#Azure Cosmos DB
elbrunoc · 3 months
Don't miss the 2024 Azure Developers JavaScript Day!
Azure Developers JavaScript Day! Do you want to discover the latest services and features in Azure designed specifically for JavaScript developers? Are you looking for cutting-edge cloud development techniques that can save you time and money, while providing your customers with the best experience possible? Azure Developers JavaScript Day Event Banner  If yes, join us next week for a 2-Day…
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orbitbrain · 2 years
Microsoft Patches Azure Cosmos DB Flaw Leading to Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Patches Azure Cosmos DB Flaw Leading to Remote Code Execution
Home › Vulnerabilities Microsoft Patches Azure Cosmos DB Flaw Leading to Remote Code Execution By Ionut Arghire on November 01, 2022 Tweet A missing authentication check vulnerability in Azure Cosmos DB could have allowed an attacker to execute arbitrary code remotely, Orca Security warns. Azure Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database used on e-commerce platforms to store catalog data, and in order…
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thedbahub · 3 months
Navigating Cloud Databases: Azure Cosmos DB and AWS Aurora in Focus
When embarking on new software development projects, choosing the right database technology is pivotal. In the cloud-first world, Azure Cosmos DB and AWS Aurora stand out for their unique offerings. This article explores these databases through practical T-SQL code examples and applications, guiding you towards making an informed decision. Azure Cosmos DB, a globally distributed, multi-model…
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datavalleyai · 8 months
Azure Data Engineering Tools For Data Engineers
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Azure is a cloud computing platform provided by Microsoft, which presents an extensive array of data engineering tools. These tools serve to assist data engineers in constructing and upholding data systems that possess the qualities of scalability, reliability, and security. Moreover, Azure data engineering tools facilitate the creation and management of data systems that cater to the unique requirements of an organization.
In this article, we will explore nine key Azure data engineering tools that should be in every data engineer’s toolkit. Whether you’re a beginner in data engineering or aiming to enhance your skills, these Azure tools are crucial for your career development.
Microsoft Azure Databricks
Azure Databricks is a managed version of Databricks, a popular data analytics and machine learning platform. It offers one-click installation, faster workflows, and collaborative workspaces for data scientists and engineers. Azure Databricks seamlessly integrates with Azure’s computation and storage resources, making it an excellent choice for collaborative data projects.
Microsoft Azure Data Factory
Microsoft Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a fully-managed, serverless data integration tool designed to handle data at scale. It enables data engineers to acquire, analyze, and process large volumes of data efficiently. ADF supports various use cases, including data engineering, operational data integration, analytics, and data warehousing.
Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics is a real-time, complex event-processing engine designed to analyze and process large volumes of fast-streaming data from various sources. It is a critical tool for data engineers dealing with real-time data analysis and processing.
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage
Azure Data Lake Storage provides a scalable and secure data lake solution for data scientists, developers, and analysts. It allows organizations to store data of any type and size while supporting low-latency workloads. Data engineers can take advantage of this infrastructure to build and maintain data pipelines. Azure Data Lake Storage also offers enterprise-grade security features for data collaboration.
Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics is an integrated platform solution that combines data warehousing, data connectors, ETL pipelines, analytics tools, big data scalability, and visualization capabilities. Data engineers can efficiently process data for warehousing and analytics using Synapse Pipelines’ ETL and data integration capabilities.
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed and server-less distributed database service that supports multiple data models, including PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Apache Cassandra. It offers automatic and immediate scalability, single-digit millisecond reads and writes, and high availability for NoSQL data. Azure Cosmos DB is a versatile tool for data engineers looking to develop high-performance applications.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Database is a fully managed and continually updated relational database service in the cloud. It offers native support for services like Azure Functions and Azure App Service, simplifying application development. Data engineers can use Azure SQL Database to handle real-time data ingestion tasks efficiently.
Microsoft Azure MariaDB
Azure Database for MariaDB provides seamless integration with Azure Web Apps and supports popular open-source frameworks and languages like WordPress and Drupal. It offers built-in monitoring, security, automatic backups, and patching at no additional cost.
Microsoft Azure PostgreSQL Database
Azure PostgreSQL Database is a fully managed open-source database service designed to emphasize application innovation rather than database management. It supports various open-source frameworks and languages and offers superior security, performance optimization through AI, and high uptime guarantees.
