#Australian commodity market
stockspredictor · 2 years
Australian Commodity Market : Prices & News
The Australian commodity market is a market for the buying and selling of raw materials and primary products such as agricultural products, minerals, and energy. These commodities are traded on various exchanges, including the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE).
Some of the major commodities traded in the Australian market include wheat, barley, sugar, iron ore, coal, gold, and crude oil. The country is a major exporter of these commodities, with China being its largest trading partner.
The commodity market in Australia is influenced by a variety of factors, including global demand, weather conditions, and political and economic events. For example, a drought in Australia could negatively impact the production and export of agricultural products, while an increase in demand for iron ore from China could boost the price of the commodity.
Investors can participate in the commodity market through futures contracts, options, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These instruments allow investors to speculate on the future price movements of commodities and manage their risk exposure.
Overall, the Australian commodity market plays a vital role in the country's economy and is an important source of revenue for many businesses.
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lilithism1848 · 1 year
Atrocities US committed against ASIA
Between 1996-2006, The US has given money and weapons to royalist forces against the nepalese communists in the Nepalese civil war. ~18,000 people have died in the conflict. In 2002, after another civil war erupted, President George W. Bush pushed a bill through Congress authorizing $20 million in military aid to the Nepalese government.
In 1996, after receiving incredibly low approval ratings, the US helped elect Boris Yeltsin, an incompetent pro-capitalist independent, by giving him a $10 Billion dollar loan to finance a winning election. Rather than creating new enterprises, Yeltsin’s democratization led to international monopolies hijacking the former Soviet markets, arbitraging the huge difference between old domestic prices for Russian commodities and the prices prevailing on the world market. Much of the Yeltsin era was marked by widespread corruption, and as a result of persistent low oil and commodity prices during the 1990s, Russia suffered inflation, economic collapse and enormous political and social problems that affected Russia and the other former states of the USSR. Under Yeltsin, Between 1990 and 1994, life expectancy for Russian men and women fell from 64 and 74 years respectively to 58 and 71 years. The surge in mortality was “beyond the peacetime experience of industrialised countries”. While it was boom time for the new oligarchs, poverty and unemployment surged; prices were hiked dramatically; communities were devastated by deindustrialisation; and social protections were stripped away.
In the 1970s-80s, wikileaks cables revealed that the US covertly supported the Khmer Rouge in their fight against the Vietnamese communists. Annual support included an end total of ~$215M USD, food aid to 20-40k Khmer Rouge fighters, CIA advisors in several camps, and ammunition.
In December 1975, The US supplied the weaponry for the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. This incursion was launched the day after U.S. President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had left Indonesia where they had given President Suharto permission to use American arms, which under U.S. law, could not be used for aggression. Daniel Moynihan, U.S. ambassador to the UN. said that the U.S. wanted “things to turn out as they did.” The result was an estimated 200,000 dead out of a population of 700,000. Sixteen years later, on November 12, 1991, two hundred and seventeen East Timorese protesters in Dili, many of them children, marching from a memorial service, were gunned down by Indonesian Kopassus shock troops who were headed by U.S.- trained commanders Prabowo Subianto (son in law of General Suharto) and Kiki Syahnakri. Trucks were seen dumping bodies into the sea.
In 1975 Australian Constitutional Crisis, the CIA helped topple the democratically elected, left-leaning government of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, by telling Governor-General, John Kerr, a longtime CIA collaborator, to dissolve the Whitlam government.
In 2018 after the release of a suppressed ISC (International Scientific Commission) report, and the release of declassified CIA communications daily reports in 2020, it was revealed that the US used germ warfare in the Korean war, 2. Many of these attacks involved the dropping of insects or small mammals infected with viruses such as anthrax, plague, cholera, and encephalitis. After discovering evidence of germ warfare, China invited the ISC headed by famed British scientist Joseph Needham, to investigate, but the report was suppressed for over 70 years.
Between 1963 and 1973, The US dropped ~388,000 tons of napalm bombs in vietnam, compared to 32,357 tons used over three years in the Korean War, and 16,500 tons dropped on Japan in 1945. US also sprayed over 5 million acres with herbicide, in Operation Ranch Hand, in a 10 year campaign to deprive the vietnamese of food and vegetation cover.
In 1971 in Pakistan, an authoritarian state supported by the U.S., brutally invaded East Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971. The war ended after India, whose economy was staggering after admitting about 10 million refugees, invaded East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and defeated the West Pakistani forces. The US gave W. pakistan 411 million provided to establish its armed forces which spent 80% of its budget on its military. 15 million in arms flowed into W. Pakistan during the war. Between 300,000 to 3 million civilians were killed, with 8-10 million refugees fleeing to India.
In 1970, In Cambodia, The CIA overthrows Prince Sihanouk, who is highly popular among Cambodians for keeping them out of the Vietnam War. He is replaced by CIA puppet Lon Nol, whose forces suppressed the large-scale popular demonstrations in favour of Sihanouk, resulting in several hundred deaths. This unpopular move strengthens once minor opposition parties like the Khmer Rouge (another CIA supported group), who achieve power in 1975 and massacres ~2.5 million people. The Khmer Rouge, under Pol Pot, carried out the Cambodian Genocide, which killed 1.5-2M people from 1975-1979.
In 1969, The US initiated a secret carpet bombing campaign in eastern Cambodia, called, Operation Menu, and Operation Freedom Deal in 1970. An estimated 40,000 - 150,000 civilians were killed. Nixon lied about this campaign, but was later exposed, and one of the things that lead to his impeachment.
US dropped large amounts of Agent Orange, an herbicide developed by monsanto and dow chemical for the department of defense, in vietnam. Its use, in particular the contaminant dioxin, causes multiple health problems, including cleft palate, mental disabilities, hernias, still births, poisoned breast milk, and extra fingers and toes, as well as destroying local species of plants and animals. The Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that up to 1 million people are disabled or have health problems due to Agent Orange.
US Troops killed between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians, including women, children, and infants, in South Vietnam on March, 1968, in the My Lai Massacre. Some of the women were gang-raped and their bodies mutilated. Soldiers set fire to huts, waiting for civilians to come out so they could shoot them. For 30 years, the three US servicemen who tried to halt the massacre and rescue the hiding civilians were shunned and denounced as traitors, even by congressmen.
In 1967, the CIA helped South Vietnamese agents identify and then murder alleged Viet Cong leaders operating in villages, in the Phoenix Program. By 1972, Phoenix operatives had executed between 26,000 and 41,000 suspected NLF operatives, informants and supporters.
In 1965, The CIA overthrew the democratically elected Indonesian leader Sukarno with a military coup. The CIA had been trying to eliminate Sukarno since 1957, using everything from attempted assassination to sexual intrigue, for nothing more than his declaring neutrality in the Cold War. His successor, General Suharto, aided by the CIA, massacred between 500,000 to 1 million civilians accused of being communist, in the Indonesian mass killings of 1965-66. The US continued to support Suharto throughout the 70s, supplying weapons and planes.
Between 1964 and 1973, American pilots flew 580,000 attack sorties over Laos, an average of one planeload of bombs every eight minutes for almost a decade. By the time the last US bombs fell in April 1973, a total of 2,093,100 tonnes of ordnance had rained down on this neutral country. To this day, Laos, a country of just 7 million people, retains the dubious accolade of being the most heavily bombed country in the world per capita.
From the 1960s onward, the US supported Filipino dictator Ferdinand Marcos. The US provided hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, which was crucial in buttressing Marcos’s rule over the years. The estimated number of persons that were executed and disappeared under President Fernando Marcos was over 100,000. After fleeing to hawaii, marco was suceeded by the widow of an opponent he assasinated, Corazon aquino.
Starting in 1957, in the wake of the US-backed First Indochina War, The CIA carries out approximately one coup per year trying to nullify Laos’ democratic elections, specifically targeting the Pathet Lao, a leftist group with enough popular support to be a member of any coalition government, and perpetuating the 20 year Laotian civil war. In the late 50s, the CIA even creates an “Armee Clandestine” of Asian mercenaries to attack the Pathet Lao. After the CIA’s army suffers numerous defeats, the U.S. drops more bombs on Laos than all the U.S. bombs dropped in World War II. A quarter of all Laotians will eventually become refugees, many living in caves. This was later called a “secret war,” since it occurred at the same time as the Vietnam War, but got little press. Hundreds of thousands were killed.
In 1955, the CIA provided explosives, and aided KMT agents in an assassination attempt against the Chinese Premier, Zhou Enlai. KMT agents placed a time-bomb on the Air India aircraft, Kashmir Princess, which Zhou was supposed to take on his way to the Bandung Conference, an anti-imperialist meeting of Asian and African states, but he changed his travel plans at the last minute. Henry Kissinger denied US involvement, even though remains of a US detonator were found. 16 people were killed.
From 1955-1975, the US supported French colonialist interests in Vietnam, set up a puppet regime in Saigon to serve US interests, and later took part as a belligerent against North Vietnam in the Vietnam War. U.S. involvement escalated further following the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was later found to be staged by Lyndon Johnson. The war exacted a huge human cost in terms of fatalities (see Vietnam War casualties). Estimates of the number of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians killed vary from 966,000 source to 3.8 million.source Some 240,000–300,000 Cambodians,source23 20,000–62,000 Laotians,4 and 58,220 U.S. service members also died in the conflict, with a further 1,626 missing in action. Unexploded bomb continue to kill civilians for years afterward.
In the summer of 1950 in South Korea, anticommunists aided by the US executed at least 100,000 people suspected of supporting communism, in the Bodo League Massacre. For four decades the South Korean government concealed this massacre. Survivors were forbidden by the government from revealing it, under suspicion of being communist sympathizers. Public revelation carried with it the threat of torture and death. During the 1990s and onwards, several corpses were excavated from mass graves, resulting in public awareness of the massacre.
In 1984, documents were released showing that Eisenhower authorized the use of atomic weapons on North Korea, should the communists renew the war in 1953. The 2,000 pages released show the high level of planning and the detail of discussion on possible use of these weapons, and Mr. Eisenhower’s interest in overcoming reluctance to use them.
In the beginning of the Korean war, US Troops killed ~300 South Korean civilians in the No Gun Ri massacre, revealing a theater-wide policy of firing on approaching refugee groups. Trapped refugees began piling up bodies as barricades and tried to dig into the ground to hide. Some managed to escape the first night, while U.S. troops turned searchlights on the tunnels and continued firing, said Chung Koo-ho, whose mother died shielding him and his sister. No apology has yet been issued.
The US intervened in the 1950-53 Korean Civil War, on the side of the south Koreans, in a proxy war between the US and china for supremacy in East Asia. South Korea reported some 373,599 civilian and 137,899 military deaths, the US with 34,000 killed, and China with 114,000 killed. Overall, the U.S. dropped 635,000 tons of bombs—including 32,557 tons of napalm—on Korea, more than they did during the whole Pacific campaign of World War II. The US killed an estimated 1/3rd of the north Korean people during the war. The Joint Chiefs of staff issued orders for the retaliatory bombing of the People’s republic of China, should south Korea be attacked. Deadly clashes have continued up to the present day.
