#astoria fates kiss Mom
Meg hear me out for a moment. Your screenshot of your Eros x MC angst where he’s like “You’ll die like your mom, but no one will remember you,” hit me HARD (like I said in the ask, sorry for repeating) and my mind was like, “What if…MCs mom was alive instead?” Like she’s still working at HERA, soon to retire tho since she’s like 50 when MC starts working there (most likely 50 anyways). She’s still working there and I see her as the boss at work, but when she gets home she’s Mom™️. Like how Alex said it was hard for Aphrodite to come and be a mother AND a goddess when disciplining them in their S1.
So I imagine Agent Mom (the perfect nickname you gave her lol) being a little biased about the cases MC works especially since she doesn’t have her ring. However, something happens to where only MC can help further the case and she’s paired with Eros. And oh boy I can imagine her being very protective of her. Agent Mom knows Aphrodite, Hades, and a few gods have changed, but she’s still seen their nasty side and knows that a lot HAVENT changed, and she has a feeling that Eros is one of them.
And he is.
So that scene with Eros happens, but instead of it being about her mom being dead, it’s instead about how MC would never be a field agent on her own. She works under Alex (best friend background and forever in love with her), so they’ll have a bias as well to her and may (even without realizing it) help her up (like they said in their S1) and he says that she’ll only be living in her mothers shadow and never be her own person. Which, obviously, RUINS MC. She loves her mother and has admired her, and she won’t deny that she wants to be like her, but she wants to be w field agent by her own ability and not be seen as just a mini Agent Mom and not her own person so it definitely hurts.
I can see MC trying to keep her feelings hidden, but her mom just KNOWS. A mom always knows and she’s no different, and MC opens up about it and ohhh…she’s pissed. Josh said that Agent Mom stepped on many toes during her time at HERA, and she had another set of toes to step on: Eros. She doesn’t even go to Aphrodite, but instead straight to Eros (somehow).
Basically, she beats his ass but verbally and threatens him. She doesn’t even back down (like MC) and she’s willing to throw hands for her children, despite knowing he’s a god. Eros, really processing what he said to MC, kinda apologizes but not really. He still has development to go through, and Agent Mom isn’t having it.
When MC finally tells her mom that she’s having feelings for Eros, I can see her being conflicted as well. She wants her daughter to be happy, but she knows some of the gods past and how some don’t care about humans and will still use them for their own entertainment or will. That first interaction between Agent Mom and Eros is proof enough to her AND her time dealing with Ares and Aphrodite (when he caused a rift for them temporarily) and most likely seeing how he treated Alex when they were young, so she warns her daughter heavily, but she can’t stop her. She’s an adult and Agent Mom has raised her and Josh the best she can, and she knows she has to make her own decisions, so she respects it, even if she disagrees with the couple. At the time anyways.
And when they do get together and she tells her mom, her mom is like, “Aw I’m so happy for you!” And then talks to Eros secretly like, “If you hurt my daughter, I may actually kill you.”
Their relationship develops over time and becomes more positive, but still I can see Agent Mom being very protective of MC and being almost against her and Eros’s relationship for awhile, but she comes around after awhile. And when she does retire, MC gets her ring and is able to become a field agent when another world ending case happens and she’s working with Eros. AND eventually Agent Mom trusts Eros with her daughter and knows that they can do anything, even go against the gods if it’s demanded.
MC wouldn’t have the issue of being chased and threatened for being Hera, and I like to imagine Agent Mom wouldn’t either. Aphrodite and Hades kept it secret, and when she retires, she wouldn’t always be on Olympus anymore or involved with the Gods (other than seeing Hades and Aphrodite once in awhile, or Aphrodite more frequently since they had their situation going on), so it wouldn’t be a problem. Or maybe it’s just bc I like happy endings, I don’t know.
This idea isn’t too well thought out, but I just love talking about her mom because not much is known about her (other than the glimpses Aphrodite and Hades and Josh slip out every once in awhile) and I like to imagine what she was like. She loved HERA and some of the gods, but she loves her daughter and son more, and will do anything to keep them safe.
EDIT: On the topic of mentioning Alex and Ares, I may have a tiny fic based upon that with Agent Mom and Alex because she’s invaded my thoughts now and won’t leave until I talk about her enough.
EDIT 2: Omg quick addition I just thought of. If Eros and MC ever got married, I feel like Eros would literally be terrified of asking Agent Mom for permission (since he’d be old school why not) since how the relationship started, but he’d push past it and get her permission. He can see the warning and a little hesitancy when she agrees, but still he is grateful and swears to love MC as long as she wants and protect her with his life. Ah…..I love Agent Mom and her relationship with her kids.
She’ll definitely be a cheerleader for Josh as well and eat out at his restaurant frequently to talk with him (if he’s available) and just show her support😭😭.
