#Atlas Air Worldwide
usaitbari · 2 years
Boeing's last 747 has rolled out of the factory after a more than 50-year production run
Boeing’s last 747 has rolled out of the factory after a more than 50-year production run
Boeing’s last 747 aircraft, #1574, at its factory in Everett, Washington. Leslie Josephs | CNBC EVERETT, Wash. − Boeing‘s final 747 rolled out of the company’s cavernous factory north of Seattle Tuesday night as airlines’ push for more fuel-efficient planes ends the more than half-century production run of the jumbo jet. The 1,574th — and last — 747 will later be flown by a Boeing test pilot,…
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Boeing's last 747 has rolled out of the factory after a more than 50-year production run
Boeing’s last 747 has rolled out of the factory after a more than 50-year production run
Boeing’s last 747 aircraft, #1574, at its factory in Everett, Washington. Leslie Josephs | CNBC EVERETT, Wash. − Boeing‘s final 747 rolled out of the company’s cavernous factory north of Seattle Tuesday night as airlines’ push for more fuel-efficient planes ends the more than half-century production run of the jumbo jet. The 1,574th — and last — 747 will later be flown by a Boeing test pilot,…
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demaparbat-hp · 2 days
I didn't know Katara also had silver marks on the Kintsugi AU. How did you come up with that idea? Is it an in-universe cultural thing? If it is, is it exactly the same as Zuko's or does the Water Tribe have their own beliefs around it?
Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, I just really love how your mind works when it comes to these AUs 💖
Hello, and thanks for asking!
Initially, Kintsugi was a strictly Fire Nation tradition. Something to hold over the rest of the nations, and deepen their own belief of cultural superiority. Zuko hiding his scars played into that idea, since having gold inlaid in your body is a clear sign of Fire Nation blood—furthermore, High Fire Nation blood.
That being said, one lovely anon gave the suggestion that perhaps the other nations also have their own kinds of Kintsugi, and I fell in love with the idea. @ican-fixitbooks went even deeper into the particular philosophies of each nation regarding Kintsugi. I'll be using some quotes from them—watch for the italics.
It was during said brainstorming session that I thought of Katara having a silver Kintsugi scar, and how could it be used to enhance the themes of ATLA, Katara's arc, and this AU as a whole.
But a little background is necessary, I believe.
Kintsugi is a tradition practiced worldwide, with minor differences in philosophy/technique according to each nation.
The Earth Kingdom seal their scars with a substance that resembles bronze, as the mentality of breaking yourself down to build yourself back up better than you were is very central to their culture. It is used as a way to celebrate one's victories, made all the better if damage was taken to achieve it.
The elite have rather different views on this practice. They believe themselves to be above such things. That which is broken must be hidden away, which has interesting connotations when thinking about a certain blind earthbender.
The Air Nomad philosophy leans towards a naturalist approach. Anything natural doesn't need to be "improved" in their eyes. If a scar is there, it is there. Let it be there as a part of you, no different than any other, no need to be "made better", but in fact better to just "be".
Kintsugi is a cultural practice meant to celebrate making something beautiful out of something broken, arguably even making it better than it was. During Sozin's reign and forward, Kintsugi became a way to show the Fire Nation's superiority. Especially as that is essentially their philosophy for war: "Breaking the rest of the world so it can be reforged in fire, made a better, more perfect place."
As for the Water Tribes, there's the healing factor to take into account. The Northern Water Tribe isolated itself from the rest of the world once the war began, so they hold tight to their traditions and beliefs. If something is not broken, then why attempt to fix it? Kintsugi is scoffed at in the North—it is a foreign practice, one that is not necessary when all your wounds can be healed with bending.
However, the Southern Water Tribe has been exposed to the world. They have seen war. They have lived through it. They have suffered, but they are also free because of it, if only in spirit. The South is strong and proud and bold, so it comes as no surprise that silver Kintsugi becomes the mark of their warriors, their hunters, their people.
Katara was wounded during the last Southern Raid. After losing Kya in such a terrible way, Hakoda made sure to seal Katara's wound with the silver of their warriors, so that she would always remember that despite having been broken, she is still strong, beautiful, and proud.
The scar itself is long and thin, going from her right shoulder up to her jaw. It loosely resembles lightning.
And despite how she got it, despite all the things she lost on that day, despite it being a constant reminder of her mother's death—Katara loves her scar.
It grounds her. It pushes her forward. You are a warrior, it tells her. You are a survivor.
When Katara arrives at the North, her scar becomes yet another thing the Northerners hold against her. They use it to demean her, just as they do her gender and out-spoken personality.
The North believes a lot of things that Katara always considered natural to be a problem. What does it matter that she is a woman? What is wrong about being passionate? Why should having a scar mean she's broken?
This scar is something they cannot touch. The Northerners try to use it to demean her. To make her small. Self-conscious. Worthless.
They're scoffing at her mother's death.
Her strength.
Her beauty.
Her pride.
Her story.
And she will not allow it.
