#Ash Glashtyn
not-poignant · 7 months
Birthday Spotlight - Ash Glashtyn
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[27th February - Pisces]
Ash Glashtyn, the fun-loving, cheerful, highly-sadistic and hypersexual Unseelie waterhorse from the canon Fae Tales series, adopted brother of Augus Each Uisge, and eater of humans, has been a beloved and then polarising character among readers. He's been a star in a couple of stories, but mostly he exists as a comedic, sexual, dangerous foil to his composed, sinister brother.
Ash Glashtyn is a monster who is ashamed of being a monster, but when he's a human, he normally has way less internalised issues with himself, and just wants to make the most out of life! He lives big, loves travel, loves everyone, but doesn't want any romantic relationships out of life. This boy will fuck everyone, and finds everyone stunning and beautiful and worthy of his time, but he's solidly aromantic and isn't planning on sexually cohabiting with anyone (with the exception of Strange Sights and The Wildness Within!)
An unlikely mediator, annoyingly charming, human loving, relentlessly curious, intensely protective, and appreciator of the sensual, Ash is one of the most 'human' of the Fae characters, and I've been happy to have him by my side for over ten years.
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I’m a mess . . . I don’t even know. I’m not made for all this high political bullshit. I’m not made for any of it, Augus. I’m just some dude, you know? Just some guy. I’ve been waiting for things to go back to normal ever since you went missing.
The Court of Five Thrones
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Shadows and Light - (fanfiction) First mentioned in From the Darkness We Rise, and his first official appearance in Into Shadows We Fall, Ash was a beloved character early on despite being on the enemy side and loving the worst villain in the story. An affable and obvious victim who just wanted the best for his brother, Ash struggled to come to terms with the fact that his brother needed to be defeated, and was vital in securing the win/victory for the good guys, even as it meant ruining himself in the process.
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The Wildness Within - (AU) The truly sane part of an OT3 featuring Augus, Gwyn and Ash, Ash managed to keep his brother grounded, get Gwyn out of shackles, stop Gwyn from running away in the human realm, and keep Augus from losing his mind when the Raven Prince kept throwing obstacles into their path. Ash was the compass point that kept them on the path to their true north in this story, and we'd not have the relationship we have between them, or the happy ending, without him!
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From the Darkness We Rise - (fanfiction) Mentioned only.
Game Theory - (canon) Ash's first canon appearance is also an intense one. The first time we meet him he is drugged out of his mind, the second time he loathes Gwyn, and is drunk, and the third time he punches Gwyn hard enough in the face to break his cheekbone.
The Court of Five Thrones - (canon) Ash works on a book called 'how to lose friends and my brother by trying to be so overprotective while not listening to anyone.'
The Ice Plague I - (canon) Ash, having reconciled with Gwyn, joins the ensemble cast as Julvia's unlikely protector, and a watchful, compassionate eye on the group.
The Ice Plague II - (canon) Ash, starving into insanity like his brother, Augus, doesn't have a good time.
The Ice Plague III - (canon) We learn Ash's heartsong as he loses it, and meet the Glashtyn for the first time. Not a fun guy, it turns out! Or super fun actually, if you like songs about rape and torture. Which the Glashtyn does!
The Wildness Within - (AU) An OT3 of Ash/Augus/Gwyn, Ash here is his waterhorse self, and this story imagines a world where Augus saves Gwyn from his family, and he and his brother learn how to deal with a semi nonverbal torture victim, and become an unlikely polyamorous triad.
Quid Pro Quo - (AU) Gwyn/Ash. A mostly PWP series of Gwyn finding Ash in the human world, and being coerced-persuaded into sex that has a lot of overstimulation. A lot of hurt/comfort and aftercare moments.
Strange Sights - (AU) Ash/Augus. The 'Ash rapes Augus and nearly ruins their entire relationship' one that features dark!Ash and vulnerable!Augus. This one is probably one of the darker longfics I've written, and it's the only story I've thought about deleting. Eventually I decided not to, and I still think it has some of the most beautiful writing in it. A lot of Ash perspective, for people who enjoy that!
The Shaking Shape of You - (AU) Augus/Ash oneshot, in the world of The Wildness Within. This one's porn, folks.
Tumblr Prompts - Fae Tales - (AU and canon) Ash is in a couple of these! In one, he's an unlikely companion while they all go grocery shopping in the human realm, in another, Augus reads to Ash.
