#Astoria fates kiss Eros
Real quick, Meg. I heard this lyric from the song, “Cupid,” by Jack Stauber.
“How can…Cupid…How could you be so cruel?”
I’ve been thinking of the Ares disapproving Eros relationship with MC if they romanced, and I’m still working on that fic BUT!! This lyric caught my attention. I just have a small idea of Ares practically ruining their relationship. MC always gets hurt somehow because of him, and both MC and Eros know the solution, but refuse to do it. They stick together, because they love each other deeply.
But Eros’s love is deep and passionate, it’s what he’s known for. He loves her, probably more than she can ever love him (not her fault, it’s just how his heart is), but he knows being with her is causing her pain and straining their relationship. I imagine that because of how deep his love is Eros…leaves. He says his goodbyes and says he’ll love her forever and that maybe one day they can be together, but for now he has to leave. She’ll never be safe at his side anymore since his father (and maybe Ares dragged the twins into this) is hell bent on destroying their relationship.
MC sees him as cruel at first, hence the lyric I mentioned, and can’t believe he’s leaving after everything they’d been through. But something something Eros deals with Ares and Aphrodite stops Ares and his bullshit and something something. MC and Eros get back together, stronger than ever, and make up and get to be happy and domestic together again so Cupid can never be cruel again :).
Just a very quick thought that entered my mind and I want to get it out before I forget. I hope you’ve had a good day or night Meg💙💙💙💙!!
It’s almost 1 AM so forgive the short post and how silly the idea is, but it struck me and I wanted to share an Eros idea with you lol.
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dark-elf-writes · 5 months
Thought about the possibility of Eros in Fawn Spots and I am not losing my mind
Because Alex loves their siblings, even when they don’t necessarily like them. Because they realize that people, immortals especially, change and sometimes they just need a big moment to open their eyes. Because they know, deep down, that Eros was on the edge of a breakthrough when he left years ago and maybe just maybe there is a chance that they don’t have to cut their brother out of their life.
(And they would in a heartbeat. For Andy, for Harry, they would burn that bridge with a smile. Even now they haven’t fully forgiven Eros for his part in everything that happened.
They were both beings of love at the end of the day and love is hard and painful and so much work.)
Eros is met outside their mother’s estate and shoved into a wall with an arm across his throat, silver glowing in Alex’s eyes as they glare up at him. “One chance. You get. One. Chance.”
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen them like this even during the incident a few years ago.
They look more divine than they ever have, lined in silver light with an anger in their gaze far older than the mere handful of years they have lived. A picture of what they would have been as a full god.
Eros holds up his hands in surrender. “I did not come to cause trouble Alex. Only to meet my nephew.”
That anger sharpens. That rage. That… hurt?
“He has had enough people treating him like dirt. One word about his mortality, Eros, and I will throw you off Olympus myself.”
(They are both beings of love. Made for it. Made of it. And if there is one thing that love understands it is rage.)
“He was hurt.” It’s not a question and Alex doesn’t answer it anyway. Fair enough. Eros hadn’t exactly been the most trustworthy brother. He is not owed their child’s secrets.
“Did they pay?” He does ask this time. Feeling an answering flare of cold, ancient rage rising in his chest as he looked in their eyes.
Alex’s smile was all teeth and for a moment it was hard to believe they weren’t a full god. That they weren’t born of Ares’ blood. That they didn’t have the call of wardrums in their ears and fury on their breath. “They will.” The vow hangs heavily between them. Both promise and threat.
(He doesn’t doubt in that moment that Alex could kill him if he hurt their child. Didn’t doubt that they would either.)
Then came the sound of little feet on marble and Alex was turning with a bright smile already aimed at the shy green eyes peeking around a column. “Did mama send you to look for us, little fawn?” They asked, kneeling to accept the little body running to them like it was second nature.
The child, Harry, peeks at him over Alex’s shoulder. “Grandma was worried you got lost.”
(Worried they were brawling in the entryway more likely. Not that Eros could blame her for that assumption, their last parting had been.. fraught.)
Eros tips his head. “We should soothe her worries then, shouldn’t we?”
Alex nodded turning to enter the estate.
“I thought you had a diaper.”
His sibling’s shoulders were definitely shaking with laughter. He could sense it. “A gross misinterpretation, I’m afraid.”
“Oh… what about the wings can you fly?”
Save him, he had forgotten how inquisitive children could be. Alex was the last one he had spent any amount of time around and they were… well Alex. “I don’t need wings to fly.”
Watching those impossibly green eyes widen further, Eros had a sinking feeling he would be spending dinner answering dozens of questions. The thought of catering to a child, a mortal child, didn’t anger him as much as he thought it would.
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wylldebee · 8 days
So I was doing research for more about the Private Investigator MC AU and I got to off track into greek mythology and ended up Aphrodite's page, and I came across this—
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Now which one of her children has the aura that takes form of a dolphin 👀
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100feuilles · 6 years
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creamecream · 6 years
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“There’s my baby sibling!”
“Pfftt! Stop it!”
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yinyangswings · 4 years
Astoria: Fate’s Kiss and Love & Legends AU
Thought this would be an interesting idea if the two stories were connected somehow.
There is more under the Read More sign.
MC and Astoria Fate’s kiss (AFK) MC are canonically the same age. Depending on the situation, they have met prior. 
MC wanted to see what other cities were like, so left New York. She still visits New York when she can, but prefers Chicago
MC family members can sense her aura so they aren’t worried that she’s not in the same city. That changes when all of a sudden her aura is gone from Chicago. 
The WQ’s soul fragment changed how they look, hence why MC looks the way she does in comparison to some of her family members. Some of them don’t worry about it as much.
They are all really surprised, but delighted when finding out that those in the Fantasy Realm have never heard of the Greek Gods/Monsters.
August Falke 
MC is the baby sister to Cerberus, Nemean, and Orthus.
Her mother had extreme animosity towards her due to her being a woman. If she was ever the one in trouble, even Cerberus couldn’t sway their mother. 
She is close to Hades like her brothers are. 
Her aura is a phoenix and contained in a red feathered earring that she wears. While her aura protects her, it will burn up and take her awhile to restore it if she uses it too long. In dire circumstances she becomes the phoenix and is literally on fire, though thankfully she’s not harmed by it. She also looks like she’s on fire when using the aura
August is not amused when this happens.
Due to her mother, when she meets Asta she becomes a lot quieter than normal, much to August’s confusion. Asta kind of figures it out when MC flinches involuntarily while helping Asta out.
Asta is a lot gentler to her and when he mentions how strange she’s being, informs August that while she might be strong, MC has vulnerabilities just like every human, and some vulnerabilities are far more damaging even after years of healing.
Even when she moves to Chicago, they still are close and regularly call each other. When she is sent to the fantasy land, she worries over them, because they can’t visit her all at once and she knows they’re bound to notice when she doesn’t call them.
And they do, and they worry. A lot.
She is very frazzled when she enters the Fantasy Realm, because she can’t sense her brothers and just knows she’s not in the same place as them.
She talks about her brothers but doesn’t talk about her mother, actively refuses to talk about her.
Returning to Chicago puts MC in shock and she just wanders back to her apartment. She no sooner opens it than she’s pulled into a hug by a very worried Cerberus, who after not hearing from her for a week, and Sophie saying MC hadn’t been seen, had gotten AFK MC to go with him to Chicago to look for her. He’s incredibly confused as to why his sister is dressed in medieval armor. They’re GREEK myths.
