spectonki · 2 years
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When you’re done installing the application, it’s a good idea to unmount the DMG in Finder. But Applications is the most convenient place to put things, so we suggest you just put everything there.ĭMG files are mounted by your system, like a sort of virtual hard drive. Some people create a “Games” directory, to keep games separate from other applications. You don’t have to put your programs in the Applications folder, though: they’ll run from anywhere. Then you can feel free to delete the original DMG file: you don’t need it anymore.When you’re done installing: just click the “Eject” arrow.And you’re done: the AstroBoard is now installed.Simply drag the application’s icon to your Applications folder.Often these will include the application itself, some form of arrow, and a shortcut to the Applications folder.Double-click the DMG file to open it, and you’ll see a Finder window.dmg installation file from the official link on above
Like if you wanna download AstroBoard for mac from this page, you’ll directly get the. Most Mac OS applications downloaded from outside the App Store come inside a DMG file. Card heights were calculated incorrectly.Prevents search field from becoming the first responder on its own.Bug when you format checklist into title or body.Counter now counts un-done items, and also uses fixed width font for the number.Cursor now turns into an arrow when hover over.Sidebar count badge now has color to indicate the due status.Contextual menu on cards to add items above and below, as well as delete the card.Allowing you to see the best sequence to complete your work, as well as any potential problems and bottlenecks. AstroBoard manages your projects using cards and lists.
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silverstarfics · 1 year
I’m convinced I wrote this in my sleep because I don’t remember writing most of it and I am ridiculously tired right now. But hey, the prompt was ‘let’s celebrate’ so I wanted to write something light-hearted without thinking too much so I guess I’ve achieved that goal
AO3 link
Thunderbird One had a very large, very conspicuous pride flag painted along her hull.
Given their current surroundings, this did not stand out as much as one might expect, but it was certainly a marked change from that morning. Somehow, in the five hours since Alan had last seen the Thunderbird in the hangar to now, at Sydney Pride, the transformation had taken place without any prior warning or even the smallest of hints.
It wasn’t as if their support of the community wasn’t public knowledge – along with the fact that several of them were part of the aforementioned community. Gordon had somehow talked Brains into creating him a second baldric in pink, yellow and blue and promptly switched out his usual yellow for the pansexual-themed sash every pride month. Virgil had a tiny flag painted onto the Jaws of Life. Alan himself had slapped as many stickers as possible onto his astroboards.
International Rescue wasn’t even supposed to be making an appearance. These sorts of things usually had to be organised in advance with the help of their hardworking PR team.
Today, they were here as themselves. There wasn’t a flash of blue uniform to seen, although admittedly their outfits still stood out in the crowd; Virgil’s because of the intricate details of the design he’d painted onto his shirt, Alan’s because he couldn’t decide on a single colour scheme and so had opted for all of them, and Gordon’s because he resembled a walking disco ball. If Alan had considered his brother’s Hawaiian shirt bright then this was blinding and that was before he’d gotten hold of the glitter spray.
The glitter spray was currently in Kayo’s possession as Gordon demanded she reapplied it. His offended squawks were almost loud enough to be heard above the crowd.
“You nearly got it in my eyes!”
Kayo’s eyeroll was practically audible. “Stop whining. You’re fine.”
“I’m blinded, Kay.”
“You’re not, but we might be. How many sequins are you wearing?”
“Not enough.”
Neither of them had yet noticed the Thunderbird descending towards the top of a nearby apartment block in full view of the crowd. In their defence, the event was loud and so the rumble of VTOLs was mostly lost in the mix of music and merriment. But the clamour of voices and delighted shouts was fairly hard to miss.
Alan stared at One for a long minute, rubbing his knuckles against his eyes to check if his vision was playing tricks on him. It took a moment to remember that he’d probably just smeared glitter across his face. Dangit.
“Holy shit,” Gordon exclaimed gleefully, finally glimpsing One. “He actually did it.”
Kayo tossed the glitter spray into Gordon’s bag. “I thought Scott was busy today?”
Gordon waved a hand vaguely. Kayo hooked her fingers through the mesh of his shirt and yanked him off the curb. He twisted to face her with an offended yelp and Alan reached back to steady him before he could slip on the mess of confetti coating the street.
“Start talking, fishboy,” Kayo demanded. It was genuinely impressive how she managed to maintain an intimidating aura whilst wearing rhinestones. “What do you know?”
Gordon attempted to back up a pace. “To be fair, he didn’t lie to you. He has been busy today. Just… you know. Arranging certain things. Like, uh, surprises.”
“Gordon, I swear.” Kayo jabbed a finger at him until he went cross-eyed. “You know I hate surprises.”
“You’ll like this one!”
Alan was still caught up in the pride flag on Thunderbird One. It wasn’t just a small painting but a large-scale expanse of colour over her silver hull, sparkling in the sunshine. Cameras flashed and phones buzzed. #ThunderPride was probably already trending across social media. He spun around to Gordon with a breathless grin to match the giddy joy which had been fizzing under his skin ever since they’d touched down on Australian soil that morning.
“Did you know?”
Gordon gave a nonchalant shrug.
“Possibly. I might have mentioned the fact that this is the first pride you’ve been to since you came out. Or, you know, ever. I mean, I just intended for him to turn up but apparently he took ‘showing support’ to the next level. Which is awesome.” He fished his phone out of his pocket. “Oh, hey. We’re trending.”
“Scott’s trending,” Kayo corrected.
Gordon elbowed her. “Actually, Thunderbird One is trending if you want to be technical and boring.” He rose onto his toes to glimpse something over her shoulder. “If you turn around now, you’ll see your surprise.”
The streets were packed with so many people that it was near impossible to pick anyone out from the rest. Confetti drifted in the air, constantly churned into glittering clouds. Music sought out any hint of sadness and banished it to leave joy and acceptance in its wake.