Whether you’re a novice data engineer or an experienced professional, mastering these Azure data engineering tools is essential for advancing your career in the data-driven world. As technology evolves and data continues to grow, data engineers with expertise in Azure tools are in high demand. Start your journey to becoming a proficient data engineer with these powerful Azure tools and resources.
Unlock the full potential of your data engineering career with Datavalley. As you start your journey to becoming a skilled data engineer, it’s essential to equip yourself with the right tools and knowledge. The Azure data engineering tools we’ve explored in this article are your gateway to effectively managing and using data for impactful insights and decision-making.
To take your data engineering skills to the next level and gain practical, hands-on experience with these tools, we invite you to join the courses at Datavalley. Our comprehensive data engineering courses are designed to provide you with the expertise you need to excel in the dynamic field of data engineering. Whether you’re just starting or looking to advance your career, Datavalley’s courses offer a structured learning path and real-world projects that will set you on the path to success.
Course format:
Subject: Data Engineering Classes: 200 hours of live classes Lectures: 199 lectures Projects: Collaborative projects and mini projects for each module Level: All levels Scholarship: Up to 70% scholarship on this course Interactive activities: labs, quizzes, scenario walk-throughs Placement Assistance: Resume preparation, soft skills training, interview preparation
Subject: DevOps Classes: 180+ hours of live classes Lectures: 300 lectures Projects: Collaborative projects and mini projects for each module Level: All levels Scholarship: Up to 67% scholarship on this course Interactive activities: labs, quizzes, scenario walk-throughs Placement Assistance: Resume preparation, soft skills training, interview preparation
For more details on the Data Engineering courses, visit Datavalley’s official website.
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haripriya2002 · 9 months
Azure’s Evolution: What Every IT Pro Should Know About Microsoft’s Cloud
IT professionals need to keep ahead of the curve in the ever changing world of technology today. The cloud has become an integral part of modern IT infrastructure, and one of the leading players in this domain is Microsoft Azure. Azure’s evolution over the years has been nothing short of remarkable, making it essential for IT pros to understand its journey and keep pace with its innovations. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey through Azure’s transformation, exploring its history, service portfolio, global reach, security measures, and much more. By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of what every IT pro should know about Microsoft’s cloud platform.
Historical Overview
Azure’s Humble Beginnings
Microsoft Azure was officially launched in February 2010 as “Windows Azure.” It began as a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering primarily focused on providing Windows-based cloud services.
The Azure Branding Shift
In 2014, Microsoft rebranded Windows Azure to Microsoft Azure to reflect its broader support for various operating systems, programming languages, and frameworks. This rebranding marked a significant shift in Azure’s identity and capabilities.
Key Milestones
Over the years, Azure has achieved numerous milestones, including the introduction of Azure Virtual Machines, Azure App Service, and the Azure Marketplace. These milestones have expanded its capabilities and made it a go-to choice for businesses of all sizes.
Expanding Service Portfolio
Azure’s service portfolio has grown exponentially since its inception. Today, it offers a vast array of services catering to diverse needs:
Compute Services: Azure provides a range of options, from virtual machines (VMs) to serverless computing with Azure Functions.
Data Services: Azure offers data storage solutions like Azure SQL Database, Cosmos DB, and Azure Data Lake Storage.
AI and Machine Learning: With Azure Machine Learning and Cognitive Services, IT pros can harness the power of AI for their applications.
IoT Solutions: Azure IoT Hub and IoT Central simplify the development and management of IoT solutions.
Azure Regions and Global Reach
Azure boasts an extensive network of data centers spread across the globe. This global presence offers several advantages:
Scalability: IT pros can easily scale their applications by deploying resources in multiple regions.
Redundancy: Azure’s global datacenter presence ensures high availability and data redundancy.
Data Sovereignty: Choosing the right Azure region is crucial for data compliance and sovereignty.
Integration and Hybrid Solutions
Azure’s integration capabilities are a boon for businesses with hybrid cloud needs. Azure Arc, for instance, allows you to manage on-premises, multi-cloud, and edge environments through a unified interface. Azure’s compatibility with other cloud providers simplifies multi-cloud management.