From 1948-1949, the Jeju uprising was an insurgency taking place in the Korean province of Jeju island, followed by severe anticommunist suppression of the South Korean Labor Party in which 14-30,000 people were killed, or ~10% of the island’s population. Though atrocities were committed by both sides, the methods used by the South Korean government to suppress the rebels were especially cruel. On one occasion, American soldiers discovered the bodies of 97 people including children, killed by government forces. On another, American soldiers caught government police forces carrying out an execution of 76 villagers, including women and children. The US later entered the Korean civil war on the side of the South Koreans.
In 1949 during the resumed Chinese Civil War, the US supported the corrupt Kuomintang dictatorship of Chiang Kaishek to fight against the Chinese Communists, who had won the support of the vast majority of peasant-farmers and helped defeat the Japanese invasion. The US strongly supported the Kuomintang forces. Over 50,000 US Marines were sent to guard strategic sites, and 100,000 US troops were sent to Shandong. The US equipped and trained over 500,000 KMT troops, and transported KMT forces to occupy newly liberated zones as well as to contain Communist-controlled areas. American aid included substantial amounts of both new and surplus military supplies; additionally, loans worth hundreds of millions of dollars were made to the KMT. Within less than two years after the Sino-Japanese War, the KMT had received $4.43 billion from the US—most of which was military aid.
The U.S. installed Syngman Rhee,a conservative Korean exile, as President of South Korea in 1948. Rhee became a dictator on an anti-communist crusade, arresting and torturing suspected communists, brutally putting down rebellions, killing 100,000 people and vowing to take over North Korea. Rhee precipitated the outbreak of the Korean War and for the allied decision to invade North Korea once South Korea had been recaptured. He was finally forced to resign by mass student protests in 1960.
Between 1946 and 1958, the US tested 23 nuclear devices at Bikini Atoll, using the native islanders and their land as guinea pigs for the effects of nuclear fallout. Significant fallout caused widespread radiological contamination in the area, and killed many islanders. A survivor stated, “What the Americans did was no accident. They came here and destroyed our land. They came to test the effects of a nuclear bomb on us. It was no accident.” Many of the islanders exposed were brought to the US Argonne National laboratory, to study the effects. Afterwards the islands proved unsuitable to sustaining life, resulting in starvation and requiring the residents to receive ongoing aid. Virtually all of the inhabitants showed acute symptoms of radiation syndrome, many developing thyroid cancers, Leukimia, miscarriages, stillborn and “jellyfish babies” (highly deformed) along with symptoms like hair falling out, and diahrrea. A handful were brought to the US for medical research and later returned, while others were evacuated to neighboring Islands. The US under LBJ prematurely returned the majority returned 3 years later, to further test how human beings absorb radiation from their food and environment. The islanders pleaded with the US to move them away from the islands, as it became clear that their children were developing deformities and radiation sickness. Radion levels were still unacceptable. The United States later paid the islanders and their descendants 25 million in compensation for damage caused by the nuclear testing program. A 2016 investigation found radiation levels on Bikini Atoll as high as 639 mrem yr−1, well above the established safety standard threshold for habitation of 100 mrem yr−1. Similar tests occurred elsewhere in the Marshall Islands during this time period. Due to the destruction of natural wealth, Kwajalein Atoll’s military installation and dislocation, the majority of natives currently live in extreme poverty, making less than 1$ a day. Those that have jobs, mostly work at the US military installation and resorts. Much of this is detailed in the documentary, The Coming War on China (2016). 
After the Japanese surrender in 1945, Douglas MacArthur pardoned Unit 731, a Japanese biological experimentation center which performed human testing of biological agents against Chinese citizens. While a series of war tribunals and trials was organized, many of the high-ranking officials and doctors who devised and respectively performed the experiments were pardoned and never brought to justice. As many as 12,000 people, most of them Chinese, died in Unit 731 alone and many more died in other facilities, such as Unit 100 and in field experiments throughout Manchuria. One of the experimenters who killed many, microbiologist Shiro Ishii, later traveled to the US to advise on its bioweapons programs. In the final days of the Pacific War and in the face of imminent defeat, Japanese troops blew up the headquarters of Unit 731 in order to destroy evidence of the research done there. As part of the cover-up, Ishii ordered 150 remaining subjects killed.
In 1945 during the month-long Battle of Manila, the US in deciding whether to attack Manila (then under Japanese occupation) with ground troops, decided instead to use indiscriminate carpet-bombing, howitzers, and naval bombardment, killing an estimated 100,000 people. The casualty figures show the US’s regard for filipino civilian life: 1,010 Americans, 16,665 Japanese and 100,000 to 240,000 civilians were killed. Manila became, alongside Berlin, and Warsaw, one of the most devastated cities of WW2.
US Troops committed a number of rapes during the battle of Okinawa, and the subsequent occupation of Japan. There were 1,336 reported rapes during the first 10 days of the occupation of Kanagawa prefecture alone.1 American Occupation authorities imposed wide-ranging censorship on the Japanese media, including bans on covering many sensitive social issues and serious crimes such as rape committed by members of the Occupation forces.
From 1942 to 1945, the US military carried out a fire-bombing campaign of Japanese cities, killing between 200,000 and 900,000 civilians. One nighttime fire-bombing of Tokyo took 80,000 lives. During early August 1945, the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing ~130,000 civilians, and causing radiation damage which included birth defects and a variety of genetic diseases for decades to come. The justification for the civilian bombings has largely been debunked, as the entrance of Russia into the war had already started the surrender negotiations earlier in 1945. The US was aware of this, since it had broken the Japanese code and had been intercepting messages during for most of the year. The US ended up accepting a conditional surrender from Hirohito, against which was one of the stated aims of the civilian bombings. The dropping of the atomic bomb is therefore seen as a demonstration of US military supremacy, and the first major operation of the Cold War with Russia.
In 1918, the US took part in the allied intervention in the Russian civil war, sending 11,000 troops to the in the Arkhangelsk and Vladivostok regions to support the anti-bolshevik, monarchist, and largely anti-semitic White Forces. 
In 1900 in China, the US was part of an Eight-Nation Alliance that brought 20,000 armed troops to China, to defeat the Imperial Chinese Army, in the the Boxer Rebellion, an anti-imperialist uprising. 
In 1899, after a popular revolution in the Philippines to oust the Spanish imperialists, the US invaded and began the Phillipine-American war. The US military committed countless atrocities, leaving 200,000 Filipinos dead. Jacob H Smith killed between 2,500 to 50,000 civilians, His orders included, “kill everyone over the age of ten” and make the island “a howling wilderness.”
Throughout the 1800s, US settlers engaged in a genocide of native Hawaiians. The native population decreased from ~ 400k in 1789, to 40k by 1900, due to colonization and disease. In 1883, the US engineered the overthrow of Hawaii’s native monarch, Queen Lili’uokalani, by landing two companies of US marines in Honolulu. Due to the Queen’s desire “to avoid any collision of armed forces, and perhaps the loss of life” for her subjects and after some deliberation, at the urging of advisers and friends, the Queen ordered her forces to surrender. Hawaii was initially reconstituted as an independent republic, but the ultimate goal of the US was the annexation of the islands to the United States, which was finally accomplished in 1898. After this, the Hawaiian language was banned, English replaced it as the official language in all institutions and schools. The US finally apologized in 1993, but no land has been returned.
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amtradeinternational · 5 months
How Amtrade is Driving Growth in Australian Chemical Companies
In the competitive landscape of chemical companies in Australia, Amtrade International Pty Ltd stands out for its commitment to driving innovation and delivering exceptional solutions. As a leading chemical distributor in the country, Amtrade plays a crucial role in the growth and success of chemical companies. In this essay, we will explore how Amtrade is driving growth in the Australian chemical industry and the key benefits it offers to chemical companies.
Overview of the Australian Chemical Industry
The chemical industry in Australia is a vital sector that contributes significantly to the national economy. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including the manufacturing, distribution, and sale of various chemicals used in different industries such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. However, chemical companies in Australia face several challenges, including intense competition, regulatory compliance, and the need for continuous innovation.
Amtrade's Role as a Chemical Distributor
Amtrade International Pty Ltd is a trusted partner for chemical manufacturers and distributors in Australia. With its extensive experience and expertise, Amtrade offers a range of services that help chemical companies streamline their supply chain and drive growth. As a chemical distributor, Amtrade acts as a bridge between manufacturers and end-users, ensuring a smooth and efficient flow of chemicals.
Amtrade's services include sourcing and procurement, warehousing and logistics, technical support, and market intelligence. By leveraging these services, chemical companies can focus on their core competencies while relying on Amtrade to handle the complexities of the supply chain.
Partnership with Chemical Manufacturers
Amtrade International Pty Ltd collaborates closely with chemical manufacturers in Australia to develop strong partnerships. By understanding the unique needs and requirements of manufacturers, Amtrade provides tailored solutions that drive growth and success. These partnerships enable chemical manufacturers to expand their market reach, access new customers, and develop innovative products.
One of the key benefits of partnering with Amtrade is the extensive market knowledge and network that the company brings to the table. With its deep understanding of the Australian market, Amtrade helps chemical manufacturers identify new opportunities and navigate the complexities of the industry. Case studies showcasing successful partnerships demonstrate how Amtrade has helped chemical manufacturers achieve significant growth and market expansion.
Distribution Network and Market Reach
Amtrade International Pty Ltd boasts an extensive distribution network that spans across Australia. This network enables the company to reach customers in remote areas and provide timely delivery of chemicals. By leveraging Amtrade's distribution capabilities, chemical companies can expand their market reach and tap into new customer segments.
Amtrade's distribution network is supported by advanced logistics and warehousing facilities. These facilities ensure the safe and efficient handling of chemicals, adhering to strict quality and safety standards. By partnering with Amtrade, chemical companies can benefit from a reliable and efficient distribution system that enhances their competitiveness in the market.
Product Portfolio and Technical Expertise
Amtrade International Pty Ltd offers a diverse range of chemicals to cater to the needs of various industries. From specialty chemicals to commodity chemicals, Amtrade's product portfolio is extensive and comprehensive. This wide range of chemicals allows chemical companies to find the right solutions for their specific requirements.
In addition to its product portfolio, Amtrade also provides technical expertise and support to chemical companies. With a team of experienced professionals, Amtrade offers technical advice, product recommendations, and troubleshooting assistance. This technical support helps chemical companies develop innovative products, improve their manufacturing processes, and stay ahead of the competition.
Commitment to Quality and Safety
Amtrade International Pty Ltd is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety in the chemical industry. The company follows strict quality control procedures to ensure that all chemicals meet the required specifications and comply with regulatory standards. Amtrade's commitment to quality and safety is reflected in its certifications and accreditations, which demonstrate its adherence to industry best practices.
Quality and safety are of utmost importance in the chemical industry, as any compromise can have serious consequences. Amtrade understands this and takes every precaution to ensure that its chemicals are safe for use and do not pose any risks to human health or the environment. By partnering with Amtrade, chemical companies can be confident in the quality and safety of the chemicals they source.