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megatraven · 10 months
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doodle of a concept ive been playing around with, titled hera's daughters
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months
I would love to have a crossover of Astoria and PJO but Alex Cyprin would have bodied the entire camp system and built something far superior by the time they hit twenty and I know it deep in my bones.
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reacty · 11 months
OK before we follow the end of the journey of our beloved byronic heroine and wives Yvette and MC i need to do some announcements:
I'm very busy with fanfic so once i finish Yvette route, i will write the other routes in the same way i did with Yvette initial: seasons reactions instead of episode for episode.
Don't worry i will not stop writing reactions, indeed I announce that after this i will write the reaction of Wrath[SWM].
And after her you can vote which route i should write reactions. Here the choices:
With this 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
Let's go with Yvette Holte S7(and the last season) E1:
After the calm before the storm Yvette made her choice, so MC did her choice as well...
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she pondered her life post love-removal will, she will feel empty? Stil herself but unable to romantical love? Before she can mull over further, Joice always the best mom ask her if she is sick, bad, someone hurt her(Vuzass even in the death is still causing trouble), that her loved one left her, Joyce reassure that while she loved MC father it's also true that she love other man as well and did her best to give MC all the love she needed and she know future is scary but she must marry Yvette because she is a keeper!
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Me: Yvette, best wife ever!!!
After the sweet mom and daughter talk, MC go the deadly sin to decide the next moves, Vinca grumbles about bad news, Trudy talk about ice creams while Lazareth ask Yvette what is it. Yvette say that she must master her control on fire while being careful to not messed up the smothering the fire. They start the training MC noticed that the fire are lured by her.
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MC: I'll give Vinca a club.
Me: I love them!!!
Yvette training isn't going well until MC incourage her and Lazareth remember her that she is in control of the fire not the contrary...but then an earthquake literaly shake the things up and Vinca save MC ftom a bad fall, yo both surprise (Vinca finally consider her a friend eh? Our tsundere😁☺). Vinca and MC proced to have a pivate chat and bluntly say she know her plan and MC caustically answer back that Yvette plan is unacceptable only for Vinca to counter she would do her plan the heck that will accept MC plan and suggest that if MC wish to go through her plan must plan it PERFECTLY!!!
After the long day Yvette and MC do a well deserve cuddle.
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While MC is planning her next moves, Yvette is enjoy this moment (their typical day is the calm before the storm....), since happiness love to avoid.
They made love since they didn't know what will happen tommorow, they become one as their worries dissapear for now.
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Me: Enjoy this moment my byronic wives!🤤
Yvette call MC her dream becoming reality just for her, MC ask to make her dream a reality so Yvette feel her skin to skin, of all MC sound dhe made for Yvette to hear, teasing MC to frustation and to Yvette amusement, to touch her in any ways: fingers, lips, tongue while saying MC to be a good girl, to see the end of this ordeal of a journey and enjoy a peaceful journey, to make love everyday,
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They fall asleep....only to MC to see Yvette frailing in her sleep!!! MC wake her up asking what's going on...
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Me: Oh no.....😭😭😭😱😱😱😰😰😰.
Alright! S7 EP2: 3, 2, 1, here we go!
We left our byronic heroine with Yvette wake up from a nightmare and with the omnimous words of something bad was on its way.
Me: The Not-demon i'm afraid.
MC comfort Yvette and to coax from what is going on, but Yvetts is too agitated to give an sensate answer, throught she's successful able to calm Yvette down and fell asleep.
Its morning and the lovebirds are tempted to be lazy cats but MC promised to her mother that she'll not worry her, Yvette stated MC mother is the only one she's willingly to share since family are a true treasure...
Me: Oh Yvette, are you thinking about your parents 🥲?
While she knew that her friends×family Vinca and Laz will do anything for her, she miss all things that are supposed to be unconditional.
Me: Vuzgamad, dam youuuuuuuuuuu!!!
MC comfort her saying her love is uncodintional and Yvette reciprocated her words with hers: MC is her home now.Then she asked if she can go MC home with her
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and of course MC agree. So once at Mc home, Joyce being Joyce take Yvette and work together to prepare an earthquake kit: mother and daughter in-law (i said it correctly?) bonding time 😊. Joyce grab Yvette hands 😱 but luckly our badass is in control and the best mom admire Yvette's nails and she should take care of it, only for Yvettd smugly saying that she can buy helps if needed. Joyce wisely stated that having many people willingly to help (her) but
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jamesbranwen · 2 years
another one;
immortal x human!