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enigmamirror · 10 months
Yknow, i'm rewatching atla after reading the yangchen novels, and I really appreciate the small meaning behind some things a lot more now. In s3 e11 The Western Air Temple, combustion man shows up and wrecks the place. I always found this sad because the preservation of air nomad culture and architecture was something shown many times to be important to Aang, so the temple being destroyed is really tragic in that way. But also, Yangchen is a western air temple nun. And we can see statues of her there in the episode. So reading the novels and then seeing how her statue is focused on more at the western than any other is a nice touch that shows how much detail the og show had in it. These little nods to what eventually would become lore is amazing.
But as much awe as it inspires, theres symbolism without (imo) even trying to be. In the Yangchen novels, combustion bending is seen for the first time in the atla world, it was written as the biggest plot point and the worldwide threat of the novels. And we see Yangchen and her struggle against it. Things like Nujians death, Yangchens banishment, all of her struggles in the novels are some sort of result from her dealing with combustion benders. And she is from the western air temple. Which is salt in a centuries old wound. Yangchen, an air nomad, a pacifist by culture, who worked so hard to avoid taking lives when she was able, who lost so much because of combustion bending as a technique, who came from the western air temple,
Her home, was destroyed
By the very
That cost her so much already.
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A Barbary lion was seen in the Atlas Mountains during a flight on the Casablanca-Dakar air route. The photograph, taken by Marcelin Flandrin in 1925, is the last visual record of a wild "Barbary" lion of North Africa. To clarify, the Barbary lion is not completely extinct but is extinct in the wild. It is reported that there are fewer than 90 of them in captivity worldwide. They are part of a global breeding program aimed at helping to revive the population.
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paperbag34 · 3 months
It's like, 11pm for me rn. Long post ahead lmao.
Y'know, I was just thinking about that one post I saw a while ago about Katara faking being the Avatar instead of ever finding Aang, and, well. How much of ATLA's stuff wouldn't happen or happen differently if Aang wasn't there?
Also, travel time lol. The Gaang gets the advantage of Appa being able to Literally Fly, but without Aang, no Appa, and thus no flight. You can just handwave it by saying Katara can travel faster by water using waterbending I guess. A surprising amount of ATLA happens a reasonable distance near bodies of water, but some parts happen unchangably inland. Also, Si Wong Desert lmao. Aint no way she's waterbending herself across the desert.
Also, imagine how much power Katara needs to fake being Avatar. Aang is OP, frankly. He's practically a one-man army. To be able to fight on the Avatar's level, with waterbending as well as her "fakebending", she has to be an abnormally powerful waterbender. Her fighting style would probably evolve to be a form of immense field control, spreading water all throughout the land so she can use it at any time to mimic different bending styles.
Anyway my thoughts on season 1:
In "The Boy in the Iceberg" and "The Avatar Returns", Zuko has no real reason to be aware of the Avatar's presence. Since Aang never gets unsealed, the giant sky-beam of light never happens, and Zuko never gets alerted to what Katara's doing. The Fire Navy ship doesn't happen either, since Aang doesn't get Katara to go in, so the flare doesn't go off. Zuko can literally leave the South Pole without ever meeting Katara or knowing about her (false) status as Avatar.
If we really wanted to make them meet, they could meet as Katara and Sokka boat themselves out of the South Pole, on the ocean. Zuko ignores them, of course, because what does he get from shooting traders? It's dishonourable. He does see them boating their way out though.
In "The Southern Air Temple", the world has no way of knowing the Avatar is back. Even if they decide to visit, since Katara isn't actually the Avatar, she can't resonate with the Avatar statues, and none of the worldwide temples get the big glowy light message. It would also be funny if Katara pays her respects to the past avatars, explains her plan, turns to leave, and then the past avatars just go "Eh. She'll do." and send out the "Hey, Avatar's back guys!" message.
Zhao also never gets the news about the Avatar being there. Zuko can just dock to resupply, get insulted by Zhao, win the Agni Kai, etc.
"The Warriors of Kyoshi" is probably the first place where it would make sense for Zuko to meet Katara. As a neutral spot, Zuko can reasonably dock there. Maybe Uncle Iroh gets him to take a break from Avatar hunting. While it's highly possible that this is where they can first get into conflict, as Zuko sees Katara demonstrate her "Earthbending" in town, it's also possible that Suki and the Kyoshi warriors get get them to Not Do That, and get Katara not to fight them, leading to a peaceful interaction between Team Katara and Team Zuko.
Omashu would probably be where news of the Avatar could spread to the world for the first time. Katara would obviously want to advertise herself as the Avatar for hope-bringing reasons, so the news spreads throughout Omashu. Fire Nation spies in Omashu can reasonably send word to the capital, which is how while Ozai would learn of the Avatar, Zuko would not, at least for now until he gets wind of the rumors.
"The King of Omashu" and "Imprisoned" can still likely happen, since Bumi obviously wants to get a handle on this new Avatar that replaced his old friend, and it's reasonable that by the time of Imprisoned, news of the Avatar's description wouldn't have reached that far yet.
"Imprisoned", though might go a little differently. The main thing in Imprisoned is Aang and Sokka ferrying themselves over using Appa, then Aang airbending all the coal out of the prison burners for the prisoners to use. Katara... can't do that. Or, well, she can because her pretending to be the Avatar in this AU means she's also ridiculously OP. So either she beats the warden's ass herself, or she uses waterbending to both douse the burners and steal the coal, which is explained away by her recognizing she has to help the prisoners save themselves or something, idk.