Security and Compliance
Azure has made significant strides in security and compliance. It offers features like Azure Security Center, Azure Active Directory, and extensive compliance certifications. IT pros can leverage these tools to meet stringent security and regulatory requirements.
Azure Marketplace and Third-Party Offerings
Azure Marketplace is a treasure trove of third-party solutions that complement Azure services. IT pros can explore a wide range of offerings, from monitoring tools to cybersecurity solutions, to enhance their Azure deployments.
Azure DevOps and Automation
Automation is key to efficiently managing Azure resources. Azure DevOps services and tools facilitate continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), ensuring faster and more reliable application deployments.
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Monitoring and Management
Azure offers robust monitoring and management tools to help IT pros optimize resource usage, troubleshoot issues, and gain insights into their Azure deployments. Best practices for resource management can help reduce costs and improve performance.
Future Trends and Innovations
As the technology landscape continues to evolve, Azure remains at the forefront of innovation. Keep an eye on trends like edge computing and quantum computing, as Azure is likely to play a significant role in these domains.
Training and Certification
To excel in your IT career, consider pursuing Azure certifications. ACTE Institute offers a range of certifications, such as the Microsoft Azure course to validate your expertise in Azure technologies.
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In conclusion, Azure’s evolution is a testament to Microsoft’s commitment to cloud innovation. As an IT professional, understanding Azure’s history, service offerings, global reach, security measures, and future trends is paramount. Azure’s versatility and comprehensive toolset make it a top choice for organizations worldwide. By staying informed and adapting to Azure’s evolving landscape, IT pros can remain at the forefront of cloud technology, delivering value to their organizations and clients in an ever-changing digital world. Embrace Azure’s evolution, and empower yourself for a successful future in the cloud.
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websyn · 9 months
Demystifying Microsoft Azure Cloud Hosting and PaaS Services: A Comprehensive Guide
In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, Microsoft Azure has emerged as a powerful player, offering a wide range of services to help businesses build, deploy, and manage applications and infrastructure. One of the standout features of Azure is its Cloud Hosting and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offerings, which enable organizations to harness the benefits of the cloud while minimizing the complexities of infrastructure management. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into Microsoft Azure Cloud Hosting and PaaS Services, demystifying their features, benefits, and use cases.
Understanding Microsoft Azure Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting, as the name suggests, involves hosting applications and services on virtual servers that are accessed over the internet. Microsoft Azure provides a robust cloud hosting environment, allowing businesses to scale up or down as needed, pay for only the resources they consume, and reduce the burden of maintaining physical hardware. Here are some key components of Azure Cloud Hosting:
Virtual Machines (VMs): Azure offers a variety of pre-configured virtual machine sizes that cater to different workloads. These VMs can run Windows or Linux operating systems and can be easily scaled to meet changing demands.
Azure App Service: This PaaS offering allows developers to build, deploy, and manage web applications without dealing with the underlying infrastructure. It supports various programming languages and frameworks, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): For containerized applications, AKS provides a managed Kubernetes service. Kubernetes simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications, and AKS further streamlines this process.
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Exploring Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Services
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) takes cloud hosting a step further by abstracting away even more of the infrastructure management, allowing developers to focus primarily on building and deploying applications. Azure offers an array of PaaS services that cater to different needs:
Azure SQL Database: This fully managed relational database service eliminates the need for database administration tasks such as patching and backups. It offers high availability, security, and scalability for your data.
Azure Cosmos DB: For globally distributed, highly responsive applications, Azure Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database service that guarantees low-latency access and automatic scaling.
Azure Functions: A serverless compute service, Azure Functions allows you to run code in response to events without provisioning or managing servers. It's ideal for event-driven architectures.
Azure Logic Apps: This service enables you to automate workflows and integrate various applications and services without writing extensive code. It's great for orchestrating complex business processes.
Benefits of Azure Cloud Hosting and PaaS Services
Scalability: Azure's elasticity allows you to scale resources up or down based on demand. This ensures optimal performance and cost efficiency.
Cost Management: With pay-as-you-go pricing, you only pay for the resources you use. Azure also provides cost management tools to monitor and optimize spending.
High Availability: Azure's data centers are distributed globally, providing redundancy and ensuring high availability for your applications.
Security and Compliance: Azure offers robust security features and compliance certifications, helping you meet industry standards and regulations.
