#Ashleigh's randomness
tokyicons · 9 months
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missunderstoodxoxo · 4 months
Okay, now that Scott is eliminated (because I accidentally clicked on him on the last poll, so he and Stiles got tied for second instead of Stiles and Isaac for first) for Ashleigh-
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editfandom · 8 months
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Ashleigh - American Horror Story: Delicate, S12E04
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gt-icons · 8 months
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pokemon-ash-aus · 18 days
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So i went around looking for Pikachu OC's to draw, chose a bunch of random ones that i found!
Granted, it was harder to find then i expected XD
I tried to check if everyone was cool with the fanart, but if you arent, feel free to let me know and i'll take your Chu down!
Lucky - @kingspacebar
Ashleigh - @dailyashleighraichu (i mispelled her name, so sorry!)
Kronos - @daily-pikachu
Flake - @flake-n-rudy
Ace - @plushy-draws
Linn - @asking-paradise
Petunia - @the-last-of-alto-mare
I just really like drawing Pikachu's :3
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daistea · 2 days
is mithrun not named after mithril (the metal)? those words are way too similar to be in the same universe and not related. so this bitch is named after a rock. this bitch is like a poor child from utah being named after a random noun and then -lyn or -leigh at the end. this bitch name is Lakelyn. this bitch name is Ivoreigh. Gemley. Rustyn. Steeleigh.
As much as I appreciate this sentiment, in the end it’s really more of a translation thing, I think? Maybe someone who reads Japanese can tell us whether Mithrun’s name in Japanese is supposed to reference mithral— it tracks bc his eye color and ya know.. fantasy setting. But idk 🤷‍♀️ I know nothing
Anyway, him having a name in the same vein as Rayleigh or Ashleigh is so fitting with his old self, it hurts
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
Official statement from Ashleigh
"it's unfortunate to hear about the incidents and the challenges you faced, as well as the negative impact on customers' expectations of an “autism-friendly, accessible, and inclusive market space” - Whilst an autism-friendly market is a great concept and I have used services like this before, it is not a service that we provide or advertise at Barras Market."
the "incidents" in question are physical injury and disabled customers becoming trapped
her email address is [email protected]
go nuts
Oh, and if I don't open up this weekend whilst I'm on the other side of the city I'm getting chucked out anyway. So babs will be running my stall with zero (0) display units and a random pile of pride keychains. After all that's better than a nice neat closed curtain right? Malicious compliance, bitch.
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opalsiren · 3 months
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found a random bts photo of ashleigh brewer as gracie scrolling through pinterest (left), pic on right is a screenshot from the show with the same costuming and make-up. i've never seen the left one before and i love finding rare h2o pics esp of the 1950s mermaids!!! it's not on the h2o wiki, nor did it yield any results via reverse google image search except for the aforementioned pinterest source
it looks like it was cropped from a larger photo with a watermark so if any h2o historian could find the original i'd be eternally grateful 🙏
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The Tour VIII
Warning: swearing, making out
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The days after your night with Colson were hectic. Between concerts, PR and bus life, you didn’t have a moment of privacy to actually talk and it was driving you crazy. Any moment of distraction that Colson got, he’d stroke his hand over your lower back, whisper something dirty in your ear, watch you from across the room while you goofed off with Rook or talked fashion with Sophie and Ashleigh.
By the time the bus stopped in Texas, you were fairly sure, you were going to lose it in an extreme way. Images of you screaming ‘COLSON AND I FUCKED’ across a crowded room flashed in your mind multiple times and you had to try hard to push the intrusive thoughts down. 
When the bus came to a complete stop, you were out the doors, gasping for breath. The air was humid and your skin instantly sheened with sweat. The bus was parked in a lot outside the venue and there was a crowd of people behind a fence screaming and calling out to Colson and the band. You used the distraction to slip away, walking in a random direction away from the crowd everyone else was heading towards. You pulled your phone out, searching for a 7/11 or Starbucks you could hide out in for a couple of hours.
Everyone else was going to soundcheck so you knew you had plenty of alone time. Ashleigh called once and Sophie sent you a text, both of them worried you’d just taken off without saying anything. You shot Sophie a quick reply that you told them you were going for a walk but that they mustn’t have heard you over the crowd.