She essentially breaks down into a sobbing mess in his arms because she doesn’t know what’s happened to August and she doesn’t know how to get back. And everything is just so stressful and too much.
When she finally calms down, she explains everything to Cerberus, AFK MC, and Sophie. Sophie reveals who she is, backing up MC.
Cerberus is really reluctant at first, because...this is his baby sister. He hasn’t even met this...August Falke, and his baby sister is in love with the guy?? AFK MC smooths it over with him and he dives headfirst into looking for solutions so she can get back.
He gives her the biggest hug when she leaves.
MC’s aura helps lessen the pain of the curse, but only just.
They are all really surprised when she returns with August and are overjoyed to see her, creating a literal dogpile.
They are less pleased when they find out about the curse. 
Initially they are all for making her stay, but when she makes it very, very clear she’s not leaving August, they decide to help them try and find a way to break the curse.
They all pretty much interrogate August while they’re looking for the Aisetha, making sure that this man would be good enough for their baby sister. August is a bit intimidated, but nonetheless they manage to like him and gain their approval.
They more or less welcome him to the ‘pack’. They made August promise to look after her, which wasn’t a difficult promise for him to agree to.
MC gets a surprise at the wedding when a portal appears and her brothers, as well as AFK’s MC arrive. Cerberus says it was all because of Hades and they wouldn’t be good big brothers if they missed her wedding would they?
They don’t tell her how they know she’s getting married, and she’s too happy to ask.
Talking about children is entertaining, and he asks if their children might be able to get auras. She says it’s possible, but only time would tell. 
MC is the youngest sister to Medusa. She never got involved in the gangs like her sisters did. She helped Medusa get back on her feet after Perseus took her aura.
When she meets the AFK MC, she immediately likes her. Plus AFK MC bakes some awesome sweets.
Her aura is a jellyfish and is contained within a necklace.
Like her sisters, she can freeze people to stone. Unlike her sisters, it causes strain to her eyes.
She doesn’t tell anyone what she is or what she’s capable of due to the fact that they already are nervous about her. She doesn’t need to give them legit reason to be frightened of her.
MC actually thinks that when the villagers are calling Saerys a monster, they’re referring to her for other reasons. She’s been called that before.
When she tells him that she’s been called a monster, he doesn’t understand who could see her as a monster.
When she reveals her aura to the others when Saerys goes turbo mode for the first time they understand why she kept her abilities a secret.
She nearly kills Lennox with her ability, but a soldier gets in the way. They retreat at that point and MC is pretty disoriented because of it.
She does tell them she won’t use the ability unless it’s a final resort. Saerys is perfectly alright with that, granted he’s more concerned about her hurting herself than freezing people to stone.
When she ‘dies’ and Saerys gives her a part of his soul her aura vanishes. It feels strange and she wonders how Medusa managed to do this when she lost hers by herself. 
Saerys and her bond over being the only one of their kind in the Fantasy Realm. Even back in Chicago, MC is considered the only ‘gorgon’ in that city. 
Speaking of returning to Chicago. When she gets back, she gets pretty much tackled by Medusa, who feared that someone, either their other sisters, their mother, or just some enemy from the past had attacked her as retaliation. Heck, she thought Perseus had been involved for a little while.
That apparently was a very...loud argument at H.E.R.A that everyone in the building heard.
Medusa is not pleased when her sister comes back with a strange man in tow. Even more when she senses that her sister's aura is no longer...there.
Finding out she died and Saerys saved her by implanting a part of his soul in her has two reactions. Her desire to maim/murder WQ rising and then hugging the crap out of Saerys, who is pretty sure she broke several of his ribs.
When Saerys regains his ability to go into turbo mode, she regains her connection to her aura.
The demon souls actually really like her and her monsterous abilities. Saerys nor MC are thrilled by this declaration by the souls. 
MC is nervous because she doesn’t know what future children would be like. Saerys is quick to tell them they would be lovely, no matter what. 
Altea Bellerose 
MC is the daughter of Hades. No one knows who her mother was other than Hades.
While he’s a workaholic he does care for her. She helps him out along with her cousin Persephone to at least try and get him away from work, with little success.
Her aura appears as a screech owl. She has it hidden in a ring. 
Hades is alerted almost immediately that MC is missing. He looks around Chicago with AFK MC, then asks Cerberus and his brothers if she has gone through the gates. He then, very reluctantly, looks at the roster of newly deceased individuals in case he missed MC’s name. Thankfully she doesn’t appear on it.
The relief is short lived, because that means he doesn’t know where she is.
She actually reveals her aura early on when Helena tries to attack Altea. It’s...very startling to say the least, and she has a lot of explaining to do.
She keeps her parentage very, very vague. She’s pretty sure that saying ‘hey I’m the daughter of the God of the Underworld’ won’t go over well.
This does lead to an argument down the road when MC finds out about Altea’s parentage.
‘You didn’t tell me about your family either!’ ‘My father is the God of the Underworld, Altea! Because that wouldn’t scream wannabe goth in any shape or manner and wouldn’t have made you all think I’ve lost my marbles!’
MC getting back to Chicago with Altea is entertaining because Hades, Persephone, and AFK MC are there and Altea proceeds to see MC getting lectured for vanishing and all of them asking where she went and what happened.
Altea low-key gets a crush on Persephone. MC is not surprised.
They meet Altea. It’s...intimidating for the wizard. Especially meeting Hades. MC is a little worried, but thankfully Hades likes Altea.
Altea’s parents are...overjoyed? They learn their daughter is in love with the child of a god. MC is amused, while Altea is annoyed. Lional is so excited when she reveals her aura.
Hades does eventually tell MC her history and family line. Altea is right there with her and letting her process the information. 
Hades as well as AFK MC come for the wedding. MC has to keep her laughter down because Hades looks so out of place. 
Her dress is a little more greek looking than her canon dress.
Reiner Wolfson 
MC is the daughter Aphrodite, and the baby half-sister to Alex and Eros.
She became fast friends with the AFK’s MC when they met as they are the same age. 
MC’s aura appears as wolves and she it’s contained in a necklace.
Yes Alex teases her when they find out her lover’s last name is Wolfson, and yes she realizes the irony.
Initially Alex thought they were losing it, or they’re tired from overworking when MC’s aura just vanishes from their radar. That all changes when Aphrodite comes down from Olympus absolutely frantic as she can’t sense it either.
AFK MC and Alex head over to Chicago, trying to find clues about where she went to no avail.
Meanwhile MC is struggling to keep the fact she’s a demigod a secret. She figures that it won’t go well for her to show she’s a demigoddess when everyone thinks she’s someone called the Witch Queen. 
She reveals who or rather what she is when Reiner comes to rescue her and she summons her aura to protect Reiner from Magnus.
She explains who she is and what her life is like as a demigoddess.
She muses that Reiner’s family story is similar to a Greek tragedy, and regrets the thought when Aldric returns. 
She’s actually more open to marrying. She’s the daughter of Aphrodite so it’s really not that much of a surprise. 
Her aura fights within her when she and WQ are struggling for control. It’s painful and draining and the first night she scratches her arms raw.
Reiner is not a happy man when he sees that and it makes him worry for her even more.
When the WQ is partially possessing her, she gives Reiner the necklace that houses the aura. While it won’t activate for him, she’s sure it will remain safe with him and will protect him in some way.
