#Asp net core
atharvasys · 4 months
Asp net core web api with entity framework database 2024
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Compatibility with popular .NET frameworks with built-in connection with well-known ASP.NET Core framework, Entity Framework, and Microsoft.NET Framework are popular .NET frameworks. Extensions, Serilog is most frequently utilized within the .NET community.
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techyalexjain · 2 years
[Blog]What Is ASP.Net MVC, And How Is It Different From ASP.Net Core Development?
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There are many options available for web developers to create functional web applications and websites. They can click from a wide range of Open source technologies, and there are some popular licensed tools as well. Microsoft offers a number of licensed and free web development tools and frameworks for developers. Read the blog here at Blogger Delight(Imenso Software).
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ritika-25 · 9 days
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At Adequate Infosoft, we don't just build applications; we craft digital masterpieces. Our team of expert developers is dedicated to transforming your ideas into robust, scalable, and visually stunning ASP.NET applications that elevate your business to new heights.
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Exploring Custom .NET Development: Finding the Ideal Partner in India
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In the realm of software development, .NET stands out as a versatile framework renowned for its scalability, reliability, and robustness. For businesses seeking tailored solutions to address unique challenges, custom .NET development emerges as a strategic choice. In this article, we delve into the world of custom .NET development and guide you in selecting the ideal partner in India to bring your vision to life.
Understanding Custom .NET Development:
Custom .NET development involves the creation of bespoke software solutions tailored to meet specific business requirements. Whether it's building enterprise applications, web portals, or e-commerce platforms, custom .NET development empowers organizations to address their unique needs with precision and efficiency.
Choosing the Right Custom .NET Development Company:
Selecting the right custom .NET development company is paramount to the success of your project. In India, numerous companies offer .NET development services, but finding the perfect fit requires careful consideration. Look for companies with a proven track record of delivering exceptional custom solutions and a deep understanding of the .NET framework.
Exploring ASP.NET Development Services in India:
ASP.NET, a key component of the .NET framework, is widely used for building dynamic web applications and services. In India, several companies specialize in ASP.NET development services, catering to businesses of all sizes and industries. When evaluating ASP.NET development companies, consider factors such as expertise, experience, and the ability to deliver innovative solutions.
Identifying ASP.NET Core Development Companies:
ASP.NET Core, the latest iteration of the ASP.NET framework, offers enhanced performance, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility. As businesses increasingly adopt ASP.NET Core for their projects, the demand for specialized development companies in India is on the rise. Look for companies that stay updated with the latest technologies and possess expertise in ASP.NET Core development.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a .NET Development Company in India:
When evaluating .NET development companies in India, several factors warrant consideration. Assess the company's portfolio, technical expertise, industry experience, and client testimonials. Additionally, consider factors such as communication, transparency, and project management methodologies to ensure a smooth and successful collaboration.
The Benefits of Collaborating with a .NET Development Company in India:
Partnering with a .NET development company in India offers numerous advantages, including cost-effectiveness, access to a vast talent pool, and cultural compatibility. Indian companies are renowned for their technical prowess, innovation, and commitment to delivering high-quality solutions that meet global standards.
In conclusion, custom .NET development presents businesses with an opportunity to build tailored software solutions that address their unique needs and challenges. By partnering with a reputable .NET development company in India, organizations can leverage the expertise of skilled professionals and cutting-edge technologies to achieve their goals. Embrace the power of custom .NET development and embark on a journey of innovation and success.
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cmarixtechnolabs · 3 months
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harrywatson4u · 4 months
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ahex-technologies · 5 months
5 Reasons Why ASP.NET Core is the Perfect Choice for Your Next Web Project
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In the ever-evolving landscape of web development services, choosing the right  framework is crucial for the success of your project. One framework that stands out prominently in this realm is ASP.NET Core. With its versatility, performance, and  developer-friendly features, ASP.NET Core proves to be the perfect choice for your next web project. Here are five compelling reasons why:
1. Cross-Platform Compatibility
ASP.NET Core is designed with cross-platform development in mind. Whether you are targeting Windows, Linux, or macOS, ASP.NET Core development services ensures consistent performance across different operating systems. This flexibility  allows ASP.NET Core developers to choose the environment that best suits their needs, fostering a more inclusive and diverse development ecosystem.
2. High Performance and Scalability
Performance is a non-negotiable factor in web development services, and Asp.NET Core web application excels in this aspect. With its modular architecture and improved runtime, ASP.NET Core delivers superior speed and efficiency. The framework is optimized for high traffic scenarios and can handle concurrent requests with ease, making it an ideal choice for projects demanding scalability.