When you stumble into a half empty Starbucks, you’re relieved to feel the AC hitting your skin. You order a coffee and slip into a booth in the back, trying to be unambiguous and small. You scroll through your phone as a young girl drops your order at the table. You regret not ordering something to eat when your stomach grumbles.
When was the last time I ate?
You were spending so much time trying to act ‘normal’ around Colson in front of everyone else that it was throwing off your whole routine. You were constantly on edge, your stomach in knots, that the thought of eating made you feel nauseous. You were struggling to sleep at night, knowing here was just a few feet away from you. The constant movement of the bus and Rook’s snoring didn’t help that either but you were sure it had more to do with Colson.
When another body slips into the booth across from you, you jump slightly. Looking up, you see Colson’s eyes scrutinising your face intently. His jaw is tense and his knuckles are white as he clenches his fists on the table. He doesn’t say anything straight away. Instead, he reaches across and swipes your coffee cup up off the table and takes a sip, watching you the whole time. You’re not sure why but the exchange feels…intimate.
“Wanna tell me why you ran off?” Colson asks, his tension slipping right back into place as he puts your coffee back in front of you.
“I didn’t, I told Ashleigh and Soph I was going for a walk but no one heard-” you start to give him the same excuse but he cuts you off.
“Don’t insult me with that bullshit story. Y-you can’t just take off like that anymore. People know who you are now,” he inhales a deep breath before continuing, “it’s dangerous for you to just slip away, alone.” 
He sounded almost worried by the thought, like big bad people were lurking behind every corner just waiting for you to be alone so they could pounce. 
“People have absolutely no idea who I am,” you laugh at the absurdity of his suggestion.
“Look the fuck around,” he growls under his breath.
For the first time since you walked into the Starbucks, you actually look up at the few other people inside. Everyone is watching you two from the corner of your eye. The barista, server and waitress are all making quick glances from behind the register. A few groups are watching you, talking quietly as they stare. One girl even has her phone half hidden, half obvious, pointed at the two of you like she’s filming. You blush and look back at Colson, that nauseous feeling back in the pit of your stomach but you brush his claim away.
“They’re only looking because you’re in here,” you whisper low at him and he rolls his eyes.
“They were already staring before I walked in, you were just too oblivious to notice.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes but you don’t back chat. You know that you were too wrapped in your own thoughts to pay too much attention to the people around you. You just wanted to get away, no matter what. You take a deep breath and sip your now half cold coffee. You lean back in your seat, not realising how close you’d gotten to Colson as you’d talked. You pick at your cuticles nervously. This is the first time since that night that you two have been alone and the notion is not lost on you. 
There’s a lot you want to say to him but you don’t know where to start. Your mind is such a jumbled hot mess that you’re worried everything would come out as an uncontrollable ramble. You’re saved by the sound of Colson’s phone ringing, breaking through the silence.
“What?” he groans into the phone and the tension appears back on his face. “Yes, we’re heading back now Ash. Chill the fuck out.”
Colson talks and stands at the same time. You follow, about to dump your half finished coffee when he snatches it from your hand and gulps it down. He continues to talk to Ashleigh as you head back to the venue, the Texas heat practically drowning you in sweat. You don’t even want to know what it’s doing to your hair. You pull it away from your face and secure it with a scrunchie. 
When you make it back to the venue, Ashleigh chews Colson out about skipping out on soundcheck and then at you for sneaking off by yourself. You’re annoyed by the assumption that you can’t take care of yourself but you keep your mouth shut as you notice how red Ash’s face is. She doesn’t often get angry but when she does, you can read it all over her face. 
Soundcheck starts and Ashleigh is busy with the organisers backstage so you’re left to your own devices. You sit on the floor where the mosh pit would be and listen to the show in its speeded up version. Colson doesn’t play any song in its entirety, just moving through the setlist, playing bits and pieces of songs, listening for any issues, while the sound guy cues all the instruments and mics at the right time. 
You don’t miss the fact that Colson watches you the whole time he sings and you’re pretty sure everyone else notices as well. As soundcheck comes to an end, Colson jumps off stage and joins you on the floor, lying back to stare up at the ginormous ceiling. It's one thing to perform at all but the fact that he sells out stadiums is so damn impressive, it takes your breath away.
“So, what’d ya think of the set?” he asks you without looking at your face. You can feel everyone else staring at the two of you and it makes your skin crawl.
