#k:sj galacta
kirby-souljourney-au · 7 months
FUCK you. Metagala fankid
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This is Athena and shes like a month old
She’s a dream-heart astral hybrid. And also part dragon. Thanks to Ione’s genetics
When she’s older, she’ll grow partially feathered dragon wings! Like my sona :)
And her horns will be similar to Gala’s, but differently coloured and far more curved.
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goblinbugthing · 4 months
She’s probably gonna lose before the mods even reblog this but eh. Haraganda for the @kirbyoctournament :)
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Gala heard that she was competing and made a list of reasons you should vote for her! I’ll let him take over so he can do his thing
The mic has been handed to Galacta!
“Ahem! Hi! You should vote for my wife in the tournament!”
“If you’re not yet convinced, I’ve prepared a list of reasons.”
She’s my wife!!! And I love her!!!!!!
She was one of the Heroes of Yore in my generation; she was a great help in sealing Void Termina! Genuinely, I couldn’t have done it without her.
She’s very pretty :))) I MEAN LOOK AT HER SHE’S GORGEOUS
Her magic is just as stunning as she is! Sure, it’s the same common stuff that all Soul-Matter Astrals have, but she makes it ten times more beautiful.
She’s stayed alive (sort of) for aeons for her loved ones, including me and our child (even though they don’t remember either of us). Despite being a corrupt spirit bound to be reaped in the coming months, she’s existed as such for ten thousand years after her initial death. That’s some dedication! You have to respect that.
She’s just generally a great person! An absolute joy to be around! I’m so glad to have met her. She truly means the world to me.
“So yes! You should vote for my dearest Hara in the competition! Thanks for listening :)”
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goblinbugthing · 4 months
Dropping by with an ask for Hara!
I heard you were Gala's wife? How did the two of you meet and originally fall in love?
“We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“My parents had moved to live nearby the Palace after my mom started working as a Yonna there, and Galacta lived in the Palace for his whole life. My other mom and Gala’s mom got along super well and eventually became good friends, so Gala and I saw each other a lot.”
“As for how we fell in love… I guess it just kinda happened gradually.”
“She means the world to me.”
(Side note: a Yonna is basically the Halcandran-Draconic equivalent of a Nun)
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kirby-souljourney-au · 6 months
Gala’s ref sheet is done!
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Our beloved girlboy!
(I can’t draw abs don’t look at me. Also please don’t mind the fact that the image itself doesn’t have her eye-whites on the palette.)
All his info and hex codes under the cut!
Full name: Galacta Iriam
Aliases: Galacta Knight, Aeon Hero, Zyr Aeon, Zyr Galacta
Species: Heart-Soul-Matter Astral
Planet of Origination: Halcandra
Age: 85,634
Height: 7’3”
Gender: Biologically both sexes; identifies as bigender
Pronouns: He/Him/His, She/Her/Hers
Sexuality: Pansexual, polyamorous, acespike
S/O: Hara Arachi (wife), Ione Argon (fiancé) (and Auberon Ivi (husband), in the future)
Family: Verist Iriam (mother), Cero Triach (father), Cherubim Iriam (elder sister), Valkyrie Triach (twin sister), unnamed child
The famous Aeon Hero, Warrior of Heart of the Halcandran-era Heroes of Yore. Previously a mentor to Auberon Ivi, and his closest friend.
Married to Hara Arachi — had one child with her, who was not named before the sealing.
Works as a Knight under Dreamland’s King Dedede.
Freed after the Soul Crystallisation spell wore off, about 3 weeks after Nightmare’s defeat.
A total sweetheart with a heart of gold and mind full of naught but love and affection, he is very kind as a person and gets along with others very well, finding it easy to befriend just about anyone. Despite her generally positive demeanour, though, she has her moments, and is very, very much capable of killing someone faster than you can blink, if she deems it necessary.
He traveled quite a bit after being freed initially, looking across the galaxy for whatever might interest him. She eventually landed on Popstar, going through a couple other countries before reaching Dreamland, where she has lived ever since.
His weapon of choice is a lance and shield, and occasionally Heart Spears, but only when needed. She is also capable of summoning Sparkling Stars and other Soul-Matter-based weaponry, but she doesn’t typically need to.
Hex codes
#AA4A77 — Fur base
#E093B7 — Neck fluff / Scars
#FCDFED — Fur fade / Face marking / Inner ears
#FFFFFF — Halo star / Claws
#C1C1C1 — Sweatpants / Ring
#FFBA8E — Horns / Armour accents / Loincloth +Skirt accents
#FFCF9E — Halo
#C20000 — Iris
#FFF2F2 — Eye whites
#CBDDE8 — Casual shirt
#000000 — Fishnet undershirt
#FFF5F9 — Loincloth base
#E0E7E7 — Armour base
#E9DEE2 — Skirt 1 base
#D699B4 — Skirt 2
#FFFFFF — Flight & Primary covert feathers (front) fade
#D9C2FF — Flight feathers (front) base / Primary covert feathers #base
#C5A5FB — Middle & Lesser covert feathers
#B28EF0 — Flight feathers (back)
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goblinbugthing · 4 months
hi :) 24 for Hara….,,,
24 - What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Well, there are a few different things she wishes she did, but not at the exact same point in time.
Let’s go chronologically. That makes most sense to me.
First off — Just before Galacta’s sealing.
At that moment, when a close friend of theirs (who also happened to be one of the Yonna) requested that Galacta follow her to Yama’s office-place (or whatever it should be called, idk ancient Halcandra, I’m not that old), Hara wishes she followed her git instinct to go with them.
Then she would’ve ben at the sealing event, and had the ability to stop it.