"Winter Solstice Part 1" might actually be almost identical to canon. Roku's reason for calling Aang is to warn him about Sozin's Comet. Assuming Roku knows about this upstart Water Tribe girl impersonating his successor, it's highly possible he'd also summon her to give the same warning. The village chief can have maps so they can find Crescent Island, and Zuko still shows up to see the Avatar because he's heard of her by now and realized his mistake.
Part 2, could also be pretty close. Being even more powerful in this AU, she can pass the blockade no problemo. The rest goes literally exactly the same, though in my opinion, Katara would have to experience backlash from hosting Avatar Roku in her body. She's no the actual Avatar, after all. Alternatively, she doesn't do that, and gets out on her own strength. Roku doesn't destroy the temple, and they either beat Zhao's ass or just straight up run away.
"The Waterbending Scroll" is interesting, because Katara being pissed off at Aang is arguably what causes the conflict in the episode. She steals the scroll and stays up late praticing because she's mad that Aang's natural at waterbending, so she gets captured by the pirates. It still makes sense for her to steal the scroll (Liberating waterbender stuff from pirates, wanting to see what actual waterbending forms are like), but I'm not sure how the pirate confrontation goes down, because at this point in the AU, Katara's could probably beat their ass just fine.
"Jet" goes pretty much the same, actually.
"The Great Divide" is a surprisingly problematic episode for this AU. This is a pretty Aang-heavy episode, with Appa being used to ferry the sick Zhang and Gan Jin over to the other side, Aang playing peacemaker in a way that really only he can, and most importantly, Aang being actually 112 is what lets him pull off his bullshit story at the end. I have no clue how to handle this episode, tbh. Let's pretend that this doesn't happen because Katara travels more by water, okay? TGD is kinda dumb anyway.
"The Storm" can also go basically the same. it's fine. Katara's a waterbender in a storm.
"The Blue Spirit" also can go remarkably similar too. It's unfortunately a rather important Zuko moment, so skipping this is out. Canonically, Katara gets sick. So here, she also gets sick, so she can't just power through Pouhuai. Simple solution, though it does feel rather contrived.
"The Fortuneteller" either goes with Katara beating the lava's ass, or the village being destroyed and them moving out of it, proving Aunt Wu wrong. Aang solidified the lava by airbending it, so Katara could do something similar by waterbending it. Maybe she can "fake earthbend" the trench even deeper than it reached in canon so
"Bato of the Water Tribe" goes similar. Maybe Bato can help Sokka and Katara fight off Zuko and June, since Aang isn't involved here. Zuko tracks Katara as usual, gets beaten up, they leave.
In "The Deserter", I think it'd be cool for Katara to challenge Jeong-Jeong to a spar. Why? Simple. She wants to feel firebending in a more controlled environment - The only times she's been firebent at so far she was fighting for her life - so she can mimic it more effectively. I think at this point she'd already have taken her Icebending to the other extreme in Steambending, so this fight would be her trying to either refine it, or come up with a more visible technique to mimic firebending.
Can waterbenders bend alcohol? Katara bent perfume once, so she should be able to bend low proof alcohol. A quick googling shows that our modern perfumes are around 15-20% alcohol, so reasonably Katara can probably bend alcohol made with ATLA level tech, the proof can't be that high, and the water content will be. Quick way to firebend, I guess. Keep a supply of spark rocks around to light alcohol on fire. Maybe Jeong Jeong drinks in this AU and she uses his alcohol to develop alcoholbending I guess.
(Side note, why do earth and firebenders get all the cool LoK bending? Waterbenders get healing and spiritbending, which is cool, but Earth and Fire get bending that feels different, while waterbending always uses the same water.)
"The Northern Air Temple" goes similarly, but for the life of me I don't know how Team Katara would discover the War Balloons. You know what? Maybe they don't! They discover the war balloons when War Minister Qin pops around and they confront him, leading to events as in canon. Maybe the Fire Nation never gets the original War Balloon here, actually, because Katara beats their ass and as such it never goes down, but Teo's father actually gets to show off the War Balloon to Qin, and if the Fire Nation can build a big-ass drill, they can recreate the War Balloons from a detailed description.
Finally, we reach "The Waterbending Master" and both parts of "The Siege Of The North". This is, quite literally, Katara's element. "Avatar" Katara beats Pakku's ass, finds out about the "Grand-Pakku" thing, the invasion goes as usual. Zhao might not get to kill the Moon Spirit here, since, well. Katara kind of relies on the Moon Spirit, so she does everything possible to get his ass before he gets the Moon's ass. Alternatively, this is a great place to have Katara's secret unveiled to any potential companions she's hiding it from, and also Iroh. Zuko isn't there, Yue dies so the secret isn't spilt by her, and whatever remaining fire nation soldiers won't be there when Katara reveals, at around the same point Aang does the Big Fish Thing, that she can't bend. iroh, I think, is willing to keep it a secret, especially since he's seen how powerful Katara is, and that she's actually pulling it off. This would also tip Team Katara off to Iroh possibly being on their side as well.