Amtrade International Pty Ltd has emerged as a key player in driving growth in the Australian chemical industry. Through its comprehensive range of services, extensive distribution network, and commitment to quality and safety, Amtrade has become a trusted partner for chemical companies in Australia. By partnering with Amtrade, chemical manufacturers and distributors can unlock new opportunities for growth and success in the competitive market.
Contact Amtrade International Pty Ltd today at +61 3 9229 9229 to discuss your chemical supply needs and experience the benefits of partnering with a leading chemical distributor in Australia.
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sleepysera · 2 years
11.2.22 Headlines
North Korea: South hits back as North Korea fires most missiles in a day (BBC)
“North and South Korea have fired a number of missiles into waters near each other's coasts in a marked escalation of hostilities. The North launched its most missiles in a single day - at least 23 - including one that landed less than 60km (37 miles) off the South's city of Sokcho. Seoul responded with warplanes firing three air-to-ground missiles over the disputed maritime demarcation line. Later Pyongyang fired six more missiles and a barrage of 100 artillery shells.”
Russia: Rejoins key deal on wartime Ukrainian grain exports (AP)
“Diplomatic efforts salvaged a wartime agreement that allowed Ukrainian grain and other commodities to reach world markets, with Russia saying Wednesday it would stick to the deal after Ukraine pledged not to use a designated Black Sea corridor to attack Russian forces.”
Australia: Five lions escape exhibit at Sydney zoo (BBC)
“Five lions have sparked a brief emergency at an Australian zoo after escaping from their enclosure. The animals - one adult and four cubs - were spotted outside their exhibit at Sydney's Taronga Zoo about 6:30 local time on Wednesday (22:30 GMT Tuesday). The zoo was put in lockdown and one cub had to be tranquillised but all lions were secured within minutes, a spokesman said. No-one was injured.”
Hurricane Ian: Man-made reefs ruined, algae bloom in Florida (AP)
“Hurricane Ian not only ravaged southwest Florida on land but was destructive underwater as well. It destroyed man-made reefs and brought along red tide, the harmful algae blooms that kill fish and birds, according to marine researchers who returned last week from a six-day cruise organized by the Florida Institute of Oceanography.”
Saudi Arabia: Saudis in US targeted as kingdom cracks down on dissent (AP)
“But after a fellow prince — a cousin — was imprisoned back home, Prince Abdullah discussed it with relatives in calls made from the U.S., according to Saudi officials, who somehow were listening. On a trip back to Saudi Arabia, Prince Abdullah was imprisoned because of those calls. An initial 20-year sentence was hiked to 30 years in August. Prince Abdullah’s case, detailed in Saudi court documents obtained by The Associated Press, hasn’t been previously reported. But it’s not isolated. Over the last five years, Saudi surveillance, intimidation and pursuit of Saudis on U.S. soil have intensified as the kingdom steps up repression under its de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, according to the FBI, rights groups and two years of interviews with Saudis living abroad. Some of those Saudis said FBI agents advised them not to go home.”
Politics: Trump 2024 campaign prepares for post-midterms launch (AP)
“Aides to the former president are making quiet preparations for a 2024 presidential campaign that could be launched soon after next week’s midterm elections as Trump tries to capitalize on expected Republican wins to propel himself toward becoming the front-runner for his party’s nomination.”
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jameswilliam03 · 2 days
The Best Forex Trading Brokers of 2024
The forex (foreign exchange) market is one of the largest and most liquid financial markets in the world. Every day, traders exchange trillions of dollars in currencies, creating a global network of financial transactions. As a result, finding the best forex trading broker is essential for anyone looking to succeed in the industry. This article will explore the best forex brokers of 2024, taking into consideration factors such as trading platforms, fees, customer service, regulation, and educational resources.
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What to Look for in a Forex Broker
Before diving into the top forex brokers of 2024, it’s important to understand what factors differentiate a great broker from the rest. Here are some of the key criteria to consider:
Regulation and Security: The first and most important factor is regulation. A well-regulated broker ensures that your funds are safe, and that the broker follows best practices to provide a transparent trading environment. Regulatory bodies like the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) enforce strict standards for brokers.
Trading Platforms: A user-friendly and reliable trading platform is crucial for forex traders. Popular platforms like MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), and cTrader offer robust charting tools, technical indicators, and automated trading capabilities. It’s essential that the broker provides a stable and fast platform,especially for high-frequency traders or those using algorithmic strategies.
Fees and Commissions: Fees play a significant role in your overall profitability. Forex brokers may charge through spreads, commissions, or a combination of both. Low spreads are ideal for day traders, while commission-based accounts often benefit long-term traders who seek more transparent pricing models. Leverage and Margin: Leverage allows traders to control larger positions with smaller initial capital. However, higher leverage also increases risk. Top brokers offer flexible leverage options that meet regulatory standards, ensuring traders don’t over-leverage their accounts. Account Types: A good broker will offer different account types, catering to various types of traders. Some brokers provide standard accounts, ECN accounts (Electronic Communication Network), or Islamic accounts for traders who adhere to Sharia law. Offering tiered accounts with lower spreads and commissions for higher depositors is another factor to consider.
Educational Resources: New traders benefit immensely from educational resources like webinars, articles, video tutorials, and demo accounts. The best brokers provide extensive learning materials to help traders understand market fundamentals, technical analysis, and risk management.
Customer Support: A broker’s customer support can make or break the trading experience. Whether it’s through live chat, email, or phone support, it’s crucial that brokers offer timely and effective assistance to their clients.
The Best Forex Brokers of 2024
Based on the criteria outlined above, we’ve identified the top forex brokers in 2024. These brokers offer competitive trading conditions, advanced platforms, and regulatory oversight, making them ideal choices for both beginners and experienced traders.
1. IG Markets – Best for Comprehensive Services
Regulation: FCA, ASIC, NFA, MAS
Platforms: MT4, IG Trading Platform
Minimum Deposit: $250
Leverage: Up to 1:30 (FCA)
Spreads: From 0.6 pips on major currency pairs
IG Markets has long been regarded as one of the most trusted names in the forex industry, offering a robust and comprehensive trading experience. With more than 45 years of market presence, IG is known for its transparency, reliability, and regulatory compliance across multiple jurisdictions. Its proprietary trading platform provides intuitive navigation, while MT4 integration is available for traders preferring advanced technical analysis and automated trading.
IG is ideal for traders who want access to a broad range of markets, including forex, indices, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. It also offers a premium Pro account for high-volume traders, with tighter spreads and lower commissions.
Why Choose IG Markets?
Excellent research and educational resources
Comprehensive trading platform with customizable features
Low spreads on major pairs
Strong regulation and security
2. OANDA – Best for Low-Cost Trading
Regulation: FCA, ASIC, NFA, IIROC
Platforms: MT4, TradingView, OANDA’s proprietary platform
Minimum Deposit: No minimum deposit
Leverage: Up to 1:50 (U.S.), 1:30 (EU)
Spreads: From 1.0 pips
OANDA is known for its low-cost trading environment, making it a popular choice for beginner and intermediate traders. With no minimum deposit requirement, OANDA offers great flexibility for traders just starting out. The broker provides access to a wide range of currency pairs and has built a reputation for offering tight spreads, particularly during high liquidity periods. OANDA’s platforms are also well-designed, offering charting tools, market insights, and integration with TradingView for advanced analysis. Moreover, OANDA’s emphasis on regulatory compliance ensures that traders have peace of mind when depositing and withdrawing funds.
Why Choose OANDA?
Low trading costs and no minimum deposit
Regulated across several major jurisdictions
Access to advanced charting tools via TradingView
Fast execution and stable platforms
3. XM – Best for High Leverage and Micro Accounts
Regulation: ASIC, IFSC, CySEC
Platforms: MT4, MT5, XM WebTrader
Minimum Deposit: $5
Leverage: Up to 1:888
Spreads: From 0.6 pips on major pairs
XM has grown to become one of the largest and most popular forex brokers in the world, largely due to its accessibility and high leverage options. Traders with smaller capital can benefit from the Micro account, which allows for much smaller position sizes than standard accounts. The broker offers up to 1:888 leverage for international clients, making it appealing for those who prefer aggressive trading strategies.
One of XM’s standout features is its negative balance protection, which ensures that traders cannot lose more than their deposited capital. This, combined with its responsive customer support and extensive educational resources, makes XM ideal for both beginners and seasoned traders.
Why Choose XM?
Micro accounts for low capital traders
High leverage options for international clients
Negative balance protection for added safety
Wide range of educational materials and webinars
4. FXCM – Best for Algorithmic Traders
Regulation: FCA, ASIC, IIROC
Platforms: MT4, Trading Station, ZuluTrade
Minimum Deposit: $50
Leverage: Up to 1:30 (EU), 1:400 (International)
Spreads: From 1.3 pips
FXCM is a well-established broker that caters to both manual and algorithmic traders. Its partnership with ZuluTrade allows users to participate in copy trading, while its advanced Trading Station platform offers a suite of tools for automated and algorithmic trading. Traders looking to develop and test automated strategies will find FXCM’s platform highly flexible, with customizable solutions for both beginner and advanced users.
Additionally, FXCM provides access to educational resources, including webinars, platform tutorials, and market analysis, helping traders make informed decisions.
Why Choose FXCM?
Excellent for algorithmic and automated traders
Offers copy trading through ZuluTrade
Strong regulatory framework
Advanced charting and analysis tools
5. Pepperstone – Best for ECN Trading
Regulation: ASIC, FCA, DFSA
Platforms: MT4, MT5, cTrader
Minimum Deposit: $200
Leverage: Up to 1:500 (ASIC)
Spreads: From 0.0 pips on Razor account
Pepperstone is a popular choice for traders seeking ECN trading conditions, offering some of the lowest spreads in the industry through its Razor account. With access to MT4, MT5, and cTrader, Pepperstone provides flexibility for traders who want high-speed execution and low latency, essential for scalping and high-frequency trading strategies.
Pepperstone’s Active Trader Program is another highlight, offering cashback rebates for high-volume traders. With its highly regulated environment and top-tier liquidity providers, Pepperstone ensures tight spreads, low commissions, and fast execution.
Why Choose Pepperstone?
ECN trading with zero-pip spreads on major pairs
High leverage options for international clients
Multiple trading platforms, including cTrader
Cashback rebates for high-volume traders
6. AvaTrade – Best for Beginners
Regulation: ASIC, FSCA, CBI, BVI
Platforms: MT4, MT5, AvaTradeGo
Minimum Deposit: $100
Leverage: Up to 1:400
Spreads: From 0.9 pips
AvaTrade is a great option for beginners due to its user-friendly platform and comprehensive educational resources. The broker offers a demo account, which is perfect for new traders to practice their strategies without risking real capital. AvaTrade’s proprietary platform, AvaTradeGo, is highly intuitive, providing mobile trading and simple navigation for newer users.