“Can we go somewhere private to talk?” you blurt out and he finally looks at you, his eyebrows raised. 
He nods and pulls you up off the ground, leading you to the empty green room, locking the door behind you. Before you can speak, his lips are on yours and he’s pressed you up against the wall. You moan into his kiss, allowing his tongue access to your mouth. You run your fingers through his hair, pulling roughly at his roots. He growls and bites your bottom lip but doesn’t pull away.
You wanted to talk, remember?
You suddenly remember that a secret makeout session was not your original intention for going somewhere private. You pull away, which is hard to do considering you’re pressed against the door but you manage to duck out of the way of his lips for a second.
“Wait,” you beg breathlessly and his eyebrows scrunch together.
“Why? No one will come in here, I promise,” he tells you, brushing his lips against your heated skin.
“No, I just…I wanted…to talk to you,” you manage to get out between kisses and Colson finally pulls away from you.
He walks over to the sofa and sprawls out across the cushions. You take a few soothing breaths, your pulse hammering against your skin. You run a hand over your neck and sit down on the floor opposite Colson. He frowns when you don’t take the spot next to him but he recovers quickly, manspreading further than he already was. You hug your knees to your chest and try to find a coherent thought to start with. 
“About the other night,” you start with, hoping the words come to you as you speak. “It was…”
“Fucking incredible?” Colson interrupts and you blush.
No one has ever described sex with you as incredible before. The fact that someone with his…experience would use that word is nothing short of flattering, even if it is crude when you really think about it.
“Wasn’t what I was going to say but ok. I just think maybe we should talk about it, you know like what it meant and if it will happen again and some ground rules if it is going to happen again.”
“You want to make ground rules for sex?” he looks at incredulously and you realise how ridiculous it sounds now that it’s repeated back.
“I…I don’t know. I’ve never done something like this before, so I’m not sure how it’s meant to work. The only guys I’ve ever had sex with have been boyfriends who I’ve been in a committed, trusting relationship with. I’ve never had a fuck buddy,” you whisper the last part, embarrassed by it for some reason. He bristles at the label you’ve given the two of you and you doubt your description.
“I don’t see the fucking point,” he grumbles and stands abruptly.
“DON’T FUCKING DO THAT!” you bellow at him as he heads for the door, trying to end the conversation. He stops dead in tracks, turning to stare at you with wide eyes.
“Firstly, you don’t have to scream, you wouldn’t want anyone to hear you,” he spits and for some reason it feels like he means something else than what he’s saying. “Secondly, what am I doing?”
“Assuming that because you don’t want to have a conversation that that makes it over. Don’t run away just because you’re uncomfortable. If you have something to say, just say it so we can move past it.”
“Ok, fine. You want everything out in the open?” you nod and he scowls down at you. “I’m not interested in some high school fuck buddy situation. We had sex twice, it was great, let's move on.”
Whatever you were expecting him to say, that definitely wasn’t it. You’re not sure why it hurts so much but the feeling of rejection that seeps in is suffocating. When you don’t say anything back, Colson simply shrugs and slips out the door, leaving you to stand there and pick your ego, jaw and bits of your heart off the floor.
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seeingghosstz · 9 months
AREGGG I need to ramble/infodump about brokengravity (Horizon x Ash/ Ashleigh Reid) and how queer coded their relationship was. Starting from the earliest bits I can (relatively easily find, there is so much more.)
- not truely hinting that they were gay lovers lmao, but a nice note that in the S7 loading screen “Me, Myself, and regret” Mary mentions how she baked her secret recipe scones and Ashleigh ATE THEM UP. Absolutely devoured them.
-Also!! In “Me, Myself, and regret” Mary (while mocking Reid) says “Must come in handy while patching up *loved ones* after you stab them in the back” you do NOT!! Call your lab assistant a loved one unless you have some more relation to them rather than work.
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Now moving on to Ashleighs SFTO, theres a LOT more from Ashleighs pov that show how close they were.
-in the VERY first scene, Ashleigh tells Newton (Marys son) to “take the night off” before telling the mercenaries shes working for that its clear. She didn’t save anyone else but Newton when she doesnt have a reason to rather than **thats Marys son.**
-When shes getting turned into a sim, we hear Mary start talking. Out of all the people Reid has hurt, which is a lot, why Mary? In her final moments before becoming a sim???
