caffeacolazione · 1 month
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Roma>Venezia -13
Tutto diventa polvere
tout devient poussière
everything turns to dust
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2t2r · 2 years
Une magnifique image des Piliers de la création
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/une-magnifique-image-des-piliers-de-la-creation/
Une magnifique image des Piliers de la création
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fucknewsfrance · 6 months
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#Opération "glace nette" en cours à #Marseille après les vents sahariens qui soufflent dans le sud-est
L’article sur http://fucknews.fr
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padrebaldo · 1 year
🇫🇷#FIREPODCAST N.77 Écoutez notre VidéoPodcast et c'est toujours #120joursencénacle avec P. Baldo Alagna @padrebaldo.dj Lisons LUC 10,10-12 : nous proclamons la PAIX pour encourager et sans manipuler!🔥
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boricuacherry-blog · 4 months
You Can Eat My Poussiere- Rosie Ledet
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dixvinsblog · 8 months
Carmen Penn Ar Run - Il y a tant de fleurs...
il y atant de fleursdans mes yeuxque l’eau débordede leurs creusetset le ciel l’emported’une courbe de fortuneles lèvres ne piperont motl’amertume restera au fondj’inspire le breuvage à la paillejusqu’à son nivellement sur le bleude la ligne d’horizon de l’autre côtépeuvent foncer les bisons mes yeuxje les ai lavés des tourbillons de poussière soulevés – d’ une goutte de bravoure s’estpétrifiée…
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sleeplesssmoll · 4 months
Inspired by @definesanity I went through some of the sounds in the level select stages and really listened. I silenced the BGM and left on sound effects to get a better picture.
Mountain Echoes (mineral insight) has echo effects and faint percussion
Starfall Locale (star insight) has twinkle effects! It also has an effect like raspy whisper or breath?
Sylvanus Shape (plant insight) has running water sounds and wildlife sounds. Birds and such.
Brutes Wilds (beast insight) sounds like metal clinking (reminds me of mining). Also a wind effect and creaks.
The Poussiere stages have birds chirping and animal noises. There is wind and waves as well.
Mintage aesthetics has a low hum and a clinking noise. Bells? Lots of metalic sounds and chimes. There are also deep voices vocalizing in the background (at least that's what it sounded like to me). I couldn't hear it until the BGM was off.
Harvest Prime is dead silence.
Artificial Somnambulism is wild without the bgm. It's like being underwater and in outer space at the same time. There are occasion mechanical noises too. It has a musicality to it...
In In Our Time Ch 1, the rain doesn't begin to fall until Stage 13, The Rattenfanger (Where Forget Me Not reveals his true intentions and The Storm).
In Ch1-7 Scorched Woods there are Critter sounds(?) and frogs. Birds and stuff. Woodsy sounds!
Ch 3 has children's voices and a mechanical hum to it.
Ch 3-2 doesn't have the children, but it has nature sounds and gulls. The mechanical whirring is louder too.
Ch 3-6 Black Sheep wall, it begins to rain...
The rain and children's laughter are gone again in ch3-7 Scottish. It's just the gulls, waves, wind, and the machine.
In 3-13 A Yard, you can here pages flipping
3-14 Lost Lambs has a thumping sound? Or maybe a tapping sound, like placing something down.
Ch 4 also has various wildlife sounds and the machine whirring
4-8 Both sides of the table has people's voices. This plays in a few other stages.
Ch 5-1 Bon Voyage very heavy rain! Makes sense. Ch 5 has lots of ocean sounds in general. And wildlife sounds
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solns · 11 months
Hello! Can I ask tips and tricks on how you are able to get a lot of dust, shapodonty, clear drop, and other materials on reverser:1999? Like, what's the trick on how to get rich🤑.