Unwound - (canon) Part of the ensemble cast here, his best chapter is the one where he gets Gwyn high on marijuana and Gwyn gets the munchies.
The Ash and Gwyn Interludes - (canon) Chapters where Gwyn and Ash work to reconcile between the events of The Court of Five Thrones and The Ice Plague. Features rare Ash canon POV chapters.
Ten Minutes and Ten Minutes More - (AU) A Mosk/Eran PWP oneshot where Ash gives Eran 'advice' on how to basically sexually assault Mosk. He has black hair in this one, and looks as sinister and dangerous as his brother.
The Augus and Ash Interludes - (AU) Written in 2013, these started off as canon and some quickly became not canon. But features very sweet or silly or angsty moments between Augus and Ash.
Tumblr Prompts - Fae Tales AUs - (AU) I don't actually remember these O.O Very 'I have no memory of this place' Gandalf quote.
When the Tables Turn - (AU) Augus/Ash, Ash is a detective who decides he wants to rail drug trafficker and crimelord Augus Each Uisge. I never finished this, but it was fun
The Best of Broken Resolutions - (AU) The Architect AU (Gwyn/Augus), in which Ash is a member of a band, and gets way too drunk and manages to make his presence known even in this story.
Salt Water - (AU) Ash/Augus. An 11k Id Fic with magical healing cock. Augus is raped by Stertes (yes, that one), and Ash fucks him better e.e
The Day the Ferris Wheel Came Down - (AU) Before Spoils of the Spoiled even existed, I played with the idea of a high school AU here!
Underline the Silver - (AU) An upcoming Augus/Corbyn Prince omegaverse story, where Ash will at the very least be mentioned.
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A fun-loving, booze-loving, human-loving, upbeat-appearing quick-thinker, who always looks on the bright side, is ready to back a friend.
Pansexual, aromantic, and loves everyone. Enjoys sex and making connections, but also is happy to move on and make more going forward.
Loves his brother so much. SO much. Too much? He'd say there's no such thing!
If cheerful emo manifested into a human person
Redheads have all the fun
What? The cheerful guy sometimes has some deep-seated issues that he's not really talking to anyone about? O.O
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Most memorable in the canon for his internal conflict around eating humans but needing to eat them. He loves humans so much that he spends most of his time living with them, something Augus and most Unseelie fae view unfavourably.
An unlikely friend of the Nain Rouge!
If he's going to be attracted to another core Fae Tales character, it's going to be his brother first, and Gwyn second, but only in the AUs.
Getting himself half-killed by The Raven Prince
Betraying his brother to save his brother's life, and that creating bitterness between them.
Using pop culture references around Fae who are all talking like Victorians.
This guy can fit so much alcohol in him!
Betraying Gwyn, but not to save Gwyn's life. The mutiny in The Court of Five Thrones goes down as the biggest turning point for his character in the entire canon.
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Ash always has auburn hair except in a single oneshot AU, Ten Minutes and Ten Minutes More.
Always cheerful, and that cheerfulness always hides a darker and more sexual side.
Fucks - does he ever fuck
Kinks are always some variety of overstimulation and overwhelming his partners with pleasure.
Curious about people
Protective over those he perceives as vulnerable, including the humans he eats in the canon!
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Ash was initially conceived as a foil to the idea that 'all Unseelie fae are evil' in the same way that Crielle was conceived as a foil to the idea that 'all Seelie fae are pure and good.'
Ash Glashtyn's personality is based on actual folktales connected to the Glashtyn. He has been described as capable of great good and great harm, but he's also been described as a waterhorse capable of extreme evil and sadism. He's actually considered more sadistic than the Each Uisge, which I kept as a trait. In fact there is one story where the Glashtyn in human form stabbed long pins and needles into unsuspecting children and women through their buttocks, breasts and other fleshy parts.
The reason Ash looks the way he does was part of a complex storyline that never came together, which frustrates me, but otherwise Ash and Augus would look very similar so I needed something to differentiate them more easily! Plus I really loved the idea of a character who doesn't look immediately kind of 'dark and forbidding.'
Ash has been one of the most polarising characters. During the Shadows and Light era, most people loved him intensely. During the Game Theory era, people became split. People who never read SAL generally hated him until the very end of The Court of Five Thrones.