In addition to forex, AvaTrade offers access to commodities, indices, cryptocurrencies, and stocks, making it a versatile choice for traders who want to diversify their portfolios.
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goldstockcanada0 · 2 days
Buying Silver in Canada: A Comprehensive Guide
Canada has become an attractive destination for investors looking to purchase silver, thanks to its rich natural resources and stable economy. buying silver in canada Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, understanding the nuances of buying silver can help you make informed decisions. This guide will cover the essentials of purchasing silver in Canada, from types of silver products to where to buy them.
Why Invest in Silver?
Silver is not only a precious metal but also an industrial commodity. Its unique properties make it valuable in various applications, including electronics, photography, and solar panels. Additionally, silver serves as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations, making it an appealing choice for diversifying your investment portfolio.
Types of Silver Products
When it comes to investing in silver, you have several options:
Silver Coins:
Canadian Silver Maple Leaf: One of the most popular silver coins globally, it features a distinct maple leaf design and contains one ounce of .9999 pure silver.
Other sovereign coins from countries like the U.S. (American Silver Eagle) and Australia (Australian Silver Kangaroo) are also available.
Silver Bars:
Available in various sizes (ranging from 1 ounce to 100 ounces or more), silver bars are often more cost-effective than coins. They typically come from recognized mints and are stamped with their weight and purity.
Silver Rounds:
These are similar to coins but are produced by private mints and do not have legal tender status. They often feature unique designs and are a popular choice among collectors.
Silver ETFs:
If you prefer not to handle physical silver, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) allow you to invest in silver without taking possession. ETFs track the price of silver and can be bought and sold like stocks.
Where to Buy Silver in Canada
Local Coin Shops:
Visiting a local coin shop can provide a hands-on experience. Staff can offer insights into current market conditions and help you choose the right products.
Online Dealers:
Online platforms like Gold Stock Canada offer a wide range of silver products, often at competitive prices. Ensure you choose a reputable dealer with positive customer reviews.
Government Mints:
The Royal Canadian Mint sells silver coins and bars directly to the public, ensuring authenticity and quality.
Precious Metal Exchanges:
These exchanges allow you to trade silver and other precious metals. Make sure to check their fees and terms before proceeding.
Considerations Before Buying
Purity and Authenticity: Always verify the purity of the silver. Look for stamps indicating the silver content, such as .999 or .9999.
Market Prices: Keep an eye on the current market price of silver. Prices can fluctuate based on demand, geopolitical events, and economic indicators.
Storage Options: Consider how and where you will store your silver. Options include safety deposit boxes, home safes, or storage services offered by dealers.
Investing in silver can be a rewarding endeavor, providing both security and potential growth for your investment portfolio. buying silver in canada With various options available in Canada, from coins and bars to ETFs, it's essential to do your research and choose the right products and dealers. Always stay informed about market trends and consider consulting with a financial advisor to align your investment strategy with your goals.
For more information and to explore a wide range of silver products, visit Gold Stock Canada.
This article provides a thorough overview of buying silver in Canada, making it suitable for backlinks or content marketing purposes. Let me know if you need any adjustments or additional information!
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scottbiffin · 2 days
How Scott Biffin Revolutionized Coffee Trading in Australia- A Historical Overview
The world of coffee trading has experienced significant changes over the years, especially in countries like Australia, where the coffee culture is deeply embedded in everyday life. One of the figures who stands out in revolutionizing the coffee trading landscape in Australia is Scott Biffin. Through his work under a renowned coffee trading company, Biffin’s contributions have transformed not just how coffee is sourced and traded but also how consumers experience it.
In this historical overview, we’ll explore how Scott Biffin, operating under his company, reshaped the coffee industry in Australia. We will dive into his innovative strategies, the challenges he overcame, and the milestones that defined his career.
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The Early Challenges of Coffee Trading in Australia
Before Scott Biffin influence, coffee trading in Australia faced several key challenges. The supply chain was highly fragmented, with intermediaries playing dominant roles between coffee farmers and the end market. These intermediaries often increased costs for consumers and minimized profits for farmers. Additionally, there was a lack of transparency in the sourcing process, with little attention paid to sustainability or the ethical treatment of coffee farmers.
Australian consumers had developed a sophisticated palate for coffee, particularly with the rise of specialty cafes in cities like Sydney and Melbourne. However, despite their growing preference for high-quality coffee, many were unaware of the complicated and often exploitative nature of the global coffee trade.
This created an opportunity for someone like Scott Biffin, who saw the potential for a more efficient, transparent, and ethical system of coffee trading. Through his company, he set out to address these issues, revolutionizing the way coffee was traded in Australia.
Scott Biffin’s Entry into the Coffee Industry
Scott Biffin journey into the coffee industry began not with coffee itself but with a strong background in trading and commodities. Having gained experience in the financial sector, Biffin honed his skills in market analysis, risk management, and negotiation, all of which would later play a pivotal role in his coffee trading career.
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Biffin's entry into the coffee industry was a result of his passion for creating value in markets that had long been underserved. He recognized that the coffee industry, particularly in Australia, had the potential to be more efficient and equitable. With a keen interest in global trade and a desire to merge his financial expertise with his passion for coffee, Biffin joined a coffee trading company known for its innovative approach to the business.
Founding of the Company and Vision
Upon joining the company, Scott Biffin set a clear vision for the future of coffee trading in Australia. His mission was simple but ambitious: to create a direct link between coffee producers and consumers, while ensuring that every stakeholder in the supply chain—especially the farmers—benefited fairly from the trade. The company’s business model focused on direct trade, bypassing unnecessary intermediaries and working directly with coffee producers to improve both quality and pricing.
Scott Biffin's company began to establish long-term partnerships with coffee farmers in regions like South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. By working closely with these producers, the company was able to offer better pricing, ensuring that the farmers were fairly compensated for their high-quality coffee. In return, the company received exclusive access to some of the best coffee beans in the world, which allowed it to meet the growing demand for specialty coffee in Australia.
The company also introduced transparency into the supply chain, giving both consumers and retailers a clearer understanding of where their coffee came from. Through these efforts, Biffin���s company pioneered ethical sourcing practices in Australia’s coffee industry, which had previously been dominated by opaque supply chains and unfair trading practices.
Revolutionizing Coffee Quality and Sourcing Standards
One of the most significant contributions Scott Biffin made to the coffee trading industry was his focus on improving coffee quality at every stage of the supply chain. Recognizing that the growing demand for specialty coffee required more rigorous sourcing standards, Biffin’s company implemented strict quality control measures.
Biffin believed that high-quality coffee should begin at the farm level. To achieve this, he worked closely with coffee farmers to implement best practices in cultivation, harvesting, and post-harvest processing. The company provided farmers with the resources and education needed to improve their farming techniques, resulting in higher yields of better-quality beans.
In addition to supporting farmers, Biffin’s company also established long-term contracts with them, providing financial stability and encouraging sustainable farming practices. The company’s commitment to sustainability extended beyond the farm, as it also prioritized environmentally friendly packaging and transportation methods, further reducing the carbon footprint of its operations.
Biffin's dedication to quality and sustainability set a new standard in the Australian coffee industry. Cafes and roasters, many of whom had previously been indifferent to the sourcing process, began to prioritize ethical sourcing and higher-quality beans. This shift in focus helped propel Australia to the forefront of the global specialty coffee market.
Implementing Technology to Streamline Coffee Trading
Scott Biffin’s background in finance and trading gave him a deep understanding of market inefficiencies, which he sought to address through technology. Traditional coffee trading systems were slow, opaque, and reliant on a long chain of intermediaries. Recognizing the need for a more efficient and transparent system, Biffin’s company adopted innovative technologies to modernize coffee trading.
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One of the key technological advancements introduced by the company was the creation of an online trading platform that connected coffee producers with buyers in real time. The platform allowed for seamless transactions, providing roasters and cafes with direct access to coffee producers without the need for intermediaries. This not only streamlined the process but also reduced costs for both parties.
The platform also provided a wealth of data, including real-time market prices, weather patterns in coffee-growing regions, and quality reports. This information allowed buyers to make informed decisions about their coffee purchases, ensuring they received the best possible product.
Furthermore, Biffin’s company was an early adopter of blockchain technology in coffee trading. Blockchain ensured full traceability of coffee beans from the farm to the cup, giving consumers confidence that their coffee was ethically sourced. This level of transparency became a key selling point for cafes and roasters who wanted to differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive market.
Navigating the Complexities of Global Coffee Markets
Operating within the volatile global coffee market presented numerous challenges, but Scott Biffin’s expertise in trading allowed him to successfully navigate these complexities. Coffee prices are subject to fluctuations due to factors like weather conditions, political instability in coffee-growing regions, and changes in global demand. For farmers, these fluctuations often meant financial instability, as they had little control over market prices.
Biffin’s company introduced innovative risk management strategies to mitigate the impact of these fluctuations on both farmers and buyers. By offering forward contracts, which locked in prices for future deliveries of coffee, Biffin provided farmers with financial security. Buyers, on the other hand, benefited from stable prices, allowing them to plan their purchases and maintain consistent profit margins.
In addition to managing price volatility, Biffin’s company also leveraged its global network to secure a diverse range of coffee beans. By sourcing coffee from multiple regions, the company was able to minimize the impact of disruptions in any one region, ensuring a steady supply of high-quality beans to Australian roasters.
Biffin’s strategic approach to global coffee markets helped Australia establish itself as a key player in the international coffee trade. Australian roasters and cafes, many of which had previously been dependent on a limited number of suppliers, now had access to a wider range of specialty coffees from around the world.
Building a Consumer-Driven Coffee Movement
While much of Scott Biffin’s work focused on improving the coffee trading system, he also played a significant role in shaping consumer preferences in Australia. As more consumers became interested in the origins of their coffee and the ethical implications of its production, Biffin’s company was at the forefront of this movement.
Through partnerships with cafes, roasters, and retailers, the company launched consumer education campaigns aimed at raising awareness about the importance of ethically sourced coffee. These campaigns emphasized the role of consumers in supporting sustainable coffee practices by choosing coffee that was transparently sourced and traded.
Biffin’s company also introduced limited-edition coffee releases, showcasing unique coffees from different regions and highlighting the farmers who produced them. These releases helped create a sense of connection between consumers and the people behind their coffee, fostering a deeper appreciation for the journey of the beans from farm to cup.
The company’s efforts to educate consumers and promote ethical coffee practices contributed to a growing demand for specialty coffee in Australia. Cafes and retailers that embraced this movement saw increased customer loyalty, as more consumers sought out coffee that aligned with their values.
Achieving Milestones in Coffee Trading
Throughout his career, Scott Biffin and his company achieved numerous milestones that solidified their position as leaders in the Australian coffee industry. These milestones included:
Direct trade partnerships with over 100 coffee farms in more than 20 countries, ensuring a steady supply of high-quality, ethically sourced coffee.
The launch of a sustainable coffee initiative, which provided farmers with access to environmentally friendly farming practices, leading to improved crop yields and better quality beans.
The development of a blockchain-based traceability system, giving consumers full transparency into the origins of their coffee and the conditions under which it was produced.