That's all, thank you♡!
aside from paying bp or the monthly pass, i HIGHLY recommend not spreading your resources. you can easily level everyone to insight 1 lvl 40 if you focus on 5 (maybe even 7) characters. don't ignore your wilderness and level up the dust/coin towers as high as you possibly can. o: also finish your dailies/weeklies and "beginning of the tale".
hold off any hard stages for now (as tempting as those clear drops are) and just do the story stages especially if they unlock higher tier resource stages. i just farm the hell out of the poussiere and mintage. rn i'm focusing on harvest prime to lvl my wilderness.
also, make sure to grab the redeem codes! one of them give 19k dust and 19k coins. they usually post it on the official discord.
btw i'm suggesting this based on day 1 player f2p. current progress there is lvl 20, stage 3rd-16, 7 arcanists at insight 1 lvl 40, and 1 at insight 1 lvl 30 (eagle). my sharpodonty count is 52k and 17k for dust.
for clear drops, unlock artificial somnambulism (early chapter 3 i think?) and clear as many stages as you can. thankfully it doesn't use stamina/activity. each stage gives 60 clear drops but it gets harder the more you progress.
tldr: focus on building team first. don't build everyone in your roster. dps + healer + support/debuff. worry about clear drops later.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 7 months
A little Backroad, Bigger Than The Song, You Can Eat my Poussiere and Horses in the Stable.
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
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For context I was planning on doing a turquoise next but I'm playing Melliwyk on Saturday and purple is her color
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olameni · 1 year
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Last night
Text: Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology
Notebook: Midori MD
Utensils: Retro 51 Corona and Platinum 3776 in Soft Fine with J. Herbin Poussiere de Lune ink (unpictured)
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2t2r · 11 years
Un gardien de parking dessine dans la poussière des carrosseries
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/un-gardien-de-parking-dessine-dans-la-poussiere-des-carrosseries/
Un gardien de parking dessine dans la poussière des carrosseries
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fishareglorious · 9 months
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Playing the main story just so I can access the higher levels in the poussiere lmao
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DRUVIS? I knew she was going to do something with those seeds she kept discreetly dropping all over the place
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Hats off to Mr. Karson. Teaching kids to not sign anything before reading the fine script and discussing it with trusted people.
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Ohhh.... Druvis off the shits! Good on her!
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At first I thought that was Druvis trying to open the door. The mental image of her viciously trying to open the door is a little funny to me, but alas, it’s the plants that came in.
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Damn. She’s done quick work of the entire building.
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Sir I know she’s a hostage in all but name but you shouldn’t be shoving people, much less kids into the floor lmao
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Hey, that’s Regulus and X!
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Man I don’t think Reg is the best person for trying to hire APPLe. I mean she was swayed into joining by the promise of Dr. Papper.
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Storm lore/theory.... And how much does APPLe know of the Storm...
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I wonder how recent is that promotion of hers.
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It’s Sotheby and Druvis wreaking havoc outside isn’t it?
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DRUVIS?? WHAT’S WITH THAT NEW FIT GIRL. You were still in your old one the previous chapter???
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Fair enuff, twitter boy.
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He says this then fucks off. King of being unbothered.
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Madame Z sowing the seeds of change through Druvis, huh. First by showing her Vertin comatose in the rehab center then talking to her earlier.
Makes me wonder what’s happening on her side.
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Ventiler efficacement l’air intérieur 👉 nettoyer régulièrement le système de ventilation
✔️ Pour avoir un système de ventilation efficace, la deuxième chose importante, c’est de le nettoyer régulièrement 🧽. En effet, puisqu’un flux d’air le traverse en permanence, une couche de poussières a tendance à se déposer sur la grille d’aération.
Bon mais, régulièrement, ça veut dire quoi ? Certains organismes de référence donnent un ordre de grandeur : par exemple, pour le ministère chargé de l’écologie, c’est une fois par an minimum ; pour l’Ademe et le CHRU de Lille c’est plutôt une fois par trimestre 👍. Je vous invite à considérer ces fréquences comme des points de repère indicatifs, que vous pourrez adapter, notamment en fonction de l’encrassement que vous pourrez constater visuellement. 😉
#poussiere #poussière
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devil-alien · 10 months
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Suite de mon poste sur Tony Tony chopper voici mon dessin non colorier pour que vous poussier le faire à votre façons ! ♥️
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secretcirclegirl · 1 year
✨Unboxing POUSSIERE DES TOILES : Box de Mai 2023 Broderie & Aimants 😍✨
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