#Awkweird Life
mrawkweird · 8 months
Someone on Twitter I followed showed they just got a Liger Zero model
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It made me remember that I defiantly had a toy of that thing back when it was new that I lost or broke at some point cause I defiantly didn't have it when all my "baby" shit got put then lost in storage. (by lost I meant sold because my mom could not or forgot to pay)
Do you ever go back and realize how FUCKING STUPID we are as kids for not taking care of our toys? Cause so much of them are worth 5x what they were when you got them. Like those crappy western made DBZ toys.
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Even the stuff you get from Happy meals
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On a related note, I had a Growlmon toy, but I didn't get it from the store no no, I got it because someone left it by a tree at the park. I took it home cleaned it up and kept it for myself
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Pirate rules bitch
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That Gundam reminds me of the time I got a Gundam Wing model kit thinking it was already whole and was forced to get good and put it together from scratch. Learned about reality real quick.
I'm glad that at some point I started valuing my shit, still keep a box of the most valuable ones stored somewhere, but I will always mourn the things that I lost on the way to that revelation.
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I had the fucking Cubix toy and I let that shit fall apart. I was obsessed with the show so I got it for Christmas one year and sometimes I'm still in disbelieve that I just let it fall to the wayside. There's another thing I think about and I would pay to have this memory erased like Eternal Sunshine but I also got the OG season 1 Digivice Tamagotchi that they had....and I threw it away when the battery died.
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It was this one exactly and I kick myself every time I think about it. For a time there was a part of me that thought somebody found it and went on to become a Digidestined and I just threw away the opportunity like a fool.
Also, there's a whole conversation that needs to be had about the toys they were given out at places like McDonald's and Burger King in the day. Like, let's just compare real quick Beyblade at 2 different eras with Burger King.
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No other generation of kid will ever have it that good with their happy meals again. They were giving out some pretty good quality toy store shit and if you look at what they have now it's some ol' hollow bullshit. I also had the silver Gohan, Vegeta and Krillin from that BK DBZ set. I even got the gold plated Pikachu card they were giving out for Pokemon: The First Movie. That's still somewhere around here.
And it's funny you have that Growlmon story because I also have something similar where I was trying to collect all the Recess toys they had a McDonald's.
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I'd keep getting every kid but fucking TJ until I lucked out and the universe said "we got something for you today" and I found that shit in the grass at the park. Pirate life is THE life.
Also, this is a loss that really hit at my core at the time mainly because I feel like it was out of my hands.
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I had this Spawn figure. The coolest figure I ever had in my life at that point, maybe even ever, and I fucking lost that shit within days. Didn't go outside with it or anything. It just vanished out of thin air along with the comic it came with. Really thinking about it now I would not be surprised if my grandparents lowkey got rid of it thinking my mom brought some demonic shit into the house. Either way I genuinely hope to get it again one day.
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chodzacaparodia · 1 year
I'm really smart when I'm not dumb (sometimes I'm both at the same time)
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notmakingitpass30 · 10 months
mann.. I wanna be THAT bitch so bad but all Im giving is:
oh.. that girl
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awkwardbros · 5 months
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That’s OK boys. There are only so many Speedo prints on the planet. It was bound to happen.
Well then… In the spirit of this blog you’re both 9.5 out of 8 without further explanation.
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I want to sleep. I really do.
I put out as much heat as I could.
Seems I wasn’t chill enough.
Maybe I should have made more tea. Or I shouldn’t have when out to visit a friend in the first place. I felt I had done something wrong and so I did more wrong things to complete the dark narrative. The oven is sometimes a fun place.
Secretly, I like the idea of turning it on and getting very close to falling asleep. And suddenly at the edge of the beginning of reverie, waking to find out it’s still on. I like the edge of the possibility it would have stayed on. It’s exciting to almost forget. Almost slip out of its existence.
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awkweirdgaming · 6 years
Time to buy Life Is Strange 2 digitally so I can buy it again next year physically.
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tahanismoved · 4 years
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i’m the only one of me, let me keep you company
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bcbdrums · 5 years
@benjimators I'm sure you're tired of me saying this, but here's another case of 'it was so much better in my head than it is on paper.' Ah well. Let me know.
By popular demand, "part 2" and the conclusion of Things Change.  Enjoy!
It was barely a moment before Drakken was up and running after her, his teddy bear forgotten.
"Wait!" he hurried into her darkened, empty room where she was pacing angrily. "Shego, what—"
"Go back to bed!" she cut him off, tossing him a furious frown as she continued wearing a path into the floorboards.
Drakken watched her in utter confusion. First she was mocking him, then she was crying, and now she was mad at him?
He fidgeted anxiously, wondering momentarily if he should check her for a moodulator, but then took a step closer. "Shego, what did you mean, not to worry about you?"
She stopped pacing and threw her head back, her face contorted in frustration.
"Rrgh! Look this isn't easy for me, so just...just shut it. I'm sorry, okay? Forget what I said about everyone hating you and just...do whatever you want!"
She never looked at him, and when she finished speaking she continued her pacing along the back wall as far away from him as possible.
Drakken was even more confused. He supposed he understood the apology for her attempted manipulation, but...
"...But, Shego. I...really do want everything they're offering. Well, most of it anyway," he said thoughtfully.
She finally stopped and leaned back on the wall, her arms crossed in front of her. He could just make out her scowling face in the dark.
"I know you want it. So, go for it. Go claim your prize. Congratulations," she said impatiently.
"But..." he took another step toward her, "you don't want it."
She lifted her eyes to his, and he was surprised at how angry she looked. "Yes. Doy. I know. You know. We both know!"
He blinked. "I don't understa—"
"Doc, did it ever occur to you that you don't have to include me in your future plans?"
He blinked again. She groaned and rolled her eyes. "It doesn't have to involve me."
He cocked his head and blinked twice more.
She hissed through her teeth and stepped right up in front of him. "You. Me. Not working together anymore. No more contract. You go be the world's golden boy, and I'll keep tearing things apart."
His jaw hung open as he stared at her, lost for words. It had never occurred to him that they wouldn't...
"So...give me my beach chair and I'll get out of your hair," she said, moving around him and back into the main room.
He turned and hurried after her. "But Shego—"
"It's fine, Doc! I told you not to worry about me. I was taking care of myself long before you ever showed up."
He watched as she picked up her beach chair and dumped his clothes off of it and onto the futon. She started toward the door.
He ran after her. "Shego—"
"Get over it, Doc! Things change. That's life."