3. Modern Development Tools and Practices
.NET Core embraces modern development practices and tools, empowering developers to leverage the latest technologies. It supports containerization with Docker, integrates seamlessly with popular front-end frameworks like Angular and React, and allows for easy integration of DevOps practices. The inclusion of ASP.NET Core SignalR for real-time communication adds an extra layer of sophistication to your web applications.
4. Cross-Language Support
Developers are not confined to a single programming language with ASP.NET Core. The framework supports a variety of languages, including C#, F#, and Visual Basic, offering flexibility in choosing the language that aligns with your team's expertise. This cross-language support facilitates collaboration and allows developers to capitalize on their existing skills.
5. Open Source and Community-Driven
ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework, fostering collaboration and innovation within the developer community. This means that developers worldwide contribute to its enhancement and share valuable insights. The vast and active community ensures continuous updates, timely bug fixes, and a wealth of resources that can aid developers at every stage of their project. In conclusion, custom asp.net core solutions emerges as a top-tier choice for your next web project due to its cross-platform compatibility, high performance, modern development tools, cross-language support, and its open-source and community-driven nature. Embrace the power of.NET Core Development Expertise, and watch your web project thrive with efficiency and innovation. So, Optimize your project's success with AHEX Technology, a leading Asp.Net Core Development company. Tap into their expertise to unlock the full potential of ASP.NET Core for your development journey.
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techtinkerer · 10 months
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i4technolab · 10 months
ASP.Net vs ASP.Net Core. This article is about the differences between ASP.Net and ASP.Net Core. Here, you can get a comparison between ASP.Net and ASP.Net Core.
ASP.NET is a fundamental web development platform used to create websites, applications, and web services. It is the integration of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Originally ASP.net was released in 2002. The first version of Asp.Net deployed was 1.0. The Recent Version of Asp.Net is 4.6.
Looking to hire .NET developer for your next project?
Asp.Net works on HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and uses the HTTP commands and policies to set a browser-to-server bilateral communication.
ASP.NET is a part of the Microsoft .NET Framework. The following image shows the component stack.
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addwebsolution · 10 months
Unlocking Your Business Potential: The Top .NET CMS Platforms For Dynamic Websites
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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the top .NET CMS platforms that can unlock the full potential of your business and help you build dynamic, engaging websites. In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, having a reliable content management system is crucial for staying ahead of the competition and providing an exceptional online experience to your customers. A well-chosen platform can offer you the tools and flexibility to create, manage, and optimize content effortlessly, empowering your team to focus on delivering high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience. Whether you are a small business looking to establish your online presence or a large enterprise needing a scalable solution, these CMS platforms cater to various needs and provide a range of features to suit your requirements.
This guide will explore the most prominent platforms available today. By delving into their key features, scalability, ease of use, and support options, we aim to equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals. Join us in discovering the perfect .NET CMS platform to elevate your business to new heights and create a dynamic online presence through .NET Solutions that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Let's dive in!
Understanding the .NET CMS: Features and Benefits
A Content Management System (CMS) is advanced web software that empowers you to design, create, and publish various types of content on your website. This content is securely stored in a database and presented through customizable templates on the front end.
The CMS boasts remarkable features that streamline content creation and management:
1. Effortless Content Creation: With the CMS, you can easily create and format diverse types of content, ensuring it is visually appealing and engaging to your audience.
2. Centralized Content Storage: All your content is conveniently stored in a single location within the CMS, making it simple to manage and update without any hassle. 
3. Seamless Publishing: When you're ready to make your content live, the CMS allows you to publish it instantly, ensuring your audience receives the most current information.
The CMS significantly simplifies maintaining and updating your website's content, enabling you to focus on delivering valuable information to your visitors efficiently. By incorporating Workflow Management, the CMS grants your organization the ability to assign rights and responsibilities to authors, ensuring a smooth and collaborative content creation process.
Here are some of the remarkable benefits that a CMS can provide to your organization:
1. User-Friendly Interface: The CMS offers a user-friendly interface that empowers you to change your website's information without needing developer assistance or coding expertise. Even with limited technical experience, you can efficiently update and modify the content. 
2. Quick and Efficient Design Modifications: With the CMS, you can effortlessly and swiftly change the design of multiple pages. Utilizing templates further simplifies design changes, as adjustments to the template automatically apply to all relevant pages. This enhances the user experience for your visitors, providing a consistent and visually appealing website.
3. Unmatched Flexibility: The CMS streamlines website management by offering a single dashboard accessible from anywhere. This flexibility allows you to access and update your data from any location, ensuring your website remains up-to-date and relevant.
With Workflow Management and these outstanding benefits, the CMS becomes an invaluable tool, empowering your organization to deliver compelling content and provide an exceptional user experience for your audience.