Developer Productivity: PaaS services like Azure App Service and Azure Functions streamline development by handling infrastructure tasks, allowing developers to focus on writing code.
Use Cases for Azure Cloud Hosting and PaaS
Web Applications: Azure App Service is ideal for hosting web applications, enabling easy deployment and scaling without managing the underlying servers.
Microservices: Azure Kubernetes Service supports the deployment and orchestration of microservices, making it suitable for complex applications with multiple components.
Data-Driven Applications: Azure's PaaS offerings like Azure SQL Database and Azure Cosmos DB are well-suited for applications that rely heavily on data storage and processing.
Serverless Architecture: Azure Functions and Logic Apps are perfect for building serverless applications that respond to events in real-time.
In conclusion, Microsoft Azure's Cloud Hosting and PaaS Services provide businesses with the tools they need to harness the power of the cloud while minimizing the complexities of infrastructure management. With scalability, cost-efficiency, and a wide array of services, Azure empowers developers and organizations to innovate and deliver impactful applications. Whether you're hosting a web application, managing data, or adopting a serverless approach, Azure has the tools to support your journey into the cloud.
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kennak · 2 years
世界中のMicrosoft Azureデータセンターでサーバー不足が発生しているという。同社は顧客の需要を満たすのに十分な容量を提供するのに苦労しており、提供する容量の制限をおこなったり、一部のサービスの新規顧客受け入れを停止したとの報道も出ているそうだ。Azureは60のリージョンと200を超えるデータセンターで構成されているが、The Registerの記事によれば、このうちの20か所で提供容量の制限がおこなわれているという(The Register、Data Center Café、その2)。 The Informationによれば、容量の問題は米国ワシントン州の施設やヨーロッパやアジアのAzureデータセンターに影響を及ぼしているという。Microsoftの内部関係者によれば、こうしたサーバー容量の制限は来年初めまで続くと予想されているとしている。またTelegraphによれば、英国の二つのリージョンであるUK SouthとUK Westは、Cosmos DBと仮想マシンの新規顧客の受け入れを停止したとのこと(The Information、Telegraph)。
Azureデータセンターでリソース不足が発生。一部で新規顧客受け入れ停止とも | スラド IT
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ecmtechnews · 8 days
Start your AI journey with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB—compete for $10K
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y2fear · 17 days
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Start your AI journey with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB—compete for $10K
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azuredataengineer12 · 17 days
What is Microsoft Azure Platform? Basics of Cloud computing, Azure Infrastructure,
In today's digital landscape, cloud computing has emerged as the cornerstone of modern IT infrastructure. Among the leading providers in this realm stands Microsoft Azure, a comprehensive cloud platform offering a myriad of services tailored to meet diverse business needs. Let's delve into the basics of cloud computing, explore Azure's infrastructure, and understand its significance in the tech ecosystem. Azure Data Engineer Online Training
Understanding Cloud Computing
Cloud computing revolutionizes how businesses manage and deploy their IT resources. Instead of relying on physical servers and infrastructure, cloud computing enables users to access a pool of computing resources over the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis.
This paradigm shift eliminates the need for hefty upfront investments in hardware and allows for scalability and flexibility.
Azure Infrastructure
Microsoft Azure boasts a robust infrastructure spanning data centers worldwide. At its core lies a network of servers, storage, and networking components, meticulously orchestrated to deliver high availability, reliability, and security. Azure's data centers adhere to stringent industry standards and compliance regulations, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of user data.   Azure Data Engineer Course
Key Components of Azure
Compute Services: Azure offers a variety of compute services, including virtual machines (VMs), container instances, and serverless computing with Azure Functions.
Storage Solutions: Azure provides scalable and durable storage options, such as Blob storage, Azure Files, and Azure Disk Storage, catering to diverse storage needs.
Networking: Azure Networking facilitates secure connectivity between on-premises and cloud environments through Virtual Networks, VPN Gateway, and Azure ExpressRoute.
Databases: Azure offers managed database services like Azure SQL Database, Cosmos DB, and Azure Database for MySQL, ensuring high-performance data management and analytics.