"But Shego—"
"What?" she snarled, raising a glowing fist beneath his chin.
"You don't have to— I mean, y-you can stay and I'll... I mean, you can have the lair."
She dropped her hand, the green glow vanishing. "Huh?"
"Or another one if you want, or...or all the lairs. I...guess I won't need them, anymore..." he finished quietly as a deep weight settled into the pit of his stomach. It seemed that he had made his decision.
Shego blinked at him, her anger fading. "That's...real generous of you, Doc."
He realized he was standing only inches away from her and took a hurried step back.
"Ah...so...which ones...do you want?"
A smirk slowly settled on her features. "Can't really argue with Tahiti."
Three days later, Drakken stood on stage at his would-be alma mater to receive an honorary doctorate and to present about his mutant plant formula. It was awkward, to say the least. The last time he'd "presented" anything to anyone besides Shego and his henchmen had been when he'd been a student, and those times hadn't gone very well either.
It was only the presence of the Possible family in the front row that gave him any confidence. The surprisingly supportive smiles of his former teen foe and her two parents let him know that it wasn't a complete disaster.
Later in his hotel room, he was actually relieved when the knock at the door turned out to be Kimberly Ann.
"What...um, can I do for you?" he asked nervously, turning away after opening the door and resuming his careful packing of his new degree certificate.
Kim stayed in the open doorway, her hands folded in front of her and an honest smile on her face.
"I just wanted to let you know that you did great out there, and well... I'm glad you decided to stay on the good side."
"Heh heh. Thanks," Drakken said, glancing at her shyly.
Kim took one small step inside and began glancing around. "So where's Shego?"
Drakken's face fell. "Oh, she...I suppose she's still at the lair."
"At the lair?"
"Or she may have gone on vacation. She did that a lot."
Kim shook her head in confusion. "I don't get it. Why would she be on vacation?"
Drakken snapped his suitcase closed and looked at the itinerary that was taped to the outside of it. His flight to Canada left in three hours. Plenty of time to get to the airport.
"I'm actually not sure why she went on vacation so much," he answered honestly.
"But...why isn't she here?" Kim continued.
Drakken felt a weight deep in his stomach like the one he felt every time he'd thought of her in the past three days. Which was every five minutes or so. "Oh, she isn't working with me anymore. We've gone our separate ways."
Kim's eyes widened. "What?"
"She didn't want to be on the good side."
Kim shook her head again. "Wait, time out. So she's still going to try to take over the world?"
Drakken shrugged. "I suppose. Although random mayhem always seemed more her style..."
"I don't get it," Kim said, shaking her head. "I thought you two were, you know..." she gestured idly with one hand.
Drakken blinked at her in confusion. "What?"
Kim looked oddly uncertain. "What I mean is...you two always seemed so tight. Even when you weren't in synch, you were. I...guess I thought you would always be partners."
The weight felt even heavier in Drakken's stomach, and he sat down on the hotel room bed, thinking about the morning he'd left only three days prior. She'd jokingly promised not to destroy any of his inventions for at least six months, and he'd not-so-jokingly promised not to turn her in. She'd been annoyed by his seriousness and sent a green blast after the hover car, hastening his departure.
He realized he had zoned out, and Kim was looking at him uncertainly.
"S-sorry," he said, looking down at his itinerary again. Time for lunch was penciled in in red right after the lecture... He groaned and threw his head back. He was already messing things up!
"What's wrong?"
"Nngh, I'm off schedule!"
Kim came fully into the room and peered down at his itinerary. "Shego made that for you, didn't she."
Drakken glanced away, suddenly suspicious. "So what if she did?"
Kim took a step back. "See, that's what I mean. It's weird that you two aren't together."
Drakken pushed off the bed and picked up his suitcase, heading for the door. "Well sometimes things change," he said impatiently.
He was halfway down the hall when Kim's voice stopped him.
"Maybe they shouldn't."
He turned and looked back to where she stood with one hand on the door frame, her form silhouetted by the sunlight in the room behind her. He slowly started back toward her.
"What do you mean?" he asked suspiciously.
"I mean..." she ran her fingers through her hair, "Gosh, I can't believe I'm saying this. I mean, maybe you should...stay in villainy."
Drakken blinked twice and shook his head, "I'm sorry, I'm not following you."
"I mean..." She looked sad. "You're not really going to be happy doing this, so why waste time?"
He set his suitcase down and crossed his arms. "I'm here because this will make me happy. That's the point."
"Yeah, and I get that..." Kim said, looking away. "But I'm getting ready to leave for college, and I know how tough it's going to be, to be away from Ron for so long..."
"What does the buffoon— I mean, eh...Stoppable...have to do with anything?"
Kim rolled her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair again before hugging herself. "This is so awkweird... I just mean...you're not really going to be happy being away from Shego. Especially forever."
Drakken felt the weight in his stomach agreeing with her, but he ignored it. "Of course I am. I'm getting everything I've ever wanted."
"Everything?" Kim asked.
He opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly he felt uneasy about his answer. Was there something missing? He fought down the unease and pressed forward. "Yes, everything. Even Shego knows that. She encouraged me to do it."
Kim's eyes widened, and for reasons unknown the blue scientist felt even more uneasy.
"Oh, Drakken..." Kim said sadly.
Drakken began fidgeting. "...What?"
"It is just like me and Ron. Don't you understand that she's in love with you?"
The world seemed to stop. Kimberly Ann's words echoed in his mind until they were a relentless flood, drowning out the rest of his senses.
Shego...loved him?
"It's just like...when Ron told me he was okay with things changing, and that he didn't want to hold me back. And...of course we can't know exactly what's going to happen in the future. But I do know that Ron Stoppable is a non-negotiable. And so whatever does happen, ultimately he's going to have to fit into the puzzle, and as the biggest piece too. I can't have it any other way."
Drakken heard her, but he was lost in his memories of everything that had happened since the ceremony at the U.N. Shego's uncharacteristic silence through all of the interviews. Her lack of mocking. Her cruel manipulation with the photo album. Her tears. And her insistence that he leave villainy behind and pursue his dreams.
His heart was pounding. Could it be true?
He dropped to his knees and opened the suitcase, tossing aside his doctoral certificate along with various articles of clothing as he searched for something.
"Drakken? What are you looking for?"
"Aha!" he cried, holding up his prize in delight.
"A tracking device? Let me guess...you have Shego chipped? Does she know about this?"
"She's still there!" he cried as the tell-tale blip appeared on the screen in the middle of the Pacific. He threw everything haphazardly back into the suitcase and slammed it shut, barely getting it latched before he grabbed it and ran down the hall.