Finally, I wonder if other companions could join Katara. Assuming Kyoshi Island doesn't get Zuko'd, Suki might be a contender for a companion, wanting to help the Avatar on her journey (and also Sokka, but less so). Sokka comes along, of course. he's Katara's brother, he's not letting her con the entire world without him. I'm drawing a blank for any other potential companions, though. Maybe they cna meet Toph early lol? I really want Katara to show up at Earth Rumble as The Avatar though, so probably not.
Idk. This is my two cents on this idea, maybe one day I'll actually write it, but that day is not today. Maybe I'll get back to this with my thoughts on season 2 as well.
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mah-o-daryaa · 9 months
The Cycle Repeats: Part VI
One of the key themes of the ATLA franchise is the concept of the Avatar; master of all 4 elements, the fusion of humanity and Raava, the spirit of light and order, whose sole duty is to bring balance to the world, and be the bridge between both the physical and spiritual realms. Along with this comes the idea of reincarnation, which is the premise of the Avatar Cycle, the idea that the Avatar reincarnates in a cyclic order in any of the four nations (fire, air, water, earth). Another concept related to the Avatar Cycle (although originating from the fandom) is the idea of the Avatar fixing the mistakes of their past life, which is often indicated in differences in both habitual circumstances and personalities between both predecessor and successor, and therefore differences in morality.
But what if I were to tell you that the saying "history repeats itself" is also true among Avatar incarnations? Not exactly going the same way, but rather parallels between the lives, personalities, and accomplishments (and failures) of past lives?
In this series of metas, I will be going over parallels (or in some cases, foils) between certain pairs of Avatars that lived decades, or even centuries apart, and yet could not have ever been more similar.
Equivalent Elements II: Avatars Aang and Yangchen
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"Aang was an Air Nomad born in 12 BG and the Avatar during the Hundred Year War, succeeding Avatar Roku and preceding Avatar Korra. As the Avatar of his time, he was the only person capable of using all four bending arts: airbending, waterbending, earthbending, and firebending. He was also one of a select few Avatars and one of the first in many cycles to learn the ancient art of energybending as well as the first Avatar known to have actively used the technique."
Yangchen was the Air Nomad Avatar succeeding Avatar Szeto and preceding Avatar Kuruk. She grew up in a rather isolationist time for the four nations in the aftermath of the Platinum Affair. After mastering all the elements in her youth, she was eager to make a difference in the world despite her inexperience. Following her confrontation with General Old Iron in Tienhaishi, Yangchen resolved to adapt to the complex political strategy of the four nations, using manipulation, espionage, and deceit to her advantage in an era where loyalty was bought rather than earned.
Here's a thing people need to understand: No two people are exactly the same, inside or out. They might come from a different background, they might look or dress different, they might behave differently, they might even hate ATLA (which is just not cool). And yet, all humans have the same desire: good health and success. They just achieve these goals via different means.
In ATLA, the Avatar's sole goal is to bring balance to both worlds, but each Avatar achieve this goal differently. This is true for both Aang and Yangchen, as despite being from the same nation, unlike their respective successors, they differ significantly in their personal morals.
First, let's get the similarities out of the way. Both Aang and Yangchen are Air Nomads (hailing from the Southern and Western Air Temples respectively) and therefore grew up surrounded by monks or nuns. Both had an older monk/nun and looked up to said figure as a family member (Aang had Monk Gyatso as a father figure, and Yangchen had Jetsun as an older sister). Gyatso and Jetsun were also revered in their own right as spiritual leaders; however, they both sacrificed themselves to defend their fellow people (Gyatso took down at least a dozen Fire Nation soldiers during Sozin's Comet, whereas Jetsun died while accompanying Yangchen during her first journey to the Spirit World). Both were identified at young ages (12 and 11 respectively); although they both began mastery of the four elements later. Finally, both Aang and Yangchen were involved in worldwide crises during their respective tenures at young ages (Aang ended the Hundred Year War at 12 (or 112, depending on how you look at it) and Yangchen was involved in the Platinum Affair at 17).
However, as I mentioned above, Aang and Yangchen differ in morality. Aang grew up believing that all life is sacred, and while Yangchen also had the same belief initially (as seen with her confrontation with General Old Iron), she grew to slowly give them up overtime, believing that being detached from worldly affairs was a detriment to the Avatar's duty to the world. Aang was reluctant to kill Ozai because of his title as the last airbender, and he felt a lot of pressure trying to uphold the legacy of the Air Nomads on his shoulders. Yangchen, on the contrary, had no such pressure, but rather slowly gave up on her spirituality to become the Avatar (she had a freaking god-complex! Who in Tui's gills gave her the right?!).
I think this conversation between them in Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters (3:19) is the perfect example of their dichotomy:
Aang: Avatar Yangchen, the monks always taught me that all life is sacred. Even the life of the tiniest spider-fly caught in its own web. Yangchen: Yes. All life is sacred. Aang: I know, I'm even a vegetarian. I've always tried to solve my problems by being quick or clever. And I've only had to use violence for necessary defense. And I've certainly never used it to take a life. Yangchen: Avatar Aang, I know that you're a gentle spirit, and the monks have taught you well, but this isn't about you. This is about the world. Aang: But the monks taught me that I had to detach myself from the world so my spirit could be free. Yangchen: Many great and wise Air Nomads have detached themselves and achieved spiritual enlightenment, but the Avatar can never do it. Because your sole duty is to the world. Here is my wisdom for you: Selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs, and do whatever it takes to protect the world.