She doesn’t realize how much that is true until they’re both sent to Chicago and she can sense half of the aura gone
When she returns to Chicago, she barely manages to get into her apartment before she’s pulled in with a big hug and starts being scolded by Alex.
And she just breaks down, much to their confusion. 
She explains what happened and where she had been. That she needs to find Reiner because he’s somewhere in this world and the realm she had been in needs him. And she needs him too.
At first Alex is a little reluctant to believe her, but she points out that they’re the children of a goddess, the idea of a different realm should not be that much of a stretch. They can’t really find an argument to that.
Finally Alex agrees and along with AFK MC they begin to search for him.
Thankfully Alex likes Reiner when they meet him. They can tell he’s a good man.
Getting married in Las Vegas is...interesting. She’s sure her mother probably wouldn’t approve, but they really don’t have time for a full blown Greek wedding.
Along with Sophie, Alex and AFK MC are there as witnesses
Just seconds after they’re married and the spell is broken, in comes Aphrodite. And oh boy, is MC in trouble.
“What do you mean you’re married?!?” “Um...I’m just following your ideals on love?” “AND I WASN’T INVITED!?!’
Reiner may or may not fear for his life as the Goddess of Love stares up at him, taking in her new son-in-law. She may be shorter than him, but that doesn’t stop the panic at the possible smiting he might have incurred. Thankfully she smiles after a moment and welcomes him into the family.
Being a demigoddess did prepare her to be cordial and dealing with the council and nobles. She may not like it, but it still works in her favor.
The nobles try once, ONCE, to say MC isn’t worthy to be married to Reiner. Then Aphrodite appears looking very godly, very angry and very displeased about them calling her daughter a commoner
The nobles shit their collective pants and MC just wants to sink into the ground. Reiner finds it hilarious.
MC is low-key terrified about when she has a kid what her family is going to be like and senses that there will be many impromptu visits from them.
Iseul Idreis 
MC is the baby sister to Chimera and Eagle. 
Her aura appears as a lion and eagle, representing the Mesopotomian monster Anzû. It’s kept in an armlet.
Both of her brothers tease her about the fact that she has an aura that’s almost a part of each of their own. While she acts annoyed, she actually loves the fact her aura parts somewhat represent her brothers.
They are particularly protective of her and did not want her moving to Chicago, but she’s as stubborn as they are. 
She initially played middleman between Chimera and Eagle in conversation, even after she moved to Chicago. After the events in Season One of Chimera’s route, she doesn’t have to play middleman and just enjoys chatting to the two of them.
They usually keep in contact with her and she does visit from time to time, getting to know AFK MC.
‘Seriously, he’s an idiot. A cute idiot, but an idiot. How did he snag you??’ ‘Hey!!’ 
It becomes worrying for both men when they don’t hear from her for a little while and they head to Chicago to find out what is going on. Cue them finding out she hasn’t been seen in over a week.
Meanwhile she’s having to contend with hiding what she is...well...a monster to the Fantasy Realm and keeping her aura hidden.
It is discovered that the WQ had been in contact with Typhon and that is how MC was created. Typhon then implanted memories in Chimera and Eagle about her.
It does make her hesitant to reach out to them initially, worried they’ll not see her as family. 
Imagine her surprise when they literally barge into her apartment and then surprise hug her, both yelling at her, asking where she’s been and if she’s okay, as well as just saying how relieved that she’s back.
She finds out that Typhon told Chimera and Eagle when they went to him to see if he had done something to her. They still consider her their sister, even if she’s only actually been ‘alive’ for a few years.
MC introducing them to Iseul is hilarious. Eagle goes ‘older brother’ on him, making sure Iseul is good enough for his sister. Chimera is trying to not crack up laughing while still trying to be intimidating.
Magnus is very much afraid of them, as he should be. He vaguely questions his Queen’s mindset when choosing Typhon to look after her vessel.
They aren’t exactly pleased with MC going back, but feel like she should finish what’s been started.
However, they’re...very much surprised when MC comes back and ‘surprise you’re both going to be uncles’. Eagle looks like he’s aged a decade and Chimera doesn’t want to think about the fact that his sister did...that.
“Chimera, we started having sex way before-” “LALALALALALALA! CAN’T HEAR YOU!!” 
They wind up being protective of her during the pregnancy, even deciding to come along when MC returns to the Fantasy Realm with AFK MC. That has both its advantages and disadvantages.
Guess who is panicking along with Isuel when MC is kidnapped? Nothing says fun like two monsters arguing on how the best way to get their sister is. MC saving herself and then giving them grief over it is a very humorous sight.
Both of them compete on who is the best uncle for Iris. Thankfully Iseul doesn’t have any brothers so there isn’t a worry in that department on the Idreis side. 
Helena Klein 
MC was the daughter of Zeus, but was cast away from Olympus.
Hercules took her aura when she was cast out and she’s bitter about it. She moves to Chicago to get away from Olympus, H.E.R.A., and everything else. She does not talk to any of her family members.
She happens to be visiting New York when she hears about Astraeus and the Titans fighting against the Gods, and goes further into hiding so her family can’t try to contact her for help. They didn’t help her, why should she help them?
She meets Astraeus, and surprises him by not intervening in his quest. AFK MC talks to her and they strike up a friendship but MC keeps to herself.
Being sent to the Fantasy Realm is almost a blessing, even if she is confused as to why she’s here.
She thinks for a very brief moment, this is something due to her father and is really, really ticked off. 
She’s really protective of Helena, especially when she discovers all the pain Helena had gone through.
They’re relationship is a bit of a slower burn, as MC is still worried about her family and Helena doesn’t know what to make of her.
Both of them bond over being casted out from their homes for things that they had little control over. For MC it makes her fall for Helena even more because she understands her.
She tries to not be controlling, as she doesn’t want to be like her father. It throws Helena for a loop.
When she tells Helena about her family, Helena is at first stunned, but then very angry that she’s been subjected to that. And by a god no less.
She swears that MC’s family will not get close to her.
When they return to Chicago and Helena has no memories, she’s at a loss, because she would have usually gone to the gods for help, but isn’t about to do that, even if she can.
When Helena remembers, MC is so relieved because she was getting close to trying and contacting the gods if any still remain.
When they return to Chicago for the final time, MC says that eventually they’ll go to New York to visit, but only after everything quiets down there. They’re happy to remain in Chicago.
Alain Richter 
MC is the baby sister of Hydra
Her aura is Cerastes and is hidden in an anklet. 
Hydra is pretty cold towards her initially, making her think he didn’t like her. It’s later revealed that his attitude to her stems from his need to protect her so she wouldn’t be used against him by Hercules or the other gods.
While it kills him, he lets her go to Chicago, thinking she’s safer there. 
MC is quite stunned for Hydra to be at her doorstep in the events of Season 2 of Astoria: Lost Kisses. Just as much as the fact that Hydra has a girlfriend.
To be fair AFK MC is just as surprised to see MC as well as Hydra kept his baby sister a secret.
After the events in that Season, they reconcile and keep in contact. When she suddenly just drops off the face of the earth, Hydra notices and becomes concerned and goes to investigate.
Meanwhile MC is attempting to keep the fact that she’s a monster a secret from everyone, especially Alain. While she realizes that she is indeed the past WQ before she went evil, she also realizes that becoming Cerastes has changed her.