-After Mary puts in the code for Ash, Ashleigh awakens and sees Mary again for the first time in 87 years. And her first reaction to a person she tried killing? Relief. Relief shes okay and alive.
She has had no reason to care for this woman the amount that she has JUST SO FAR rather than they used to work together. BUT
-When Ashleigh gets her heirloom, the nunchucks, they aren’t as random as people think. it was Newtons. He gave that to her after admitting he begged his grandma for it after he saw HER use it and got inspired. Also! She let him tag along with her to the gym after Mary had ‘died’. So….
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- In the same comic thing, after Newton leaves she says:
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She wishes she couldve met Mary differently. In some way that Mary wouldn’t have been in the target of her mercenary group.
There is so much more stuff but I have not gone to bed and i am TIRED and don’t feel like digging to find the aforementioned comic thing.
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wattsbaby · 2 years
mirage, ash, octane and lifeline with a gf being harassed for having OF
tags: misogyny, supportive! legends, emotional hurt/comfort, murder (ash), protective behaviours
he's head over heels for you
adores your line of work too, he's almost your main provider
elliott is very upset when he starts seeing comments under his posts with you in them, they would shame your career and call you nasty things
immediately gets his pr team to laser all of those comments off the face of the world, starts blacklisting insults on his posts because he knows you see them
comfort for him is literally cuddles and good food, so he orders your favourite foods and cuddles with you all night
assures you that your job is nothing to be ashamed of, especially if you enjoy it
hears snide comments behind your back
thinks they are very disrespectful, if they had something to say, they could at least say it to your face
ash is angry, very angry, whereas leigh wants to comfort you
those people are gone without any word, never to be seen again; and ash relishes each kill
you dont get too concerned when they disappear, and give them a soft smile when they return
they dont tell you, yet ash is extra protective and leigh is very clingy
they take time to compliment your outfits and costumes for your posts, view your work over your shoulder, and gently runs their fingers over your cheeks as they admire your makeup
leigh feels like she's falling in love all over again, and ash does too she's just less emotional about it
some random guy started making rash assumptions about both you AND tavi during a livestream
octavio is relaxed, not instantly banning the person, making a few jokes and trying to move on
you were visible in the background, relaxing and enjoying some mutual time with your boyfriend as he streams
the commentor starts focusing you, assuming you had an OnlyFans, which you did, and started calling you all sorts of names
tavi reads out a few comments to you, and you both laugh openly and make fun of the guy
tavi doesn't hesitate to defend you, even flexing that you're in the top 100 creators and pulled in a lot of cash for yourself
the guy gets banned soon after, and all octane-fans around the world flux to defend and support you
he and his community have your back until the end
you just stopped by to drop off lunch at the medical bay, giving her a soft kiss
the guy she's treating recognises you and immediately starts badmouthing you after you leave
ajay snarls a little, but does her best to keep composed
starts defending you avidly, and almost kicked the guy out- yet shes the bigger person
"ey, shes pulling in fair cash and likes her job. give her some respect."
the guy falls silent after a while, yet ajay is visibly irate
gives you extra pampering and love when she gets home
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missunderstoodxoxo · 4 months
Ashleigh Dennison intro post
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agathazinha2009 · 7 months
So, everyone in Dinotrux fandom have the Main Au and random Aus right?
I love alternative Universes, the not main ones especifically. I have Two alternative Au besides the Main one. The first is a Swapped, The villains are Heros, and Heros are villains. and the Second is the Dinotrux x My little pony Au, Why? cause half Dinotrux voice actors also act in Mlp(Ashleigh Ball, Matt hill, Andrew Francis), In my head, Dinotrux and Mlp are like a alternative universe of each other lmao deal with this.
Now, What are you guys alternative Au besides the main one?
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allfortheslay25 · 1 year
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Allison and her babies✨
Ashleigh and Toby are three years apart, Toby being the older one, and they grew up as child models for most of Allison’s early fashion line
When they were teenagers they dabbled in a couple of random hobbies that never became passions. But since Allison is so rich and the Reynolds name just keeps getting richer, they never had to go to college until they could figure out what they wanted to do with their lives
At 21, Toby is very interested in the charity part of Allison’s work and all the funding projects. He later gets inspired by Allison’s funds to the Palmetto Fox team and tries to find a similar college exy team to invest in.