(Let's just ignore the fact that Aang is clearly lying about not killing anyone, shall we?)
This conversation makes it obvious that Yangchen's dark side isn't necessarily the culmination of the Anti-Air Nomad, but rather what Aang could have been had he actually killed Firelord Ozai as planned: powerful and venerated, but having long given up spirituality.
To add insult to injury, if you've read the Kyoshi novels, there's actually a glaring reason why Yangchen's advice wouldn't have worked in the long run: Kuruk. In Shadow, it's revealed that Yangchen neglected the spirits, which led to an increase in dark spirits crossing to the mortal world and attacking humans in revenge. Kuruk (then known as the greatest hunter and tracker in history) was forced to hunt them down and (because spiritbending wasn't invented yet) kill them. This caused his physical, mental, and spiritual health to rapidly decline, until he finally died at 33. Had Yangchen treated both sides fairly, her successor would have been spared (yes, her actions killed him). Aang thought that, had he actually killed Ozai, not only would he have broken his vow to the sanctity of life, and thus his culture would become extinct, but (if the Avatar can actually connect to their past lives' memories) he would've also indirectly harmed his successor (Korra) the way Yangchen did to Kuruk.
(Although this is debateable, if this is true then Aang would've either been traumatized to the Spirit World and back, or gathered the courage to call Kuruk out for lying to him. My bet's on the former.)
Therefore, I can conclude that while Aang and Yangchen are from the same nation, this isn't a guarantee that they are exactly the same person. Their different circumstances, and consequently their different views on the world and their duties, helped to shape their unique identities. In the next past, I'll discuss both the similarities and differences between Avatar Aang and his successor Korra, and discussing how the Avatar's tenure can shape that of his/her successor.
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Yes, Zuko, how many times do I have to tell you I'm not finished yet? I still need to get to the big part!
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aviaposter · 2 months
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Boeing 747-8f Atlas Air
Registration: N854GT Type: 747-87UF Engines: 4 × GE GEnx-2B67 Serial Number: 37566 First flight: Feb 2, 2013
Atlas Air, Inc. is a major American cargo airline, passenger charter airline, and aircraft lessor based in White Plains, New York. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings. In 1992, Atlas Air began operations when the airline's founder, Michael Chowdry, started leasing aircraft to airlines. In 1997, Atlas placed an order for 10 new Boeing 747-400F aircraft with another two orders for 747-400Fs placed in 1998. Currently Atlas Air is the world's largest operator of the Boeing 747 aircraft. In 2011, Atlas Air took the first North American delivery of the Boeing 747-8 Freighter, and on January 31, 2023, the airline received final 747 ever made.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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climatecalling · 1 year
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On December 10th, at around 6 p.m., 200 environmental activists stormed a Lafarge company cement factory of La Malle in Bouc-Bel-Air in Southern France. Infrastructure at the plant was reportedly attacked using a variety of methods, including: sabotage of incinerators and electrical systems and devices; cable cutting; bags of cement cut open and spilled; damage to vehicles and construction equipment; damaged windows; and graffiti spraying. ... Lafarge, part of the Holcim conglomerate group, is one of the biggest polluters and producers of CO2 in France. As well, due to their payments to the Islamic State (ISIS) and the al-Nusra Front between 2013 and 2014 for the protection of its cement operations in Syria, they have been convicted of financing terrorism and complicity in crimes against humanity. ... The group said this: ... "The whole chain of the construction industry represents an ecological disaster. The construction sector, from its production chain to its use, is responsible for 39% of CO2 emissions worldwide. Here in Bouc-Bel-Air the company has never hesitated to lobby to exceed the environmental standards for dust and sulfur oxides set by the European Union. Of the 50 most polluting sites in France, 20 are cement plants. ... Since the government is focused on its resources and its big projects, ... since nothing stops them today, we will stop them ourselves. ... We do not want colonial eco-capitalism, war economy or a cynical and manipulative ecological transition. That is why we attacked Lafarge-Holcim today.”
Published Dec 12, 2022
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slime-stew · 2 years
the population of avatar is really just. straight up goofy. even if you try and be generous its 74% earth kingdom and 25% fire nation, and thats mostly because fire nation has germinated its seed everywhere but there's just. not enough land. they try and pretend like "oh look see hama and the swampbenders and hakoda" but cmon theres like maybe a few hundred water tribe people worldwide, and the few we see outside the tribes themselves only prove further how tightknit they are... like wow i guess the big cool waterbending master was dating grandma all this time thats not suspicious at all. in korra they try to imply it exploded in population or something? maybe they fucked a lot. theres def more than a few in republic city so maybe we're at a generous 5% of the population instead of like... 0.5%
fire nation is clearly second place. they have a lil funny set of island and they probably spread out a lot during the hundred year war but that comes off more as military outcroppings than having Beloved Local Cop so I don't think they much spread outside of being born in a prosperous nation. but genociding a whole nation honestly didn't change the population percentages much. i'd believe they're still a large chunk of the people in lok if not moreso just for funsies
theres one air dude in atla i think... then there's like five proper air dudes in korra (we lost the first guy i think? idk who that was), and a bunch of air acolytes. depending on how u count it theres like a few fingers worth of people or maybe a few hundred? its like really orders of magnitude here.
