOCKEY (SNPacific) 6:00pm: Canucks vs. Flyers (TSN2) 7:00pm: Wild vs. Habs (SNWest) 8:00pm: Oilers vs. Predators (TSN3) 8:00pm: Kings vs. Jets (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Avalanche vs. Kraken
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 7:30pm: Knicks vs. Celtics (TSN/TSN4) 8:00pm: Raptors vs. Bulls (SN Now) 8:00pm: Bucks vs. Thunder
MLB BASEBALL (SN1/SNEast/SNOntario) 8:00pm: NLCS - Diamondbacks vs. Phillies - Game #2
MARY MAKES IT EASY (CTV Life) 8:00pm: The humble chicken is here to stay! Mary keeps it fresh with new recipes for her most- asked-for protein, and simplifies its daunting carve.
STILL STANDING (CBC) 8:30pm: Catastrophic fires ripped through the community of Slave Lake over a decade ago, but the town has risen from the ashes and become more resilient than ever.
COMFORT FOOD WITH SPENCER WATTS (CTV Life) 8:30pm: Spencer bakes it sweet and savory by introducing his cheddar chive biscuits with poached eggs and country gravy; a deep dive into autumn apples with his Dutch apple-cranberry pie.
THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND (History Canada) 9:00pm: Matty Blake hosts a countdown of the ten most compelling and plausible theories that may explain the 228-year-old Oak Island mystery.
THE NEW WAVE OF STANDUP (CBC) 9:30pm: Featuring Maddy Kelly, Ajahnis Charley, Janelle Niles, and Marito Lopez.
GESPE'GEWA'GI: THE LAST LAND (APTN) 9:30pm: Captain Anthony Nicholas navigates snow crab and lobster boats for Pictou Landing First Nation. In this episode, he shares his love of traditional eel fishing, a practice that was once a cornerstone of Mi'kmaq culture but has largely been lost.
THE TOYS THAT BUILT AMERICA (History Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): In 1983, underdog company Tonka sets out to bring the transformable robot from Japan to America, but they're soon confronted by an industry giant as Hasbro has its own competing toy line.
NEVER SAY NEVER WITH JEFF JENKINS (Nat Geo Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Jeff Jenkins travels to New Zealand to immerse himself in Maori culture.v
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rejectedbad · 10 months
Rejected Bad: Maple
The following is a rejected script from an early season of Breaking Bad.
Jesse's Samoyed, METH HEAD, is sitting on the floor, staring down at a large map of Canada spread out in front of him. His wide grin reflects pure excitement and determination. METH HEAD's VOICE OVER begins.
METH HEAD (VO):  Y'know, they say dreams are only for humans. But sometimes, dogs have dreams too. And mine... oh boy, mine is something else.
Meth Head's paw taps on the map, revealing various cities and locations he has marked. The camera zooms in on his adorable yet determined expression.
METH HEAD (VO):  I've been focusing on this one for weeks now. Canada, my friends! The land of snow, maple syrup, and pawsome adventures. And I'm gonna conquer it!
Just then, FILLMEUP, a scrappy yet loyal coyote, enters the room carrying a bag of trashcan Taco Bell in his mouth. He drops it on the floor and sits next to Meth Head.
FILLMEUP (English with a coyote-like voice): Hey, Meth Head! What's got you so stoked about Canada? And how in the hell do I fit into this whole thing?
Meth Head looks up at Fillmeup, momentarily torn away from his thrilling plans.
METH HEAD  (Excitedly): Fillmeup, my friend, you're part of the team now! You've got the moves, the connections, and the uncanny ability to acquire some seriously tasty human food. We're gonna make it big up north!
Fillmeup, amused by Meth Head's enthusiasm, lets out a chuckle before speaking.
FILLMEUP:  Alright, buddy, spill the baked beans! What's your mastermind plan to conquer the Great White North? And how do I fit into all of this mayhem?
Meth Head's tail wags with excitement. He can barely contain himself.
METH HEAD:  Okay, listen up. Canada loves its maple syrup, right? And you know what? I've got a secret recipe for the most potent syrup ever. The meth of maple syrup, yo!
Fillmeup raises an eyebrow, half impressed, half concerned.
FILLMEUP:  Wait, you're telling me you're gonna cook meth... as maple syrup? Isn't that a tad... illegal?
METH HEAD  (Nods): Exactly, Fillmeup! That's the beauty of it. We're gonna fly under the radar, blending in with all those syrup-loving Canucks. No humans would suspect a thing!
Fillmeup sighs, knowing he's been roped into something truly outrageous.
FILLMEUP:  Alright, I'm in, but only because I believe in you, Methy. What's the first move?
METH HEAD  (Smiling):  Well, amigo, before we kick-start Operation Maple Meth, we need a righteous RV. The best lab on wheels, just like our good old days with Jesse Pinkman.
Meth Head, along with Fillmeup, head towards the garage, their determination evident. Together, they march forward, ready for the wild ride towards their maple-syrupy conquest of Canada.
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nylwnder · 2 years
the christmas song | william nylander
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a/n: so it has come to the end of my ‘10 days of christmas’ series!! thank you to everyone who actually cared to read any or all of them! let’s wrap it up with our lovely william <3
warnings: not much expect for some intimate actions at the end lol
word count: 1.1k
taglist: @bb-nhlqueen7 , @sebbyaho , @swedishprince88 , @nilspettersson , @boqvistsbabe , @oliviapangburn118 , @brandtsclarke , @stars-canucks , @drei-mrssvechii , @joeljuice , @spine-buster
inspired by: the christmas song by nat king cole
series masterpost: 10 days of christmas
while we got ready, my cell phone began ringing just as i put on my dress. seeing my mom’s name appear, i answered it quickly, “hey mom, we’re gonna start heading over now”. i grabbed my purse and walked out to the kitchen where willy stood charging his phone.
“sweetheart, i’m calling about that. have you seen outside?” she asked, i stopped and turned around to our windows, which were covered with blinds. willy looked over to me, as i put my phone on speaker, “oh, we have the blinds down. lemme see,”. opening the blinds showed the whole city covered in white with barely any visibility.
willy let out a very small laugh, “we’re sorry mrs. y/l/n, we shouldn’t have had our blinds down anyways.”.
“i checked the weather last night, it said it wasn’t going to snow!!” i said, now looking through the weather app on my phone. there were alerts warning everyone to stay inside as visibility and the cold will only get worse within the hours.
“well you know the canadian weather! as bipolar as your uncle paul,” i contained my laugh at my mother’s drag but she snickered a little so we did the same. “alright sweetie, we’ll hopefully see you for new years. so just enjoy the day with your love” my mother said.
“okay mom, tell dad i say hi! love you both, byeee” i said, willy saying ‘bye’ as well.
“bye kiddos!!” i ended the call and put my phone down by willy’s. “well we got dressed for nothing!” i said, rolling my eyes at ourselves. willy smiled and led us to the room to undress into our bed clothes.
the afternoon shine was diminished by the cloudy skies and the nonstop snow falling from them. we sat on the couch and decided to watch some tv. ‘elf’ was playing on one channel but we skipped it as we had watched it a few days ago. we stopped at a channel that was playing ‘national lampoon's christmas vacation’.
i cuddled into will’s side for a bit until we decided to make some brunch for us to eat. we giggled and had a little food fight (which always happens) as we made ourselves pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast and hot chocolate. “i’ll say that we are the only people who can make better brunch than from a restaurant. i’m proud of us!” willy said, smiling as he kissed my forehead. “that’s how you save money!” i said, ready to chomp down my plate.
we finished watching the movie as we ate. we then went back to lay down on the couch, trying to find something to watch that we haven’t already seen. as willy searched through netflix, i laid on his lap playing with the strings of his hoodie. “hey, you know what i realized?” i said looking up at him. he looked down at me and responded with, “what?”.