"Hey, Drakken?"
He stopped short at the corner and looked back, suddenly remembering Kim Possible was there.
"Good luck," the teen said with a smile.
A moment passed, and he returned her warm gaze. Then he rushed away with one purpose in mind. He finally knew what would make him happy.
The sun had set by the time he reached Tahiti, and as he slowed the hovercraft above the lair he saw it was in darkness. The tracking device still showed her there, so either she was asleep or the electricity was still out.
After parking he leapt down onto the balcony and rushed through the door. He almost ran straight into Shego, who stood ready to attack whoever was intruding.
"Dr. D.? What are you doing here?"
He froze as he realized he hadn't thought this far ahead.
"I...changed my mind. I still want to be a villain after all."
Shego's eyes narrowed on him in disbelief. "What!?"
He fidgeted and smiled innocently. "Hmm," he nodded.
Shego...looked furious. "Ugh!" she cried in disgust, turning on her heel and heading toward her room.
Drakken moved to follow but then stopped as he took in his surroundings. Everything was exactly as it had been when he left, right down to his teddy bear and mussed blanket laying on his futon.
He hurried after her and pausing in the doorway found that her room was still empty. She was leaning up against one of the corners, her arms crossed and her head down.
"What...have you been doing since I left?" he asked cautiously.
She glared at him. "Thinking. But no, ser-seriously, Doc. What are you doing back here? You're supposed to be off...getting hero-worshipped or something."
He took a deep breath and entered the room. Each step that brought him closer to her increased the anxiety on her face. He stopped his approach about six feet away from her.
"It...wasn't what I really wanted," he said, shaking his head.
She gaped at him. "You've got to be kidding me! After all the— Nnn, no, no, we already went over this," in three quick steps she was in front of him, her hands on his shoulders turning him around and pushing him toward the door, "you wanted the world to recognize you for your genius, and now they do. So just...get over what ever stupid idea is in your head now and—"
"No!" he shoved his hands out and braced himself against the door frame.
He turned around, and she looked genuinely shocked.
He took a few quick breaths. "No. I mean...you're right, I thought I knew what I wanted..." he said, rolling his eyes nervously and raking his fingers through his hair. He started pacing a small circle as he spoke. "But then I couldn't stop thinking about— And...then Kim Possible said—"
"Kim Possible?" Shego crossed her arms. "What does she have to do with this?"
Drakken looked at her. Gone was her bizarre behavior of days past. From head to toe, she looked ever the impatient, volatile sidekick who had been in his employ for the past several years.
And he started second-guessing himself.
"Well she— And the future—" he fell on one knee in front of her, pulling at his hair with both hands now. "And the itinerary! And Stoppable not holding her back, and you telling me to do it, and—"
"You know when you kneel like that, you look like you're about to propose marriage," she said with a smirk.
"—and non-negotiables, and— What? No, no, no no no no!" he said, standing up in a hurry and waving his hands in panic.
Shego cackled, and his panic soon gave way to frustration.
"Ngh. Grh! Nyaaaaah!"
A long string of incoherent syllables flew from his lips while she stared on in amusement, until finally he turned with an exasperated sigh and slammed his forehead against the wooden wall, his fists soon following suit.
His breaths were heavy as he stood un-moving with his eyes closed, trying to process everything. Shego was acting just like her old self.
Kim Possible must have been wrong.
"...Dr. D.?"
He heard Shego sigh. "Look Doc, I don't know what brought you back here, but it can't be worth this much aggravation. So, tell you what—get yourself a good night's sleep and then in the morning you can go back to all your genius big-shots. Aren't you supposed to be in Canada right now?"
His eyes opened. That weight was back in the pit of his stomach. No, he knew exactly what he wanted now.
He turned around just as she set her hands on his shoulders to push him through the door again. Her face was set in determination.
"No!" he cried.
"I'm trying to be nice, here," she growled out, shoving him fiercely.
He grabbed onto the door frame again to block her from pushing him out. With a scowl she grabbed his wrists and yanked them down. Suddenly, his vine shot out from under his collar and spiraled around them before either knew what was happening.
Drakken coughed as the wind was knocked out of him and took a moment to catch his breath. When he did he noticed that he and Shego were pinned front to front, and her irritation was quickly turning into rage.
"Not this again!" she shouted, and he covered his ears. "Tell your stupid vine to let go!"
"F-flower, let us go!" he commanded, though his voice was shaking.
The response from the mutation was to curl even tighter, restricting their movement. They both gasped as they lost their footing, stumbling until Drakken's back was up against the wall. He looked down at her nervously, his hands raised in innocence while hers were in fists on her hips, her expression radiating disgust.
"Rrrghh!" she growled, igniting her hands and setting them against the vines.
Sudden, searing pain made Drakken see white. He realized he must have screamed because of the additional pain in his ears. But then as quickly as it started, the burning sensation began to diminish.
His legs shook beneath him and he pressed his back and hands against the wall to help keep himself upright as he caught his breath. A moment later he opened his eyes and saw Shego's horrified face. He swallowed nervously and glanced down to the scorch marks on the vines that still tightly held them together.
So it was that kind of mutation. Great, just great...
"...Are you okay?" Shego asked. Her voice was tense, and full of remorse.
"I think so," he said breathlessly.
The fear receded from her eyes. "What's with your stupid vines?" she said shakily.
Drakken tried to ignore the throbbing in his neck. "Ngh, I don't know! They have a mind of their own."
Shego sighed and crossed her arms, arching her back away from him. As he looked down at her, her expression was annoyed, but gradually becoming thoughtful.
"What's going on, Dr. D.?"
He blinked down at her. She was waiting for his answer.
She narrowed her eyes. "What?"
"Ngh, I mean... Being recognized by the world isn't the complete puzzle."
She frowned at him pointedly. "You're not making sense."
His instinct was to pace, or pull his hair, but with the vines trapping them he found all he could do was lift his hands and gesticulate. That felt odd to do with Shego so close in front of him, so he kept his hands merely hovering next to his sides.
"It might make me happy for awhile, but it...won't last."
She shook her head. "You know, you're unbelievable. And I'm not non-negotiable. Things change, Doc."
He heard a slight catch in her voice, and he focused all his attention on her eyes. She still looked irritated and impatient, but that strange bit of sadness from days ago was back.
"I don't want them to change!" he bit back at her.
She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Look. If this is some stupid nonsense about you wanting me around as some sort of P.A., you can hire somebody else. And if you're just afraid of things being different—"
"N-no," he shook his head quickly. "Nothing like that."