Alan had never seen so much colour in one place. He couldn’t stop smiling. Even Kayo seemed at ease, with her flag wrapped around her shoulders and the flower crown that Virgil had talked her into wearing. Then she let out a shout and flung herself at the person who had arrived with Scott.
“Hello, darling,” Penelope greeted her, unable to repress laughter as Kayo pulled her into a hug. She had little beads woven into her blonde hair and had embellished a pastel pink dress with pins. The flag painted onto her upper arm was not her own, however. “I’m wearing it in John’s honour since he won’t attend such a crowded event,” she explained, sensing Alan’s confusion.
Kayo looped an arm around Penelope’s shoulders. “You told me you had a conference today.”
“I did, but not anymore. We thought it would be a nice surprise.”
“We?” Scott questioned, arms spread to let Gordon cover him in glitter spray.
Penelope gave an exasperated sigh. “It was mostly Scott’s idea.”
“Mostly,” Scott echoed. “It was entirely my idea, but whatever makes you happy, Pen.” He batted away Gordon’s hands. “Okay, squid. That’s enough glitter.”
“You can never have enough glitter,” Gordon declared.
Kayo stole the glitter spray. “I’m confiscating this.”
Scott scanned the crowd. “Where’s Virgil?”
“Oh, we sent him to get food like an hour ago.” Gordon didn’t seem particularly concerned by their brother’s disappearance. “Queues are crazy. He’ll probably be back soon. He won’t miss the parade anyway and that starts in ten minutes.”
“By we sent Virgil to get food,” Kayo interjected, “Gordon means that he bugged Virgil into agreeing to get some by being annoying as fu-”
Penelope clamped a hand over Kayo’s mouth – the only person who could get away with that without immediately being murdered. “There are children around.”
“-fudge,” Kayo finished. “Annoying as fudge.”
“It’s not my fault that I have a fast metabolism,” Gordon protested. “I get hungry quickly, you know that. I’m a growing guy!”
“You haven’t grown in years,” Scott pointed out.
“Shut up, Scotty. Not everyone can have your freaky height.”
“John does.”
“John’s weird.”
Kayo cut in with a mischievous smirk. “Just accept the fact that you’re short, Gords.”
“I am not short!”
“Uh huh,” Scott deadpanned, propping his elbow on Gordon’s head. “Sure. Whatever you say.”
Gordon shoved him away. “I can’t believe you’re bullying me at Pride. Isn’t that a hate crime? Rude. Get outta here, Scooter.”
“I painted a flag on One,” Scott defended himself. “Isn’t that enough for you?”
“You painted a flag on One for Alan.”
“I painted it to show support for everyone.”
“But mostly for Alan.”
“Wait, really?” Alan tore his gaze away from the crowd to stare at his eldest brother. He couldn’t quite keep his voice steady as emotion spread outwards in his chest. “You did that for me?”
Scott wrapped an arm around his shoulders and tugged him close. “It’s your first Pride, Allie. That can be pretty overwhelming. I just wanted to make you feel as supported as possible.”
“Because you’re a softie,” Gordon stage whispered.
“Whatever, shortass,” Scott retorted, ignoring Gordon’s outraged gasp. “Yeah, Al, it’s mostly for you, but it’s also important for people to know IR supports them.”
Virgil finally reappeared with armfuls of various goodies which Gordon and Kayo dived on like a pair of ravenous gulls. His gaze travelled from Scott to TB1 and then to Penelope.
“Scott,” he sighed fondly, “When I said don’t go overboard, this is what I meant. You were supposed to show up with a pride flag.”
“And I did,” Scott agreed cheerfully. “I just happened to paint it on my Thunderbird, that’s all. John suggested using a hologram but that felt like cheating. Go big or go home, right?”
Penelope seized Kayo’s hand. “The parade is about to start!”
Gordon barrelled ahead, a livewire of pure energy. “Hurry up! I want a good view!”
The entire day had been a whirlwind so far. There was an undercurrent of pure joy which wove through every soul present; the elation at having the precious freedom to celebrate themselves and the people they loved. Smiles were exchanged freely. Everyone seemed welcoming and kind. Compliments were treated like currency. Alan was struck by a wave of pure fondness for everyone around him, so much so that it left him momentarily frozen.
“Hey.” Virgil’s hand landed on his shoulder. “You okay, Allie?”
“Yeah.” Alan jolted himself out of the trance. “Yeah, I’m great.” He grabbed Virgil’s hand. “C’mon! Let’s celebrate!”
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pinnaclecases · 5 months
The Best Flight Case Manufacturers in India
Whether you work as a pilot or flight attendant, having a secure container to store essentials is important. To that end, a flight case works quite well. These crates are particularly useful for transporting aviation equipment because of their unique manufacturing design. These boxes are helpful for transporting many other items in addition to personal things, such as documents, medical supplies, safety gear, and first aid supplies.
A Flight Case: What Is It? A sturdy box for storing and transporting items is called a flight case. These sturdy containers are usually produced to order, but they can also be made to order. They are composed of materials such.