“we’ve never actually had a conversation about christmas.” he looked at me again, “what do you mean?”. i got up and sat beside him, “i mean like we haven’t talked about traditions or stories that we have about christmas. we’ve always just gone to parties to celebrate but we end up talking about anything but the holiday itself.”
“yeah, you’re right.” will said as he turned off the tv, “okay, well did you have any like special things you’d do in the holidays when you were a kid? anything still vivid in your head?” he asked, already getting into the topic.
we responded to each other’s questions while i poured us some hot chocolate. i shared about how my family and i would always go on a huge walk around midnight through our small town on christmas eve. we would try to find the closest decorated tree near us (which was normally at our downtown square). we did it so when christmas day hit, we were all surrounded by the big beautiful tree.
willy shared that for an embarrassing story, he remembers that his dad dressed up as santa claus for him and his siblings. the six year old william accidently pulled off the fake beard his dad wore because he kept playing with it. his dad didn’t know what to do when willy essentially exposed him which resulted in alex, his younger brother, seeing and getting mad that santa claus was “a huge hoax”. his mom got willy in trouble and they never saw a santa claus during christmas ever again.
“hmm what about your favourite christmas song?” i asked, sipping the warm drink from my christmas themed mug. “ohh i don’t know, it might be like white christmas or all i want for christmas is you.” he says, “oh yeah, i saw the mariah carey christmas album saved on your phone.” i laughed, in which he did the same.
“what about you?” he says as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “the christmas song, hands down. specifically by nat king cole.” he nodded his hand “oh yeah yeah, that one is good.”
all of a sudden the whole apartment went pitch black. i sighed, “welp. there goes the power.” willy turned on his flashlight from his phone and helped me find candles and some battery-powered lights to illuminate the apartment.
“you know, it’s gonna start getting really cold considering the thermostat is dead. we could take a warm bath…” william says as he grabs my sides and pulls me towards him. i smile as i wrap my arms around his neck, “i don’t mind a bath!”.
we used the candles to light up the bathroom which ended up creating a romantic-like atmosphere that the both of us actually appreciated. willy also played some soft christmas music in the back, starting with my favourite one! it made me smile.
stripping off our clothes while the water ran, willy turned it off as he went to sit down first. he then helped me in and i sat in front of him so i could lean against his chest. the water warmed my chilled body and i began relaxing against willy’s body heat as well. he laid kisses on my cheek and jaw and neck while i drew shapes and other things on his thigh.
“willy!!” i exclaimed as he nibbled on my shoulder. he just giggled and let his hands roam down to my legs, opening them up a bit and letting his fingers itch closer to where he wants to go the most. i hummed as his hand became more teasing. i kiss his chin to grab his attention and we then share lots of gentle kisses.
“i must admit this is a bit more fun than being at a christmas party with my parents.” willy laughs in response to my statement. “oh i’ll make it really fun for you, now come here”
[ join my taglist if you enjoyed reading! : click here <3 ]
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fear-of-flyers · 3 years
31 Days of December
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Day 6: Snowflakes (Tyson Jost x gn!reader)
Word Count: 636
Warnings: Use of the world girlfriend but otherwise neutral!
The boys had won their game against the Canucks and with the next two days off they decided to go out and celebrate. Sitting at a table towards the back of the restaurant, you chatted with Mel about her plans for the off day, offering to babysit one night so that she and Gabe could go out. She thanked you as Gabe came over, sitting down and pulling his wife closer. “Having fun out there?” You asked, looking over to where the rest of the boys were dancing. “Lot’s.” Gabe said “But I came over here to suggest taking your boy home. He is feeling very affectionate and I don’t know how much longer JT will want to deal with him.” On cue, JT walked over with Tyson up against his side.
“Oh my god, it’s my girlfriend,” Tyson said, looking up at Jt. “Dude I loooveeeee my girlfriend. They’re soooo pretty JT.” Rolling his eyes JT pushes Tyson off of him and towards you and Tyson stumbles a bit but eventually makes it, pulling himself into the booth and subsequently, your lap. Gabe and Mel laugh as Tyson situates himself, pushing and pulling your arms until the position feels right. “Comfortable?” You ask, laughing as Tyson pushes his face into your neck. “Very,” he mumbles from your neck, “I could die happy here.” Still laughing, Gabe pulls out his phone to take pictures, claiming he never wants to forget the moment.
You sit like that for another 15 minutes talking with Mel, JT and Gabe having gone back out to dance when you realize that Tyson’s breath has completely evened out. “Oh my god, I think he’s asleep.” You say, shocked. Turning you lift Tyson’s head and confirm that he’s out cold. “Okay, I think it’s time for us to leave.” You say, gently shifting Tyson off of you and waking him up. “Love, we’re gonna go now. Okay?” You ask. “Hmm? Oh, yeah we can leave. Let me say goodbye to the guys first though,” he responds. As he heads back to the dance floor you say goodbye to Mel and pay for your and Tysons drinks.
The two of you meet up again in the front, pulling your coats on and pushing the door open and to your surprise, it’s snowing when you get outside. Pulling your coat tighter around yourself you start walking towards your car when you notice that Tyson isn’t next to you. You turn around and see Tyson a couple of feet behind you staring up at the sky, mouth open and tongue out. “Whatcha doing back there?” You ask, walking back to him. “I’m tryna catch a snowflake,” Tyson says, tilting his head back down and looking at you with sad eyes “I haven’t yet.” Laughing you grab his hand and turn to continue your walk but Tyson doesn’t budge.
“My snowflake,” Tyson whines pulling you back towards him. “I just wanna catch a snowflake y/n. Pleaseeee?” You laugh at his drunken state and nod. “Yeah Tys, you can catch a snowflake.” At that Tyson let go of your hand and stuck his tongue back out, looking towards the sky. You pull out your phone to start taking pictures of your boyfriend’s unsuccessful attempts to catch even one snowflake. Finally, a couple of minutes later, you hear Tyson start yelling “I did it, I did it! I got one!!” He ran over to you and shoved his face in front of yours “Ya see it?” He asked excitedly. You, of course, couldn’t see it, the snowflake having melted seconds after reaching his tongue. But that logic clearly escaped him so you respond with “Yeah Tys, I can see it. Good job love.” He grins at you before pulling you into a kiss. “Okay. We can go home now.”
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puckinghell · 4 years
Meet The Family | Elias Pettersson (drabble)
This was born out of a conversation with @hockeyboysiguess about Elias having nice hands and Thanksgiving dinners. But I’m not American so we’re turning it into Christmas. Not proofread we die like men and I’m in 4 g&t’s. Enjoy.
“You seem nervous,” Elias states, eyes fixed on the road and hands loosely wrapped around the wheel. “More nervous than me.”
It’s not a question, it’s a statement, and you can’t help but feel slightly annoyed.
It’s not that he’s wrong, it’s just that you really hoped you wouldn’t have to tell him beforehand.
“It’s nothing bad,” you answer. You toy with your bracelet, that Elias gave you as an early Christmas present. Your quiet voice and constant fidgeting probably doesn’t fortify your statement, because Elias glances over at you now, just for a few seconds, before returning his attention to the traffic around you again.
“Are you worried they won’t like me?” he asks. It’s casual, but the kinda faux-casual that you can see straight through.
“Quite the opposite, actually.”
It had seemed like such a good idea at the time. Elias can’t go home for Christmas, not all the way to Sweden. And after three months of dating - and a few months of friendship before that - it doesn’t feel like too soon, for him to meet your family.
He was excited, when you asked him to come to your family gathering. Every year your entire family meets at your parents’ house; siblings and nieces and nephews and aunts and uncles, even a few family pets. And you were excited too. Elias, well, you’ve known he’s the one for you since the day you met him, and there’s no doubt in your mind that he’s going to be in your life for a long time. So why not introduce him to your family?
But now doubt is starting to set in.
Elias frowns at your words. “The opposite? What does that mean?”
But there’s really no way to explain. And anyway, you’re almost there.
“You’ll see,” you say, and it sounds more omnious than you wanted it to.