theres SO many earth kingdom fuckers though thats like most of the population holy shit they're everywhere. theres like 100 million ppl in ba sing se and then republic city is like 10 billion people i think so where else did all the earth people come from
also theres a bajillion spirits but they're chill
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marrakeshminibus · 2 months
Why Marrakesh Captivates the Curious Traveler?
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Marrakesh, referred to as the "pink metropolis," is a destination that beckons travelers with its colorful subculture, wealthy history, and lovely architecture. Nestled on the foothills of the Atlas Mountains, this Moroccan gem gives a unique mixture of vintage-global attraction and contemporary appeal. here's why Marrakesh captivates the hearts of so many adventurers:
1. A Cultural Melting Pot
Marrakesh is a melting pot of Berber, Arab, and French influences, growing a rich tapestry of cultural studies. The town's medina, a UNESCO international heritage website, is a labyrinth of slim alleys, bustling souks, and historical landmarks that tell the story of its numerous historical past. visitors can discover ancient palaces, such as the Bahia Palace, and be surprised by the complex designs that mirror a mix of cultural artistry.
2. fantastic architecture
The architecture in Marrakesh is a ceremonial dinner for the eyes. From the iconic Koutoubia Mosque, with its towering minaret, to the lovely Saadian Tombs, the town boasts a spread of architectural wonders. The Ben Youssef Madrasa, a historic Islamic college, is another must-see with its beautiful courtyard and elaborate tilework. The use of colorful colorings, designated mosaics, and grandiose systems make Marrakesh a paradise for architecture enthusiasts.
3. Colourful souks:
The souks of Marrakesh are legendary. those bustling markets are a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and scents. traffic can wander via stalls selling the whole thing from conventional Moroccan spices and handmade leather items to problematic lanterns and colorful textiles. Haggling is a commonplace practice here, making buying an attractive and interactive revel in. The Souk Submarine is considered one of the biggest and most well-known, presenting a glimpse into the everyday life and commerce of the city.
4. Culinary Delights
Moroccan cuisine is a spotlight of any trip to Marrakesh. The town offers a tasty array of dishes that tantalize the taste buds. From tagines, and slow-cooked stews with meat and greens, to couscous and freshly baked bread, the flavors are rich and aromatic. The Jemaa el-Fnaa rectangular transforms into a large open-air eating place in the evening, wherein site visitors can sample road food like harira (a traditional soup), grilled meats, and sparkling juices. remember to strive for traditional mint tea, an image of Moroccan hospitality.
 5. luxurious and luxury
Marrakesh is domestic to some of the arena's most luxurious inns. The city's riads, traditional Moroccan homes with indoor gardens or courtyards, offer a serene break out from the bustling medina. many of these riads have been converted into boutique motels, providing an intimate and steeply-priced enjoyment. moreover, excessive-cease inns and hotels offer present-day services and exceptional service, ensuring a cozy and lavish stay.
6. natural beauty and adventure
beyond the town limits, Marrakesh serves as a gateway to herbal wonders and adventurous sports. The nearby Atlas Mountains provide possibilities for trekking, hiking, and even snowboarding in the winter months. The Agafay desert, only a short pressure from the metropolis, provides a completely unique wasteland experience with camel rides, quad biking, and stargazing. For those seeking to relax, the plush gardens of Majorelle Lawn and Menara Gardens provide a tranquil retreat.
7. A Hub of Artwork and Creativity
Marrakesh has become a hub for artists and creatives from around the arena. The city's colorful arts scene is showcased in its several galleries, studios, and cultural facilities. The Yves Saint Laurent Museum, committed to the famous style clothier with a deep reference to Marrakesh, is a testament to the town's effect on artwork and fashion. Regular galas and occasions, together with the Marrakesh worldwide movie festival, cement the metropolis's repute as a cultural hotspot.
Marrakesh is a metropolis that offers a captivating mixture of history, tradition, and modernity. Its vibrant souks, brilliant structure, delectable delicacies, and steeply-priced accommodations make it a should-visit destination for vacationers seeking an immersive and unforgettable enjoyment. whether or not you're exploring its historical landmarks, indulging in its culinary delights, or embarking on an adventure in its surrounding landscapes, Marrakesh guarantees to leave you spellbound.
If you are planning to travel to Marrakesh then the Marrakesh Minibus is the best option to Travel in Marrakesh with professional drivers.