AI and Machine Learning: Azure's AI and machine learning services empower developers to build intelligent applications using tools like Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Machine Learning.   Azure Data Engineer Training
Significance of Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure's impact extends far beyond infrastructure provision. It serves as a catalyst for innovation, enabling businesses to accelerate digital transformation initiatives, leverage advanced technologies, and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic market landscape. Moreover, Azure's comprehensive suite of services fosters collaboration, agility, and cost-efficiency, making it the preferred choice for enterprises worldwide.
Microsoft Azure represents a paradigm shift in IT infrastructure, offering a robust and versatile cloud platform that empowers businesses to thrive in the digital age. As organizations increasingly embrace cloud computing, Azure stands poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology and driving unprecedented growth and innovation across industries.
Visualpath is the Leading and Best Software Online Training Institute in Hyderabad. Avail complete Azure Data Engineer Online Training Worldwide You will get the best course at an affordable cost.
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WhatsApp: https://www.whatsapp.com/catalog/919989971070
Visit : https://visualpath.in/azure-data-engineer-online-training.html
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govindhtech · 18 days
Using Azure Cosmos DB to develop your AI application
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Every potential breakthrough in AI is accompanied by a hidden challenge: A poor data foundation that can squander money, impede judgement, and impede innovation. It is a database designed for the AI era that offers the speed, scalability, and dependability required to fuel the development of intelligent applications in the future. Azure Cosmos DB is essential for developing intelligent products that are faster to market and provide better user experiences, such as ChatGPT from OpenAI.
Using Azure Cosmos DB is essential to developing your AI application Powering AI-enabled intelligent applications, Azure Cosmos DB provides a number of essential advantages.
Construct applications that are scalable Distributed computing with great performance over large amounts of vector and NoSQL data can power your apps. Azure provides a range of choices to meet your needs: With serverless functions, start small and just pay for what you need. Alternatively, check out Azure Cosmos DB’s free tier, which is perfect for minimal production workload development, testing, and execution.
AI-ready By employing a serverless vector database to effectively store and query vectors and data, Azure Cosmos DB streamlines AI applications. It will be able to construct queries by posing inquiries in natural language and support copilot apps with NoSQL data. Adding your data to Microsoft Azure OpenAI models is also made simple by it.
Apps that operate in real time Azure Cosmos DB provides real-time data that can be ingested and processed at any scale with a latency of less than 10 milliseconds (ms), enabling personalised and intelligent apps and AI models. It is compatible with Python, Node.js, and Java, among other languages and frameworks of your choosing.
Safe and abundantly accessible Get industry-leading, service-level-agreement-backed 99.999% availability for NoSQL data to ensure compliance; stay compliant with enterprise-ready, multi-layer security across data and apps; and effortlessly recover and restore essential data with customisable choices for continuous backup and point-in-time restore.
Get practical experience while having a shot at major rewards The Microsoft Developers AI Learning Hackathon lets developers explore artificial intelligence and build cutting-edge solutions using Azure Cosmos DB. Azure’s hackathon welcomes developers of all levels, from beginners to experts.
Begin your adventure of understanding Azure Cosmos DB
You must meet certain conditions to use Azure Cosmos DB to unleash your creativity and compete for prizes in the hackathon. Let’s study the road from AI novice to AI expert.
Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB Skills Challenge for Azure Cosmos DB Developer Cloud Azure have developed two free Azure Cloud Skills Challenges in advance of the event to help you learn the fundamentals of Azure Cosmos DB and Azure OpenAI Service, and finally how to use Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB to construct an AI copilot.
Azure Cloud Skills Challenges combine an engaging learning experience with a friendly competition between you and peers worldwide. To guarantee a comprehensive learning experience, these immersive, gamified experiences combine tutorials, exams, and practical activities.
The four modules that make up Part I of the Azure Cosmos DB Developer Cloud Skills Challenge can be finished in less than three hours. In this challenge, you will study the fundamentals of creating copilots and natural language solutions, as well as Azure Cosmos DB and Azure OpenAI Service.
In the second part, you will learn how to create an AI copilot using Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB, a fully managed database that works with MongoDB and connects nicely with the Microsoft Azure environment. You may finish this portion of the challenge in less than four hours.
You can access both tasks from now until June 18, 2024, and upon finishing them, you’ll receive a badge that needs to be turned in in order to participate in the hackathon.