Unfortunately, the new Raven team has been in near shambles because they’ve reinstated themselves in exy and Toby thinks they’re a smart choice for his time and money.
This doesn’t go well with Allison who’s still bitter about the past Ravens back in her day. In the end, Toby wins the argument and proves the difference in the Ravens from the Moriyama reign to now
Meanwhile Ashleigh just spends her days being a part time influencer on social medias
Random Fun Fact:
Toby has had a crush on Amalia Day since they were children. She finally gave him the time of day (I think I’m funny with that one) when they both turned 18 and had a joint birthday party. It was the first time she’d kissed him. They started dating from then on
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
The first proper trailer for Sonic Prime came out yesterday, as I'm sure you've all heard. I've gotten several messages asking me my thoughts, so... here's some thoughts! Thoughts on how the show's looking, and a certain bat whose presence is somehow the biggest news to me.
First off? This looks phenomenal, visually speaking. I'm kind of in awe of how good the visuals in CGI cartoons are getting. The scenery looks great. The characters move so fluidly. Everything's beautifully lit. I could go on and on. I wish the in-engine game cutscenes had animation half this good.
I continue to be pleased with how slavishly faithful to the games the main universe is - to the point that they're saying this is, in fact, just set in the game universe. Yeah, we're all getting tired of Green Hill Zone, but we've never had a cartoon that was this faithful. The closest we got was Sonic X, which I like, but it's hard to look at any random episode about Sonic having to save the extensive human cast from another generic robot and say it really has the feel of the games. Seeing Sonic and co. fight some classic Badniks in a cartoon with (mostly) their normal designs feels special after all these years of never quite getting that.
That slavish faithfulness to the classic iconography also makes the differences with the multiverse stuff hit harder, and thank GOD they're finally showing some of that. This teaser is pitching it as a show about Sonic meeting alternate timeline versions of his friends who form an underground resistance against the Eggman Empire (funny how the franchise keeps finding itself back in Freedom Fighter territory), which is fun and all. Tall cyborg Amy! A version of Tails who can walk like a spider on a set of robotic kitsune tails! Hell yeah! But if the synopsis blurbs about a "multiverse" and "new worlds" and that pile of leaked concept art from a year and a half ago are anything to go off of, this is presumably only the first of multiple alternate worlds that we'll be seeing. I'm very excited to see more of them!
We also hear a little more from the new voice cast. Brian Drummond is kinda doing his own thing with Eggman. I like it. It sounds compatible with the usual Mike Pollock take without aping it 1:1. He seems maybe a little more sinister here, which fits what we've seen so far from this take on Eggman. And Deven Mack still sounds great as Sonic, although I kind of wonder if he's being instructed to sound like Roger since the delivery in what we've heard so far is pretty similar. I get that desire for consistency, but I hope he's able to inject a bit more of his own spin on Sonic in the full show, even if it's supposed to technically be the same Sonic as Roger's.
Meanwhile, the roles for the rest of the main voice cast have been confirmed elsewhere, and they mostly match up with what I expected because these casting choices just make perfect sense. I already know Shannon Chan-Kent, known primarily for playing Misa in Death Note and Pinkie Pie's singing voice (and Smolder) in MLP, is perfect casting for Amy. Ashleigh Ball's one brief line as Tails sounds a lot like her Rainbow Dash voice, but like... hey, it fits! I'm excited to hear more from her. And Knuckles... well, I don't know his VA as well and also he has no lines in this trailer.
But by now y'all know which characters I stan the most, and you know what I'm gonna be excited about. The big surprise here is the fact that Rouge is on the main cast. The main cast.
The cast posters revealed that she was in the show, which was big enough news, but then the trailer drops and she's on the damn team. Every hero team in a kids' show needs three boys and two girls, and this time they rounded out the group with Rouge. AND she's being voiced by Kazumi Evans, yet another MLP alum on this show - this time Rarity's singing voice and the voice of Adagio Dazzle in Equestria Girls. I don't even need to hear any lines, I know that's another perfect fit.