Marrakesh Minibus
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themarketupdate · 3 months
Scroll Pump Market is set for a Potential Growth Worldwide: Excellent Technology Trends with Business Analysis
Scroll pumps are oil-free or dry fore pumps that are primarily used to pump and compress gases or vapors. Robust growth of new infrastructures due to increasing industrialization and development of smart cities will accelerate the growth of HVAC systems thereby scroll compressors. The demand for low-temperature storage for medicine and vaccines has been increasing year by year in the pharmaceutical industry, which will boost the scroll pump market across the globe. In today’s time, scroll pumps are becoming more popular due to their more reliability, better vapor handling capacity, lower noise, vibrations, and power consumption compared to reciprocating compressors.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/194786-global-scroll-pump-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Latest released the research study on Global Scroll Pump Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Scroll Pump Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Scroll Pump The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Edwards (United Kingdom), Agilent (United States), Atlas Copco AB (Sweden), Labconco (United States), Busch Group (Germany), Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH (Germany), Leybold GmbH (Germany), Anest Iwata (Japan), Geowell (China), Taizhou Shouzhen Machinery Co., Ltd. (China), Air Squared, Inc. (United States), Emerson Electric Co. (United States), CompAir (United Kingdom)
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drumm2des · 7 months
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ama2024 · 7 months
Compressor Rental Market to explore excellent development deals
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Compressor Rental Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Compressor Rental Forecast till 2029*.
Compressor refers to the machine used to supply air at increased pressure. Compressor rental market has high growth prospects owing to the increasing demand for compressors in the construction, mining, oil & gas, power, manufacturing, chemical, and other industry vertical. Further, increasing demand for customized rental air solutions and rotary screw compressor driving the demand for compressor rental market. In addition, increasing demand from the developing economies expected to drive the demand for compressor rental market over the forecasted period.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Compressor Rental Market are:
Atlas Copco (Sweden), Ingersoll Rand (Ireland), United Rentals, Inc. (United States), Caterpillar Inc. (United States), Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation (United States), Aggreko plc (United Kingdom) , AirParts Compressores (Brazil), Fabcon India Private Limited (India) , Ashtead Group (United Kingdom) , Elgi Equipments (India),
What's Trending in Market: Emphasizing On Development of Air Compressors for Tier 4 Engines Increasing Application of the Rotary Screw Compressor in Numerous Industry Vertical
Challenges: Lack of Awareness in the Low and Middle Income Group Countries
Opportunities: Emergence of Next Generation Rental Air Compressors
Increasing Demand from the Oil & Gas and Construction Industry
Market Growth Drivers: Increasing Demand for Customized Compressed Air Rental Solution Rising Demand from the Mining Industry 
The Global Compressor Rental Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Rotary Screw, Reciprocating), Lubrication System (Oil-Lubricated, Oil-Free), End-Use Industry (Construction, Mining, Oil & Gas, Power, Manufacturing, Chemical, Others), Drive (Electric Driven Compressor, Gas Driven Compressor, Engine Driven Compressor, Hydraulic Driven Compressor)
Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/33050-global-compressor-rental-market
To comprehend Global Compressor Rental market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Compressor Rental market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
• North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
• South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil.
• Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
• Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.
• Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.
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How Much Rugs Cost in Morocco
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Explore the rich tapestry of Moroccan rugs, from exquisite Berber creations to traditional handmade carpets, and immerse yourself in the artistry and pricing dynamics. Curious about the cost? Let's uncover how much rugs cost in Morocco?! In the labyrinthine alleys of Moroccan souks, amid the swirl of spices and the chatter of merchants, a treasure awaits the discerning eye: The Moroccan carpets. These elaborate creations, rooted in the past and full of culture are not just floor coverings they are doors to a world filled with traditional craftsmanship and artistry. However, how much are the traditional handmade carpets? We look not only at the prices but also at their beauty and cultural significance. Traditional handmade carpets generally range in price from 3,000 to 7,000 dirhams. However, vintage Berber rugs may command higher prices, varying from 10,000 to 26,000 dirhams depending on factors such as the region of origin and age.
The Rich Legacy of Moroccan Rugs:
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Moroccan rugs are far more than mere floor coverings; They are admired worldwide for their elegant beauty and peerless workmanship. Just strolling through the city or the majestic Atlas Mountains, you can discover another story seamlessly woven into these tapestries. In Morocco, the traditional Berber carpets have a prominent place, possessing tradition and reflecting on the ruggedness of the Atlas Mountains and deserts. Made by the indigenous Berber tribes of North Africa, mainly by professional female weavers these rugs are valuable due to their complex patterns and deep significance. These rugs, handcrafted from wool spun with hands and stained through natural dyes not only act as useful floor coverings but also serve as art pieces showing the nomadic life story and their spiritual beliefs. In contrast, Moroccan carpets reflect a more refined aesthetic consisting of intricate motifs borrowing from Islamic design elements such as geometric patterns and floral designs with embellished borders.
Handmade Rugs: Labor of Love and Skill:
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Moroccan rugs are unique because they are handmade, not spun by machines like others. Master craftsmen put their hearts into each craft, often using techniques that have been handed down for generations. This ancient art is alive in busy medinas such as Marrakech and Essaouira. Craftsmen sit at their looms and work out the patterns with extreme accuracy. Each of the steps from the first strip to fleece up to the last fringe is an act of passion, love producing rug as not only a piece but also artwork filled with warmth, character, and history.