Astroboard, a lightweight honeycomb polypropylene
HP laminate plywood, often birch, poplar, or maple (note: MDF is not suitable for flight cases)
It’s also called an equipment case or transit case. Metal or plastic are often used to make these casings. Some are filled with additional foam or cushioning. In addition to aviation, a variety of industries employ equipment travel boxes, including
They are mostly used to protect priceless or delicate goods while in transit. Primary Types of Built Materials for the Flight Case There are many different types of airline transit cases, but the two most popular are made of plastic and metal. Flight Cases Made of Aluminum The durability and adaptability of aluminum flight cases have led to their widespread application across several sectors. They are perfect for carrying heavy objects over long distances, such as equipment and electronics, and they are available in various sizes. These situations frequently include:
Reinforced aluminum panels for added strength
Lockable designs with foam padding
Ergonomic handles for comfortable carrying
Additionally, certain versions include impact-resistant edges for added security and simplicity in stacking. Advanced damage prevention is provided by detachable foam inserts. Plastic Flight Cases Plastic flightcases are renowned for being lightweight and durable. They provide outstanding defense against chemicals, water, and collisions. They come in a variety of combinations and include:
Advanced IP ratings for moisture and dust resistance
Thick rubber seals
Double-step latching for secure closure
Additional features may include:
Scratch-resistant construction
Sturdy wheels
Pressure equalization valves
Retractable handles
Internal foam supports for added security
Best Flight Case Manufacturers in India
The leading best flightcase manufacturers India guarantee the highest caliber of workmanship in their goods. They ensure that every part of their product is constructed with care. This is what you should anticipate when you select a trustworthy brand: High-quality Boards and Panels High-quality flight cases are constructed from durable materials such as polypropylene plastic or hardwood. These boards and panels may be personalized with screen printing, engraving, or etching. They are available in a variety of colors. Proper Extrusion Work Proper Extrusion is included with high-quality flight cases to provide further protection. Reputable manufacturers frequently use plastic and aluminum in their extrusion designs. This connection board is available in a variety of forms and configurations to suit a range of case purposes and functions. It comes pre-punched with fixing holes.
Corners Flight case corners are crucial for safeguarding cases against harm, particularly when they are used as impact sites. Corners are made from heavy-duty steel by manufacturers, however less expensive versions are made of plastic. Ball corners, however, provide more impact protection.
Handles For convenient transporting, high-end manufacturers provide a range of flight cases with various handle designs. Recessed handles for protection are part of the design.
Surface handles
Strap handles
Pull-out handles
Corner handles for grip
Latches Reputable flight case manufacturers guarantee strong locks to provide more secure options. What are latches, then? Case lids and doors can be opened and closed with the help of latches, which are locking devices or padlock brackets. They are available in many designs and sizes. Always choose recessed locks since they provide superior security, is my advice. Castor Make sure the flight case has castors if you are purchasing it to carry large stuff. These are wheels that make movement a breeze. Now, in terms of quality, always choose zinc or steel wheels with rubber coverings. Some producers include brakes in the design of the castors. Choose auto-aligning castors if you have a reasonable budget since they make it easier to stack flight cases quickly.
Dishes Reputable manufacturers’ Study Flight cases include dishes with either a steel or plastic body. This fulfills a number of functions, including
Accommodating connectors
Labeling case contents
Improving airflow
Stacking of cases
Hinges One of the important features of flight cases is hinges. This allows the opening of access doors or lids. Manufacturers often choose steel to design the hinges. There are two popular designs:
Lift-off hinges detach the lid or part from the case
Piano and standard hinges keep them attached. In this case, the lid keeps the hinge open at a certain angle for safety.
Foam Proper cushioning is a feature of high-quality flight cases that guarantee the contents of the case are well protected. These are frequently different thicknesses of foam carpeting. In order to guarantee a correct cutout for a smooth, precise, and polished finish, manufacturers employ CNC machines. Fasteners Several kinds of fasteners are included with premium quality flight cases, including
Machine screws
Wood screws
These fixtures and fasteners ensure the solid integrity of the flight case construction.
When buying a flight case, make sure you choose a reliable manufacturer. Only premium flight cases are designed to perfection with all required features included. Also, compare the prices and other factors like materials and sizes to make sure you are investing in the right place.
Tags : Audio Cases, Hard carry case, Pelican Cases, Medical Equipment Cases
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barschool · 4 years
Acquista sulla nostra piattaforma e-commerce
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kase1248 · 3 years
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[Caption: 8 gifs of Alan Tracy.  End caption.]
     Favourite Things About Thunderbirds Are Go :: 1/∞ :: Characters
Alan Tracy
“Oh, so, what?  We’re just gonna sit here and accept our fate?”
“Unless you believe in miracles.  Bring any of those with you, Rocket Boy?”
“Maybe I did.  We’re International Rescue.  We make the impossible happen everyday.”
You ever have those characters that just walk into a room and declare themselves your favourite?  Yeah, in the Tracy fam, it’s Alan for me.  I don’t know why he, specifically, decided to be my favourite but he is.  Of course, he can be quite the obnoxious teenager (can’t we all?) but I still adore him and so many of his episodes rank highly on my favourites to watch: Comet Chasers, Deep Search, Impact and, of course, Colony; to name but a few.
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astrobabeyyy · 3 years
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you can have a moodboard. as a treat.
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myungjun + yellow moodboard ✨
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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Scott Tracy was used to being in the know. Knowing the exact situation, and knowing what he needed to do next.
The lack of a connection to Thunderbird Five rankled him more than he realised it would. He missed his eye in the sky.
He needed a strategy, but in order to build one, he needed to know the players.
Of course, he could just barrel on in and play it by the seat of his pants, it wouldn’t be the first time. But the stakes were too high. Far too high.
So, he opted for reconnaissance first.
One’s drones had a stealth mode and built-in camo, so he was using them to his advantage. Hunkered down in his chosen lair, he deployed them across the landscape, their holographic readouts projecting from his wrist control.
His frown was causing his forehead to ache.
He located his first opponent quite easily. He wasn’t bothering to hide, much. But that was typical. Virg played his games on his sleeves, pretty much like he did everything else. He wasn’t much for stealth.
But then he made up for it in brute force. Just look at his ‘bird. There was no way he was going to discount his second eldest brother. He watched as Virgil pulled himself out of a snow drift with his grapple and swung between the pine trees like some kind of mechanical monkey.
He was very surprised when he found what looked to be Gordon. It appeared he had already encountered one of the others and was sitting on his butt in the snow.
His frown increased. Now that was unusual. He had expected that brother to be troublesome and certainly not taken out already, much less by Virgil.
Hmmm…over confidence perhaps?
But then Gordon got up and started moving again. Hmmm, perhaps not as down for the count as he thought.
Heat signatures danced about the hologram as the drones skimmed across the top of the forest.
But only three brothers.
One was notably absent.
Scott’s frown threatened to rupture a blood vessel. That was a serious concern. The fourth was not to be underestimated.
