#Avoid junkfood
People are so gungho to over inflate the consequences of certain things they want to place moral weight onto.
Sugar and junkfood: oh you could get cavities. Yeah most people will get a cavity at some point in their life it happens to almost everyone. We have well known and wildly available options to prevent that from happening and to treat it when it does. "It makes you fat" bullshit and anyhow fat is a neutral normal way to exist.
Sex: you could get an STI. There are well known and widely available options for prevention. Treatment of STIs is way less scary than stigma will have you believe. Most are easily treatable. Just get tested regularly and be upfront with partners about it.
Pregnancy is an understandable concern especially right now in the political climate but largely it's much of the same. Available options for prevention and the treatment for it is far more overblown with stigma than the actual consequences.
People place these insane weights on potential consequences but like most of the time they're easily avoidable and easily remedied if you do experience them.
It's impossible to have a well informed public if the only time you hear about the consequences is if it's some knee jerk reaction to get people to avoid it all together. You hear about concussions in football during genuine discussions of concern, but it's not treated as some "god save the children" crusade. but when it comes to things like enjoying food or sex or some other moralized activity it is treated as though the mere existence of potential consequences is proof it should never happen.
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yandere-fics · 7 months
I do not remember the last time I had fast food... I'm so used to home-cooked meals, and nothing else thanks. I don't even touch junkfood really... I'm so thankful the city yans avoid fast food. Except Runa who seems to prefer it, ugh.
I mean if you do homecook for her i'm sure she'd cry and just be so delighted and after that she'd probably get really prissy about fast food and be like "anyone going their clearly doesn't have someone who loves them."
I eat very healthy, it's very annoying to do after years of the worst junk food imaginable(i drank three mega monsters in a single day once when i was 17 and fucking flight like i was ascending.) but unfortunately i have more energy now that i don't eat bread products since those were just empty calories and eat way healthier.
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97linelover · 2 months
Hey, dear. I just read your recent mingyu fic about reader was diagnosed with endometriosis and you happen to endure the same thing..
9 years ago i was diagnosed with fibroid uterine (miom) and my doctor said it could cause infertility so chance that i could get pregnant is low. I was so sad, devastated, crying for weeks and losing hope to become a mother. I got hormonal therapy for 6 months and changed my life style (not eating junkfood and avoiding sugars, doing sports and physical activities regularly, having enough sleeps and eating 6 tomatoes every morning). A year later miracle happened, i got pregnant on the second month of my marriage. My doctor was surprised but he said it's still possible. Those mioms were gone (it appeared on my first semester of my pregnancy but after the baby grew, the mioms gone).
Don't be sad, dear. I'm sure you could get through this. Hwaiting💪💪💪
Im so happy to hear this! Thank you for taking the time to write this.
Life can be hard sometimes. I think the most important thing is that you don’t loose hope and especially the people around you.
Im proud of you for staying strong! Cuddle your sweet baby for me ❤️🥹
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chaoticcheddar · 1 year
list of things i d0nt 3at 4nym0r3(i h4ven't h4d 4ny of those since april 20th):
-regular chocolate
-cake,any cake, even the "low cal" ones
-regular cookies
-any type of sugar(been avoiding like the plauge,not avoiding fruits tho)
-pasta(any pasta)
-pizza(any pizza)
-dairy(besides regular plain low sugar low fat yogourt)
-meat(any meat besides chicken)
-any type of candy
-any type of junkfood snacks(doritos ,cheetos ,all the itos)
-everything deepfried
-"bad" fats such as:canola oil,any "vegetable" oil,coconut oil(yea dont eat that..)
-any type of plain white flour bread
-been avoiding plain white flour in general
-white rice
and its important to add that i had not been drinking anything other then water/coffe/tea for the past 5 years so nothing to add there rlly
will explain my other rules/safe foods/portion sizes in other posts but thats it for now.
pls stay safe!
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armeenix · 1 year
What aot girls do when you are painting your nails
!Fluff! GN reader
•mikasa never really noticed that you painted your nails until you said that you needed to repaint them
•mikasa doesn't really paint her nails like that because she doesn't like it when it chips. But every once and a while she'll paint them if she feels like it
•she watches you closely as you paint them your chosen color.