Collaborations with Australian cafes and roasters to introduce sustainably sourced coffee to mainstream consumers, contributing to the growth of the specialty coffee movement.
These milestones were a testament to Scott Biffin’s vision for a more transparent, sustainable, and equitable coffee trading system.
Conclusion: Scott Biffin’s Lasting Legacy
Scott Biffin’s work in revolutionizing coffee trading in Australia has had a profound and lasting impact on the industry. Through his innovative approach to sourcing, trading, and consumer education, Biffin has helped transform Australia into a leader in specialty coffee, known for its commitment to quality and sustainability.
By fostering direct relationships with coffee farmers, implementing cutting-edge technologies, and advocating for ethical sourcing practices, Biffin’s company has created a blueprint for the future of coffee trading. His contributions have not only improved the lives of coffee farmers but also enhanced the coffee experience for Australian consumers.
As the coffee industry continues to evolve, Scott Biffin legacy will undoubtedly inspire future generations of traders, roasters, and consumers to pursue a more ethical and sustainable path in the world of coffee.
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trader-sg112 · 7 days
Daily Forex Market Overview: USD Gains Against Yen, Euro, and Sterling Slightly Retreat
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In the latest forex market movement, the U.S. dollar (greenback) strengthened against the yen, while the euro and British pound saw slight retreats after hitting multi-session highs.
USD Gains Against Yen
The greenback made significant gains against the yen, rising by 0.58% to reach 143.12. This uptick reflects the continued strength of the U.S. economy and ongoing speculation around the Federal Reserve's stance on interest rates.
Euro Slightly Falls From Recent High
The euro witnessed a minor decline of 0.04%, settling at $1.1113. This comes after the euro touched a three-week high in the previous session. The recent dip indicates slight adjustments as traders await key data releases from the European Central Bank (ECB) regarding inflation trends and economic recovery.
Sterling Retreats After Peak
The British pound (sterling) saw a 0.11% drop to $1.3199, pulling back from a peak of $1.3298, its highest since March 2022. This slight dip follows a rally driven by confidence in the UK economy's resilience and expectations of further interest rate hikes by the Bank of England.
AUD and NZD Show Minor Gains
Meanwhile, the Australian dollar edged higher by 0.05% against the U.S. dollar to trade at $0.6768. The New Zealand dollar also rose modestly, gaining 0.04% to reach $0.6210. Both currencies saw slight boosts due to positive economic signals and stable commodity prices in their respective regions.
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VenturyFX Review: Is it a Legit or Scam Forex Broker?
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In this detailed review, we will explore all aspects of this platform, including its offerings, regulations, fees, and user experiences, to help traders make an informed decision.
What is VenturyFX?
VenturyFX is a relatively new player in the online Forex trading industry, offering access to a variety of financial instruments including Forex, commodities, indices, and more. The platform claims to provide advanced trading tools and competitive spreads to both retail and institutional traders. With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, it aims to cater to traders at all experience levels.
However, with numerous Forex brokers available, it’s crucial to verify whether VenturyFX stands up to its promises or falls into the category of unregulated brokers that may pose risks to investors.
VenturyFX Regulation and Licensing
One of the first things we consider when evaluating a Forex broker is its regulatory status. A broker’s regulatory framework is critical for ensuring that it adheres to industry standards, provides transparency, and offers client protection. VenturyFX claims to be regulated, but upon closer examination, there is no strong evidence to suggest that it holds any licenses from Tier-1 regulatory authorities like the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission), or ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission).
The absence of high-level regulation is a red flag that potential traders should be aware of. While the broker may claim compliance with local regulations, traders need to ask themselves if they feel comfortable dealing with a platform that lacks robust oversight. Unregulated brokers can disappear with client funds without legal consequences, making it a risky choice.
Trading Platforms and Tools
VenturyFX provides a range of trading platforms, including MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), which are widely known for their reliability and functionality in the trading community. Both platforms offer customizable charts, a variety of technical indicators, and automated trading capabilities through Expert Advisors (EAs).
However, while the availability of MT4 and MT5 is a positive aspect, we noticed a lack of additional advanced trading tools that more reputable brokers tend to offer. Brokers that strive for excellence typically provide a variety of market research tools, including economic calendars, trading signals, and in-depth market analysis, all of which seem to be missing or underdeveloped on VenturyFX.
Account Types and Spreads
VenturyFX offers several account types catering to different types of traders. The accounts generally range from Standard to VIP, with each providing different spreads, leverage, and features. While the broker advertises competitive spreads, some traders have reported that the actual spreads they encounter are significantly wider than advertised, particularly during high market volatility.
Spreads and fees are crucial in evaluating a broker because hidden costs can drastically reduce a trader’s profits. Unfortunately, VenturyFX is not transparent about its fee structure, which raises concerns. Traders should be cautious about this broker’s vague approach to spreads, commissions, and other fees.
Deposit and Withdrawal Methods
The deposit and withdrawal process is another critical factor when choosing a broker. VenturyFX supports various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and e-wallets such as Skrill and Neteller. However, several user reviews have highlighted issues with the withdrawal process. Complaints often revolve around delays in processing withdrawals and, in some cases, users reported being unable to withdraw their funds entirely.
While the broker states that withdrawals can take up to 5 business days, some traders claim they have waited weeks without resolution. This uncertainty around withdrawals is a major red flag, as any legitimate broker should provide quick and hassle-free access to client funds.
Customer Support
Customer service is a vital element that distinguishes a reliable broker from a potential scam. VenturyFX offers support through live chat, email, and phone. However, feedback from users indicates that the support is inconsistent at best. Some users have reported prompt responses, while others claim that their inquiries were left unanswered or addressed inadequately.
A dependable broker should provide round-the-clock, responsive customer service to resolve any issues, especially when it comes to traders’ funds and platform performance. VenturyFX’s customer support does not seem to meet these standards, leaving traders in doubt about the platform’s overall reliability.
VenturyFX User Reviews and Complaints
When evaluating any broker, user reviews and testimonials provide essential insight into the actual experiences of traders. VenturyFX has received mixed feedback across various review platforms. While some traders have praised its intuitive interface and trading platforms, a concerning number of users have expressed dissatisfaction with its withdrawal process, lack of transparency, and unresponsive customer support.
Many reviews suggest that VenturyFX is untrustworthy, with complaints about the broker engaging in questionable practices, such as manipulating spreads or preventing users from withdrawing profits. These are clear indicators of a potential Forex scam, and traders should approach VenturyFX with caution.
Is VenturyFX a Scam?
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While VenturyFX offers legitimate trading platforms like MT4 and MT5, the absence of transparency in its fee structure, coupled with unresolved withdrawal complaints, raises red flags. In the highly competitive world of Forex trading, where scams are all too common, it’s vital to choose a broker with a solid reputation and strong regulatory oversight.
Final Verdict: Should You Trade with VenturyFX?
In conclusion, while VenturyFX might appeal to traders with its advanced platforms and various account types, the risks far outweigh the benefits. The lack of robust regulation, poor customer support, and troubling withdrawal issues make it difficult to recommend this broker. If you’re looking for a secure and transparent trading environment, we advise exploring alternatives that are well-regulated and have a proven track record of safeguarding traders’ interests.
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smartfx · 13 days
Compare Forex Brokers — Best Forex Brokers for Beginners
Your ideal choice for a forex broker should be well-regulated in its local jurisdiction, accept clients from your country, and have tight dealing spreads and a sufficient variety of currency pairs and other assets to suit your trading needs.
Published By | SmartFX | Sep 10, 2024
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best forex brokers in dubai
Best for Overall for Beginners: Smartfx.com
Top forex, gold, oil Trading Company & Brokers in Dubai | SmartFX ranks №1 as our choice for the best forex broker for beginners in the U.S. The broker is strictly regulated by the NFA and CFTC, while its subsidiaries are overseen by 6 other major regulators around the world.
Why We Picked It: Top forex, gold, oil Trading Company & Brokers in Dubai | SmartFX is widely regarded as the top forex broker for beginners due to its user-friendly platform, comprehensive educational resources, and 24/7 customer support. They offer a variety of tools and tutorials to help newcomers grasp the complexities of forex trading along with a 5% cashback deal for new account openings by U.S. residents. The round-the-clock customer service is especially valuable for beginners who might feel overwhelmed by the forex market.
Best for Simplified Trading Platform: | SmartFX
Top forex, gold, oil Trading Company & Brokers in Dubai | SmartFX is becoming the go-to choice for forex traders seeking a straightforward yet effective trading platform. Tailored for modern traders, it has a user-friendly interface that streamlines trade executions, especially for those who prioritize simplicity over complex features.
How to Choose a Forex Broker as a Beginner
Choosing a forex broker as a beginner can be a daunting task given the amount of options available. However, focusing on a few key factors can simplify the process and help you select a broker that suits your needs. Here’s a some guidelines to help you make an informed decision:
Regulation and Security
Check broker regulation: Ensure the broker is regulated by a reputable financial authority such as the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), or the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Regulation provides a level of security and oversight, protecting you from fraudulent practices.
Verify credentials: Cross-check the broker’s regulatory credentials on the regulator’s official website that corresponds to the country you are trading from to confirm their authenticity.
Account Types and Minimum Deposits
Account options: Look for brokers that offer a variety of account types to accommodate different trading styles and budgets, including demo accounts for practice and learning.
Minimum deposit requirements: Choose a broker with a minimum deposit requirement that aligns with your budget. Many brokers offer accounts with low or no minimum deposit requirements, which is ideal for beginners.
Trading Platform and Tools
Platform usability: The trading platform should be user-friendly, intuitive, and compatible with your preferred device (desktop, web, or mobile). Popular platforms like MetaTrader 4/5 or cTrader are widely recommended.
Technical tools and features: Ensure the platform provides essential tools for technical analysis, charting capabilities, and automated trading options.
Spreads and commissions: Compare the spreads (difference between bid and ask prices) and commission structures. Lower costs mean higher profitability, especially for beginners with smaller capital.
Additional fees: Be aware of other potential fees such as withdrawal charges, inactivity fees, and overnight financing rates (swap rates).
Leverage and Margin Requirements
Leverage options: Understand the leverage options offered by the broker and how they align with your risk tolerance. Higher leverage allows for larger trades with a smaller capital but increases the risk for loss.
Margin requirements: Check the margin requirements to ensure you understand how much capital is needed to maintain your positions.
Customer Service and Support
Availability and accessibility: Look for brokers that offer great customer support available through various channels (phone, chat, email) and during trading hours.
Language and response time: Ensure customer support is available in your preferred language and check reviews for their response time and helpfulness.
Educational Resources
Learning materials: A good forex broker for beginners should offer educational resources such as webinars, tutorials, articles, and demo accounts to help you learn and practice trading.
Market analysis: Access to daily market analysis and insights can be beneficial for understanding market trends and making informed trading decisions.
Deposit and Withdrawal Options
Convenience and flexibility: Check the deposit and withdrawal methods to ensure they are convenient and flexible for you. Look for options that are secure, low-cost, and easy to use.