It almost distracted him enough to miss the incoming bogey.
He had dug himself a snow cave in the hope to hide from the technique he was actually employing, but then Alan...it had to be Alan, he could spot his flying style from a mile off…obviously had his own ways of gathering intel.
Scott grabbed his bag and slipping out of his cave took a running leap and shot up into the air, jetpack flaring.
Better to offend than defend.
Alan literally cackled as he swooped in, a massive chunk of snow in his hands.
Scott grit his teeth. The astroboard was faster and more manoeuvrable than his jetpack, but Scott spoke atmosphere while Alan spoke space.
The eldest darted into his little brother’s flight path and forced him to dodge. Alan squawked and spun in the air, but recovered quickly, flipping in a loop-de-loop that brought him back onto Scott’s tail, snow bomb still at the ready.
Alan cackled as he bore down on him.
Over-confidence, little bro, over-confidence.
Scott curled himself into a ball, killed his jet pack and let himself roll into a drop.
The wind whistled in his ears.
Right angle, right position just above the tree tops, and he kicked his jet pack back in and shot off in the complete opposite direction.
He grinned as his brother squawked again.
Gravity, little bro, gravity.
But Alan was smart and he recovered quickly again, this time using speed to his advantage.
Faster than Scott.
It rankled.
Really, it rankled.
Scott dodged, but Alan had the vehicular advantage.
Scott had experience, but Alan learned damned fast.
By the third time he had had to defensively dodge, Scott was mired by both pride in his little brother and a little desperation. He really needed to up his game or he was in some serious trouble.
Killing his jet pack again, he let himself drop enough to get a good view of the underside of Alan’s board before he swooped to follow Scott down. Grabbing his grapple gun and slapping a pack in with practised ease, Scott aimed and fired at his brother’s astroboard.
There was a satisfying clunk as the grapple secured.
Scott held back a smirk as he let himself swing like a pendulum from the underside of Alan’s support craft, throwing out its balance and sucking away some speed.
Of course, he wasn’t enough to slow it down much…well, until he got himself into the right angle and fired up his jetpack again.
Then it became a tug of war.
With the grapple clipped to his belt, he was at leisure to direct where his pull was coming from and although the astroboard had more guts than his jetpack, it only took a little physics and angle calculation to really throw the board off its flight path.
Of course, if this wasn’t his brother and this wasn’t a snowball fight initially instigated by Gordon nearly drowning John in tree snow, he would have already taken the astroboard rider out of the equation. But this was Alan, they were daring but not stupid, and really, it was just a training exercise.
An extreme training exercise.
Didn’t stop Alan from reaching under his board and dislodging the grapple.
Scott’s eyes widened. How the hell??
But he had bigger things to worry about as he was suddenly hurtling towards the nearest tree.
Experience, experience! And that was all that saved him from a pine needle faceplant.
His grapple retracted with a swift zip as Alan darted off into the distance.
Okay, perhaps he did underestimate his little brother just a bit.
“Eos, location on Alan?”
“He appears to be retrieving more ammunition.”
John’s fingers poked at his tablet, his bolthole lit up by flickering hologram. “Making more snowballs?”
“Large ones.”
“And Scott?”
“Has returned to the surface, but appears to be…pacing.”
John looked up. “What?” Another poke at his tablet and he brought up the drone’s display and sure enough Scott was walking a groove into the snow he was standing on. He had seen that movement many times before. Scott was thinking, scheming…planning. “Keep an eye on him. Let me know if he makes a move.”
John returned to his tablet and the multiple displays from all the technology deployed by his brothers. Scott’s drones were definitely the most useful, giving him the eye in the sky he was forbidden by the rule of no Thunderbirds.
Gordon could be seen scampering away from where Virgil had torpedoed him into a snowdrift. Virgil was on approach again, snowball machine gun at ready. It would be interesting to see who would win that encounter. Gordon was military, but Virgil was stubborn to the extreme.
And Virgil was the challenge.
His engineer brother knew him too well and had pretty much hack-proofed his equipment. John was sure he could get in given enough time, but as always, time was a consideration. He had no doubt that given that time, Virgil would track him down and bust into his little hidden fortress and then John was screwed. Virgil the big softy or no.
So, he was relying on his brothers to take Virgil out.
He had no doubt they would and he just had to stay put in the meantime.
Easy, really.
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tracybirds · 3 years
For your TAG ask game . . .
First, thanks for these questions - they rock!
9, 10 and 11
aww thanks 😄😄 ngl the best part is getting to chat to people about their various responses it's a blast (ulterior motive achieved yessss)
I saw you also sent some questions to my main blog so don't mind me I will combine them here 😊💕
so 1. has been answered here
9. If you had to choose one Thunderbird to be a passenger on - which one would it be?
I mean it has to be TB3 right? I want to visit space but I also actually want to go places lol sorry John 🤣🤣 How am I meant to visit Io on a space station? Can't do it need a rocket 😁 Plus the astroboards look like SO MUCH FUN and that's the one gadget I want to try out more than anything!!
10. If the fam HAD to swap Thunderbirds, who would you place with which 'bird?
Okay okay! the crucial piece of the puzzle in my opinion is Thunderbird Shadow because that solves the Scott problem immediately!
Alan then gets Thunderbird 1 bc he is also a speed demon and the top pilot (everyone can fight me on this one but by the end of the series he's vying for Scott's position and he will be surpassing him in the near future)
Kayo gets Thunderbird 3 so that solves that little loop nicely! Especially since she has the experience going along with Alan so much
Gordon gets TB2 bc I agree with @gumnut-logic about him not liking going too fast and also he's already her co-pilot so that works!!
