#Azrael Xechname Nychta
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MUSES Sahren, of Clan Lavellan (Dragon Age Inquisitor) Bio | Playlist Azrael Xechnáme Nychta (Original Character/Original Universe, Angel/Dragon mixed species. A unique spin on the archangel Azrael) Bio | Playlist Shiro Fujikara (Original Character/Original Universe. Dragon/Shapeshifter. Has a FMA Chimera AU) Bio | Main Playlist | FMA AU Playlist Greed the Avaricious (FMA canon character with an AU where he lives after the main story.) Bio 
Merlin Wyltt Ambrosius (Spin off of Merlin from Arthurian myth with an interesting twist that takes some inspiration from Fate/Grand Order and the BBC show.) Bio | Playlist OTHER LINKS
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abatina (for Azrael)
ABATINA :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (due to becoming more educated on the topic, certain experiences, etc.) or that they would change their mind about under certain circumstances? It would definitely be his belief that "Attachment is the root of all suffering". He's fallen in love twice before. Once long ago with two men important to history in a polyamorous relationship, but his father disposed of them, which lead to his wish to seek vengeance upon Nidhogg. Not only could a relationship with genuine love soften this stance of his, but if he discovered he had a kid (which he has before) he would completely put aside the "No attachment" stance in a heartbeat to step up to the plate and take care of that child.
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Since this is unspecified, I'm going to go for one song for both of my newest muses. Azrael's would definitely be Anti-Hero by Sekai no Owari and/or Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At the Disco
Sahren's theme song would without a doubt, no contest, be Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons.
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[🦋] does your muse have any unconventional interests? what are they? (for Azrael)
Azrael really loves to craft weapons and armor, especially unique commissions for people he cares about. He can make replicas out of shadow easily as one of his abilities, but there’s nothing quite like collecting rare materials and working a forge by hand, without cheating beyond using his wings to blow air on the forge. He has a scythe he crafted from different rare materials in his home universe, and this scythe doesn’t cut flesh but instead severs memories. He can either insert himself into other people’s memories with it, view the memories, or sever them completely. 
So usually, if he ends up coming across a forge, he gets excited and occasionally practices by making simple weapons, and if he grows to love someone enough, he eventually makes them things.
He also loves to read, but that’s more conventional.
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[⚖️] what is your muse’s moral code? what kind of morality do they have? (for Azrael)
Azrael is not like typical depictions of angels, so I wouldn’t consider him of purely good alignment, or really an evil person, either. He comes from a universe where angels are essentially a faction of the Fair Folk known as the Enochian Order. He might be considered Chaotic Neutral or Lukewarm Evil. Azrael is the son of the embodiment of the night, Nyx, and the dragon Nidhoggr, who seeks the destruction of the universal tree Yggdrassil. He is from the same universe as my Merlin. Universally, pureblooded fey cannot lie. But since Azrael is half, he can, and since he lies about being pure fey, most people are none the wiser, even fey with the ability to detect lies. His number one goal is to destroy his father’s plans to destroy Yggdrassil.  His motivations are in large part just vengeance, as he is generally unconcerned yet facinated with the rest of the world, and considers himself an optimistic nihilist, one who believes that life is ultimately chaos and has no greater meaning besides what meanings individual people give to it. This can make him come off as distant to human morality, and he’s rather hedonistic, but there are definitely elements of Even Villains Have Standards and Well Intentioned Extremist. For some examples of his moral code: He’s a flirt that would sleep with anyone regardless of gender identity or species, so long as they can talk to him about consent. (humans, demons, elves, vampires, werewolves, aliens, shapeshifters) but he’s incredibly focused on consent - He believes people with sentience can revoke consent at any time and always respects a “no” or a “stop”. He refuses to follow his fathers plans of destroying the universe, but is not above killing innocents to get close enough to his father to kill his father. He’ll do things like murder and lying to get to his ultimate goal of destroying everything his father wants. This is because his father did the same to him, killing the people he’s genuinely fallen for over the millennia. But he won’t destroy the universe, or kill Merlin (which would both make his father happy which he wants even less than to be a good guy who doesn’t do any wrong) He doesn’t like the concept of attachment, but only because everyone he’s ever grown attached to has been killed by his father, yet if he found out he had a child born of one of his ‘escapades’ he would be a good and attentive parent.
He gave humans fire to rebel against one of the other Enochians, stealing the Primal Fire from the Sun’s Throne to give to humans along with the knowledge to craft weapons, and when the first war began and his actions were discovered, his wings were burned and he was cast down to the mortal world. He grew them back, eventually, but this is another example. He’s also surprisingly nice if you have no effect on his plans either way. He’s fun to talk to, even considerate, when he’s not killing people to convince his father’s followers to let him get close.
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