She blinked at him. Suddenly she began to look anxious. "And...if this is about me not getting my say in this, I'll go out and cause some newsworthy destruction tomorrow if it will make you feel better."
He swallowed anxiously, letting his eyes answer for him.
She crossed her arms. "Then what?"
He felt blood beginning its journey upward to flush his cheeks. She looked even more nervous.
"We're both getting everything we want," she protested against his silence. "I'm happy, you're happy. You saved the world, Doc. It's better than being an evil dictator, because everyone's actually happy to have you. They literally owe you their lives. Countries globally are begging you to visit so they can honor you. The entire world is yours, Doc. I don't see what your problem is. So...find a way to get your stupid vines off and just leave?"
Her voice had gotten more and more tense as she spoke, her throat finally constricting on her final words. There was a significant amount of moisture in her eyes, which she hid by closing them tightly.
"Shego..." he protested softly.
She responded by slamming her fists into the wall on either side of his head, her face twisted in...some kind of emotion.
Just then the vines tightened again and she stumbled as they both gasped for breath, her chest colliding with his as her forearms dropped to rest on his shoulders.
She looked up at him in shock, and he was surprised to see the beginnings of a blush on her cheeks.
He bit his lip. "You're not happy with...how things are, any more than I am."
She looked away in frustration, tears coming back to her eyes. "So what if I'm not? It's not like you can do anything about it. But I'm happy for you, so just...just go, rule the world. You don't have to do anything for me. I'll be fine, Dr. D."
His heart was pounding. He took a deep breath and pursed his lips in determination. "What if I could?"
She suddenly tensed and gave him a sidelong glance. "What?"
"What if I could...do something about it?"
Her eyes widened, a myriad of emotions wildly passing through them as she stared at him. She took a deep breath and clenched her teeth tightly together, blinking away her tears.
"You can't," she hissed out defiantly.
He glanced briefly at the scorch marks on the vines pinning them tightly together. He realized then that he could feel her heart beating in time with his. He was fairly confident she wouldn't try to blast the vines again, considering what happened before.
He gathered his courage to speak, willing his voice to come out strong. Instead it came out in a mild squeak, but his words were still clear.
"I love you."
She gasped and stared up at him, her eyes betraying only shock. He quickly closed his own and held his breath, bracing for the ridicule that he was sure was soon in coming. But he would take it. At least he had tried.
Moments passed and he realized that there was no mocking. In fact all he could hear was her breathing, nearly matching his in its anxious pace. He cautiously opened one eye, and then the other. She was still staring at him, now with some sort of...expectancy. Her forearms became heavier on his shoulders.
He blinked in uncertainty. Why was her face so close to his? Had he remembered to say it out loud? He drew an anxious breath, about to try again, when--
"Aren't you going to kiss me now?"
His eyes widened. Her own seemed to be urging him on. He felt a sudden heat and perspiration down the back of his neck as he looked at her hesitantly.
Her expression changed as some thought suddenly struck her, and she looked up at him warily. "Don't tell me... You've never kissed anyone before?"
"Uh, heh heh..." he chuckled nervously, offering her a smile as he shrugged.
She rolled her eyes. "Ugh."
He was still bracing himself for disappointment, but then all his senses lit on fire when she placed her hands behind his head, pulling him toward her. She rose up on tiptoe until their faces were barely separated by breath, her body pressed warmly against him.
He watched in fascination as her eyes fell closed and then her lips gently pressed against his. Her fingers wove into his hair and pressed into his scalp, soothing his nerves even as he took in the velvety petal-soft sensation of the kiss.
After a few seconds she pulled back, looking at him with that same expectancy and now just a hint of impatience.
"Well?" she said.
His response was to let out a long, shaky sigh and to sink back against the wall, a dreamy smile settling across his face.
Now she looked annoyed. "You're gonna have to try harder than that."
He blinked down at her, not quite sure what she expected him to do. After a moment he shrugged again. "Um..."
"Oh, for the love of—" She wrapped her arms fully around his neck and this time when she pressed her lips to his, it wasn't a peck. His body felt like it was floating as she moved her lips against his, capturing his lower lip between hers. This time he responded and a gentle contest ensued between them as each tried to gain dominance over the other with the action of their lips.
His arms, which he had kept hovering by his sides, now wrapped tightly around her, pulling her into him as if he could somehow capture the essence of her and make her part of himself. Apparently he held on too tight, because she broke away and gasped for breath, resting her head on his shoulder as she did so. He loosened his grip on her and relished in the soft sensation of her hair brushing against his cheek.
After a moment she lifted her head and moved her fingers back into his hair, the fingers of one hand weaving in and out of his ponytail and twisting it around. With her lips parted she moved forward for another kiss, but was stopped by his words.
"Shego," he panted, and she looked up at him. "I don't need the world..." he said, shaking his head definitively, "as long as I have you."
Her lips parted in a silent gasp, and she gazed into his eyes in wonder. Wonder gave way to a demure apprehension, and then finally to unveiled happiness. She blinked quickly to hide the tears that came to her eyes un-beckoned.
She pushed herself higher on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck again, smiling into his face while he held her tighter. Neither noticed that the vines which had entrapped them had long since vanished.
"I love you, Dr. D.," she said.
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Final Round of Voting
Hello and good evening to everyone in the Kimmunity.
Now that the first round of voting has come to a close, I am happy to tell you that we have approached the final round of voting. This is going to decide the winner of each of the 29 categories
Now, before the voting can commence, I need to go over a few house rules with y'all on this very important round of voting.
Rule #1) You can pick any category you desire, but you only get one choice per category. No more than that. Authors may vote on their own stories up to 5 categories.
Rule #2) You cannot split your votes.
Rule #3) You can submit your vote in either one of two approved methods
A) You can submit the form by PM to the Kimmunity Fannies fanfiction account (if you have an FFnet account) The link is here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2622561/KP-Fannie-Committee
B) You can submit the form by an email to the Kimmunity Fannies Yahoo email account. The email address is [email protected].
You cannot, however, do both. It will screw up the system.
Rule #4) You have to submit your vote by June 14th at 11:59 PM (Central US TIME). No votes will be accepted after this date.
Rule 5) You have to put your normal screen name (be it Tumblr, Twitter, DA, FFnet, the active KP forums, or Instagram) under your vote so that it'll tell me who has voted.