John is getting Thunderbird 4 - as an astronaut I get the feeling there's a decent amount of cross over in training, he would relish the ability to have some autonomy is the calls being made and I get the John and Gordon team up I love 😄
And that leaves Virgil in Thunderbird 5 and I ALSO love this because he clearly loves space even if he doesn't get to go much, he's calm and reassuring and an excellent communicator with panicking people, he's methodical and good at problem solving on his toes and I just like the idea of it being Virgil who answers the cry for help in this universe! Plus the art he'd create up there, the way music would be playing in the station, it would be so lovely, plus I think him and EOS would get along well!!
and finally
11. Do you take a position on the birth order debate?
And the answer is I do but the position is that I'm flexible and will happily slide the ages up and down the scales as I feel like it and John and Virgil get an overlap 🤣 I generally put John as the younger for some extra middle child vibes but it depends. I mean it hardly ever matters to my stories but I've written it both ways 😁 I also have a fic semi planned that probs won't ever get written exploring how pairing brothers into twins might affect the family dynamics so in that there's Scott-Virgil twins, Scott-John twins, John-Virgil twins, Virgil-Gordon twins, John-Gordon twins and Gordon-Alan twins
this all sounds insane until you know that in my year group at school I knew upwards of twenty sets of multiple births, mostly twins, but at least three sets of triplets too, and I have a twin of my own so like.... I think about the twin dynamic a LOT 🤣💕 there are soooooo many ways to be a twin and I feel like I've seen them all
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
It Calls Me
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Scott
More #fluffember, more Scott-centric because come on, ‘sky’?  Who else was I gonna use for that?  Also more introspective character-study-ish because apparently that’s all I can write at the moment.
Scott was born to fly.
There was just something about the sky that called to Scott in a way none of his brothers could truly understand.  Virgil, for all that he was a more than competent pilot, still preferred his feet on the stability of solid ground – steady and unyielding, just like the man himself. Gordon, also competent at the controls of an aircraft, might as well have been born with fins for how much he preferred the fluidity and unpredictability of the waves.  John, even before gravity had been declared his nemesis, had always looked to the stars and beyond, and Alan had followed suit, awed by the immeasurable scale of the universe.  Earth was always going to be too small to contain either of them.
Scott?  He was born to fly.
The jokes about Gordon and fins weren’t originals.  Long before Gordon had been a thought – before Virgil even, although Scott couldn’t remember before John to know for sure when exactly it had started – his parents had laughed that he should have been born with wings.  He’d been a climber, not because he liked to sit up high but because he liked to jump off of whatever it was he’d managed to scramble his way to the top of, much to his parents’ dismay.
That was how he’d broken his first bone.  At the time, he knew his parents had been horrified and distraught as they’d rushed him to hospital before well and truly Scott-proofing anything he could possibly reach to climb or jump off of.  When the story was retold years later, after four more children, it had become almost a point of fond amusement – “Scott showed us all the ways a toddler could hurt themselves so we were ready for his brothers”.
Scott might have nursed a small bit of pride at the fact that, joke or not, none of his brothers had ever broken a bone as a toddler.  Later, once they learnt the fine art of climbing trees and roofs, was a different story, but even that, Scott managed first.
After Gordon, he definitely held the record for number of broken bones.
His desire to be in the air hadn’t lessened at all as he’d grown up.  For as long as he could remember, he’d always wanted to be a pilot. While his peers ummed and ahhed about their future careers, some changing their minds as frequently as several times a day at their most indecisive, he’d always had that one, fixed goal.
Thunderbird One had been everything he’d ever dreamed of, and more.  Fast, responsive, and even paving the way for his brothers to follow, there was never any doubt that she’d been built for him.  If he was honest, every other craft he’d flown since her maiden flight – and there had been many, from his stint in the Air Force to the other Thunderbirds and even the myriad of civilian craft he’d had to take over during rescues – simply couldn’t compare.
The point of amusement for his grandmother, however, had been the day Brains presented him with a jetpack.  “It’s a good thing you never had that toy as a child,” she’d commented when she’d caught him training with it.  “Your poor parents would never had had a moments’ peace.”
His parents might not have been around to complain about his new method of flight, but his brothers more than made up for it.  Virgil, in particular, was sceptical at best and paranoid at worst at the idea he had another way to fly.  If it wasn’t made by Brains, Scott had no doubt it would have mysteriously vanished at some point, never to be seen again.
John and Virgil were both old enough to remember him throwing himself out of trees with only a homemade parachute to slow the descent.  They also remembered the subsequent hospital trips.
As it was, even with the knowledge that it would be vital gear for International Rescue, he still found himself grilled relentlessly by his eldest little brothers about safety and appropriate use and only use it when necessary, Scott!
He understood their paranoia a little better after Brains gifted Alan the astroboards. Surprisingly, his brothers were more lenient with the youngest’s joyriding – something to do with no gravity and no broken bones – than they ever were with him.  Privately, he considered that a little unfair.
But no brotherly concern could keep him out of the skies, whether it be in Thunderbird One or jetpack-powered.  The sky called to him in a way it didn’t them – Space, Earth, Water and Space again – and it was a call he had always been powerless to resist.
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tagsecretsanta · 4 years
From @Gumnut-Logic
to @such-a-random-rambler
Sorry for the wait Random-rambler! I hope you enjoy it :) And a humongous thank you to Nutty for jumping in to help <3
Secret Santa does not own this work, full credit to the author above!
Title: Tactics
Author: Gumnut
Spoilers & warnings: None so far.
Author’s note: This one has been fun to write. There will be more. Theoretically, only one more chapter, but who knows with my muse.
The prompts were:
Fight in the snow, snowball or otherwise
I’ll let you work out which I included :D
Many, many thanks to @tsarinatorment for the extensive plotwork to stimulate my migraine fogged brain and to @scribbles for reading ::hugs you both so much:: Couldn’t do it without you. Also, thanks to @tagsecretsanta for all their hard work putting this challenge together.
Merry Christmas to you and a safe and well new year as well ::hugs::
I hope you enjoy this :D
It was ever so quiet.
Gordon slipped between the snow-laden pines on silent feet. Dressed head to toe in white, he was a ghost against the landscape.
The mission was simple. Get in, nab the target, get out.
