#Axis of evil
maximura · 1 year
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gamer2002 · 4 months
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bostonwalks · 8 days
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To stop Hamas, confront Qatar and Iran U.S. cowardice in the face of tyranny has only allowed Iran and its proxies to grow bolder, unleashing more terror and destruction upon innocent civilians. https://www.jns.org/to-stop-hamas-confront-qatar-and-iran/
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kp777 · 6 months
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secular-jew · 8 months
Columbia University Professor Joseph Massad: The US Was, And Still Is, A Settler Colonialist Country;
Houthi Spokesman Meets With Top Russian Diplomat In Moscow;
Hizbullah Scholar Threatens: Missiles 'Can Reach Everywhere In Israel'
Lebanese Writer Jamal Fayad: The Jews Lied About How Hitler Burned Some Of Them;
Brooklyn Sermon: The Jews Incurred The Wrath Of Allah, Killed The Prophets;
New Jersey Muslim YouTuber: The Jews Distort Scripture, Killed Their Own Prophets;
Australian Center Affiliated With Pro-ISIS Preacher Runs School For Children
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hayarthun · 4 months
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bullshityounot · 3 months
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plitnick · 11 months
Biden’s Mideast policy implodes
Joe Biden entered office planning to ignore the Palestinians. Many observers, across the political spectrum, warned him that was foolhardy. Eventually, that policy would fail. It has, obviously, and the result is the bloodiest period in the history of this conflict. Biden’s entire agenda for the region has collapsed. I explained this at Mondoweiss.
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frombehindthepen · 1 year
Not If, but When
Not If, but When #MassMurder #Violence #MassShootings #Evil #AxisOfEvil
Image Credit: Mehrshadrezaei In my silence, I once again find myself ruminating about the same old thing just on a different day. I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer today, but we can no longer wonder if it’s going to happen again, but when. Not even a week ago, I wrote a post, The Fragility of Life, and yet, my heart once again cries out in agony. As of Sunday, we have had 200 mass…
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mihaitaresister · 2 years
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alanshemper · 2 years
“The United States and South Africa: the axis of evil [in 1975].”
—Piero Gleijeses
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bostonwalks · 11 days
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Iran’s barbarity has no modern equal, and it goes largely unpunished - opinion As Iran's threats loom larger and its role in global terrorism intensifies, the specter of conflict with the US seems increasingly inevitable. By SHMULEY BOTEACH AUGUST 18, 2024 https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-815125
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khloxxy · 8 months
Most American car ride ever 🇺🇲
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hayarthun · 4 days
The cannibalistic Zionists, after another hunt for people in Kabatiya (West Bank of the Jordan River, near Jenin), threw a wounded or dead Palestinian from the roof.
The Zionist entity is the axis of evil.
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