The gravel crunches beneath your feet as you walk up to the front door, Elias trailing just a step behind you. You reach blindly behind you and instantly his hand grabs onto yours, squeezing tightly before letting go just as you step into the house.
Noise welcomes you. There’s happy chatter and Christmas music in the background; a kid is yelling and someone laughs. It’s warm and there’s lights everywhere and it feels so much like home that a wave of nostalgia hits you.
“Who is it?” a familiar voice calls, and before you can answer your mom appears in the door to the hallway, where you’re still stomping the snow off your boots.
“Hey, mom.”
Your mom’s smile remains intact when her eyes fall upon the tall Swede behind you, but her widening eyes don’t do well to hide her surprise. Neither, to be fair, does the: “Oh my God honey she brought Elias!”
Elias’ eyebrows shoot up and you can’t stop the groan from escaping as your mom completely ignores your existence, simply speedwalks back into the living room, where all the chatter has suddenly died down.
“I thought you told her I was coming,” Elias says, the question clear in his voice.
And you were supposed to, but…
“I just kinda didn’t wanna deal with all the questions,” you admit. You take Elias’ coat and hang it together with yours, before taking a deep breath in. “I’ll try to protect you, okay?”
If his eyebrows could get any higher you’re sure it would’ve happened, but instead Elias just continues to look slightly baffled as you take his hand and pull him into the living room, where many pairs of eyes are already fixed on you.
The silence is deafening.
“Hey guys,” you smile, letting your eyes travel over the attendees. The only one that’s moving is your dog Bella, tail wagging as she gets up to go say hello. “This is my boyfriend, Elias.”
Everything happens very quickly, then.
Before you know it, your boyfriend is swarmed by family members, some of whom seem to have magically conjured up some sort of Canucks merch for him to sign. Your cousins are screaming their heads off, jumping up and down at his feet, and your sister is taking pictures of it all with an enthusiasm you haven’t seen from her in years.
Over the crowd, Elias’ eyes frantically search for yours.
Sorry, you mouth, shrugging your shoulders. This was exactly the thing that you were afraid of.
When you told Elias your family are lifelong Canucks fans, you might’ve neglected to tell him just how much.
But to be fair to him, Elias takes it in stride. You know he’s not a big fan of crowds of people, nor of people he doesn’t know. Your family speaks in too rapid English, leaving Elias looking a little bewildered. Well, to you anyway; to any other person he’d look completely fine, stoic and unbothered, but you know him well enough to recognize the tight set of his jaw.
It gets better once the adults have gone back to their conversations. Your aunt is telling you about her pottery class when your eyes find Elias through the window, out on the lawn.
He’s surrounded by all your cousins, ministicks in hand. Every time one of the kids bats a ball his way, Elias blatantly misses it, then pretends to be upset about it while the kids scream with laughter.
Your face must’ve spoken for you, because your aunt cuts herself off midway through her story.
“He’s good with kids,” she smiles, gaze traveling to the scene you’re focused on. “I think he prefers them to us old guys.”
You laugh. “I’m sure he’ll love you when he gets to know you. There’s just a lot of you right now, and I think dad is embarrassing himself.”
Considering the fact that your dad is now wearing a signed Pettersson jersey, that might even be putting it lightly.
Outside, Elias squads down next to one of your nieces. He covers her tiny hand with his large one, carefully moving it so she’s holding her stick in a more comfortable position. He says something and she laughs, little eyes shining with delight.
“You really like him,” your aunt states, and she’s not asking but you answer her anyway.
“I love him, yeah.”
It’s hours later when you walk into the kitchen, getting a glass of water, that you find your boyfriend again.
The kids have long gone to bed but it seems that Elias has found another small creature to befriend. He’s sitting on the floor, leaning against the fridge with a glass of red wine in his hands, quietly feeding Bella pieces of turkey.
“Bonding with the best member of the family?” It’s a joke but there’s a genuine question in it too and Elias seems to be able to tell, a gentle smile on his face as he pats the floor next to him.
You go easily, pressing your body against his. He’s warm and his cheeks are slightly flushed, although the red wine might have had something to do with that too.
“Trying to find some peace and quiet,” Elias muses, tearing off another piece of turkey that Bella happily accepts. “Since my girlfriend left me to fend for myself.”
Now you’re blushing, and it has nothing to do with the wine.
“I didn’t want it to seem like I was surveiling you,” you admit a little sheepishly. “Figured you would come find me if it got too much.”
Elias laughs. It sounds bright in the quiet kitchen, the background noise from the living room suddenly very far away. “I can deal with it.”
“I know.” And you do; it’s the only reason you dared to bring him here in the first place. Elias might not be the most extraverted person in the world, but he’s very good with people when he wants to be. You let your head fall against his shoulder. Tiredness is settling in your body, after a night catching up with everyone.
“I’m sorry if it was too much. They can get very overwhelming, even for me, and they’re not even your family, so…”
“They’re your family, though,” Elias interrupts, voice soft. “And that means that one day they hopefully will be mine, too. So it’s okay. It’s good, even.”
Your chest feels strangely warm at his words; you knew you felt like that, but to hear him say he feels it too is a whole different level of amazing.
“But,” Elias hums, and you can tell from the switch in his tone of voice that he’s gonna say something  cheeky, “if you would like to thank me for being the source of entertainment tonight I can think of a few things.”
You laugh, letting your hand travel to his thigh and rest there. “I can think of some things too,” you tease, “but none that are acceptable in my parents’ kitchen.”
Elias’ eyes darken slightly. “Maybe it’s time to go home then,” he says, and he doesn’t even remotely sound like he’s kidding.
This time when you laugh you bury your face in his neck, pressing a kiss to the skin there. “Not yet,” you tell him, “but if you can refrain from beating my dad to death with the hockey stick he’s surely gonna ask you to sign, I might make it worth your while later tonight.”
The groan that falls from Elias’ lips rumbles in his chest.
You might be getting out of there quicker than originally anticipated. 
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dripkingpetey · 4 years
you're my person-b.boeser
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“You’re my person, you’re who I want to be with for the rest of my life Brock.”
You were cuddling on the couch with Milo and Coolie when you saw that Brock had sent a video and you opened it immediately, the video started off with Brock in a hockey locker room and the bottom half of his hockey gear on.
 He grabbed a brand new stick and put a little piece of hockey tape on it and grabbed a sharpie to write “y/n<3”. He gave the camera a quick smile before he started taping the stick up. “I love you so much y/n, and I miss you even more. I wish I could be with you right now, all of this covid shit sucks.” He said to the camera and smiled again before pressing the end recording button. “Call me tonight okay? I want to see your beautiful face and the dogs.” As soon as Brock finished talking Elias entered the room. “Are you talking to yourself?” The Swedish boy said laughing at Brock and he pressed the end recording button. 
“Ohhh, you’re sending a video to y/n talking about how much you love her aren’t you.” Elias laughed at Brock as he went to go put his hockey gear on as well. “Well, at least I'm not a cold-hearted alien bitch.” Brock scoffed at Elias before putting the rest of his hockey gear on and going out onto the ice.
The video Brock sent almost made you cry, a couple reasons being how much you missed him and you realized how much you loved him and that he definitely loved you back. You quickly took a photo of you and Coolie since Milo was in the kitchen and sent it to him followed by a quick text.
Tell me when you get back to the hotel after the game, I’ll definitely call you♥️ 
It was game five in the Vegas Golden Knights vs. Canucks series Brock had scored a goal for the first time in this series and Brock being the superstitious player he is, he definitely thought it was cause he put your name on his stick. He got back to his hotel room as soon as he could and called you, you picked up right away, setting your phone up in the kitchen so he could see you and the dogs when you had realized what you looked like. You were sitting on the kitchen stool fully dressed in brocks clothes, and your hair was thrown into a messy bun with the hood of Brocks hoodie over it. 