I'm just shocked. Rouge hasn't been in a TV series in almost two decades since she was kept out of Boom, robbing us of the "Rouge somehow ropes Team Sonic into doing a goofy heist with her" episode the world deserved. Ian's even said that he pitched some ideas for Boom Rouge after being asked to pitch more Boom-ified game characters, but it went nowhere. While she's continued to show up in the comics and (to a lesser extent) the games due to her fan favorite status, it's kind of felt like she was being swept under the rug. Fewer major story appearances than in the '00s, not much merch, it took them until the fifth Mario & Sonic game to make her playable. And she's probably seen as less broadly marketable as a mascot character because of... well, two big reasons.
And so, understandably, Rouge is here with a new outfit that covers those two big reasons up more than usual.
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Yeah as a Rouge fan, a person who's talked at length about the fanservice in Archie Sonic, and a sapphic furry artist, I can't avoid talking about this stuff lol
I mostly like the new outfit and think it was a smart call. We can have lots of nuanced discussions about objectification and sexual liberation and the fact that seeing some cleavage isn't gonna kill you and how being the flirty femme fatale is a core part of Rouge's character and whether that's objectifying or empowering and all the other things that get brought up every time a new Bayonetta game comes out. But at the end of the day their main audience is 8-year-olds, and because of that I really can't blame them for dressing Rouge slightly more modestly. I've always loved Rouge as a character the way she already is, but people (particularly non-fans, and also just... Sonic fans who aren't also furries lol) often write her off as "that weird bat lady with the tits that people are really horny for." Hopefully the writing will show non-comic readers that she's a genuinely fun character when used well as a foil to the rest of the cast, and hopefully her new outfit(s) will allow people to focus on that.
I do think something's a little off with the new outfit, though, even if I think it looks solid overall. Is it just that the heart motif is more abstract and less of a central focus here? That might be part of it. Maybe the suit just looks slightly overdesigned next to Team Sonic. Unsurprisingly I've also already seen multiple pieces of fanart giving this outfit a boob window, with one arguing that showing more of her skin tone on her torso gives the design better color balance, and... yeah, on that level I do kinda agree lol. Although I think a similar balance could be achieved just by having her upper arms be exposed or something. (Which is a feature on her bad timeline counterpart's outfit!) But, yeah, overall I do think I like it.
I also don't think they actually made her boobs smaller compared to most of her modern appearances despite the many, many, MANY claims to the contrary but I am not getting into that debate lol. Also she's literally still wearing a skintight catsuit and doing cool flying kicks you are not allowed to say they made her less hot
The fact that they're putting Rouge front and center has me VERY curious about her future prospects in the movie universe, though, given the particular projects currently in the works. To me, this makes it seem WAY more likely than it previously did. But who knows?
Uhhh anyway yeah the show looks good. I like pretty much everything we've seen so far. I like basically all of the previous Sonic cartoons except Underground to some extent, but if they stick the landing with this one then it seems like it'll pretty easily be the best one. I guess it's kinda lame that they made Sonic say "gotta go fast" in the trailer, but idk, it's a modern Sonic project, they gotta pay the obligatory lame meme toll. I am mostly fixated on Rouge because she's one of my favorite characters and her being on the main team is somehow the biggest curveball this show's previews have thrown so far, like seriously what.
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hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
Ours | Chapter 11
Colson x Presley (Original Female Character)
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Synopsis: Presley and Colson fell in love accidentally, but they were meant to be. Now that all the obstacles have been removed, they're moving in together in LA. Now, they have all the time in the world for Colson to teach Presley all of the things he knows. This fic is the sequel to Mine, which can be found in my masterlist!
Warnings/Content: The angst is coming y'all...please be prepared for BIG content warnings. Alleged domestic abuse, vomiting, panic attacks, BIG feelings, swearing
A week or so before Presley and I got married, Slim asked me a weird question. He asked if I was over Megan.
My knee jerk reaction was to scoff and tell him, “Of course I am.” But now I’m not so sure.
I have zero residual feelings for her. Presley takes up 100% of my heart. Even just looking at Megan repulses me sometimes. But will I ever be over the things she did, the way she made me feel? The way she broke my heart and made me feel small and worthless?
No. I’m not sure I’ll ever get over that. Especially when she can’t let go of me.
Presley and I have been married a week when it happens.