Ash's heartsong was a secret that only Augus knew for almost a decade. Even I didn't know it for a little while. I always told myself and others that the only time we'd all learn what it was, was when he lost it. When I knew what it was, I told everyone it began with an A. Only one person out of about 100 guesses got it right. :D
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I mean, we’re not dead or being actively tortured so it’s like…prospects aren’t all bad.
The Ice Plague II
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
Previously on the last update…
~A summary of what happened in the stories: Translated from the Telegram channel: SpoilerAreWithUs
Fleeing from the enraged Vlad, the heroine and Sandra follow Erzsi, but fall into a trap. The unusual guests turn out to have their own plans for Dracula's power, and suddenly a creepy party breaks into… Yustin. Barely escaping from Erzsebet, the heroine becomes the target of the distraught Vlad, who miraculously comes to his senses and voluntarily surrenders to Aquil and Tetra.
The morning on the airship is hectic, with Gray trying to refuse to go in Glashtyn's company for the next artifact needed to defeat Domnu. Despite this, the heroine's team with Lee, Gray, and Glashtyn sets out to retrieve the ashes of the first king. At the Abbey, they find the wounded Counselor and the right urn, but the Ruler and a mob of undead block their exit.
Upon her return to the throne, the heroine passes judgment and witnesses the death of her uncle Osmont - he takes with him to his grave the secret of the death of the queen's parents and the truth of his plan. The heroine gradually comes to her senses and finds a former royal knight who reveals the secrets of her dead uncle. In search of answers, the heroes make their way to the Xaelian fortress.
The heroine agrees to join the cult and moves out of the Chauhan on the same day. Together with a British group, she decides to return to Clifagrami, where she encounters a terrible truth and almost gets killed. Ratan intervenes and saves the company, but they still have to look for Gabriel and Kiran. Upon her return to the city, the heroine and her brother discover a ransacked apartment.
Not without Niall's help, the heroine comes to her senses, the search for a healing fern and a farewell to Ethan and Leahy are replaced by the need to set out. The deteriorating condition of the crack in the sky forces the team to fly to Tiamat without an army, the uneasy road brings first an encounter with winged Anunnaki and then, after a halt, they find themselves in the lands of humans.
The interview takes an unexpected turn when John, who has lost his memory, comes out of the shadows. Theodora escapes and meets Darius, a descendant of the Guardians, makes friends with the demonologist Marcel, and meets Jamie, her only friend and an island of calm. Later, after receiving an invitation to a charity event, the heroine meets John again to help him remember everything.
The main character makes her first voyage on her new boat and immediately finds herself in a jam - Gitana is attacked by a huge orca, but thanks to her personal qualities, her crew and help from an old acquaintance everything ends safely. However, on Aquila the heroes will be tested again - this time they will have to confront a gang of marauders, but they will be able to cope with it as well.
🌀 🧬 PSI
Having sworn an oath before the Church, Lou becomes a full-fledged member of the AC, and uses her position to free the detained Jonas the very same day. A missing bomb forces the heroine and her partner to search for criminals on their own, following their success, a new job awaits them - in the protection of the Prior himself. Their first assignment is to escort Monsieur Martin to the village near the Perimeter.
Despite the heroine's dramatic reveal, the festivities at Versailles continue. The next day brings a new amusement - a balloon - and a sudden tragedy on its next rise. Having come to her senses after the fall, the heroine finds a clue in the greenhouse, but it is impossible to identify the shooter. The sermon and the deer hunt end with Louise being sent away from the palace.
Despite her long-awaited meeting with Jack, the heroine doesn't manage to talk to him right away, but she manages to convince her father to let her help the group of scientists at the hospital along with Mustafa. The situation with the virus worsens, tensions rise in the city and the number of sick people, along with the approaching unwanted wedding. Overhearing Zain's conversation, the heroine learns of Adil's arrest.
Ten years after the war, the world of angels and demons is once again threatened. The mysterious Plague releases the war dead from Nonexistence and attacks the Citadel. After three months of imprisonment, the heroine finally sees what Heaven has become under the control of the Horsewoman. Plague takes away the heroine's power and brings Malbonte back, and then everyone goes to the school of angels and demons.
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gust-jar-simulator · 8 months
I thought about Lovelace and Hyrule and this crass motherfucker decided the first priority is feeding a boy. So. Look at these idiots.
