sassybears · 5 months
I would give at least two (2) limbs for The 100: Origins or some shit where we get a full background of Grounders origination and history with more details on Callie, and the first couple Commanders and really how that all came to be, and the growth of Trig, and definitely how Azgeda came to find the anomaly stone and bury(?) it
Like whomever can make this happen, I beg you to pls pls do it
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okmcintyre · 1 year
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imagine if instead of praimfaya, the 100 s4 picked up from azgeda taking control of polis and the 12 clans. they declare war on skaikru and all the clans that resist them and let’s say they take clarke as a prisioner of war because she’s wanheda so people will follow her.
and roan is injured so azgeda is being led by a “villain” character, maybe echo, another prince, or have ontari survive (???) and he has to be smuggled out of the city for his safety.
but it’s just expanding on grounder culture and history and all the clans and how an actuall, full-blown war changes and shapes the characters.
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rasiedwithoutlove · 2 years
World Building // scars
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most often azgeda warriors will scar their faces when their baseline training is over (since there training is never really over), other times they’ll do it after something traumatic happens or after their first kill, it’s a personal thing and there are no rules to it. they do it to remind themselves of the pain so that they never forget who they are or where they came from.
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unfortunately the scars make it pretty easy to identify a member of azgeda, roan went so far as to hiding them with mud when he was traveling through trigeda territory to find clarke, niylah's family had to live in the outskirts of trigeda territory so that no one would see her mother's scars and spies never scar their faces. that said the rest of azgeda slicks the sides of their hair back and wears their scars proudly.
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kikheda · 1 year
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Aurora kom Wonkru x Tahliah kom Wonkru
(OC) Aurora kom Wonkru is the daughter of Octavia and Lincoln and once she’s 18 she becomes the new commander of Wonkru. Octavia and Lincoln established Wonkru within the struggles of finding a new rightful commander. Anyone can become a commander now, you don’t have to be compatible with the flame. Octavia became the new commander due to the urgency of finding a representative for the grounders and Skaikru. When Octavia’s daughter is born they decide to make her the new commander once she’s 18.
Even though there is only Wonkru now, there are still little groups of opponents who secretly want to overthrow the system (many of them from Azgeda) They instrumentalize (OC) Tahliah kom Wonkru who’s the daughter of a former Azgeda citizen to fight Aurora in a combat to become the new commander (to establish Azgeda again) but nobody knew that they’re going to fall in love.
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azgeda002 · 3 months
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hithelleth · 11 months
You created the BEST Azgeda that a fan of The 100 (King Roan) could have ever dreamed of, did you know that? Thank you for providing what the show didn't.
Thank you so much! ❤️ Yeah, the show didn't give me what I wanted so I had to make it myself but I am so glad it also pleases others, such as you. :D
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daniel-bruehl · 1 year
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"Survival requires sacrifice."
Zach McGowan as KING ROAN KOM AZGEDA THE 100 (Season 3 - Season 4)
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laufire · 4 months
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STACKED100 | february 4th | “coup de grâce” We found each other in a cage.
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vmplvr1977 · 1 month
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Chapter 13 is posted!!!
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sassybears · 19 days
finally decided what I wanted to have as a the 100 tribute on my island and I’m so happy with how it turned out
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doortotomorrow · 2 months
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becho » the tinder box
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alannacouture · 5 months
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I’m just here to make you feel sad today… 😭
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rasiedwithoutlove · 1 year
Character // toro, ash, echo
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Toro , toro was her birth name. the name given to her by her parents. it comes from toronto. up until she was eight this was the only name she had imagined herself being called however after the attack on her village and the deaths of her parents she was brought to azgeda’s capital as the only survivor.
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Ash , queen nia gave her this name immediately after she was brought to troit. her village was cruelty set up in flames and she was named for such event. nia had already planned for her to become a spy as no one knew who she was, because of that she would never bare azgeda scars. however nia strongly believed it was important to never forget the pain of the past. to never forget where you came from so she became known as ash.
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Echo , her final name. an unexpected one at that, after she killed the original echo she took her name, again so that she could never forget what she had done. echo still believes in the azgeda way of life and will never go back to using toro even now that she has scars.
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spy’s always kept the names they used while undercover as it was their version of scars. scars were never used for aesthetics they were there physical reminders of who someone is and where they came from.
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kikheda · 1 year
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Aurora kom Wonkru x Tahliah kom Wonkru
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belltaviasbff · 1 year
clarke: you KILL PEOPLE?
roan: yes
bellamy: and you don’t feel BAD ABOUT IT??
roan: yes
clarke: c-can you share your therapist’s number
bellamy: CLARKE??
bellamy, only to clarke: share the number with me too
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