He had the training and experience and he had an intimate knowledge of his opponents.
A sudden movement off to his left and he froze. His eyes darted between the trees.
A snow hare bounced off into the distance, throwing up puffs of white powder.
Gordon shifted the pack on his back, his gloved hand armed and ready at moment’s notice.
But there was no notice.
The first volley hit him from the opposite direction. How the hell? But he didn’t get a chance to ask as he was pummelled to the ground.
It went against his grain, but Virgil was desperate. He knew he was considered the weak spot in this campaign and honestly, he was. But there was value in his knowledge and while he wasn’t really known for a lack of confidence, his lack of military experience niggled at the back of his mind.
His brothers certainly valued his skill set, but he knew they thought he was a softy…and rightly so. He was going to make the attempt anyway.
After all, his skill set was definitely useful in any situation and it gave him a chance at least.
So, his first victory meant a lot.
He shifted the weapon and stepped forward, his exo-suit whispering, his massive snowshoes compensating for his weight. It had been a fifty-fifty gamble on whether he should use his exo-suit for this or not. The advantages had slowly outweighed the disadvantages when his new weapon came to mind.
He smiled just a little to himself as he shifted the gun on his shoulders and made his way towards his target.
And thanked every defensive process he had put in place when he was suddenly attacked from the air.
Alan was having the time of his life. 
He let out one hell of a whoop as he dove at his second eldest brother, launching a massive bomb of snow at just the right point to topple him in his exo-suit. The man was like a bug on its back, flailing in the white powder. Why Virgil thought the clunky thing would be useful in this scenario was beyond Alan.
His astroboard on the other hand was definitely an advantage and he had just proved the point.
Looping for a return volley and to make his grab for his brother’s flag, he wasn’t prepared for exactly why Virgil was garbed in metal. A wide-ended barrel was suddenly pointing directly at him, tracking…
The sudden rain of snowball machine gun fire hit Alan hard, toppling him into a spin that had him blessing not only his collision avoidance software, but his electrostatic grip on his board. If he let out a yelp, he wasn’t going to admit it. After all, he was a veteran of both Halley’s Comet and the occasional asteroid belt. This should be a piece of cake.
But yeah, he yelped and darted away as the stream of snowballs followed him.
Okay, perhaps Virg wouldn’t be as easy as he thought.
But this was no different from a video game, really. Regroup, grab more ammo, attack again.
After all, there were three other brothers to take out.
Alan grinned.
Scott Tracy was used to being in the know. Knowing the exact situation, and knowing what he needed to do next.
The lack of a connection to Thunderbird Five rankled him more than he realised it would. He missed his eye in the sky.
He needed a strategy, but in order to build one, he needed to know the players.
Of course, he could just barrel on in and play it by the seat of his pants, it wouldn’t be the first time. But the stakes were too high. Far too high.
So, he opted for reconnaissance first.
One’s drones had a stealth mode and built-in camo, so he was using them to his advantage. Hunkered down in his chosen lair, he deployed them across the landscape, their holographic readouts projecting from his wrist control.
His frown was causing his forehead to ache.
He located his first opponent quite easily. He wasn’t bothering to hide, much. But that was typical. Virg played his games on his sleeves, pretty much like he did everything else. He wasn’t much for stealth. 
But then he made up for it in brute force. Just look at his ‘bird. There was no way he was going to discount his second eldest brother. He watched as Virgil pulled himself out of a snow drift with his grapple and swung between the pine trees like some kind of mechanical monkey.
He was very surprised when he found what looked to be Gordon. It appeared he had already encountered one of the others and was sitting on his butt in the snow.
His frown increased. Now that was unusual. He had expected that brother to be troublesome and certainly not taken out already, much less by Virgil.
Hmmm…over confidence perhaps?
But then Gordon got up and started moving again. Hmmm, perhaps not as down for the count as he thought.
Heat signatures danced about the hologram as the drones skimmed across the top of the forest.
But only three brothers.
One was notably absent.
Scott’s frown threatened to rupture a blood vessel. That was a serious concern. The fourth was not to be underestimated.
It almost distracted him enough to miss the incoming bogey.
He had dug himself a snow cave in the hope to hide from the technique he was actually employing, but then Alan...it had to be Alan, he could spot his flying style from a mile off…obviously had his own ways of gathering intel.
Scott grabbed his bag and slipping out of his cave took a running leap and shot up into the air, jetpack flaring.
Better to offend than defend.
Alan literally cackled as he swooped in, a massive chunk of snow in his hands.
Scott grit his teeth. The astroboard was faster and more manoeuvrable than his jetpack, but Scott spoke atmosphere while Alan spoke space.
The eldest darted into his little brother’s flight path and forced him to dodge. Alan squawked and spun in the air, but recovered quickly, flipping in a loop-de-loop that brought him back onto Scott’s tail, snow bomb still at the ready.
Alan cackled as he bore down on him.
Over-confidence, little bro, over-confidence.
Scott curled himself into a ball, killed his jet pack and let himself roll into a drop.
The wind whistled in his ears.
Right angle, right position just above the tree tops, and he kicked his jet pack back in and shot off in the complete opposite direction.
He grinned as his brother squawked again.
Gravity, little bro, gravity.
But Alan was smart and he recovered quickly again, this time using speed to his advantage.
Faster than Scott.
It rankled.
Really, it rankled.
Scott dodged, but Alan had the vehicular advantage.
Scott had experience, but Alan learned damned fast.
By the third time he had had to defensively dodge, Scott was mired by both pride in his little brother and a little desperation. He really needed to up his game or he was in some serious trouble.
Killing his jet pack again, he let himself drop enough to get a good view of the underside of Alan’s board before he swooped to follow Scott down. Grabbing his grapple gun and slapping a pack in with practised ease, Scott aimed and fired at his brother’s astroboard.
There was a satisfying clunk as the grapple secured.
Scott held back a smirk as he let himself swing like a pendulum from the underside of Alan’s support craft, throwing out its balance and sucking away some speed.