She unleashes an icy version of the snake when her ice powers come to surface. She then very reluctantly tells Alain who...or rather what she is considered in Chicago. She also show Alain what the Cerastes aura looks like originally
Alain is stunned, but states that it doesn’t change his feelings for her.
The snake protects both of them when WQ returns and aids in freeing them.
She nearly passes out when she uses it too much when they are fighting with Reiner and the retainers.
As she relieves the memories of her and Alain’s past, a part of her wonders if she would have become like the WQ  had she and Hydra never reconciled and the feeling of loneliness continued.
While the WQ is able to use the ice-serpent shape, she is unable to use the Cerastes aura in its entirety, and that’s what aids MC for revealing that the WQ was impersonating her.
Returning to Chicago is...stressful. When Alain breaks up with her, she just wanders around. She barely gets down a block before Hydra finds her and is frantically checking her, his aura checking on hers. She’s dazed but then breaks down, which does not help with Hydra’s panic.
He doesn’t believe her at first when she explains what happened and where she’s been, because even for a Greek monster, that seems far-fetched.
Eventually though she convinces him she’s not making this up, especially when she shows him the armor, and he can tell that that’s not of Earth or even Godly origin.
Initially Hydra thinks that Alain is attempting to kidnap her when they get back together. He attacks Alain and it’s only her summoning her aura that makes him stop. 
He does not like Alain any more either when he finds out that Alain is MC’s lover.
Because this bastard touched his sister.
MC has to go back to defeat the WQ, and Hydra is not thrilled by this. He kept her away from him so she wasn’t involved in fighting, and now she’s been thrown into a fight.
AFK MC manages to convince him to let her go.
MC promises to visit him, and she finds a way to do so.
The whole Umbra thing is such a quest and she’s so annoyed with it, even if she does realize she needs to complete it so both worlds and all realities are safe.
She manages to make a portal so she can visit her brother. Hydra still hates Alain, but he’ll humor him or her sake.
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you-make-me-wander · 8 years
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Eros - Chapter 1 (Stydia, multi-chapter)
Summary: Stiles and Lydia find in lust the escape they so often need because they think they don't deserve love. But what if they do? Strangers/Soulmates/College AU Rating: Explicit Word count: Over 12,5k Read on: AO3 | FF | Wattpad | Tumblr
Missing you (Stydia, one-shot)
Summary: Missing scene from 6x10, between The Kiss and The Look. Rating: General Word count: 2k Read on: AO3 | FF | Wattpad | Tumblr
The joys of you - Chapter 1 (Scorose, multi-chapter)
Summary: Scorpius Malfoy is 23 when he comes back home after being away for four years studying wandlore. Returning to find Astoria already affected by the curse that will kill her, Scorpius must learn how to deal with the inevitable loss and the grief it'll bring, reconnecting with old friends and family, and with making sure that Rose Weasley knows that he's never stopped loving her. Rating: Mature Word count: Over 2,5k Read on: AO3 | FF | Wattpad | Tumblr | HPF
Know better - Chapter 16 (Stydia, multi-chapter)
Summary: Lydia is a single mom and has to move miles away to escape her abusive ex-husband. In a new city, her life changes completely when she meets Stiles, a single, funny, hardworking and very, very handsome, but also very tortured man. No supernatural elements involved. Rating: Mature Word count: Over 6,5k for this chapter. Over 48,5k overall Read on: AO3 | FF | Wattpad | Tumblr
As fate would have it - Chapter 4 (Stydia, multi-chapter)
Summary: Lydia and Stiles have been sharing an apartment for two years when Lydia is invited to her cousin Jade’s wedding. (Not so) Accidentally, Jade is told that Lydia will be taking her boyfriend as a plus one, but truth is Lydia is actually single. The duty of having to pretend he’s dating Lydia falls, of course, on Stiles, but as it turns out pretending isn’t really that hard. Rating: Mature Word count:  Over 2,5k for this chapter. Over 15k overall Read on: AO3 | FF | Wattpad | Tumblr
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One Last Goodbye
MC and Josh clean out their mother’s office at H.E.R.A., and say goodbye to her one last time.
I hope you enjoy this quick fic :).
And I chose Melody as first name since I always use that for her and had to pick “Cooper” as the last name quickly so there’s that quick explanation. Enjoy.
MC sat in the passenger seat while Josh drove to H.E.R.A. headquarters. It was a nice Saturday morning with the sun shining, the cool breeze blowing, and the people of New York going about their day. MC stared out the window, eyes never staying in one spot. There were couples holding hands, friends talking and laughing, someone walking their dog, a few business men leaving their regular lunch cafe, and all sorts of people out there. A part of her felt jealous as she passed by. Jealous of how happy they seemed in the moment, while she was miserable.
Their mother was dead. Her funeral was a week ago, but it felt like it was just yesterday. The grief and emptiness still surrounded them both, only filled by the others presence. They tried to keep themselves busy to not think of the grief and sadness, but now they had to face it all head on. Their mothers office needed to be cleaned out, and the two immediately cleared a day to go and take what was theirs. What was their mothers.
MC tuned back in to the world when Josh pulled into a parking garage and into a spot. She looked over at him with a tiny smile. “How many boxes am I carrying?”
He snorted. “I’ll take majority, so only take a few.”
They both got out and took their share of the boxes in the trunk of the car, and walked to the front desk of H.E.R.A. Josh spoke for MC, even saying her name when they asked for both of theirs, and explained why they were there. “Agent Melody Cooper is our mother, and we’re here to clean out her office.”
MC looked at the ground, too afraid to look at anyone, but she heard the agent’s little wince at hearing their mothers name. It was a little stab into her heart, a reminder of how important their mother was. However, she pushed it aside and kept her tears away, hiding them for another time.
Once they had permission, they went to the office, both silent as they passed by multiple agents and other workers. They only spoke when they said “thanks” to everyone that offered their sympathies. It soothed a piece of their heart, but it broke again as soon as they got to her office door. Their hearts were heavy as Josh unlocked the door, and both felt a mix of disappointment and sadness when their mother wasn’t waiting on the inside, like she usually was.
“Is it bad that I was hoping she’d be here, waiting for us?” MC asked as she placed her boxes on the ground.
“No,” he said sadly, “I was thinking she would be here.” Her death didn’t truly cement in their minds. Josh sometimes waited for a call that would never come, a call from their mother saying she was on her way home or that she’d be home a little late. She usually called him first and then MC. A habit of hers since he was the oldest.
MC sighed at that. “Yeah.�� She looked back at him and pointed to the bookshelf and cabinets near the door. “You want to look through those? I can start at her desk.” When he nodded, she walked over to the desk and bit her lip to stop her tears. Next to where her laptop would be was a frame. She picked it up gently and smiled at the photos. It was MC and Josh together in their living room, both dressed for their first days of school. It was taken only a month before she passed.
MC just started high school and Josh started college, and each school year she took a photo on their first day, and that was no different. “I can’t believe she already got this photo printed. It was only a month ago.” She showed the frame to Josh and felt a pinch of happiness at his smile. “At least one of us needs to smile,” she thought. She placed the frame into the box she had next to her on the floor, and noticed a pen that was behind it. Not any regular pen, but specifically one of MC’s glitter pens. She knew it was hers because of the chipped off clip that should’ve been on the pen. MC had a bad habit of messing with it when she was bored or spacing out. “And it seems like my mother has a habit of stealing pens.”