Rule #6) And this is the most important rule of all -- You CANNOT share your vote on any social media site (be it Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Facetime, Kik...etc.). The Final Vote Round of the KP Fannies has been private in the past and we, as members of the Council, want to retain it as such as part of our tradition in this fandom.
Rule #7) In the event that a tie emerges in a category, it will go into a runoff to determine a winner. And if still tied, the Sharper Eye test will come into play. (i.e. the story with the most faves and follows will win out in the end.)
With all the house rules in play, may the best author win.
EDIT 1: Had to put in the actual email address to submit votes. :P
Below is the nominees list: 
1) Best KP Style Name
Rebecca Starlet (Nacos and a Movie) - StW
Geneous - (Dynamic Reversal) - Emperor of Dreams
Otto Bahn & Lynn Accuarate (What's the Alma Mater) - MrDrP
BattleSkarr & S'ordcClash (All Things Probable) - Slyrr
2) Best Original Character
Anna Stoppable - This Is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Otto Bahn & Lynn Accurate (What's the Alma Mater) - MrDrP
Rebecca Starlet - (Nacos and a Movie) - STW
Emmie & Jennie Gold - Possibles Pure Love Road -kmtdiccion
Cappuchino - RJ & Martin - Emersonian
Rhino - I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
3) Best Minor Character
Monique - That's So Monique - NeoTyson
Tara - The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Bonnie, Monique, Camille, Tara, & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Bates - A Servants Loyalty- Daccu65
Connie & Lonnie Rockwaller - Fun with Con and Lon - Icarus the Foxkidd
Monique - Center Will Not Hold ... Or Will It - SimplyShelbs16
4) Best Villain
Bonnie, Camille & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Monkey Fist - (RJ & Martin) Emersonian
Dementor - Sophmore Slump - SimplyShelbs16
KP, Drakken and Shego - I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
Gemini - This Is Our Year: Postgraduation - F86Sabre53
DNAmy - Sheryl - GerbilHunter
5) Best Songfic
The 12 Days of a Possible Family Christmas - STW
KP Never Lets It Go to Her Heart - Ozzy-Zike Fan 10.57
6) Best AU Story
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
S Plus D Equals K - Neo the Saiyan Angel
The New Fearless Ferrett - Neotyson
KP: Gifted - LJ58
Two Tickets For Murder - eoraptor
A Journey Through Time - DisneyChannelLover
7) Best Crossover-Fusion
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion (fusion)
Sky Blue, Ocean Blue - purplegirl761 (Steven Universe)
Turbo a KPPR Story - brycewade1013 (Power Rangers)
A CO N*** Mole Rat in the Schnee Mansion - daccu65 (RWBY)
KP: A Tale of Promethus - LJ58 (KP/Frankenstein Fusion)
The Grim Adventures of Kim and Ron - shadowwriter329 (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
8) Best Alt-Other Canon Pairing
Bonnie & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Ron & Tara - Today My Life Begins - kmtdiccion
Bonnie & Shego - MrDrP - Picture This
Bonnie & Tim - MasterDuelistMichael - The Tweeb and the Queen B
Bonnie & Ron - Honey Pot - Mr Aanonymous
Ron & Shego - Your Loss is My Gain - Kixen
9) Best Kigo
Canadian Wedding - Von Uriken
I Forget - obscurebeing
Through the Timestream -RedWolfBlack
KP: A Blonde Moment - eoraptor
Acid Rain - VoltageStone
Morning Conversations - FeudorLaurent
10) Best Drakgo
Assorted Ficlets - purplegirl761
Expiration, Pudding and Plums - Imyoshi
S Plus D Equals K - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Unlike the Others - nobody3456
Evil Family - MaRci3o9
11) Best Kim/Ron
Last Dance- Whitem
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Lesson One - Eoraptor
Eternal - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Could It Be - Shasta627
12) Best Comedy
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Midsummer Nightmare - SimplyShelbs16
The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Ron at the Symphony - Mahler Avatar
Picture This - MrDrP
13) Best Romance
Last Dance- Whitem
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Turkey Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
This is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Could It Be - Shasta 627
When the Ball Drops - GerbilHunter
14) Best Friendship
It Came with the Lanyards - SimplyShelbs16
Check the Name - Magic Flying Spud
Assorted Ficlets - purplegirl761
The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Just Like Old Times - nobody3456
The Tweeb and the Queen B - MasterDuelistMichael
15) Best Action-Adventure
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Lesson One - eoraptor
I'm Scared too - Magic Flying Spud
MMP Twist: Exchange - Czech8
The New Fearless Ferrett - Neotyson
This is Our Year: College - F86Sabre53
16) Best Drama
Awkweird- SimplyShelbs16
Dead Man Switch - Sentinel103
KP: Gifted - LJ58
The Line - Icarus the Foxkidd
Standards - eoraptor
Eternal - Neo the Saiyan Angel
17) Most Unlikely-Unique
Coffee Shop Nights - Magic Flying Spud
Two Diverged Into One - DisneyChannelLover
Too Close for Comfort - James SunderlandsPillow
S D Equals K - Neo the saiyan Angel.
Groundhog Daze - Mahler Avatar
KP: Gifted - LJ58
18) Best One-Shot
Lesson One - eoraptor
Check the Name - Magic Flying Spud
Turkey Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Ron at the Symphony - Mahler Avatar
Could It Be - Shasta627
Christmas Surprises - F86Sabre53
19) Best Novel-Sized Story
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
RJ & Martin - Emersonian
KP: Gifted - LJ58
I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
20) Best Short Story
Awkweird - SimplyShelbs16
The Initiative and Other Interruptions - Jimmy1201
Motherhood - Taurusdoodles99
The Adventures of Anna Stoppable: Trip to Japan- F86Sabre53
The Tweeb and the Queen B - MasterDuelistMichael
Reunion: Memories & Resolution - Nathaniel E. Kenway
21) Best Series
Center Will Not Hold Series - SimplyShelbs16
Blonde Moment Series - Eoraptor
S Plus D Equakls K Series - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Where the Wind Blows Series - LJ58
This Is Our Year Series - F86Sabre53
I Let Her Lie Series - Nathaniel E. Kenway
22) Best M-Rated Story
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
My Kind of Hero - DismalOrc29177
An Average Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
My RonRon Time - NeoTyson
KP: Impossible Journey- LJ58
23) Best New Author
24) Best Single Line
Nacos and a Movie - (Chapter 26: The Fight: Round 2)
"Shego's battlesuit, meet Kim Possible! Kim Possible, meet Shego's Battlesuit!"