Characters: Hyrule (LU), Lovelace (oc)
Song: SJ Tucker- Glashtyn Shanty
The wasting years were a bad time to be a creature of Farore. With the collapse of the wild, the collapse of order was a foregone conclusion, and raw power did not need the trappings of state and god to rule the land with a bloody fist.
Still, in the grand scheme of things, the bloody tide had been dammed for now. The hero had won. New things could be built on the blasted bones of the old, as long as someone had the courage to pick up the first hammer and put it to good use. Few knew how to do that, in the wake of Ganon's terror. But the option, the opportunity, remained.
So it was that Link, Hero of Hyrule, returned to the wild. Who could teach men how to rebuild better than root and vine, stream carving through clay and weed pushing up through the ash? Farore's children ate at the blight on the world like spring eating away the frost-ferns of winter, ravenous and eager, and in hidden grottos and mossy pools her eldest daughters emerged, dripping magic, to sing the green back into the world.
It would be long, and hard, and thankless. But so was everything worth doing. And perhaps not everyone forgot to be grateful.
Link stumbled down an old hole between two roots straight into loam-dark arms and the lingering scent of burned metal, nose buried in tight work-braids spun with copper wire.
"About fucking time, kid." The fairy's speech pressed down on his mind with the force of forge-heat, and he went limp like a cat. It'd been years since this. The fairy didn't seem to care, and just scooped him up to march back to the depths of the earth, following the distant tink and clatter of little hammers at work, the heavy sigh of a dragon in the caves. Link settled in and squeezed their arm once, reassuring, and they squeezed his back with a smoke-rough laugh.
"Finally got yourself some muscles, brat? Demon necks have to be stiff stuff, with how fuckin' stubborn they are. The goddess-blood better've given you some fuckin' food after all that shit- did they?" Their hold shifted, shouldering through a vine curtain into a room with the particular bitter tang of demon meat, little wings chiming through pantries and cabinets. Dropping Link unceremoniously onto a bench where he could blink sleepily, the master of the hollow grabbed his chin to give him a severe golden-eyed look, ragged gauzy wings shuffling behind them. They gave his cheek a pinch and watched the skin shift while he swatted vaguely at them.
The fairy turned to chitter at the swarming pixies who'd finally noticed their wayward brother, the clink of loose metal shavings in a bucket rather than the silvery ripple Link grew familiar with in other lands. The other Great Mothers might have been thready and faint, but the dialect had still been clear. Beautiful, even hypnotic. But never as comforting as this, an accent like rough brown bread and boots scuffing at a threshold. Stars, never like this.
The fairy smacked the top of his head lightly, frowning. "Brat? You alive?"
"Mmhm." He stretched a little, propped an elbow on the table. "Great Mother Lovelace, I've been... everywhere. And done everything. I think I've earned a magic five-hundred-year coma. Can you do that?"
"Only if you eat for it boy, you'd waste away in the first six months." Lovelace shoved a bit of jerky under his nose, and watched him steal it with his teeth, frowning. "I taught you how to butcher demons, didn't I? Why can I hammer out a song on your ribs? You look like a goddamn harp, all sinew an' frame. Where's the rest of you?"
He shrugged.
Lovelace shoved a bowl of dried apples under his nose.
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splinter-cat · 2 years
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Got the boys painted today and took some impromptu pictures for Faedom Week 2022!
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fallloverfic · 2 years
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Rating: Mature
Fandom: Fae Tales - not_poignant
Relationship: Gwyn ap Nudd/Augus Each Uisge
Tags: Gwyn ap Nudd, Augus Each Uisge, Gulvi Dubna Vajat, Ash Glashtyn, Original Characters, The Raven Prince, Fluri the Mouse Maiden, The Nightingale, What If, Friendship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Injury Recovery, Rescue Missions, one-sided pining
Summary: When Seelie General Gwyn ap Nudd learns through his friend Gulvi Dubna Vajat of Ash Glashtyn’s desperation to find his missing brother, Augus Each Uisge, Gwyn wonders if everything really is okay with the fae everyone says is just on vacation, and goes to investigate.
"Found You", Chapter 1: Listen
For Faedom Week 2022, Day 1! Inspired by "Deeper into the Woods"!