Best .NET CMS platforms, along with their top features:
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Below are some of the best .NET CMS platforms, along with their top features:
1. Sitecore:
Personalization: Sitecore offers robust personalization capabilities, allowing you to deliver tailored content to individual users based on their behavior, preferences, and demographic data.
Marketing Automation: The platform includes powerful tools that help you create and execute personalized marketing campaigns across various channels.
Multisite Management: Sitecore excels at managing multiple websites or microsites from a single platform, making it ideal for enterprises with diverse web properties.
Experience Editor: Its user-friendly Experience Editor enables content editors to make real-time changes to the website's content and layout without requiring technical expertise.
Analytics and Reporting: Sitecore provides comprehensive analytics and reporting features to measure website performance and user behavior, helping you make data-driven decisions.
2. Kentico CMS:
E-commerce: Kentico offers a robust e-commerce module that allows you to create and manage online stores with integrated shopping carts, product catalogs, and payment gateways.
Multilingual Support: It provides extensive multilingual capabilities, making it suitable for businesses with a global presence.
Customizable Workflow: Kentico allows you to define custom content approval workflows, ensuring content goes through appropriate review stages before publication.
Content Personalization: The platform enables personalized content delivery to target audiences based on their preferences and behavior.
Integration Options: Kentico offers seamless integration with various third-party systems, such as CRM, marketing automation, and email marketing tools.
3. Umbraco: 
Open Source and Extensibility: Umbraco is open source, allowing flexibility and customization per your requirements.
Media Management: The platform provides excellent media management capabilities, making it easy to handle images, videos, and other digital assets.
Responsive Design: Umbraco supports responsive web design, ensuring your website looks great and functions well on various devices.
SEO-Friendly: Umbraco offers built-in SEO features, making optimizing your content for search engines easier.
Developer-Friendly: Developers appreciate the platform's simplicity and the ability to create custom data types and templates.
4. Orchard Core:
Modular Architecture: Orchard Core follows a modular approach, allowing you to add or remove features as needed, resulting in a lightweight and efficient system.
Custom Content Types: You can easily create custom content types and fields tailored to your needs.
Multi-tenancy Support: Orchard Core provides multi-tenancy capabilities, enabling you to manage multiple sites with a single installation.
Liquid Templates: The platform uses Liquid templates, a popular and user-friendly template language, making it easier for designers and developers to work together.
GraphQL Support: Orchard Core includes GraphQL support, enabling efficient querying and retrieving of data.
5. DNN (DotNetNuke):
Extensive Module Marketplace: DNN boasts a large marketplace with a wide range of modules and extensions, allowing you to add various functionalities to your site.
Role-Based Permissions: The platform offers granular role-based permissions, ensuring that the right users have the appropriate access to content and features.
Social Collaboration: DNN includes features like forums, blogs, and user profiles, fostering user engagement and community building.
Skin and Theme Support: You can customize the appearance of your website using skins and themes available within DNN.
Workflow Management: DNN provides workflow capabilities to streamline content approval processes and ensure content accuracy. Each of these .NET CMS platforms has strengths and caters to different business needs. Consider your specific requirements and evaluate these features to determine the best fit for your organization.
The AddWeb Solution emerges as a trustworthy and competent partner in identifying the ideal CMS for your .NET development endeavors. Our seasoned team of professionals is well-versed in ASP.NET programming and equipped to provide invaluable guidance that aligns with your business goals and financial constraints. By collaborating with us, you gain access to the expertise required to embark on an exceptional project built from scratch and meticulously tailored to suit your specific needs.
Whether you are a startup seeking to establish a strong online presence or an established enterprise looking to enhance your digital landscape, Our skilled .NET developers are ready to spearhead your journey toward success. We are committed to empowering your business growth by harnessing the power of the right CMS, ensuring you make the most of your resources and stay ahead of the competition.
Embark on this transformative partnership with The AddWeb Solution today and witness your business flourish with cutting-edge .NET development, empowering you to reach new heights of excellence in the digital realm. Let us be your catalyst for growth and innovation as we pave the way for your continued success in the dynamic world of technology.
Source: https://www.addwebsolution.com/blog/unlocking-your-business-potential-top-net-cms-platforms-dynamic-websites
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devleader · 2 months
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webmethodology · 11 months
This comprehensive guide to Native AOT covers its advantages, fundamental compatibility requirements, and tips to improve the performance and efficiency of the ASP.NET Core Application. Find out more here.
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yudizblog · 11 months
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ritika-25 · 9 months
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We'll discover how to use Angular to create an ASP.NET Core application from scratch. The link to the second section of this topic may be found at the conclusion of this blog post. Setting up the environment for ASP.NET Core app development with Angular will be the first topic of the blog.
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keenesystemss · 1 year
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cmarixtechnolabs · 3 months
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