“Hey goofy,” Brock grinned at how adorable you looked in his clothes as you tried to pick Milo up since he was still a puppy and you could hold him. “Hey babe,” you smiled at you tried to wave Milos paw at him. You and Brock laughed about it and talked to each other for awhile about your days and how excited you are to see each other after the playoffs.
“Hey baby,” You said giving him a big hug as he stepped in the door, Canucks just lost game 7 and Brock decided to fly back to Vancouver right after the game. You could tell he was sad so you rubbed his back softly as he let out a couple muffled cries, so you moved one of your hands up to rub his neck and run your fingers through his hair. 
“Sorry,” Brock mumbled into your neck while sniffling and wiping his tears away. “It’s okay, let them out if you need to.” You pulled your head away from his to smile at you, before you knew it your lips were clashed together, you had missed everything about him and especially his kisses. Brock pulled away before resting his head on your shoulder again while hugging you.
Brock finally decided to turn his attention over to the two dogs who were jumping all over him. “Hey boys, sorry about that.” He smiled and sat down on the floor so he could play with him.
“Here, I’ll take your bags and bring them upstairs.” You motioned your hands out for him to pass the bag to you and he did. “I’ll go upstairs in a minute, just want to play with the boys for a little.” Brock told you as you headed upstairs. You grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a shirt for him as you settled in bed. 
Brock got into bed and kissed you softly as you giggled. “Your beard feels weird,” “does it?” I kind of like it, maybe I should keep it.” Brock teased you as you played with his bread a little, twirling strands of his beard with you fingers as he laid down on your chest and held on to your waist. “Will you cuddle me?” Brock pouted at you as you rubbed his lower back and drifted off to sleep. “Obviously,” you smiled at him while raking your fingers through his messy blonde hair and adjusting your bodies so the both of you feel more comfortable. 
You were half asleep when you heard Brock sniffling quietly and you knew he was very hurt, you started rubbing small circles on his back and occasionally scratching it to comfort him. “C’mon Brock, talk about it, I’ll listen to you.” You mumbled just loud enough that he could hear you.
“I just,”  Brock took a long sigh before he finished his sentence. “ I don’t know, I feel like I could’ve contributed more.” He buried his face back into your chest as he wrapped his arm around you. “Brock, you did absolutely amazing. It was your first time in the playoffs and I know you’ll have lots more chances. Stop being so hard on yourself.” 
Brock didn’t know how to respond to you, he knew you were right. There is going to be more chances but he definitely was just in the moment. “Get some sleep, I think we both need it. If you’re feeling better we should take the boys out for a walk and get ready for Minnesota.” You gave him one last kiss on the head before falling asleep. Brock is usually the type cutting you and being big spoon but tonight he needed to be the one who was being cuddled.
“Holy shit it’s already snowing?” You looked outside to see Milo and Coolie covered in snow.
“Yeah, it starts snowing pretty early here, not like Vancouver.” Brock laughed at the dogs playing in the snow as he wrapped his arms around you from behind and placed a light kiss to your cheek. The warmth from the fireplace heating up the house and standing there with Brock just felt right, you hadn't realize it but every single moment you’ve had with him just feels right. Wether it’s just sitting there in silence enjoying eachothers company or talking the whole night and not sleeping always just felt right.
“You’re my person, you’re who I want to be with for the rest of my life Brock. I love you, and I’ve waited too long to say that I never want to be with anyone else but you. And I mean it .” That was the first time you said anything like that to him. It was alway Brock who did things first. He asked you out first, initiated your first kiss, asked you to move in with him first and said I love you first. 
A wave of relief rushed through your body when Brock finally responded. “Then be with me for the rest of your life, cause I feel the same way y/n.” You guys stayed smiling at each other for awhile before the dogs came up and disrupted you. “Oh god, you guys are soaked.” Brock laughed while trying to get a towel so he can dry them off. You smiled and mumbled to yourself. “I love my boys,”  you snapped out of it quickly when you realized coolie was tackling Brock and he needed help so you sat your tea down and laughed at them as you tried to help Brock.
“Great hockey player, but can get tackled by a dog. Maybe should add that to a list of cons.” You teased Brock as you helped him up. Brock scoffed at you before pulling you in for a kiss and pulling away. “Add the great kisser to the pros list while you’re at it.” He said with a wink knowing that was one of the best kisses you’ve ever had and would be craving for a second one. 
You quickly scoffed at his cockiness and begged him for another kiss.
1,429 words
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adrenalineguide · 5 years
2019’s Top Rides: Part 3/Buick Regal GS, Subaru Ascent and Golf R
By Michael Hozjan
Buick Regal GS AWD: Buick gets it right
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At 12, I wanted to be a car designer. Fate however had different plans for me. With an eye for automotive design, I grew up loving Buicks; from the ’57 Special to the ’59 Invicta, with the ’64 Wildcat stealing my heart time and again. Cadillacs took a close second, Fords were ok but I found Chevs too feminine. Buicks, were masculine with broad shouldered front fenders and creased lines, personifying the designing cues of GM greats, Harley Earl and Bill Mitchell.
Then came the Riviera. One snowy December afternoon as I headed to my post office, there on St. Lawrence Boulevard, with six inches of snow on the ground sat a ’65 Riviera. My heart skipped several beats and I must have studied its lines for what seemed like an eternity.
Well into the ‘70s there were some noteworthy designs that came out of Buick’s design studios however, the last four decades have been anything but exciting. That has all changed with the launch of the Regal GS – the sexiest Buick to come out of Detroit in, well the last four decades.    
The Grand Sport designation is nothing new to the Buick line up, having been associated with ‘70s era muscle cars but this is the first time that it has been used in a European sports sedan context. The stylish GS goes up against some well established rivals like the Acura TLX, Lexus ES, BMW 3 series and the like, a tough field to say the least. The Regal GS is more than just good looks, it’s a bona fide sports sedan. In fact a rebadged, German built, Opel Insignia, so the GS starts with the right genes. European engineered handling makes it the best tarmac gripping Buick ever.
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Red Brembo brake calipers immediately tell everyone that this is not your typical Buick.
While different drive options/trim levels are available elsewhere around the globe, we Canucks get only one trim/drive option- also the most desirable one - the all-wheel-drive version motivated by the 310 horsepower DOHC, 3.6L V6 with variable valve timing punching out 282 lb-ft of torque through a 9-speed automatic.  
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Entry price is $44,045, my tester came with the Buick Experience Package ($3,495) that included the moonroof, a Bose premium 8-speaker sound system, wireless charging, an 8” touch screen, HD radio, LED leveling headlights, The Driver Confidence Package (yes you read that right) at $1,995 includes adaptive cruise, forward collision alert with automatic braking, lane keep assist, front pedestrian braking and heads up display. The Ebony Twilight Metallic paint was a premium option at $495.
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The all-wheel-drive gets a torque vectoring rear axle, which only improves traction in slippery conditions and makes the Buick eat up the corners. Buick has also given us three driving modes to choose from, Touring, Sport and GS 
Inside you’ve got one color choice, black. The supportive Recaros have a massage feature as well as being heated/cooled. Both driver’s and passenger seats have 14 adjustments to suit your body, including adjustable bolsters. Following with the German sport sedan traits, it includes a flat-bottomed steering wheel.
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Rear seat passengers get ample legroom, but headroom is tight for taller occupants. With 30.cu.ft of space under the hatch with the rear seats up, with over 60 cu.ft with the rear seats folded, it betters many compact crossovers!
Is it perfect?
Non-functional air intakes in the front valance are mickey-mouse and a step backwards. Why not leave them open and help cool the brakes? No spare tire but a useless tire fix kit –that’ll help when you have a blow out or bend a wheel on Quebec’s pot holes. On the comical side, the audio system had mixed up the Cirius station numbers it’s 60s on 6 and not 660s on six….and the same could be said for 50s on 5 not 550s on 5, as well as 70s, 80s and 90s.
You can go through the gears manually with the console mounted shifter but paddle shifters would have been a nice touch to compliment the smooth 9-speed automatic.