Drakken presented Team Possible with a nasty surprise (Shego's Battlesuit made exactly from the specs of Kim's Battlesuit) and said suit was presented dramatically (i.e. a thunderstorm).
Sky Blue Ocean Blue (purplegirl761) Single lines:
"Don't say that!" Drakken hollers. "You think there isn't a part of me that wants that more than I care to admit? You think there isn't a part of me that would still love to do exactly that? Well, there is! And every time I listen to that part of me, horrible things happen to me and the rest of the world! Ruin! Chaos! Tragedy! Mutant termites! Despair! Fast food restaurants warped beyond recognition! Screaming people! Brainwashed people! People tortured – forced to sit on ice cubes until their rears freeze!"
-from the latest chapter of Sky Blue, Ocean Blue
Last Dance - Whitem: "The two were now standing in the middle of the room, enveloped in silence, and Kim noticed that Ron was floating away from her.
"Please Ron… don't go!" A frail hand reached out to the man she had loved for her entire life. "I… I want to go with you."
Ron's slowly fading form smiled as he answered. "I'm sorry Kim, but you can't. It's not your time. You still have a few more good years left. I waited for you during my lifetime, and I can wait for you in eternity. I love you KP."
Lesson One - Eoraptor Best line: "KP, Ninja school? Sounds cool, but so totally not for me. I spent my first day tangled in, or out of, my own clothes; couldn't eat a meal for like a week, and almost wrecked the joint with a magical sumo stomp. And on top of all that? No fast food!"
"But then I realized — I'll never defeat you. You're smarter than me — than most people — and boy do you know how to win a fight. You see Kimberly Ann," Drakken lectured. "What started all of this was one little thought: If I can't take over the world, maybe she can." - I'm Scared Too
(Magic Flying Spud)
arandomshipper - KP The Princess Bride -
From behind her she heard the sound of many swords being drawn. She sighed. "You reeeeeaaaally don't wanna do this, boys."
"We have our orders."
"If you were ordered to jump off a cliff, would you do that, too? This isn't any different, when it comes down to it, except this way will be more painful."
Butterfly's Wings by Vyrkerion again
-- build up to line: [I could paraphrase a more succinct explanation, but eh it's just a nomination] His skin was pale, and somewhat translucent revealing embedded circuitry and mechanical bits hidden below the surface. Even still then the faintest hints of where freckles used to be dotted across his cheeks. His eyes were a soft brown punctuated with a brilliant glowing red emitting from the depths of his pupils. Most of his head was burnt and scarred, the remnants of the machines fusing with his body, but patches of dusty blonde hair could still be seen sticking out from his scalp.
Kim choked, "Oh… Oh god… no. NO." And with that, Kosch the Killer released his grip on Kim Possible's throat and sent the girl plummeting.As she fell, she could see Kosch mutter something and in her last moments of conscious barely lip-read the words:
-- the actual line I'm nominating:
Die. Kay. Pee.
Die KP.
25) CPNeb Kimmunity Award
SimplyShelby16, Magic Flying Spud, Jerridian, Tennente, Legionniare24601, and Neo the Saiyan Angel.
26) Kimmunity Achievement Award
Whitem, MrDrP, Neo the Saiyan Angel, Jimmy1201, Mahler Avatar, Molloy
27) Best Reviewer
Invader Johnny, MrDrP, Mindless Violence Fan, Jimmy1201, Neotyson, Uberscribber.
28) Best Story of 2018
Nacos and a Movie- STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
KP: Gifted - LJ58
This is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Step Up - Icarus the Foxkidd
Another Kind of Drama- Novashiro
Honey Pot - Mr. Aanonymous
29) Best Writer of 2018
STW, Kmtdiccion, Eoraptor, SimplyShelbs16, MagicFlyingSpud, Neo the Saiyan Angel, IcarustheFoxkidd, Jimmy1201.
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 6 years
‘Sophomore Slump’ Chapter 4: So say what are you waiting for? Kiss her, kiss her
               Meanwhile at the Go Tower…
      ��        “I cannot believe you,” Drakken grumbled.
               “Oh, stop whining,” Shego shot back. Her brothers did nothing but watch the drama unfold.
               “You pushed me off a building!” Drakken shouted back at her.
               “But did you die!?” Shego asked. “Besides, I knew you’d land in your hover car, Dr. D.”
               “Oh, did you now? And how did it happen to even be there? We didn’t take the hover car, and now I’ve almost died—“ He stopped ranting when his brain caught up to the bigger picture. “You called the hover car with the control, didn’t you?”
               “Doy,” Shego replied with a roll of her eyes, “like I’d push you off the roof if I didn’t know. I wouldn’t let you die.” She realized what her words must have sounded like. “I mean—“
               “I know perfectly well what you meant,” Drakken told her, his voice calm.
               “Well, this has been sufficiently awkward,” Mego spoke up. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have more important things to worry about like—“
               “Me,” everyone else finished his sentence in a mocking tone.
               It was late afternoon by the time Kim was heading towards the dorm hall. She wanted to check on Ron before getting a start on her homework. He looked so hurt at her rejection, and she hoped she could cheer him up with some nacoliciousness and crucial makeout time.
               Just before reaching the doors to the dorm hall, she felt two pairs of large arms take her down. The food fell out of her grip, and she kicked both henchmen as hard as she could in an attempt to gain the upper hand. As soon as she freed herself, another henchman approached her, covering her mouth with a drugged cloth—with chloroform. She felt dizzy, everything in her sight beginning to turn upside down.
               “Hey, don’t you dare! I will mess y’all up!” Monique approached with Yori by her side. “Well, she’ll mess y’all up.” She let out a short laugh, allowing Yori to take on the fighting.
               “Get Stoppable-San,” Yori called out to her.
Approaching Ron and Felix’s room, Monique knocked frantically.
               “Ron! Open up! Kim’s in danger! Yori needs help,” she called out to him in a panic.
               “Kim’s in danger!?” Ron asked. “I’m on it!”
               Monique scrunched her eyebrows when she caught sight of a device on the back of Ron’s neck.
               “Ron, wait!”
               “What? We don’t have time!” he shouted.
               “Give me some diablo sauce,” Monique urged him.
               “What makes you think I have diablo sauce on me?” asked Ron.
               Monique raised her eyebrow in question.
               “Fine,” he sighed, handing a packet over.
               “Hold still,” she demanded, ripping open the sauce packet. As the drop began to slip out, Monique asked, “Did you really try to propose earlier?”