Of course, he wasn’t enough to slow it down much…well, until he got himself into the right angle and fired up his jetpack again.
Then it became a tug of war.
With the grapple clipped to his belt, he was at leisure to direct where his pull was coming from and although the astroboard had more guts than his jetpack, it only took a little physics and angle calculation to really throw the board off its flight path.
Of course, if this wasn’t his brother and this wasn’t a snowball fight initially instigated by Gordon nearly drowning John in tree snow, he would have already taken the astroboard rider out of the equation. But this was Alan, they were daring but not stupid, and really, it was just a training exercise.
An extreme training exercise.
Didn’t stop Alan from reaching under his board and dislodging the grapple.
Scott’s eyes widened. How the hell??
But he had bigger things to worry about as he was suddenly hurtling towards the nearest tree.
Experience, experience! And that was all that saved him from a pine needle faceplant.
His grapple retracted with a swift zip as Alan darted off into the distance.
Okay, perhaps he did underestimate his little brother just a bit.
“Eos, location on Alan?”
“He appears to be retrieving more ammunition.”
John’s fingers poked at his tablet, his bolthole lit up by flickering hologram. “Making more snowballs?”
“Large ones.”
“And Scott?”
“Has returned to the surface, but appears to be…pacing.”
John looked up. “What?” Another poke at his tablet and he brought up the drone’s display and sure enough Scott was walking a groove into the snow he was standing on. He had seen that movement many times before. Scott was thinking, scheming…planning. “Keep an eye on him. Let me know if he makes a move.”
John returned to his tablet and the multiple displays from all the technology deployed by his brothers. Scott’s drones were definitely the most useful, giving him the eye in the sky he was forbidden by the rule of no Thunderbirds.
Gordon could be seen scampering away from where Virgil had torpedoed him into a snowdrift. Virgil was on approach again, snowball machine gun at ready. It would be interesting to see who would win that encounter. Gordon was military, but Virgil was stubborn to the extreme.
And Virgil was the challenge.
His engineer brother knew him too well and had pretty much hack-proofed his equipment. John was sure he could get in given enough time, but as always, time was a consideration. He had no doubt that given that time, Virgil would track him down and bust into his little hidden fortress and then John was screwed. Virgil the big softy or no.
So, he was relying on his brothers to take Virgil out.
He had no doubt they would and he just had to stay put in the meantime.
Easy, really.
Two brothers targeted, neither captured.
Virgil grit his teeth.
The word was definitely out about his snowball cannon now so the element of surprise was gone. That would likely be bad. He had hoped to take down at least one brother with that surprise, but no go.
No matter. He still had the cannon and it was very effective.
He made it back to where he had pummelled Gordon, but there was no sign of his aquanaut brother. Alan was likely still in the air and Virgil had no doubt that Scott was probably using a similar tactic. So, bar finding Gordon who was likely on the defensive already, John was the next obvious target.
The question was how to find him.
The terrain assigned to this exercise was quite large. The land was part of a complex owned by Tracy Industries in Canada. Their family often came up here for vacations in the snow, usually around Christmas. While they generally couldn’t shut down International Rescue on Christmas due to the collective idiocy of the human population of the planet, Grandma did demand that at least one weekend in the months of December or January be put aside for the family to celebrate.
Scott hated to shut down IR, but he certainly agreed that they did need time.
Virgil was grateful that he did. At least the Medic didn’t have to take on the Commander head on to get him to stop.
This year had been particularly stressful with finding Dad and the medical and emotional fallout from that expedition having lasting effects on all of them. So, Grandma had called it and they were off for a week and as far away from the Island as possible.
Which meant a white Christmas, a pristine lake and plenty of time for a healing family.
Until Gordon took his pranks one step too far and half buried John in tree snow.
Admittedly, it had been funny and Virgil had been hard put to frown. John hadn’t been wearing a hat at the time – it had been in his hand as he was about to put it on – and consequently his hair had been plastered to his scalp in a most undignified way.
Red hair really stood out against white snow.
Also, reportedly the Voice Who Not Only Answers But Can Swear In Multiple Languages ended up with snow melting down his back and ‘Gordon was going to get it’.
Gordon being the occasional idiot he was, took that up as a challenge, daring their genius brother to come whip his ass.
The visuals accompanying that thought had Virgil rubbing his cold face.
The entire encounter had devolved from there, a rare moment where John lost his cool and a sign of exactly how stressed they actually were. It took Virgil a good tug on his astronaut brother and Scott dragging Gordon away to separate them.
Virgil cornered John and wrapped an arm around him, trying to draw him out, to find out what was bugging him, but no. Fiery turquoise was already plotting revenge and Virgil feared this was going to escalate to something ridiculous.
There was a reason why most brothers didn’t anger John. He was an easy target, but the fallout was apocalyptic.
Like never being able to communicate electronically for the rest of your life kind of apocalyptic.
So, it was with some trepidation that Virgil suggested this training scenario.
No Thunderbirds.
Personal equipment allowed - hence the training name of the game and not the all-out death match it was tempted to be.
Snowballs the only weapon - to stop his brothers from killing each other.
Virgil had no doubt that both Gordon and John were quite capable of burying each other in snow. Alan literally started bouncing. Probably because he immediately realised he could bomb from the air.
And Virgil set himself up to be the sacrificial lamb. Well, the one wearing an exo-suit and carrying a snowball machine gun.
The caricature that came to mind at that thought was quite amusing so he stored it away for later scribbling.
But anyway, just because he was the most likely to go down first, didn’t mean he had to go down easy.
Hopefully both Gordon and Alan realised that now. It didn’t hurt to make a point.
The ultimate goal was to nab each brother’s flag – a patch of fabric attached to their hip. Colour coded and numbered appropriately, Virgil’s green number two fluttered as he moved.
But the puzzle still remained: how to locate John.
His brother always liked to be on high with a view. Be it on the roof of the house, up a tree or in space itself, that was a characteristic that turned Virgil in the direction of the hillside.