She placed the pen into the box and laughed when she saw a few more of those glitter pens, different colors though, in the first drawer on the right. “She takes pens and then forgets she took them,” she mumbled with a smile.
“You talking trash about mom already?” Josh called, his tone teasing as he looked over at her.
MC scoffed and picked each pen from the drawer and held them up. “Look at all my pens she has!” She gestured to him with the handful of pens. “I always complained about missing pens, and I guess I’ve figured out where they went.” He laughed again and she joined in that time, but they went back to their tasks soon after. Their laughter never lasted long.
She put the pens, and other regular office items she found in the drawers, into the box beside her, and froze when she picked up a pretty heavy file, almost dropping it. “Did she never empty out her desk?” She thought with a tiny laugh. At home, her mother was clean and organized, so she expected the same at work, but turned out wrong. She opened it on the desk and gasped at what she saw. Little memories flashed in her mind when she saw drawings that she made.
“Did she really keep these?” Josh said, suddenly beside her. He picked up a few and skimmed to see both MC and his drawings mixed. He could tell it was years of drawings from how the quality changed. “We both went from squiggles to sketches.” He hummed and showed one of hers, which was still squiggly. “Maybe not both of us.”
She snatched it from him with a giggle. “Stooop! I haven’t drawn here since I was like, what, ten?” She continued to look through them all, a big smile on her face at the idea of her mother keeping them. Even though they were bad, she kept them close to her. “Just like a mother would.” Other files were found in the drawers, many not for their eyes, especially the ones with a stamp that both knew stood for, “Gods only.” Any files like that were put onto a separate spot on the floor, ready to be given back to the agents and put back deep in the H.E.R.A. archives.
It was all light and a bit happy for a moment, but the next thing she found hurt more than she expected. There were two envelopes in a drawer, MC’s name on one and Josh’s on the other, and both written in their mothers familiar cursive. MC, though she hesitated, opened hers and her breath caught when she saw…a birthday card. She immediately opened it and she felt tears form at the words she read.
“To the greatest daughter in the whole world, I love you. I’m so proud of the woman you’re becoming, and I’m so excited to be by your side through everything life has for you. From the best mother ever <3.”
MC stood still for a moment, tears flowing down her face and hands shaky as she reread it over and over again. But once she couldn’t take it anymore, she fell to the chair by the desk and held her face in her hands as she cried. She kept herself together this long, but this was what sent her over. She, in all her grief and anger, forgot her own birthday was near. Her birthday was only a month later, and Josh’s a month after hers. She already had the cards ready, she was prepared to spend the day with them like she always did.
But she never would spend another birthday with them, never give them another card always filled with $40, never bake another birthday cake for them, never sing them happy birthday, and never…be there again. The accident didn’t only take away the present, take away the now, but it took the future as well. MC would never be able to work at all with her mother, Josh could never cook at a restaurant for her, she’ll never get to see MC’s kids or spouse, she’ll never get to see MC get her drivers license, she’ll never get to see her graduate, she’ll never see Josh finish his cooking classes, she’ll never get to taste the awful first attempts Josh has at cooking and the attempts MC has at baking…she’ll never see her or Josh become their own person.
MC looked up when she felt a touch on her shoulder to see Josh kneeling next to her, his own tears on his face. Without a word, he pulled her into a hug and they both held each other as they cried. This was the day they accepted she was gone. She wouldn’t come back, no matter how much they wished she would. They had to live on because they knew it’s what she wanted, even if she wasn’t there to say it. They would grieve and heal.
13 Years Later
“What are you thinking?” Eros asked. He sat next to MC on her bed, watching her stare at her mothers badge, tracing her name with her nail.
“The accident that took my mothers life was because of them,” she said quietly, though he heard the anger behind them. “They shut down HERA for some reason, and she fought back because of her belief in justice and—and,” she let out a shaky breath, “And she died.” She scoffed. “And they LIED to me and Josh. They just said it was an accident and that work was ‘fine’, but it wasn’t!” She looked over at him with tears in her eyes. “She never told us that H.E.R.A. shut down or that there were any problems. She-She acted like everything was fine when I told her goodbye when I left for school that morning. She gave me a kiss on the head like always and said she’d see me tonight.” She sniffled and wiped her face, failing to rid the tears. “I remember she even told me what she was making that night for dinner.”
It was silent between the two. He knew MC needed time to vent, to let everything out. She’d been in pain for the past few days since HERA was shut down and she’d been outed for having Hera within her. He’d done his best to protect her so far, but he knew it was taxing on her. She needed at least one moment to breathe and speak her mind.
She looked at him again and spoke, her voice full of defeat. “Will history just repeat itself, Eros? We’re fighting back, trying to keep H.E.R.A. alive and also stop the gods from practically killing me, but will we just fail? Will I die like my mother? Follow a little too far into her footsteps,” she said with a small laugh.
He gave her another moment to speak, but when she said nothing he reached to the table by his side of the bed and grabbed her badge. “You two may look similar,” he gently took her mother’s badge from her and replaced it with her own, “But you’re still two different people. Your life is different than hers was, and we always have the chances to be different. We know what happened to her, and how awful it was, and we know how to avoid that from happening, the steps we need to step away from that path.” He cupped her cheek and wiped her tears away. “She was Melody Cooper, and you’re MC Cooper. Your paths may be similar, but they’re different, filled with different steps and twists and turns.”
She leaned into his hand and smiled shakily. “So we may prevail in the end? The good may win against the bad?”
He nodded with a soft smile, one full of love. “Yes, we will win this fight, the one she fought, too. You won’t lose yourself, and we won’t lose the organization your mother worked hard for.” He kissed her to seal the deal, and for that moment she believed him.
They would win and she would live, like she promised she would years ago.
Okay….the ending wasn’t as good as I wanted BUT I literally couldn’t think of anything other than the Hera situation happening and then the possibility of MC becoming Hera or dying and then trying to keep the organization alive and a lot of different ideas. I hope this was good and went up to the expectations. I may even rewrite it one day who knows but I hope you enjoyed this!!! I kinda did and I did in fact cry while thinking of this whole idea😭.
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Meg hear me out for a moment. Your screenshot of your Eros x MC angst where he’s like “You’ll die like your mom, but no one will remember you,” hit me HARD (like I said in the ask, sorry for repeating) and my mind was like, “What if…MCs mom was alive instead?” Like she’s still working at HERA, soon to retire tho since she’s like 50 when MC starts working there (most likely 50 anyways). She’s still working there and I see her as the boss at work, but when she gets home she’s Mom™️. Like how Alex said it was hard for Aphrodite to come and be a mother AND a goddess when disciplining them in their S1.
So I imagine Agent Mom (the perfect nickname you gave her lol) being a little biased about the cases MC works especially since she doesn’t have her ring. However, something happens to where only MC can help further the case and she’s paired with Eros. And oh boy I can imagine her being very protective of her. Agent Mom knows Aphrodite, Hades, and a few gods have changed, but she’s still seen their nasty side and knows that a lot HAVENT changed, and she has a feeling that Eros is one of them.
And he is.
So that scene with Eros happens, but instead of it being about her mom being dead, it’s instead about how MC would never be a field agent on her own. She works under Alex (best friend background and forever in love with her), so they’ll have a bias as well to her and may (even without realizing it) help her up (like they said in their S1) and he says that she’ll only be living in her mothers shadow and never be her own person. Which, obviously, RUINS MC. She loves her mother and has admired her, and she won’t deny that she wants to be like her, but she wants to be w field agent by her own ability and not be seen as just a mini Agent Mom and not her own person so it definitely hurts.