Vintage Moroccan Rugs: Timeless Beauty and Collectible Treasures:
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Although Moroccan rugs have been continually produced since then, vintage pieces always keep some sort of peculiar charm for collectors and connoisseurs. The vintage Moroccan rugs bring a past look to them as they are weathered and outdated yet so attractive due to time-worn charm, the marks of years passing by. Bearing stories of distant lands, culture exchange, and time passing by carrying from one family to another, or trading along the ancient caravan routes these rugs embody all that they have been through. Each tattered design and threadbare hem only enhances the mysterious aura of this rug, giving it an air of sentimentality that no man-made imitation can achieve.
Pricing and Value:
The price of Moroccan rugs may be quite different due to the size, material used for design purposes, and complexity as well it is also dependent on how old the rug might be. Although machine-made rugs are cheaper, handmade Moroccan carpets sell for more because of the craftsmanship and workmanship required to make them as well as their cultural heritage value plus artistic merit. The authenticity of Berber carpets is valued as a result they are expensive in souks. Among antique collectors, Moroccan rugs are traditionally collected and are in high demand for their craftsmanship due to famous carpet centers such as Fez or Rabat. Vintage Moroccan rugs are considered investment pieces, with their enduring aesthetics and characteristic patina increasing in value over time. People interested in collecting rugs usually visit antique stores to look for original pieces that are rich with history and that can add charm to their houses.
Rugs occupy an important place in the traditional Moroccan quilts, serving not only as functional objects but also as expressions of tradition, craftsmanship, and art From the rolling terrain of the Atlas Mountains to the souks of Marrakech with many people on it, the heritage of Moroccan rug weaving is still there, relating to history, culture, and creativity She weaves the threads together. Whether it's the stunning Berber rugs, the exquisite designs of traditional Moroccan carpets, or the timeless beauty of antiques, Moroccan textiles continue to inspire fans around the world and blur the lines between past and present, tradition and innovation many times too fast-moving world of Moroccan Rugs reminds us to slow down, appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship, and show the details woven in appreciation of each thread. Read the full article
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david843346 · 10 months
Tide Gauge Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2035
Research Nester’s recent market research analysis on “Tide Gauge Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2035” delivers a detailed competitor’s analysis and a detailed overview of the global tide gauge market in terms of market segmentation by application, type and by region.
Growth in Fishing Activities to Boost the Growth of the Global Tide Gauge Market
The global tide gauge market is anticipated to grow on account of growth in fishing activities. One of the foods that is consumed regularly worldwide and whose popularity is only increasing is fish. As a result, there is a growing demand for tidal gauges. The tide has a significant impact on sea fishing. At some tides, some marks produce better fishing, while at others, access is impossible or even deadly. Therefore, the fishermen could safely and effectively conduct their activity under the guidance of the tide gauge.
Modern water level stations could measure 11 other oceanographic and meteorological characteristics, such as wind speed and direction, air and water temperature, and barometric pressure, in addition to more precisely recording tide heights. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) uses this data for a variety of purposes, including publishing annual tide predictions, recording and forecasting sea-level trends and other oceanographic conditions, and ensuring safe navigation. Hence, with the growing development in technology, the market demand is estimated to grow.
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Some of the major growth factors and challenges that are associated with the growth of the global tide gauge market are:
Growth Drivers:
Rising Prevalence of Tsunami
Growth in the Use of Tide Gauge in Coastal Engineering
The information provided by the tide gauge may sometimes be wrong. This might be the result of technological improvement. According to estimates, tide gauges would be used with IoT, which would raise the risk of data theft and hacking. Even though it is intended that tidal gauges would only offer accurate information, inaccurate data may occasionally be recorded for several reasons, including instrument malfunctions, shipping incidents, storm damage, and everyday wear and tear.
By application, the market for tide gauges is segmented into hydrographic charting, coastal engineering, offshore oil & gas, port & harbor management, and fishing industries. Out of these segments, the offshore oil & gas segment is anticipated to garner the highest revenue by the end of 2035. The increasing need for oil and gas may promote this increase. However, the hydrographic segment is also estimated to grow. There is an increase in sea coast work which includes the construction of sea defense work, underwater excavation, and more. Hence, to carry out these tasks the need for hydrographic is growing further boosting the market growth.
By region, the market in Europe region for tide gauges is poised to grow over the forecast period. The sea level is an important environmental factor that significantly affects coastal inhabitants. Tide gauges are a key piece of equipment for analyzing trends in mean sea level, extreme weather (and how it relates to climate change), tidal computation, geodetic applications, harbor operations, and navigation, as well as sea level hazards warning systems (tsunamis and storm surges). The EuroGOOS tidal Gauge Task Team is bringing together the tidal gauge communities across the European and neighboring seas in response to the urgent and growing need for tide gauge data. Hence, owing to this the adoption of tidal gauges in this region is growing.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global tidal gauge market which includes company profiling of Kongsberg Maritime, Teledyne Reson, Atlas Elektronik, Seafloor Systems, Inc., Teledyne Odom Hydrographic, Iic Technologies, OHMEX Ltd, Thales, Raytheon Technologies Corporation, Fugro, and others.
Access our detailed report at: https://www.researchnester.com/reports/tide-gauge-market/5062
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