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Will the GS steal buyers away from BMW? I hardly doubt it but it does give of us a formidable option to keep our performance dollars with domestic manufacturers, and the GS buyer has nothing to be apologetic for. 
 Price as tested: $52,050*
*Includes destination charges and a/c excise tax
 Subaru Ascent: If at first you don’t succeed…
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If you thought that Subaru already had a large SUV you’re right. The magic word here being had. The B9 Tribeca, later shortened to just Tribeca debuted in 2005 to, lets just say a less than stellar sales, and by 2014 had moved into the automotive history books of what once was.
It takes guts to admit that you were wrong, and it takes even big cojones to come back with a similar sized vehicle. Truth be told the SUV market has also changed over the last decade with SUVs growing increasingly larger, just like the population. Subaru appears to have been ahead of its time back in 2005 when 3-row SUV’s didn’t proliferate our roads, and minivans still reigned supreme for getting the platoon to school. But times have changed and so the new Ascent is the company’s answer to the latest trend.
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The Ascent is also Subaru’s largest vehicle to date, with 142 mm longer wheelbase and 134 mm longer in length than the Tribeca, so yes passenger comfort has been greatly increased. The midsize SUV is built on the company’s Global Platform, a chassis that is easily adaptable; serving as the basis for everything from their Impreza and Crosstrek to the Ascent.
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Available in four trim levels – Convenience, Touring, Limited and Premier - with the entry level 8-passenger Convenience starting at a meager $36,695. Regardless of trim, there’s a new 2.4L direct-injected, turbocharged boxer four cylinder dolling out 260 horses and 277 lb-ft of torque through the High-torque Lineartronic CVT (continuously variable transmission).   
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Talk to anyone who’s ever driven a Subie in less than ideal conditions and they’ll swear by the symmetrical full-time all-wheel-drive system. A new feature, X-Mode, pushes the traction envelope even further; at the push of a button, it monitors and controls four different vehicle dynamics, including engine, transmission, torque splitting and braking.
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There’s a lot of standard driver-assistance technology in each Ascent without having to step up to trim levels, Items like automated emergency braking and lane-keeping assist through the company’s EyeSight system. The base model gets a 6.5 inch infotainment screen while upper trim buyers will see an 8 inch screen. GPS however is only available in the two higher end trims (Limited and Premier). Both Touring and Limited are available in either seven or eight passenger configurations with captain’s chairs taking up the second row. My tester, the Premier trim comes only with the second row captains chairs. While all trims get heated front buckets it’s only the two higher trims that pamper their second row passengers with heated outboard seats. The third row looks a lot more inviting than some of it’s competitors but it’s still on the tight side with limited leg room. Still bear in mind this is a mid-size seven passenger and the seats are padded and comfortable to keep the small fry happy for longer drives. Oh and a pair of third-row USB charging ports become available in the Limited trim and are in addition to the standard two you’ll find in the front and second rows.
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Rear cover blind and tow loop are stowed neatly under the cargo bay’s floor, the latter an option on some pricier suvs
Whether you’re out in the boonies or negotiating city streets, the Ascent doesn’t feel like a large bulky SUV. With above average handling and a minimum of body roll for a three-row SUV, Subaru’s use of the boxer engine and its advantageous low center of gravity immediately become apparent. It’s stable, with a soft luxurious ride and is generally quiet during normal highway cruising. But it does get loud when pushed hard.
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Is it perfect?
The drone of the CVT does get annoying but once you get passed that, the Ascent is typically Subaru; it does everything what it’s supposed to and does it well. I averaged 9.8L/100 km which is unprecedented in a 7-passenger sport ute. It may not be overly luxurious but you get what you pay for. I know my Subaru driving friends will all be looking at the Ascent when the time comes to turn in their current drives, and that alone will keep this big Subaru around for a long time to come.
Price as tested: $52,795*
* Includes destination charges
Volkswagen Golf R: You’ll want one
If you’ve missed my installment of the Rabbit GTI, I urge you to scroll down the page and have a read.
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Now take the GTI and turn it up a notch, or three. The formula for the Golf R is very simple; take one German built spacious hatchback that already has solid, tight handling, and add gobbs of turbocharged horses to a 2.0L inline four cylinder. How many ponies? Two eighty-eight to be exact – enough to propel you well past the posted speed limit in less time than it takes you to say posted speed limit. Now stir in all-wheel drive to put all that power to the ground. Slam it to the ground for added handling. Dress it up with killer 19” wheels.
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Choose between the 6-speed manual available for $42,495 or the 7-speed dual clutch automatic with Tiptronic for $43,895. Now go have the most fun you can with your clothes on.
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Doesn’t look like it but there’s nearly 300 horses in there
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Quad exhaust tips tell you this is no ordinary Golf
The Golf R is everything you want in a performance sedan and then some. It makes no sense in a country with posted speed limits, but then neither do Porches, Ferraris and the like.   
Price as tested: $49, 290*
*Includes destination charges and a/c excise tax
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hockeyandstuff91 · 5 years
Fate And The Saint - Part 3
Word count: 5,477
Players: Brock Boeser, mentions of the Canucks team
Other people: mentions of Brooke’s ex, coworkers, her boss
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of cheating, CREEPY ASS boss interaction, smut at the end of the chapter
Authors Note: Yay I finally finished this!!!! There will be a part 3.5 just so you all know, so don’t kill me for the cliffhanger I’m sorry!!! lmao <3 I just didn’t want the chapter to be any longer than it already was lol PLEASE let me know what you think! I love feedback and its the reason why I keep writing <3 Love you guys!
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3.5
(Brooke’s POV)
My eyes fluttered open, the sun streaming in through the curtains. I made a mental note that I would have to get some blackout curtains soon, because while I love the sun, I liked to be the one in charge of when I woke up, not the light. I started to move a bit but froze as I felt arms around me, pulling me closer to whoever was the owner of them. I looked over my shoulder and sighed with relief, remembering where I was.
The memory of last night came back to me and I smiled a bit. I didn't think that Brock would of stayed the whole night in here, I thought he had just come in to comfort me, but apparently we had both fallen asleep here. It wasn't like it was the first time that we had slept in the same bed, I mean we just did that for the last half of the trip anyways. However the only other time that we had ever actually cuddled while asleep was when we went camping with a group of friends and it was a little too cold that night, and someone forgot to pack a blanket.
I gently pushed the blanket off me, looking down and gently grabbing Brock's arm and trying to move it just enough so that I could sneak out of his grip. I was about halfway off the bed when I felt movement. Freezing my movement again I looked over my shoulder, Brock was laying on his back now, but still sound asleep. I finished getting off the bed as gently as I could, before walking out of the room. I made my way down the hall to the other spare bedroom to look through the box labeled 'bathroom' and grabbed out a towel and all of my shower stuff.
I made my way to the bathroom that was across the hall from my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I didn't even want to look in the mirror, figuring I probably looked horrible from crying all night. I pulled open the shower door and turned on the water, waiting for it to heat up before discarding my clothes onto the floor and stepping in.
I was almost done with my shower when I heard my phone alarm going off in the other room. "Fuck," I groaned, forgetting that I had forgotten to turn that off before coming in here. I knew that was going to wake Brock, but there was nothing I could do about it now.
I heard the noise stop after a few moments and sighed. Not long after there was movement in the hallway, I figured that Brock got up, which was good because I totally forgot to bring a change of clothes into the bathroom with me.
Of course I did
Turning off the water, I reached up and squeezed as much water out of my hair as I could before stepping out and grabbing the towel. I wrapped it around myself and opened the door. I looked down the hallway, not seeing anyone so I tried my best to quickly make my way across the hall into my room unseen.
I opened the door, jumping a bit when I saw Brock was still on my bed, focused on his phone. I didn't remember seeing that he had his phone in here when I left, so that noise I had heard in the hallway must of been him going to get it from his room, but why did he come back to lay on my bed?