I had an interview this morning and now the two of us are on the couch, snuggled up together. Presley is dozing in my arms as a cheesy scary movie plays softly on the TV. I’m almost drowsing myself when my phone buzzes loudly on the coffee table, startling both of us. It’s a phone call. Presley leans forward and grabs my phone, handing it to me.
I frown when I see Ashleigh’s name on the screen. It’s a random time for Ash to be calling, but I answer anyway. “Ash,” I say.
“Kells.” Her voice is a little wary, cautious. My spine stiffens and Presley pulls away, looking at me with concern in her eyes. 
“What’s going on?” I ask sharply. I put the phone on speaker. 
Ashleigh sighs. “You…you don’t follow Megan on Instagram, do you?”
A sick feeling twists in my stomach and I swallow it down. “I blocked her forever ago. Why?”
“Colson, I’m going to send you a screenshot. I need you to breathe before you do anything. We’re going to get it figured out,” she says. “Presley, are you there?”
“I’m here,” Presley answers quickly.
“Can you make sure he doesn’t lose his shit?” Ashleigh asks.
Angry, I glare at the phone, but then the screenshot comes through and all the anger at Ashleigh drains and is replaced by a fear that turns all the blood in my veins to ice.
The screenshot is a picture of a bruise. Megan’s face isn’t in the picture so it’s impossible to tell when it was taken. The focus of the photo is the large, hand-shaped bruise around her upper arm. My mouth dries out as my eyes flick down to read the caption.
I’ve been quiet too long about what happened to me almost two years ago.
My ex got married recently. He gets to live his perfect fairytale life while I fight every single day to 
heal from what he put me through. Bruises heal but emotional trauma doesn’t heal as easily. 
For a year of my life, I was abused at the hands of Colson Baker, aka Machine Gun Kelly. The things 
he did to me are horrific, unspeakable. I tried to warn his now wife, but she didn’t listen, just like I 
didn’t. This is how I heal, by posting it for others to see. Domestic abuse is real and it happens to 
people all the time. I refuse to suffer in silence anymore. 
By the time I read the last word, Presley has already grabbed a trash can and the contents of my stomach fill it. Even after my stomach is empty, I keep gagging. Ashleigh has gone quiet. Presley is silent, her hand rubbing circles on my back. This has to be a nightmare. There’s no way this is really happening to me.
Ashleigh hangs up after a while and Presley whisks the trash can out of the room. I sit on the couch, covered in sweat and shivering at the same time. One Instagram post and my career is over. My life is over. There’s no coming back from something like this. 
My phone is blowing up and I silently power it off, attempting to set it on the coffee table, but my hands are shaking so hard that it tumbles to the floor. I can vaguely hear Presley saying my name but my ears are ringing, the sound of waves rushing so loudly that nothing else feels real. And then, everything is black.
When I wake up again, there’s a sour taste in my mouth and I can tell I’m horizontal. I open my eyes but my head hurts, and all at once, it slams into me, what happened. Nausea rolls over me again but I breathe against it. I will not throw up again. It’s dark where I lie on the couch in the living room, but I can hear voices from the kitchen. 
“...defamation?” Presley.
“...can…that, but…reputation.” A voice I vaguely recognize. I rub my eyes, trying to focus on what they’re saying, but I can’t completely make it out. Who is here? 
I stifle a groan as I roll off the couch. Nausea washes over me again and I close my eyes, steadying myself on the arm of the couch before shuffling into the kitchen. I’m surprised when I see that the kitchen is full. Ashleigh and Presley sit at the dining room table with my lawyer, a short dude with a head of thick blonde hair. Olivia, Cash, Slim, Baze, and Rook sit around the island, everyone looking sick and stricken with worry.
“Kells,” Slim says when he sees me, jumping to his feet. He rushes over to me and pulls me into a tight hug. I let myself be held.
When he lets me go, Presley is by my side, and all I want to do is fall into her. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in and my eyes sting with tears. Does she believe Megan? What will I do if Presley is convinced I’m an abuser? I never laid a nonconsensual hand on Megan. I won’t even get into all the times she slapped me because that doesn’t seem to count as abuse. I choke on a sob and Presley just holds me tighter, whispering quiet assurances in my ear. She holds me until I somewhat compose myself, and when I pull back, my lawyer is on his feet, walking towards me. 
“Mr. Baker,” he says, shaking my hand. “We’re going to fix this. I swear to you.”