               “Why wouldn’t I? She’s everything I ever dreamed of. I’m just lucky she so happens to be my best friend,” he explained dreamily. He felt himself relax once the sauce hit the chip, deactivating it. Monique caught the chip as it fell, and handed it to Ron.
               “Well, this is gonna be awkweird,” he realized. “I gotta help Yori save Kim!”
               He ran outside to find Yori still trying to hold off the henchmen from taking Kim, who was lying on the ground. Ron lifted her into his arms, sitting her up on the stairs, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before going off to fight.
               “We need backup,” one of the henchmen spoke into his communicating device. It was then that three more henchmen approached the scene. They had been waiting in case they were needed.
               “This does not bode well for the Ronster.”
               When Kim woke up, her head was throbbing. As her eyes adjusted, she took in her surroundings. She was definitely in Dementor’s lab, and tied up to some sort of doomsday machine, no less.
               “Ah, look who’s awake,” Dementor smirked. “It seems your ‘so-called boyfriend’ is out too. Such a pity.”
               “Ron!” Kim shouted when she saw him lying on the ground, unconscious.
               “He put up quite a fight, but zere was no time to fool around,” Dementor explained.
               “Just chip her already!” a voice hissed at Dementor through his communication device.
               “I am getting to ze chipping!” he yelled back.
               The voice through the device sounded vaguely familiar to Kim, but she couldn’t quite place it. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Ron had started waking up. She slipped a nail file out of her pocket and worked on freeing herself while Dementor was distracted. It didn’t take much to get through the thin rope that held her.
               “Where’s Yori?” she asked.
               “Vut!? How did you get free? You have no gadgets on you,” Dementor complained.
               “Nail files are very handy; you underestimated me,” Kim informed him. “Now, where’s Yori?”
               “The ninja girl? Had her left behind…I had no need for her,” Dementor explained. “Now, henchmen, attack Kim Possible!!”
               “Ugh, I so don’t have time for this,” Kim complained. Now that she was fully aware of what she was up against, nothing could stop her. Ron finally woke to the sight of two henchmen knocked out already. Six more left. Ron stood, digging in his pockets for something helpful.
               “Get away from her!” he shouted. “I’ve got…soap? And I’m not afraid to use it!”
               Kim covered her mouth with her hand, giggling.
               “Why do have soap in your pocket?” she asked.
               “It’s actually a travel size bottle of the body wash you use,” he explained, turning crimson. “I, uh, like to have it open when I sleep.”
               “Aww, that’s so sweet! Weird, but sweet,” she remarked while punching one henchman square in the face. She must’ve packed enough power, cause he fell like a log. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”
               Together, Kim and Ron took out the henchmen two by two, until there was only Dementor to deal with.
               “Hand over the stolen microchip!” Kim demanded.
               “I’ll have you know I bought zis microchip!” Dementor shouted.
               “Who sold it to you?” Kim asked, grabbing his wrist.
               “I don’t know his real name…he goes by DCB30, zat’s all I know!” the mad man replied. “Now, let me go!”
               “Oh, sure, we’ll let you go,” Ron spoke calmly. “Here, let’s lead you right out the door ourselves.” Before he made it known he was awake, Ron had already called the police.
               “Another mad scientist,” the officer shook his head. “Thanks for the call, Stoppable.”
               “Nice work, Ron,” Kim smiled giving him a high five as the office took Dementor away.
               “KP, about earlier—“
               “We’ll talk later tonight, okay?” she offered. “What we need is food, and then we’ll discuss.”
               Ron nodded in agreement.
               “C’mon, let’s ace this place!”
               Later that night…
               “So, spill…what was that display at lunch earlier?” Kim asked.
               “This.” Ron held open his hand which held the small chip that had been latched onto the back of his neck. “Dementor must’ve stuck it on me on our first run in.”
               “This looks like the moodulator,” Kim observed. “Dr. Bortel had told me that it only enhanced the real emotions we feel; enhanced cause it only focuses in on one emotion at a time. It must’ve been on anger, then love.”
               “Like when you were under its influence!” Ron pointed out.
               “Which means somewhere in your subconscious, you have thoughts of marrying me someday,” Kim smiled.
               “Maybe,” Ron blushed. “But not for a while.”
               “Agreed,” Kim replied, her right hand finding his left, lacing her fingers through his. “How lucky am I that my best friend is the love of my life?”
               The look in Ron’s eyes was all she needed to see to know where this night was going.
               It started with one soft kiss, turning into multiple. With his right hand in her auburn hair, Ron deepened each kiss, only breaking once to tell her he loved her.
               “I love you, too,” Kim murmured back, clearly not through with this moment they were having.
               A half hour later, Monique found them curled up on the floor with all the blankets and pillows Kim had been able to throw together. She took a moment to observe her friends. If one moved, the other would follow, like two magnets. At one point, Kim had kissed the side of Ron’s neck in her sleep. Monique was happy for her friends; they deserved all the happiness in the world. She decided to just shut off the lamp and slip into her own bed.
               And that’s when the kimmunicator went off.
FFN | Ao3 | Buy Me a Coffee? 
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mrawkweird · 2 years
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The original double feature. At least it was for me back in 1994 when my mom took me to see both of these films in the same night which was the first time I ever realized “Wait; I can come to the movies to watch more than just one movie?!”. The Pagemaster and The Swan Princess will always hold a special place in my heart. Not just due to the memory and the moment but because they were really wonderful films as well and still are to this day. Just really magical I thought and don’t even get me started on the soundtrack for both films. Whatever You Imagine, Far Longer Than Forever, Dream Away, Eternity? With being exposed to bangers like that early I was almost destined to start thirsting for really good motion picture OSTs.
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awkwardbros · 8 months
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That moment you realize you forgot the bug spray because there was no place to put it.
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The Melancholy of Rhaevn
She sighed, pushing yet another box into the small area of the workshop her father had allocated her.
“Something the matter Spunkling?” Her father asked as he peered up over one of his latest tinkers – something she’d sent to him to be repaired (or re-purposed) months ago.
Rhaevn looked up and forced a smile. “No...just thinking...”
Her father stood, his small stature barely allowing him to rise above the broken down mechagnome, and lifted his goggles looking at her. “You feel stuck again. Don’t you?”
She shrugged and plonked down on the box she had been moving, narrowly avoiding her arcane infused saber cub as it ‘blinked’, disappearing from one spot, appeared in another before he zoomed past her, chasing a ball of yarn. “I guess...I mean, I’m glad to have this work space with you dad...”