"Uh.. morning," I said as I awkwardly stood in the door.
"Hey," Brock smiled. "How you feeling?" he asked, sitting up on the bed and leaning against the headboard.
"Uh... kind of exposed at the moment."
Brock laughed and covered his eyes with his hands. "I wont look I promise."
"Brock!" I laughed and shook my head.
"You act like we didn't just share a room for the last half week," he said, peeking through his fingers.
I rolled my eyes and made my way into the room. "Don't you dare look!" I said as I started to look through the pile of clothes that I had been too lazy to hang up in the closet.
"I wont I wont. So.. we are gonna be gone for a while just so you know. We have away games until the 5th."
"That's only a week and a half. I'll be fine, I have work to go to. I'm sure that'll keep me busy."
"Brookie..." Brock sighed, clearly hesitating on whatever it was he wanted to say.
I pulled on an old oversized t shirt over the towel, and a pair of panties before I dropped the towel onto the floor. I looked back at Brock and laughed, seeing that he still had his hands over his eyes but also was looking up at the ceiling.
"Brock I'm covered enough now," I chuckled as I sat on the floor, sorting the clothes into different piles.
Brock moved to the end of the bed, just watching me. I figured he would finish his thought, but apparently not without me bringing it back up.
"Brock what did you start to say?"
"I uh.. I forgot."
"That's bullshit," I laughed, tossing one of my sweatshirts at him, to keep in its own pile.
"Okay you're right. I uh.. I know you don't overly enjoy your job-"
"Its fine Brock. It's not that bad-"
"You complain about it all the time," Brock chuckled.
"Listen.. That's just because.. okay its not like my first choice or anything, but I have to have money somehow, especially if I'm going to be dealing with rent on my own soon."
"Brooke-" Brock now moved to be sitting on the floor next to me. "I want you to stay here-"
"Brock no I can't."
"Yes you can. Please. Its so quiet here now that Troy moved out to go be with his girlfriend."
"Have another one of the guys move in then. What about Petey?"
"He's already got his own place. Come on, please?" he tried his best to give me puppy dog eyes, which was not fair because he knew that worked on me.
"I'll think about."
"Good enough for now. Also please, don't work at a job you hate. Quit. You don't have to worry about money here."
"Brock I refuse to take your money!" I said throwing a pair of jeans at him.
"Listen," I started, turning my body to face Brock. "I love and appreciate that you want to do this for me, I already said I would think about staying here okay? But I can't just take your money Brock, you work hard for that. Plus I sometimes like to go out and shop for silly things and I only feel okay doing that with my money, not yours," I laughed, motioning to the 5 plants I had already put around the room last night, making sure they had enough light.
"Plants are nice for the house though-"
I turned back and stared at him in the eyes. "Brock," I laughed. "Listen I'll make you a deal so you'll shut up about it," I said as Brock opened his mouth to say something. I leaned forward and put my hand over his mouth to keep him from talking.
"The deal is, if I get stressed out, or it becomes too much I will quit okay? Until then I will be going to work. Okay?"
Brock nodded his head, my hand still covering his mouth.
"Thank you," I said.
Brock smiled behind my hand and then I felt him lick my palm. "Gross!" I laughed and pulled my hand back, wiping my hand on my shirt.
"I'm gonna go make food and feed Coolie," Brock said and got off the floor, making his out out of the room.
I smiled and nodded, watching him walk out of the room before I let out a breath, covering my face with my hands. I sat like that for a moment before taking a breath and looking around the room. Might as well spend today making this place like home..
I thought going back to work was going to help keep my mind off of everything that had happened while I was away on the trip, but of course the girls in the office had to ask me every detail. It wasn't like they wanted to bring up the incident or anything, but they were jealous that I was in a tropical place when it snowed for the first time this year.
It had been 3 days since I came back but yet there was always someone who would corner me in the lunchroom wanting to talk about my trip, how warm it was. Some asking me about places I went to, they wanted to make a list in the chance they got to take a vacation and go.
Thankfully they had their own work to get back to and lunch break was finally over so I could go back to my desk and continue answering calls for our boss.
I never imagined myself being a secretary, it was for sure not on the list of jobs I wanted to do, but it paid well and the boss was easy to deal with, well until recently at least.. He had found out that his wife had been cheating on his and was now trying to take half the business from him so he was a little less excited about being here.
The phone rang, pulling me away from an email I was typing up. I reached forward and grabbed the phone off the receiver and held it to my ear.
"Thank you for calling Mr. Johnson's office, this is his secretary Brooke speaking, may I ask who is calling?"
"This is his attorney, Mack."
"Thank you Mack, please hold," I said as I pushed the hold button. I hit a few more buttons, ringing Mr. Johnson's office.
"Hey Brooke, have a call for me?"
"Yes Mr. Johnson, your attorney, Mack, is on the line."
"Brooke we talked about this, please call me Bryson. Go ahead and put him through. Also please take messages for me for the next half hour or so. I'll ring you when I'm done with this call."
"Okay," I responded, hanging up and putting the call on hold through to his office.
I shook my head and went back to the email I had been typing up. Bryson had always been overly flirty with the girls that worked here for him. He wasn't a lot older than the rest of us, 35 was young in this line of work. He had inherited everything he had from his dad who had passed away unexpectedly 5 years ago. Owning an auction house was a lot of work, having to find antiques worth of selling to high paying clients, organizing live auctions, it was a lot. Bryson had even tried to get me to talk Brock into asking the higher ups for the Canucks to donate some signed jerseys for one of the auctions they had going on, but I refused to mix work and my personal life. He at the time wasn't very happy but seemed to understand thankfully.
There was never any times where he had been inappropriate with me, but now that he was getting divorced he had been laying it on thick with some of the other girls who were single in the office.
I finally finished the email and was moving onto the next one when the phone started ringing again. I glanced over at the receiver and saw that it wasn't a phone call this time, it was Bryson phoning me back.
I picked up the phone and held it to my ear "Hello?"
"Hey Brooke, I'm all set with that call now. Do you have any on hold for me?"
"Nope, no one else has called yet."
"Alright. When you're done with whatever email you are doing would you please see me in my office?"
"Yeah I'll be right in, I just finished the one I was working on."
"Perfect," he said and hung up the call.
That was weird, he usually didn't call me to his office unless he needed me to file something for him or print off a catalog for the next auction, and I knew we didn't have an auction for another week, and there were no new clients to file.
I stood up from my desk and walked down the hall, knocking twice on his office door before opening it and stepping inside.
"Close the door behind you," Bryson said without even looking up from his desk.
My eyebrows furrowed as I gently closed the door and took a step forward.
"You can take a seat. Don't worry you aren't in trouble or anything," He smiled at me.
I nodded and pulled one of the chairs that was in front of his desk away and sat in it. I crossed my legs, resting my hands on my knee.
"How was your trip?" he asked, putting the pen he was holding down on his desk.
"It was fine.." I wasn't exactly sure why he would call me into his office to ask me about my trip, it wasn't like we were friends, we never saw each other outside of this building and he had never taken interest in anything that I did in my spare time unless he thought the business would benefit from it.
He stood up from his desk and walked over to a bar top along the wall where he had a station to make coffee or tea. He poured himself a cup and offered to make me tea, but I declined.
"So I heard about what happened.." he started, walking behind me.
"What do you mean?"
"When you were on vacation.. I overheard one of the girls talking about how you saw Brad cheating on you? What a loser.. My wife did the same to me," he said, resting his hand on my shoulder.
I tried my best to pull away from him without also insulting him. Now I knew why he wanted me in here. I was going to be the next girl he tried to take out. There were a number of times when I saw the girls from down the hall go in and out of his office when they never had before, some were in there a while, some were only in there a few minutes. I took a deep breath through my nose and held it for a moment, calming myself.
"It's fine. He was a loser anyways."
"Yeah.. he didn't deserve you," he said, now rubbing his hand back and forth on my back.