Developer guidelines for Azure OpenAI on GitHub You are well-versed in GitHub’s functions as a social network, version control system, and platform for group software development. This main hub for development projects serves as both your next stop on the path to participating in the Microsoft Developers AI Learning Hackathon and a collaborative environment where developers can learn from one another.
Once you’ve completed both sections of the Azure Cosmos DB Developer Cloud Skills Challenge, you need to have a firm grasp of the instruments and methods required to begin developing an AI-powered application. However, these two comprehensive GitHub Azure OpenAI developer guides (one for Python and one for Node.js) walk you through every step of creating an intelligent application.
To participate in the hackathon, you need to finish at least one of the free developer guides, depending on your favourite language. It takes roughly four weeks to finish each guide.
Participate in Microsoft Reactor to interact live with developers On May 1, 2024, at 9:00 AM PDT, the webinar “Learn to Build Your Own AI Apps with Azure Cosmos DB” will start. Phase two will start on May 15, 2024 as well. While not necessary, participation in the hackathon is strongly encouraged!
Benefit from these brand-new Azure Cosmos DB training courses But there’s still more! In addition, Microsoft Azure just introduced a brand-new self-paced learning programme to complement the GitHub Azure AI developer guides and the Azure Cosmos DB Developer Cloud Skills Challenge. You will learn how to manage a cluster, create your own AI copilot using Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB and Azure OpenAI, and implement and migrate to vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB in just four lessons, all of which take less than four hours to complete.
Sign up now to get started hacking! Are you prepared to stretch the bounds of what is feasible? Don’t pass up this fantastic chance to advance your AI knowledge, connect with other developers, and possibly win big! Visit the Microsoft Developers AI Learning Hackathon website to sign up and begin your participation right now.
Concerning Azure Cosmos DB For the construction of contemporary apps, Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed, serverless distributed database with automatic and instantaneous scaling, performance and availability guaranteed by SLAs, and support for Apache Cassandra, PostgreSQL, and Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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softwaretraining123 · 21 days
SnowFlake Training in Hyderabad
Master Azure Data Engineering with RS Trainings: Your Gateway to Career Success
Are you ready to embark on a journey into the dynamic world of Azure Data Engineering? Look no further than RS Trainings, your premier destination for top-notch Data Engineering training in Hyderabad. With a team of industry experts and comprehensive curriculum, RS Trainings offers the ideal platform to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this rapidly evolving field.
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Why Choose Azure Data Engineering?
In today's data-driven world, organizations rely heavily on robust data infrastructure to drive decision-making and gain competitive advantage. Azure Data Engineering, powered by Microsoft's Azure cloud platform, is at the forefront of this revolution. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools and services for building, managing, and optimizing data pipelines, allowing businesses to leverage the full potential of their data assets.
Why RS Trainings?
Expert Faculty: Our courses are taught by seasoned industry professionals with years of hands-on experience in Azure Data Engineering. They bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to the classroom, ensuring that you receive top-quality instruction.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our training program covers the entire spectrum of Azure Data Engineering, from fundamental concepts to advanced techniques. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional looking to upskill, we have the right course for you.
Hands-on Experience: We believe in learning by doing. That's why our courses are packed with hands-on exercises, projects, and case studies designed to reinforce theoretical concepts and build practical skills.
Placement Assistance: At RS Trainings, we don't just stop at training. We also provide dedicated placement assistance to help you kickstart your career in Azure Data Engineering. Our extensive network of industry contacts and recruitment partners ensures that you have access to exciting job opportunities.
Key Highlights of Our Training Program:
Introduction to Azure Data Engineering
Azure Data Factory
Azure Databricks
Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL Data Warehouse)
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Stream Analytics
Data Lake Storage
Power BI for Data Visualization
Advanced Analytics with Azure Machine Learning
Real-world Projects and Case Studies
Who Should Attend?
Data Engineers
Database Administrators
BI Developers
Data Analysts
IT Professionals looking to transition into Data Engineering roles
Don't Miss Out on This Opportunity!
Whether you're looking to advance your career or explore new opportunities in the field of data engineering, RS Trainings has the resources and expertise to help you succeed. Join us today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in Azure Data Engineering. Contact us now to learn more about our upcoming training batches and enrollment process. Your future starts here!