I can see MC trying to keep her feelings hidden, but her mom just KNOWS. A mom always knows and she’s no different, and MC opens up about it and ohhh…she’s pissed. Josh said that Agent Mom stepped on many toes during her time at HERA, and she had another set of toes to step on: Eros. She doesn’t even go to Aphrodite, but instead straight to Eros (somehow).
Basically, she beats his ass but verbally and threatens him. She doesn’t even back down (like MC) and she’s willing to throw hands for her children, despite knowing he’s a god. Eros, really processing what he said to MC, kinda apologizes but not really. He still has development to go through, and Agent Mom isn’t having it.
When MC finally tells her mom that she’s having feelings for Eros, I can see her being conflicted as well. She wants her daughter to be happy, but she knows some of the gods past and how some don’t care about humans and will still use them for their own entertainment or will. That first interaction between Agent Mom and Eros is proof enough to her AND her time dealing with Ares and Aphrodite (when he caused a rift for them temporarily) and most likely seeing how he treated Alex when they were young, so she warns her daughter heavily, but she can’t stop her. She’s an adult and Agent Mom has raised her and Josh the best she can, and she knows she has to make her own decisions, so she respects it, even if she disagrees with the couple. At the time anyways.
And when they do get together and she tells her mom, her mom is like, “Aw I’m so happy for you!” And then talks to Eros secretly like, “If you hurt my daughter, I may actually kill you.”
Their relationship develops over time and becomes more positive, but still I can see Agent Mom being very protective of MC and being almost against her and Eros’s relationship for awhile, but she comes around after awhile. And when she does retire, MC gets her ring and is able to become a field agent when another world ending case happens and she’s working with Eros. AND eventually Agent Mom trusts Eros with her daughter and knows that they can do anything, even go against the gods if it’s demanded.
MC wouldn’t have the issue of being chased and threatened for being Hera, and I like to imagine Agent Mom wouldn’t either. Aphrodite and Hades kept it secret, and when she retires, she wouldn’t always be on Olympus anymore or involved with the Gods (other than seeing Hades and Aphrodite once in awhile, or Aphrodite more frequently since they had their situation going on), so it wouldn’t be a problem. Or maybe it’s just bc I like happy endings, I don’t know.
This idea isn’t too well thought out, but I just love talking about her mom because not much is known about her (other than the glimpses Aphrodite and Hades and Josh slip out every once in awhile) and I like to imagine what she was like. She loved HERA and some of the gods, but she loves her daughter and son more, and will do anything to keep them safe.
EDIT: On the topic of mentioning Alex and Ares, I may have a tiny fic based upon that with Agent Mom and Alex because she’s invaded my thoughts now and won’t leave until I talk about her enough.
EDIT 2: Omg quick addition I just thought of. If Eros and MC ever got married, I feel like Eros would literally be terrified of asking Agent Mom for permission (since he’d be old school why not) since how the relationship started, but he’d push past it and get her permission. He can see the warning and a little hesitancy when she agrees, but still he is grateful and swears to love MC as long as she wants and protect her with his life. Ah…..I love Agent Mom and her relationship with her kids.
She’ll definitely be a cheerleader for Josh as well and eat out at his restaurant frequently to talk with him (if he’s available) and just show her support😭😭.
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I was about to send an idea in your ask box but ofc it became too long again😭.
From what I remember, Aphrodite never checked in on Josh or MC during those 10 years from when Agent Mom died and then to AFK S1, and I just. Had a sad imagine one day of Alex visiting MC or talking to her while she’s still in High school, or out of it and deciding what she wants to do, and Alex mentions Aphrodite. Something along the lines of them asking how MC is and adding “And my Mother worries about you, too. She hopes you’re doing well,” and then talks about how Aphrodite is doing and such.
I can see MC smiling and being happy with Alex during this talk, BUT when they’re gone…she’s mad/sad. She only knew Aphrodite through her mother (as in when her mom brought her and Josh to Olympus), but she still expected to hear her voice or see her in person to help during MC’s and Josh’s grief, but no. Instead it was Alex that was there for them both, and kinda reassured MC that Aphrodite worries about her and Josh.
In this very sad idea/imagine or whatever, she wonders if Aphrodite even thinks about her at all. Did she forget about her and Josh once their mother died? Did she only care for them because of their mother? She’s mad because why wouldn’t she talk to her and Josh? Why??? She doesn’t understand, and she still doesn’t understand until she asks Aphrodite where she was and for an explanation. Talk through the problems, even if Aphrodite may not realize there’s any problems at all. In an Eros or Alex route (maybe even Hades), I always imagine her asking Aphrodite why she never checked in or spoke to her and Josh. Alex was there, not her at all.
And in this AU/whatever this is, whenever Aphrodite speaks to MC in Alex’s S1 and is saying how she wouldn’t forgive herself if something happened to MC, MC is even more confused and it may even give her a slight feeling of rage because…why? How could she care yet not check in or speak to her at all?
I just. Imagine MC feeling that way sometimes. Maybe Josh too, but not to the same degree. Maybe…..I don’t know. It’s just where my thoughts are rn lol. I’m tired and need to sleep but ALSOO need to get this out. I hope it made sense, if not then I’ll reword it in the morning bc it’s late for me and I am Tired™️😭.
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Another fic reminder to myself: Papa Eros and mother MC.
If someone sees this post please like it so I don’t forget.
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(Proofreading but forgive me if some things are off-)
Meg….hear me out for a minute.
I’ve been thinking of Eros and MC too much lately and your draft was literally?? So good?? I’m receiving crumbs of Eros and MC and I’m HERE FOR IT!!
But anyway my brain randomly thought of how our Mr. Frog (Chance Valentine) told the MC he loved her once she followed him on a dangerous mission. She got hurt and he’s like “you idiot girl :(” and he said how he loved her (I believe so). Now hear me out. What if….Eros did the same thing? Not the idiot girl part BUT the part where MC is kidnapped or injured very badly in the middle of a fight on their first case. My mind went with the kidnapped one because….It feels more angsty than the other one lol.
So MC and Eros get into a fight (obviously) because of something in the case and their differing opinions, and they both go home very angry. However, MC wasn’t alone. She gets home and believes all is well, but she doesn’t realize the enemy followed her (or one of the enemies if there is multiple). They get her vulnerable and overpower her and manage to take her somewhere no one knows of. Now, next day Eros arrives at their next meeting place since they got a lead, but MC isn’t there. Eros is confused because usually she was there first, always eager to show him that she was at least better than him at showing up early. He gets confused and waits for awhile to see if she shows, but she never does.
They’d gotten into arguments before on the case, and they’ve both gone home very angry, but still she showed up each time. But…now she wasn’t. He’s thinking, “Did I piss her off that badly?” But he doesn’t let it stop him. He looks into the lead and does work as normal, but without her slightly comforting presence. He begins to realize he missed her little quips and the way they would go back and forth with each other in a friendly way (sometimes). But once again, he pushes it off and assumes that she needed more time to calm down.
