#Awesome trio
losnordiquitos · 1 year
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this is what the awesome trio looks like to me
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gtc-heta · 24 days
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low effort comic lmao (based off this)
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edeluette · 5 months
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“Eh? What? I couldn’t hear you over my AWESOMENESS!”
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doueverwonder · 1 year
Denmark: We're having a kid!
USA: That's great! I'm so happy-
Prussia, pulling out adoption papers: it's you, sign here.
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A collection of memes I made for the beloved and extremely talented @sunnylolli, also known as one of my favorite artists on this platform.
Sorry for the terrible quality, Tumblr does not seem to like uploading my photos correctly (not joking, they were all fine in Files, but the moment I uploaded them Tumblr decided to make everything blurry.
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I hope you like them, some might not fit perfectly with CISFAYOT (I'm only partway through), but they were all a lot of fun to make. You have some incredible talent!
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aphfroghat · 5 months
Awesome trio except prussia and denmark are drunk out of their minds and america is dying inside
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aiwendor · 8 months
I miss the awesome trio. America, Prussia, and Denmark would be so chaotic.
I also always felt like Australia should to be there too lol
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smoothie03 · 1 year
The A in Awesome trio stands for ADHD.
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freaks and geeks
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hws-lceland · 2 years
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Might color this one, don’t know for sure though
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rosethreeart · 1 year
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There needs to be more awesome trio content 😩
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pvffinsdaisies · 1 year
Can we pls make the awesome trio into the awesome quartet bc I think Australia deserves a place in the group
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roszabell · 11 months
awesome trio +matt is my favorite, not even for prucan reasons, but bc yeah it checks out in a trope way that al would bring his shy tagalong little brother to hang out with his cool (loser) friends and do crazy shit
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whyisitnotcannon · 2 years
Some headcanons for America/Canada
• He is fluent in almost every language and his pronunciation is perfect.
•Canada is the only one who knows this. He also knows that America never speaks the languages because no matter what the other countries will insult him on anything and everything he does. Canada knows it affects America a lot, but he pretends it doesn’t. The “Hero” personality is mostly a front in many ways.
•Among the languages America uses regularly is ASL. America unconsciously signs when his emotions are extreme, good or bad, and on occasion when he’s in deep thought. He likes to sign along to songs. He doesn’t really notice he’s doing it.
•Canada is fluent in ASL. He can gauge his brothers mood based on this.
•They use ASL to communicate when they don’t want the other countries to know what they’re talking about. (It drives the other countries absolutely crazy.)
•If you ask America what his favorite movie is he’ll say Captain America (anything Marvel actually) or The Princess Bride. His real favorite movies are, Saving Mr. Banks, Steel Magnolias, Lilo and Stitch, and Up. He will never admit to liking those movies or to having seen any of them.
•America suffers from BPD, ADHD, BP-2. He’s lived with it his whole life. He learned early on how to hide it and lives by the motto “Fake it til you make it.” That’s why his “hero” persona seems forced sometimes. (Only England and Canada know about this. They don’t really talk about it. America doesn’t know that they know.)
•America loves that he now has a friend group! The Awesome trio just goofs around and just has fun together.
•America’s favorite person to spend time with is England. He will drop everything or bail on any other plans he has in order to spend some time with England.
•He doesn’t express his emotions well and doesn’t really know how to tell the people in his life that he loves them. He tries to do acts of kindness to show how much he cares.
•Affection is his love language. Loves hugs and cuddles ect. But only does that with people he loves and trusts completely. (England, Canada, Japan)
I have more but I will save those for another day.
*As a side note, the ASL stuff is actually something I do and those disorders I listed are my own diagnoses. If you read about them or you look up common symptoms, you’ll get why I picked them for him, or at least I hope you will.
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doueverwonder · 11 months
Denmark: Alfred noticed only today that he can label his email inboxes, but he took apart his entire bloody laptop two weeks ago.
Prussia: This reminds me of the Alfred who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi.
Denmark: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Alfred.
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mikkelves · 1 year
Awesome trio headcanon
Denmark buys legos, and they challenge themselves to complete it within a day (Usually? One of them accidentally breaks it)
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