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akhil-1 · 1 month
Azure Data Engineer Course | Azure Data Engineer Training
Azure data distribution and partitions
Azure, when it comes to distributing data and managing partitions, you're typically dealing with Azure services like Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Data Lake Storage, or Azure Blob Storage.
Data Engineer Course in Hyderabad
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Azure SQL Database: In Azure SQL Database, you can distribute data across multiple databases using techniques like sharding or horizontal partitioning. You can also leverage Azure SQL Elastic Database Pools for managing resources across multiple databases. Additionally, Azure SQL Database provides built-in support for partitioning tables, which allows you to horizontally divide your table data into smaller, more manageable pieces.
                                                             Data Engineer Training Hyderabad
Azure Cosmos DB: Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service. It automatically distributes data across multiple regions and provides tunable consistency levels. Cosmos DB also offers partitioning at the database and container levels, allowing you to scale throughput and storage independently.                                                      Azure Data Engineer Training
Azure Data Lake Storage: Azure Data Lake Storage supports the concept of hierarchical namespaces and allows you to organize your data into directories and folders. You can distribute data across multiple storage accounts for scalability and performance. Additionally, you can use techniques like partitioning and file formats optimized for big data processing, such as Parquet or ORC, to improve query performance.    
Azure Blob Storage: Azure Blob Storage provides object storage for a wide variety of data types, including unstructured data, images, videos, and more. You can distribute data across multiple storage accounts and containers for scalability and fault tolerance. Blob Storage also supports partitioning through blob storage tiers and Azure Blob Indexer for efficient indexing and querying of metadata.                                                                  Azure Data Engineer Course
In all of these Azure services, distributing data and managing partitions are essential for achieving scalability, performance, and fault tolerance in your applications. Depending on your specific use case and requirements, you can choose the appropriate Azure service and partitioning strategy to optimize data distribution and query performance.
Visualpath is the Best Software Online Training Institute in Hyderabad. Avail complete Azure Data Engineer Training worldwide. You will get the best course at an affordable cost.
Attend Free Demo
Call on - +91-9989971070.
WhatsApp: https://www.whatsapp.com/catalog/919989971070
Visit   https://visualpath.in/azure-data-engineer-online-training.html
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shadowhackerss · 2 months
فحص واستغلال سب دومين AzSubEnum
AzSubEnum السلام عليكم متابعين قناة ومدونة Shadow Hacker في هذا المقال سوف نستعرض أداة راعه جداً مخصصه في استخراج subdomain واستغلال الثغرات الموجودة فيها تم تصميم أداة AzSubEnum بهدف فحص النطاقات الفرعية بدقة عاليه جداً  وفحص جميع النطاقات الفرعية من خلال مجموعة من التقنيات المتواجدة في الأداة فاذا كنت من المهتمين في مجال اكتشاف الثغرات وأختبار الأخلاقي فهذة الأداة ستكون ذو فائدة كبيرة للك.AzSubEnum
فحص واستغلال سب دومين AzSubEnum
AzSubEnum واحدة من اقوى الأدوات في مجال اصتياد الثغرات الأمنيه في المواقع والسيرفرات وتوفر لك مميزات عديدة مثل فحص العميق الذي يخول لك فحص واستخراج جميع الثغرات المتواجدة في النطاق الفرعي , كما انها تستخرج جميع النطاقات الفرعية بشكل دقيق جداً في الدومين , تعمل أداة AzSubEnum من خلال تحليل DNS بشكل مبتكر وتحليل النطاتقات الفرعية بشكل دقيق عبر قواعد البيانات مثل (including MSSQL, Cosmos DB, and Redis).
بستخدام أداة AzSubEnum يمكن تحليل شامل لـ Subdomain في مفيدة جداً للمهتمين في مجال BUG BUNTY او المهتمين في اكتشاف الثغرات المنية بشتى انواعها.
طريقة أستخدام أداة AzSubEnum
➜ AzSubEnum git:(main) ✗ python3 azsubenum.py --help usage: azsubenum.py [-h] -b BASE [-v] [-t THREADS] [-p PERMUTATIONS] Azure Subdomain Enumeration options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BASE, --base BASE Base name to use -v, --verbose Show verbose output -t THREADS, --threads THREADS Number of threads for concurrent execution -p PERMUTATIONS, --permutations PERMUTATIONS File containing permutations
Basic enumeration:
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ericvanderburg · 2 months
Azure Stream Analytics Upsert Operation Using Cosmos DB
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Benefits of Azure Developer Certification
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Azure Job Opportunities
With the rapid growth of cloud computing, there is a high demand for skilled professionals in the industry. Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, has gained significant popularity and has created numerous job opportunities for developers. By obtaining an Azure Developer Certification, you can position yourself as a valuable asset in the job market and open doors to exciting career prospects.