1. ships that fit it
right now i am obsessed with alex cyprin x mc from astoria: fate's kiss. i just-- aaa them. alex is a demigod and child of aphrodite and mc is human. what i find super interesting about them is (in addition to the best trope, alex being her boss) they were childhood friends as well. so alex is a super young immortal. i feel like there's so much you can do with that and something not many stories have explored. they also parallel and carry the trauma of their parents, MC's mother was involved with Aphrodite, but she passed away and left a lot of things in her wake and left alex with a lot of things to think about. AAA.
i also freaking adore Twilestia from MLP. there's that gentle adoration there and i think celestia would hesitate to act on it at first but as time goes on its just the obvious thing.
hylink from zelda hits the feels. it's almost like they're both immortal, but they aren't. every link is different but she loves him the same. or she loved one of them above the rest and can't help seeing his face in every one of them. aa.
trephacard from castlevania is another one that tugs my heart in every direction. see also draculisa.
another is raysu from raya and the last dragon!! they're so adorable. and very gay in the german dub especially.
angella/micah !!! from spop !!!!
and ofc there's ozpin/really anyone. my favorite is ozglyn.
2. general opinion on it
I love it!!! It's such a bittersweet trope. I think the idea of loving someone for the time you have with them, accepting that you will have to watch them grow old and die and loving them despite that, it's super romantic. it really digs deep into the "loving you for you" thing. and then the (usually inevitable) tragic ending and promising to love that person forever even after they die. yeah.
3. ships that don't fit but i would read
i love this trope and it could honestly go for so many ships.
i am fond of "phoenix is actually a phoenix" AUs, and maya has all kinds of magical shenanigans going on, so it could work for either half of narumayo really interestingly.
glimweaver could be really interesting, especially because glimmer's mom was immortal. either SW is immortal and glimmer has to come to terms with the fact that she can't keep a leash on her forever or glimmer is immortal and SW has to come to terms with the fact that glimmer will watch her grow weaker. and she can't worship the queen forever. (with their significant age difference that second one may have to play out anyways, but glimmer being forever 20 might make it more distinct).
ineffable husbands has the opposite problem, wherein they're both immortal. maybe one of them rejecting heaven or hell would make them mortal, and they'd both have to come to terms with that after their 6000 year relationship? fucking ow!!! love that.
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pirunika · 3 years
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Malbonte reminds me of Astraeus...and it isn't just the vest and black hair either
lived an unfair life bc of circumstances out of his control
kind of leading a revolution
kind of does it in unconventional mean ways
..kidnaps the mc and have their first-ish meeting when he clamps a hand on her mouth while she's sleeping
doesn't respect the mc at first but only Soft for her later
with the mc, they create a new equal world even if it means some...err...deaths
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I want more Aprhrodite x Agent Mom
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100feuilles · 6 years
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i NEED to know what adventure these three went on.
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creamecream · 5 years
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“All I wanna be,
Is someone who gets to see,
A giant woman~”
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Reminder to myself: Write a fic about AFK MCs mom and MC cleaning out her drawer/locker/office bc once she died H.E.R.A. let her children have whatever was left there.
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megatraven · 17 days
In my head, for a while now, has been an animatic where we see Aphrodite's growing relationship with MC's mom, because I think it's adorable, and then cutting to Aphrodite reacting to her death, completely inconsolable. Now we compare it to Alex and their relationship with MC, and seeing Alex's despair when they lose MC to becoming Hera. Aphrodite tries to comfort her child, but she knows there's nothing she can do. She knows that grief all too well.
YESSSS!!!!! The parallels of their relationships and the grief that they feel when their loved ones are lost to something outside of their control makes me so so insane!!! (Also, a HUGE mood, my head is Filled with little animatics featuring the astoria cast.)
Not to mention the fact that MC's mother was Hera and Aphrodite knew. The fact that Aphrodite kept it secret and hidden, and then being unable to protect the daughter of that very woman she loved from the fate she'd done her best to keep her from. Alex having to suffer for it, thanks to Ares outing that particular secret.
And on top of it all. Hera wearing MC's face. Which is MC's mom's face as well.
Both Alex and Aphrodite having to live knowing that there is someone else wearing the face of the people they loved. I'm goig insane
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
I want to propose the idea of MC being the one to find Harry before she dates Alex and like Harry joins forces with May to push his Mama towards Alex because ‘it’s so obvious’. (Astoria crossover I mean)
Wait I love this so much I was originally thinking Alex found him first but the idea of Harry May and Josh all trying to get the two of them together is incredibly adorable. Also babysitter Uncle Josh would be precious and you know Harry would use his growing love of baking (now that he’s not dived to do it AND gets to eat what he makes) to get his mama to make more and more of Alex’s favorite lemon cookies because when they cook together it’s actually fun and nandnsnsnsnsn
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MC's actions in Astraeus' route is enough to make her mother turn in her grave. Confessions do not reflect the views or personal opinions of the mods
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asianvanhelsing · 6 years
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a-softer-lovestruck · 7 years
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chasing the dragon.
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