•if you're struggling with painting them neatly she will silently grab the brush from your hands and carefully paint each finger
•she always paints them perfectly😭
Y: Mikasa how do you always paint my nails so perfectly?😭
M: I don't know
•for some reason ymir loves watching you paint your nails
•just the way you look so concentrated as you try to make surebyour nailsare perfect, it makes her feel some type of way💀
•as soon as you are done with your own nails she will beg you to paint hers too
Ymir: y/n, paint my nails.
You: ymir that was super demanding I don't like how demanding that was. Can I at least get a little please?
Ymir: why do you need a please I'm your girlfriend tf?
You: listen if you want me to paint your nails then I need to hear a nice please
Ymir: ugh fine, please?
You: that's more like it
•you find it weird that she wants you to paint her nails so badly but you do it anyways
•she deadass just wants to see you look so concentrated
•hitch is the one that is painting your nails in the first place💀
•the minute she hears you say that you need to repaint them she will go grab some nail polish and have you choose a color before painting them for you
•this will totally somehow end up with the both of you having a little pampering night with face masks, and junkfood, and all kinds of spa stuff
•even if you are a little reluctant hitch always finds ways to make you enjoy what you two are doing together😭
•I feel like Sasha has a very sensitive nose so you can't really paint your nails around her
•the main problem with this is the fact that Sasha loves being around you most of the time
•you don't wanna make her nose irritated so you kinda just avoid painting your nails when you are around her, even though she claims that its perfectly fine and that it won't bother her😭
•she's so sweet that she doesn't mind going through nose irritation just so you can paint your nails but of course you refuse to do it around her.
•just like ymir she will ask you to paint her nails too😭
•before you two started dating she never painted her nails so now that she sees you do it she kinda wants to
•although she doesn't really like physical touch when you are painting your nails she tends to lean her head on your shoulder and watch you curiously
This is all I got, please do let me know if you want me to do one with the boys😭
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noortjelanterfanter · 4 months
How am I even supposed to stay motivated to keep eating healthy so I might actually live to see 50, when I don't even care if I see tomorrow?
That said, I've been struggling to eat meals. All I want is to comfort myself with junkfood, but I don't buy any. I pretty much got rid of all food ordering apps that work on a more or less instant gratification level. I really Just want to not feel. It's almost like making myself feel hungry is a way to Punish myself because I feel like I'm a really bad person. I don't mean to trigger anyone, I'm aware of how eating disorder-y that sounds. But I do want to write about what has been going on in my brain. I don't really mean punish. It's more of a sh thing than an e.d. thing. Which doesn't make it any less worrying. There's a fucked up part in my brain that really likes it. Because this behavior will cause me to lose weight. Rather rapidly. I think the enjoyment comes from me dreading having to go to my nan's birthday dinner next week. Where I will be surrounded by family who think I actively choose this body and that it is a simple laziness issue. But I don't know how to explain to them that it is hard to stay motivated when I'm not even motivated to wake up tomorrow.
Like... I'm very mentally ill, but they don't believe in mental illness as a whole, which is why I avoid that shit anyway. But yeah. That's probably a reason.. that and knowing nobody will hire me like this. Not that I can work at the moment anyway, but still. I fucking hate it. I hate my brain, I hate having a body that is so heavy that it at times feels like there'a no coming back from it. I Just want to feel normal for once in my life.
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gabrielxpierce · 5 months
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The Wheel of Fortune turns evermore, seemingly to communicate that life is made up of both good and bad times, and that the cycle is one that we cannot control. It is something that is subjected to both kings and workers, and that nobody on earth can avoid what is fated. When you have good moments in your life, make sure that you enjoy to the fullest, for what comes up must always go down. The same is true in reverse - when you are in a bad situation, things will eventually become better again. 