"Mr. Johnson-"
"Brooke I told you, Bryson. Mr. Johnson was my dad, it makes me feel old, which I am not."
"Bryson.. Why did you call me in here?"
"Well Brooke to be completely honest things are changing around here a bit.. Now that I am getting divorced I get to do whatever I want. I have offered some of the girls a pay raise around here.. since you probably are moving out of the house you have with Brad you might need it to find an apartment in this city."
"Yeah? And what exactly does it take to get this pay raise?" I asked through my teeth, already knowing the answer.
"Well.. You are very pretty and being my secretary.."
"Bryson if you are insinuating what I think you are, I'm all set. I just got out of one shitting relationship, I would rather not become someones sex toy while at work."
"It would be nothing like that at all, I would just call you in every once and a while, like I do with the other girls. Easy extra $500 a week. Hows that sound?"
"Nope," I said standing up and stepping away from him.
"None of the other girls have said no to me," he said, turning to face me.
"Good for them. I'm sure they will enjoy the fuck money. Me on the other hand, I don't want to be apart of that. Especially if you get caught doing this, pretty sure its illegal."
"Well I do own you girls so I don't think I have to worry about that."
"Excuse me?"
"Where else are you going to work for this kind of pay? If you say no to this there's no way in hell you are going to be able to live on your own in this city. I don't pay you enough anymore."
"What do you mean anymore?"
"Well to be able to accommodate my girls I had to cut pay else where. Meaning everyone else who says no. Since you are the first, you will be one of the ones being cut starting next month."
"Wow you are a fucking dick. You know what? Brock was right. I don't need to work in a shitty place like this. I quit. Good luck with whatever it is you have going on here. You'll be shut down soon enough I'm sure," I said and quickly left his office, slamming the door behind me.
I rushed down the hall, grabbing all the things from my desk that I owned and shoving them into my bag. I walked down the hallway, not even saying goodbye to the girls. I was never truly friends with any of them anyways so I wasn't really going to miss this place at all, especially not after what I found out was going on here.
I all but ran out to my car, jumping in and pulling out of the parking lot as fast as I could. I couldn't get away from this place any faster. I had to go back to Brock's and shower I felt so disgusting. I sniffled, not even realizing I had been crying. These last few weeks had just been so much, Brock and my job were the only two constant things I had in my life, and now one of them was gone and Brock wouldn't be home for three days.
I hit the speaker button on my steering wheel, siri came up asking who I wanted to call.
"Call Brock."
I listened to the phone ring for a few moments before I heard it stop and a soft rustling noise before I heard Brock's voice.
"Hey, whats up? I thought you would be at work right now."
"I was," I sniffled again.
"Brooke whats wrong?" Brock's voice turned serious immediately.
"I just had to quit my job."
"What happened?"
"My boss tried to get me to sleep with him for more money in my paycheck."
"What?! He's lucky that I'm not home right now I would-"
"Brock," I cleared my throat. "I just.. I'll just have to find somewhere else."
"Brookie," Brock's voice was softer now. "You don't have to, but please take some time off to rest for a while at least?"
"Yeah.. I think that might be a good idea maybe.."
"After everything lately? Yeah it would be."
"Okay.. Well I'll be home in a little bit.. um.. I'll talk to you later?"
"Yeah I'll call you after the game is over tonight. You going to be watching?"
"Of course I am," I laughed softly. "I never miss a game you know that."
"I know," I could hear the smile in Brock's voice.
"Good luck tonight," I said.
"Thanks. Talk to you soon," he said before we both hung up.
The last three days had been.. well they had been kind of a lot. I had cried about the situation at work, and I of course was still torn up about my ex. One of the girls from work called me to ask what had happened, and then mentioned that Brad had stopped by looking for me. She said he looked extremely pissed off, yelling something about his house was basically empty and he had finally just got back home from the vacation after being stranded there for an extra week.
I couldn't bring myself to care, its what he deserved. But the fact that he had come looking for me scared me a bit if I was going to be honest. I knew I was safe here, you had to have a code to even get anywhere near this place, but still I didn't want him looking for me.
I glanced at the clock, Brock would be home in a few hours. I had been mostly just spending my time hanging out with Coolie, taking him on a couple hikes, and catching up on some shows I had been meaning to watch.
I went into the kitchen and grabbed out the bottle of wine that I had bought earlier today. It wasn't exactly my plan to get drunk, but I was for sure feeling it a little while later. I was just relaxing on the couch watching my favorite show of all time, Charmed, when I heard Brock come in.
"I'm home!" He called out.
I smiled at him when he came into the living room, leaving his stuff by the doorway. "Hey!" I said, turning so that I was facing him.
"Oh I see you have been relaxing already," Brock smiled, nodding to my glass of wine.
"Yeah.. I'm not drunk though."
"No I can tell, you get a lot more giggly when you are," he chuckled and joined me on the couch.
It had been a few hours since he had gotten home. The team had the next couple days off to relax so he had decided he wanted to stay up late with me and watch my show. I found that to be kind of interesting since he never really watched it with me before, but I appreciated the company.
"ooh the best scene is coming up," I laughed, already knowing what was about to happen. I had watched this show so many times since I was 4 years old, half of the episodes I knew all the lines. Brock and I focused on the TV as the scene started to play.
           (Here is the link to the scene of the TV Brock and Brooke are currently watching, the scene is written out below in itallics, but you can see the full thing on youtube here. If you haven't ever watched charmed, watch this its so good xxxxx)
"Wait! You, Leo, last night, dish." Phoebe said as her and Prue stopped Piper before she could get out the door.
"Mmm well... it was nice, it was- well it was wonderful. We just had a few problems," Piper started.
"Problems?" Phoebe asked.
"What problems?" Prue jumped in.
"Well its been a while since you know.. I..." Piper made a face to her sisters indicated that she was talking about sex without saying it out loud. "and I was a little nervous and.. I kinda kept... Freezing him."
Phoebe laughed while Prue gasped. "Piper you didn't!"
"I didn't mean to... the first time."
"ok so um, um, at what point in the process exactly did you.. freeze him?" Prue asks.
Piper just smiles and laughs a bit.
"Hello!" Phoebe exclaims.
"I gotta go!" Piper says pushing by her sisters to get to the door.
Both Brock and I were laughing at the scene. It had always been one of my favorites in the show it never failed to make laugh.
"Man I wish I could freeze people.." I mumbled under my breath, once we stopped laughing.
"What?!" Brock laughed.
"Oh you heard that?" I hid my face and laughed. "Maybe being with Brad would of been more enjoyable if I had Pipers powers lets just put it that way."
"Wait-" Brock set his glass down and looked at me. "Are you telling me that-"
"Brock! Don't ask me that its too weird," I said putting my glass down and turning a bit so I couldn't see his face even though I could still feel his leg pressed against mine.
"Brooke come on we are best friends, we talk about everything."
I sighed and closed my eyes, nodding.
"He never..."
I smiled, now Brock was having a hard time with this conversation. "He never what Brock?"
Brock cleared his throat after a moment. "He never... helped you finish?"
"Uh.. once, when we first got together, other then that no he didn't care."
"Wow I just continue to hate him even more somehow."
"I know Brock," I sighed.
"I would never do that," Brock mumbled.
I wasn't sure I heard him correctly. "What?" I asked looking over at him. If I hadn't had some drinks I for sure wouldn't of said anything, but liquid courage apparently had kicked in a little.
"I said I would never do that," Brock said looking over to me, a different look in his eyes that I've never seen. Darker, almost.. hungry.
"Well.. lucky to all your girlfriends then," I said, turning my attention back to the TV.
I felt the couch shift a bit, but I didn't look away from the TV. It was a few moments later before I could feel that Brock was closer to me, his hand resting on my thigh.
"When.. when was the last time someone, besides yourself, made you cum?"
My eyes went wide and my breathing stopped as my face flushed. I all of a sudden felt extremely hot. "uh.."