She doesn’t show up for the rest of the day. There’s no text message of an apology or of anger, just nothing. Radio silence is all he gets from her, and a day passes before he actually gets worried. Mainly because she didn’t meet him again, and she never went to H.E.R.A in the past two days. He knew she would never skip out on doing her job and showing up to give her info to Alex, so now it didn’t make sense and it began to gnaw at his heart. He calls Alex to get more context and confirms that even they haven’t seen or heard from her.
Now his heart is HEAVY with guilt and worry. He pushes down his pride and goes to her apartment, hoping to meet her and apologize, but she’s not there either. He knocks and knocks, but gets no answer, not even sound of movement. He knew he shouldn’t invade on her privacy, but he finds a way into her apartment (some godly powers or something) and sees everything a mess. Anybody could tell that a struggle took place, and this made his heart drop. He looks around at everything messed with, practically looks around her whole apartment (other than her real personal stuff) and notices something the enemy forgot.
Her ring. It’s on the floor and almost hidden completely from sight, but it’s there. Now he knows this isn’t her ignoring him because of her anger, this is serious. She’s been taken and is vulnerable against a godly being. Now he feels guilt and anger. He feels guilt at how he started the argument, pushed her further and further until she left, and how he didn’t even check on her at all. But then his pride comes back. “If she had just listened to me!” Is his first thought. But he pushes it aside and let’s Alex know so they can help. Now all of HERA knows that an agent is missing and is in danger, and they can feel the tension and unease from Eros. Gods always gave mortals and even demigods a heavy feeling, but now they feel it more because of his emotions.
Now, talking about MCs side. She wakes up and immediately realizes she’s kidnapped. She looks around and has no idea where she is, and then she realizes she doesn’t have her ring. It makes her blood go cold and her whole body freeze. She may have been strong, but that was against a mortal. She had no chance fighting a godly being (or monster), so now she feared for her life. The enemy taunts her (like they always do🙄) and threatens her. They’re playing with their prey, and there’s nothing she can do. She does try to fight back, but they injure her and it's pretty bad. She’s at their mercy, and she prays to the gods for someone to find her.
Her mind can’t help but wander to Eros. I imagine this taking place after a time where Eros made fun of her feelings towards him. You mentioned in a past fic that he made fun of her growing love towards him, and I imagine this happens after that. She feels anger at what he said before, but she can’t help but feel fear and pray that he saves her. She has many things to tell him, and she wants to help. She’s never been a woman to give up after all.
Eventually, Eros finds her and sees her weakened state. He sees the unhealed injuries on her body and he gets PISSED. He begins to run over to her, but the enemy appears and blocks her. They do the whole thing where they try to harm her and when Eros tries to fight back, they use her as a shield or as a reason he shouldn’t fight back.
“If you move, she gets it,” is something they would say.
This situation is terrifying for both of them, and he has never listened to someone telling him what to do, telling him how he should be, but he listens now. He found himself doing that more and more often because of her. She’d brought back a different side of him, a better side, and now he’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. To bring her back and get her healed. He wants to apologize and admit his care for her. This whole situation has helped him realize everything he feels for her. He doesn’t know how he buried it deep in his heart, but he did and now it was dug up to the surface and he can’t put it back down.
I can't think of all the details, but he manages to defeat the enemy, with her help, and then he takes her to safety, they make up, and then kiss kiss fall in love. I'm really bad at wrapping things up Meg😭, but I liked this idea a little bit.
My mind only has been thinking of this for about...a day so it's not the best described idea, but I hope it makes sense and I painted some of the angst properly. And I hope I wrote Eros's character at least somewhat in character and not terribly. BUT ANYWAYS! I hope you liked this angst idea like I did.
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ANOTHER fic reminder bc I need to clean out my drafts: MC speaking to her mothers grave at Olympus in an Eros route when they’re fighting bc of Ares.
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I’m…thinking of a Hercules romance route, but also one where he and MC are just friends. I’m writing a fic for him finally and still deciding if it’s gonna be vague (as in if they’re dating or not) OR have MC dating Eros (bc he’s my obsession rn) and Hercules and her are just friends. I had this whole
And maybe I’ll have him realizing his feelings for her. Who knows.
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megatraven · 2 years
Cookies for Cupid
Pairing: Eros x MC Summary: Three years into their sort-of-relationship, Eros realizes his feelings for MC have become stronger. Have hers changed, too? AO3 || Wordcount: 2,412
Valentine’s Day is probably the only thing in any world that Eros has more familiarity with than his mother.
While it is the day of love, Aphrodite isn’t the most prominent symbol associated with it- and she doesn’t have to be the one cursed each time a relationship ends in heartbreak.
He never particularly understood it as a holiday, either. At least, not how it’s celebrated now. Love was something that should be celebrated and indulged in every day of the year, not just one. It was ridiculous to limit big romantic gestures and red roses and heart-shaped chocolates to a single day in the year.
For him, it was stupid.
And yet.
And yet, here he was, watching his current fixation finish icing the cookies she made. For him. Heart-shaped and everything. The icing matched the color of his eyes, and the writing she put on each cookie was neatly done, every word made with love.
For him.
Because he mentioned it once, two years prior. An off-handed comment he made in the midst of one of their many arguments, back when they hated one another with a passion fit for… well, him. The god of passion himself.
Gods. Two years ago.
That first year was terrible. Eros had been so full of himself, so convinced that the gods were better than any human, despite his rich history with them. And she was a pencil pusher that Alex stuck him with, a petty response to Eros’ demand for someone competent. At least, that’s what he though at first. Through his case, she came through in more ways than he ever would have expected, all while juggling their arguments and trying to squash down her budding feelings for him. He’d made fun of her once for it, before they became friendly, and the hurt that flashed through her expression would be burned into his mind for centuries to come.
The second year, though, was better. They’d reached a point in their relationship where they could claim friendship, and Eros made time outside of his godly duties to spend time with her. Of course, being the god of love, he was able to tell when her feelings for him truly cemented, and he found himself happier for it.
He had asked her to go out with him, thinking she wouldn’t ever ask him after the way he’d made fun of her for her feelings before. If he initiated, she wouldn’t have to worry about it. But she took him by surprise- something she was far too good at- when she said no. She hadn’t been ready, despite her feelings. With her career kicking off and every other complication they were dealing with… it hadn’t been time. He respected her decision, because he respected her, and she was teaching him to be a better man. A better god.
And all that led to the past few months.
To right now.
His girlfriend glances up at him, eyes twinkling from behind the icing bag, and there's a mischievous glint there that he knows all too well.
"What's that look for?" he asks, though he makes a show of moving a little ways away.
"What look? This is just my face," she says, schooling her expression down into something that might fool anyone else. Oh, but he knew her too well, now.
With a smirk, he bats his eyelashes at her.
"You're so pretty when you're lying to me."
"Mm... you could be prettier, I think."
And before he can muster a witty comeback, she's pointed the bag of icing at him. He can't even put his hands up, godly reflexes or no, before she squeezes, and pink icing sprays all over his face.
"...You're going to pay for that," he growls, and practically leaps across the counter at her.
He grabs onto her shoulders before she can back away and pulls her close enough that he can rub his face against hers, sullying them both. She shrieks, pushing with one hand at his face and the other at his shoulder while he continues his attack, laughing all the while.
"Okay, okay, truce! Truce!" She's breathing heavily, keeping her hand over his face as he stops and smiles. "Oh my gods."
"Just one, actually," he says, though it's muffled. He kisses her palm once, and then licks the frosting there, laughing when she rips her hand away.