A bigger sigh escaped her lips. “But I had a mage tower, a lab...I felt like I was doing good work. I was writing for the paper, I had apprentices...I was needed...and then it started drifting away from me. My lab felt empty, my tower disused, my apprentices left and there was nothing more for me to write. Even my job of standing there, looking important at meetings while bored out of my goggles was gone. Now I have a hammock on a ship and I pop the odd portal.”
“And you share a workspace with your father.” He added sighing, looking a little sad, sharing in his daughter's melancholy.
Rhaevn smiled, lifting her eyes to meet her fathers. “That’s the good bit dad. Not one of the bad.”
He nodded and set his wrench down, stepping around the mechanical carcass. “I’m glad you think so.” He moved over to her, helping her off the box then helped slide it into position with the rest of her bits that she’d packed away. He felt bad that her grown-up life was being packed away, especially after she’d striven so hard to achieve it. “So what are you going to do about it?”
“Honestly. I’m not sure.” She forced a smile that was more frown.
“What about the writing, did you enjoy it?”
Rhaevn nodded. “It was nice, but I can’t report on things we do with the V.A…”
Her father nodded. “Secrets, I know...what about taking apprentices again?”
Rhaevn looked down shaking her head. “I’ve nowhere to help them unless I go back fully to the Kirin Tor...and since Sporky vanished I…” She sighed. “The others I worked with are fine but I couldn’t help them beyond the basics, I couldn’t pass the knowledge of the arcane down to them.”
Her father frowned. “Why not?”
“They were...pyro’s….” She responded awkwardly after a few moments.
Her father bit back a laugh. “Since when did you shy away from fire.”
“I prefer alchemical explosions dad. Pyromancy isn’t my area of expertise.”
He nodded as they moved the last box into place and they swung the make-shit vault door closed. “I could build you a tower above the workshop…”
Rhaevn chuckled, shaking her head. “Dad you offered that last time and what happened?”
“Your mother tossed a gear at my head. Right...hmm.” He scratched his head and was silent for a bit. “You could travel like your sister…” He held up a hand before Rhaevn could speak. “Let me finish.” Rhaevn rolled her eyes, nodded and kept her mouth shut. “Trixie sent us a letter the other day. While she’s not traveling as much as she was, she still sees the world a bit - like you used to before the mages snapped you up. And she’s making decent coin, seeing new things, writing home about new adventures. You could do something similar, only instead of writing home about it, just write about it. You could use your fancy mage tricks to see more, learn more - and send more things home for your dear old dad to work on.”
“Like you haven’t got a stockpile already…”
“A Gnome can never have too many tinkerings!” He responded proudly then eyed his daughter. “What do you think?”
“I think Trixie has filled your head with grand things. The Legion is rampaging this world, I’ve seen it first hand, as have you - or did you forget about what happened here in Kharanos? And you want me to travel and write about the fluffy bunnies?”
“Don’t take that tone with me young lady. No, I want you to write, write what you see and hear. What you feel...whether is be fluffy bunnies or the horrors of war. Use your talents to bring stories to people.”
“But I’ve signed a contract with Keri…”
“And I am sure Keri has use for someone traveling and reporting back information.”
Rhaevn screwed up her face. “I’ll think about it.”
Her father nodded. “That’s all I ask; that Cogspanner brain is to grand to go to waste.”
“I’m Fizzlebang now, dad.”
He grinned. “You’ll always be my Spunkling Cogspanner.” He teased, tossing an oily rag which she caught as he moved back to the mechagnome remains.
“So what’s my darling sister up to these days?” She asked, trying to shy the subject away from her - and trying to glean information about her wayward sister.
Her father barely looked up as he slipped his goggles back into place. “She doesn’t write you?”
Rhaevn swallowed, silent for a moment before she responded. “No.”
“Hmm…” He mused holding a hand out. Rhaevn slogged over, picked up a small hammer and handed it to him. He took it, violently hammering the insides of the construct until several springs flung out and a once fused bolt clattered to the floor before he handed the hammer back. “I would have thought she had told you. She’s living in Stormwind now.”
At that precise moment Rhaevn’s mother called from the other room, summoning them to dinner. Her father looked up, smacking his lips as he hastily dropped the wrench into his tool box and hurried, as fast as his little legs could carry him, towards the kitchen. “Hurry up Spunkling, it’s your mother’s infamous ale infused boar and mushroom pie tonight!”
Rhaevn turned slowly, watching her father leave the room before she looked to Awkweird - the arcane infused cub - who had stopped ‘blinking’ around the room. He’d found a dust pile in his escapades and his face was matted with it causing him to sneeze, which in turn caused fine particles of arcane dust to rain down around him. He looked up at her and meowed as Rhaevn clenched her jaw. She thought about her sister, a sister she had not seen or heard from in five years and who was now living in the city she called home. “That little -”
“Rhaevn, are you coming?!”
0 notes
awkwardbros · 6 months
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Well we’re happy Bobby feels comfy. We on the other hand have some work to do. The graphics guy is fidgeting and we know for a fact he’s hetero.
Excuse us for just one moment.
“Get over it Don! All anyone is asking for is tolerance. You got that? Tolerance Don. Tolerance. My boyfriend and I dealt with that wallpaper on Sunday when you had us over for a BBQ. Did you realize that Bob? Did you know my partner got sick three times from that god awful pattern? I had to drink a six pack just to stay until the burgers were done. Did you realize that? Probably not because why Don? That’s right. We freaking dealt with it. Ok?
Hmmmmm… We’re going to need have Don watch a few workplace videos aren’t we?
As for Bobby… well, we’d normally say ‘you go gurl!!!’ but she’s obviously already gone.
That’s the correct pronoun in case you’re wondering. In fact his name is Bobby Shee.
You know... Did Bobby happen to leave directions by any chance? I’d like to be gone myself. Probably not huh? Maybe two vodka sodas would do that for me. One won’t cut it. I can tell you that right now. Few hold that much confidence. It’s that whole self worth…
OK… My sincere apologies. Can you excuse us for just another second here?
“Don, you don’t drink do you? Yeah… you’re dry as a white wall aren’t you? Uh huh. Ok. My bad then. I am sorry. You know it’s very impressive you can live with that kitchen sighted and sober. That would never fly in a gay relationship. Like never,”
His wife is a decorator FYI. As for my drinking, please just treat it as you would any issue that appears on the evening news.
The rest of this post reads like butter now doesn’t it?
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awkwardbros · 1 year
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Just so you know Pinocchio, you’re setting yourself up as some serious whale bait.
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awkwardbros · 1 year
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Bobby! Cut it out. You’re freaking out the cat.
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