I could feel Brock's hand slowly rubbing up and down my thigh, getting high up on my leg.
"If you have to think about it that long it must of been a while ago."
I took a shaky breath and nodded, still watching the TV. I had liked Brock for a long time, but I pushed those feelings down many many years ago because we were best friends and nothing really ever happened between us. Now that it seemed like something might be happening I wasn't sure what to do.
"Well that's not fair to you," he said softly.
I shrugged and stood up. "Umm.. you want some more wine?" I asked walking towards the kitchen, not even letting him answer.
I could hear Brock sigh behind me. I leaned against the counter and covered my face. I wanted so badly to just let go and be with Brock, but I also really didn't want our friendship to be ruined because of one night.
"Fuck," I sighed and pushed myself off the counter after standing there a bit too long. I grabbed the bottle of wine and brought it with me.
Brock now was taking up pretty much the whole couch. He had moved the pillows around so they were behind his back as he leaned against the armrest of the couch, his legs stretched out. I set the bottle down on the table and sat on the last cusion that wasn't being taken up by his legs.
Brock pouted. "Come cuddle with me," he almost whined as he gave me puppy dog eyes.
I sighed and crawled over to him. Brock pulled me over and turned me so that I was sitting between his legs, my back resting against his chest.
"This is so much more comfortable than before," he smiled and rested back against the pillows.
I nodded and moved around a bit before I got comfortable and turned my head to watch the TV. This episode was almost over at this point, but I had it set up so the next would play on its own.
After what had just happened a few minutes ago I figured Brock would say something about it when I came back, but he seemed to be focused on the show and let it go. It wasn't long before I felt his hand on my thigh again but, like last time, I just tried to keep my focus on the show.
The episode had finally gotten to the part where the girls were going to fight whatever demon or warlock was in this episode, so I was super focused on what was happening that I didn't even notice that Brock's hand was now on my hip, pushing his thumb into the waist band of my leggings.
I did however notice when his whole hand ended up in my leggings and inside my panties. I opened my mouth to say something but before I could his finger was dipping in between my lips, collecting the wetness that was there as he moved his finger up to my clit and started to rub me in slow circles.
"Shh let me do this for you," he whispered, pressing his lips to the side of my head.
"You don't have to," I managed to get out, trying to hold back my moans.
"I want to."
"Because you're my best friend and you deserve to feel good. Especially after these last few weeks," he said as he pressed his lips to my neck. I blushed and smiled. I could feel my stomach fill with butterflies, bitting my bottom lip. I had dreamed of something like this happening a long time ago before I had tried to supress my feelings for Brock, but now I could tell that I hadn’t done a very good job with it. I could feel him reach further down as I felt him tease the tip of his finger around my entrance before pushing his finger inside of me.
I gasped and leaned back against him more, my eyes closing as I felt him pump his finger in and out of me.
"Let go Brooke. It's okay its just me," he said as he pushed another finger inside of me and picked up the pace a little.
I bit my bottom lip, arching my back a bit, but still not making any noise. I wanted to let go like he was telling me to, but I was still scared this was going to ruin our relationship.
"Here lets get these off," Brock said, pulling his hand out of my leggings. I whined  a bit in protest, but lifted my hips as he started to pull my leggings and panties off all at once.
Once I was settled again and half my clothes were now laying on the floor next to the couch, he reached back down and pushed his fingers back inside of me. "There that's a lot better," he said as his lips pressed back against my neck, placing gentle kisses there as he fingered me fast.
I moaned softly for the first time and I could feel him smile against my skin.
"There you go, let go. Moan as loud as you want no one can hear but me," he mumbled against my skin, his other hand rubbing gently up and down my thigh.
"Oh god Brock," I moaned, leaning back against him. I reached my hand up behind me, grabbing onto a handful of his hair as I turned my head, opening my eyes to look up at him.
"Does that feel good baby?" He smirked down at me.
My stomach flipped as I heard him call me baby. I nodded, moaning again as I felt him start to rub my clit with his other hand.
"You going to cum for me?"
I nodded again, not trusting my voice as I felt him match the speed of him fingering me, with how fast he was rubbing my clit. I could feel him getting hard against my lower back and I bit my lip.
Brock leaned down and pressed his lips to mine just as I started to crash over the edge, my pussy clenching around his fingers as I came all over his hand, my legs shaking.
Brock swallowed my moans as I rode my orgasm on his fingers, my hips moving on their own as I tried to get more friction somehow.
Brock pulled back from the kiss, smiling down at me. He pulled his fingers out of me gently, bringing his hand up and licking his fingers clean. My eyes went wide, not sure how to process what was happening, or if maybe this was just a dream.
"Mmm," Brock smiled and pulled his fingers from his mouth with a very obscene popping noise. "Lets go to your room," he said, getting up from the couch.
"Wh-why?" I stammered out.
"I'm not done with you yet," he smirked at me, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet.
"But you already made me cum.."
"Once yeah," he winked at me before leading me down the hall. "I told you Brooke, you deserve to feel good, and be taken care of for once. No one had shown you that yet, so I'm going to."
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laresearchette · 3 years
Thursday, October 21, 2021 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT CURIOUS GEORGE (Premiering on October 23 on Family Jr. at 8:30am)
GRAND SLAM OF CURLING (SN) 11:00am: Masters: Draw 10 (SN) 3:00pm: Masters: Draw 11 (SN360) 7:00pm: Masters: Draw 12
NHL HOCKEY (TSN2) 7:00pm: Hurricanes vs. Habs (TSN5) 7:00pm: Sharks vs. Sens (SNWest/SNEast/SNOntario) 7:30pm: Flames vs. Red Wings (TSN3) 8:00pm: Ducks vs. Jets (SNPacific) 8:30pm: Canucks vs. Blackhawks (SN360/SNWest) 10:00pm: Oilers vs. Coyotes
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN4) 8:00pm: Bucks vs. Heats
JOINED AT THE HOUSE (HGTV Canada) 8:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): With the addition of a toddler, a family of four has run out of room in its two-bedroom home and needs more space fast; Jake and Christin bolt on an extension to create a more functional kitchen and help this couple reclaim some grown-up space.
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN3) 8:20pm: Broncos vs. Browns
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 8:00pm: Atlanta vs. Dodgers  - Game #5
THE FIFTH ESTATE (CBC) 9:00pm: Amazon Unpacked: Mark Kelley looks at the punishing pace Amazon workers say they're told to keep to meet the company's growing demands.
TRIBAL (APTN) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Investigating who killed Sydney; Sam and Buke deal with the fallout from discovering the tomb of murdered Indigenous bodies under the city.
THE GREAT POTTERY THROW DOWN (Makeful) 9:00pm:  For "Naked Raku" week, the potters must throw, burnish and fire a pair of vases to impress Rich and Keith; the potters receive a floral challenge by guest judge and flower-making expert Rita Floyd.
CELLMATE SECRETS: SHAYNA HUBERS (Lifetime Canada) 9:00pm:  Shayna Hubers shot and killed her boyfriend, Ryan Poston; now Holly Nivens details how Shayna manipulated her into believing it was self-defense; Cecily Miller details Shayna's behavior after her arrest; Carissa details how Ryan wanted out.
CANADA'S DRAG RACE (Crave) 9:00pm
BIG TIMBER (History Canada) 10:00pm: With his timber claim still snowed in, Kevin and crew push the limits of his small boat to try and salvage more logs on the Alberni Inlet; Sarah plans a surprise for Kevin's birthday. RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE UK (Crave 2) 10:00pm: The queens make their own adverts for a brand new in-home smart assistant, Draglexa. Little Mix star Leigh-Anne Pinnock joins the judging panel to help deliberate the fate of another queen.
CLASH OF THE COVER BANDS (E! Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Performing the music of U2 and Coldplay, two tribute bands go head-to-head for $10,000 and a chance to perform on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon." CANADIAN REFLECTIONS (CBC) 11:30pm: The Woman's Hour/My Lyric I Never Knew
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