Processing time: Consider the processing time for deposits and withdrawals to avoid delays in funding your account or accessing your money.
Reputation and Reviews
Broker reputation: Research the broker’s reputation through online reviews, forums, and trader communities. Look for consistent positive feedback and check for any major complaints or issues.
Time in the market: Brokers with a longer track record in the market often have more reliability and stability.
Trading Instruments and Market Access
Range of instruments: Ensure the broker offers a wide range of trading instruments, including major, minor, and exotic currency pairs, as well as other assets like commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies if you plan to diversify.
Market access: Confirm that the broker provides access to the markets you are interested in trading.
Additional Resources
Demo trading: Before committing real money, use a forex demo account to practice trading and understand how the broker operates.
Seek recommendations: Talk with experienced traders or financial advisors to get recommendations based on your needs and goals.
Join forex communities: Engage with online forex communities and forums to learn from other traders’ experiences and insights.
With these guidelines in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to choose a forex broker that aligns with your trading goals and provides a solid foundation for your trading strategy.
Best Forex Brokers for September 2024
Foreign exchange (forex) traders have access to the largest and most liquid market in the world, 24 hours a day, five days a week. The best forex brokers operate under strict regulatory supervision, offer robust research and analytical tools, provide access to a wide range of assets, deliver strong customer support, and more — all while maintaining competitive, transparent pricing.
Top forex,gold,oil Trading Company & Brokers in Dubai | SmartFX provides a streamlined trading experience across its collection of 3rd-party and proprietary platforms. Speedy order execution, access to automated trading algorithms, and the company’s proprietary Performance Analytics feature, which helps traders understand their personal trading, are among the many features that make the platform stand with the industry’s top companies. But where Top forex,gold,oil Trading Company & Brokers in Dubai | SmartFX really shines is in its proprietary mobile apps. The platform offers superb customizability, robust portfolio analysis, deep research, easy-to-digest education, innovative tools, and more — all in a well-designed, intuitive mobile experience that prioritizes what matters most to traders.
Top forex,gold,oil Trading Company & Brokers in Dubai | SmartFX requires high account balances to start earning interest on uninvested cash, however, and a very high volume of trades is needed to benefit from active trader discounts. Lastly, product offerings for U.S. clients are limited to spot forex trades.
Frequently Asked Questions What Is Forex Trading?
Forex (or FX) trading entails trading currencies, contracts for differences (CFDs), indexes, commodities, spread betting, cryptocurrencies, and more on the global foreign exchange market, the largest and most liquid asset market in the world. In the forex markets, currencies trade against each other as exchange rate pairs. The EUR/USD would be a currency pair for trading the euro against the U.S. dollar, for example.
The forex markets exist as spot markets, as well as derivatives markets, offering forwards, futures, options, and currency swaps. Investors trade in the forex markets as a hedge against international currency and interest rate risk, as a means to speculate on geopolitical events, and to diversify their portfolios, among other reasons.
Is Forex Trading Legit?
Forex trading is legitimate. The trading of currencies is a massive global market that sees trillions of dollars of transactions every day. It also serves a crucial function in the global economy by helping to settle transactions across borders. Foreign exchange trading is also a very active market, where world events, country-specific releases, and general news have a 24/7 impact on the values of one country’s currency against another. Forex traders establish positions with the hopes of benefiting from this price action, often using leverage to increase potential profits.
In principle, forex trading isn’t very different from stock trading. Due to the size and global reach of the market, however, forex trading is attractive to scammers at the broker level. If a company is promising you guaranteed returns or raising other red flags, that firm is probably not legitimate, even though the broader forex market is. One of the key things we look at in our forex broker reviews — and, in fact, the data we put the highest scoring weight on — is whether a forex broker is regulated by a trusted regulator like the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
Is Forex Trading Profitable?
Forex trading can be profitable, and the same could be said for every type of investing. There is no one way to be profitable in investing, but forex traders tend to do well when they have a defined trading strategy, control their overall trading exposure and are mindful when using leverage.
This does not mean there aren’t investors who can make money in the forex market in other ways. George Soros made over a billion dollars in a deep short against the British Pound in the 1990s. That trade probably wouldn’t have been as massive if he was running a risk-controlled trading strategy, but it was made possible by his already significant capital reserves and a strong conviction. For the average forex trader, however, it is better to find your ideal trading timeframe, adopt a style that fits, avoid over-leveraging, and cut your losses while they are small.
Which Forex Brokers Accept U.S. Traders?
Forex trading is popular worldwide, with more traders outside of the United States than within it. Nonetheless, the U.S. remains one of the largest financial hubs and the U.S. dollar makes up half of the most popular currency pairs. Brokers catering to U.S. traders must be regulated by the CFTC and hold membership in the National Futures Association (NFA). The rules and enforcement regime these brokers face is much more stringent than firms operating out of less well-regulated jurisdictions.
It is also worth noting that some large stock brokers offer access to limited forex trading. Interactive Brokers stands out as a rare trading platform that does forex and a wide range of asset classes equally well.
What Does a Forex Broker Do?
Forex brokers are like other brokerages — they match a buyer with a seller. They maintain a trading platform that monitors price data for currency pairs across the network of institutional forex participants and exchanges and allows users to trade these pairs. FX brokers make money off the spread on trades as well as any platform related fees.
Beyond simply facilitating trading, forex brokers set the rules around a trader’s use of leverage and determine how much will be available under what specific terms. A best forex broker will also include some additional resources to support traders. These may be in the form of educational resources or unique tools to support trading. That said, the core job of a forex broker is to allow you to buy and sell currency pairs. It can be hard to measure how well a forex broker does when you don’t know what they do. That is why we evaluate how well these forex brokers perform for you, including how trustworthy they are, what support they provide, and how the value they provide balances against the costs.
Is Forex Good for Beginning Investors?
Forex trading can be complicated, but it’s certainly possible for beginning investors to diversify their portfolios by trading currencies and other forex assets. It would be wise to exercise caution and take the time to educate yourself on the assets in which you wish to trade. There’s a wealth of education and research resources available through a number of forex trading platforms, so take the time to avail yourself of this information.
How Do I Start Trading Forex?
First and foremost, do your research. Beginning investors should educate themselves on the wealth of research and educational resources available through trading platforms and sites such as Investopedia.
Next, compare forex brokers, choose one that suits your trading needs, and open an account.
Then you’ll want to build out your strategy for trading in the forex markets.
Finally, open, monitor, and close your first position. And you’ve successfully become a forex trader.
How Much Money Do I Need to Begin Forex Trading?
You can start with as little as $100 in most cases, but it’s important to note that forex trades are made in standard lots of 100,000 units of currency. This may require you to invest more than $100.
We researched and reviewed 18 forex brokers to find the best forex trading companies you see in the list above. Below is the full list of companies we researched along with links to individual company reviews to help you learn more before making a decision:
How We Chose the Best Brokers for Forex Trading
Our commitment to providing unbiased, comprehensive reviews of forex brokers is rooted in extensive research and expert analysis. We evaluated 18 forex brokers based on rigorous criteria, focusing on key aspects such as regulatory oversight, costs, trading experience, and available offerings. Our methodology ensures that our recommendations are based on reliable data and a thorough understanding of the industry.
To gather data, we sent a questionnaire to each of the 18 brokers, covering multiple areas critical to a forex trader’s experience. Our researchers and editors verified the responses and supplemented the data with additional online research and direct communication with each broker. This research was conducted between May 13 and July 30, 2024, ensuring that our evaluations reflect current information.
Our proprietary scoring model evaluated each broker across 11 major categories and 73 weighted criteria, plus an additional 15 non-weighted criteria. The overall ratings are a weighted average of the weighted criteria, ensuring a balanced and fair assessment.
Some brokers also demonstrated their platforms live via videoconferencing, and our experts conducted hands-on testing with live accounts to further validate the platforms’ functionality and user experience. This comprehensive approach allows us to present an unbiased, detailed review of today’s best forex brokers.
For more information, read our full methodology explanation.
Forex Trading online:Best Platforms,Brokers 2024 | SmartFX
smartfx brokers offer forex and CFD trading with the best online forex trading platforms and 24 hour live support.
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The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace.
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qocsuing · 15 days
Understanding Forex Regulations: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Forex Regulations: A Comprehensive Guide The forex market, with its vast liquidity and 24-hour trading opportunities, attracts traders from all over the world. However, the decentralized nature of this market also brings significant risks, making regulatory oversight crucial. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding forex regulations, highlighting their importance, key regulatory bodies, and the benefits they offer to traders.To get more news about forex regulatory, you can visit our official website.
Importance of Forex Regulations Forex regulations are essential for maintaining market integrity, protecting traders from fraud, and ensuring fair trading conditions. Here are some key reasons why forex regulations are important:
Investor Protection: Regulatory bodies enforce strict rules to ensure brokers maintain transparent and fair practices. They monitor brokers to prevent fraudulent activities, such as misappropriation of funds or price manipulation. This protection gives traders peace of mind, knowing their investments are safe. Market Integrity: Regulations help maintain the integrity of the forex market by ensuring all participants adhere to the same set of rules. This prevents market manipulation, insider trading, and other unethical practices that can distort market prices and harm traders. Segregation of Client Funds: Regulated brokers are required to keep client funds separate from their own operating funds. This segregation protects traders from any potential misuse or misappropriation by the broker. Dispute Resolution: Regulatory bodies provide a platform for traders to raise complaints against brokers. They investigate such complaints impartially and provide resolutions, ensuring traders have a fair chance to seek justice in case of any disputes. Financial Stability: Regulated brokers are subject to financial audits and capital adequacy requirements. These measures ensure brokers have sufficient funds to cover their clients’ trades and obligations, reducing the risk of broker insolvency and protecting traders’ investments. Key Regulatory Bodies Several regulatory bodies around the world oversee the forex market, each with its own set of rules and standards. Some of the most prominent regulatory bodies include:
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA): Based in the United Kingdom, the FCA is one of the most respected regulatory bodies in the forex industry. It sets strict standards for brokers and regularly monitors their compliance. FCA-regulated brokers must adhere to stringent capital requirements and maintain segregated client accounts. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC): In the United States, the CFTC regulates forex brokers and ensures they comply with federal laws. The CFTC’s stringent regulations aim to protect traders from fraud and market manipulation. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC): ASIC is the regulatory body in Australia, known for its rigorous oversight of forex brokers. ASIC-regulated brokers must meet high standards of financial integrity and transparency. Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC): CySEC regulates forex brokers in Cyprus, a popular jurisdiction for many brokers due to its favorable regulatory environment. CySEC ensures brokers operate fairly and transparently, protecting traders’ interests. Benefits of Forex Regulations Forex regulations offer numerous benefits to traders, including:
Enhanced Security: Regulatory oversight ensures brokers adhere to strict standards, reducing the risk of fraud and ensuring traders’ funds are secure. Fair Trading Conditions: Regulations promote fair trading conditions by preventing market manipulation and ensuring brokers provide transparent pricing. Increased Confidence: Knowing that a broker is regulated by a reputable authority gives traders confidence in the broker’s reliability and integrity. Access to Dispute Resolution: Regulatory bodies provide mechanisms for resolving disputes between traders and brokers, ensuring traders have a fair chance to seek justice. Conclusion Understanding forex regulations is crucial for any trader looking to navigate the forex market safely and successfully. Regulatory bodies play a vital role in maintaining market integrity, protecting traders from fraud, and ensuring fair trading conditions. By choosing a regulated broker, traders can enjoy enhanced security, fair trading conditions, and increased confidence in their trading activities. As the forex market continues to evolve, staying informed about regulatory changes and choosing reputable brokers will remain essential for successful trading.