I can’t seem to find my voice. I stumble over to the dining room and take a seat. My lawyer explains to me what he plans to do. We’re going to sue Megan for defamation. He prattles on about how there’s no proof, about how she never reported abuse during our relationship so nothing is concrete. He assures me that we’ll win, that we’ll run Megan dry of her money. But all I can think is that the world is going to think I’m an abuser.
Things got a lot better in the media for me when Presley and I got together. The media was happy to see me with a beautiful, talented girl. It seemed like opinions were finally starting to change.
But Megan can’t let me be happy without her. 
I should’ve seen this coming. 
And now it’s too late.
I sit up in bed waiting for Colson to come out of the bathroom.
He’s been in there for a long time, pushing half an hour. I don’t like that he’s hiding from me, that he isn’t allowing me to comfort him, but at the same time, I don’t want to push him. I glance at my phone; 2:09 AM. 
As I sit there worrying, it comes to me out of nowhere: Colson is scared I believe Megan.
With my heart in my throat, I scramble to my feet and go to the bathroom, placing my palm against the door. “Colson,” I say.
A sniffle that breaks my heart. “Yeah?”
“Let me in.”
“It’s unlocked.”
I swallow hard and open the door. He’s sitting on the closed toilet lid, head hanging down. He looks so broken that tears spring to my eyes. I go over to him and squat down in front of him. Reluctantly, he looks at me with red rimmed blue eyes. I’ve never seen him look so sad and it practically rips my heart from my chest.
“Hey,” I say softly, cupping his cheek. He leans into my touch. “Will you please come to bed?”
Colson sniffs and closes his eyes. His lip trembles a little and I want to go to Megan’s house right now and fucking throttle her. I keep the anger at bay, though. Finally, Colson nods. I take his hand and lead him to our bed, crawling in before him. He slides under the covers and I pull his head to my chest.
We’re quiet for a few minutes, my fingers running through his hair. He’s trembling. “Cols?” I whisper against his hairline. “You know I don’t believe her, right?”
Colson is silent for a long few moments. And then, he bursts into tears.
My eyes go wide. I’ve seen Colson cry, but never like this. His entire body is wracked with the strength of his sobs and my shirt is instantly soaked with his tears. I cling to him, pulling his body on top of mine. He clings to my waist, his head on my chest as he completely falls apart.
It’s a long time before the sobs subside into sniffles. I push his hair off his sweaty forehead and rub his back gently. “Baby,” I murmur. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? I believe you. I know who you are.”
“What if you change your mind?” he rasps. “Everyone seems to believe everyone else but me eventually.”
I shake my head. “That won’t happen. Do you trust me?”
“With my life.”
“Then trust that I won’t believe her,” I say, petting his hair. “Colson, I married you. I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t trust and love 100% of you. Okay?”
Colson nods after a moment, his body relaxing ever so slightly. He believes me. He knows I wouldn’t lie to him. He sighs. “What am I going to do?”
“Survive,” I murmur, kissing his head. “Let your lawyer handle it. Let your fans handle it.”
“They won’t believe me,” he says miserably. 
“Oh really?” I ask, reaching for my phone. It takes me seconds to pull up an Instagram account with over 700,000 followers with the handle, @WeSupportColson. The bio reads: EST stands with Colson. Megan is lying. We’re here to show Colson we believe him. 
“That’s real?” Colson croaks. “You didn’t make it?”
I chuckle. There’s my sweet boy, with his sense of humor. “It’s real, babe. You have so many people who stand with you and always will.”
Colson sighs. “If anyone thinks I’m an abuser it’s too much,” he mutters. “I’m a good person, Presley. Why does everyone fucking hate me so much?” He’s crying again. I shush him and squeeze him to my chest. I don’t reply. He’s exhausted and broken and not thinking logically. What he needs is sleep, and I’m going to hold him until he finds it.
We lie there for over an hour before Colson’s breathing finally evens out. I relax beneath him and continue to gently stroke his hair. I lie awake for another half an hour before deciding Colson is definitely asleep, and then I let my tired eyes close, too.
Taglist:@triplexdoublex@jaxbreaker@mgklove99xx@jinx-on-mars-19xx@iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @anonymousme86 @whiteleoqueen @feroniakutenpuu@hxllywoodwhxree
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