"You're awful," she says with a pout, holding her hand like it's wounded.
"So you remind me. Every day."
He rounds the counter, swiping some of the icing from her face and eating it, never breaking eye contact with her. Her answering blush draws her brow down, and she turns from him, arms crossed.
"Absolutely awful. You need to learn some better manners, Eros."
"Oh, but who could put up with me long enough to teach me?"
"Your mother."
He steps closer, pressing up against her back. She leans into him, despite her biting remark. When his arms wrap around her, she sighs, resting her head against his chest.
"If I say sorry, will you forgive me?" he asks, careful not to nuzzle her to avoid any icing in her hair. It's strange that he cares about such a thing now, that being thoughtful even occurs to him. Or how he remembers what she told him once, what a pain it was to wash it out of her hair, especially if it dried in.
"Will you at least look at me?"
She turns her head towards him, angling her body just enough that he can see most of her face... and that she's sticking her tongue out at him.
It's silly. It's so stupid. Mortals do the most immature little things like this, constantly, all the time. It's ridiculous. It's...
It's her.
Which means that Eros' desire sparks at the sight, terrible god that he is. Or awful, depending on the day.
He reaches up to hold her face still, and leans in to kiss her, nipping at her tongue. He swallows her protest easily, although he knows it's because she doesn't truly protest at all. Indignance melts in the wake of his lips on hers, her body turning towards his as her eyes flutter shut. Her tongue swipes across a touch of icing stuck between their kiss, sending a shiver through him.
"You taste pretty sweet," he murmurs, punctuating it with a kiss.
She kisses him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling them closer together. When she strays from his lips, it's to leave a trail of smudged red lipstick across his jaw, up to his earlobe.
"Mm, and you're a lot less bitter than normal." She bites down, not to draw blood, but a gasp from him instead.
"You're really asking for trouble, little mortal."
But there's no bite to his words; he moves just so, giving her access to his throat. That is something he's done for no other mortal lover of his, giving them such power over him. She makes it so easy, though, to give in. To receive her attention and care, her delicious love in all its lovely intent. There was never anything more to it, no secret motive. Just her love, deeper than any other's, and her desire to make him feel it.
She smiles against his skin, teeth grazing it as she speaks.
"Only if you're the god of trouble."
Oh, he would be the god of anything at all if she asked him to be. If she kept touching him like this, if her hungry kisses would never leave the veins they trace over, desperate for the beat of his heart, chasing it with no sign of ever stopping.
Her fingers knot in his hair, pulling and tugging until she elicits a hiss of approval. He might have her backed against the counter, but she's in full control, exploring him with fervor only he could ever match. He doesn’t even care about the remaining icing smearing across his skin, not when her teeth desecrate his shirt, tearing the top button off in one devastatingly gorgeous move. It’s almost feral, the way she does it without a second thought. He loves it.
He loves her.
She draws another gasp from him as she ventured down to newly exposed skin, kissing along hidden freckles and long-healed scars. Here’s where she turns more gentle, even in the midst of love-making. She always knows when to take care, to infuse her touch with as much love as she can. It’s slow and sweet, and it touches his heart more than anything else.
He loves her.
She looks up at him, deep brown eyes searching for the go-ahead, that she hasn’t overstepped here, that he wants this, too. His heart aches.
He loves her.
A nod signals her to keep going, her answering smile almost too much for him to bear. That she can feel such warmth towards him- him!- ignites his need past the point of staying status-still. While she focuses on his collarbone, he frees one of his arms from the embrace and works on unbuttoning the rest of his shirt, wanting to give her an entire canvas to work with if she so wants it, undisturbed, uninterrupted.
Her eyes gleam, filled to the brim with affection. He can feel it, almost grasp it between his hands- he could grasp it between his hands, if he could focus on anything other than feel of her skin on his, the way her lips curl against him.
He sighs, leaning into her and closing his eyes. He hasn't felt like this in so long that it feels new to him again, the ecstasy of want and need. Of love.
How had he forgotten this?
How had he let the years of heartache and misguided and selfishness rob him of the greatest thing in any world, which he had experienced firsthand countless enough times? How could he have thrown it all away, and allowed his own heart to become embittered and cruel?
He wraps his arms around her suddenly, ignoring the squeak of surprise as he holds her close. She returns it after a moment, quiet even when he knows that she must be burning up with curiosity. He smirks at the thought, an exhale of a laugh leaving him.
Opening his eyes, he lets them rest on the cookies behind her, just barely finished. His heart almost stops as he takes them all in.
Heart-shaped, way too sugary, wine red instead of rose.
With letters on each, spelling out 'I LOVE YOU' across the batch.
He loves her.
He loves her.
"I love you."
Her hold on him tightens, fingers digging into his skin, hard enough to bruise later. He can't blame her; he hasn't uttered those words to anyone in... centuries, at least.
"I love you," he says again, whispering it into her skin, urging his affection to sink beneath and warm her.
"...Do you mean that?" she murmurs, face turned into him. Her expression is hidden, but she never loosens her grip.
There's the faintest thread of fear in her words, the thought that he might be playing with her heartstrings. That this is another attempt to drag her through the mud for how she feels, despite their camaraderie and friendship that's flourished since that first time. It's his own fault for how he acted back then, and it's his own fault that it's stuck with her all this time and made her doubt their connection.
He wants to fix it.
More than anything else, he wants to make her feel secure. He wants her to know that he would never do anything on purpose to hurt her again, not so long as he lived.
"I mean it."
With all the care he can muster, he urges her face up, so that he can look her in the eye as he says it. She's on her guard, barely, and that fills him with hope. She wants to believe him.
"I love you. I love you. I'll say it as many times as I must. I love you. I'm beyond grateful that you could love me, too." He kisses her, softly, feeling his heart pick up speed when she returns it. "And I swear that I will never... ever use your love in any way that would hurt you. I would sooner fall from the heavens and lose every godly gift that I possess."
She's quiet, eyes closed as she takes his words in. The beat of his heart is almost too loud to hear her when she speaks, but her voice could reach him through anything.
"That's a big commitment coming from someone like you," she says, peeking at him through her lashes. Her words are almost biting, but the traces of her earlier teasing remain, setting him at ease.
"I know. But I met this terribly annoying mortal who's touched my heart, you see..." That draws her smile back, and he comes so close to it that their lips are just a breath apart. "I've come to love her rather terribly."
She closes the distance, holding the kiss for as long as it takes her to believe him. It doesn't last very long.
"I'm sure she loves you, too."
"I hope so. It would be too tragic otherwise."
"Almost as tragic as how filthy you are right now."
He grins, rubbing his face against hers and making their mess spread between them. Her hand comes up to force him away again, laughter bubbling back up.
"You really are awful."
"I know." He inclines his head in agreement. "But you love me anyhow."
"I do."
Her admission sends a thrill through him, and his desires rekindle tenfold.
"You know... There's an easy fix to this," he says, gesturing to their icing-smeared bodies and clothes.
Her looks is almost as devilish as his own.
His smirk is downright wicked as he hooks his arms around her and lifts her from the ground, enjoying her shriek of enjoyment. He enjoys it almost as much as he idea of them in the shower together- something they've only done a few times before, and... well, he'd never gone into it with the intention of being dirtier under the water rather than clean.
But as he's come to learn through her, there's always the opportunity to change and do something new.
Even for an old god like him.
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