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fpmarketsreview · 1 month
FP Markets Review: Forex Broker & Trading Markets — Legit or a Scam?
Introduction to FP Markets
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In this comprehensive review, we delve into whether FP Markets is a legitimate broker or if there are any red flags that potential traders should be aware of.
Company Background and Regulatory Status
FP Markets operates under the stringent regulatory oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). These regulatory bodies are known for their rigorous standards, which enhance the broker’s credibility in the global market. ASIC’s regulatory framework ensures that FP Markets adheres to high standards of financial conduct, including segregation of client funds and regular audits.
Trading Platforms and Technology
MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5
FP Markets provides access to two of the most popular trading platforms in the industry: MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5). Both platforms are renowned for their user-friendly interfaces and advanced trading features. MT4 is particularly favored for its extensive range of technical indicators and automated trading capabilities via Expert Advisors (EAs). MT5, the more recent iteration, offers enhanced charting tools, a broader array of order types, and an economic calendar.
FP Markets’ Proprietary Platform
In addition to MT4 and MT5, FP Markets offers its proprietary trading platform, which boasts a sleek design and intuitive navigation. This platform is designed to cater to both novice and experienced traders, featuring advanced charting tools, real-time data, and customizable interfaces.
Account Types and Trading Conditions
FP Markets offers a variety of account types to suit different trading styles and preferences. These include:
Standard Account
The Standard Account is ideal for traders seeking no commission on trades. Instead, the broker makes its earnings from the spread, which starts from 1.0 pips. This account type is suited for those who prefer a straightforward trading experience without the added complexity of commissions.
Raw ECN Account
For traders who prefer tighter spreads and are comfortable with paying a commission, the Raw ECN Account provides spreads starting from 0.0 pips with a commission of $3.5 per lot per side. This account type is ideal for high-frequency traders and those who engage in scalping strategies.
Islamic Account
FP Markets also offers an Islamic Account compliant with Sharia law, which means it does not involve swap or interest charges, catering to traders who adhere to Islamic finance principles.
Trading Instruments and Markets
FP Markets provides access to a wide range of trading instruments across multiple asset classes:
With over 60 currency pairs available, FP Markets caters to both major and exotic forex pairs, offering traders ample opportunities to diversify their portfolios.
Traders can access various commodities, including gold, silver, oil, and agricultural products, enabling them to take advantage of price movements in the global commodities markets.
FP Markets offers trading on a variety of global indices, including the S&P 500, Dow Jones, and NASDAQ, providing exposure to major equity markets worldwide.
The broker also features a selection of cryptocurrencies, allowing traders to participate in the highly volatile digital currency markets.
Customer Support and Service
FP Markets is known for its responsive and knowledgeable customer support team. The broker offers assistance through multiple channels, including live chat, email, and phone support. Customer service is available 24/5, ensuring that traders can get help during trading hours.
Deposits and Withdrawals
FP Markets supports a wide range of deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and popular e-wallets such as Skrill and Neteller. Deposits are typically processed instantly, while withdrawals are handled efficiently, with most requests processed within 24 hours.
Educational Resources and Research Tools
FP Markets is committed to providing traders with the resources they need to make informed decisions. The broker offers an extensive range of educational materials, including webinars, eBooks, and video tutorials. Additionally, FP Markets provides access to a variety of research tools, such as market news, economic calendars, and in-depth analysis reports.
Is FP Markets Legitimate or a Scam?
Based on our detailed review, FP Markets stands out as a reputable and reliable forex broker. The broker’s robust regulatory oversight by ASIC and CySEC, combined with its wide range of trading platforms, account types, and trading instruments, indicates that FP Markets operates with transparency and integrity. There have been no significant complaints or red flags suggesting that FP Markets is a scam.
In summary, FP Markets is a well-established forex broker with a solid reputation in the trading community. The broker offers a comprehensive range of trading services, competitive trading conditions, and reliable customer support. Whether you are a novice trader or an experienced investor, FP Markets provides the tools and resources necessary for a successful trading experience
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williammason1 · 1 month
William Mason: Australian Stock Market Slightly Rebounds Amid Iron Ore and Lithium Price Declines
Recently, the S&P/ASX 200 index saw a modest rise of 14.8 points, or 0.19%. Although the increase was slight, the market dynamics behind this rise are worth pondering. William Mason believes that the strong performance of the communication services and industrial sectors provided support to the market, while the resource sector continued to face challenges, especially against the backdrop of global commodity price fluctuations.
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Performance of Communication Services and Industrial Sectors
William Mason points out that despite the limited overall market gains, the communication services (XTJ) and industrial sectors (XNJ) stood out, driving the market upward. The communication services sector rose by 1.7%, with Telstra Group (ASX: TLS) shares up 2.1% due to better-than-expected full-year results. Additionally, Seek (ASX: SEK) rose 3.3%, and Car Group (ASX: CAR) increased by 2.0%, with strong performances of these companies propelling the entire sector upward.
Data shows that the S&P/ASX 200 index closed up by 14.8 points to 7865.5 points, a 0.42% increase from the intraday high. In the S&P/ASX 300 (XKO) composite index, advancing stocks led decliners by a ratio of 165 to 113, indicating overall market optimism. William Mason believes this reflects investor confidence in the technology and communication sectors, especially as global digital transformation accelerates, affirming the growth potential of these industries.
The industrial sector also performed well, rising by 1.2%. NRW Holdings (ASX: NWH) was particularly noteworthy, with its stock price up 9.7%, becoming a key driver for the sector rise. William Mason suggests that the strong performance of NRW Holdings is due to its recently released excellent financial report, with the company gradually expanding its market share in the infrastructure and mining sectors, further enhancing its profitability. This indicates that despite global economic uncertainties, some companies related to infrastructure development still possess strong growth potential.
The financial sector (XFJ) also performed well, especially with the stable performance of the four major banks. William Mason believes that signs of recovery in the financial industry indicate growing market confidence in economic recovery, particularly as the interest rate environment stabilizes, benefiting the banking sector.
Continued Pressure on the Resource Sector
However, not all sectors performed well. William Mason notes that the resource sector (XJR) fell by 1.2%, making it one of the worst-performing sectors today. The decline in resource stocks was mainly influenced by the drop in global commodity prices, particularly the continued downward trend in iron ore and lithium prices.
The decline in iron ore prices has had a noticeable negative impact on related stocks, especially as global demand slows and expectations for commodity demand weaken. William Mason believes that the downward pressure on iron ore prices affects not only the Australian major mining companies, such as BHP Group (ASX: BHP) and Rio Tinto Group (ASX: RIO), but also drags down market sentiment for the entire resource sector.
Lithium stocks also underperformed, particularly amid the backdrop of a sharp drop in lithium prices in the Chinese market, putting significant pressure on Australian lithium companies. William Mason indicates that the substantial decline in lithium prices in China increases uncertainty in the global lithium supply chain, raising concerns among investors about the prospects for lithium companies. Additionally, the performance of uranium and gold prices failed to boost market sentiment, putting more pressure on the resource sector in the current market environment.
The energy sector (XEJ) also faced challenges, with a slight decline of 0.65%, yet the uncertainty in the global energy market continues to pressure this sector. William Mason believes that despite frequent fluctuations in energy prices, the long-term performance of energy stocks will still depend on the global economic situation.
Investment Strategies and Market Outlook
William Mason advises investors to adopt a more cautious and diversified investment strategy amid the current global market fluctuations. Although the market has seen a slight rebound, the continued pressure on resource and energy stocks reminds investors that the impact of global commodity price fluctuations on the Australian stock market should not be overlooked.
William Mason emphasizes that investors should closely monitor global macroeconomic dynamics and changes in monetary policies of various central banks. By keeping abreast of market information, investors can better grasp market trends and avoid significant losses due to market volatility. Combining fundamental and technical analysis can help investors make more informed investment decisions in a complex market environment.
Despite significant short-term market fluctuations, scientific investment strategies and effective risk management can still uncover investment opportunities in the current complex market environment, achieving long-term stable wealth growth. Overall, William Mason believes that through comprehensive analysis of global market dynamics, investors can better understand the reasons for current market fluctuations and develop reasonable investment strategies to protect their investment interests and achieve long-term stable wealth growth.
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Financialization & Zombie Neoliberalism
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Paul Keating tells us that Australia is on its way to becoming the unofficial 51st state of America. The former PM is not being complimentary in his assessment of our current defence policies when saying this. No, Keating is issuing a warning about our docile behaviour in this space. The truth is that Australia does follow the United States in many ways when it comes to economic and political trends. Especially, those on the conservative side of politics are constantly looking to take our country down well-trodden American roads. Financialization and zombie neoliberalism is where the US finds itself with private equity investment firms gobbling up all areas of life and business in America.
Housing A Major Investment Commodity
We have a housing affordability crisis in Australia, as they do in America and in most Western nations around the globe. Shelter has become a major investment commodity globally, which has left large chunks of the population out in the cold. In Australia, our banks have grown incredibly wealthy on the back of the home loan business over the years. “Household net wealth sat at a record $16.2 trillion in the March 2024 quarter, boosted by a record level of property assets of $11.0 trillion as at 31 March 2024. As a proportion of net household wealth, residential property accounted for around 67.9%, up from 61.7% in December 2020.” (https://www.adviservoice.com.au/2024/06/household-wealth-rises-to-record-over-16-trillion-spurred-on-by-property/#:~:text=Householdnetwealthsatat,from61.7inDecember2020.) High levels of immigration into the country has exacerbated a housing shortage in combination with a proliferation of short term holiday rental properties draining the available stock further. Long term rents have sky rocketed in response to these market forces. Our timid governments still in thrall to zombie neoliberalism refuse to consider caps on things like rent increases despite the inflationary effect of these 20% and 30% increases.