FULL NAME : Gabriel Henry Archer Pierce ALIAS : Dom AGE : 30 DATE  OF  BIRTH : June 30, 1993 HOMETOWN : Kismet Harbor, OR, USA. TIME IN EAST HAVEN :  April, 2024 RESIDENCE : Emerald Mist. FACECLAIM : Thomas Doherty trigger warning: missing person, bodily trauma, memory loss
EDUCATION : High school diploma. Fire Academy. OCCUPATION : Unemployed. GENDER : Cis-Male PRONOUNS : He/Him SEXUALITY : Pansexual. HAIR COLOUR : Black EYE  COLOUR : Blue HEIGHT : '6'0'' BUILD : Lean/Muscular ACCENT : American LANGUAGES : English, Italian., Arabic TATTOOS : One saying 'who is this' on his chest. Hilariously before his amnesia SCENT: Davidoff Cool Water ZODIAC : Cancer LOVE LANGUAGE : Physical touch. CLOTHING: Various styles but loves bold patterns HAIR STYLE / BEARD:  ( x )
CONDITIONS : Amnesia ALLERGIES : Strawberries, pumpkin EATING HABITS : Big eater, barely gains weight. But loves junkfood. EXERCISE HABITS : weights and treadmill SLEEPING HABITS : 4-6 hours a day, has night terrors but can't remember upon waking. ADDICTIONS : None DRUG  USE : None ALCOHOL USE : Yes
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Intelligent, patient, empathic, helpful NEGATIVE TRAITS : overthinker, uncertain, abrasive, lost PHOBIAS : Unknown FEARS : Unknown HOBBIES : Soccer, true crime, mixology HABITS : repeats the tunes and catchphrases on the radio USUAL DEMEANOUR : Searching.
FATHER : Archer Pierce (Deceased) MOTHER : Violet Pierce (Deceased) SIBLINGS : Rosalie Pierce (Missing) COUSINS: Valentina Delgado, Joanna Pierce OTHER: Viktor Pierce (Paternal uncle) PARTNER(S) : None CHILDREN : None PETS :  None.
April 9th, 2024. Gabriel's life began when he woke up in a hospital bed in Kansas city. Bruised and battered, with no recollection of his past at all. He found out pretty quick he had a love for bananas and mashed potatoes and that he was allergic to pumpkin. He could quote marvel movies but when seeing them only had a vague recall of what was going to happen.
With his uncle's contact in his emergency tab on his phone, his uncle was called, who arrived in Kansas soon after, with photos of proof of their relationship. He was told of his parents, and how they were gone. Of his sister, who was missing and who was the reason he was in Kansas in the first place, looking for her after a tip. It was probably how he end up being beaten up, having pried in wrong corners and talked to the wrong people.
He's trying to piece together who he is. He has the facts, knowing he was a firefighter back in Seattle, he found out he has a love for metal music, considering he had many records in his apartment of various bands. He had both the bible and the Koran on his shelf, but whether he was a believer of either religions he could not tell. His favourite colour was red, with all the red in his apartment and he loved dressing in bold patterns.
It was easy to see he was overwhelmed in his apartment, trying to catch fragments of his past that his uncle suggested packing it all up and living at his place in Kismet Harbor until he felt up for living on his own again, and so he did. He's still searching in terms of what to do. He feels torn for searching for a woman he doesn't remember, but if his current state had anything to do with his search for her, doesn't that mean he was on the right track?
This biography will grow the more Gabriel finds out about his past.
1993 - Born june 30th.
2024 - moved to Kismet Harbor in April
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francissaber · 1 year
Title: Eat Unhealthy Food and Eat Healthy Food
You must eatless Unhealthy food because it will affect your health, if you ate too much sweets and junkfoods there's a chance that you got a Diabetes blood sugar and insulin resistance, Junk food is high in sodium can lead to increased headaches and migraine and high in carbs which can cause trigger outbreaks of acne, Eating excessive amounts of junk food may increase your risk of depression. The carbs and sugar in junk foods can lead to dental cavities, Fried foods are filled with trans fats which raise LDL cholesterol levels, Fast food is filled with empty carbohydrates, which can lead to increased and lastly Increased sodium levels can lead to your body retaining excessive water, leading to bloating. So you should Less Unhealthy Food and Eat Some Healthy Foods like vegies Healthy Foods is the best among the bestest because of the reason that the healthy food is keeps skin, teeth, and eyes healthy, supports muscles, helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight, strengthens bones, supports brain development, supports healthy growth, boosts immunity, helps the digestive system function for the kid. The benefits that can give to adults is Helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight, helps the digestive system function, supports healthy pregnancies and breastfeeding, lowers risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers, strengthens bones, boosts immunity, supports muscles, keeps skin, teeth, and eyes healthy, may help you live longer. Healthy foods are made up mainly of nutrients-rich foods, such as legumes, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein and nuts and seeds. and it can also help you maintain or grow your immune system. Unhealthy Foods are high in fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and added sugars. The Key To A Healthy Diet | The Bad Effects Of Eating Junk Food To avoid the negative health risks to your, your diet needs to be nutritional and diverse. Small changes to your diet can make an immense difference to your health. It’s easier than you think, especially if you follow at least six of the eight goals outlined below. Drink water instead of sugary drinks: By drinking water or unsweetened, you can cut your calories substantially. Sodas and energy drinks are high in added sugar and calories, so be sure to avoid these. If you seek added flavor, try adding a slice of lemon, lime or watermelon to your glass of water. Brrt brrt
Reference: https://chng.it/FPT2Jyhxtx
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petalsxfallen · 1 year
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Part of how steven wins her over is introducing petal to just things she comes to love about earth/human culture which is almost all of it. First food. Junkfood and fast food. She eats like amethyst except you know the eating stuff that isn't food part.