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sirop-vert · 3 years
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sic-sempervirens · 3 years
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Sliding into Mermay on a technicality
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spyroforlife · 3 years
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chapter 18 of TIP 3 might have gotten me right in the feels
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patchw9rk · 4 years
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Fae Tales fans, come get y'all's meme juice
Bonus : Then Perish but with kelp
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Hey Ash I don’t think i’ve ever(???) doodled you but thanks for being a little fun time harbinger for my selfish purposes
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not-poignant · 3 months
For the character ask game! 2. Favorite canon thing about this character? for The Glashtyn 12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? For Mikkel (He's one of my favorite characters of yours btw. I still think about him a lot) 24. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? For Crielle
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? - The Glashtyn
That his sadism and cruelty are so joyful, and that he really is in his element when he's being an absolute bastard of a waterhorse. He's way more jocular about his sadism than Augus is!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? - Mikkel
Oh Mikkel, I love him so much.
The headcanon I have for this character is simply that he was comforted by his decision to sacrifice himself in The Court of Five Thrones. There was no option for him where he could have had a happy ending in that world, he came on board already doomed, and he's always behaved as though he's known it.
And so to me, even though this could never be made explicit because he couldn't say in the story, his choice to be a true hero right at the end gave him a hope he'd never been able to find for himself in the past. I still wish he hadn't died, and it made me realise I don't really like writing character deaths for beloved characters that are permanent, but I do take heart in knowing he never would have allowed any other option, and he made his choice freely, and that in that moment, it was a positive choice for him.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? - Crielle
I feel like I want to save everyone from Crielle
*cackles evilly*
Oh who am I kidding, lol, she's a great villain.
I don't know what else I'd put her in though, because I don't really think this way. My brain doesn't go 'what would happen if I put this character in this universe.' That's why... I can't actually answer these questions most of the time when people ask me even about inserting my characters into other universes that I created.
Idk where Crielle really belongs. I mean I'd put her in a book, in anime, in movies, etc. I don't know which ones though, and she obviously wouldn't suit all genres or styles of story. I wish there were more characters like her in the world, but I don't know where to put her! Only that I wish there were more Crielle-type characters in the world.
From the character meme!
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freyadragonlord · 5 years
Someone: I’d die for you... (The Ice Plague - Book 2 Edition)
Then Perish: Augus
You will: Gwyn, Mosk
Please don’t: Julvia, Ondine
Cool: The Raven Prince
I’d die for you first: Eran, Ash
@not-poignant I don’t know if this has been done before but...
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grimalkinmessor · 6 years
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I did some of @not-poignant 's Fae Tales children. Seriously, it's like drawing without the effort. Not sponsored or anything, but I finally have no need to buy fuckin' brushes from ibis. (I tried to multicolor Ash's hair, not sure I succeeded) No waterweed, sorry Augus.
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invisiblejune · 6 years
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References for the five thrones of the original work of @not-poignant​ Fae Tales Verse. In order, from top-left to bottom-right: Gwyn, Augus, Gulvi, Fenwrel and Ash.
Based on these references, i made some concepts for the thrones, that you can see here.
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fallloverfic · 2 years
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Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Fae Tales - not_poignant
Pairing: Gwyn ap Nudd/Augus Each Uisge, Gwyn ap Nudd & Gulvi Dubna Vajat
Tags: Gwyn ap Nudd, Augus Each Uisge, Gulvi Dubna Vajat, Ash Glashtyn, Original Character, The Raven Prince, Fluri the Mouse-Maiden, The Nightingale, What If, Friendship is magic, Angst with a Happy Ending, Injury Recovery, Rescue Missions, one-sided pining, fix-it fic, non-con medical procedures, implied torture, hurt/comfort
Summary: When Seelie General Gwyn ap Nudd learns through his friend Gulvi Dubna Vajat of Ash Glashtyn’s desperation to find his missing brother, Augus Each Uisge, Gwyn wonders if everything really is okay with the fae everyone says is just on vacation, and goes to investigate.
"Found You", Chapter 3: Learn
Gwyn convalesces in the Unseelie Court, and learns what happened while he was resting.
For Faedom Week 2022, Day 4 @poigdomevents! Inspired by "The Court of Five Thrones"!
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big-buff-goth · 7 years
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For @not-poignant <3 Thank you for your amazing stories.
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