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Private Equity Investment In Residential Property In America
In America, Wall St hedge fund investors and private equity firms have been buying up residential property in cities around the nation. In a number of cities they have become the major landlords in town. They now own around 10% of properties nationally. This could be seen as a good thing economically if not for their behaviour. You would think cashed up corporations would be good landlords. No, in the extreme world of American financialization these landlords have not only pushed up rents more aggressively than ever, by around 30%, but they also skimp on fixing the property and maintenance for their tenants. Only in America! It is all about return on investment and screwing every dollar possible at the lowest cost. Rising rents are a major factor in sticky high inflation in economies everywhere. President Joe Biden, prior to stepping out of the race, promised to cap rent increases by corporate landlords to 5% annually. Even, the avaristic Americans are looking to cap rental increases but sleepy Australian governments leave the market to sort itself out. Zombie neoliberalism still stalks the halls of power in Oz. Most Aussie MPs are landlords by the way, including PM Anthony Albanese. More Australians get rich via property investment above and over everything else. “The latest data from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) reveals that 2,245,539 Australians or around 20% of Australia’s 11.4 million taxpayers owned an investment property in 2020-21 – this is the latest data available at the time of writing and was released in June 2023.” (https://propertyupdate.com.au/how-many-australians-own-an-investment-property/)
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Financialization Poses Further Wealth Inequality Opportunities Financialization is really a cannibalising of existing societal infrastructure. It feeds on the necessary stuff we have put in place to make our lifestyles possible. Shelter, a roof over our heads, is now commodified as the major investment opportunity for a section of our population. If Australia goes the way of America, with private equity financialization running rampant through everything we will see an increase in the already growing divide between the wealthy and the working poor. We don’t tax wealth in this country but income, mainly from workers. This means with the aid of tax minimisation arrangements, like family trusts and shifting profits to tax shelters, the wealthy avoid paying their fair share of tax in Australia. We learned this from our former British colonial masters. Conservative British billionaires contribute even less to annual tax revenues in the UK than their American counterparts. Capital gains tax contributes less than 2% to annual tax revenues in the UK, this is despite the enormous wealth within the financial sector operating in Britain. Many of the tax havens are British island territories and are a part of the web of tax minimisation established by the financial realm in the UK at the height of the Thatcher years. Stripping the state of assets and access to the wealth of private citizens are all aspects of the neoliberal playbook.  Meanwhile, for everyone else at the bottom of the food chain neoliberals want the ‘user pays’ economic model to cover everything in life. You will notice already the plethora of fees, charges, subscriptions and rents being levied on everything you do in life in the 21C. In Australia, this means our hospitals and health system ultimately becoming privatised. This is already happening with private equity buying up hospitals in Australia. They promise greater efficiencies if the hegemony of capital markets reign, but ‘for profit’ ownership of health facilities invariably see cost cutting measures which do not put patient care first and foremost. Education under the LNP will see further neglect of the state school system and the prioritisation of looking after private schools. This occurred for the decade they were last in power and saw more parents leaving public education for the private sector with their kids. The best schools in the world are consistently those in the Scandinavian nations and they are public schools, where they fund them well to ensure top quality educational outcomes for their children. The split between public and private in Australia is a perennial canker displaying the century long tussle between models and ideological philosophies in our nation.
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Choose An Independent Australian Future We do not want to become the unacknowledged 51st state of America because the US is a deeply divided and extreme nation. The China scare tactics of conservatives and US economic and defence policies must not box us in to the tacit support of everything America proposes in this space. Yes, we do not agree with the totalitarian regime underpinning China, but we should also be clear about the extremely unfair state of economic life in the US. The minimum federal wage in America is $7.24, whereas in Australia it is $24.10. The neoliberal economic policies which have proliferated in America since Ronald Reagan have produced a massively inequitable state of wealth among Americans. A land of billionaires boasting obscene levels of wealth and tens of millions of Americans living in abject poverty. Two speed economies have become the norm in neoliberal economies around the globe. The ‘trickledown effect’ never materialised and the economic theories of Hayek and Friedman made some very wealthy at the expense of the rest of us. It is time to redress this situation and rebalance the wealth distribution around the globe.  Financialization and zombie neoliberalism must be rooted out from our governments and business sectors.
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Biden Invested In American Manufacturing President Joe Biden has overseen the injection of trillions of dollars into American homegrown manufacturing. This contrasts the previous decades of financialization in the US and the growth of private equity. America had been putting all its eggs into the money market to the detriment of its millions of skilled workers, as manufacturing jobs flooded offshore. The rise of Trump as the king of grievance politics was borne on the back of this. Of course, Trump is a liar and conman and has never done anything for American workers but make them empty promises. President Biden has led the greatest investment in America by an administration ever. “$563.6 Billion in public infrastructure, semiconductor and clean energy investments in the United States under the Biden Administration, including: $303.4Bannounced for transportation investments in roads, bridges, public transit, ports and airports, as well as electric school and transit buses, EV charging, and more.” (https://www.whitehouse.gov/invest/#:~:text=563.6Billioninpublicinfrastructure,EVchargingandmore.) This is just some of the massive investment in American manufacturing for a clean energy and high tech future for American workers. Trump did next to nothing during his chaotic time in office, accept lower the tax rate for the wealthy and corporations. Investing In Australian Manufacturing? I remember the talk in Australia during the pandemic, as we realised our economic dependence upon China was a problem. However, since then I have heard little about investing in Australian manufacturing, apart from the solar panels plan. This plan copped criticism from economists who have grown up in an Australia committed to globalism. If we do not seriously invest in our manufacturing future we will continue to be vulnerable to headwinds of whatever nature be they economic or from warfare. Australia should be investing in its independent resilience. It is an opportunity to lay the economic groundwork for an economy capable of withstanding shipping blockades and being cut off from the global digital network if marine cables are damaged by acts of war. It is time to start doing things, building things, making things, instead of merely buying cheaper stuff from China. Tough Times Downunder Our construction sector is bleeding companies going into liquidation because their business models were designed around accessing cheap building materials from China. This all changed post pandemic with everything going up in price, including labour in response to high inflation reducing the buying power of workers’ wages.  Australians have been forced to become entrepreneurs and small business owners because the well paid manufacturing jobs have disappeared over the last couple of decades. This results in a plethora of undercapitalised businesses who are the first to go bust when the economic cycle turns and interest rates are whacked up by the central bank to curb demand and high inflation. This is what we are seeing right now in the Oz economy.
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Neoliberalism is a global economic order. It’s philosophy is based on market fundamentalism. It operates by shifting power from the state to private equity. Public assets are sold off and utilities are privatised and corporatised. National banks are privatised. National airline carriers are privatised. Telecoms are turned into Telstra’s. Power utilities become corporate power companies. Promises of cheaper prices never eventuate. Jobs disappear and wages are trimmed and tightly controlled. Shareholders and investors are kings. Consumers get shafted as competition in the sector is removed via takeovers and mergers all approved by the ACCC. You get Coles and Woolies. The big 4 banks. The big 4 consultancy firms replacing public service jobs. The disappearance of accountability and transparency. Duopolies everywhere you seek to do business. Welcome to modern Australia. Zombie Neoliberalism & Our Politicians “A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” Winston Churchill We are living in a time of financialization and zombie neoliberalism. The GFC and subsequent crises have discredited neoliberalism but it lives on zombie-like in the actions and policies of governments. Generations of politicians have grown up never having to actually do anything but talk on the TV. Never being truly responsible for any economic activity but commentating on it instead. Much of their role nowadays involves being talking head puppets making sage predictions with few consequences. Spending billions on endless reviews by PwC and Ey and legions of consultant lawyers and accountants. ‘Leave it to the market’ has been indelibly inked upon their foreheads – even those pollies on the left march to this same zombie neoliberalism beat. Housing crisis? The market will fix it! Cost of living crisis? Market forces will readjust eventually. Politicians learn to smile for the camera and to nod their heads whilst appearing wise. Photo opportunities are more important than getting one’s hands dirty in the 21C. Is it any wonder that the electorate quickly tires of the sound bites and fake smiles? That we end up despising our pollies for their failure to really engage with the business at hand? Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump. ©WordsForWeb
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axelpvtmkt · 2 months
Understanding the Weakness of the Australian Dollar in Current Markets
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The Australian dollar (AUD) is experiencing significant weakness, earning a 5/5 on the weakness scale in the latest COT reports. This decline is influenced by both domestic factors and the broader geopolitical tensions in the Middle East. The Reserve Bank of Australia's decision to push back rate cut expectations to November has provided some temporary relief, but the AUD remains vulnerable amid global uncertainties.The geopolitical conflict between Israel and Iran is adding pressure to commodity-dependent currencies like the AUD. As the market braces for potential disruptions, especially in oil supply, the AUD's performance is likely to remain under strain. Investors should be cautious and consider the potential for increased volatility in the coming weeks as geopolitical developments continue to unfold.
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blockinsider · 2 months
Imminent Crypto Collapse: Market Expert Peter Schiff Sounds Alarm
Key Points
Peter Schiff, a financial analyst, predicts a potential crash in the cryptocurrency market.
Schiff also expresses concerns about possible sell-offs in gold, silver, and stocks.
Peter Schiff, a well-known financial analyst, has raised concerns about the current conditions of the cryptocurrency, gold, silver, and overall financial markets. He anticipates a ‘hard landing’ for the financial market.
Signs of an Impending Crypto Crash
On his social media page, Schiff noted that despite the introduction of eight Ethereum exchange-traded funds, the crypto market continues to decline. He highlighted that Ethereum has fallen by over 7% in the last 24 hours, while Bitcoin has dropped by 2% within the same timeframe. Schiff believes these developments signal the beginning of a crypto crash, coinciding with an upcoming Bitcoin conference in Nashville. He stated:
“In case you haven’t noticed, despite yesterday’s launch of 8 Ethereum ETFs, Ether is already down over 7% in the past 24 hours. Bitcoin is down too, falling 2% over the same time period. The stage is set for a crypto crash, just in time for the Nashville Bitcoin conference.”
Concerns Over Gold, Silver, and Stocks
Schiff also expressed his worries about gold and silver, stating they are not immune to market sell-offs. He noted that gold has decreased by nearly 2% in the last 24 hours. Despite the overall financial market downturn, he does not foresee a significant downside for gold. However, he predicts a dramatic drop for both Bitcoin and Ethereum.
The financial expert disclosed that stocks are falling, commodity currencies like the Australian dollar are experiencing similar trends, while safe haven currencies such as the yen and Swiss franc are on the rise. He cautioned that a recession might ensue with a stock market crash if the Fed does not cut rates soon enough. He stated:
“Stocks are selling off. Safe haven currencies like the Japanese yen and Swiss franc are rising while commodity currencies like the Australian dollar are falling. If the Fed doesn’t cut rates soon the #recession may start with a stock market crash.”
Schiff questioned whether the Federal Reserve would allow this downturn to persist or intervene to prevent a major stock market crash, financial crisis, and recession before the election.
Schiff, a gold proponent, believes Bitcoin’s bear market is far from over. He recently predicted on his social media page that if Bitcoin’s price falls below $15,000, it could plummet to $3,500.
Contrarily, billionaire businessman Robert Kiyosaki suggested that the prices of gold, silver, and Bitcoin could surge if former president Trump wins the upcoming US election. He predicted that by August 2025, gold could reach $3,300 an ounce, Silver could hit $79.00 an ounce, and Bitcoin could rise to $105,000.
At the time of writing, Bitcoin’s price has further decreased by more than 3% in the last 24 hours, while Ethereum’s price has fallen by over 8%. The influence of the newly launched Ethereum ETF on digital currency prices remains to be seen.
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