Then there's earths plants. Not just the pretty flowers but also the more ugly plants that humans tend to avoid. Ones that have thorns and that are poisonous. They're all her babies.
Finally there's rock music and related to that the punk style. It inspired her whole second outfit and she liked greg's music so much she wore the mr universe shirt in her outfit.
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purplemeerkat · 2 years
I was down to 137 from 141 last week this morning.
I've been trying to limit the food I eat by getting rid of all the food I had in the house and not buying any. I have an egg, spinach and noodles each day. And that is all I'll buy. As a new rule I won't spend money on food, so I'm buying the cheapest things I can to have as a meal, each day. Noodles tend to be pretty high calorie, around 350 per day, but if I only eat it once it seems to not cause me to gain, with the egg and spinach it rounds out to 400cals for the entire meal. With some light snacking here and there if work is stressful and simple coffee with no milk my daily intake will range anywhere from 500 on good days to 1200 on stressful days.
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I can't buy food other than the ingredients for the noodle meal. As the rule, that way I avoid buying junkfood. Coffee is provided at work. If anyone gives me snacks or offers me food I am allowed to have it as long as being taken to dinner is limited to once per week. I don't know what kind of diet this is, the "stingy student diet".
I'm trying to save as much money as possible for a little while since bad decisions affected my savings recently, as a biproduct I'm cutting my food budget significantly, which will naturally result in weightloss. I'm going to transfer savings to a fixed account so I won't be able to have extra money for food. I also want to start a hydroponic salad garden so I can save money on greens in the long run.
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avoidjunkfood · 3 years
How to Stop Eating Junk Food
1. A Home That Isn't Filthy
After interviewing a food-behavior researcher on my podcast, I came up with this concept after learning that willpower is useless when junk food is readily available. Unfortunately, I slipped off the wagon over the holidays after being showered with candies and treats, much of which had a "health halo," which is one of my weaknesses.
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The junk-free house concept means avoiding ordering any "discretionary" food during my weekly online shopping and following a rigorous no-candy aisle rule at the supermarket. It's simply too tempting. If sweet goodies do find their way into my house (which they often do), the ones that can't be thrown away because they're just too special are stashed in a cupboard in my laundry room and brought out when the time comes.
2. A well-stocked pantry with whole foods
In January, I cleaned out my pantry, and it wasn't beautiful. I admit to finding bicarbonate soda that had an expiration date on it. Grain, nuts, legumes, seeds, flours, tinned whole foods, and natural flavorings and spices now make up the majority of the pantry. (We'll see how long all of my perfectly organized and labeled material lasts, but I'm going to start from the beginning.) As a result, I'm expecting to save money on groceries by purchasing in quantity.
3.C.A.N.(Convenient, Attractive, Normal)
I've purposely created an environment in which I eat healthy without even realizing it. Colorful fruits and vegetables are arranged in baskets to persuade me to consume them, and I pre-wash chilled fresh fruit such as grapes and blueberries to nibble on them. It's visible and easy to find. (Convenient) Displayed in an attractive manner. (Attractive) Made them seem like obvious choices. (Normal)
4. Get ready
The lack of time to create healthier alternatives is my single greatest hurdle to stopping junk food. I've now sacrificed an hour of my Saturday mornings to tackle this issue. I'm organizing my meals around lunchtime leftovers, and I'm ordering everything I need from the comfort of my own home. This way, when I'm thinking, "What am I going to make for dinner tonight?" at 6:00 p.m. after a long day at work, the answer is on a note on my refrigerator. So far, it has saved me time by reducing the number of times I have to run to the shop. There is also less food waste at the end of the week.