Sure, John could be up a tree anywhere in the forest, but these were pines. A mix of tall, straight up monsters with few lower branches and squat dense walls of needles. John might have shimmied up one of the taller ones, but Virgil didn’t see the point. No security or camo.
No, it was more likely that John had a bolthole up on the hillside. It might be natural or he might have built it himself, but it would be hidden and secure.
Virgil respected his brother’s skills immensely.
And acted accordingly.
His suit whispered as he moved. Trying to find a way to quieten his movements had been far harder than building the snowball gun.
It had taken multiple adjustments to its hydraulics and several lubricants, but he’d managed it to a passable extent. Enough to sneak up on Gordon at least.
Virgil smiled to himself.
Now that was an accomplishment he wasn’t going to let go for a long time, no matter the outcome of today.
His snow shoes kept his extra weight stable on the soft powder as his reached the slope and began to climb. The hill became quite steep quickly.
Perhaps it was the change in terrain, or perhaps he really was just bad at this, but he had no warning when a grapple shot across his path and embedded in a huge tree to his left.
He had just enough time to gasp before the high tensile cable was wrapping around him, pulling him towards that monster of a tree. 
It snared him about the waist and chained him there before wrapping around him again.
But he managed to keep the cannon free and he made some serious use of it, shooting at a flying blur that could be no one but Scott.
He rained snowball hell upon his brother.
But the daredevil pilot was fast and had more than one grapple pack.
Moments later the gun was as tied to the tree as Virgil was.
Scott certainly knew how to secure a rescuee when necessary. Virgil found himself splayed against the tree like some human-metal sacrifice.
If he had his laser, maybe. But he didn’t.
He still struggled.
And he kept on struggling, straining cables even as Scott came to an elegant landing in front of him.
Despite it all, his eldest brother’s eyes were apologetic. “Hi, Virgil.” A small smile. “I’m sorry, bro, but you have something I need.”
He reached in and with a flick of his wrist, nabbed Virgil’s green flag.
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honeybee-hayes · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Are those my astroboards?
S3EP14 - Signals Part 1
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tsarinatorment · 5 years
Heyooo for the one word ask game: struggle
Hmm... no matches in my current wip.  Lemme have a looksie and see if I can find one that does have it.
*two recent WIPs later*
Well, didn’t find it in the WIP I thought would (apparently I use every other synonym but not ‘struggle’ itself in that one), but I did find it in one that I wasn’t expecting to!
John’s exo-suit was still tucked away in Thunderbird Five, an oversight in their preparations failing to bring the suiting up mechanism into Thunderbird Two for just such an eventuality, and even the astroboards would struggle.
Well, no prizes for guessing the fandom this one’s for! (Thunderbirds)
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ak47stylegirl · 5 years
For @thunderbirdthree​ you gave me this idea and i ran with it. I hope you enjoy 😄
Oh, this was bad, very bad, he thought, double checking Thunderbird three cargo hold. Yep, he was missing two astroboards. 
Scott was going to kill him or at least lecture him about the importance of taking care of his equipment. either way, Scott not going to be happy with him. 
"hey...Scott?" he said, walking up to Dad's desk where Scott was sitting.
"hi Allie, what's...." Scott frowned, "okay, what's wrong?"
his eyes widen, why does Scott seem to know everything?! 
"why you say there’s anything wrong?" he yelped, rubbing his neck nervously. "nothing wrong!....nope just...just want to ask a question?"
hopefully, he didn't seem too nervous, oh who was he kidding, even a blind person could see that he was nervous about something. 
"okay?" Scott said, not sounding convinced. "what'd you want to ask me?"
here goes nothing, he thought taking a deep breath.
"how....how mad would you be if...per say I lost two of Thunderbird three's astroboards?" he asked, fiddling with his hands.
"you what?"
he cringed. "I lost two thunderbird three's astroboards?"
“I know, I know! I should keep better care of my equipment, I know,” he said quickly, looking at his feet.  “are you mad at me?” he asked in a small voice, he hated it when Scott was mad at him.
he heard Scott sigh, standing up. “look at me, kiddo,” Scott said, lifting his chin up. “I’m not impressed, but I’m happy that you told me, just be more careful next time, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that they are not toys” 
he bit his lip, “I will”
“good” Scott sighed, “come here” Scott pulls him into a hug. “I know you didn’t mean to lose them and I’m not mad at you”
he felt the tension in his shoulders lessen. 
“they are, at the end of the day, replaceable and you did good out there today, you saved lives and that all that matters in the end,” Scott said softly. 
this was turning out better then he thought, he thought Scott would be really mad at him. he forgot to close the hatch, losing valuable equipment. a rookie mistake, he should know better but at the truth of things, he was still pretty new to things, even if he didn’t like admitting it. 
But he should of known that Scott wasn’t going to yell at him. Scott wasn’t really one to yell unless you really, really deserved it or if you did something unnecessarily reckless, putting your life in danger, scaring him grey in the process but that was him being scared then actually being mad at you. 
“John said you dealt with everything really well today, he says he’s proud of you and I am too,” Scott said.
he pulled away from Scott, confused “even though I lost the astroboards?”
“kiddo, one mistake isn’t going to make me less proud of you, actually it makes me even prouder” Scott smiled. 
what? Scott was really confusing him today...
“Because you came to me and told me the truth when it would have been easier to not say anything at all, that takes some strong character kiddo,” Scott said, putting his hands on his shoulders.   
Scott was giving him a lot to think about today, wasn’t he? 
“go on, run along now, kiddo,”  Scott said, ruffling his hair. “go kill some zombies or something”
oh, he wouldn’t mind playing a game or two...maybe he can get Gordon to join him. 
“FAB Scott,” he said running off to find Gordon. 
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thunderbirdthree · 5 years
omg i need a fanfic w/ scott’s reaction when alan had to report that he lost 2 of thunderbird 3′s astroboards lmao
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barschool · 3 years
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