But she didn’t. She had a child to take care of in her wife’s stead. She chose to stay in her room, lulling the baby to sleep, and wait for her wife to return.
She never did.
Secondly — Immediately after the sealing.
Unlike in the original version of Soul Journey, Hara actually did something to get her exiled.
She regrets it. She could have done something else, but in a fit of grief and rage, she committed a crime. A crime she was rightfully punished for.
If she hadn’t done so, she would’ve gotten back at Yama in a better fashion; legally, at that, and she likely would have either taken her place as High Priestess or become the new Priestess’ right-hand warrior. She wouldn’t have lost her child.
She might’ve even been able to undo the sealing spell, considering she has Soul Magic and the spell itself was done improperly.
But she was too upset. She was grieving her effectively dead wife, and mad at herself for not being able to protect him. She acted on impulse, and thus ruined the rest of her life.
Third, and finally — Post-exile, before Nightmare’s attack on the planet she lived on at the time.
She wishes she never went to that planet in the first place. Maybe her cousin convinced her to go elsewhere, or she decided on her own that it wasn’t worth the trip.
By not going there, she wouldn’t have died. She’d still be alive in modern day, able to see her wife and in-laws in the flesh.
But she went there anyway. The time she spent there before the attack was good, she enjoyed living there, but she could tell something bad was about to happen. She’d had it too good the last seventy thousand-odd years beforehand. She felt the negative aura in the air, but she ignored it in favour of being able to visit one of the Serga System’s most popular tourist sites.
She could have been happier than she is. She would still be alive, she would still have her child, she’d still have her wife.
Unfortunately, Lady Luck was not on her side for these events, and her existence turned out like this.
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kirby-souljourney-au · 7 months
Yknow what? Fuck it. Aubergala fankid real.
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This is Artemis, she’s Athena’s older half-sister!
She’s a soul-heart astral hybrid, and just about 12.
If you recall, on my main, I made a silly little post where I made a fankid/lovechild for Aubs and Gala… but they weren’t actually canon. Now, though, they’re remade, redesigned, and are actually canonical to SJ!
Well, in the AU’s future, at least.
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kirby-souljourney-au · 7 months
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i started fucking with ibis again.
accidentally made something cool. again.
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goblinbugthing · 7 months
im just sayin. galacta and holly would absolutely get along
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kirby-souljourney-au · 5 months
here have a lil wip haragala playlist bc i have been thinking abt them nonstop since i woke up
ill draw cover art for it eventually but im very tired rn
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kirby-souljourney-au · 6 months
Update on Gala’s ref sheet!
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I’m in the process of colouring her in — this is gonna take a bit, since I’m distracted with Minecraft building nonsense at the moment (specifically, struggling to figure out how WorldEdit works), but it’s should be finished within the next few days!
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kirby-souljourney-au · 6 months
Allow me to drop a bit o’ lore on ya, in fun fact bullet-list form!
Athena and Ini + Shini are around the same age, Athena being a month older than the other two.
Galacta, who had already gone through a ton of pain and suffering to have a third child, spent approximately three hours minimum just… holding baby Ini and crying. He is a very emotional person.
Kirby genuinely did not expect the creation spell that birthed Ini to work. Neither did Skirby. Both of them were completely and utterly baffled when their respective daughters were born, barely the size of a fist and squeaking indignantly. They immediately ran to Void having fifty different panic attacks about Oh My God I’m A Fucking Dad Now.
Athena and Artemis sometimes help Ini and the other Absolutes with band stuff. Planning and posters and setup are absolutely their thing!
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kirby-souljourney-au · 5 months
Gala’s the type of person to respond to “debit or credit?” by saying “personality :)” and walking away without paying
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kirby-souljourney-au · 6 months
Wanted to draw, but I didn’t feel like rendering the Reaper’s Blade cover, so I started up Gala’s ref sheet instead.
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Look at him!!!!! So pretty :)
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kirby-souljourney-au · 6 months
I got bored, so I gave in to my OC-making instincts.
I have two new OCs now — neither of them have designs yet, and they’re both relatively bare-bones, but they’re canon nonetheless.
Galacta has two sisters! Good for him!
There’s Cherubim, the eldest sibling — she was accidentally conceived through her mother self-cloning (like those lesbian lizards) without realising, and is a near identical replica of her, but is still distinctly different through personality.
And then there’s Valkyrie, Galacta’s twin! They’re not identical twins, though — they were just born at the same time. Anyway, she (alongside Gala) is the product of normal reproduction, and (also alongside Gala) is a Soul-Heart Matter hybrid. She’s not exactly as strong as her twin, but she’s still powerful as an Astral!
Both of them are capable of summoning Heart Spears, but only ever one at a time, and it takes a lot out of them when they do.
I’m probably gonna end up throwing these two into Soul Journey at some point — y’know, have Ione meet the in-laws he didn’t know existed.
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kirby-souljourney-au · 7 months
Ok, this isn’t gonna be canon to Soul Journey, but I had an idea.
I think it’d be really funny if Auberon (and y’know what, maybe Hara too) was part of the GSA before it fell apart, and was really good friends with Meta
So when he and Hara arrive in Dreamland during the events of the fic, there’d be a whole interaction that’s just Chill Greeting between the friends and Gala screaming in confusion.
Sorta like this:
Auberon: Oh, hey Meta Knight, long time no see
Ione: Hi Auberon. Didn’t think I’d see you again, how’ve you been
Galacta, losing her shit: YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER?????????
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kirby-souljourney-au · 7 months
I absolutely cannot decide on a voice claim for SJ!Gala—
Poll time, i guess!
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The songs in question, for reference:
I love these both so much—
Thanks to my brother for introducing me to Cepheid’s music a couple months ago when we were up in NC. I have this rotating in my brain eternally.
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