5.Attitude Changes
"I have to quit eating junk food," I've changed my mental self-talk to "I want to stop eating junk food." This is based on studies that demonstrates self-control is more difficult to sustain when people are motivated by the notion that they "have to" behave in a certain way. People who "want to" achieve their goal, on the other hand, encounter fewer goal-disrupting temptations and require less self-control. A goal that we "want to" attain is one that we are internally motivated to accomplish. For example, I'd like to eliminate junk food from my diet in order to maintain a healthy gut microbiome and improve my overall health.
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Stay Away From Fast Food.
Because of the consumption of bad cholesterol, fat, and sodium, you become predisposed to cardiovascular disease. In other words, all of this interferes with your heart’s ability to function. Furthermore, junk food has a higher carbohydrate content. It will immediately cause a spike in your blood sugar levels.
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lazer-exe · 5 years
yeah I'm on a diet, it's called Not Bullying and/or Starving Myself
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empressofdiamonds · 2 years
The whole point in avoiding instant gratification is to make you more aware of the pleasures of life. Abusive consumption makes you blind to the real good stuff. Like if you eat crap sugary candy all the time, you're making yourself numb to the actual pleasure one can get from actual GOOD stuff. Like too much sugar makes the tasting buds numb, you can't appreciate pears and bananas and raspberries and such.... If you consume pornography, you make yourself numb to real good sex. If you consume junkfood all the time you make yourself numb to good nutritious food. If you watch exclusively craptok you shorten your attention span and can't enjoy good longer videos, movies documentaries. There's SO many examples of instant gratification. Also it eliminates the whole drive to seek the good stuff, like "wait I can get [easy option], it's sooooo easy, seeking for [better stuff] is pointless and too much effort" then you become a no-lifer that just consumes consumes consumes without having much substance.
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healthcaretips · 4 years
health and nutrition tips which are actually based on good science 1.can't drink sugar calories 2.Eat nuts 3.Don't fear coffee 4.Avoid junk food 5.Get enough sleep .6.Eat fatty fish 7.Gut health with probiotics and fiber 8. Be for especially meals drink some water
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sweatermuppet · 3 years
any tips on how to start writing again after a long hiatus? i stopped myself from sending this several times cos its such a generically annoying question & usually answers itself w a “just write,” etc, … but i really like yr work & how it seems to just spill out of you, if that makes sense. even if its a “just write” answer, i just want to make sure because it’s from you. also, tips how to branch past writing incredibly emotional pieces? cos sometimes i just want 2 write abt like. mindless garbage. but then i accidentally make it abt Myself like my name is Narcissus
1. it rlly is just write. writing does seem to spill out of me, i seldom sit down for the sake of writing—rather, words haunt me until i get them out, but i do have lengthy & torturous dryspells. my advice is usually be as self indulgent as possible. if i can't write, it's because im avoiding myself. i start with journaling & if that doesn't open the gates, i write myself some junkfood. just word vomit, indulgence, nothing i want to share but actually enjoy or need to put down
2. mindless garbage CAN be abt the self. it's hard to escape from the overly emotional writing, especially if writing is an exercise in therapy, but write yrself as the hero or the villain or try out some new characters or write like yr a kid again. even when i try to write lighter pieces, i almost always balance it with some tragedy, anger, catharsis, so you don't need to feel bad abt thinking u always make it "too" emotional. i said in another answer a while back that tragedy & comedy exist in equal measure to enhance the other.
also maybe try a new format. if u write on yr phone or laptop, try the pen instead. switch fonts, write in a new color, different medium. refreshing yr way of writing helps me when i feel stale
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Self care isn't always about doing what you want, cause what you WANT to do and what you NEED to do to feel better might be two very different things. There are definitely times where relaxing in front of the television with junkfood is exactly what you need to do to feel better, but there are also times where it'll only make you feel worse. Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is make that scary phone call, start doing your homework, take that shower you've been postponing, have that exercise session, start that hard conversation you've been avoiding or cook that proper meal you know you need. Even if it's not what you want to do in the moment. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some of your comfort in the present moment in order to feel better later. Remember that.
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