Benefits of Certification
Earning an Azure Developer Certification comes with a wide range of benefits that can positively impact your career and professional growth. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:
Enhanced Credibility
Obtaining an Azure Developer Certification showcases your expertise and proficiency in cloud development using Azure. It validates your skills and knowledge, providing employers and clients with confidence in your abilities. Having this certification on your resume can give you a competitive edge over other candidates and enhance your professional credibility.
Recognition in the Industry
Azure Developer Certification is recognized by industry leaders and organizations worldwide. Microsoft is a trusted name in the technology industry, and achieving their certification demonstrates your commitment to excellence. It validates your skills based on industry standards, making you a valuable asset to potential employers.
Expanded Career Opportunities
Cloud computing has become an integral part of businesses across various domains. By becoming an Azure certified developer, you open up a world of career opportunities. Azure skills are in high demand, and organizations are actively seeking professionals who can design, develop, and deploy cloud-based solutions using the Azure platform. Whether you are looking for a new job or aiming for a promotion, an Azure Developer Certification can significantly expand your career prospects.
Higher Earning Potential
Certified professionals often enjoy higher earning potential compared to their non-certified counterparts. Azure Developer Certification is highly regarded in the industry, and employers are willing to offer competitive salaries to professionals with these credentials. According to a survey conducted by Global Knowledge, certified Azure professionals earn an average salary of $126,653 per year, highlighting the financial benefits associated with Azure certifications.
Access to Exclusive Resources and Support
As an Azure certified developer, you gain access to a vast network of professionals and resources. Microsoft offers a range of exclusive benefits such as access to the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) portal, community forums, and events. These resources provide ongoing support, knowledge sharing, and guidance that can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in Azure development.
Cloud Development Skills
One of the primary focuses of Azure Developer Certification is to develop and validate your cloud development skills using the Azure platform. Let’s explore some of the key skills you can acquire through the certification process:
Azure Services
Azure Developer Certification equips you with in-depth knowledge of various Azure services and their practical applications. You will gain expertise in utilizing services like Azure App Service, Azure Functions, Azure Storage, Azure Cosmos DB, and more. These skills allow you to build robust and scalable cloud solutions that meet the specific requirements of businesses.
Application Development and Deployment
Cloud development involves building applications that leverage the power of the cloud. With Azure Developer Certification, you will learn how to design, develop, and deploy cloud-based applications using Azure. This certification focuses on concepts such as application security, integration, performance optimization, and monitoring, enabling you to build reliable and efficient cloud solutions.
DevOps Practices
DevOps has become an integral part of the software development lifecycle. Azure Developer Certification covers essential DevOps practices and tools related to Azure. You will gain knowledge of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) processes, infrastructure as code, automated testing, and monitoring. These skills enable you to develop and deliver cloud applications in an agile and efficient manner.
Integration and APIs
Azure provides robust integration capabilities, allowing seamless communication between various applications and systems. By becoming an Azure certified developer, you will learn how to design and implement effective integrations using Azure Logic Apps, Azure Service Bus, Azure Event Grid, and other integration services. These skills are crucial in today’s interconnected world, where systems and applications need to work together harmoniously.
Security and Compliance
Security is a top priority in cloud computing. Azure Developer Certification equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills to build secure and compliant cloud solutions. You will learn about identity and access management, data protection, network security, and compliance frameworks applicable to Azure. These skills are essential for ensuring the safety and integrity of cloud-based applications and data.
In conclusion, obtaining Azure Developer Certification offers numerous benefits, including enhanced credibility, recognition in the industry, expanded career opportunities, higher earning potential, and access to exclusive resources and support. Additionally, the certification process helps you develop essential cloud development skills, including proficiency in various Azure services, application development and deployment, DevOps practices, integration and APIs, and security and compliance. By investing in Azure certification, you are investing in your future as a cloud developer.
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